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The Traveling-glass [PG-VLS]


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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima glanced over at Loki with concern written all over her face. She wanted to go over to him and help but didn't have the nerve too. Instead she said from afar,"Loki, are you okay?"
He nodded with much frustration but didn't say anything. He slowly stood like he was carring weights on his back. Salima watched him hoping he would be fine and he seem so. She didn't try to get up though. She sat down on the ground her legs crossed and her eyes closed. She was trying to store up some more power from the great lost. Flames engulfed her and teased at her hair while the rest of the party continued to fight. From time to time the creatures came at her but turned to ashes instantly for trying to break her fire barrier.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Loki stood up. He had never felt this tired before. "Damn"

"Don't worry you will get used to it" Ayumu slashed all of the orcs that got close to Loki.

Loki drew his sword and could barely hold it up. "This will help my endurance" He swung his sword down letting the weight of it cut through the orc. He slowly felt his strenght coming back but slowly. "This sucks" He walked over to Salime, the fire passing around his sclae s not hurting him the least. "Umm I'm not sure if I told you this but I think your hot. Okay I got that out of my system"
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]?I can fight without killing,? Neiro muttered. He looked around the barren landscape. There weren?t really any plants he could use. ?Looks like I?m stuck using seeds,? he sighed.

Neiro reached into his pocket and took out one large seed. He set it gently on the ground and stood back. ?Heed my voice and subdue these violent strangers with poison of stillness.?

The seed burst open in a flash of green light and tiny, delicate tendrils sprouted forth. Each one was coated in tiny thorns. They ran along the ground until they drew near an orc. Then, the tendrils ran up their legs and coiled around them. A few orcs jumped away before the tendrils could reach them but most came in contact with those thorns. Even if they shook the tiny vines off them, it was too late. Soon, orcs were dropping to the ground.

?I thought you said you didn?t like killing things,? Kenzai said, stepping back as the orc he was fighting fell.

Neiro frowned. ?They aren?t dead, only paralyzed. They?ll be able to move again tomorrow.? [/COLOR][/FONT]
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Ayumu watched an orc jump out of the way, then charge him,"Not today." Ayumu yelled as he grabbed the orcs neck, and lifted him off of the ground.

"Stop, there is no need to kill him. I am sure that there is a reason they were attacking us, we just need to find out what it was." Neiro said, trying to calm Ayumu down.

"To late, kid. All you did was pause him." Loki said turning to them.

"What do you mean? The orc isn't dead yet." Neiro said looking back at Loki.

"You disgust me." Ayumu sputtered as he drove the orc inot the ground, crushing its head. He stood back up slowly and changed back into his normal self.

"That was uncalled for. You had no right killing it. What if the boot was on the other foot." Gale said, walking up to Ayumu.

"Then, then I wish for it to do the same thing. If they are stupid enough to attack me, then they are not smart enough to live. I only kill what tries to kill me." Ayumu said as he began to walk away.
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Edgar grinned at Niero, and then slightly bowed her head in respect. [B]?It would seem I underestimated you. It?s just that I?ve killed for so long, other ways of dealing with opponents are foreign to my perspective. I apologize,? [/B] she said before turning away and closing her eyes to concentrate. [I]?I would have still preferred to eliminate this particular threat by violence though,?[/I] she thought.

[B]?I?m having trouble with my senses in this place?I cannot read anything from our immediate surroundings as to a probable route to take if we want to learn anything.?[/B]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima had to stay focus and trying her best to ignore Loki but a smile crept upon her face at his sudden comment. Then when she heard Neiro said don't kill them she wanted to exploded. But she didn't. She stayed really calm until she was done regain her lost strength. After a few more minutes of generating the flames subsided and she stood quickly and walked over to Neiro.

"What do you mean don't kill them?! You rather it be us then them?! You really need to work the math kid,"Salima shouted at him with a feiry of burning rage in her eyes.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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"I say next time when we are attacked let him do all the owrk. He never does anything except stand there and cause trouble." Lokis scratched his head as he went through the proccess all over agin with every gem. He began to wobble then fell back down onto one knee unable to walk. "Damn this sucks. At least it is getting easier and easier each time" He saw Salime out of the corner of his eye the mumbled to himself. "Get over her Loki, she doesn't like you. No one does they all hate you for what you have done"
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]Neiro didn?t exactly like the way they were talking about him but it wasn?t as if he could do anything about it. ?If I don?t like to kill stuff why should I have to?? he muttered, sitting down on the ground. He was tired, but he didn?t dare admit it. He wasn?t about to be labeled weak on top of naïve. Since the others seemed to be taking a breather as well, he figured no one would notice.

Beside him were the tendrils Neiro had grown to stop the orcs. Some of them were still attached to their prey, but a few had returned to the core of the plant. Neiro took one of the tendrils and began to absentmindedly run it through his fingers. It coiled and wove in between his fingers as he watched the others.

Neiro noticed that Loki was acting strange. He wondered at Loki?s frequent glances at Salmina, but decided it must be nothing.

?Should you really be touching that?? Kenzai asked, referring to the poisonous vine in Neiro?s hands.

?It won?t hurt me,? Neiro replied, glancing down at the green lattice the tendril had woven on his hand. ?I grew it, so it obeys me and I am immune to it. That?s part of my power.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima quickly walked over to Loki and knelt down next to him. She put a concerned hand on his back and offer to help him.
"Are you okay? It seems you are a bit tried and weaken,"Salima said helping him up.

"Nah, I'm fine that's all,"Loki said grinning at her with an reassuring smile.

"If you say so."[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Ayumu watched the vine then turned back around to look at the area,"So Neiro, what do you have planed in this world? What is your purpose for bringing us here?" He asked, slowly turning to the guy.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I have no idea of why the glass brought any of us here." he said, a little anger in his eyes.

"Right. In any case, it may be a good idea to get away from the orcs before the poison wears off. I have a feeling that they will be even angrier after they wake." Ayumu said walking over to Loki.

"And as for you, I would chill. The quicker you take spirits on, the faster they will fight amongst themselves. And after that, they turn on their user. Which means, you take any more in within the hour, your spirit may not be able to survive." He watched Loki's expression as they stood and looked at each other.
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Edgar just walked a few paces away. Something still felt very off to her, but familiar at the same time. Moving to a higher location (by about a half a foot), she looked around as far as possible at the moment. She wasn't positive...no, it couldn't be. A dark look crossed her face for a while, the dark elf was concentrating so hard not wanting to believe what her senses were telling her.

It wasn't long before her ear caught the sound of hurried whispering, the group wanting to know what was up with the demeanor. [B]"I might know where we are, or at least relatively close enough to it. But it isn't possible."[/B]

[B]"What are you getting at?"[/B] the knight asked sounding a bit tired.

[B]"This place, reminds me of the land at one of the borders of my kingdom?But this is a wasteland, and where I am thinking of?the inhabitants were prosperous."[/B]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Neiro leapt to his feet. ?You know where we are??

Edgar gave him a cold glare, as if to say ?settle down.?

?I mean,? Neiro began, a little more calmly, ?if you know where we are, maybe we can figure out how to get back even without the Traveling-glass. Or maybe we can find out why it brought us here.?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Loki saw a figure in the distance. It wore a red crimson cape around him. He held a large dia katanna nad the same armor as himslef. "Uhh, that can't be right" Loki shook his head at what he was seeing. It couldn't be but it was. It was himself, he had destoryed her homeland, which meant they would get out of here eventually but he would kill all over again. The cape also had a snother symbol on it. Loki looked at Ayumu who just stared."What does that mean"

"That is the symbol for the master harmonizer, the strongest one in the world. I refuse to believe this"

Loki saw the elf out of the corner of his eye. "Hey don't look at me, I have no intention of going back to killing again"
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[B]"Well then tell that to your future self, maybe he didn't get the memo." [/B] Edgar only glanced at the present Loki before staring back at the one approaching them. The direction he traveled from? [B]"I presume it is relatively safe to say my home is no longer in existence...." [/B] she mumbled.

What was going on? One hand twitched slightly as she narrowed her eyes. There was still a chance that what they were seeing wasn't the entire story, maybe something else going on, but she was prepared for any outcome. The strange thing was, the distant figure didn't look suprised to see the group as far as she could tell.
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"So you have no intention huh? Something tells me that you are not alone Loki."Ayumu said as he scanned the horrizon and saw a crow land next to the future Loki.

"Ayumu, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Loki asked stepping up a step.

"Yeah, I got the same feeling. I was begining to wonder where I was." Ayumu clenched his finst and looked back at everyone else. He loooked back at the ntwo new figures and smiled.

"Hey, lets go say hello Loki." Ayumu said taking a step twards them.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Neiro looked at Loki and Ayumu.

?Does this mean that you teaching him how to harmonize helped him kill more people?? He frowned and turned away from them. ?Maybe you shouldn?t have taught him.?

But Neiro had to wonder? Where was the future HIM in all this? Was he back home in his forest village? Or was he?.

Neiro ran up onto Edgar?s little mound and gazed out at the approaching Future-Loki and Future-Ayumu. Behind them? not with them, but lagging behind them was a man dressed in an unmistakable shade of green.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[B]"Shall we go say hello then?" [/B] Edgara asked as she started to walk toward the three future guys, the others along side.

[B]"Hey Edgar," [/B] Neiro started hesitantly as if not sure if the question would be too rude. [B]"Where's the future you?"

"Where I'm from, we try to refrain from coming in contact with our future or past selves if it can be helped. [I]If[/I]-"[/B] She cast a sideways glance at the present Loki during the emphasis on 'if'. [B]"-there is a future me, she would know that as well." [/B]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]"So almost everyone gots a future them. Who cares? I say, lets go kick their butts and go,"Salima said frustrated with this little chat. All she wanted to do was get to present time instead of lagging around here in the future. But something had her puzzled. Where was the future her? Salima clenched her fist.

"I just want to go home,"she muttered to herself her eyes turning a firry red. Flames started to tease with her hair as they rouse from the surface of the ground. Her blades turned a bright crimson red that dazzled brightly. [I]'Why am I feeling such rage,'[/I]she thought her eyes turning dark by the minutes.

Everyone eyed her for a moment. Not because they were scared but because they were confused.

[I]'If this is the future then...then...then...they'll all dead. All of them are dead. My family! My friends! They are all dead,'[/I]Salima thought after a while. She hated the future. Hated it for the death it cause. For the heartache she was feeling. The person that kill her clan was...someone she really cared about...someone she trusted and yet he killed them all. [/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Loki stood his ground as his future self walked up. "Uhh...hi" Loki held out his hand and to his surprise the Future Loki shook it. "I guess you know who I am"

F. Loki nodded his head. "Name's Lokin, but we are the same people. You will need to change your name so you are able to enter villages without people trying to kill you for money."

Loki tilited his head. "Okay. One question. Why did you...I...we...you know what I mean. Did I kill everyone?"

Lokin shook his head. "No...of course not. I remember many years agoe when I was sent here and ran into my future self. See time is constatnly repreating itself. When you get back and the chain of events began to happen and the world looks like this. This meeting will happen again and agina for all eternity. We are the protectors now, trying to keep this new evil at bay but not to much avail." Lokin turned to Edgara as Loki scratched his head.

"I don't remember sounding that smart"

Lokin made a small bow. "Your homeland was destoryed by orcs, not by me or any of us. But do not worry much of the population is safe and we have began to take back the area. Elf magic is very strong and the land that has already been taken looks like normal. So do not worry, you will see your family." He then turned to Nerio. "I'm sure your other self can fill you in. Gale, you will have to wait till we get to the Stronghold to speak to yours as well as..." He turend to Salime, the flames covering her body. "Salime"

"Don't come near me monster"

"Such harsh words to someone who cares so much about you. Your clan is still alive as well" He held out a open hand and passed through her fire unharmed. "After being burned by it so many times, I have built an immunity to it" He put his hand under her chin and tilted her face up. "Still the same beautiful features"

Loki let out a growl then stopped when he realized who he was growling at. "Sorry, where is her clan and the future slef?"

Lokin smiled. "At the stronghold as well. Demons and humans along with elves are one big army, but it is still hard to fight a growing army. But know that you are here we can begin our victory march. The two Ayumu's can talk along the way"
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[B]"I suppose that settles things then," [/B] Edgara mumbled to herself more than anyone else. An invasion of Orcs wasn't surprising in the least; she had been an active part of discussions dealing with the matter of threat. First Officer of the Elite Shadow Squad wasn't a position held lightly. [I]'I warned them all, stupid counsel, but no. They were too busy worrying about our dear cousins to look at the front stoop?'[/I] she thought.

No doubt once at this Stronghold place, Edgar would have no choice but to speak with herself on a few matters?and of one matter in particular of Elvin importance.
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed][LEFT]Salima stared into Lokin's eyes for a few minutes then finally pulled herself away from him. The flames settle down as she heard his words of encouragment.

"You best pray that everyone in my clan is fine and no of them dead,"she growled slightly folding her arms across her chest.

"They are, I asure you,"Lokin said with a slight gracefully bow. She blushed but didn't let them see it. She pulled her hood over her face and walked away to a small lump of dirt and sat by herself. She put her legs under her and rested her hands on her legs with her head down. The others didn't payed much attention to her and just talked among themselves.

[I]'Mother....Father...after all these months without seeing you how will you act about seeing me now, even if you saw the future me,'[/I]she asked herself staring out at the horizon.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]Neiro felt a little bad for being so cold to Loki earlier. Loki had actually helped him out in all this and his future self was actually doing good things. He made up his mind to apologize later, but right now he had his own future self to talk to.

Although he wore the same shade of green and kept his hair in the same style, Future-Neiro didn?t look exactly the same. He was a few inches taller, more strongly built, and had a long scar running down his arm.

Future-Neiro frowned. ?I really did look like a kid back then.?

?Shut up?? Neiro muttered.

?And act like one?? Future-Neiro commented, a small smirk on his face.

Neiro glared at his older form. ?Why are you here? Why aren?t you back home in the village??

?I never went back,? Future-Neiro explained.

?Never? Why? Why wouldn?t I go home??

Future-Neiro smiled sadly. ?Don?t be such a kid. You already know the answer.?

It was true. There was nothing waiting for Neiro back in his hometown. His family was dead. His position as guardian of the Traveling-glass was pretty much useless now. Lastly, even though he had gotten revenge against the king, he didn?t think assassination would go over well with the other villagers. ?Yeah,? Neiro sighed, ?I know? but still? why would you stay in a place like this? It?s dead. Hardly anything is growing here. The orcs have ruined it.?

?That?s why I stay here,? Future-Neiro sighed. ?I want to help.?

?I guess that makes sense? but?? Neiro had one more question.

Future-Neiro frowned. ?I know what you?re thinking. It wasn?t so long ago that I thought the same thing. Yes, I?ve killed orcs. I?ve learned that I have to kill if I want to survive in this world or be of any help at all. The orcs aren?t going to show mercy just because I spare them. If you don?t realize that soon, you really are a child.?

Neiro opened his mouth as if he wanted to argue, but he closed it again. He looked away, out over the endless, desolate plain. ?Does it ever get easier? the killing??

?The act of killing is easier every time, but living with it? that only gets harder.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Lokin waved as they started walking the group all together on the look out for orcs when a huge fortress came into view. Loki scratched his head. "How many people live in this thing?"

Lokin smiled. "It covers two countries and has about two elf tribes, several human city popualtions, and three demon clans. All serve in the new Tri Alliance Army." A demon walked out of a nearby three stroy house. "And there is Salime"

Loki stood in awe, but managed to pull himself away. It may of been the future Salime but he liked the present one better.
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Gale stood in amazement, he still followed the group far behind, but he didn't wanted to get involved with future crap. He has seen too much black magic already. This future was too much. He saw as the future Salime stepped out. Gale didn't want to see himself..... Though he hoped he wasn't dead somewhere. He turned to Loki and the others.
"I'm going to look around...."
"Shouldn't we stay together?" asked Edgara.
"......No..." as Gale walked off into the fortress.
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