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Traditional Rp [m-vls]

0ber0n the Neko

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OOC: I am so sorry for being late with this posting! As Rhym said in the signup post, I was at home, my pars are paranoid about my computers, so I can only use 'em for e-mail. ^_^ Okay, let's get this started! (by the way, this town of Balkazaar should be the city housing the resistance, and for the sake of everything being simple and sliding by easily, let's gather good guys here)

[center][size=4]WELCOME TO SANATOS[/size][/center]

Tanken looked at the high walls of Balkazaar. The city of the Resistance, and the only one place he could call home. He examined the tall towers inside the city, as he often did, always recounting just how magnificently they punctured the evening sky. He looked at the guards at the gate, nodding as he passed.

"Open the gates!" one of the guards yelled to the Towermaster. The Towermaster pulled a ever, and the gates seperated. Tanken walked through, hearing behind him the ominous *Clang* of the gates.

Tanken looked around him. His eyes were treated to the sight of the commercial district of the city. He walked down the street, going up the hill that overlooks the rest of the city. He stood at the top of the hill, gazing over the vast city, his mind pointing out the residential and industrial districts. He walked to the Opera House, which was only a few blocks away from the gate. He walked inside the massive and boroque building, looking at the ticketer, who in turn looked at him. The ticketer pulled out a microphone and spoke cryptic words into it. A *click* was heard. The door to the cellar was now unlocked.

Inside the cellar, there were a few figures sitting around a table. He nodded to Vincent Wurlitzer, who looked at him and said, "It's about damn time, Tanken!" and laughed. Tanken blushed, trying to hide it, while only making it more apparent. Another person walked up to him. Halthan Leiomure gave him a look, and said, "Why can't you ever be on time?"

"Sorry." was the only word that escaped from Tanken's mouth. He wasn't so embarassed by disappointing these two, but the third person to scold him.

Namia looked at Tanken skeptically. "I really think you should spend less time doing God knows what with God knows who!" she frowned. "Especially when our biggest operation is about to begin. You know this, right?"

He blushed even more vividly. "I am very sorry to have disappointed you, Namia... and everyone.

Namia smiled and said, "Well, at least you're here. Let's get started."

Tanken bowed courteously, as was his custom. He chuckled internally, being the only one who knew what "God knows what" and who "God knows who" were.

Tanken sat at the table, but as some of the lesser members of the resistance were still filing in, he had some time to reminisce on his experience.
-----(almost an hour earlier)-----
Tanken sat peacefully on a stump in the forest. He was trying to Remember. Remember his past life. Remember the key to the crescent style. Remember what his 57th movement was. In layman's terms, a "Movement" is any method of sword movement that would be needed in a fight. There are 55 standard Movements, and 20 special ones. The other 5 were never spoken of except by the highest of the high of the crescent order. This was the caste he once belonged in.

Standing up, Tanken practiced each one of the standard Movements thrice in succession. He then concentrated, and performed the fifty-sixth movement. There was a brief noise that shot through the air, and he was somewhere else, in an overhead parry position. He then maneuvered his sword and body beyond an invisible blade, and cut two invisible soldiers. He then was hit by a realization. [i]Movements 56 - 70 all involve the appearance movement![/i] He had Remembered all but ten Movements. The rest of the knowledge seemed to be blocked off, and he spent the rest of the time trying to figure out how to aurpass the block, but found that he could not.

He looked up. The sun was setting. "Shit!" He exclaimed, running towards Balkazaar, knowing full well that he would be late...
-----(present time)-----
The meeting started.

A represenative from each of the Resistance-allied nations had come. The head resistance member, Jadou Mertaimas stood and delivered his opening speech.

"Friends and Allies, I am glad to see all of you assembled here this night. You are aware, I am sure, of why you were summoned. You have been called to give approval on a plan I have recently developed. I have here," he held up a large scroll of parchment, "the blueprints of the Castle Manta. These are old, but still very reliable. Now, my plan is to take them out at their weakest point first..." he went on to explain the rest of the plan, using the blueprint as a graphical aid. The speech went on for quite some time until," Alright, gentlemen and ladies. I think we ought to adjourn for awhile."

Everyone stood and stretched. Tanken, along with the other high officers, had fulfilled their roles for this meeting. They only needed to be there for the introduction of the plan. Knowing this, Tanken left and tried to get as far from the Opera House as possible. He knew the streets well, and he had no trouble seeing with the full moons out.

There were few shadows for anyone to hide in, but you could never be too careful. Tanken released the buckle holding his second blade, and he drew both simultaneously. He concentrated. He concentrated hard. The world around him faded away, and he was standing alone, alone in this world of endless night. He then focused his chi into his second blade. He then let the chi remember. The energies from the city helped him control his own energy. He held the second sword above his head. He pointed it at the sky which was now a crescent in his all alone world. The moon shone on him, giving him new vigilance. He wanted his memories to come again. He wanted them. He saw something emit from ther moon, like light, like a memory descending from heaven. He reached out to grab it, and he was suddenly jarred from his make-believe world by the sound of light footsteps.

He turned to find Sabin behind him. "Hello, fellow Son of Heironeous."

Tanken looked at Sabin reflectively. He wasn't angry or annoyed with him. Sabin had just as much right to be there as he did. Tanken felt stupid for letting the holy man sneak up behind him. "Hello, Sabin. What's going on?"

"I'm just enjoying the luminescence of the evening, brother. What might you be doing?" Sabin said with his holy face full of innocence.

"I am... trying to Remember." Tanken said, sheepishly. He sheathed his swords. Sabin was one of the few people he could bear the presence of. "It can wait. It's better done on a night with a crescent, anyway." he said, chuckling. "What can I do for you, Holy Man?"

"Nothing, actually. I was just reflecting with Heironeous about the secrets of pure living. I'll be going now." he said, sensing a bit of annoyance in Tanken's face.

The priest left, and Tanken sat on the cobblestones.

He looked up at the moon, full and beautiful. "I wish that I could remember these secrets..." He stared at the moon. The cobbles beneath him were sending messages to him. This was Balkazaar. The only home that Tanken could remember. It was choice among all cities, but for Tanken it had a special... significance. It seemed to talk to him, the city. The city was something to defend. He cherished it, and loved it.

While he was thinking, Namia walked up to him, wondering why he was staring at the sky.

"Hey, Tanken. What're you doing?" She asked.

The shock to his nervous system launched him to his feet, his sword in hand. It was instantaneous as far as any could tell, but Namia saw that she had scared him, and laughed. "A little jumpy toninght?" she asked teasingly.

"No. It's just that... What if something were to happen to this plan?" he blurted unwillingly. Namia looked puzzled. "I mean, what if we fail? We could jepoardize Sanatos with this plan..." he realized that Namia's puzzled look turned to one of compassion. She put a friendly hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Jesus, are you even supposed to be that emotional? I mean, you're a KNIGHT for God's sake! Show some composure!" she said, in the nicest and most encouraging way she knew how.

Tanken regained his posture, and merely muttered "I'm sorry." He really liked the way Namia could give him a boost when he really needed one. "Thank you, I really needed to get that out."

"No problem." she said, smiling.

There were heavy footsteps. Namia realized them before Tanken did, but they both managed to step out of the way as a throwing knife was hurled at them. A figure jumped down from a nearby rooftop.

"Oh, shit... not tonight..." Tanken said softly. [i]The meeting is still going on... this guy could be trying to find our plans![/i]

There were more footsteps, and about fifty more of them appeared. They all had strabge looking swords, easily identifiable as Manta make.

"Well, I guess we have to kill them, eh?" he said, turning to Namia, who nodded. Sabin came running.

"SABIN! Go warn the others!" Namia yelled.

Sabin ran, and the duo looked at each other and smiled. "Time to go to work..."
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]As Sabin took off to get the others, Tanken and Namia made their assault on the oncoming enemies that were ferociously rushing toward them, [I]?We?ve gotta hold them off as long as we can?[/i], Tanken thought to himself, [I]?if the others are found, the plan will be ruined!!"[/I] He then began to fight more fiercely, taking out more soldiers with each blow.

Tanken knew that the Mantaean soldiers were'nt hard to take down, but they still had strength in numbers, and as he fought harder, he took a slight glimpse toward Namia, "Namia!! Look ou-" before he could warn her, she had already taken care of the soldier rushing at her from behind due to her cat-like reflexes, and at that brief moment, Tanken was caught off guard and hit by a stray arrow laced with a stun-arrowhead, "Ahh!!" he cried out as the poison quickly spread through his body, stiffening every limb, "Aww shit Tanken!!" Namia shouted as she ran toward him, "looks like I gotta hold 'em off by myself until the calvary arrives" she said boastingly with a devilish smirk on her face.

They were now surrounded with at least 30 soldiers closing in on them, "If you want us, come and get us!" Namia shouted, and with that, all of the soldiers came charging at once. For as second, Namia held her own, until her spear was broken in half, she then tried to fight weaponless but that did'nt last long seeing as though she was still outnumbered, "Let me go!!" she screamed "Let me go before I rip your fucking head off!!"

"Shut up you filthy piece of shit!" the commanding soldier said as he brutally backhanded the Murhyrr.

As the soldiers began to tie both her and Tanken up to a nearby tree... " You heard her" a voice rang out of nowhere.

"Yea" another voice said "You better let her go, or face the consequences".

"Oh yeah?" the commander said as he told his men to scatter toward all directions, then standing next to Namia with the tip of his sword touching her throat "Stop hiding and show yourselves, if you don't, the little 'Kitty' here gets it" and with that being said, a thin beam of light shot out of the surrounding woods facing the commanding soldier, "Arrgghh!!! My Arm!!" the comander screamed as his now lifeless arm lay in the grass.

"Last time... let them go" the voice rang out again,

"Men!! Find them NOW!!!" the commander barked as the men began to search frantically,

"I warned you" the voice said as another shot beamed out of the woods, only this time the commander tried to run, getting his hand instead of his whole arm,

"Arrgghh!! RETREAT!!" the commander screamed as he, and the now spooked soldiers, ran for their lives "Damn You All!!!"

"Who [I]are[/i] you!?" Namia yelled as she felt her hands being untied from behind.

"You went through all that trouble of saving her, and she does'nt even remember you?" the other voice said.

"No, she'll remember me when she sees me." the first voice said confidently as he finished untying her from the tree, "There you go, all finished."

"Thanks" she replied as she turned around and tried to identify the people who saved her and Tanken's life. As Namia tried to identify these two, she started with the guy to her left who was untying Tanken, he was human, Slightly muscluar, more so in the arms and shoulders, he was tall, very tall, his blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, and from the dark clothing and his quiet looking shoes, she assumed that he was probably a thief, or an assassin. Namia knew she had no clue who he was, so she began to look at the other guy, before she even looked at his face, she could tell that he had loaded, he was also human, he had on a black short cape,a white knitted undershirt with an overlaping brown knited overshirt, brown pants, and black long boots, when she got to his face, she knew he looked very familiar, "You're right...I do know you..." she said, her voice trailing off as she tried to place this figure standing in front of her, his hair was cut very low, and she could tell from the smooth looking texture of his skin, that he was young, "Oh my fucking gosh" she said with a huge grin on her face, "Prince Cairo Stroud of Oxenol!! What the fuck are you doing here!"

"Heh, nowadays I just go by Cairo," the prince said with an embarrased look on his face, "I don't know if you've heard, but Oxenol's been taken over by none other than Emperor Deus,"

"Yeah, I heard about that" she said,

Cairo continued, "I heard about a resistance forming out west, so I figured I'd come and offer my services, if it was needed."

"Well, they are," she replied "we could use any help that we can get."

"Then I'd like you to meet a friend of mine that I met on the way here," he said "Namia, I'd like you to meet William Collins, William this is Na- "

"Tanken!!" someone yelled interupting the prince in mid sentence, it was Jadou, the head resistance member, which means that Sabin made it back to HQ safely. He rushed over to Tanken barking orders, "Sabin, quickly use some sort of healing spell on him, Vincent, scan the area for more soldiers, and Halthan, seize those two men!!!"[/color][/font]
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Vincent nodded to Jadou and pointed his left hand at the floor and opened it quickly.

"Heya!!!" Vincent yelled, a tremendous force pushed him up into the air and onto the roof of a building. He ran along the tiled rooftops, praying not to slip. He kept a close eye out for more soldiers like hawk to a mouse. Suddenly, nightly silence was broken by a gruff assertive voice.

"Up on the roof!!" The voice commanded. Vincent frantically looked around for the source of the voice but to no avail.

"Fuck!" Vincent said. He went to put draw his sword but a tile gave way under his shoes, forcing him to fall down and crash through the roof of the building.

Vincent wiped away the dust from his hair and eyes, he was in what appeared to be a very old house. The wallpaper was peeling off the bottom, and mould grew in the corner. A thick smell of musty books loomed in the air, coming from an old oak cupboard like a dead mans stench.
"Please don't tell me this is hell!" Vincent said to himself. He looked up to see that he had fallen at least 4 stories, nothing a mercenary can't handle. The gruff voice grunted again from above.

"I don't think he is dead, if he was able to run on a slippery roof effortlessly, I think he can survive a fall" A different voice trembled. The soldier sounded like newbie, he didn't talk with assertiveness and pride like the rest.

"Well there?s only one way to find out, and seems you think you can call the shots, noob, why don?t you go down and see?" The gruff voice punished, the sound of metal clinking was heard and debris fell down from the holes. Vincent hid behind rubble and ready himself for a bloodbath. Vincent lowered his eyebrows and grinned, the mercenary blood in him ran thick.

The new soldier timidly dropped into the room, he reminded Vincent of one of the boys from the workhouse that they called "Mousy" do to his pointy nose and sticky out ears. They were good friends, but lost contact many a year ago.
"Hell.....hello?" The soldier said shrewdly, the other soldiers laughed at him from above, they saw this as a cruel game. He turned around armed with a pathetic sword. The second he saw Vincent, he lunged forward to stab, Vincent kicked the sword out of his hand. He smacked him in the face with his shield and pushed him over. He leapt onto of him and drew his sword back, ready to strike. The soldier began to cry, the others laughed at him.

"Please......im new..." the soldier struggled to say through tears. Vincent frowned at him.

"Its my job" He said sternly, and rammed his sword through the soldiers throat and let him go. The soldiers hair fell back to reveal a mole on his head, exactly the same as "Monsey?s? from the workhouse. Vincent felt no regrets; he was an enemy, that?s all that mattered. He looked up to the soldiers looking down.

"You bastards!!!! Heya!!!!!"
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"unh..." Tanken groaned loudly. He felt the woozy after-effect of healing magic. Sabin and Namia were looking at him, along with a tall, muscular figure and another, more slender figure. "Um... did we win?" Tanken offered.

"Not... quite yet..." Namia said, looking at Sabin quizzically. "How the hell did you get him to wake up that fast!?" she asked.

"All in a day's work, sister Namia." Sabin said, decidedly satisfied.

"Okay, so where are the bad guys?" Tanken asked, very irked that he could not participate in stage one.

He felt something move behind him, and he drew his sword. The thing moving behind him emerged, and it was one of the Mantaean officers, trying to get a cheap shot at the party.

His head was no longer on his body. There were some blood spatters. Tanken looked at the sword he had just used.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME, SABIN!?" He asked, almost overjoyed.

"I just laid a blessing on you. Go with Heironeous." Sabin bowed.

Tanken looked at his super-powered hand. "I could learn to like this...."
Tanken, Namia, and Cairo ran down the street, having left William to guard Sabin as they went to guard the Opera House. They reached the Opera House, and the many Resistance members were leaving hurriedly to fight. "Leave! Now! We'll take care of the soldiers!" Said Tanken, knowing that few Resistance members knew how to fight very well. One, however, kept fighting. His skill was amazing.

The man took out five men with a stroke of his sword, and performed a nearly impossible parry in his offhand. A soldier went rocketing over his head at another two.

Tanken ran into the fray, leaving Namia to guard the members as they left. Tanken waited for any movement from the enemy. He felt movement to his left, and cut a man in half, not halting for bones or the man next to him. He thanked Heironeous, semi laughing from the elation this power gave him. He got hit in the back with a mace. The blow laid him flat, and the assailant was cut down by the mystery man. He then heard rushing water. Although, it wasn't water. Water isn't held in large square containers.

Someone lit a match, and it fell into the gasoline. The next instant, the street, multiple soldiers and several buldings were bathed in flames. The soldiers that could get out were left to fight Cairo and Tanken. There were about twenty. Suddenly, Cairo lashed out with his sword. He cut the arms off of a man, and used his shield to knock a soldier down, using his weight to crush him. Tanken kicked a soldier back into his friends, feeling the blessing begin to fade. "Hey! Let's get out of here!" he yelled, as another few soldiers burned to death in the flames.

Jadou was now out, bare-handed. He motioned for the leaders of the allies to follow him. They escaped, and Tanken and Cairo followed suit. They were soon out of the city, now aflame. The leaders and high officers of the resistance were all present...

...All but Namia.

"Shit!" Tanken yelled. He ran through the gates, towards the direction he had seen Namia run in. He heard a yell.

It was Jadou. "Get out of there! She is but a casualty at this point!"

Tanken kept running. Running through the city he loved, trying to find the one he left behind. Jadou left the city, and the gates shut loudly. He was trapped in. If he was going to die, though, he was going to make sure Namia lived.

There was a burning alleyway, and Tanken heard the clash of arms. He ran as fast as he could, the sound of conflicting steel growing louder and louder.

Namia was trying to fight off a whole squadron of troops at once, and she was doing a damn good job so far. She looked like she was going to pass out, though. Tanken didn't stop, and plowed through to the middle of the ring of soldiers.

Namia looked at him as if he was insane. "What the hell are you doing!? Get out before you die!" she said, stabbing a hole in one of the advancing soldiers.

"No. You're going to live and help the Resistance move forward! I may die, but you are... invaluable..." He trailed off near the end, pausing to slash two men across the chest, killing them.

He stopped. Everything was moving so slowly. He felt as if he was moving at a hundred miles an hour. He killed five people before he knew it. He then Remembered.

Forbidden Movement number one...

He slowly drew his other sword. He could remember the entire procedure as if it was on a sheet in front of him. "Stand back," he said.

He raised his swords, leaving his torso open. A large division of the troops came to attack him. He simply smiled, and said "Crescent Moon in the Heavens..."

He was gone. The troops in front slashed each other to pieces. There was a bright beam of light around where Tanken had been standing. He was there again, with a strange tint to him. He drew a massive sword from his back, and he spun around with the blade facing outwards. Twenty people were severed in half. The ring around him was getting larger, and the light intensified.

There was no more ring. Namia used this opportunity of confusion to kill the rest of the people surrounding her.

There was only the sound of flames around them, and the occasional groan.

The strange sword and the light were gone, Tanken was standing in a ring of dead men.
Tanken and Namia sat on the cobbles of the street. There was no way to make it out of the city now. They admitted defeat, and sat.

"That was pretty good. Pretty weird, but cool." Namia told Tanken.

Tanken smiled. "Yeah... but it was really slow. Probably the least flashy and cool-looking of all the hidden techniques. Too bad I didn't get to learn them all before..." he trailed off again. He wasn't thinking about the movements for once in his life. He was considering what to do in his current situation.

"Hey, Namia..." Tanken looked at her, almost like it was the first time. She was beautiful. The flames were still dancing around them like a million swirling dervishes. They really did something for Namia's figure. "What do you say we try to get out of here? I have a plan."

"Shoot." she said, as if she was ready to die sitting there, but escape was a consolation.

"Hold onto me." He said. For some reason it sounded weird to him. As if it [i]could[/i] mean something else.

She held him closely with both arms. "Alright, magic man. Get us out of here."

He hesitated, feeling parts of Namia pressed against him that he had only wished would before. He then realized that he wasn't going through with the plan. "Movement 59!" he yelled, sheathing his swords. He held Namia, and ran straight towards the wall of the city.

Namia looked at the wall, then at Tanken. "Ummm..." she said, seriously doubting her judgement.

They ran through it. It was like it wasn't there. That part became obvious when she looked back and it wasn't. There was a hole cut in the wall that they had run through.

They had run through into an encampment of Mantaean soldiers. They were about to be fired upon. They kept running, having seperated and were now running hand in hand.
They stopped after they realized that they were no longer being pursued. Namia rested on a rock, and saw Tanken sitting next to one. He was slumped over in a weird way. She walked over to him, and moved him. He had been shot in the back numerous times, but none were deep enough to kill him. He was barely breathing, and they were very far away from friendly territory...
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Meteo rushes his way to wherever Sabin, Namia, and Tanken were. "Sorry I'm late... The Wu wouldn't let me go without bringing the supplies I guess I missed the action. Well we have to make sure the emperor loses the sword and returns it to it's rightful place. That is the Wu's orders. Just a reminder... These are Food, Medicinal Supplies, Money, Smithing materials, along with various other goods." Meteo says with a salute. Meteo feels someone hitting his armour at the top of shoulder with a sword. Meteo draws his sword and stabs the guy in the gut then immediately pulls the sword out. Meteo spins around as the Mantean soldier falls to his knees and decapitates him blood splattering everywhere. Meteo turns back to them cleaning the blood off of his armour, his face and his his sword. "The enemy has no sense of honour if they think sneak attacks will work against us. Urgh." Meteo says as he starts to feel the pain in his shoulder.

Meteo grabs his arm and as he does he feels a warm liquid running down his arm. "He did more than I thought. The bastard actually drew blood." Meteo says complimenting the soldier he just killed. Meteo holds his arm looking at the others waiting for the others to tell him what the plan is.
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[FONT=Times New Roman]OOC: Jeez, you guys, try to leave an opening for someone like me to slip in, whydontcha? Also, 0ber, this is a fantasy world, correct? Are you certain their blasphemy would be the same as our blasphemy? So, like, instead of "Aww, Jesus, Tanken!" it'd be something like "Aww, Miratos, Tanken!"

I dunno. Just a thought. Anyways, back to the story.


Halthan, like Namia, was stuck in Balkazaar as well. He was just about to jump down from his perch on the roof and help her with the platoon when Tanken appeared. They exchanged words, drowned by the clash of battle below. Halthan once more prepared to join the fray when Tanken straightened and brought both swords above his head, leaving his torso horribly exposed.

[i]You poor, stupid git, Tanken,[/i] thought the Kindred. [i]I thought you were too skilled a bloke to pull a move like THAT...[/i]

But as the Mantean troops approached, five words sounded pure and loud from Tanken, reaching even Halthan.

"Crescent Moon in the Heavens."

Tanken disappeared then, and something happened that was too fast for Halthan to keep track of. Needless to say, when Tanken reappeared, the guards were [i]very[/i] dead.

[i]Bloody brillant![/i] Halthan thought. [i]Now 'ow are you gonna escape the bloody city?[/i]

Halthan was on the verge of offering his aid once more when Tanken said something.

"Hey, Namia..." He was looking at her in a particular way. Halthan nearly laughed out loud. [i]The bloke's in love! Brilliant![/i] "What do you say we try to get out of here? I have a plan."

It involved her clutching to him as he charged the city's walls.

[i]Wot's he bloody thinkin'? Those walls must be six bloody feet deep![/i]

There was another blur of movement from Tanken and, to Halthan's amazement, a rather large hole in the wall. Namia swung down to his side and ran alongside him, both now clear of Balkazaar.

[i]Bloody brilliant,[/i] thought Halthan as he lept from rooftop to rooftop. His lithe form easily vaulted over the city's formidable walls, and he followed the two's path.


Which led, unfortunately, straight through a Mantean encampment. Halthan blended with the forest surrounding it and skirted the camp, but Tanken and Namia, not blessed with stealth and cursed with inertia, blazed through.

Some distance later, in a clearing, Halthan caught up with them. Namia was fine, if winded, but Tanken was slumped over strangely. She was fussing worriedly with him. Halthan materialized on the edge of the clearing.

"'Allo, luv," he said.

She snapped her head upwards. "Halthan! Thank Gods you're here! When Tanken rescued me from the city, we ran through- can you fucking believe this?- a Mantean camp! I'm fine, but Tanken isn't looking too good. We need some damn help, and right fucking now," she explained.

"I know, luv. I was followin' you. Don't you fret, I'll go and get some 'elp. But, I expect to be-"

She glared at him. "You even fucking [i]think[/i] of charging for this and I will fucking tear out your guts and wear them as a fucking [i]hat.[/i]"

He corrected himself with almost no change in tone. "I expect that he'll thank me a bloody great lot when this is all done. I'll be off now, luv. See you soon." With that, he faded back into the forest.


Finding the other resistance members who had succesfully escaped from Balkazaar about two miles southwest of the clearing, he swaggered into the center of their camp.

"Right, you lot! The name's Halthan Leiomure for those wot don't know, and I 'ave a message of fairly dire importance! Tanken's about two miles northeast of 'ere, quite resemblin' a pincushion. Namia's with 'im, don't you fret, she's fine, but Tanken requires fairly immediate medical attention. For those as can keep up, follow me!"

OOC: If you haven't guessed by now, Halthan has a british accent.[/FONT]
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Guest \m/ METAL \m/
OOC: Rhym, it seems more like this is set in a parallel world (by that I mean one extremely similar to ours). Therefore, the blasphemes and curses could make sense.

I'm also going to be making up some random band names, so bear with me :rolleyes:


Jake could feel the grit of the strings against his fingers as they flew across the fretboard. He could feel the guitar solo; it was a living, breathing entity to him. As his friend chugged along with massive power chords, Jake took it away, blazing off into the high frets with a precision and speed he'd never achieved before. The front row of the concert was either gleefully headbanging or staring at him, mesmirized by the virtuosity of this young guitar god - both reactions Jake was perfectly content with. He barely noticed though... His focus was on the solo. As the drums clashed to a close, the solo met the rest of the band with a down-tuned D chord, and the song resolved.

The crowd erupted. The sound shook the Opera House Slowly, a chant began to rise over the sweating fans.

"Cantus Corpus, Cantus Corpus, Cantus Corpus!"

Jake revelled in the sound of his own band's name becoming an anthem. It truly wasn't the fame he craved, either: it was merely the fact that people were appreciating his work.

This was music.

This was his life.

"Thank you!" Ryan's voice was a commanding one, fit for the singer's stage persona. "We love you all! Metal all the wa--"

The lights dimmed.

The crowd didn't take notice, but the band sure did. That wasn't part of the lighting setup.

It happened again, but this time they went out completely.

Ryan flashed a "what the hell is going on" look at Jake, who shrugged and shook his head.

That's when they heard the gunshots - and at the same time, someone screaming "THERE'S A FIRE!"

The entire crowd ran for the emergency exits, as did the band. Jake stopped to put his precious "modified" RR5 in it's case, but Ryan grabbed him.

"Dude, there's no time!"

Jake just threw the guitar behind his back (he thanked God for those new straplocks) and ran for the stage exit.

As he emerged from the Opera House, he saw his band. There was something different about them since the last time he'd seen them, though. They were all dead. Them, along with countless Mantaen soldiers. He noticed that they had been shot, whereas the soldiers had been sliced neatly in half. Every single one of them.

He stood there taking in the scene for a couple seconds, then pried his eyes away and kept running. Everything was aflame. The city seemed to be burning to the ground. Jake just kept running as hard as he could.

He burst into a more suburban area. There were smaller houses here, and it almost seemed to be wooded. He surveyed the area: Voices arose from a small clearing straight ahead, and a group of Mantaen soldiers was moving toward them on his right.


Tanken's entire body hurt. Namia did the best she could to dress up the wounds on his back, but he was bleeding like a cow fresh out of the slaughterhouse.

"SHIT Namia! That hurts!" He cringed as she wiped down his back.

"Jesus! Sorry! I'm just trying to help!"

"Namia... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

"Shh, shh, I know. Don't worry."

Namia turned around to grab a fresh rag - and wound up face to face with 5 Manean soldiers.

"Now you're in for it," one of them said from behind his sinister mask. He lifted his gun and prepared to fire.

Suddenly rapid gunshots sounded out of what seemed like nowhere. The Manean soldier dropped dead as bullets ripped through him. The other guards barely had time to turn around and get their barings before they, too, were pumped full of lead.

Someone came running up to Tanken and Namia. "Are you two all right?"

He was a younger boy with dirty blonde hair falling just over his shoulders, dressed in worn jeans and a black T-shirt that depicted four grim-looking men with long hair holding instruments and an intracate logo that read "Carnagicide". He had nothing with him save the guitar that was slung around his back.

"Yeah, we're fine... Who are you, exactly?"

"I'm Jake," he said. "I saw those Mantaen soldiers and knew exactly what was coming."

"What the hell did you do? You don't even have a weapon!"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Jake pulled the guitar from around his back. He pushed a button located by the front pickup and a metal cylinder emerged from the tip of the headstock. He showed them the back of the body, where a trigger was embedded into it.

"It's a custom Jackson RR5 electric guitar - the machine gun is the custom part." He said that last line with a grin.

OOC: Sorry about the quality of the writing dropping so drastically after the first couple paragraphs, but I had to rush to finish this thing!
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Back in the Mantean Encamoment, the temper of one soldier in particular was rising rapidly, Lord Luca Blight was angry at the sloppy defense on the encampment. "You Bloody Bastards, You let two of the pigs escape" He yelled in Fury at the Guard Captian Solon Jhee. "But my lord" Jhee managed to stutter " We were caught by suprise". Blight clicked his fingers and summoned two guards into the room, "Take this Dog out to the woods and tie him up, I shall attend to him later". Jhee grimaced at this new revelation and managed to whisper " To die on the battlefield with honour is one thing but this is the ultimate insult".

As Jhee was dragged out, Luca turned to his two Henchmen and told them to find a new guard captian, then he pullled himself out of his chair and walked into the woods to where Jhee was tied up. As Blight stared at him, Jhee stared back at his old superior and spat in his face. Blight wiped the saliva from his face then punched Jhee in his face. Blight then crouched on the ground and drew a summoning circle on the ground. Jhee paled because he knew what was going to happen, He had seen those who failed be ripped to peices by the dread wolves. Luca laughed then quite plainly said, " As you can see, We Blights do not tolerate failure to accomplish goals. Now DIE PIG". At those last two words dread wolves sprung out of the summoning circle and proceded to devour Jhees body and soul.
Blight laughed through the slaughter, A sick and manical laugh indeed, then proceded to unsummon the wolves. He returned to the camp with his rage vquenched and ordered his men to procede to fan out and find the pigs.
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[I]Raion Sits Peacefully In His Chambers Meditating, He Was Meditating On What His Father Use To Tell Him "The path of the Shinjiro clan is one of constant wandering, one of a constant call to duty. Chaos is everywhere, and so is Law. The Greater Balance must be constantly guarded against those who would seek to destroy it, even among the mortals and the lesser gods. But one thing must always remain close to your heart, Without honor there is no victory." When Out of Nowhere An Arrow Hits His Wall.. An Then Three Fly Over His Head... He Hears Loud Screeches of Death.. He Then Realized His Clan Was Under Attack By A Group of Deus's Minions[/I] "Lord Give Me Strength!" He Yells

[I]Raion Charges Outside Meeting One Of The Minions Face To Face, In A Burst of Anger Raion Lifts His Mighty Sword And Slashes Down Cutting The Minion Clean In Half. He Continues On Fighting Until There Is One Minion Left. The Last Minion Shoots An Arrow At Raion Hitting Him Straight In The Shoulder.. He Shrieks Out In Pain, He Then Runs Up To The Minion And Slashes Him From His Left Shoulder Down To His Right Hip. Raion Then Collapses To The Ground Unconcious[/I]
Hope This Is Ok I Have To Go If It Aint Ill Edit Later
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Vaxla was nearing Balkazaar, which she had finally been able to identify as the location of Resistance HQ. She didn't like working with other people, but she knew that she would need help to reach Deus Marich. She was possibly Marich's single most dangerous enemy, but not even she could do it by herself. Which was why she was headed towards Balkazaar.

Vaxla saw the Mantaean encampment before anyone in it saw her. [i]Good thing it's night,[/i] she thought. Vaxla was more powerful when in the dark, and there were a few things she couldn't do in the light. Only in the dark could Vaxla fade out, effectively becomming invisible to normal vision. She did this and moved closer to the camp.

The man who appeared to be in charge unsummoned some dread wolves after setting them on one of his men. He ordered the rest of his troups to fan out and search for someone. [i]Bad move,[/i] Vaxla thought. [i]It's so much easier to get rid of people when I can pick them off one by one. Of course, it's easier to keep track of evryone when they're in a group, and that means there's less of a chance that I'll get shot. And I can definatly take all of them, especially since they don't even know that I'm here.[/i]

Vaxla moved quickly. She moved close to a pair of the men, killed them with blasts of dark energy, and took their guns. She dropped her invisibility in order to allow herself to focus fully on the fighting. The confusion caused by her sudden appearance allowed her to get several shots off before anyone could do anything.

Vaxla quickly prooved herself to be an excellent shot. She was running, spinning, rolling, and flipping all over the place while firing, and every shot was a hit. When she was done with the soldiers, she turned to their leader, who was busy drawing another summoning circle. Vaxla emptied her last few rounds into the circle, ruining the carefully drawn design.

"If you try to draw aother circle, you're dead," Vaxla told the man as she dropped the guns and drew her poles. "I may be out of ammo, but I am an Elementalist, and more than capable of killing you from a distance. You'll have to fight me without the aid of any summoned beasts."

"Which I am more than capable of," the man replied.

"We'll just have to see about that. Let's go."
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Blight drew his blade and entered into a ready stance while his opponent did the same. He checked her positioning and weapon and came to the conclusion that this girl was no novice to a weapon. He slid his foot to his right then leapt to his left where the girl was already waiting to fight. Blight wasn't impressed at this, It was a simple manouvere and easily beaten but there was more to him then summoning and tricks. He bought his sword in a rising slash then when it hit its highest point he altered the slash into a cross cut. His foe easily countered and delivered a short hit to his torso which did no damage whatsoever. Luca span around and bought his foot crashing heavily into the girls leg then bought his hilt up and smashed it into her chest. She fell backwards and rolled with the impact so that she would take less damage and be at less of a disadvatage. " Jhee was strong" He Whispered as he bought his blade to bear oncemore "He had a powerful soul". He had forgotten about the girl who had cast a powerful spell which slammed into his chest. He stumbled back under the pressure of such a blow then shook it off like a dog may shake off water.

OOC: I'm not planning on having my character die anytime soon so whoever loses should teleport away. Your turn Takuya.
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Some were in the Mantean Encamoment Justice sat in a chair and clinched a photo of of his brother in his hands.

" Damn the resistance they took my brothers life. They will take more lifes as this resistance continues."

Justice stood up from his chair and put the photo back in his jacket, he began to walk to find Lord Luca Blight . Justice walked to Lucas camp but to his surprise he was no were around the area. Quickly Justice asked some the soliders were Luca could be.

" We don't know commander Justice." answered a soilder, Justice looked up for a moment to gather his thoughts.

" Tell Luca I'm leaving at the crack of dawn , I have to sort out some business." said Justice.

" Commander do you need troops to accompany you."

" Maybe four men, have them meet me at the north gate." Justice began to walk to his camp to gather his gear. He took out the photo of his dead brother and looked at the ground.

" I must figuer out if I truly fight for the right side." said Justice
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Dues sat on his throne, nothing left to do. He had won the war and the battle. Empathy? No that was not what he felt at the moment. All that was left was to sit here and die. The most precious weapon in the world, Paragon, and he would never get to use it.

A young man burst through the door at a rather stout pace. He had long blue hair and wore little armour, his eyes were as blue as the clear salty ocean. He had a rather impressive demnonour about him and a rather sharp sword to boot.

" Ahh, Dias, how nice of you to knock." Said a half asleep Marich.

" A thousand times sorry milord, we have a slight problem. The guards could not stop the march of the rebelious faction sir. " Bowed a proud Dias.

" Hmmm? What should I care, are you not enought to stop them?" responded Marich.

" Understood sir. " He got up saluted Marich and walked abruptly towards the door.

Dias was the man for the job, a great fighter and smart. He would crush this rebel upbringing if he had to give his life. Pehaps if he won, he would kill marich also and take the paragon.

OOC: You can kill Dias, Just make sure he goes out fighting ^_^
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Vincent emerged from the building he had fallen into. His clothes were smeared with blood and tares from top to toes.

"I should really find Tanken and the rest.....but im in no condition to start finding them, i'll go to the head quarters and rest up." Vincent pondered. He had a short jog back to there, trying to avoid conflic at all costs.

He opened the cellar door with a creak.
"I'm back!.....oh" Vincent said, there was silence. The room was empty. Just some stale food left on the table and a cold draft remained in the room.
"Shit....they...they left without me. Im...the one that got left behind...." Vincent moaned, he was sort of used to this feeling now, loneliness, the main emotion of his upbringing. Vincent pulled up a chair and slumped down.

"They can't be dead....why didn't they wait for me!" Vincent shouted, he slammed his fist down on the table and pushed the food off. Being pissed off was Vincent?s speciality. He stood up and paced up and down the room, thinking about how he could get in contact with the others, without the Mantaean empire intercepting it, going outside Balkazaar was a no-no, just in case he got locked outside and they were still inside. But staying put was a bad idea.

"Im a mercenary, i follow my own path! I'll fight Marich myself, myway!" Vincent spoke, he packed supplies, changed his clothes, and went off in a huff.

He came to the gates of Balkazaar, it seemed it was at maximum security. Vincent approuched the gate guardian.
"Im very sorry sir, but no-one is allowed to enter or leave, we had a breakout last night due to mysterious forces" The guard said sympathetically. Vincent ignored him and tried to barge past.
"Sir...sir! i must warn you!" The guard shouted, he caught the attention of soldiers. They closed in on him.
"Go back to your house and let us deal with this!" One of the soldiers said, he pushed Vincent back. Vincent drew his sword and slashed the torso of the soldier. Immediately, others drew there weapons. Vincent thirsted everyone back using gravity
"Out of my way!" Vincent spat, he kicked the soldiers on the floor and walked up to the great doors. He consorted his energy into one single point of power.
"Fury thrust!!!!" He shouted, the great doors flung open with a sonic boom. The soldiers tried desperately to stop Vincent, but most were unsuccessful.
"When you get to hell, tell them Marich sent you!!" One of the soldiers shouted, he stabbed Vincent in the back.

"Bas.......stard!" Vincent said with little breath, he staggered out of the doors and the spell wore off, causing the doors to slam shut, permanently behind him.

Vincent clutched to his wound and staggered to some rocks, usually he would heal himself by now, but he had used up the remainder of his energy to get away. He slummed onto the rocks and the world began to fade away......he remembered that life on his own was tough, if only his friends were there....if only...

OOC: Could some peep please save Vincent, weather it be good person or bad
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OOC~ Okay, I?m backtracking a little bit from where the story is now to account for where my character was during most of the fighting?
[COLOR=GREEN]Several hours earlier- Terra sat against a wall near the entrance of the Resistance?s HQ. She watched, with a look of disconcertment, as other members started to slowly come through. [I]This is so boring[/I], she thought, gazing up at the ceiling, drumming her fingers on her forearm impatiently. ?Damn, when is this thing gonna start??

"Soon enough,? said a voice from beside her. Terra stood up with a start, holding a look of apprehension. It was Namia. Terra turned away from her, focusing her attention back on the ceiling.

?So, why hasn?t this meeting thing started yet?? Terra asked, without turning around, ?We waitin? for someone??

?As a matter of fact, yes,? Terra turned her head towards Namia, but kept her body facing the other way. ?Tanken, isn?t here yet.?

?Hmf, so that?s all.? Terra began to walk towards the entrance hall.

?Where do you think you?re going?? Namia stood there with a serious look on her face. Terra paused at these words, then whipped around to face her with a glare on her face.

?For a walk. It?s not like you guys need me here.? And with that, Terra walked out without waiting for a final word from Namia.

She couldn?t stand her preaching about how she should train her skills more or how she should learn to respect authority. The fact was, Terra had always had problems with authority. But just because she seemed to not respect authority on the surface, didn?t mean that she didn?t respect others like Namia in her own way. She respected the fact that Namia was older than her, and so, more skilled in her style of combat. She also felt a bit of a connection to her since they were two of the very few female fighters in the resistance.

As she walked though the city streets of Balkazaar, a soothing calm fell over her that had been missing in the stuffy headquarters. It was the calming silence of being alone. The cool evening air was just starting to set in as she reached the city?s outer gate. She walked across the clearing between the city and the surrounding forest and stopped at an unusually tall tree. [I]Seems like as good a place as any[/I], she thought to herself, and with that she jumped quickly from branch to branch until she reached the highest one that could still support her weight. From there, Terra could see all of Balkazaar. ?It all looks so calm,? she said quietly. She sat down on the branch and leaned up against the main trunk of the tree. She gazed at the city, slowly beginning to be illuminated in the coming darkness of night. Before she knew it, Terra had fallen asleep.

A swift wind shook the tree Terra was sleeping in. She awoke to the pitch black of night. ?I must of dozed off. I wonder how long I was out for,? she mumbled as she stretched. Just then, she noticed the city. Most of the buildings were dark and smoke was rising from select areas. ?Shit! How long [I]was[/I] I out for??

Not wasting any time, Terra quickly descended from her perch and made a dash towards the city. As she neared the city gates, she could see someone lying on the ground, injured. ?Vincent!? She skidded to a halt and quickly knelt down to examine him. [I]Good, he?s just unconscious[/I], she thought after noting that he was still breathing. But his condition wasn?t stable. Before she could treat his wounds, however, they needed to get to a safer location. ?Com?on, Vincent,? she said as she hoisted him onto her back, ?Let?s get you fixed up.? And with that she took off for the woods.

She stopped in a small clearing a good ways into the forest. Terra then carefully propped Vincent?s body up against a large bolder. She dressed his stab wound, then went to light a fire. As she got it lit, Vincent started to wake up. ?Good, you?re awake. Looks like you?re gonna be okay,? she said, getting up.

?Namia?? he said in a weak voice. Terra stopped, glaring at him.

?Do I look like Namia to you,? she said in an aggravated tone.

?No, too much attitude. Must be Terra.? Terra regained her composure. Smiling she continued to walk over to him.

?There, I knew your senses couldn?t be that out of wack from a little flesh wound,? she said with a smirk.

?Where are the others?? asked Vincent sitting up. Terra went quiet for a few minutes. Vincent began to get impatient, ?Well??

Terra stared into the dancing flames of the fire. ?I don?t know.?[/COLOR]
OOC~ Whoa! That one kind of ran pretty long. Sorry. I hope it?s not too crappy for you guys. Once again, sorry :sweat:
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[FONT=Times New Roman]Halthan, followed closely by Cairo, William, and Sabin, found Namia and a long-haired kid with a guitar strapped across his back, both supporting Tanken. They were about a quarter-mile away from the clearing.

"Oh, bloody 'ell, Namia, why'd you move 'im? He's sure to be worse off now."

Tanken seemed to wake up long enough to grunt out, "I'll be fine," before lapsing back into unconciousness.

Namia looked apologetic. "We had to. Some Mantean bastards found us. Thankfully, Jake here and a dark elementalist killed them off. There was a commander, though, so the dark elementalist told us to run while she held him off."

They gently lowered Tanken as Sabin approached. "Well," said the healer, "He's lucky the arrows aren't very deep, otherwise he'd be dead. I can heal him, but would you guys at least [i]try[/i] to avoid running through Mantean camps in the future?"

Tanken, now fully recovered, drew his swords. "That elementalist is still back there. We should help her out." All agreed, and they ran back to the clearing.


They arrived just in time to see the commander take a dark blast of energy full in the chest. He appeared unfazed, however, and readied himself to charge the elementalist.

Halthan donned his blade-gauntlets, and addressed the Mantean officer. "Oi! You!" The officer, surprised, turned to face him. "Lay off, ya wanker!"

The Mantean's eyes took in the fearsome entourage standing behind Halthan. Tanken, Namia, Jake, Sabin, Cairo, and William all had weapons trained on the officer. He was intelligent, if nothing else, and sheathed his swords. "I know when I'm outgunned. But rest assured, Resistance scum. You haven't heard the last of Lord Luca Blight." With that, he teleported away.

The elementalist turned to them. "Thank you very much."

Halthun grinned. "No problem, luv. The name's Halthun Leiomure. I assume you've already met Tanken, Namia, and Jake. The healer's name is Sabin, and the other two blokes are Prince Cairo of Oxenol and William Collins. Care to enlighten us with your moniker?"

"I go by the name of Vaxla. I see you are with the Resistance. While I may not side with you, I, too, have a score to settle with Deus. Traveling with you will certainly further my means. May I accompany your group, if only for now?"

"Sure thing, luv. Follow us to camp."

OOC: If you think something else should happen, Takuya, just tell me.[/FONT]
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[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=2][B][FONT=Lucida Console]OOC: God my computer been all messed up lately

? Well now I guess we should go back to the town to regroup? said Sabin

?Are you ok?? asked Tanken

?I believe so, why?

? You?re the healer until you get un-ok we kill as much as possible, and we have a new comrade.? Said Namia

?Ok then it?s settled we find another Mantean camp?

?Not the best idea, and what is settled??? You people make my head hurt,? said Sabin

?Hmmm what an interesting group of People.? Said Vaxla.

--------------A little later------------------
? Well look at that perfectly small camp, lets trash it,? said an anxious William

?We should come up with a plan? said Tanken

The plan was simple (not to Sabin?s likening but that not important) Tanken ,Sabin, and Jake attack the front charging at full speed, a distraction. Halthan and Namia attack from the left. Cairo from the right, and Vaxla from behind to cut of the retreat.

Tanken and Jake ran at front making as much noise as humanly (not always the case) possible. Sabin In the rear casting Bless on all their weapons and armor. A wave of Mantean troops came. They were out numbered 9 to one, for the moment. Each with one swing of their blessed swords killed about 10 people each.

? Damn this is a good spell,? said Tanken stabbing a random person in the stomach.

Meanwhile as Halthan started to hack away at Mantean soldiers, Namia burned the tents that stored people/weapons/armor/food ect..Then she joined in of the slaughter. If only things had gone so well with the other sides of the plan. Cairo was stabbed in the arm and shoulder on the left side and the troops ran by Vaxla in what seemed like hundreds. He couldn?t cast spells fast enough to kill them all. Sabin seeing this fled to the right to heal Cairo. He crushed the skulls of 4 differ3ent people on the way their.

[I] This is not good this encampment is to close to the city if we had let it go any longer it could have attack use and possibly drove us out, not a good ending for us[/I]

?Heal me damn it? said Cairo as He approached However as he did so he was shot in the back with a cross bow multiple times he fell to the floor every thing started to go black he could se his parents turning their backs to him he hade failed. No he felt a tingling felling all over then like he was set on fire. He wanted to scream but he couldn?t please god let this attack work?this was the last thing he thought before darkness.

OOC: I don?t want him to be dead so ?yeah but it is possible he could be shot and he dose have low hit points
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Purple]OOC: Geez you guys post so much! AIYA! I won't be able to keep up! At least Namia is now firmly planted in the story, thanks for that! Would that be, by any chance, of her looks? :P This post is events before Oliver Whip's post.

Namia sighed as she sat down on a bough of tree. Tanken was in one of the hastily made tents, being healed by Sabin. Thank God they had a healer otherwise they'd be in a whole heap of shit by now.

Then, a sudden thought struck her. [I]Terra![/I] How could have she forgotten!! She and Terra were the only female fighters in the Resistance, that was until Vaxla came along. Somehow, Namia had left her behind. She leapt out of the treee, holding her curved- bladed spear in her left hand as she ran swiftly to Halthan.

" Halthan, I'm going out to search for a Resistance member I left behind. If anyone asks, say I'm out training," she said quickly.
" Aye. Who would this member luv?" he asked, slightly interested.
" Terra, one of the few female Resistance fighters. No time for chit-chat. I'm off."
With a flick of her black furred tail, Namia vanished into the forest.

[B]40 minutes later...[/B]

Namia leapt from tree branch to tree branch, looking for her lost companion.
" Namia you fool! How could you do something like that to her! You idiot!" she scolded herself.

A heavy movement caught Namia's attention as her ears swivelled around to see which way the sound came from. Now, moving very steathily through the trees, she saw a person trudging along in the undergrowth, with another slung over their shoulders.

" Vincent! What the hell did you do to yourself? Men! Always wanting to be the hero!"a female voice raged in disgust. Only one person could have that type of attitude.

Namia leapt down from the trees and walked up to the woman from behind. " Terra!"

The woman whipped around to see Namia stand there with her spear in her left hand. " Namia!" Terra said exasperated. " Where the hell have you been!?! Why the hell did you leave me behind?!?!"

" That wasn't all my doing. Ask Tanken when we get to camp. It was more him than I that left you behind," Namia explained, feeling rather guilty but she wiped that emotion aside. " Come on, lets get Vincent to camp. Poor guy, left behind again! Tanken should know better!"

[B]20 minutes later...[/B]

Namia and Terra had dragged Vincent into the Resistance camp. They hoisted Vincent onto a bed in the healing tent. Namia saw that Tanken was still laying there with his wounds in his back.
" He should really think where he needs to go next time! Ah well....at least we know where it is. Stupid boy!"

Terra and Namia walked back outside and left Sabin to do his job. Namia lent on her spear, her tail flicking from side to side as she looked in the direction of their enemy's camp.

OOC: Sorry its not much but its the best I can do with the info given me so far.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]OOC: Okay this is after what amgoddess just wrote, and starting where OliverWhip left off.

IC: [i]'Mom!! Dad!!...Wait don't go!!...Come Back!! Come Back!!'[/i] Cairo screamed as he watched his parents go into the throne room of their castle, [i]'It-It's him!! DAD...MOM WATCH OUT!!'[/i] but it was too late, Deus had already stabbed the king, and Mantaean soldiers were already pursuing the queen... Cairo felt weak, with all his training and expertise, all he could do was watch, then Deus pointed the Paragon at him, and with a sick and twisted smirk on his face, he said,

[i]'You're next!!'[/i]

"Not if I get you first!!" The prince yelled as he awoke in a cold sweat,

"Cairo! Cairo!, it's was a dream, it was just a dream," Namia said as she ran in and tried to comfort the unstable prince.

"A dream?...but it felt so real..."

"It must be the side-effcts from the spell that Sabin used on you."

"Sabin...oh shit! The fight, gotta get back!!"

"Calm down, it's all taken care of. When you ran to Sabin and got shot, he became furious and fired off three Holy Bolt's...didn't know he had it in him, it was pretty amazing."

"Wow...sounds intense."

"It was, when the smoke cleared all of the soldiers were dead. William and Tanken came and picked up your body and we all got to HQ as quickly as we could. Good thing this place didn't completely get hit by the fire, cause if it did, we'd probably still be runnin into soldiers.

"Look at who's finally awake," William said as he walked into the room, "it's about time princess."

"Ha, ha, very funny" Cairo said sarcastically.

"Better get dressed, we've got a meeting in a few minutes"
=================20 Min.Later===========================

"Since Deus surprised us and made the first move, we've got to come up with a better plan. Any suggestions?" Jadou asked as some of the other members raised their hands.

"We could rush at them head on, killing anyone who comes in our path!" Meteo said proudly.

"Sorry Meteo, but that would result in killing more resistance members."

"Well how's about some of us sneak into the fortress, then once we get inside, we take out the fortress' surveillance and outside defenses, when that's done, someone could signal everyone and attack altogether. That way, they won't know what hit'em." Cairo suggested as the group disscused it among themselves, "It was the same tactic my father used against the Iconians, so I figured we could maybe try it."

"Excellent idea Cairo, but the only problem is that we still don't have enough members here who are 'great' fighters."

"Then we'll need some help then." Meteo chimed in, "My clan would be more than proud to participate in the fall of Deus, and to bring the Paragon back to it's rightful place."

"My clan too!" said a battered Rhian as he stumbled into the room.

"Then it's settled, we move out in two days."
OOC: Hope this is good enough, tried to get DemonicElf's character in too.[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Beathing hard, Namia whirled her spear around in her hands. She was training in a clearing near the camp.

Cairo was very fortunate that he wasn't killed in the battle earlier. Luckily Sabin didn't go all out otherwise there would have been nothing left.

Namia's curve-balded spear hit the ground as she finished. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she looked up and saw Tanken was watching her. Anger crept into her mind. She marched over to Tanken who had a small smile on his face.

" How long have you been watching?!" Namia demanded to know. Tanken's expression soon turned to one of surprise. He stepped back a pace.
" N-n-not long," he manage to stutter out. Namia stood there with her hand on her hips, tapping her foot. Her tail swished behind her angrily.
" I'll...just leave you to it then..." Tanken stammered, a stupid smile on his face. Namia's eyes narrowed.
" Right..." Namia replied, glaring at him.

Turning on her heel, Namia sought another training spot deeper in the forest with more cover. She had clad herself in some leather garments. They weren't much protection but they stopped arrows from piercing her skin and they were very easy to move in. Laying her spear on the ground, Namia practiced her flips and contortion techniques, just in case her spear would be broken again.

[B]An hour later...[/B]

Namia walked back into camp, gathered a towel and brush and walked down to the stream. Even though she was half-cat, Namia liked the water for it was cool and soothing after a long training session. Slowly, she removed her garments of clothing and cast them in a clump of reeds, making sure they were well hidden. Wading in until neck-height, Namia stood and let the strong current wash all her tiredness and sweat away.

OOC: lol. this might be intersting for anyone that wants to accidently see her or something. Lol. Might make a bit of comedy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Blight reappeared in the great hall of the citadel of the Emperor, filled with fury and hate at the rebellion and himself for having to flee from those scum. He spun around to face empty air then roared " Yuber my shadow, Come out here now" Immediatly a dark shadow grew in front of him which transformed itself into a male knight in black armour of an intermediate age. "Yes Rune bearer" , The Black Knight said then dipped into a mocking bow. "Enough of your foolishness shade" Luca barked angrily at the conjuration which mocked him so " I have a task for you and it must be done correctly". Yuber closed his eyes angrily necause although he was a creature of darkness he had a soul born of chaos. "In the Resistance there is a strong elementalist of darkness that must be removed of if we are to succeed" Blight explained to the shade the nsent him n his mission"

OOC: I'm just introducing this character for a short while as well as others though I'll tell you what they look like when I introduce them. He is no pushover so don't have him killed easily. He looks like this [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/y/yuber04.gif[/IMG] .
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Dais stood alone in a room a pure white. All his fealings and emotions were slowley moving away. All that was on his mind was the mission at hand. We put on his sword at first, then his cape, next came his armour. Very little armour. It showed his confidence. He knew he was a better fighter than most, not all, but most people would fall under his blade. However, this would not be a one on one fight. He wold need the Suki.

Dias strode into the room where the four suki were kept. His head high. He knew that if he was even a small bit afraid of thier power, he would be killed. He could not take all four of them at once. Perhaps two, noone besides Marich had taken four at once.

" Alright, time to play. Grab your weapons, work is to be done." shouted a proud Dias.

OOC: IM sorry but I need help here. You can kill them, Ill only send em at you one at a time. Pics below.

Dias: [url]http://www.ammosart.com/games/dias.jpg[/url]
Citan : [url]http://calypso.spaceports.com/~liri/citan.jpg[/url] ( saved for last )
Menkido: [url]http://playfusion.free.fr/tests/breath/garr.gif[/url] ( brute )
Shipko : [url]http://www.xevil.com/xevil/artwork/ninja.jpg[/url] ( ill send her first )
Rico : [url]http://tsutsuji.hp.infoseek.co.jp/illustration/rico.jpg[/url] ( caster with a kick )

got to jet have fun
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OOC: Oh so now I'M the pervert here!? T_T hehe that's fine. I think I'll do it. It fits me anyway.

Tanken sat in his tent, somewhat uneasy. He was nervous about the conquests that lie ahead, but more immediately...


He dispelled the thought from his mind. Knights of the Crescent Order were not to be engaged in any sort of love. Namia was angry at him, and he took a small comfort in knowing this.


But he didn't know why... he didn't know why he wanted Namia to think he was brave, smart, and suave. He didn't recognize the feeling that he had right now. It seemed foreign... distant somehow. He knew that the best way to resolve this is to talk to Namia herself.

This seemed right.
Tanken walked to the place he had seen her practice, and she wasn't there, but she left a trail that led to the forest. He followed tracks, and he eventually came to a stream. He knelt over to look inside it, and he reached in, feeling the cold wetness of the water. He stood, and walked through some reeds. He stepped on something that didn't seem organic. He picked it up, and he was instantly embarassed.

[i]Holy SHIT! This is Namia's...[/i] He held up a small clothy object. His eyes widened as he rediscovered something about women he had previously forgotten.

He heard the splashing of water, and heard Namia sigh in relief. He turned and saw Namia. She was naked.

"Oh... shit...." Tanken breathed. Namia looked at him, her eyes wide as dinner plates. Her eyes traveled from Tanken to what he was holding in his hands, and down to her body. She blushed intensely despite the cold.

"Tanken...." she said, her voice quivering in rage.

"Ummm... I'm guessing this is a bad time..." Tanken said, turning red. He dropped the panties and ran.

He didn't stop, knowing that Namia would not stop to put clothes on tho kill him, and if he let down for a second... He felt a prick under his chin.

"Tanken... I am GOING to KILL YOU!" Namia said, her eyes turning blood red...
OOC: Now namia should continue... please dont kill me! ^_^'
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