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Emo or Emu's??


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[QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][size=1]What do they do? They sit and whine and complain and piss everybody off, they threaten to cut themselves but they never follow through (And you believe me I wish they would some times), they're making themselves into freaks on purpose just for attention, I hate them so much it's incredible. Their music is **** (Who the **** cares how many times you cut yourself!), their lifestyle is ****, their a waste of skin. There are some people who genuinly have a right to be depressed, but they don't dress all in black and whine and complain and cut themselves, they suck it up and continue making Nike shoes or whatever it is they do.

I even go so far as to no longer consider emos people; they're figmants of their own imagination.[/size][/QUOTE]
[size=1]If by posting this you were trying to convince people on how narrow-minded and how truly unintelligible you are on what Emo is, don't worry. You've succeeded extremely well.[/size]

[quote=MirrIll][size=1]Emo isn't about girlfriends or cutting yourself.
It's not a fashion style.
It's a style of music.[/size][/quote]
[size=1]I agree with you 100%. I really like Emo and so do a lot of my friends, and yet you don't see me cutting myself. The same goes for my friends. Thanks.[/size]

[quote name='MirrIll][size=1']Besides that, how does wearing girl pants make someone gay? I wear girl pants, I'm not "emo", I'm not "gay", and I must say, they're a LOT more comfortable than any guy pants I've worn. They stretch (which is one of the best parts), and in my opinion they look much better than guy pants.[/size][/quote]
[size=1]I wear girl pants too, and not only do they look better on me they fit better. I was sick of searching for huge guy pants that were always bell-bottomed and looked like they were made for the gangster kids that wear ridiculously large pants. So, one day I went and bought myself a few pair of girl pants. I've gotten more, because they fit well.

Just because guys wear girl pants doesn't make them automatically gay. That just makes and shows the people who assume that the guys are gay extremely biased.

Not all "Emo's" are depressing and not all "Emo's" have a horrible mind-set on the world. They're just the select few that aren't fun and are lame.[/size]

[quote name='Amelia][size=1']Maybe they just prefer girl pants to boy pants? What's wrong with that? It's just pants[/size][/quote]
[size=1]Exactly. Thank you.[/size]
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[quote name='Lan][size=1']If by posting this you were trying to convince people on how narrow-minded and how truly unintelligible you are on what Emo is, don't worry. You've succeeded extremely well.[/size][/quote]

[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Interesting. See, here's the thing. I don't care about people who don't want to be labled, and I don't want to be lectured by somone about how emo's this and not that... because like I said, I don't care. I hate people who sit there all day and do nothing but complain about how their life sucks, in their little cliques, who give you that collective 'Whatryoulookingat' stare every time you walk by. In fact, the only thing I dislike more than an emo is somone who feels compelled to lecture me on the correct use of the word emo... since when did people have to be politically correct about a fad? I can see being politically correct about races and religious groups... but a fad? Come on, that's just plain stupid. [/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='Ziggy Stardust][size=1']I hate people who sit there all day and do nothing but complain about how their life sucks, in their little cliques, who give you that collective 'Whatryoulookingat' stare every time you walk by. In fact, the only thing I dislike more than an emo is somone who feels compelled to lecture me on the correct use of the word emo... since when did people have to be politically correct about a fad? I can see being politically correct about races and religious groups... but a fad? Come on, that's just plain stupid. [/size][/quote]

[size=1]See, what's more interesting is that you continue to be this biased person towards "Emo's." I don't like how you say "an emo" person either. We're people just like the prep guy or cheerleader. I'm sure you're in some fad too, whether it be metal, prep, jock, and so on. Frankly, I don't care what fad you're in. You've shown us all in this thread how narrow-minded you are towards any other "fad" or in this case, the way an emo kid dresses or what style of music is listened to.

Listen, I'm not calling anyone stupid here. Don't get me wrong, I just really don't like it when people discriminate towards an emo kid, and yet you know there are the "pot-heads" at school or the kids that love to play and shoot guns. I don't see anybody discrminating towards those kids, and yet you seem to only take it out on the "Emo's." I've heard plenty of people say, "Oh, he just smokes pot because his family is going through a hard time right now." C'mon. Does a tough time at home automatically mean you have to smoke pot? Try talking to someone about it. Usually helps a hell of a lot better then becoming addicted to marijuana.

Not all emo kids cut, or are depressing to socialize with, or give you "that collective 'Whatryoulookingat' stare every time you walk by" either. None of my friends are like that, nor am I. To tell you the truth, I think I can honestly tell you I'm a funny kid, if not a little sarcastic. That's just towards people that are being lame though. I'm very nice, unless I've already met you and don't like you. I like being happy and funny and have fun too. I'm not depressing around my friends, and no, I don't just have friends that are emo. I have plenty of friends that consider themselves prep, jock, metal, and somewhere in between. Even me, I don't feel I'm restricted to only wear what is typical for emo kids to wear. I wear American Eagle too, thanks.

I'm not trying to tell you what the "politically-correct" term really is. It's just that you've got this mind-set that says all emo kids are depressing, gay because they wear girl pants, or just tight clothes in general. Well, guess what. [b]Not all of us are like that.[/b][/size]
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[size=1]Seriously, people that cut themselves or cry for no reason need help. Being depressed is only annoying and it doesn't help anyone.

That aside, I have to mention that looking through this thread, I noticed that almost none of you have the same idea of what an emo is. This thread is close to going nowhere at all, in my humble opinion.

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[QUOTE=Lan][size=1]See, what's more interesting is that you continue to be this biased person towards "Emo's." I don't like how you say "an emo" person either. We're people just like the prep guy or cheerleader. I'm sure you're in some fad too, whether it be metal, prep, jock, and so on. Frankly, I don't care what fad you're in. You've shown us all in this thread how narrow-minded you are towards any other "fad" or in this case, the way an emo kid dresses or what style of music is listened to.

Listen, I'm not calling anyone stupid here. Don't get me wrong, I just really don't like it when people discriminate towards an emo kid, and yet you know there are the "pot-heads" at school or the kids that love to play and shoot guns. I don't see anybody discrminating towards those kids, and yet you seem to only take it out on the "Emo's." I've heard plenty of people say, "Oh, he just smokes pot because his family is going through a hard time right now." C'mon. Does a tough time at home automatically mean you have to smoke pot? Try talking to someone about it. Usually helps a hell of a lot better then becoming addicted to marijuana.

Not all emo kids cut, or are depressing to socialize with, or give you "that collective 'Whatryoulookingat' stare every time you walk by" either. None of my friends are like that, nor am I. To tell you the truth, I think I can honestly tell you I'm a funny kid, if not a little sarcastic. That's just towards people that are being lame though. I'm very nice, unless I've already met you and don't like you. I like being happy and funny and have fun too. I'm not depressing around my friends, and no, I don't just have friends that are emo. I have plenty of friends that consider themselves prep, jock, metal, and somewhere in between. Even me, I don't feel I'm restricted to only wear what is typical for emo kids to wear. I wear American Eagle too, thanks.

I'm not trying to tell you what the "politically-correct" term really is. It's just that you've got this mind-set that says all emo kids are depressing, gay because they wear girl pants, or just tight clothes in general. Well, guess what. [b]Not all of us are like that.[/b][/size][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna]
[FONT=Times New Roman]
What do you expect me to say? "Well, every emo I've ever met (And I have met many) is an annoying prick who cuts him/herself despite having no actual reason to, but I'm sure not all of them are like that"? No, no, it doesn't work that way. We're all products of our environment, which would make my 'narrowmindednes' the product of dozens of whiny-*** attention seeking pricks who generally call themselves emo.

And for the record, I hold equal dislikes for people who spend all their time baked on a sofa watching reruns of Jackass, but this isn't the 'Cracked out loser' thread, this is the emo thread, and thus we will talk about emos...

Oh, and I also don't belong to any fad, unless you consider 'doing everything in ones power to avoid being in a fad' a fad.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest D. Resurrected
ya why would someone perpeslly become sad and feel unwanted.I think its the fact that they are attention H**s.man wtf whats there problem.no effence but if your going to kill yourself go head and do it dont enoy use with your puthetic fad.realisticly there are very few emos.becouse there already dead. :mad:
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Guest amy_chan
wow what a hard core topic. where Im from we actually have emu's (im from australia) Im talking about the bird but this is the first time Ive heard about what a emo is. now I know
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