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Ghost Rider (The Movie)


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[SIZE=1]Well, I just got back from watching Ghost Rider (Quite shocking since I normally never watch films on their first day of release) and I'm surprised nobody's started a thread about it already.

Anyway, I liked it. I'm something of a marvel fan in my spare time but I've never really researched far into Ghost Rider (who knows why because he's a really cool character). Although normally I find film versions of the marvel universe to be inferior to their comic counterparts, I actually really liked GR. It might have something to do with my lack of any previous Ghost Rider knowledge (aside from what he looked like) or that it was a well made film.

I don't really know. Any Ghost Rider fans out there who can help me on this? Sure I thought the film was a bit cheesy in parts, but that's pretty much staple to all films these days.

A lot of great action scenes, character development, comedy and really good special effects too! I don't want to say anymore until I gather what everybody else thinks.[/SIZE]
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I thought Ghost Rider was one of the most atrocious affronts to film. Ever.

There was not NEARLY enough awesome to counteract the terrible acting and unfathomably vomit-enducing excuse for dialogue. It was terrible. In fact, it's the worst movie I've seen in a long, long time.
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A lot of great action scenes,[B] character development[/B], comedy and really good special effects too! I don't want to say anymore until I gather what everybody else thinks.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

WTH are you talking about? All the characters sucked they were all boring and stayed the same from start to finish.

I found nothing funny at all.

And the action was meh...

This would have to be the worst superhero movie since the Hulk.
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It was alright, it wasnt the worst comicbook film ever. But it was also far from the best. I didnt like that Johnny Blaze was tricked into selling his soul to the devil (woops finger prick). I think it would have been better if they stuck with him willingly selling his soul and spending the rest of his life trying to right his wrong. From the looks of it were probabally going to see a sequel.That makes me cringe.

Atleast it wasnt Hulk.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I saw this a couple weeks back, and I must also express my disappointment with it. The villains left nearly everything to be desired, and they didn't use the "Our name is Legion ..." line very well. One of my most favorite parts of the Bible and they squander it. Stephen King's [i]Storm of the Century[/i] used it way better.

But yeah, deus ex machina runs the [i]Ghost Rider[/i] movie from start to finish.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, this movies would have to be another Marvel Movie that I would NOT see unless I was really bored. I was in Boot Camp when I heard about this movie coming out. Honestly, The Hulk, Daredevil, and Ghost Rider would have to be the stupidest ideas for them to make movies out of. Electra is close to that category, but the movie turned out better than expected.

Marvel should just focus on Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and ACTUAL good Marvel heros to make movies on/continue making.
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[SIZE=1]I saw it a few days ago myself, and while I didn't think it was the worst movie I've ever seen (reserved exclusively for Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow), it certainly wasn't the best.

Like Andy I was virtually unfamiliar with the character, so I wasn't going to be thinking "That's not what he's like in the comics !!", but Nick Cage playing the lead role did set off a few alarms. The visual effects were good for what they were supposed to do and the plotline ran along nicely for the most part. That said most of the characters were immensely one-dimensional, the exception being the Devil character who was quite cool.

What surprises me most about people's responses so far is that they were expecting this to be a great movie. It's based off a fairly crap comic, and Marvel movies weren't exactly known for their brilliance, Spider-Man and X-Men (for the most part) being the only exceptions. [/SIZE]
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  • 2 months later...
[color=deeppink]That only redeeming aspect of this movie is that they killed Donal Logue.

Well, that and Sam Elliot... I must say, I found his Ghost Rider form to be infinitely more interesting than Johnny Blaze's. But everything else in the movie just reaked of awful.

And they're making a sequal. There is no justice in the world.[/color]
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