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I've been meaning to post a thread on this band for awhile. I've known of their existance for a few years, but I didn't really keep up on them until somewhat recently.

Here in the US, the only official release of theirs was Showbix back in 1999. That's it. Since then, they've released the amazing Origin of Symmetry and the slightly less amazing, but still great, Absolution.

I know people in Europe have been able to enjoy all of their work on a regular basis, but back where I live Muse is basically nonexistant. I had to pay crazy import prices for their last two releases... meanwhile, Showbiz can be found for $10. I envy you people. I think what is worse is that they don't even tour over here. I'd have to make a trip to Europe to even see them at this point heh.

Anyway, they apparently got some contracts going with US companies now... so I'm hoping their other stuff comes out here. They're certainly better than most bands around today.

Anyway, in case you're wondering, Muse is a rock band. A really excellent rock band. People make comparisons to Radiohead, but I really do not see much of that. It's very slight for the most part, especially on the rather heavy rocking Absolution (which I had in my best of 2003 list). I guess Origin of Symmetry has comparisons though.

Anyway, anyone else into them? I know Arcadia is heh, and Red IMed me about them once...
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I bought Showbiz a while ago, and recently I paid $24 for Absolution. I have yet to buy Origin of Symmetry, but I'm sure I will before too long. My friend bought it when he went to Europe so he wouldn't need to pay the import price for it here.

Personally, I like Showbiz more than Absolution. If you were to ask me why, I wouldn't be able to tell you, but I think it's because Showbiz was my first exposure to Muse.
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[FONT=arial]lol yeah, the first thing I thought of when I heard the lead singer was "hey, he kinda sounds like the Radiohead singer!" my favorite song from the Absolution CD is probably Stockholm Syndrome, if just for the energy alone. I like most everything on the CD, though it's been awhile since I've listened to it, so specific examples are hard to remember. I'm glad to hear that they might be selling more of their CD's here in the U.S. Been wanting to see what Origin of Symmetry is like ^_^.[/FONT]
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Muse are pretty good. I think they're going to be at the Big Day Out... Pity I'm not going.

I liked everything on "Origin of Symmetry", it's a good album. And I can definitely see where the people making Radiohead comparisons are coming from, heh..
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[size=1]They're bloody wonderful. Heh. Somehow I [i]magically[/i] have all three of the ones mentioned, though Showbiz is the only actual, tangible CD that I got legally. And it's beautiful. Eventually I will break down and buy all the others. But if they'll be making contracts with US companies and all that, then I might hold out a bit longer. It would be great if they released Origin of Symmetry and Absolution over here. It would be great if they just [i]came[/i] over here. >.>

I hear that they're up for Best British Rock Band, too. For the awards thing coming up. Don't know much else past that, though. :p [/size]
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If only they would do a US tour! After getting the UK releases from ebay I've basically been trying to listen to the CD's less so that I don't get sick of them...but its hard! I know they would put on a great live show, their music is so emotional and the singer "wails" a lot.

I got showbiz about the same time I bought the first CD from Ours. I think Ours has a similar singing style, and they're a great band except that they put out a second CD and it was awful. Sad really.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i]
[B][FONT=arial]lol yeah, the first thing I thought of when I heard the lead singer was "hey, he kinda sounds like the Radiohead singer!" my favorite song from the Absolution CD is probably Stockholm Syndrome, if just for the energy alone.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE]

Stockholm Syndrome is one of my favorites on the disc. The end where it's just power guitars is orgasmic. The whole CD really gets you going, I think... well maybe not the slow songs.

The Radiohead thing makes some sense. I can see the relationship, especially between OK Computer and Origin of Symmetry. On there it's pretty obvious (I believe Muse are open Radiohead fans, too).

However, when I listen to Showbiz and Absolution, I really just don't see it. There's some similarities, but not enough that it would instantly spring into my mind lol.

I won Hullaballo (if I spelled that right) off eBay yesterday. The two CD set (all 18 tracks, yay). Really looking forward to getting that :D
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[font=gothic][color=indigo]The only album I've got is Absolution (and that was insanely hard to find, Australia is probably worse than the US), and I actually wanted it for Time is Running Out and Falling rather than Stockholm Syndrome....Probably making me unique. Other than that, the only songs I've really heard are Plugin Baby and Deadstar.

I would be going to see them at the Big Day Out, but I'm hanging out for an APC ticket instead...Damn.[/font][/color]
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[size=1] I've been trying to get their stuff off of Kazaa for a while now. Somehow it never gets to getting done. Dad always kicks me offline or something.

From the comparison to Radiohead, no matter how meaningless, I'm all over wanting to hear this band.

Tony, I want to fall in love.

Let's hope I can.

I'll get back to this thread once I hear them. Till then we have this stupidly lame post of damnable exploitiation and spammopolis.[/size]
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I've been into Muse for a long time. My favourite album of theirs is Origin of symmetry.

I really wanted to go see them on their last tour thing but it was sold out before I got there u-u;

I dont know what it is I like about Muse other than the blend of soft and heavy music....and some of the distorted sounds they use I dont think any other band would normally think of. The inclusion of a piano in some of their songs adds a nice touch to it aswell.

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[color=red] This singer totally sounds like Thom Yorke.

Right now I'm listening to "Sunburn," and I've listened to about two other songs. All of them have been amazing.

The first song I listened to was "Muscle Museum." I listened to it over and over again. I already love this band.

They actually do sound a lot like Radiohead if you've heard [i]The Bends[/i]. Back then, Radiohead a more rock-ish sound, like Muse does from what I've heard so far.

I love this kind of stuff--the singer's voice is so frail, and the instrurmentals are highly loud and blearing. I think it's a good combination.

So yeah. They are a lot more like Radiohead than you think, I think, Tony.

Listening to "Time Is Running Out" now. It's from [i]Absolution[/i], it says on the tag heh. I really think they sound like Radiohead lol, but more heavy rock-wise. Especially when you talk about Radiohead's newer stuff.

Damn, now I want to buy all this band's CDs lol. Money money money.

Yeah. This band is exactly the stuff I love. I think I could maybe even like them more than Radiohead, if not the same.[/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
I guess I'm deaf. The similarites are there, but Muse just goes into such a different angle with it. There's a lot they do where I can't even see a comparison.

Anyway, I just got a package in today. It was from Poland, I think, and contained Hullabaloo. That was basically the only Muse CD I was missing outside of random singles and the Muscle Museum EP. Hullabaloo usually comes on two CDs, one live and one studio... but this thankfully had both on one disc. Yay!
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  • 2 months later...
I apologize for bringing back an old topic, but this was preferable to making an entirely new thread, I think.

Anyway, I was finally able to buy [i]Absolution[/i] yesterday for about $11.95, which, I must say, was an absolute steal, heh.

[i]Absolution[/i] is fantastic. From top to bottom, every song is very good, and I can't think of any one song in particular that I thought of as disappointing or anything like that. And, frankly, that is akin to a miracle, considering that my expectations for this album were sky high.

I've not heard any of the other Muse albums, but on [i]Absolution[/i], I'm not really seeing the whole Radiohead comparisons. I guess Matthew Bellamy sounds [i]somewhat[/i] like Thom Yorke when he hits the high notes, but that's about it. Muse is a different sound from Radiohead, at least I think so.

I really love how Muse uses instruments other than the basic guitar, drums and bass and integrates them so seamlessly into their songs. The use of the grand piano and cello add a lot to the songs (the piano, along with the organ, is just one of those instruments that's practically [i]begging[/i] to be used more often in music today).

So, yeah, [i]Absolution[/i] kicks major *** and if you don't own the album, you need to buy it immediately. One of the best albums I've heard in quite a while.
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I like Muse alot actually, or atleast "Origin of Symmetry", which I heard while I lived in Germany. I guess they were alot popular their because once I moved back to America, I never heard of them again. I wondered what happened to them. I guess they were just a one hit wonder, but in Germnay, they were very popular, so I don't know.[/color][/size]
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I like Muse alot actually, or atleast "Origin of Symmetry", which I heard while I lived in Germany. I guess they were alot popular their because once I moved back to America, I never heard of them again. I wondered what happened to them. I guess they were just a one hit wonder, but in Germnay, they were very popular, so I don't know.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]

The main problem in the US was simply that no company bothered to release anything of theirs other than Showbiz. Origin of Symmetry, Hullabaloo and such were completely ignored. I don't think Showbiz got any marketing push here either.

Muse is substantially popular in European countries. Hopefully Absolution will do well here in the US, but you never know.
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Yeah, I know. I liked them alot too. They were all over the radar in Europe, but I didn't hear of them once in America. The Origin of Symmerty video kept playing over and over on MTV in Europe, wherever I went (Greece and Germany). Its funny that these American artists are more popular in Europe, like the Gorrilaz were huge, so was Daft Punk (but their French, but still, the sound clips were english). They had like four video's playing, each, in Europe when I was their and when I left, I almost never heard their music.

Hopefully bands like Muse and Daft Punk will be more focused upon in the near future. But I doubt it since the music biz is full of alot of crap now adays. Its time for a change.[/color][/size]
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