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Band Names


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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Oi. Ya, well, me and two of my friends just started a band recently cause we're gonna play Smells Like Teen Spirit in our school talent show, (winner gets 500 bucks!) and we're still kinda in limbo over what our band name should be. Right now we're called Juvenilia, which I came up with. It's actually a real word, and by definition it's a piece of artwork, generally literature, done by an author who is at a young age. I thought it worked well since the whole band is like, 14, but my drummer doesn't really like it. So, if anybody could help it would be very appreciated. If you can, just tell me some band names that aren't already take, that you think are cool. (By the way, we're a punk/metal band, not really sure yet since we've only made one of our own songs together, which was death metal.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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When I was younger I always wanted to use the name "Urban Decay". Of course, now that's some sort of make-up line, so who knows if anyone wants to use it.

My only other suggestion is one I'm using for a project I'm working on... assuming it ever gets released lol. I guess I can't mention it here, I don't want it taken :D
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[size=1]I'm lead vocals + guitar in our band 'Asphyxia', and so far, we've done mostly covers of Muse, then some Incubus/Franz Ferdinand/Coldplay on the side. I've rejected three record deals so far this year, but just for vocals. After having one before, ehh... it's just for the fun of being in a band. Studios are no fun when you're just doing vocals. =x

But yeah, our band - everyone's 14 too, besides our drummer who's 17. I'm arranging the entire school talent show [being president and all], and our band along with two others are 'headlining'. No award, though. We just felt it was a bit mean to say 'oh, this person sings better than you' blahblah.

I like your band name. :)

And Tony - always ahead of trends, eh? =P[/size]
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I used to want to start a band. I got a guitar when I was 11 and tried to take lessons but my hands were so small I couldn't play it right, (and I was missing new episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! and I am very lazy).

There are teo names I have always thought would be cool for a metal band. The first is Dark Plague, and the second is Static Radiation.
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[COLOR=DarkRed]I'm currently in a band also, we named it 'Stickmans Revenge' all because of a strange doodle my friend did, bored, in his French class. Ofcourse, the doodle was of a stickman with a knife and a broken bottle in each of his hands. He was a rather chunky stickman aswell.

We're still thinking of better names, but SR has kind of stuck. I play Guitar, and I'm the vocals. We play mainly System of a Down, Iron Maiden, Alkaline Trio, that type of stuff. There is only 3 of us, me with Vocals/Guitar, James on Bass, and Sean on Drums.

Oh, and I thought of an okay name for a band: Black Bird. Oh well I thought it was ok. Or maybe even Jack Obsession[/rip off Janes Addiction][/COLOR]
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[b]Did your drummer throw out any suggestions after rejecting yours?[/b]

[b]I'm having a hard time coming up with a name for my own band, so I'm not sure if I can help.[/b]

[b]I think it would be easier to name your band if you knew for certain what kind of music you'll be playing. (ie: "Mutiny" plays pirate-style Celtic punk)[/b]

[b]And it depends-- Do you want a humorous name or a serious one?[/b]
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[QUOTE=The Drizzle][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkGreen]A thing that you could do for a name is take a deck of magic cards and pick some random one and if you like the name, then go with it. They have some pretty creative names in those.

just an idea, though[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Ha, yeah, like "The Mistform Drakes" or "Thragnor the Destroyer" lol.
There actually are some unique names in those cards, but are you sure that wouldn't be infringing any copy rights or something?[/COLOR]
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[size=1]This sounds fun. Meh, my two friends and I were going to start a band, or at least a singing group. We are still throwing around names, and now one of my friends wants to actually play an instrument. We still don't have an official name, and we are constantly changing it as soon as we get it.

You could always try something simple, like [b]CHangeling[/b]. Meh. I am totally out of creative streak right now.[/size]
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