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"Outcast" or "Incrowd"?


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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]Well which is it? Its hard to tell sometimes, isnt it? Annyoing social lables. Idont like to lable myself, what about you?

I have just returned from a depressing play rehersal. Did you ever feel like you were the only one on the outside? And everyone else was all buddy buddy and you were just new and shy. You feel like the new kid. Well thats what I felt like tonight... even the people I thought I was friends with. It seemed like I was on the outside. Can they see past me, into my soul and say, "well there not interesting, so i wont find out." But they dont even really know. When someone these days knows theyll hurt your feelings, but the statement will be funny for everyone else, they overlook you, and "better" themselvs.

is it just me or is this all over? Humanity has gone down the drain in they way we treat eachother. Lables are out of controll and stereotypes run rampid. Is there no mercy, no refuge, that people like this can come to, without feeling like they are unwanted and hated? Belive it or not, there is. (WOW THIS IS STARTING TO SOUND LIKE AN ADVERTISMENT, /but its not\)

Here is a place where we can come, to be us, not worrying about first glances, because we cant see eachother. And no one hardly ever makes fun of eachother here. no one is mean. its almost a perfect world, but there is never such a thing as perfect. So lets keep it this way here and as close to perfect as we can get. ok?

Thats my little justice tid-bit for today. I always find somthing to say. If you have an opinion voice it!!! ok, id love to hear it![/FONT][/COLOR]
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I am a person who really doesn't try to be with the so called in crowd but just be myself. I just happen to be in good with most of the kids in my grade. You sound like you are stressing too much. I just came to a new school where I had alot of friends because moset of of went to the same primary school since grade one or live in the same area. I got a scholarship and now I go to a whole different type of school. My old schol and other schools in the Bahamas are 98% black, middle to low class average joes. My new school is different. Its an international school on the "rich" side of the island. It is a mostly white school that seems like teenage America Everyone told me stuff like I shouldnt go because the people are snobs and would treat me bad because I came on a scholarship and all kinds of other stuff.
It was a new school, new people to meet and a new culture but I grew adapted. I try to introvert myself to do good in school but that never helps. Anyway as it turned out I got in good with the people there without having to be anyone but myself and I have a bunch of friends now from both worlds. All I'm trying to say is that just be yourself and if sometimes it seems as if you're on the outside looking in, don't worry about it because your true friends will never abandon you and when you look back on this in the future you will think hoq silly this was.
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'Outcast', 'Incrowd'.....stupid little things I don't care about. Plenty of the 'Incrowd' knows my name, but I don't hang out with them on a daily basis. I hang out with my friends, even if people think they are/I am weird.

I may have felt 'outside' before, but I don't really remember if I had. I've mostly felt 'inside'. Like no one is feeling or thinking like me, like I'm all alone. Kinda like no one could get through the walls of my mind. It was a....phase.

The only 'stereotype' I can think of are preps.

That's all I have to say.
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I would have to go with Kenshin_K about not caring about the "outside" or "indside" perspective on social gorups. I never was one to fit into both at the same time, so basically I just stayed in the middle having friends from both the "outside" and "inside" social groups. But I have to say....who really came up with these stupid things anyways, their just there to make the really airheaded or stuck up people more full of themselves because their in the "incrowd" and the smarter and regul;ar students/kids feel left out or abandomed by their friends or poeple who they liked, etc. Another thing to point out is that the people not in the in-crowd are always pushed aroud leading to things that cannot be taken back. I'm not trying to be rude if anyone thinks I am, but that is my opinion on the matter and I'm sticking to it. It's all complete bull-%^$%. so on my answer I would have to say theat I'm neither one, but I have felt at times that I was part of both crowds at different times.

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[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]High school flashbacks....whoa.

Look, social circles in high school are about the most useless and shallow method of classification ever. As Wrist Cutter said, don't worry about it.

People tell you that in five years, you'll forget all that useless high school stuff, but they're wrong; it's only been a month, and I've forgotten most of it.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Verdana][color=royalblue]I really hate social stereotypes..-_-;;;; But, I believe I'm an "outcast..." [/color][/font]
[font=Verdana][color=royalblue]I like to call myself "The Anti-Prep." I hate everything Preps stand for: Self-obbsession, snobish-ness, being "trendy," etc.... And they all dress & act alike. It's like they have no sense of individuality. Reminds me of a quote, "You laugh at my because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same."[/color][/font]
[font=Verdana][color=royalblue]It's not like I hate them [i]all[/i]... just the mean ones...which is most of them...But, there are some nice ones.[/color][/font]
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I always used to be an 'outsider' up until I went to college. I always worked by myself, and I was pretty happy being by me onesy. In college, I have no idea who are the 'in' and 'out' group. There are social groups, as there is everywhere, and conflicts of interest, but nothing popular I suppose.

There are the people who like to follow the fashion (which are preps- that is such an American word ;P) and then the people who don't (which are the alternative people, or the sporty people, whatever). We all tend to get along alright, no one is particularly mean to anyone else.

I don't follow any trends at all. In fact I shop in charity and cheap stores cause they are good value for money. If I see something I like and I have the money I get it. If I see something I like in GAP, screw everyone else, I'll buy it. Same with Hot Topic, New Look, Cyber Dog, whatever. More than once have people told me "It's hard to put you into a stereotype cause you dress differently every day!"

There is this one girl that thinks she is all powerful and godly, but no one likes her xD We get complaints from the preppy people about her and visa versa. United by our hate of one person ~ that is funny.

I'm not much into labels. If someone likes to label themselves goth or punk or prep, good for them. I may not like the idea cause the way things are changing today the true meaning of what it is to be punk or goth or whatever is becoming meaningless, but I won't put up a fight for it.

I never really feel like an outcast because I am very much still a loner. My mother says she can see my growing up to be a rich lonely Scrooge and I actually can't see myself prooving her wrong.
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[SIZE=1][B]I'd say I'm pretty much an Outcast... I might have some friends, but believe me, not many of the stick beside me. I always feel like the odd one out. Hell, because of school I've quit somethings I like because I hate what people think of me. I always fell different from everyone else, because I like somethings they don't. What's wrong if you like Writing so much you can't wait to do a Writing Exam? I feel like an Outcast becauses like certain "Animes" and I write a "Certain" genre of fanfiction, but I don't do that anymore. I won't even put some stories on the Internet anymore.

I try not to get involved with people who are way different then me. I'm different because of the way I act, the things I do, but the way things are going in my school I might end up like everyone; a clone! I don't think anyone but a few people even like me, though I don't really care that much. I just care about being an Outcast to most people because of what I do and what they don't do. Comics, Anime, Writing, Drawing, Games and other things are something I want to do, but I can't do anything like that most of the time because it makes me feel like a total outcast...[/SIZE][/B]
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[QUOTE=vicky][SIZE=1][B]I'd say I'm pretty much an Outcast... I might have some friends, but believe me, not many of the stick beside me. I always feel like the odd one out. Hell, because of school I've quit somethings I like because I hate what people think of me. I always fell different from everyone else, because I like somethings they don't. What's wrong if you like Writing so much you can't wait to do a Writing Exam? I feel like an Outcast becauses like certain "Animes" and I write a "Certain" genre of fanfiction, but I don't do that anymore. I won't even put some stories on the Internet anymore.

I try not to get involved with people who are way different then me. I'm different because of the way I act, the things I do, but the way things are going in my school I might end up like everyone; a clone! I don't think anyone but a few people even like me, though I don't really care that much. I just care about being an Outcast to most people because of what I do and what they don't do. Comics, Anime, Writing, Drawing, Games and other things are something I want to do, but I can't do anything like that most of the time because it makes me feel like a total outcast...[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE]
[size=1]Okay so you're an outcast. And who cares what people think, dont quit doing things you enjoy only because people think differently of you.

When I was in 8th grade (2 years ago) no one skated in my school. Everyone thought I was retarded and stupid because I would bring in my board every Friday and use the benches and curbs to skate on (the school was so awesome.) So anyway, I never sat with anyone, and just kept to myself. I literally talked to maybe 2-3 people that year. Until one day, a group of kids came to my table on Friday during lunch and asked if I wanted to skate with them later. So I agreed and after that, skating was the hugest thing at the school. We would skate at the school on Fridays, and we would get the hugest crowds to come watch, it was awesome... Until one of my friends got hurt so we couldnt skate there anymore because the school was afraid of lawsuit.

But the moral, dont give up on things because of what people think. And I know Im only 15, or at least going to be 15, but I know well enough that whether you are an "outcast" or part of the "incrowd" it wont make a difference when you have a job at any place. So, dont lose sleep over things such as this.[/size]
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i've always been an outcast.
right from my first day of school, i knew.
you can see what people think-it's in their faces.
"eew, look at her, she's FAT"
"omg, she is so ugly"
"where did she get her fashion sense from? a cereal box??"
i never had any friends at primary school.
that went on for 10 years.
then i went to high school.
at least here i had some friends.
but the teasing never stopped.
it's hard to accept that you are never going to be what you thought you would.
it's hard to forget the teasing, the pain...
even though i'm only 14, i've experienced a lot of things.
and it's all because of my looks.
no matter what people say, no matter what they try to do,
they can never change people's opinion of you.
it's hard to forget the pain.
i never have.
i never will.
14 years.
it'll never stop.
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Been awhile since I posted here, heh heh. But anyway, I'm neither. In nor out. I am me, myself and I. My friends and I are all friends. I mean my friends are in the in-crowd and out-crowd. Even middle-crowd! lol, I make myself laugh. (i mean myself when I say that too O.o) But really, don't think to much abut it. Just do what I do, I always say I'm better than everyone else. :D
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Personaly I am an outcast and I could not be loving it any more. Manly because the people on the "in-side" I hate. They are not themselves, they are what they think everyone wants them to be. I just be myself and its almost like a filter. The people that I don't like just shun me out and call me a ******, but I could care less I just think that it is funny. Because I just act like myself I have made 3 great friends that I can talk to and they can understand me. And 1 of those friends is a girl who could not be any more like me unless she was a guy.

Well I am sorry if this is a little of topic but for some reason I felt like I had to say this.

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I'm what people at my school call a "drifter", meaning I don't pick just one social class. I have friends in every level. Most people respect me because I don't take crap from anyone. I've been told I'm intimidating for some reason. Oh well.
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[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=MediumTurqiose][SIZE=1] i'm pretty much welcome wherever i feel like being welcome...so i guess i'm not an outcast, but i do hang out with outcasts... theyr company is easier to enjoy. a) they are nicer b)they are more trustworthy...but some of them can be stereotipical about my general style...i may be a prep on the outside...but im sure not one on the inside. i never discriminate folks cuz of how the dress or who they are. if theyr nice to me, i'm nice to them. I am an outcast on this board though...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Guest lavalamp
I'm a prep who has trendy clothes and flaunts their money. I treat "outcasts" like dirt because they're below me. I see through groups of "outcasts" as the people who wanted to be like me but didn't quite make it.

Making your own group is fine but don't overrate it when it's not as good as mine.
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[i][color=navy]I've never been quite your average girl. I was never that dainty, didn't like dressing up, and played sports with a lot of guys. Most of my friends were, and are, guys so I eventually grew to be more like them. But anyway, I've never been completely a "tomboy" or a "girly-girl" so I was kinda caught in between with no group. I had a couple friends in school, but none of them really wanted to be seen with me in school and all the other kids teased me until I was in seventh grade.

Then I discovered confidence.

It's a wonderful thing. I met wonderful friends and, when I decided for a while that I was going to be a complete "tomboy", clothes, act, etc., they supported me and one even joined me. But after about half a year of watching the other girls go shopping and hang out with friends looking gorgeous, flipping their perfect hair, I decided that their life looked much more fun. So I bought all new clothes, got a cool hair cut, and started acting like a normal girl, but still being myself. Today, I am accepted by most of my peers and I have confidence. I'm not in the "incrowd", and I could actually care less because I'm having fun with my life and I feel better than ever because I'm confident.

I guess my moral here is to just be yourself and be confident in who you are. If you appear confident, no one will try to bring you down; they only go for the ones who are easy to break (trust me, I know), and if they do try to bring you down, don't let them, just do whatever works best to show them you don't really care what they say; think of a comback, walk away, walk away making it look like you're trying to hide a laugh, anything you can think of. Just be confident and try to be more outgoing; smile to strangers, say "hello" to the kid sitting next to you in class, welcome everyone and try to be their friend, give life your best and hold nothing back, and most of all relax people do judge you on first impressions and there's nothing you can change about that. But, if you want them to see what you're really like, be yourself in front of them and do what I suggested. I guarentee that if you do this, you will see improvements in the way people look at you and treat you. (Wow, this[/i] does [i]sound like an advertisement... O.O).

Well, that's my little pep talk for the day ^_^. Hope it works as well for you as it did for me!

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[QUOTE=gothicanimechic]i've always been an outcast.
right from my first day of school, i knew.
you can see what people think-it's in their faces.
"eew, look at her, she's FAT"
"omg, she is so ugly"
"where did she get her fashion sense from? a cereal box??"
i never had any friends at primary school.
that went on for 10 years.
then i went to high school.
at least here i had some friends.
but the teasing never stopped.
it's hard to accept that you are never going to be what you thought you would.
it's hard to forget the teasing, the pain...
even though i'm only 14, i've experienced a lot of things.
and it's all because of my looks.
no matter what people say, no matter what they try to do,
they can never change people's opinion of you.
it's hard to forget the pain.
i never have.
i never will.
14 years.
it'll never stop.[/QUOTE]

[FONT=Georgia]ok I totally know what you mean. I walk in the hallways and it's a social sterotype that I get called names just because I dress in all black and I'm different than everyone else. It's a disaster dealing with it everyday. I do not wish to complain for I am not a one to whine about such things. I am what I am and as far as I'm concerned no one can change me or my desire to be different than everyone else. I consider myself as "independent". No labels. If others wish to label me than so be it but until than I remain me...I do admit I never talk much...if it is very seldom...no one really understands what it's like growing up in Russia unless they have experienced it....in this case I have...growing up in poverty and Dictatorship is a hard thing to do...I only wish when I came to Amerika that people would treat me better but instead all I got is name callings because of my accent >.<....I've been through alot too. so no one can say I had life easily now that I am amerikan...I am used to this abusive behavior...now I'm used to it and looking at the better things and more important things in life...labels are just used in school..in life they mean no more than a speck of dust...Anyways Gothicanimechic...stay strong...we must not let them affect us...remain strong...

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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Watch The In-Crowd. Corny horror film that will chase away all these bothersome thoughts about social acceptance. Wow lava lamp, do I sense a mild overdose of ego?[/COLOR][/SIZE] ;)
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