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The Blood Wars

Darth Vectis

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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][I]This thread will contain mature material, anything from Extreme violence, graphic scenes, language and possible sexual content. You have been warned.[/I]
[SIZE="1"][I]Blood is a fascinating thing, isn’t it? It is a force that most creatures require to survive in this world. Blood is the defining factor between living and the dead[/I].

A figure sat up straight, and chuckled to himself as he absentmindedly twirled the pen in his hand. The room had a gentle glow to it; an old style flame lamp was providing the light for his moment of peace. He looked around the room trying to get a feel for his safe house; his one retreat from the world. He observed the quaint, calm look of the room, how it was only furnished with a few things; no television, no radio, and no bed. Just a few wooden chairs, a plain couch, a night stand in the corner where the lamp rested on and a small wooden table he was using. He needed to keep it simple; he might not be in this room tomorrow, and they could be miles away from this location if they needed to be.

He leaned over the table and looked at the book before him- it was his journal. He was keeping notes and putting his point of views in this book, in case he was ever killed; he could pass this on to his successor. He thumbed through the pages and scoffed; his writing was located sporadically throughout the book. He didn’t care to place his entries in any specific order. He hadn’t had time to really write in his journal, and when he did, he was more concerned with the content then the placement. He soon turned back to the page he was writing on and started writing again.

[I]I must correct myself, I mean between the living and the undead. We are the creatures of the night, those whom the humans have told fables about. We stalk the midnight hours and take the prey we need, we feed on the warm fluid that runs through human and animal veins. We are Vampire. But, we have grown into a complex race of creatures. Centuries ago we were but monsters, monsters who fed on the blood of the innocent and guilty alike. We took their blood and it kept us strong, I should know, I was around in the olden days. How silly- I must apologize to my successor. I’ve yet to introduce myself. I am Seraphim Baraccus and I used to be one of the vampire elders. But, events have occurred that have changed my views and made me resign from my position.[/I]
Over the past few centuries, vampires have started to grow bored with feeding on humans. The reason for it varies from clan to clan. Some say they grow tired of hunting for their food, others say they think it is morally wrong for us to take life, to take what we need to live. Others, they’ve simply grown tired of the taste of humans; they crave other sources of that life force. As time went on, these clans went foreword with their views and started to find their alternative food sources; some went and fed on animals, others become owners of major corporations and have created a synthetic blood that we can eat and still be strong. I’ve heard it tastes like piss; I am one of the few that still feeds on humans, or steals from blood banks to gain sustenance. While most of the clans have decided to go ‘vegetarian’, the rest of the clans remain traditional. From what I remember, the clan percentage was 80% have converted to an alternate food sources and 20% still feeds on humans.[/I]

[I]But, that isn’t all that has happened in these past centuries. Both sides have become fanatical in their beliefs of what is right for our kind. This controversy has erupted into an all out war between clans; a war of ethics, a war of savagery and pointless deaths as I refer to it. They both just seek dominance over us all, and that is something I will not have while I still have a say in matters. The traditional clans, the ones that feed on humans still, they have changed with the times and with the war. Before this war vampire clans were very uniform and were hard to tell apart aside form small clan differences. But, things have changed since that time, the traditional clans have started to specialize in war. They are training their soldiers to be specialized killers; each clan is becoming skilled in one form of war. Some of the clans specialize in tracking and hunting food, another group is training to kill vampires efficiently and effectively. The last few are training to fight against the other creatures of our world, and I must say, they are getting good at what they do.[/I]

[I]The war is taking a toll on both sides though, the traditional clans are fighting with very few forces, but they fight with such fury as I have only see in few humans civilizations. And the convert clans are using their numbers to destroy their enemies. And I must say, I don’t know what seems worse, a small group of specialized vampire killers, or a large army that easily could take several cities in one day. But in all honesty, this means nothing to me or my coven. We are part of neither of these forces; we do not bother with this trivial matter of how or what to feed on. We are concerned with the leadership of these clans. As I mentioned before, I was one of the elders and I was a great leader, as many have told me. But, my powers frightened and threatened the other elders. Allow me to clarify, though as my successor, I’m sure you are aware. Some vampires are born with special abilities, most of those vampires born with powers are born mild at best, but those few left have powers that can change the tide of battle.[/I]

[I]I am one of those vampires; my powers are what made me an elder. My power is of… I believe the humans call them Necromancers. This power is one that humans have ‘claimed’ to have had, but their “ability” is far different, and inferior to, my own. Theirs takes years to even come close to mastering and even then, they can only see spirits and occasionally summon a creature of minimal ability. Said Necromancers are usually devoured by said creature. But my form, it is the that power in it‘s rawest, most perfect form; however my power does require a conduit of some sort. Even without a conduit I can do many things. But, that is for another time and another place. I will not claim to be a god of any kind, but, I am the fire that shall burn the clans to the ground. I have grown bitter toward those fools who feared me; they thought I would turn on them because of my power and my strength. Well, they have certainly called down my wrath.

Those elders, those sacs of blood all hold themselves to their foolish code of secrecy. They preach of how vampires should remain hidden from humans while they make deals and trade agreements with them behind closed doors. They contradict their own teachings, they think that we should remain fables; I think this is not how it should be done. We are far more then humans, we are the walkers of the night. We are Vampire, and we will take this world one step at a time! And we will murder all vampires that do not side with us. We are known amongst the clans as Sagerus Vandras, which is vampire speak for the Rotten Corpse. But, we like to call ourselves The Harbingers. We may be few, but we are strong, we have the fire that propels us forward and the diversity and the strength to succeed.[/I]

The noise of his door suddenly opening drew his attention; he looked calmly to see who it was. A newly recruited vampire was standing before him; he rose from his seat and looked upon the young lady in front of him. He put his hands behind his back and cocked his head to the side and scrutinized the girl. He then walked up to her and looked down at her in a way that showed he was use to holding a position of leadership and power.
“What is it that is so important that you must bother me?”[/B] The young girl stood to attention, her hands at her sides and her face forward. She had shoulder length brown hair and pale white skin, her gold eyes showed in the lamp light. Her clothing resembled that of the time, plain blue jeans with small tears in them and a tee shirt that seemed just a bit too small for her. She shook a little bit; it confirmed her status as a new recruit, probably just joined up this day. The others feared him, but they had grown to mask their fright. He couldn’t tell how long she had been one of his kind, a vampire, but it wasn’t very important to him at the moment.
“Will you speak? Or must I find someone who knows what you have come to say?”[/B] She flinched a little more at his presence but furtively attempted to recollect herself and began to speak with a soft voice that could of melted the hearts of any human. The velvet voice she produced was plenty enough to get Seraphim’s attention; other vampires must have been falling over this young lady fairly quickly.
“The lieutenant has told me he has important information for you. He sent me to inform you that he needs to see you immediately sir.”[/B] Seraphim looked at the girl with a cold stare; he turned to his table and gently closed his journal. He touched the cover with his fingers and then slowly slid them off and turned to the recruit.
“Very well young one. Take me to him, we have much to discuss.”[/B] The recruit turned away and started out the door, Seraphim followed behind her, closing the door behind him and locking away the secrets of his mind, and walking into the night. Off to start his own personal war on the clans, and bring them down to their knees where he could then remove their heads from their shoulders and make way for a better era, one where the clans were dead, and he lived to see the world change [/SIZE]


[B]Name:[/B] [Anything will suffice]

[B]Age:[/B] [For Vampires, write the Century you were born; for Humans, write your age, and either works for Werewolves or other mystical creatures]

[B]Gender:[/B] [Male, Female]
Species:[/B] [Vampires, Werewolves, Sprites- humanoid creatures who derive energy from elemental forces, Humans- however, no humans with the rogues.]

[B]Alliance:[/B] [Are part of The Harbingers, a bounty hunter for the Vampire clans, or a member of the counter-rogue task force?]
Appearance:[/B] [A detailed description, or picture, or both]
Personality:[/B] [A paragraph at minimum about your character so the other members can get a good feel for him/her]
Weapons:[/B] [Manmade weapons- swords, guns, etc…- are optional. Most vampire don’t need battle arms per se, but that doesn’t mean they don’t occasionally use weapons]
Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] [Sprites control one Element, but this is optional as well for Vampires. Most vampires have no powers, a very small percent do, and an even smaller percent can use those powers on a grand scale. Powers can range from fire manipulation, mind reading, precognition, etc… Only one power and nothing to extreme. A werewolves transformation would be listed here]

[B]Writing Sample:[/B] [A small segment showing your character in action.][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]There will be a background thread soon enough where it will explain all the creatures that inhabit the world we occupy, it should be up by tomorrow, Sunday at the latest. Please, be creative with your sign-up and have fun with this.[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Garamond"][B]Name:[/B] Nero Egrias
[B]Age:[/B] 19th Century
[B]Gender:[/B] Male

[B]Species:[/B] Vampire Wolf- The child of a Vampire bitten by a mature werewolf. This process is extraordinarily taboo, and all other creatures of this kind are annihilated within a day of their birth. Seraphim, having protected Nero since youth, has spared Nero this fate.

[B]Alliance:[/B] The Harbingers [Lieutenant]

[B]Appearance:[/B][URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/Nero.jpg"][Nero 1][/URL] [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/p4-protagonist2.jpg"][Nero Outfit][/URL]
Nero is both a striking and comforting figure to behold- both a man and a savage in appearance alone. Looking to be no more than 19 years of age, and standing at 6’1’’ Nero is not imposing, but his presence is forceful. His thin, muscular body isn’t out rightly daunting, but does give others a notion of how powerful he is. His short, light gray hair and crystal clear dark blue eyes are stunning compliments, even though his eyes are usually covered by thin, rectangular rimmed glasses. Where his gray hair reveals the “Wolf” inside of him, his long, pointed fangs reflect his Vampire half more than his Wolf have, despite what most think- no matter which form he’s in, biting a living creature will secrete the Vampire poison, not the werewolf one. He always wears the outfit shown above, and after his transformations, Seraphim always brings him a new one.

[B]Personality:[/B] Nero is, seemingly, a polar opposite to his mentor, Seraphim. He is caring, kindly towards humans, and relatively care-free. He’s very agreeable and jovial, and the other members of his coven who have managed to look past their fear, contempt, or jealousy of him find that his presence is sincerely enjoyable. Nero is extraordinarily loyal to his coven, even those who would see him staked and dead- and he is unwaveringly loyal and faithful to Seraphim. He knows of his status as the “secret weapon” and he accepts it readily. He wants nothing more than to be useful and helpful for his coven. This all, of course, is not to say he is easily walked on- Nero will refuse any order or request he sees unjust or pointless, and will even display discontent with Seraphim’s plans if he sees fit, something the other member wouldn’t dream of doing- or that he is any less of a fighter than his comrades. In all honesty, he could hold his own against Seraphim for a good deal of time, though he would surely face defeat by the man; thus making him clearly second strongest of the Harbingers and rightfully feared by rival clans.

[B]Weapons:[/B] [URL="http://www.japaneseswords4samurai.com/images/samurai-swords-O_Katana_M.jpg"][The Harbinger of Sorrows][/URL]
Nero often sports this katana and a 98 FS Berretta handgun when traveling or performing a job [more the former situation than the latter]. Other than that, his fangs, claws, and lightning are his weapons.

[B]Unique Power:[/B] [I]Lightening[/I]- Nero can generate powerful bursts of electric energy, to use in: charging machinery, short circuiting machinery, stunning or killing his opponents, to “supercharge” his attacks, and for dramatic use. However, he needs a conduit to channel and focus the energy inside of him; if he takes it off, the energy leaks out, uncontrolled. When in his Vampire form, he can utilize his lightening to it’s fullest, most lethal extent; however, in his wolf form this ability loses a substantial amount of power, reduced to electric jolts and charging his lunges. Also, the angrier he is as a wolf, the more difficult it is to aim his lightening.

[I]Transformation[/I]- Oddly, due to the conflicting “monster serums” in his blood stream, his transformed state is much more akin to a wolf than normal werewolves, the only difference being he is noticeably larger than an average wolf and has silvery gray hair.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B] Nero bolted along the rooftop of the house, his quick steps barely making a noise as he stalked his prey. Even in his Vampire form he ran like the “Wolves”; Seraphim had often made humorous comments on the matter. Well, he did this time, and Nero had been told he did so the other times as well- but it didn’t really matter to Nero. He could only remember what was happening now. He had learnt to deal with this unfortunate situation by simply accepting that. He stopped quickly, simply to recover the smell, then continued pursuit.

He felt somewhat remorseful for what was about to be done. Supposedly he had done this millions of times before as well, though he knew for certain he had done it only twice this time, this being the second event. His prey swiftly changed course, attempting to throw Nero off of his lead. The chase was beginning to agitate Nero- though he was born a Vampire and crowned a “Wolf” he never had much taste for being the hunter. He simply wanted to catch this lower vampire and feed on it. He needed to elongate his usefulness for Seraphim, because in all honesty, regardless of his abilities, a mortal vampire was detrimental and potentially dangerous to his plans. Nero tore away from his thoughts the moment he heard his prey stop in hesitation. He couldn’t help but grin as he sprung down from below and cornered the Vampire against the alley wall. The vampire sneered angrily.

[B]“What? You going to kill me? Well bring it then!”[/B] The vampire quickly grabbed a stake from his belt and flung it at Nero. Before it hit, however, there was a flash of blue light, and the sound of splintering wood echoed around them. Nero sighed heavily before raising up his right hand, displaying a smoking silver ring on his middle finger. Instead of being shocked or amazed, the vampire’s face became more disgusted, more venomous.

[B]“So you’re one of those freaks.”[/B] Nero tilted his head back and laughed hysterically, almost unable to keep from falling over. The vampire, irritated, scoffed at him.

[B]“What’s so funny?”[/B] His laughing continued for another minute before he was finally able to recompose himself. He had to hunch over and rest his hands on his knees as he recovered his breath. The vampire took this as his opportunity, but before he could so much as lung forward, an electric bolt struck him squarely in the chest, knocking him back against the wall. A still jovial Nero responded to the wounded vampire.

[B]“Hahaha, you have no idea how much of a freak I am.”[/B] The vampire glared up at him from the floor, and, suddenly, fear settled into his eyes. He could see that Nero’s demeanor had changed entirely, and he was once again overcome by the terror he’d felt while he was trying to escape the monster. He was hunched over like a predator, teeth exposed in a terrifying snarl, and claws fully outstretched, slowly stalking towards him. The vampire attempted to flee, pressing himself closer and closer to the wall.

[B]“What are y--”[/B] He couldn’t even finish his sentence, let alone open his mouth to scream before Nero was upon him, his ravenous fangs ripping the vampire’s neck open.[/FONT]
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[B]Name: [/B]

19th Century

[B]Gender: [/B]

[B]Species: [/B]

The Harbingers

She only appears to be 18 or 19 years old, until you look at her eyes. They show that she is older than she looks. She stands at about 5'7”, and she is almost to thin. Her skin is naturally pale, and with her long black hair makes her self-conscience from the way people have treated her about her looks.

The outfit she wears when she is fighting. But when she is relaxing, or just sort of hanging out she normally wears plain jeans and a baggy t-shirt.

She is really shy, and tries to stay out of everyone's way. But even then she still care's about everyone and tries to do what she can to help. She spends her time, when she is not hunting, with some of the newer recruits. While she doesn't talk to them much, she likes to sit with them and listen to them.

[B]Weapons:[/B] She uses a small dagger. And that is only for when she has to make a quick kill. She will normally use hand-to-hand combat when she is fighting someone, and will use her fangs to make the final kill.
Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] She can briefly control the moods of people around her. How long it last depends on the strength of will of the person she is trying to control. If the person is weak minded she can hold them for longer, but the stronger minded the person the less control she has. She can make a person experience any emotion. She has yet to let her self test this on another vampire, and doesn't know how it would affect them.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B]

Cora tip toed across the roof of the house she tried to quietly follow her pray. The bottom of her coat floated around her as dropped off the edge of the of the building. The human she was hunting fumbled in his foot steps as he finally heard his attacker.

“[I]Whose there?[/I]” He yelled.

She smirked to herself as she moved closer to him, her thin form completely hidden by shadows. As to her normal routine of hunting, she didn't say a word, she just crept closer to her victim and let them feel the loaming cold of death.

“[I]Look you. Just come out![/I]” He yelled again, his voice quivering with fright.

She giggled, and even to her it sounded childish, enough so to make her roll her eyes. She crept just a little but closer and grinned in delight as she saw him shiver. She had played enough, she was ready for her meal.

She quickly stepped out of the shadows and pounced onto her victim. Her fangs ripping into his throat.
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[B]Okay, my sign up is up. However Endless, I'll flesh it out when you answer my question in the backstage thread. Her personality, etc. really relies on what side she is on.[/B]

[B]Name:[/B] Alabaster Crowe

[B]Age:[/B] 18th century

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Species:[/B] Vampires

[B]Alliance:[/B] Bounty Hunter

[B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i33.tinypic.com/102o0ac.jpg"]Alabaster Crowe[/URL]

[B]Personality:[/B] Some people on the opposite sides might see Alabaster as a traitor and a hypocrite, since she used to feed on humans but suddenly started hunting her brothers and sisters of the night. However, she is doing this for reasons that she only knows. Alabaster is calm and collected, but sometimes a bit proud thanks to her ability to sense danger before it happens. Because of this she can sometimes be seen as being a bit of a risk taker. But really, she just enjoys a challenge.

[B]Weapons:[/B] A leather whip and a rapier

[B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Alabaster has the power of precognition. However, it is very limited. She can not see very far into the future, so she usually uses it like a sixth sense to detect danger before it strikes her. However, to most people it just seems like she has very fast reflexes.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B] Alabaster, after binding her chest and donning her blackest suit, cloak, and long rimmed hat, left to wander the night. Her target tonight was a young woman she had been watching for sometime. Alabaster preferred disguising as a man to seduce the women, instead of the men. To capture a man, she had to dress scantily to play the part and she hated that. At least this way she could cover up.

After walking the streets silently, Alabaster finally found her target. She prepared her deepest voice and approached the young woman.

"Excuse me miss, but may I ask the time?"

The young woman looked up, even though Alabaster's face was covered in shadows.

"Hmm? Oh, sure. It's..." The woman's voice trailed off though, as she made contact with Alabaster's eyes. There was no escaping now.

"Jezebel, is it? Well, Jezebel. Tonight, you are very lucky. For you will be my final meal. Like the last cigarette that a smoker enjoys before she kicks the habit."

Alabaster led Jezebel to a more private location and had her fill of the young woman. She discarded her like an empty bottle of wine and flew off quickly.

"Well, now that that is done. It is time to take up the life of a bounty hunter. And I know just the person to talk to."

Alabaster did not smile however, she only frowned. The thought of killing her fellow brothers and sisters sickened her, but she believed that it was something that had to be done.
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[COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Name: [/B]Callisto

[B]Age: [/B]17th Century

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Species: [/B]Vampire

[B]Alliance:[/B] Bounty Hunter

[B]Appearance: [/B]


[B]Personality: [/B]Callisto is in every way a cruel and heartless person. She is a loner at heart, but she can appear to be as friendly as ever. She often forgets her place, however, because of her hard - working spirit, her bosses ignore it. She is very commanding, she can make anyone, human or vampire cower in fear at a simple glance. She smirks when she's supposed to smile and the only time that she laughs is when she is about to kill someone. It is rare if you see her in a carefree mood as she is almost all the time thinking about her job. She never takes no for an answer and she always gets what she wants.

[B]Weapons:[/B] Callisto uses a staff that is studded with diamonds. This staff can also transform into a double edged katana.

[B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Callisto can convince you to do her bidding, whether it be to kill yourself, or a fellow comrade. However, since she is part of the extremely small percentage of vampires that have a power, she can only use it when she is close to death.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B]

Callisto walked up to the man standing in front of her. He was the first to die. Her hunger was ravishing. She hadn't eaten for days and her skin was pale.
She slowly snuck up behind him; hoping he wouldn't turn around.
She was just about to grab him when he turned around and screamed. The scream filled the air and it seemed as if every seemingly deserted building wasn't deserted at all. People started pouring out and gathered around her.
"Hehehe. The fools. Why do they try to help him? Why don't they save themselves? They obviously don't know who they're messing with."

Callisto slowly took out her staff and with a smirk, spun it around. Just the force of the wind it produced took out a few people. The others who were left started running towards her, and with a few jabs and turns of her staff they were all down.

"Now this is what I'm talking about. Now where should I start?"

Callisto looked around hungrily, trying to decided which of these would be the first victim.
With a smile, she walked over to a young man. He was shaking with fear, unable to run away.
With a laugh Callisto knelt and bit him, the blood running down her chin.
"Ah yes. Now I feel better."
She drunk him dry and moved to the next unfortunate victim. She continued doing this until there was not a single soul left. She then got up, wiped off the blood with her sleeve and continued on her way.[/COLOR]
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[B]Name:[/B] Aurora Rain

[B]Age:[/B] 205 (Looks 19)

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Species:[/B] Forest Sprite

[B]Alliance:[/B] Bounty Hunter

[B]Appearance:[/B] She also has pointy ears.

This is her everyday clothing (Change the color to dark green with red straps[add short shorts]. Includes the accessories and symbols [red])- [URL="http://media.photobucket.com/image/ouka/Vaati_Kanaky/yyh_OuKabig.jpg?o=331"]http://media.photobucket.com/image/ouka/Vaati_Kanaky/yyh_OuKabig.jpg?o=331[/URL]

[B]Personality[/B]: Aurora is a kind, bleeding heart. She doesn't believe in killing the innocents and will do everything in her power to protect them. She is huge tree hugging vegetarian. Yet, she is very hot-tempered, so she is only nice until you anger her, then she's quick for the kill. She is like mother nature, she can be very calm and warm, then the next thing you know, a fiery storm destroys all in her path.

[B]Weapons:[/B] Spiked silver knuckles/ combat boots. She's a melee fighter.

[B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Aurora controls/speaks to Nature (Trees, plants, vines, etc). She's also very skilled in potion making and poisons.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B]

The smooth scales felt amazing as the python slithered across her abdomin. Aurora smiled and glided her fingers down the length of the reptile, then picked it up, wrapping it around her neck. The tongue tickled her cheek as the snake flicked it rapidly in and out. Quickly kissing it, she set it down and jumped down from the tree. No more play, she could sense an intruder penetrading her sacred fortress. This forest was hers.

Cracking her fingers, Aurora dashed towards the egde of the woods. Catching up to the intruder, she noticed his pale skin gleaming in the moonlight. *Vampire! How dare he enter here without my consent.* Jumping ahead of him, she quickly landed in her fighting stance, ready for action.

" Where do you think your going vampire? You are not welcome here!" She growled slightly and raised her studed fists.

The vampire laughed loudly and grinned. " Foolish child. You are nothing compared to me! Get out my way before I drain you." The vamp glared at her and waited.

Chuckling slightly, Aurora examined him and smiled. " Your right. I don't have time for the likes of you anyway. Plus, my babies have been dying for a fresh snack." Winking, she leaped into the tree and glared down at him. She gently pressed her ruby lips against the tree trunk and tapped it with her nails. "Wake up darlings. Time for dinner."

The vampire had already dashed away, and was heading into the swamp, when suddenly a large vine shot from the ground and wrapped around his ankle. Falling abruptly to the the ground, he yanked at the vine, only to be stabbed by it's sharp thornes. With an angry grunt, he reached for his dagger, but was met by more vines. Quickly wrapping his body in a green coffin, he struggled against the ever-growing mass of weeds as they pulled him into the swampy earth. He let out one last screech as he was consumed by the earth.

Aurora leaned over the gound where the vamp lay screaming and smiled sweetly. "Good job loves." She patted the ground and sprinkled a few drops of blood from her finger onto the ground. Immediatly upon touching the vines, her blood transformed into budding roses, scattering the grave with wild flowers. "It's amazing how something so cruel can make something so beautiful." Softly grabbing the rose, she plucked it off and tied the vine into her hair. "Perfect."

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared before her. "Aurora, your vacation is over. I've got a new assignment for you." The figure handed her an envelope and vanished.

Opening the envelope, she looked at the picture and smirked. "This will be fun." Leaping from branch to branch, she headed out of her beloved forest.
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[COLOR=Navy][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Arial]Name:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] Holt Flynn

[B]Age:[/B] 34

[B]Gender:[/B] Male
Species:[/B] Werewolf

[B]Alliance[/B][B]:[/B] Counter-Rouge Task Force
[COLOR=black][URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/alex.jpg"][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial](Holt)[/FONT][/SIZE][/URL][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]He stands at 6?2? and weights between 200 to 210lbs. He has an athletic build that has developed over years of strenuous training and active duty.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=black][URL="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o159/pjmckrafty/norm-4380d003e33aa-Doom2005.jpg"][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial](Uniform)[/FONT][/SIZE][/URL][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Standard issue for his division of the task force, the uniform consists of BDU's made with a Kevlar-cotton blend to help protect against stabbing and biting, a SOV flack jacket, and an integrated radio system.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Arial]

Personality:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] A cold collected person, Holt rarely has a thought that isn?t tactical. He is extremely blunt to those around him and is not well liked by his fellow task-force members. Seeing a lot of death in the field has made him stone-faced. At this point in time I would point out the ?nice-side? of his personality. The closest one could get to saying he has one is the times where he will trade mocking banter.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]He isn?t exactly proud of being a werewolf and often tries to hide the fact that he is from the people he meets. Though it is an extreme advantage in his field of work he still sees it as somewhat of a burden.
Weapons: [/B]While on duty, Holt uses a tactical MP5 and compact shotgun, and he is always carrying his Ruger SR9 sidearm. He is adapt at hand-to-hand combat thanks to his time in the USMC and is not too shabby with a knife.
Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Holt?s role as Captain is based on his skills at tracking. His scent capabilities and sensitive hearing mixed with Marine training have him at an extreme advantage in his raids on The Harbingers. It?s that reason that has kept him alive this long.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Holt inhaled deeply through his nose. He held it for a moment and let it out in a shudder of a breath. He faced west and sped down the side street.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]He had been tailing a fleeing ghoul for three blocks. His team was sent to dispatch a group of ghouls that had congregated in a condemned office building. His team was busy clearing the dilapidated cubicles when Holt saw one ghoul leap from his hiding place and crashed through a window escaping into the city. Not even pausing Holt sped off after the fleeing ghoul.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]He paused again took another breath and altered his course down an alleyway. With his MP5 leveled he scanned the alleyway and saw what was left of the fire escape after the creature had haphazardly climbed it. Holt wrapped the harness on the MP5 around him and jumped to catch the bottom of the mangled ladder. He hoisted himself up through the escape as slowly as he could to remain silent.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]He made a quick glance over the molding that trimmed the roof and saw the ghoul hunched over something. He retreated back behind the molding and shouldered his MP5, took a deep breath, and popped over the molding lining up his sights. He fired twice.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Both shots went wild. The ghoul instantly whipped up and sped toward Holt. He fire two more times before it was on him. With a wide sweep of it?s arm it knocked the gun to the side and slammed into Holt sending him sprawling. Holt held his arm up keeping the creature at bay. It writhed and clawed at him gnashing it?s fangs, yearning to tear into Holt?s neck. Holding the creature back was slowly wearing him down.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Holt didn?t notice it until he felt his canines start to elongate. Suddenly he was hit with a second wind. He thrust him palm into the creature?s throat and kicked up with his knee simultaneously sending the creature rolling to the side. He quickly swapped positions as he was now pinning the creature. He felt and heard his joints pop as he went further into his transformation. His skin started to crawl and he reached for his knife, sheathed on his chest. The ghoul fruitlessly clawed at the arm that held it down. The knife slid out of the sheath effortlessly, Holt groaned as he swung the blade.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]The next thing Holt knew he was standing over the corpse of the nearly decapitated ghoul breathing heavy. His sleeves split at the seams and his jaw painfully poppy as it returned to its normal size. He looked over and saw a bloody heap that had once made up a vagrant. It amazed him that no matter how fearful the creature was, it couldn?t help but stop and feed. Holt walked over to the body and put two rounds in it?s head to be sure.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Arial]?Report.?[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] Chirped the head operative over the radio; a series of confirmations proceeded from the other members.

[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][B][FONT=Arial]?Target down,?[/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial] Replied Holt holding down the button on his radio. [B]?Request a cleanup crew three blocks from your position.?

[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]He received his confirmation and held position to wait for the cleanup crew.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"][B]Name:[/B] Seraphim Baraccus

[B]Age:[/B] 12th Century

[B]Gender:[/B] Male

[B]Species:[/B] Vampire

[B]Alliance:[/B] The Harbingers (Commander)

[B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b18/Sagethefiend/Art%20images/Seraphim.jpg] [B]Seraphim[/B] [/URL]
Seraphim is not out to impress anyone with his image anymore, he has been alive far too long to dwell on the matters of what others think. He stands at a height of 5?11? but holds himself as he was 10 feet tall and has a commanding presence that hints at his experience as one of the clan leaders. His eyes are cold and never reveal anything of what he is thinking or feeling and it?s very commonly believed amongst all vampires that he no longer has emotions due to his extended life.

His outer exterior is usually very gruff because of his lack of caring or because he is busy with matters that are needed. His wardrobe can vary from his red outfit or to a black suit with a red tie depending on if the occasion actually calls for him to dress up in a proper manor.

[B]Personality:[/B] Seraphim is very cold, he is headstrong and very wise. He has a tone of voice that is very direct and no nonsense tone that comes from centuries of giving orders and following a code of ?speak when spoken to.? He is also very aggressive; he does things that sometimes come off as very cruel and very unforgiving. But, he acts like this so that he can keep the people under his command alive. He reacts to every situation in the same exact way, no emotion expressed except for a cold face and a few comments spoken about the situation before he goes on about what needs to be done. He feels no shame, no fear, no humor, no sadness, no real feeling for another. He is simply trying to accomplish his mission by any means necessary, even if that means he must die for it.

[B]Weapons:[/B] Seraphim carry around an antique sword from his travels during the 15th century. It is an old style Bronze Age sword that has taken him several years, decades really, to properly restore it to be fit for fighting and he has taken care of it ever since to make sure he it?ll still be useful to this day. He keeps it at his left hip and hardly uses it as a primary offensive strategy. He also carries a single shot, black powder pistol from the colonial times. It?s taken a lot of time and effort on his part to keep this weapon useful and ready to fire at any point, he has modified it through out his years so that it is far more accurate then the pistols of the 18th century.

[B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Seraphim?s ability is the power of a necromancer; he controls the blood and the bones of the dead. Blood magic is something that comes with his necromantic powers. Blood makes his complicated rituals work at full power, and bones provide a proper conduit for him to focus the energies of the dead into a single point so that he can create different things from just a small piece of bone. The conduit does deteriorate over the course of use; the bigger the piece of bone is the longer it will last for each surge of power.

Writing Sample:[/B] [B]?You understand so little of what we do or how we function.?[/B] A man said as he walked around Seraphim. No, not a man, a vampire. The walking dead had a smirk on its face that showed its arrogance. Seraphim stood tall as this lesser being tried to lecture him on how their ways were right, how the vampire guards around them could tear him apart and his whole resistance would fall apart. Seraphim had his arms behind his back, his face forward and his face cold as ice. He simply let his thoughts drift as this creature spoke of the right means of living. Seraphim waited for him to finish, for him to pause for just a second before he interrupted.

[B]?You are fools for thinking your ways are right. I was an elder, I know the rule and codes we followed and they rules that need to be broken. There is no other way. We have been around far longer then humans and they have learned to govern their peons better then we have, as I see it. And we should be known, we don?t need to hide in the shadows and conduct deals with humans. We should be the leaders of these corporations and we should be at the head of evolution.? [/B]The vampire stormed up to him and grabbed a fist full of Seraphim?s vest. Seraphim instantly reach up and pulled his hand away and twisted away, the sound of bone break was clear in the quiet room. The guards were about to launch themselves at Seraphim when the leader held up his hand, signaling for them to stand down. They relaxed themselves and stood ready to attack if commanded, the vampire rolled his arm and positioned his arm so the bones would snap back in place.
?You will certainly pay for your crimes. When the other members of the clans arrive tomorrow we will try you and have you executed.?[/B] Seraphim let a chuckled escape his throat. The leader drew close to his face.
?What do you find so funny traitor??[/B] Seraphim averted his gaze and looked to the vampire in his face.
?You are.?[/B] Seraphim struck with such fury and swiftness that no one knew what was about to hit them. He had jammed his hand into the chest cavity of this vampire and grabbed hold of a rib in the mans body. He then summoned his power, letting it run lose. His power was different, it was always there in him, and he simply had to let it flow. And he let it flow through his arm, using that rib as his conduit. The vampires flesh began to rip with the sudden infusion of power in his bones. The rippling soon turned to tearing and ripping of his flesh and finally the vampires screams were quieted by the sudden eruption of the flesh, blood and long dead internal organs. All that stood was a skeleton that was protruding horrible spikes, the guards leaped, but it was far too late to do anything. Seraphim lifted the rib cage over him and then expand it into a bubble around him. Spikes of pure bone protruded from the bubble, vampires that weren?t quick enough landed on these spikes.

Their bodies erupting into chunks of meat and massive pools of blood were splashed everywhere, Seraphim broke a piece off the bubble around him and held it tightly in his hand. He tore the bubble away with just a wave of his hand and rushed the closest guard. Thrusting his hand out at the guard and impaling him on a spear made of bone; he swung the guard around and tossed him aside. He swung his spear with grace and fluidity that could only come from centuries of training and disciple. Moving his body with his spear in a single motion, as if the spear was connected to him through more then magic. He swung it in a wide arc and took a guards head off and then quickly lifted it over his head and brought it down on another guard, cleaving the vampire into two pieces. Another guard managed to get close enough and struck out at him. He evaded the blow and made his bone spear vanish and converted it into a gauntlet and smashed it into the vampire?s stomach, two serrated blades sprouted from the gauntlet and shot through the creature torso. He ripped the blades out from the side and tore out a massive chunk from his chest.

Seraphim pulled away from the guard and looked around, he found most of the guards had been killed, several fled, but he needed them to run so they could spread the message. He did, however, find a lone survivor. He was badly injured, his right leg was completely gone and his left hand was missing three fingers. Seraphim slowly walked over to him and then crouched to his level looking into the dead eyes of this vampire. His face was as cold as any day; he looked down at his hand and saw he had a small bit of bone left. He reached out and placed the bone fragment on the vampires face and let his magic surge through him again, this time creating a web of bone that grew around the vampires head. Seraphim looked into the vampires one last time; he saw the horror in them. He saw pain and he saw idealist nature that would never be burned out of him.
?Your time has come. Rest well, for when you awake, only the brightest pit will be for you and your ideals.?[/B] He let his poor flow again and the vampire screamed as pin sized spikes slowly penetrated the mans head. When they finally went all the way into his brain and his skull, they expanded and the vampires head exploded. His skull was scattered everywhere, his brains were not far behind and his blood oozed from his body freely. Seraphim stood from the carnage, his hands soaked in blood, his clothes dripping blood. But his expression never changed his face calm and collected and his vision straight and true. He was the ultimate predator, and he was on the hunt for more fools who got in his way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Good work so far everyone, this should be up by tomorrow (Today really) or Monday.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="1"]Name: Nemo

Age: Created in the 16th Century, brought back in the 20th Century, late 1930's

Gender: Male

Species: Sprites

Alliance: The Harbingers

Appearance: Picture is at end. Modifications: No gun, eye are merely glowing colors that reflect the current persona (Ice: blue; Fire: red; Lightning: yellow; Light; white)
In Darkness form: Eye's become vacant, emitting black and purple mist from both eyes and mouth.

Personality: Ice: Default persona, bored, collected, and calm; Fire: Aggressive and angry; Lightning: Sporadic and energetic; Light: Kind and noble; Darkness: Psychotic and merciless

Weapons: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Light: low-level magic and weak hand-to-hand; Dark: chains that extrude from the forearm, becomes completely psychotic and rampages

Unique Ability/Special Skills: switches elements in cases along with persona: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Light, Darkness

Writing Sample:
These entries are that of a worn journal in the possession of the Sprite referred to as 'Nemo.' The pages are withered and the front cover has been written upon in many languages and handwritings. The original text is in German, stating 'This is the Journal of Sophia Treppers.' The name has been crossed out, replaced by 'I, and I alone', which has been written in blood, by appearance. Again, the text has been crossed out, and in it's place, there is 'Us.'

The following is written in a quite feminine hand. All is written in German.
[B]January 4th[/B]: This is my first journal entry ever. Thou, I do not care to write, my mama told me that it was a good way of helping myself thru difficult times. We celebrated my birthday today, but only because papa must work on my actual birthday. Though I am sad, I understand that he must work. All of Germany must work, to ensure that we stay the most powerful country in the world. Well it is late, and I must wake early tomorrow for school. I will most likely not write in here tomorrow, or the next day.
[B]February 16th[/B]: Much has begun to change and I need someone I can speak with. Papa has been sent to continue his research to a location he is not allowed to tell us of. Mom wept, but he told her that all was well, and that he would return as soon as his research was done. He told me that all would be well and he made me promise him to take care of mama whilst he was away. Before he left, held my newly born brother, Adolf, in his hands. He told him he was the man of the house, and he would grow big and strong, just as the one he was named after had. He left a week ago. Mama still weeps every night.
[B]April 19th[/B]: The house has gotten better now. We’ve all been able to deal with only communicating with papa thru the Nazi telegramming system. He tells us that he is on the verge of completing his project and will return home soon. On a personal basis, thou I trust in the Nazi party, I do miss my dear Eliza. Her family was sent to a work camp a month ago. But, I believe she will be coming back in a year or so. I mean, what kind of work could they have that would keep her longer? Also, I’ve been asked on an outing tonight. I am getting ready now, but I thought it would be good to write in here.
[B]April 23rd[/B]: Strange men have come to the town and started using the old abandoned mansion. They bare the Swastika, so I guess they mean well.
[B]May 1st[/B]: The sky is dark today. Almost like night. And it is not even noon. Mama said it would be best if everyone stayed in, so we shall. The party members have brought some strange things to the mansion in the last few days. This might be there doing. I have been called the bravest girl in class on many an occasion. Today, I am afraid.

A page has been torn from behind this entry.

The following has been written in a childish, thou male hand. It is originally in French.
[B]May 13th (Ice)[/B]:"We went out to research our new 'friend.' He has neglected to tell us any of his backgrounds, so we thought we would find something for ourselves. But, to our dismay, humans' knowledge is far more limited that we desire. We found our answer on our way out of the library, thou. A group of children crossed our path, laughing and playing festively. It was then we realized who he was. He was like us, at least in our distaste for humans. And that's all we really need, isn't it?

The following has been written in English
[B]September 5th (Fire)[/B]: "Last night we found a gang of humans. These pompous idiots thought they had the strength to kill us. Stupid humans! There's nothing we hate more than those moronic beings sticking their noses in my business. We had our fun with them. They burned good."

The following was translated from Chinese.
[B]December 24th (Lightning)[/B]: "CHIRSTMAS!!!"

The following has been translated from Latin.
[B]February 20th (Light)[/B]: "We came across a small human being picked upon today. Thou we don't like them, we helped the small one. He thanked us, and we felt great. Something that we haven't felt since... well we can't remember. Tomorrow looks promising. I get to make a cake!"

The following is a torn page in the back, not dated. It has been translated from it’s original text, an ancient from of written language used by Sprites of old. It has long been believed to have died out.
[B](Darkness)[/B]: "I have decided to commandeer this book. The family it belonged to is no more, so they‘ll have no need for it. This city bores me. Nothing left to pillage. I shall look for my kin. Then, this world will burn."[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]Name:[/B] Silvester K.

[B]Age:[/B] Well, he looks not a day over Thirty-One, but he came into existence sometime in the late 1700's, in South Germany.

[B]Gender:[/B] Male

[B]Species:[/B] Vampire

[B]Alliance:[/B] The Harbingers (Though he isn't currently in direct contact with the clan, as he split off a while back to live as a nomad, he most identifies with the ancient traditions, and respects the clan.)

[B]Appearance:[/B] Standing at an impressive 6'3", he has a broad-shouldered frame, but a faily thin trunk, that is to say he isn't so much a tree in appearance, but still quite fit. Describing him from head to heel, he has a square jaw, framed in long sideburns and veiled in stubble. He has an aquiline nose and full lips. His head is adorned with closely cut hair. He prefers an early ninteenth-century style, a "modern" fashion, sporting black brogues, he wears black, pin-striped, slacks (black suspenders) and a vest with a white shirt, red tie, and a comfortable, black, tweed peacoat with the elbows reinforced. And a black bowler to complete.

[B]Personality:[/B] He is of good humor, a well rounded man that can laugh and such and so-forth, but is not foreign to solemnity. He enjoys this earth, and enjoyed his life, but hated the things happening in it. So he died, and now I suppose he's enjoying his death. Although, he can be cold, and moody as well.

[B]Weapons:[/B] He carrys no weapons, per se, but years in this world have made him a particularly good match. Otherwise he utilizes what's available to him.

Unique Ability/Special Skills: To some degree i suppose one could say he has precognative abilities, or a sort of "esp", pretaining to the moments shortly following the "vision" or "alert". Suffice it to say he can react quickly.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B]

He opened his eyes to the rising sun and the cold shiver of wind, then quickly sprung up to shake the sand from his shirt. After brushing off the front of his pant's and surveying the situation, he retrieved his coat which was flug from him in the morning's excitment. "Guten Morgen, Baume." He spoke softly to the trees as the wind blew again and he donned his coat. He picked up his suitcase and continued where he left off. Following the railroad tracks.

One foot after the other, keeping to the shadows, stopping once or twice to fetch a rock from his shoe. He moved down the track slowly, with no direction or destination. In the distance he recognized the remains of a smallish town. [I]Excellent. A new place to make company.[/I] He thought sarcastically to himself. But in a moment's time he was surprised to feel the need to retract that pondering.

He came upon a fellow drifter sleeping in the dust.

His shufflings stirred the individual and as he looked in our wanderer's direction he recieved a "Greetings!" The hobo inquired as to why he was being greeted. Silvester reponded that it seemed the Thing to Do and that they were somewhat kinsmen.

"Nomads! The remains of a lost race, we share their spirit!" The somewhat-irked hobo took this notion in stride. "Come friend," He was invited, "we have much ground to cover." Realizing he had nothing better to do, and his strange company knew it, the hobo reluctantly rose. "Jack." He declared, extending a hand. "K. will do nicely." Silvester returned.

They wandered into the city limits. K's stomach growled.

[I]Get'in' hungry. [/I]

(Please alert me of any discrepancies)

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  • 2 months later...
Name: Xen Fenix

Age: he was born in the early 13th century

Gender: male

Species: Vampire

Alliance: None.

Appearence: [IMG]http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee260/inufandom/Vampire-6.jpg[/IMG]

Personality: He's a bright boy, forever a teenager, even now. He has a very real sense of right and wrong, and is quite passionate about art. His fiery personality is always sure to brighten someone's life, though he's alot more tough than he pretends to be. He talks the talk, and walks the walk, but doesn't go looking for trouble. As far as he's concerned, humans are the ones that need protecting from the REAL monsters.

Weapons: he needs no weapons, though he prefers to carry a pistol in a holster on his right leg.

Unique ability: He's immune to the harmful rays of the sun. However, his supernatural strengths are diminished greatly during the day, and he can sun burn easily.

Writing sample:

"So... what is this?" Xen looked into the glass he held, the deep red color drawing his his hunger.


Taking a deep swig, Xen downed the glass in a few gulps. However, his hunger was not satisfied completely. "So.... um... yeah. Why did you want me?" Xen sat down at the grand piano, and begun to play.

Xen's old freind smiled, his teeth pointed and gleaming. "There's been several... occurences. The clans are fighting." Xen merely snorted in response. "Yeah, what else is new?"

"It's become rather violent as of late. You won't be able to be immpartial for much longer." The beautiful piano melody wound itself aroung the two, bringing a small amount of peace to them both.

"Yeah well, both sides are crazy and all they want is to rule everything. Neither side gives any though what so ever to the mortals caught in the crossfire. My duty is to protect them."

"Still playing the hero after all these centuries. You never change." Xen looked out the open window. Dawn was looming over the horizon. "Well, you need to go to sleep soon. Dawn approaches."

The old vampire smiled once more. "Yes, not all of us are day walkers like you. But still, you need to be careful. Both sides want you.... and they might try to make sure neither can get you." Xen nodded. "Yes, so very true." Xen sighed. Being hunted by both sides was not something he particularly worried about. But it disn't make him at ease, either.

Xen bowed out, and saw himself to the door. He looked to thr rising sun, and knew that tonight he would be under seige, his freind had warned him.

"Man... this bites. It figures that even now I'm wanted dead... This crap is no different than when I was human....."
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"][B]Name:[/B] Firenze Nuri

[B]Age:[/B] 13th century

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Species:[/B] Werewolf

[B]Alliance:[/B] Seraphim (no one else but Seraphim)

[B]Appearance:[/B] At an average height of five feet and four inches tall, Firenze Nuri seems fragile with brillant blue eyes and long dark hair. Her fair features hide her fierce personality with perfectly placed lips and a soft nose. Her body is firm but she's by no means model skinny. Her wolf form is her best feature.

[B]Personality:[/B] A monster in her own right, Firenze is a hot tempered and nasty. Her appearance makes her deadly because she can draw anyone in before they realize what she's truly after. As a wolf she is a master of huntress and no wound can stop her from her prey.

[B]Weapons:[/B] None. (what werewolf needs a weapon...seriously :-P)

[B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Can change at will.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B]

Blood...it was everywhere, rushing into her mouth and nose like a fountain. Thick, rich blood, heavy with memories that were not hers. Powerful, intoxicating blood and she wanted more! Her head shot up, her eyes scanning the crazed battle field. Creatures of all sorts, including werewolves, were running a muck through the burning town.

"Over there!" A man pointed to her from across the courtyard. Her heart leapt nearly out of her chest as she began to race across the courtyard.

This was no ordinary man. This was her favorite vampire who called himself Simon. He was the keeper of the pits, a place she had reluctantly called home. Screams accompanied her to bed every night as he was rape and torement those that were forced to stay in the pits. She had not done anything to warrent her being placed in such a place except she was born a werewolf.

The frigid cold air swept past her ears, ruffling her fur along her neck and back as she dashed across the rough stones of the courtyard. Three silver swords were drawn against her, but she wasn't afraid of them. The pain would be fierce but her revenge was stronger. She lept through the air and landed on her target. Her teeth sinking into the leg of the vampire on her right. She ripped it from his body, his screams filling her ears. She felt the searing pain of the vampire on the left thrusting his sword into her side.

"Kill it! Kill it you damned idiot!" screamed Simon under her.

She could feel herself howl in pain, reaching around and ripping the other vampire's arm off, the sweet taste of his blood dripping onto her tongue. They were useless to Simon now. His screams grew faint as she listened to the increasing flood of fresh blood running through his body. Her snout was quickly buried in his chest, blood rushing all over her mouth.

Firenze shot her head up, her lust suddenly gone. A vampire like nothing she had seen before walked calmly through the battle field, easily slicing heads off of any one that stood in his way. He smelled sweet and ungodly powerful. She must have him. She rushed forward, dodging to the left only to recieve his sword into her right shoulder. A snarl escaped her, savage teeth exposed before he brought his eyes down open her. Cold masterful eyes. Her hatred vanished and he pulled his sword from her with little care. He left her, never looking back to go about things as if they had never run into each other.

[I]Seraphim[/I] his name floated through her like a chilled breeze and she vowed on that day that her teeth would only sink into the flesh of the undead. That she would only drink the blood of the cursed until she found him again. To whatever end it brought, she would have him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Alexander Mitchell (just goes by his last name)
[B]Age: [/B]Early 20th Century
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Species:[/B] Vampire
[B]Alliance:[/B] Loosely affiliated with the Counter-Rogue Task Force as a consultant. He knows the way Vampires work, and that is useful to the Force.
[B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/Blayze54/Mitchell-being-human-3972968-426-63.jpg"][I]Mitchell[/I][/URL]
Mitchell tends to wear the same jeans (the same style, not the same pair), boots, coat and gloves, but he will wear different shirts - sometimes black button-down shirts, sometimes checked, sometimes just a t-shirt. He tries to dress inconspicuously, as he doesn't like to be singled out in a crowd.
The only things which change when he feels the bloodlust are his incisors elongate into pointed fangs, and his eyes turn completely black - the irises, the whites, everything.
Personality:[/B] Mitchell has been a vampire for (by his standards) a very long time, and he grew tired of the constant infighting many decades ago. As such, he has distanced himself from the vampire community, and the supernatural community as a whole, and become much more friendly to humans than he would be otherwise. He is sociable and friendly, but everyone who knows him and spends time with him can tell there is a great sadness behind his eyes.

As a rule, he tries to avoid confrontation - more for the sake of the people he may be confronting than his own - but he is very protective, and will often jump into a fight to defend someone weaker than himself, even if he doesn't know them. As such, he is known as quite a noble and loyal person to his friends, if a little distracted sometimes.

His attitudes towards his fellow vampires is totally different, though. He treats them with cold disdain, avoiding them where possible, but if he has to stand and fight one, he will.

As for the bloodlust, he tries to deal with it the best he can - his primary job is as an orderly in a hospital, and drinks as much of the stored blood as he can get away with - he doesn't want to rely on any of the vampire-run corporations with their synthetic blood, but at the same time he doesn't want to feed on humans or animals.
Weapons:[/B] Mitchell only occasionally carries a revolver for protection - his natural vampiric strength and agility serve him well in a fight, and he doesn't find himself in a combat situation all too often, so he doesn't feel the need to carry one all the time. He has a variety of different kinds of bullets at his apartment, including some silver and some filled with garlic or holy water, specially made for him by the Counter-Rogue Task Force.

If it can be called a weapon, he also has a silver spear-head shaped pendant around his neck, which seems to put off werewolves if he ever finds himself around them.
Unique Power:[/B] He can't quite explain it, but Mitchell seems to have a special connection to the vampire who sired him. It was almost as if the vampire overlord known as Seraphim left a part of himself within Mitchell when he turned him into a vampire over 100 years ago. He doesn't have a full-blown telepathic connection to him, but he sometimes has strange dreams and feelings, violent flashes in the night during which he doesn't feel like himself.

Inherent in this connection are some enhanced abilities: Mitchell seems to be resistant to the aging effects of the Sun, the only sensitive part of him being his eyes, causing him to require sunglasses even when it is cloudy; he also seems to be stronger than the average vampire, and more agile. However, coupled with these enhanced abilities comes a greater-than-average craving for blood. He feels the bloodlust at least twice as strong as your normal vampire, and as such he has to work extra hard to resist it.

[B]Writing Sample:[/B]

Fear flowed through my veins like icewater, turning every appendage into a numb, lifeless attachment to my useless body. My ineffectual fingers wrapped tighter around the barrel of my rifle, which rattled as my hands shook it. I reached up and adjusted my helmet, as it began to slip down over my eyes, blocking my line of sight. I heard my breathing heavy and loud in my ears, along with the pumping of my blood.

A rustling came from behind me, and I whirled around, brandishing my weapon at the source of the noise. The forest seemed to be full of ghosts - sounds and movements that appeared to come from nowhere. The thick, cloying mist didn't help matters, either.

I had lost my regiment some 14 hours earlier, and I'd been wandering around this forest searching for them ever since. I was alone, terrified and it was beginning to get dark, which only increased my fear of the place. It stank of death and rotting flesh, and I think I knew deep down that my men were all dead. The search was the only way I could keep myself occupied enough to stop the fear from consuming me.

Hah. People always said I had great willpower.

That was when I saw them. They were dressed as the enemy, their heads adorned with German army hats and helmets, their greatcoats splattered with dark bloodstains, standing over a pile of men's bodies.

My men's bodies.

I felt a surge of anger wash over the fear, not replacing it but concealing it for a moment, and I raised my rifle, levelling it at the head of the man who looked most like their leader. Hot, stinging tears of anger rolled down my cheeks, but I blinked them away, desperately trying to regain my clear vision to take the shot. I sniffed, apparently too loudly, and the man's head snapped around to my direction. I panicked and took the shot, but it missed, a tree trunk to the right of him exploding into splinters.

Seconds later, he was standing in front of me, his powerful hand gripped on the barrel of my rifle, which he pulled out of my hands and threw to the ground. His skin was pale, his long hair concealed beneath his hat, and his eyes were pitch black. It was the face of the Devil himself.

[B]"Y...you're not really one of them, are you?"[/B] I asked shakily. I don't know why I asked this when the answer was so apparent, but my fear-addled mind forced the words out of my mouth.

[B]"No,"[/B] he said, with the air of a god addressing an insect, a sneering arrogance dribbling from his words as he looked down upon me, [B]"We're not here to fight in your petty, meaningless war. We're here for...recruitment purposes."

"What do you mean, recruitment?"[/B] I asked, the fear that had been clouding my mind dissipating for a moment, allowing me to distract the creature with my words as I drew my Bowie knife from it's sheath on my leg.
"We're part of an exclusive club, you might say," [/B]he said, and the others with him, now gathered around me, laughed. The man took his hat off, throwing it to the ground, and unfurling his long, silvery hair. I took this moment of distraction to raise my knife up and plunge it into his stomach. He reeled back, stepping onto his back foot, but more out of surprise than pain. He grinned a vicious, venomous grin, and pulled the bloodied knife from the place it had lodged itself.

[B]"You're brave, I'll give you that. Bravery is an intriguing quality, and I see something else inside you. Something...something I can't quite put my finger on."

"If you're going to kill me, just fucking do it!"[/B] I shouted, the rage, the pain and the fear welling up inside me and exploding from me in a sudden outburst.

[B]"Oh, I won't kill you. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm going to give you life. Tell me your name."

"Alexander. Alexander Mitchell,"[/B] I spat, wiping my nose with my hand and staring up at this creature with bloodshot eyes.

[B]"Well, Alexander Mitchell. Welcome to a new world,"[/B] he said, opening his jaws wide, baring long, wickedly-pointed fangs, and clamping down on my neck. I felt my skin and veins burst open, and my hot, sticky life-blood gush out of the wound and into his waiting maw.

But I didn't scream. I felt something change in me as my consciousness clouded over, growing heavier and darker. I slumped to the ground, feeling everything fade away...

I didn't know how long it was until I returned to the land of the living, but when I did, everything was different, and the glorious creature that had done this to me stood over me, offering his hand to me.

[B]"Welcome, Mitchell. Your life begins here,"[/B] he said, and I reached out and took his hand.


I snapped out of my daydream as one of the doctors yelled something at me. I picked up my mop and continued my meaningless duties.

I thank my lucky stars to this day that I encountered Seraphim Baraccus when I did, back when he was more compassionate and less cruel. If I had met him today, he wouldn't have hesitated in ripping my heart from my chest and leaving me to bleed to death in that forest. Maybe he was a better person back then, or maybe I caught him on a good day, but whatever reason it was for, he exercised restraint and sympathy.

Or maybe, just maybe, he really did see something special inside me that day. If I had anything to do with it, I'd never find out.[/SIZE]
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Name: Vincent Erin.
Gender: Male.
Age: 345. Looks like 23.
Species: Vampire.
Alliance: Counter Rouge Task Force.
Appearance: Medium long, black hair, 6ft, 140 pounds. Vincent likes to ware well fitting jeans, T-shirts, Hoodies with his favorite(He thinks it's lucky) grey/brown suite jacket over the hoody. He also likes to ware a fadora(hat).
Weapons: Vincent doesn't like to fight, but when he does, he usually has a butterfly knive on him, it's 3 inches long and not that sharp.
Abilities: Since Vincent is a vampire, he has the usual vampire abilities, but he also has the ability to telepathicaly contact his fellow clan members.
Sample writing:
As Vincent once again wakes up from his bed in his apartment, he gets dressed, throwing on the same jeans as yesterday, putting in his favorite suite jacket, he heads out the door. He got a call from the Counter Rouge Task Force that there was an problem last night with the opposition; they killed one of the CRTF members. His name was Jule, he to was a vampire. He had been a member of the CRTF for twenty years.
"It was another damn Rogue, they killed Jole."
"You still there?"
"Yeah, Tell me were the scene is, i'll be right over."
"..Hey Vince, it's going to be all right, we'll get those bastards, don't you worry."

So Vince had headed down to the scene, and when he got there, he had almost thrown up. His friend had been massacred, blood, bones, organs, all strung out on 5th street. It was a scene so horrible, it brought Vince to his knees. He began to cry, but then he brought his self together.
" They will pay, i'll kill every last one of them myself if need be." He then walked over to the Director Of CRTF Homicide Cases and said,
"When you find out who or what did this, you tell me and i'll take care them, alright?"
"Ok Vince, i'll let you know, but don't kill them like you did the last guy, that was hell for the clean up crew."
"I can't guarantee you anyhting accept that i'm gonna get 'em, and take 'em out."
"Just be careful."
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Age: 17 born September 13 1990 (bitten June 13 2007)

Gender: Male


Alliance: The Harbingers

Appearance:as a human Dash is a handsome 5'7 17 year old boy with blue eyes brown hair always styled in a messy fauxhawk (even in wolf form) he wares a black zip up hoody ripped dark blue jeans and steel toed boots before going Feral he tries to remove the jacket and boots he also wheres a St Michael pendant around his neck(a present for his 13th birth day)[url]http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww89/lily111/halloween.jpg[/url] [url]http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww89/lily111/Werewolf.jpg[/url]
Personality: Dash dropped his real name and adopted his nick name as to not have his past find him after he turned,he is still new to being a werewolf and his emotions betray that (anger sorrow and attraction cause him to go Feral) he's fast quick witted and flirty.loyalty and honor are his two most redeeming qualities as a human he was narcissistic an loved the sound of his own voice even as a wolf he could be heard howling he also enjoys free running and womanizing he hates guns and loves a fair fight he Only goes Feral to end the fight or run away (and when he cant control him self) he cant stand to eat humans vamps or other wolves instead choosing to hunt small game to feed on

Weapons: 1 copper bracer and gauntlet on his left arm a small gun metal hunting bow and dark blood red quiver he only carries 17 arrows at a time 2 silver these is the only ones he will kill with 8 poison tipped(only causes the target to lose focus for 5 min not harmful)and 5 incendiary arrows (only for distractions) 2 zip line arrows

Unique Ability/Special Skills: faster then most werewolves due to being a free runner as a human and even though he doesn't see it since his 13th birthday he has always been extremely lucky having an enemy trip, drop there weapon, or even missing opportune moments to strike a death dealing blow.

Writing Sample:he needed to clear his head the park the one he loved that is until he was bit there he would never forget that hot night in June he had gone to the park because of his parents fighting, running and jumping over bushes and walls he finally stopped at a small bridge and looked to the moon it was full he was lost in its soft pale light. his watch beeped it was 11:10 he had to get home, as he looked up from his watch there it was, white fur and those eyes those beautiful and deadly green eyes, to intranced to run he stared as the wolf crept closer it was the most magnificent creater he had ever seen.It pounced ripping in to his left forearm. jack let out a long scream and blacked out when he awoke his shirt was soaked in blood but the wound had healed was it a bad dream ? no, if it was where did the blood come from? he ditched the shirt and ran home hes parents were at work when he got home and he had all ready missed 1st an 2nd period so he stayed home. he pored him self a bowl of cereal and took a bite and gagged was the milk bad? no then why did it taste spoiled he looked in the fridge then the smell of meat hit his nose hot dogs no need to cook them he was starving he ripped in to all 8 of them "wow i was hungry" after his breakfast jack went to the living room and popped Brotherhood of the Wolf(Le Pacte Des Loups) in to the DVD player he started to drift of to sleep when he awoke it was night once more and his parents arguing in the kitchen he growled and walked in to his room and slammed the door but he could still hear it the yelling the screaming dishes braking it made him so angry jack shut his eyes and gritted his teeth then it hit him he stared getting dizzy and tried to make it to his bed to lay down 1 step the edges of the room stated going black 2 steps his vision tunneled there was no 3erd step. when he awoke again he was covered in blood but this time he could taste it he blinked he was in his kitchen laying next to him were his parents both there throats ripped out he gasped then he heard it sirens they sounded right out side he ran to the window nothing but he knew he had to leave he ran to his room grabbed a jacket and a pair of shoes the sirens were ringing in his ears now jack did the only thing he was ever good at.. he ran.he ran until he meet the only two people that would help him at lest at the time he thought they were people. was there any way to get this nightmare to stop the only way dash could think of was to kill the thing that started it all for him ..the white wolf and with the help of the The Harbingers he might get his wish
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