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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla flipped herself onto her back so she could look at her 'attacker'. "Lios, but, I thought you would be---" she mumbled to herself as Lios walked around her. He pulled her laptop out from behind his back and held it tauntingly in front of her. "Coming back for this were you?" he questioned before laughing and walking away over to his desk with it.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla quickly stood up. "Yeah, I was. Its my property and I wanted it back." she protested and approached his desk. "You didn't think I would be here, did you? Its lunch time, I'm supposed to be out on lunch break, that's what you thought isn't it?" Kayla didn't answer. She didn't want to give Lios the pleasure of being right about what Kayla had thought.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"I knew you would be coming back for this. Especially after I took a look at what kinds of things were stored on it. Not something that you would want the police to see, are they?" he said with a menacing smile. Kayla glared at him, still not saying a word. The laptop was the laptop that she had many files concerning happenings with comatose patients and also, her hacking program. She hadn't really wanted to bring it, afterall, she only used her hacking program for extremely difficult hacks that she couldn't do on her own, but Katsuki had said that she only had one laptop and that they should bring two. So Kayla had agreed to bring it. Of course, she hadn't expected it to be stolen by Lios. If she had thought about that, she never would have brought it, but, what had been done was done and now all that remained was to convince Lios to return it to her.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"And because I knew that you would be coming back, I decided to skip my lunch hour so that I would be here when you returned for it. I also believe that not only were you going to retrieve your laptop, but before leaving my office, you were most likely going to search for any information you could use against me or use against CC Corp to attempt to show us that you are right and that it is the game causing all of these problems, and not hackers." he was smarter than he seemed. He'd figured out Kayla's entire plans. Sure he was smarter than he seemed, but he was still an inconsiderate, pig-headed, thick skulled, jerk. He lacked the ability to put his intelligence to good use, which is why he couldn't see that it really was the game causing all of the problems. "Lios, just give me my laptop back." Kayla finally demanded.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Lios just smirked. "Give me one good reason." Kayla shook her head slowly. "Its my laptop." she said and Lios laughed. "Yes, I believe we've established that point." Kayla began to smile as a sinister plot formed in her head. "Its my property and you've stolen it. I'm sure you know that stealing is punishable by law, right?" she said. Lios frowned. "What is your point?" he demanded. "I could call the cops on you for stealing my property."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"Yes, and I could call the cops on you, Miss Hacker." he retalliated. "I know, but I don't really care all that much. All I'd have to do is show the cops all of the information that Katsuki and I have gathered, everything that is on my laptop, and they'd arrest you, as well, not only for stealing my property, but for lying to the public." she answered calmly and Lios laughed. "How could you show the police something that you don't even have?" he laughed again before the lights suddenly went out. Kayla took the oppurtunity to grab her laptop and back away from Lios' desk towards the door. "What's going on? What has happened to the lights?" Lios demanded and stumbled around in the dark.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla backed away into the door and quickly opened it. She sprinted down the dark hall, being careful not to trip on anything and pushed open the door to the stairway. As she stumbled down the steps, she realized how lucky the power outage was. "Its all because of Magus...I knew it was a good thing to talk with Helba, Kite, and Kia about what had happened three years ago...there hadn't been power outages all week so I figured it was all in due time when there would be one. Of course, disconnecting a few wires in the circuit box helped, too..." she muttered to herself and laughed for a minute before reaching the bottom of the stairwell.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"My god, so, you went to CC Corp, found the circuit box outside, unhooked a few wires, went inside, snuck up to Lios' office, had a little 'chat' with him, the power went out, you stole your laptop back and now you're back here." Katsuki said in amazement when Kayla retold what had happened to her when she got back. "You're crazy Kayla. All that for a laptop..." Kayla frowned. "Katsuki! Its not just a laptop! Its a laptop that has a lot of information about the comatose patients and whatnot and has my hacking program on it!" Kayla yelled at her, quietly though, so Katsuki's mother wouldn't hear. Katsuki gave her a sheepish grin. "Right, I forgot..." she mumbled and put her Neuro Goggles back on.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Whew...*rests tired fingers*[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Katsuki tossed Kayla her pair of Neuro Goggles. "Elk misses you." She told her. Kayla nodded and put on the goggles on.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]--Aqua Capital Mac Anu--[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura tapped her foot, waiting for Kayla to log in. "Finally! You take forever." Sakura said as Kayla finally warped in. "Oh shut up. Um, hi Mr.Sakura's Dad!" Kayla quickly said. "Come on. We all have a meeting." Sakura said.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]--Net Slum--[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]"Welcome to Paradise." helba said. "Oh, sorry Sakura. Its just a habbit you know." She added quickly after seeing the annoyed look on Sakura's face. "Well, we're here. And Kayla is the craziest, most dimwitted person I know. But what she did was tottally awsome!" She said. Kayla glared at her. ">=[ Whats that supposed to mean?" She yelled.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Dude. You just snuck into CC Corp, caused a power outage, and stole from Lios who stole from you!"Sakura hollered back. "What do you call that if not foolish bravery?" Sora rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself. "Dumb luck. And for Lios, idioticness." He said. Sakura laughed and high-fived Sora. "Good one, man." She said. Kayla glared at her again. "Yeah, well Sora. You know how Sakura feels about you? Just the other day she said that she really likes you, if you catch my drift." She said, smirking evilly.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Sakura glared, blushed, and warped out.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]--Aqua Capital Mac Anu--[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]"Subaru! You've got to get me away from all the other players. Please, PLEASE let me ride your boat for a while." Sakura begged. Subaru looked at Sakura. "Of course. Let me just find Crim and Silver Knight." She said. Sakura shook her head. "NO! Girl to girl talk." She said. Subaru blinked, then smiled. "Alright." The two boarded the boat.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Well, what's troubling you?" Subaru asked. Sakura started to pace the boat, with every step blushing more and more.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Its Kayla. She broke a promise of secrecy. You see, I really like Sora, and she made me admit it and then I made her promise not to tell anyone. Then Sora kinda ticked her off, and I praised him for it. Well Kayla got her revenge by telling him how I feel and it was right in front of [i]everyone[/i] at Net Slum! So now everyone knowsand I'm left with nothing but embarrassment. Kayla's probably rolling on the floor laughing right now. I dont know what I should do and you're the only one I can trust right now. So what do you think I should do?" She explained. Sakura had spoken so quickly, Subaru had not caught a single word she said. "Um...could you repeat that?" She asked.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]----------------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Hehehe...just thought that might be funny...[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]"Man, I just wish Sakura and I's suspension would be over!" Kayla complained as she and Elk lazily layed in a field, after having defeated all of the monsters. "Well, you're here aren't you? I mean, you're in 'the World' so its pretty much almost like you really aren't suspended anymore. Did that make any sense?" Elk said and Kayla laughed. "Barely, but I get what you mean." they both then laughed.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla sighed. "Elk, I'm sorry I was spending so much time with Trev--Krueger and not you. It was just that...he was..." Kayla tried to explain but Elk understood anyway. "I understand, no need to apologize. I was fine with you spending all that time with Krueger. Its not like I was bored or anything, I had Mia to go around and explore fields with." Kayla nodded silently.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=purple]---Delta Aqua Capital Mac Anu---[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla walked through Mac Anu silently. She was thinking about all the good times she had had with Trevor and didn't want to be bothered. She had asked Elk to leave her alone for a little while and he understood completely. Now she was in Mac Anu, ignoring players who attempted to talk to her and avoiding Crimson Knights who were marching through the streets of Mac Anu.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]She was just wandering, not really going anywhere. Just mindlessly wandering until she wandered over near the docks where Subaru's boat was now passing. Kayla glanced over at the boat as it passed right near the dock. She saw Subaru and Sakura talking together. Kayla decided [i]not[/i] to interupt them and she continued walking until she was eventually at the dead end of 'Kia's Alley'. She sat down on a box and stared around depressed-like. Her feelings were all jumbled and she didn't know how to feel or how to think. She didn't know what she should be doing. She didn't know whether she should be sulking about Trevor, searching for more information about the comatose's, training to fight the next phase or terrorizing the Silver Knight. She really didn't know...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=navy]*sigh* Sad, depressing post...[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura glanced over to the alleys on the side and there was Kayla, sitting alone and real depressed-like. But Sakura was too angry to notice Kayla's sadness. She was too involved with what Kayla had said. "KAYLA!" She shouted, jumping off the boat and in front of Kayla. Sakura was using every ounce of Twin Blade her character could muster.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"You...you...you traitor! You liar!" She yelled as she started swiping at Kayla, who was using every ounce of evasion her Wavemaster character could muster. "Sakura" She said as she blocked Sakura's blades with her staff. "Sakura I'm sorry. You guys just ticked me off. I'm sorry!" [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Sakura barely listened. "You think sorry will erase what he heard? Any second now, he's going to come bouncing up here and start braging and gloating and being cocky and full of himself!" She yelled. Sakura started to blush even more than she was before. "And here he is. That's an email and the first visit off the day." She said as she heared a ping and then footsteps behind her. "Aww how'd you know it was me?" Sora whined.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Kayla sighed. She thought that Sakura would be more interested in beating up Sora than PKing her. Sakura glared at her. "What are you sighing for? You're not off the hook yet." She threatened. Kayla frowned nervously. "Well...I've...I've gotta go meet Helba. Later!" She said, sprinting off to the Chaos Gate. Sakura sighed and shook her head dissaprovingly. "I hate her..." She mumbled as she sat down on the box that Kayla was previously sitting on.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"So Sakura..." Sora started. Sakura glared at Sora. "Don't even start. Not now. Not unless you wanted to be formally aquainted to what your body looks like after its been brutally PKed by me in a horribly bad mood." She threatened. Sora frowned and backed off. "Suit yourself." He sighed.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]--------------------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Hehehehe....[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla slowly wandered around Net Slum, grumbling. "Stupid Sakura...could she not see how sad I was and could she not tell who I was most likely thinking about?" she continued her grumbling and stared down at the ground whilst walking through Net Slum, until she absentmindedly ran into an AI.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]The impact caused her to fall backwards onto the ground and the AI stumbled back a few steps before continuing on its way, complaining about its need for water and warmth and that it had enough light. Kayla chuckled slightly. "Silly, silly Jinn." she muttered and used her staff to pull herself from off the ground.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]As Kayla stood up, Helba floated over near her. "Kayla, I'm sure you must be wondering about the next Phase, I presume." she said and Kayla nodded. "Yeah, along with a few other things." she responded. Helba smiled mysteriously. "I figured as much, but, you really need to prepare to fight the next Phase, Lios and---"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"You're still working with Lios?"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"Yes, I, we must keep working with him. His powers within 'the World' are very helpful to our operation. Despite the fact that he is an arrogant, pig-head, he can be somewhat intelligent at times." Helba explained and Kayla nodded half-heartedly in agreement. She'd found out first hand that Lios could be somewhat intelligent at times. "I guess I'll call up Elk and Mia or somebody to go train with me then." she mumbled and warped out of Net Slum.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura wandered around Mac Anu, Sora tailing her and trying to make a conversation. "So whats the next Phase?" Sora finally asked after a few moments of awkward marching around. Sakura stopped. The word 'Phase' had triggered Sakura's focus nerve. "Oh my god. She was really depressed back there, then I came along. She was probably thining about Krueger or the Phases! How could I be so blind? Oh my god...I'm a horrible friend..." She said to herself. Sora blinked. "Um...what's the next Phase?" He asked again nervously.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Sakura sighed and laughed. "The next Phase ought to be...lets se....Skeith, Innis, Magus, Fidchelle. Yeah, the next phase is Fidchelle." She explained. Sora nodded. "Oh ok." He said. "Soooo when are you coming home?" He asked. Sakura gave him a look. "In a few days, I think...why do you ask?" She asked. Sora looked away from her. "No reason, just curious." He said, turning his head even more to hide the fact that he was blushing. Sakura nodded. "Well, I'm going to go find Kayla and apologize...later." [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]--Net Slum--[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]"Welc--" Helba started. Sakura interrupted her before she could finish. "Where's Kayla?" She asked. Helba laughed. "She went out to train with Mia and Elk. She didn't seem too happy with you when she left." Helba explained. Sakura sighed. "I figured. I sorta...did stuff..." She said. "I guess I'll wait for her here. I wonder where all the AI's are..."[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]"LaRue Kruz!" Kayla shouted and large crystals of ice raised up from the ground and slammed into the monster, deminishing its HP down to zero. Kayla grinned as a small noise indicated that her level had risen. "Yes, level 60..." she mumbled. Mia and Elk congratulated her before they continued on their way through the dungeon they were training in.[/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]A little while later...[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]The three entered the room where the Gott Statue was located where they found a large clock where the treasure chest would normally be. They stared at it for a moment, before Kayla remembered something that she had read on the board.[/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]If you visit an area with Keyword A: Chronicling, at the bottom of the dungeon, you'll be timed to see how long it takes you to complete the area. If you complete the area in a short amount of time, the treausre you get from the Gott Statue will be much better than if you completed the area in a longer amount of time. If you complete the area very quickly and you make it into the top three times, you'll get an even better prize. Sometimes you'll even get items that you're very fond of and collect. Not sure how the game would really know the difference between whether you're fond of the item or whether you just collect it, lol.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla walked up to the large clock and pressed down on a button on the top of it. The hands stopped moving and it stopped ticking. Then, slowly, a hole opened up in the middle of it and inside was three pieces of treasure. Kayla, Elk and Mia each picked once piece out. Mia choosing an Aromatic Grass, Elk choosing the Golden Grunty and Kayla getting a, strangely enough, Silver Knight helmet.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla plopped the helmet down on her head and looked at their time through the dungeon. "Oh, it wasn't a record time. Darn. Well, atleast I got a Silver Knight helmet..." Kayla laughed quietly, before she, Elk and Mia Gated Out.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=purple]---Net Slum---[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]"Welcome to Paradise." Helba greeted, as per usual. Kayla nodded absentmindedly as she admired her Silver Knight helmet. "Oh, Kayla, Sakura is around here somewhere. She was waiting for you." Helba informed her and Kayla nodded again, still only slightly paying attention, before she walked off and wandered around Net Slum, barely looking for Sakura, as her entire attention seemed to be on her new helmet.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura sighed. She was just about finished with waiting for Kayla, listening to Spiritas amd Sora ramble on and on about something she wasn't listening to. "Sakura...isn't that Kayla?" Sora asked, pointing to a Wavemaster sitting on one of the many piles of cardboard boxes. Sakura squinted to see who it was, and finally saw that it was in fact Kayla. She smiled as she got up and walked over to the helmet-obsessed wavemaster.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"So, you stole his helmet without me? Now that's really inconsiderate! Much worse than blabbing." Sakura laughed. Kayla took her eyes off the helmet tolook at Sakura. "Nope. Gott Statue. You aren't...going to PK me anymore. Right?" She asked. Sakura laughed again. "Nope. Sorry..about disturbing you. You were...like thinking about probably Krueger. I guess...I was more inconsiderate than you were." She apologized.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Kayla smiled. "S'ok. Don't worry about it. I'm sorry too.Guess what? I'm level 60!" She said. Sakura smiled too. "Really? Cool. I guess I have some work to do then. I'm only level 53....hey Kayla?" She asked.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Kayla looked at her. "Yeah?" Sakura looked at the ground. "You remeber the sixth phase, right? Macha? In the Epitaph, it said that Macha seduces with a sweet trap. Its also known as Macha, the Temptress. That narrows it down to a Girl and someone one of us trusts. Doesn't it worry you? It kinda makes me think that I can't trust anyone..." She explained. Kayla looked at the ground as well. "I suppose, if you put it like that, it worries me too. But that shouldn't mean that I can't trust anyone. Thats just paranoia." She explained. Sakura smiled. "Yeah, you're right. Don't mind me, I guess I'm in a serious mood." She said. "^_^"[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]All the talk about the Phases had gotten Kayla thinking again. [i]Sakura is right. How Macha is explained in the Epitaph and her particular role, do mean that it is a most defintely a girl and that she is someone that we know and trust. But who? Who could that be? Well, I guess there's no reason to really worry about it now. Maybe once the time for that Phase has come I'll take more thought into it.[/i][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]But now that Kayla was thinking about Macha, she was beginning to remember everything said about it in the Epitaph of Twilight.[/color][/size][/font]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue][i][b]Macha seduces with the sweet trap.[/b][/i][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue][b][i]Wave reaches the Pinnacle, and escape none can.[/i][/b][/color][/size]
[i][b][size=1][color=darkslateblue]The sweet snare of conciliation is Macha[/color][/size][/b][/i]
[b][i][size=1][color=darkslateblue]The Waves, an exceeding maelstrom
Nothing can escape[/color][/size][/i][/b]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Seduces with the sweet trap...Seducing...that has something to do with, well, I'd say, love. So whomever this Phase is, she wants people to love her. To truly love her...Getting someone to love her so she can lure them into a trap...or something like that, heh.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]The sweet snare of conciliation...she wants to gain our trust, our friendship. It all helps her.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Who could it be, though? Guess we'll just have to wait and see...[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla looked up just in time to see Sakura reaching for her helmet. She ducked and rolled out of the way, holding tightly onto it. "If you want one, then go steal it from the Silver Knight!" Kayla yelled at her. Sakura smiled mischieviously. "Only if you come and help me." Kayla grinned.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"Y'know, I heard from that Mimiru chick that the Silver Knight wishes he could work at a pizza place rather than a video store. That way he could have all you can eat pizza. Isn't that pathetic?" Kayla said before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Sakura did the same and soon the two were walking around Mac Anu, half-searching for Silver Knight, half concentrating on ways to make fun of him.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura laughed as she ran into another wall. "Look who's the dimwit now! You're wearing it backwards again!" Kayla said, laughing. Sakura took off the Silver Knight's helmet and looked at her. "Yeah, I know. Watch, I'm going to build one of these out of aluminum foil. I'll wear it everywhere!" She said. Kayla laughed.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]The two were wandering Mac Anu, laughing like idiots. Suddenly, Sakura got close-lined from the back and was shoved into a wall. "Ow...Kayla, who the heck just hit me..." She asked, rubbing her head. "My...my helmet is gone!" She said, after realizing that she wasn't rubbing a metal object, but her own head. "Yeah, that because Knighty just took it back after close-lining you. Who knew he had it in him. Whats up Knighty? How's the Video Store?" Kayla asked.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Sakura stood up and stared at the Silver Knight who was putting his helmet back on. "Very good. Thanks for asking. And thanks for giving me my helmet back, Sakura. Have fun where ever you are." He said, walking off towards where Subaru was. "Darn it. He could've at least given me a Health Drink you know. That caused damage, the jerk." Sakura muttered.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Your not supposed to hit women, you jerk!" She yelled to the Silver Knight who was now boarding Subaru's boat, along with Subaru, of course, Crim, a few other knights, and someone who looked a tad like Balmung. "I wonder what their doing..." Kayla mumbled. Sakura started running to the boat. "Who cares, but I traded that helmet fair and square! I want it back!" She hollared. Kayla ran after her. "You promised him a super rare item and you gave him his paper bag back!" She shouted after her.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla jumped onto the boat just as it was it leaving, barely clearing the side of it. The only reason she didn't fall was because Sakura was paying enough attention to grab Kayla as she jumped on. Now that Kayla was on, though, Sakura was marching over to the Silver Knight and demanded her paper bag back, it was only fair.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla chuckled slightly and sat down near the back of the boat, staring out across the river. The Sun which was always in its position as it would be at dusk, filled the sky up with oranges and reds; which then made beautiful reflections in the water and made a scene of serenity, peace and calmness. Kayla's mind wandered away from the small fight that had broken out behind her between Sakura and the Silver Knight, away from Mac Anu's bustling liveliness of the afternoon traffic. She began thinking about the Phases, the Epitaph of Twilight, etc.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Of course, her thoughts were soon interupted when the Silver Knight came crashing into her, after Sakura had pushed him forcefully, attempting to knock him off the boat and cause him a Game Over. She hadn't noticed Kayla sitting directly where the Silver Knight was headed, and she didn't know until Kayla began swearing loudly as she and the Silver Knight toppled off the edge of the boat and into the water.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]There was a five second period as the two fell from the boat and into the water. That was barely enough time for Kayla to accomplish something devious. She grabbed the Silver Knight's helmet and did her best to aim and throw it up onto the boat. That took about three seconds in all to do and during the remaining two seconds, the Silver Knight punched Kayla square in the face; not like it mattered, of course; the punch lowered her HP by about 20, but as they both fell into the water, both their HP's dropped to 0.[/color][/size][/font]

[center][font=Arial Black][size=4][color=red]GAME OVER[/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center] [/center]

[left][font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla slid off her Neuro Goggles for a minute as the ALTIMIT browser screen loaded up on her laptop. She glared at Katsuki for a moment, who wasn't paying any attention at all. To get her attention, Kayla punched Katsuki hard on the shoulder. Katsuki lifted her Neuro Goggles up a tad and gave Kayla an evil glare. "Don't you start. I didn't see you there." she spat out and Kayla continued glaring at her. "Can't you atleast apologize?" she questioned. Katsuki muttered an apology and slid her Neuro Goggles back down. Kayla did the same, just as the ALTIMIT Browser loaded up.[/color][/size][/font][/left]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura snickered and started talking to Crim, Subaru, and Balmung. "You know, I did [i]slightly[/i] see her. Only the very tip of her staff. But the Silver Knight really did some damage to me. I've got what? 150 HP left? Dang it...Anybody know any healing spells? I don't want to have to go sell all my equiptment..."She rambled.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Subaru just so happened to have a Recovery Drink on her. Sakura smiled. "Thanks Subaru! Thats another one I owe ya! Hey Subaru...you wouldn't happen to be a Phase would you? I'm on the watch for the Sixth one. She's supposidely one of our allies that we trust. Her Phase name's is Macha!" She said. Sakura was oviously in the mood for a one-way conversation. Subaru shook her head. "No. I'm not a phase. That's silly." She said. Sakura nodded. "Well ok then. So what were you doing here Balmung? Were you guys having some sort of secret meeting where you'll conspire against every other player then start some sort of Player Killer cult? hehe..yeah right! Balmung? A player killer?Yeah right!" She said, suprisingly in one breath. Afterwards, she started laughing like an idiot.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"What's so funny?" Kayla asked. They had just came close enough to shore so she could jump back on, as well as the Silver Knight. Sakura looked at the two, and hid the helmet behind her back. "Nothing really..." She answered. [/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla decided that she really didn't want to know what they had been laughing about. Instead, she meandered over to a spot near the edge of the boat where, if another situation between Sakura and the Silver Knight arose that would cause him to be pushed into the water, she could be spotted easily and avoided.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]This time, nothing physically demanded happened between the two. Instead, Sakura asked him a stupid question. "Silver Knight? Are you a Phase?" he looked at her dumbstruck. Kayla immediately cracked up. "Sakura, how can he be a Phase? For one, we don't trust him. For two, we're not close to him. And for three, we know that he exists outside of 'the World'." she explained and Sakura scratched her head sheepishly. "Oops, guess I kind of forgot. Sorry about that Knighty." she apologized before sprinting over to Balmung and asking him the same question.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla went back to her mindless staring out over the waters of Mac Anu, while unsuspectingly, the Silver Knight had snuck up behind her and was inches away from swiping her helmet. Just as his fingers grasped the edges, Kayla thwacked him on the side of the head with her staff. He stumbled backward and grumbled something threatening. "You better shut up, Knighty. I can do a whole lot of stuff to you; stuff that you wont like. Plus, I got this helmet fair and square." she said and the Silver Knight growled at her. "*****." he muttered quietly, but not quiet enough.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"I heard that." Kayla spat at him, standing up quickly and turning around to face him. She pointed her staff at him and took a few steps forward. As she moved forward, he moved backward until he had reached the edge of the boat. Kayla placed her wand at his throat and mumbled a spell. "[i]Suvi Lei.[/i]" the Silver Knight's body became stiff. Kayla grinned as he began falling backwards, towards the water. She quickly reached out and grabbed one of his stiff arms. "Where do you think you're going?" she questioned and pulled him back onto the boat.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]"Grunty! Grunty! Grunty Girl!" Sora yelled from the bridge. Sakura rolled her eyes. "Shut! Shut! Shut up!" She yelled back. Sora dropped down onto the boat, grinning. "Oh come on. You've got to admit its a suitable name for you." He said. Sakura rolled her eyes and put 'her' helmet on. "Just drop it! I'll have you know I'm qualified for the Grunty Races!" She said. Sora's grinned widened. "My point exactly! I rarely involved myself with the things! You on the other hand, have tried a lot more than thirty times to raise a grunty!" He said.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Balmung nearly fell over. "Thirty times?" He asked. Sakura glared at Sora. "Look...what...you started!" She growled. Sora backed off slowly. "Too late for that bub!" She yelled as she got in a fight to the death with Sora. Kayla leaned over to Balmung. "You shouldn't ask, or even mention it. She'll PK you thirty times over before you can actualy understand what happened." She whispered. Sakura glared at Kayla and Kayla gave a nearvous smile to her. "Hi Sakura, whats up? '^_^" She asked.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Sakura shook her head and rolled her eyes before she glanced downwards. "Uh, Kayla, who are you sitting on?" she questioned, poking a leg that was coming from what Kayla was sitting on. "Oh, this?" Kayla questioned, zapping the the object with Rai Kruz. "That's just the Silver Knight. He called me a ***** and I got a little angry." Kayla explained.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Sakura and Sora burst into fits of laughter. "A [i]little[/i] you say?" Sakura managed to get out. Kayla grinned slightly. "Yeah, just a little." she responded and began laughing herself.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]After a few more minutes, the Silver Knight began to regain his motor skills. Kayla was telling jokes along with Sakura and Sora, meaning she wasn't paying any attention to him. He glared at her for a moment before smirking. He quietly grabbed his sword from its sheath and whacked Kayla's back. She flew off him and over the side of the boat, just barely grabbing onto the edge. Sakura and Sora snickered slightly and stood back as the Silver Knight walked over to where Kayla's fingers had a tight grip on the edge of the boat. He continued smirking and began slamming his sword down in an attempt to hit Kayla's fingers.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Each time his sword came down, Kayla would quickly move her hand or remove it from the edge. He finally got fed up with trying to hit her fingers and thwacked the side of her head, dazing her. Her grip on the edge loosened and then she let go of the edge and fell into the water.[/color][/size][/font]

[center][font=Arial Black][size=4][color=red]GAME OVER[/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center] [/center]

[left][font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]"Damn you Silver Knight." Kayla cursed and waited for the ALTIMIT Browser to load back up.[/color][/size][/font][/left]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura watched as Kayla was dropped into the water. She smirked as she snuck up behind the Silver Knight who was standing over the edge of the boat, gloating to himself. Sakura 'slightly' shoved his shoulders as she yelled "Boo!" which caused him to fall off the boat. Sora and Sakura laughed and jumped off the boat. "Later. You guys can do what you were gonna before we came." She said, waving to the boat.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Just as the two reached the Chaos Gate, Kayla logged in. "Hey. So, where to?" She asked. Sakura and Sora shrugged. "I wish I could go to Carmina Getelica, but that's were Lios is stationed. Carmina's my favorite server..." Sakura complained. Kayla sighed. "Lets go to a random area."She said.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]--Hidden Gluttonous Hypha--[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura held back laughter as Sora snuck up behind Kayla. He had been planning a PK since they left Subaru's boat. "And...GOTCHA!" He yelled as he finally swiped at an unsuspecting Kayla. Sakura finally let loose all her laughter. As Kayla waited for her Altimit Browser to load, she punched Katsuki hard in the shoulder. "Tell your boyfriend never to do that again." She warned. Katsuki lifted her Goggles. "Hey, it wasn't my idea. I just didn't say anything. You want to warn him? Do it yourself." She said. Kayla laughed at the fact that Katsuki didn't deny that Sora was her boyfriend, but didn't say anything. Katsuki rolled her eyes and continued playing.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla slowly walked around Mac Anu, staring absentmindedly towards the ground, ignoring other players. She wasn't really interested in doing anything now. It was too annoying to keep getting PKed by everyone and such so her solution was to avoid everyone for a little while so she could get her head straight.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]It didn't take long before she became bored of Mac Anu and decided to take a little risk and visit Carmina Gadelica. She'd be fine, as long as she stayed out of the sights of Lios; and even if he did catch her, she'd easily escape to somewhere else, most likely Net Slum where she'd have the protection of Helba and the other Hackers.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]As she warped in, she quickly glanced around. Seeing no sign of Lios anywhere, she quickly headed over to the Magic Shop, her favorite place to hang out. She sat on the small concrete wall, in the shadows of the building that towered above her. She sat and thought for a little while.[/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]The next Phase is Fidchell...what do I know about Fidchell...[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=darkslateblue][i]With the Wave, Fidchell,
the power to tell the dark future,
hope darkens, sadness and despair rule.[/i][/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Dark future? What's that supposed to mean? Maybe it tells a prophecy of some sort or something...a prophecy that tells the downfall of mankind...It does say 'hope darkens, sadness and despair rule' so, it must tell about something bad and devastating that happens after its defeated...[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=darkslateblue][i]When questioning the wave,
Hope's light will be lost when he speaks of the dark future of where
sorrow and resignation reign.
Using Fidchell's Technique.[/i][/color][/size][/font]
[i][font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]The dark future of where sorrow and resignation reign...something bad is [font=Tahoma][b]definitely[/b][/font][font=Arial] going to happen when we have to defeat it. I hope its not something to do with the comatose patients. I really hope its not. Maybe Kia will know. Yeah, Kia, Helba and Kite should know about it...it did happen only three years ago.[/font][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla then snapped out of her thinking as she heard footsteps approaching where she had begun to lay. Sure she was shrouded in the shadows of the building next to her, but, any player who looked real close could see her; and she didn't want that player to be Lios.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]But, alas, of all the players it could have been, it was Lios. He was walking past where she was laying, making his hourly rounds of the Server. She quickly sat up and hid in the shadows more. He walked down towards the Magic Shop and then began his way back towards her. She restrained herself from moving, even the tiniest bit, for fear of being seen.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]As Lios passed her without the slightest indication that he had noticed her, she breathed a sigh of relief, which was a very bad mistake all in itself, for Lios stopped where he was and quickly looked around until his eyes spied the small orb on her staff, shining out in the darkness. He immediately recognized it as hers, Kayla having received the weapon free in a promotional contest shortly after she had signed up and began playing 'the World'. It was a one of kind weapon, making it easily distinguishable from others.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]As Lios approached her, in the real world, Kayla had opened up her hacking program and was entering a hack as fast she could. As she hit the enter key, a small vortex opened up behind her, showing the internal workings of 'the World'. Without fear, Kayla quickly jumped into it. It closed shortly thereafter and Lios was left standing there, growling curse words, he having been oh-so-very-close to ridding 'the World' of one of its notorious Hackers.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura lounged around Net Slum. Her and Sora had reached the Gott Statue soon after Kayla "left." Sakura had recieved a Silver Scarab, Sora got a Grunty Doll, and Sakura was holding an item for Kayla. After about five minutes of lounging and waiting, Kayla appeared in a small vortex. Sakura and Sora stared at her. "What? Is there something wrong?" Kayla asked, looking around. Sakura decided to [i]not[/i] ask about the wierd portal vortex thingy and decided to just give Kayla the wand that was inthe Gott Statue Treasure Chest.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Here! This is your item from the treasure chest. Its a Wavemaster Wand or something..." She muttered, tossing the wierd looking wand to Kayla. "Thanks. I guess that means you guys are sorry?" Kayla asked, inspecting the wand. Sakura shrugged.
"Yeah...sure...whatever..." She said. Among their chatter, it was only Sora who heard a scratchy noise that could only indicate one thing: Lios had warped in. He jumped up from his comfy spot on top of a cardboard box, and greeted him, hopefullybuying the two girls time.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Oh, hi! Lios!" He said loudly, running in the way of Lios'view. Everytime Lios moved his head away from Sora to try and see what he was hiding, Sora moved, again, in his view. "Move it, Player Killer, or I'll delete you now!" Lios gruffly ordered. Sora stepped back momentarily, scared slightly by the threat, but didn't move. Lios outstreached his hand, scaring Sora even more. A small ball of light started to form around his palm and wrist. Sora frowned and jumped out of the way, revealing Helba, grinning. "Bye bye, Pig-Head." She said, sending something flying towards him, warping him out[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]---------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Um, I made up that little hacker trick...[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=indigo][/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=1][color=indigo]On the occasion of my new avi and banner and such, I figured I'd change my font color. Dark Slate Blue was getting old anyway...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]"Thanks a lot, Helba." Kayla, Sora and Sakura thanked and Helba smiled. "Of course. Its always one of my top priorities to protect those who need protected from that Pig-Head." she said and then mysteriously wandered off into Net Slum.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]Sakura turned to Kayla who had sat down on a box and was still examining the staff she had received from Sora and Sakura. "So, what'd you do after, uh, the little 'accident'?" she asked. Kayla looked up at her as she stored the staff in her inventory. "Oh, I wandered around Mac Anu for a little while before heading daringly heading over to Carmina Gadelica. I was there for a little while before Lios discovered me and attempted to capture me so as to delete me. He didn't get the chance, though. I hacked into the system, created the wormhole and sent myself here." she explained. Sakura nodded. "So that's what that thing you came out of was. A wormhole in the system. I get it." she said nodding, obviously [i]not[/i] getting it.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]Kayla just shook her head and laughed. "Right, Sakura. So, anything else we ought to do today?" Kayla asked, wanting Sora and Sakura's opinions. "Maybe we could torture the Silver Knight more. Or trick Lios or something." the two suggested. Kayla grinned mischieviously; Sora and Sakura both did the same.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Sakura grinned as she threw the Silver Knight's helmet over to Kayla and heard the shouts of the Knight himself. "GIVE THAT BACK!" He yelled. Kayla laughed as she ran down some steps of Mac Anu, helmet in arms. Sakura ran out of the path of the Silver Knight, who was on a war path. Sora climbed up from the hanging position on the bridge he was at and tripped the Knight, causing him to fall flat on his face. The three of them laughed so hard they almost cried.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Whats so funny?" Elk, who had just logged into Mac Anu, asked Kayla who was just now running up to the Chaos Gate. "Knighty...just...fell..on his face..." She said, catching her breath from laughing so much. Elk laughed as soon as he heard this. "What happened? Did he trip over his feet?" He asked, still laughing. The Silver Knight growled. He was sick and tired of being made fun of. "Shut...up..you...little..BRATS!" He yelled running after the four kids. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]They started running around Mac Anu, not stopping for anything, not even the fact that Komo was standing on the bridge, trying to get Sakura's attention. Everytime she ran by him, he'd call her name, without an answer. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Sakura."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Honey"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Sakura"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Katsuki"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Soon, Komo had gotten annoyed. The next time she had ran passed, Komo grabbed Sakura by the collar. "Now listen here young lady, you're coming with me on a dungeon adventure whether you want to or not. You can play with your friends any other time, but I'm your father, and [i]I'm[/i] trapped in this digital nightmare." He said forcefully. Sakura started struggling in mid-air. "Dad! Let me go! He's gonna catch me! I'm going to be PKed! Dad! A player killer can't be player killed by a weaker player! Its unheard of! Just let me go, let me finish this up, and I'll go play with you. Hurry!" She argued. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Komo frowned, but then smiled and let her go. "Kids..." He said. "Kayla! Toss it this way! I'm going to play soccer!" Sakura yelled to Kayla.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=indigo]"Ouch..." Kayla rubbed her head as the Silver Knight beat her, Sakura and Sora senseless after having retrieved his helmet; which was only because the helmet had curved in the wrong direction as Kayla had kicked it and it landed right back on the Silver Knight's head. He'd gotten their weapons(who knows how that happened), leaving them defenseless as he thwacked them all on the head with his sword. "I'll teach you! You wont ever steal my helmet again!" he yelled triumphiantly and finally stopped and walked off.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]Kayla quickly stood up and grabbed her staff from where the Silver Knight had tossed it. She stroked it, causing a few players to look at her strangely. Sora and Sakura told them all not to ask before they both grabbed their own weapons and dragged Kayla off to the Chaos Gate, with Elk trailing behind, chuckling slightly after watching what the Silver Knight had done to them.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=purple]---Net Slum---[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=indigo]Immediately after warping into Net Slum, Kayla ran off and left Sora and Elk standing there with Helba, seeing as Sakura was off on an 'adventure' with her dad. "Where could she be going?" Elk asked. Helba smiled slightly. "Maybe she's just wanting to talk with the AI's. You know how she is about them." she said with a slight mysterious air to her voice.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]"Plaird? Where's Plaird gone?" Kayla questioned one of the AI's after looking around for Plaird, a strange AI that she liked to try to 'teach'. "Plaird? I don't know. I really really don't know." A small, 2-dimensional girl AI named Sconk answered. Kayla sat down on a box as an AI walked up to her. "Plaird was with the man who's head is as that of a Pig. Plaird disappeared and the Pig ran fast..." Dorin muttered as it walked past. "Oddly enough, I understood that, Dorin." Kayla said, laughing slightly.[/color][/size][/font]

[i][font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]So Lios is upping his work in deleting AI's and trapped players, or as the CC Corp sees them as, trash data. I'll get him...Plaird was...was...my friend, I guess you could say. Of course, all AI's are my friends but, I liked Plaird, damnit. He was cool. I'll get that Pig-Head...[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Katsuki lifted up her Neuro Goggles momentarily. "Yeah mom, whats up?" She asked. Her mother had been trying to get her attention for a while. "You and Kayla should pack up all your stuff, our flight back home leaves tomorrow morning." She explained, putting some clothes in her suitcase. "Really? Tomorrow? Its seems like we just got here..." Katsuki muttered. Katsuki nudged Kayla on the shoulder. "Yo, we have to start packing. Our flight's tomorrow." She said. Kayla gave her a strange look. "But we aren't done! We still have to do a bunch of stuff!" She yelled.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Katsuki rolled her eyes. "What can we do? Even if Lios [i]did[/i] listen to us, we won't be able to get back into his office! Plus, if we [i]did[/i] get in somehow, he's going to call the cops on us for numerous reasons." She argued. "I think it would best if we fought him over the net." Kayla sighed. "Yes...you're right. I guess..." She said quietly.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Katsuki dragged Kayla onto the plane. "Kayla, lets go! Its 5:30 in the morning, and I'm too tired tofight with you! Now get moving!" She half mumbled half shouted. Kayla was again resisting the plane. "I'll do it for twenty bucks." She mumbled groggily. Katsuki mumbled a few curse words, dug into her pocket, and took out twenty dollars. "See Kayla? Twenty dollars! Come get it!" She said, leading Kayla onto the plane.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Katsuki picked up the phone. "Lets see...for a four-way call...."She muttered as she dialed some numbers. "Kayla? Yeah, hold on, I'm going to try and get the other two on..." She said. As Katsuki dialed two other phone numbers, with the occasional "Flash" button, she finally got all four of the kids on the phone at the same time.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Hey all..." She greeted. "Hi." Everyone else greeted in unison. "So, Sora, Elk, you guys know we're back, right?" Kayla asked. The two boys groggily answered a yes. "So, Katsuki, Kayla, you guys know that its seven in the morning....ON A SATURDAY?!" Sora yelled. "Well, we just got back, ok? Can you blame us for wanting to tell our friends? We already looked Knighty up in the phone book..." Katsuki said. Everyone else laughed. "You did? What did he say?" Elk asked. Katsuki thought for a second.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"He said something about a restraining order if I ever call him again..." She muttered. "Well, since we're all awake, anyone up to going to the park?" Kayla asked. Katsuki shrigged. "Yeah why not. Meet you there...Later." She said before hanging up the phone.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=indigo]Kayla grabbed her backpack which contained her laptop, Neuro Goggles and controller, and then her rollerblades before sprinting out of the house, telling her mom quickly where she was going. Once outside, she slipped her rollerblades on, threw her backpack on her back and skated off down the sidewalk.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]She reached park within a matter of minutes and skated around for a little while, looking for Katsuki, Elk and Sora, before she spotted them sitting down on a bench, talking. Kayla skated up and came to a stop in front of them. "So, what's up?" she asked discreetly before sitting down next to Elk.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]"Lets go get some pizza or something." Katsuki suggested after about a half hour of the four talking. They all agreed and were soon walking into the nearest pizza parlor. Katsuki, Sora, and Elk sat down at a table while Kayla walked up to the counter so she could order a pizza. There was only one person in front of her. A man who was very, very, familar. The man handed over a sheet of paper to the employee behind the counter and turned around with a smug look on his face.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]Kayla gasped before beginning to snicker. The man went wide-eyed and glanced off to the table that Elk, Sora and Katsuki had sat at, then back at Kayla. "What are you doing here, Knighty? Applying for a job?" Kayla asked, grinning widely. The Silver Knight didn't answer. He quickly ran around Kayla and out the door.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]"Was that Knighty who you were talking to Kayla?" Katsuki asked as Kayla sat down at the table after having ordered the pizza. She nodded. "Yeah. He was applying for a job. What a loser..."[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Katsuki slapped Sora's hand. "Hey! The person who pays gets the first slice!" She yelled as she got the biggest slice. "Don't you have any manners?" Sora grinned. "I have as many manners as your temper level..." He said, still smirking. "Why you--" Se mumbled as she started to punch Sora's arm and eat her pizza at the same time. "Ow...hey that hurts! " Sora said with his mouth full of pizza.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Kayla and Elk watched the two as they drank soda and ate pizza quietly. "You think we should stop them?" Elk asked. Kayla shook her head and took another drink of Pepsi. "No. I think we'd get hurt just as bad as Sora." She said, taking another bite of pizza. Elk nodded and ate some more pizza too. After about ten minutes, Katsuki calmed down and reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. "Wow...its only 8:30...time doesn't fly as fast as it used to..." She mumbled. "So where to now? I've still have...um...some money left....and I'm suprisngly full." She asked.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Elk was the first to answer. "Laser Tag. Thats always fun. And today, its a half hour for five dollars a person." He said. Katsuki grinned. "That sounds like fun. Twin Blades against Wavemasters?" She asked. Kayla gave her an evil look. "You bet." She answered. A few hours later, Katsuki and Sora were sitting down at a table waiting for Elk and Kayla to finish bragging. Thanks to Elk, the Twin Blades had lost each game, very badly. Elk grinned. "You two up for another game? We'll take it easy on you this time!" He said.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Katsuki glared at him. "No. Way. In. Hell." She answered, grabbing her backpack and walking out. "I'm starving. All this laser tag made me hungry, so I'm going back to the pizza place." She said. The other three followed her. "I"m hungry too. Losers pay, though." Kayla said evilly. Katsuki sighed. "I'd have to pay anyways, so what do I care?" She barked. Kayla and Elk laughed.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=indigo]"Hey! Kayla! You can't just go around zapping people with Rai Kruz!" Sakura yelled at her and Kayla grinned. "But I was playing laser tag!" she protested, zapping another player with Rai Kruz. Sakura grabbed her staff. "If you want to play laser tag, go find Knighty and play it with him!" she said and thrusted the staff back into Kayla's arms.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]"Knighty! Where are you going?" Kayla demanded as she conjured another Rai Kruz and aimed it at the Silver Knight as he ran from her. He tripped and fell, just as the spell skimmed over his back. He quickly crawled behind a wall in an attempt to escape from Kayla.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]Kayla peered around the corner and grinned happily when she spotted him, curled up in a ball, trying to make himself as small as possible. She began poking him with her staff until he began to chuckle slightly. Kayla gave him a surprised look as he began to laugh uncontrollably. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" she finally asked and the Silver Knight pointed behind her and she turned around to come face to face with...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]"Lios!" she exclaimed and stumbled backwards in surprise, tripping over the Silver Knight and falling to the ground. Lios grinned and began laughing before giving a grim expression. "No need for such drama. I was just coming over to inform you that you are hereby, unbanned. So no more hacking in." he spat out and began walking away.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]Kayla grinned and looked at the Silver Knight who was pinned beneath her.[/color][/size][/font]
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