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Jubei Yagyou

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Yes metabolism can be a big factor in weight. It determines how fast your body burns off the energy it consumes. My dad and my sister both have high metabolisms like you and can eat whatever they want whenever they want without a flucuation in weight.

& I hope you're parents will get over their suspicions of you having anorexia..that must majorly suck.[/QUOTE]
Yea, I have a friend with a rediculous metabolism. The guy sits in his basement playing WoW until 3 O'clock, smokes dope in his room for an hour, and than goes to sleep for 4 hours. That is his schedual every single day, and he eats things all the time while he does it. And he weighs in at 105 pounds. He's not just skinny, he's [i]scrawny[/i]. It's actually kinda freaky, he does look annorexic but as far as I know he's not. And the strange thing is he's really strong and in shape despite the fact he's a total veg. Some people are just like that, I guess.

Or maybe it's the dope...

BTW, I don't like diets at all. Blech. I hate how diet companies take advantage of people's self-image. They flash a bunch of pictures of in-shape women and make people feel bad about their own image, so then the person goes and starves herself to reach some unattainable goal. 150 pounds is not overweight. 160 pounds is not overweight. They create a problem that's not there and take advantage of it. I refuse to be part of that.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna]
Or maybe it's the dope...
Most likely, it's both. Metabolism probably plays the biggest part, but stimulants do a very good job of keeping you sickingly thin. Of all the druggies I have ever met, not one of them could have possibly weighed more than me.
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[color=#b0000b][size=1]Anorexia nervosa isn't a crime, guys. It's an eating disorder. Your friends and parents aren't accusing you of anything; they're just concerned.

While most of you guys grew up hearing about Anorexia in conversation, in pop-culture, in jokes (ugh), and in health class, it really only came into the public eye in the early 1980's. Your parents didn't know what it was while they were growing up, and now?in a post-Karen Carpenter world with teen idols like Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins?they've got a kid who is super-skinny. As parents, they're [i]programmed[/i] to be concerned. Don't hate them for it. If it really bothers you, talk with them about it. [/color][/size]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Please don't mind me if I start to sound like an anorexic *****.
Because some days, I feel as though I'm on the verge.

I am 5'3" and weigh anywhere from 110 to 115 throughout the week.
For as long as I could remember, I was the teeny girl in my elementary school.Always the shortest, always the skinniest. That was almost always true in my first year in jr.high (7th grade).

Now, an incoming sophmore (10th grade) I am no where near being small or slim.
Most people say its just me that thinks I have excess fat, especially on my stomach, but how I see it,I look like I'm 2 months pregnant.

Some days I won't feel like eating. So I just won't.
Other times, I get the feeling where my stomach acids are eating away at me, but I like it.
When I am at work, I weigh myself constantly. (I've weighed myself 24 times in 10 hours. Which just goes to show how obsessed I am.)

And it probably doesn't help that my sister and my parents have called me "fat",but I'm not blaming them.
I just live in a house full of hypocrites.

Alright, I'm getting off topic. But the fact of the matter is,apparently, I am small.
But I don't think so.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Momiji Love][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]
I am 5'3" and weigh anywhere from 110 to 115 throughout the week.
For as long as I could remember, I was the teeny girl in my elementary school.Always the shortest, always the skinniest. That was almost always true in my first year in jr.high (7th grade).[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I am 5'7" (or whereabouts) and will be a sophomore this upcoming school year, and I have held 115 for about four months now. I usually don't excersize, but I'm not lazy either. I do work and help build my grandparents' house, and it helps that, since I was in our school's musical, that I didn't eat a whole lot during the day. I usually when I did eat it was junk, with the exception of breakfast and dinner. I hope to stay in 115, and if I go over I will start eating healthier. Heck, I should start eating healthier anyways. :animeshy:
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[COLOR=#004a6f]I'd say I am a healthy weight for my age and height, about 117 pounds, but I certainly need to execise to even out the fat build some muscle (my arms are way too skinny!). I'm really out of shape, and when I do execise, I have the highest heartrate of anyone I know.

I gained weight when I started univerisity, because I got less excercise and drank more coffee and tea, and being the sweet-tooth I am, I add too much sugar.

I do think I should lose a bit of weight though, just a few pounds, but I haven't had the initiative to excercise.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SeaGreen]Weight for me isn?t really a big deal. I?m very much on the tiny and scrawny side but I eat plenty so I?m not anorexic. I don?t even reach five feet and I?m only about eighty pounds. Hopefully I?ll at least get a little taller during my teenage years as it kind of sucks not being able to reach things on higher shelves.

I don?t eat much in the way of junk food so perhaps that?s part of why I?m so scrawny. That and I take my dog on an hour walk almost every single day. ^_^[/COLOR]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue]Weight has never been an issue for me, much less my body shape. I never actually paid attention (or even cared) about it until I took aerobics class during my freshmen year. I noticed how toned I became and now I'm more muscled then skin and bones. Shoot, I don't watch what I eat at all and I never will. I JUST LOVE FOOD!!! Well, I'll always exercise, which I do daily, considering the amount of physical activities I do! :animesmil[/color][/font]
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i have a gift. Or perhaps a disease. I don't know which.

Anyway, I do nothing. I sit in front of my computer all day, watch TV, and play video games. I hardly ever get out. The only activity I get is wrestling with my little brother all the time.

What do I eat? I eat crap. I mean, some of the things I eat may be healthy, but for the most part I just eat junkfood en masse.

So... I would think I'd be like huge or something... but actually I'm scrawny as all can be. I can overlap my fingers around my wrist and no part of me is more than 5 inches wide from the side. I mean, Im not supermodel skinny, and I have 0 build, but I'm still a scrawny lil brat.

I don't know why. But in any case, I've never given my weight a second thought. Don't even remember the last time I stepped on a scale.
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[QUOTE=Tical Blue]i have a gift. Or perhaps a disease. I don't know which.

Anyway, I do nothing. I sit in front of my computer all day, watch TV, and play video games. I hardly ever get out. The only activity I get is wrestling with my little brother all the time.

What do I eat? I eat crap. I mean, some of the things I eat may be healthy, but for the most part I just eat junkfood en masse.

So... I would think I'd be like huge or something... but actually I'm scrawny as all can be. I can overlap my fingers around my wrist and no part of me is more than 5 inches wide from the side. I mean, Im not supermodel skinny, and I have 0 build, but I'm still a scrawny lil brat.

I don't know why. But in any case, I've never given my weight a second thought. Don't even remember the last time I stepped on a scale.[/QUOTE]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]When you stop growing, and your metabolism hits the skids, man, [i]you are in a word of trouble[/i]. The thin geeks of today are the fat geeks of tomorrow.[/font][/color][/size]
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[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]When you stop growing, and your metabolism hits the skids, man, [i]you are in a word of trouble[/i]. The thin geeks of today are the fat geeks of tomorrow.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote]

that may be true, but things such as these are easily remedied by a little thing I like to call 'change'. I'll head your warning and alter my path - simple - I shall become a junkatarian (like a vegetarian, but with junkfood >_<)
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[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]The thin geeks of today are the fat geeks of tomorrow.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote]

[size=1][color=slategray]That's what I'm expecting, anyway.

But you know what's great about fat geeks? They rule at DDR. And it's amazing, you'd think they couldn't do it. But they get up there and fly over that dance pad.[/color][/size]
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[quote name='Tical Blue']I'll head your warning and alter my path - simple - I shall become a junkatarian (like a vegetarian, but with junkfood >_<)[/quote][color=#b0000b][size=1]That doesn't make sense.[/size][/color]
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Tical, a junkatarian.........? I like the sound of that. Now I have a name for my eating habits. Sweat! But like DeadSeraphim said, those of us with fast metabolisms will be way fat one day. But untill then, live it up folks. We've got the world of food at our finger tips, just eat it before our metabolisms give out on us. ^_^
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[quote name='Sojiro47']Tical, a junkatarian.........? I like the sound of that. Now I have a name for my eating habits. Sweat! But like DeadSeraphim said, those of us with fast metabolisms will be way fat one day. But untill then, live it up folks. We've got the world of food at our finger tips, just eat it before our metabolisms give out on us. ^_^[/quote]
[SIZE=1]Yes, you're absolutely right! I should ride this rollercoaster called metabolism 'til the very end, and then keep going at the same speed on my own! ...That would look strange in real life!! o.o"
I want to still be sexy thin when I decide that people actually turn me on. :B[/SIZE]
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I have been overweight since I hit puberty. I started out as chubby and became quite obese. I can eat carrots all day and still gain weight. I have been told by doctors that it is a medical problem that needs meds to be controlled. The only time I really lost any significant weight was when I was in the hospital and was only allowed to eat strict foods and when i am at college(Can't eat when you're broke) :animesigh
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[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I have a problem with my weight and the weight of other people. I think it's ridiculous to be proud of being overweight and especially obese (red 6). There are serious health risks involved plus not to mention the way you feel. Fat people don't have energy, they typically have lower self esteem, they have social problems, the list goes on. As a whole our country disgusts me for being so damn obese (America). Food industries anger me for selling fatty foods and junk foods, fast food especially angers me.

Now...i'm not saying you should be ashamed of your weight, i'm simply saying you should realize that you have a weight problem and do something about it. You shouldn't do it because other people tease you or because you want to look good, you should do it because you know that it's healthy and you'll live a longer happier life if you're in shape.

I'm overweight myself and i know it's hard to lose weight, but i'm still trying. And personally i like the way i look and i rarely get teased about being overweight. I'm simply trying to lose weight because i know of the health benefits, and i'm tired of getting winded from jogging a bit or playing a couple rounds of DDR. I want to live life to the fullest, you can't do that if you're overweight.


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[quote name='Sojiro47']Tical, a junkatarian.........? I like the sound of that. Now I have a name for my eating habits. Sweat! But like DeadSeraphim said, those of us with fast metabolisms will be way fat one day. But untill then, live it up folks. We've got the world of food at our finger tips, just eat it before our metabolisms give out on us. ^_^[/quote]

I believe that this is the downfall of many normal Americans that become obese sooner, rather than later in life. Of course some people have a naturally better metabolism because of genetics, but the majority of people that have a slow metabolism later in life is not because of their genetics. It's because of the eating habits that we pick up throughout our teenage years. The effects of your eating habits are long-term and effect you when you're of middle-age.

Sure, its partly because you're getting older. But, its partly because of the way you ate when you're a teenager. If you skip breakfasts, go on fad diets, eat junk foods and drinks then that's eventually going to effect your metabolism and thus your weight.

And I definately agree with the 13th man, theres just some things that you cant do when you're overweight. I'm not trying to say one lifestyle is better than another, I'm just trying to show that I found my life more fulfilling when I wasn't fat anymore.
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[QUOTE] I think it's ridiculous to be proud of being overweight and especially obese (red 6)[/QUOTE]
Why shouldn't you be proud of who you are? I'm a fat man at heart. Even when I was born, I was 14 pounds. I'm living my dream.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]here are serious health risks involved plus not to mention the way you feel.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna]

I feel great. [/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Fat people don't have energy, they typically have lower self esteem, they have social problems, the list goes on.[/QUOTE]
Most of those problems stem from not being proud of yourself. When you think you're too fat, that's where self esteem problems originate.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Food industries anger me for selling fatty foods and junk foods, fast food especially angers me. [/QUOTE]
And yet the diet industry gets no anger from you? Come on. The people marketing ways to lose weight are the same people who marketed ways to get fat. Make em fat, than make em feel so bad they have to buy your product to make you skinny. It's a huge marketing scam and I don't feel like getting involved.

[QUOTE] You shouldn't do it because other people tease you or because you want to look good, you should do it because you know that it's healthy and you'll live a longer happier life if you're in shape. [/QUOTE]
No I won't. I've tried working out and eating healthy, it sucks. It sucks bad. I'd live a longer life but what's the point of living if you aren't doing something you love. And for me, eating is what I love. Health food absolutely blows, I can't stand vegetables of any kind, and I just can't get enough of unhealthy food. I'm doign what I love, man, so don't tell me it's rediculous to be proud of myself.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE] I want to live life to the fullest, you can't do that if you're overweight.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Sienna]Untrue. [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna]
No I won't. I've tried working out and eating healthy, it sucks. It sucks bad. I'd live a longer life but what's the point of living if you aren't doing something you love. And for me, eating is what I love. Health food absolutely blows, I can't stand vegetables of any kind, and I just can't get enough of unhealthy food. I'm doign what I love, man, so don't tell me it's rediculous to be proud of myself.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Just because you're fat doesn't mean you have to eat trash. I know plenty of overweight or obese people that eat healthy balanced diets and are only overweight because they're not the exercising type. It's great that you're happy with your life the way it is, and your body, but if you don't eat properly - vegetables, fruits, the whole thing - you aren't getting a proper nutritional intake, and that can be very, very bad. Obesity itself is a bad thing, but you can still live a long and happy life with an extra chin, it might just be a bit more difficult. Obesity plus not even [i]trying[/i] to eat properly is terrible - you're body is already understrain, but you're not even giving it complete resources to keep going.[/font][/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna]
Why shouldn't you be proud of who you are? I'm a fat man at heart. Even when I was born, I was 14 pounds. I'm living my dream.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I said the exact opposite later in my post. You shouldn't be ashamed of your weight, only realize that it's not a positive thing.

[QUOTE=Red 6]

I feel great. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm sure you do, that is until you have to get up and do something, right? And wouldn't you like to feel better? Trust me, if you were in shape you'd be shocked how much more energy you'd have.


[QUOTE=Red 6]
Most of those problems stem from not being proud of yourself. When you think you're too fat, that's where self esteem problems originate.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yup, i know that full and well. But just because you're proud to be overweight doesn't mean everybody else is...or isn't. But i'm willing to bet a 1000 bucks that most overweight and obese people are not proud of your weight as you are. You pioneer of self esteem you.


[QUOTE=Red 6]
And yet the diet industry gets no anger from you? Come on. The people marketing ways to lose weight are the same people who marketed ways to get fat. Make em fat, than make em feel so bad they have to buy your product to make you skinny. It's a huge marketing scam and I don't feel like getting involved.
[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Is the diet industry not part of the food industry??


[QUOTE=Red 6]
No I won't. I've tried working out and eating healthy, it sucks. It sucks bad. I'd live a longer life but what's the point of living if you aren't doing something you love. And for me, eating is what I love. Health food absolutely blows, I can't stand vegetables of any kind, and I just can't get enough of unhealthy food. I'm doign what I love, man, so don't tell me it's rediculous to be proud of myself.[/COLOR]
[/QUOTE][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]You can eat and be healthy too, you simply haven't found a way that works for you. You don't have to eat celary and carrots all day to lose weight. Me personally i play DDR and i drink a lot of water, and i generally watch what i eat. I don't allow myself to get so full i feel sick like i used to. Plus i stopped drinking soda...for the most part. ^L^; I never once said that the only way to get healthy is to do what you tried. I'm simply saying that you should keep trying until you find something that works for you, instead of giving up and being proud like you have.


[QUOTE=Red 6]

[COLOR=Sienna]Untrue. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hahaha, i guess it all depends on your perception of a life lived to the fullest, eh? I suppose if your version of it is sitting on the couch playing video games and eating junk food all day is it then you'd be right. Unfortunately i doubt that's what you or anybody else in their right mind thinks. Also if you think it's ok to die around the age of 50 from heart failure is perfectly fine, then by all means continue.

Jesus Christ, i just realized you're 3 years younger than me! How tall are you? What's your BMI(Body Mass Index)? Dude, i'd seriously consider going to the doctor if i were you...he'll scare some sense into you.

[/COLOR] [/FONT][URL=http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/]Calculate your BMI[/URL]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I weight 130 and I'm 5'2". I dont' care what others think of me. I dont' care if I'm fat. I'm proud of the way I look. :catgirl: If people can't except me for who I am and how I look than scow them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE]I said the exact opposite later in my post. You shouldn't be ashamed of your weight, only realize that it's not a positive thing.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Sienna]I'm quite fond of it, actually.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]I'm sure you do, that is until you have to get up and do something, right? And wouldn't you like to feel better?[/QUOTE]
Yea, I guess that's why I avoid doing 'things' at all costs. [/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Trust me, if you were in shape you'd be shocked how much more energy you'd have.[/QUOTE]
Jubilations! With all that extra energy I'll be able to, like, shovel more dirt... and uhh... split wood faster... Oh the joy![/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Yup, i know that full and well. But just because you're proud to be overweight doesn't mean everybody else is...or isn't. But i'm willing to bet a 1000 bucks that most overweight and obese people are not proud of your weight as you are. You pioneer of self esteem you. [/QUOTE]
Yea, well, I guess that makes me unique. I really don't care what other people think, lol, so self-esteem has never been a problem with me.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]You can eat and be healthy too, you simply haven't found a way that works for you.[/QUOTE]
As far as I know, there's no "Eat a bowl of Poutine, some left over Pizza, a can of coke, and play video games all day" diet, but maybe I havn't been looking hard enough.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Me personally i play DDR and i drink a lot of water, and i generally watch what i eat.[/QUOTE]
Interesting. I play hockey ever 3 days in the Winter and play Lacrosse a lot of the non-winter school months, and I pig out during most of my free time. Works for me.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Plus i stopped drinking soda[/QUOTE]
See, this is one of those things that I could never do. Ever. I can barley go one day without a coke.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Hahaha, i guess it all depends on your perception of a life lived to the fullest, eh? I suppose if your version of it is sitting on the couch playing video games and eating junk food all day is it then you'd be right. Unfortunately i doubt that's what you or anybody else in their right mind thinks.[/QUOTE]
Yea. I mean, there's that of course, and then there's hockey. Why, is there some other defintion of "Living life to the fullest" that I've never heard of?[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]lso if you think it's ok to die around the age of 50 from heart failure is perfectly fine, then by all means continue. [/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Sienna]Kay. I never really wanted to end up in an old-age home, anyway.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Jesus Christ, i just realized you're 3 years younger than me! How tall are you? What's your BMI(Body Mass Index)? Dude, i'd seriously consider going to the doctor if i were you...he'll scare some sense into you.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna]

About 6'2. And I don't know what my BMI is. And pfft, who cares what the doctor thinks. Who does he think he is with his 'medical degree' and 'fancy coat'? What a bunch of tools.

Phew... all this posting is getting me red in the face... I'm gona go grab some doritos.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]At this point you're not even putting up a good argument for your weight anymore, you're only in denial...it's a little sad.

I estimated your BMI, you said nearing 300 so i entered in 290. The result was 37.2. 30 is obese, 25 is overweight, you're deep in the obese territory. You run high risk of developing diabetes when you reach adulthood... Dude, i would seriously reconsider your outlook on weight if i were you.

There's no point in me continuing this discussion, you know what i think. ::shrug::


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