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Surprising Performances


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This is a really quick post because I've got stuff to do, but what actors have surprised you? What performances have you been really impressed by, but didn't expect much going in?

One surprising actor for me is Matt Damon, actually. He was fantastic in Good Will Hunting, but I never noticed his comedic timing until I saw Dogma, Stuck On You, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I never considered him to be a humorous actor up until that point, but I was very surprised and impressed by how well he handles the funnies.
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[color=darkslateblue] Definately Edward Norton. I first watched him in Fight Club, and I wasn't expecting much. Basically, this was me: Edward Norton? Who's Edward Norton? I've never heard of him in my entire life. That's it. He probably sucks.


Edward Norton is one of my favorite top actors, because he's f-ing brilliant when it comes to acting. One of the main reasons I adore Fight Club is because of Edward Norton's acting. Then I watched American History X, and GAH. He's amazing. I love him. Why hasn't he won an Oscar?[/color]
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[SIZE=1]I have to admit that Guy Pearce takes the prize for me, like maladjusted with Norton I had never heard of him and didn't really expect much. But then when I saw his performance in [b]The Count of Monte Cristo[/b] I knew right away that he was the real deal. After that I saw him [B]L.A Confidential[/B] and again he really did surprise me with his performance [and the fact that he pulled off that flawless accent when he is in fact Australian]. I just think he's simply an amazing actor and is well deserving of any praise he gets for his work, he blows many other "Top Level" actors well out of the water. [/SIZE]
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[quote name='Kane][SIZE=1]I have to admit that Guy Pearce takes the prize for me, like maladjusted with Norton I had never heard of him and didn't really expect much. But then when I saw his performance in [b]The Count of Monte Cristo[/b] I knew right away that he was the real deal. After that I saw him [B]L.A Confidential[/B] and again he really did surprise me with his performance [and the fact that he pulled off that flawless accent when he is in fact Australian']. I just think he's simply an amazing actor and is well deserving of any praise he gets for his work, he blows many other "Top Level" actors well out of the water. [/SIZE][/quote]

[size=1]You should really watch [u]Memento[/u], that is by far his most amazing performance in my oppinion.

A surprising performance in my oppinion is Björk in [u]Dancer in the Dark[/u]. I already think she's an amazing singer, but I thought maybe she'd be too quirky for film so I didn't have high expectations. The director himself said he'd never work with her again. It was well worth it, but she threw too many tantrims and although the movie was excellent he doubted he could deal with that again. In an interview she claimed that she didn't take acting seriously and half-assed it, but she could never do that with her music. I find that interesting because she really owned the screen with her performance in [u]Dancer in the Dark[/u].[/size]
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[color=#404142]I agree with Alex. Matt Damon is one amazing actor, and he really surprised me with his performances. He can form any character thrown at him. I first saw Damon in [u]Courage Under Fire[/u], starring Meg Ryan and Denzel Washington. His character was fascinating, and I feel that Damon was made for that part. He had to endure a load of physical stress to fit into his character. It was so bad for him, I heard the producers had to keep a doctor on set to monitor Damon's health. Talk about being the character, hm?

But I believe, the most surprising performance will lie within a little girl. Her performance in every single movie she's starred in is just stunning, and at her very young age. I'm talking about Dakota Fanning. She's starred in several movies, and is such a mature actress. She played Mel Gibson's youngest child in [u]The Patriot[/u], the child who wouldn't talk. She played Sean Pen's daughter in the beautiful movie [u]I am Sam[/u]. She's casted with the most famous of actors, and she is remarkable in every performance. I've never seen another actor melt into their characters as Dakota does. And everyone made a big deal over the kid from the [u]Sixth Sense[/u], pft. He's got nothing on Dakota. Don't get me wrong, he's a great actor; but Dakota so pwns him.[/color]
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[SIZE=-3]I remember hearing Johnny Knoxville was going to star in [B]Walking Tall[/B] (A pretty decent movie), and thinking that Mr.Jack*** himself would comepletely bring down the movie as whole. To my surprise, he can indeed play a serious role when need-be, and still crack some funny jokes. And of course, he made it through the movie without being propelled off a ramp in a diaper, sitting on in a shopping cart. So that's definitely a move forward. :D[/SIZE]
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An actor who continually surprises me with his range and sheer acting talent is Mark Wahlberg. He first amazed me in Boogie Nights and then made me adore him in the amazing film I Heart Huckabees. He's one of the better, if not the best, model (and rapper) turned actor out there.

[quote name='Morpheus']but expected little from Zoolander. Male models seemed so stupid.[/quote]

Well...wasn't that the point of the movie?
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[color=#B0251E]I think one actress who really surprised me was Uma Thurman. In pretty much everything non-Tarantino, I've never liked her. I've always thought she was a pretty lousy actress (probably a female version of Keanu Reeves, lol).

But in Tarantino films she never ceases to be amazing. I'm not sure what the difference is; perhaps the characters just suit her better, or maybe Tarantino pushes her harder, or something. Either way, it's positive.

She was brilliant in Pulp Fiction and she was [i]amazing[/i] in Kill Bill. She made that film. It just wouldn't be the same without her. So that was really refreshing for me, personally. It was nice to see her at her very best, when I feel I'd so frequently seen her at her worst.[/color]
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[quote name='Morpheus']Ben Stiller- I liked him a lot in meet the parents, but expected little from Zoolander. Male models seemed so stupid. Then I watched and was in awe. I still think it is his best performance.[/quote]

Zoolander is a painfully underrated film. It's one of my favorite comedies. Stiller and Wilson are both great in it, although I think Wilson is pretty much great in everything.
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[b]I think, by far, the performance that most surprised me was that of Mark Wahlburg's in the Band of Brothers series.[/b]

[b]I have to admit, I entirely cringed during the opening credits when his name came up on screen, but after watching a few episodes, I had to applaud his performance wholeheartedly, and by the end of the series, he was a whole new person in my eyes.[/b]

[b]I mean, who would have thought that "Markie Mark" could so wonderfully portray a soldier in the middle of the biggest military invasion of the 20th century?[/b]

[b]Surprised... yes... to the point of an absolute attitude adjustment toward the guy...[/b]
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[quote name='Generic NPC #3']Zoolander is a painfully underrated film. It's one of my favorite comedies. Stiller and Wilson are both great in it, although I think Wilson is pretty much great in everything.[/quote]

I'd have to agree with you there. Most people don't appreciate Zoolander's comedy, I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for my dad.

But even in Meet the Fockers, Wilson had such a small part in this sequel, and yet made possibly the only funny scene in my opinion, with those pipes.

Matt Damon is one of my favourite actors, but I'm going to have to go with John Candy (He never ceased to make me life. Rest in peace.), or Bill Murray. I've never really appreciated Bill Murray until I watched Groundhog Day, and then watched The Life Aquatic of Steve Zuccini. (I fell asleep in that film after a 22 hour coach trip from Italy, however the parts I did see were hilarious.) I just find Billy Murray's style entrancing.
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