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[quote name='Kiba_the_Chosen']They should make a movie from the FMA series. It seems like the fit thing to do. Not to complain or anything but why haven?t they made a movie yet?[/quote]

They are in the process of making one. It comes out in Japan this summer ^_^; I'm suprised you haven't heard of it yet. If you go back 2 or 3 pages in this forum there's information about it. Somewhere there is a link to the trailor, I'm not sure where, you'd have to read a couple of posts to find it.

It takes place two years after the series. But you said you haven't seen the whole series so I'm not going to ruin anything for you, and if you do watch the trailor, you may be confused.

[url]www.fullmetal-alchemist.com[/url] always has the latest news on the movie, so you should check it out.
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[color=darkslateblue] @xmystic_silverx: your banner...lol...Roy looks like a sleazy bar owner... XD It that air freshener? Winry looks cool. D:

Anways...my lame attempt to spark discussion.

[spoiler] I'm pretty sure most fans know, but in the FMA movie, Al has dressed up very similarly to Ed. The only exception is that his pants aren't leather and his shirt has a different buckle. Any reasons why? When I first saw the picture of movie!Al, the first natural thought that came to me was Al was merely dressing like Ed as if to honor or remember Ed. So far my opinion hasn't changed, but a lot of people are making up some theories as to why he's dressing up like Ed...one I remember is that he's trying to impersonate Ed and something to do with the gate. :/ Opinions? [/spoiler][/color]
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Last night's episode was kind of annoying. :animesigh

[spoiler]After all that build-up, Ed asks Al if he hates him. What the hell? Why did they have to make this seem like some kind of big huge secret? It's practically self-evident that Ed would have such fears--and from the beginning, it's been equally evident that Al doesn't hate him.

The scene of Ed asking Al about this would have made much more of an impact if (instead of concealing the whole thing) Ed had been previously shown agonizing over it despite all of the proof that Al never resented him--just like how Al started to worry about having false memories despite the fact that (from an outside perspective) such anxiety was almost ludicrous. The plot thread about Al's so-called false memories worked a lot better and was more emotionally compelling than the plot thread about Ed's Al-related fears. Why? Because they didn't try to hide it for the sake of creating some cheap and wholly unnecessary suspense.[/spoiler]

Also, I'm a little bitter that [spoiler]Barry[/spoiler] died. Oh well. The nicely done fight scenes helped placate me, although I found it kind of creepy that the lead mercenary had a hair antennae exactly like the one Hughes normally sports.

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[color=darkslateblue] @ Dagger: I agree with you as well. It was just one of those cheap suspense things to lure people in... but damn, I did warn you about getting too worked up about that. I didn't really care about it, though, because I was pretty much sure of Ed's GIANT QUESTION from the beginning. I had remembered that scene from Episode 3, [spoiler] when Ed is getting his automails attatched and he says that line about "this pain is nothing etc. etc." [/spoiler], and it was so-much-for-the-suspense. But Ed's freakishly large, burning guilt-complex makes up a huge part of his character as well. :D And I like brotherly moments, anyway. And father-son moments. Which is probably a huge reason as to why I like FMA so much. :3[/color]
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[quote name='Dagger']Last night's episode was kind of annoying. :animesigh[/quote][COLOR=blue]If anyone else said that, I would have immediately concluded that all the hype was why the conclusion seemed to sucked. People tend to impress or put more emphasis on things that aren't there. However, you know better.

I say it was the bad dubbing. Overacting is just as bad as underacting. In this case, it made the scene much more dramatic than it was in the Japanese version. And with what little sample size we have (Lunox, you, and myself), it's looks like it was obvious that was the only thing that was on Ed's mind in that scene in the Japanese version, while the US version really overdoes dramatic moments (I'm pretty sure I complained about the terrible crying at the end of the chimera episode). You were very zealous and anxious about the scene, while both Lunox and I didn't put much emphasis on it. Also, I saw that episode where the voice actor seems to be choking, haha.

One last thing I will say. Lunox pointed out that people complain that Ed never changes. This complaint might be, in part, due to the fact that [SPOILER]Ed has his goals, his morals, and virtues set in stone all for the sake of his brother. He'll be darned if anything - the truth or reality - will stop him from keeping his promise to his brother. All of this was etched on the day of their transgression[/SPOILER]. More elaboration might border on spoiler, and I'm not sure where I'm going with it, heh.

Oh, and Lunox, I don't want any more of the movie revealed to me! =P Otherwise I would discuss it more. Although, I'm curious: [SPOILER]what does it matter what Al or Ed wear[/SPOILER]? O_o[/COLOR]
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Ah yes for all those out there that saw last Saturdays episode on CN it was more dramatic when the secrets were lies. (I?m going to have to do this otherwise I will get yelled at.) [SPOILER]Last Saturday when Ed asked if he would have hated him for all that happened it was foretold. Really I wish they would have stuck with his memories being fake. It would make me wonder a lot.[/SPOILER] Then they have to ruin it. [SPOILER]Scar doesn?t chase Ed but just becomes a harmless opponent that guards the Ishbalians. God I ought to tear out their throat. Oh well that is that. But you have to admit Winrie is one crazy automail mechanic. Lol. Let?s not forget about the Humunkulai. I still find it mystery behind them. Hmmm where did they go. Oh back to reality.[/SPOILER] Finally I would like to add the pondering question for all to think. ?The Flame Alchemist. He doesn?t show up that much now, now does he??
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I actually prefer Scar as a [spoiler]sort of non-antagonist. It makes things more interesting, and I would have been kind of irritated if he was a main enemy for the entire show. I loved seeing him interact with Al in the past few episodes.

Plus, he does have a point, and it seems like the writers went out of their way to emphasize that he isn't just a bloodthirsty killer. So making him have semi-friendly relations with the brothers was just a natural extension of that, at least for me.[/spoiler]

AW: I'll let you know what I think about it once I see those episodes subbed.

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[i]Oh, and Lunox, I don't want any more of the movie revealed to me! =P Otherwise I would discuss it more. Although, I'm curious: [spoiler]what does it matter what Al or Ed wear?[/spoiler] O_o[/i]

[color=darkslateblue] :3 Haha, I'll try. As for the [spoiler]clothes[/spoiler] thing, I have no idea. When I first saw it, I barely thought about it, but a lot of people were cooking up some pretty wild theories. *shrug* I wouldn't be surprised if it barely had any meaning, lol. [/color]
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@Lunox: Lol XD That's what I thought too! I found this picture and it's a sticker that you get if you buy the Japanese CD with Hagaren Radio on it. And yes, I think it is air freshener @_@ I like Winry's outfit but Ed's jacket rules them all.

Oh yeah, Ed's secret. Oooh, the drama! When I first saw that episode I didn't think too much of it and I think AzureWolf was right, the dubbed version does seem to make things a little more dramatic than they need to be. That [I]cry[/I] during the chimera episode sounded like a laugh to me. Lol

I can't wait unitl this up-coming saturday's episode. I have a feeling DA and Gaia will have a lot of messages about that one. The preview didn't even give away anything! No one will be ready, they'll all be like "Woh, I didn't see that coming" (or maybe some will, I'm exaggerating). I just want to see what everyone's reaction is going to be.
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[color=indigo]Okay need to ask something. [spoiler]is al's memories really fake or are they real. i'm like so lost w/ that one and is scar still after ed? [/spoiler][/color]
[color=#4b0082][COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. Please be mindful of what you could be revealing to people who haven't yet seen the series (myself included). Also, please refrain from using abbreviations in your posts wherever possible. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color]
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[i]I can't wait unitl this up-coming saturday's episode. I have a feeling DA and Gaia will have a lot of messages about that one. The preview didn't even give away anything! No one will be ready, they'll all be like "Woh, I didn't see that coming" (or maybe some will, I'm exaggerating). I just want to see what everyone's reaction is going to be.[/i]

*do not read unless you've seen episode 25, I'm warning you*

[color=darkslateblue][spoiler] ACK! NO! *hugs Hughes* He's still alive...in my heart... ;_; By the middle of episode 25 (when I first watched it), the thought that Hughes would die entered my mind. It haunted me until he did. Which left me...with a face like this: *___________________*. Hughes was my favorite character....*sniffle* So far, I don't think anyone from the audience of the AS shows has predicted it (as far as the FMA communities I go to), but then again...I believe many people will expect it halfway in as well.[/spoiler][/color]
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Much to my dismay, I have already been spoiled for at least one of the major events that occurs in episode 25. And I've tried so hard to forget what I read! :animedepr

Ah well. At least I'll get to find out how it happens. Still, nothing can replace the emotional impact of being totally taken by surprise.

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[COLOR=blue]That really sucks, Dagger. At you least you took a bullet for other people who unknowingly went into that thread. What an evil thread that was... so many unnecessary victims... *nods* It took the right stuff to come out of there alive.

Anyway, I didn't really see the events of episode 25 coming. However, there was one point where I thought about the possibility. I don't remember what episode # it was (it was a pretty early one), but it was the one where [SPOILER]the Fullmetal Alchemist officially fights the Flame Alchemist. When Hughes was the announcer, and he pulled up a picture of his daughter, I laughed, very amused. Then I thought, "Ah geez, it would really suck if he ended up dying." He's simply an amazing character, heh.[/SPOILER][/COLOR]
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@ BlackTigerGirl: No, don't worry, Al's memories aren't fake, he was just overreacting ^_^; And I think you're talking about Hughes. Who is Hughes? He's the guy with the glasses who obsesses over his daughter and his wife ^_^, the guy who keeps telling Roy to get married, you know who I'm talking about, right?

Before I saw episode 25 I knew what was going to happen because I had read about it, but if I would have never found out, I would have never guessed that that would happen, I'm kinda an idiot =_=.
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[quote name='BlackTigerGurl][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] OMG! how could u spoil such a thing. He was my next favorite charcater. I feel so hurt now! :animecry: [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]

What did I spoil? @_@ You must have chosen to highlight the black text, because that's the only way you could have found out @_@
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[I]of course i did. now i wish i havent. now when i see that ep i'm going to be way upset because u told me. gosh u should of kept it to ur self.[/I]

Lol ^_^; Well, then don't blame me.

First of all, I'm not the one who put up the spoilers, and Lunox specifically said "do not read unless you've seen episode 25, I'm warning you"

You know what? I think I'm gonna take a survey on whether people liked the ending of FMA or not. Both of my friends didn't and they both called me up to yell at [I]me[/I] about it. @_@ I only convinced one that it was still a good ending.
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I have one question for you all to answer. Why don?t you quit complaining when you were the one who created the complaint in the first place? Come on TigerGurl he specifically said don?t read it in his post. I feel like I?m a teacher explaining to a mis minded kid over and over not to do something. I didn?t read it because I want to see what happens with a big mystery around it. Yeah maybe I did read into it about how [SPOILER]commander Hughes dies. *sob* His daughter will be heart broken. His wife will too. Poor girl. I say to all who highlight the blackened out text create a memorial for the great and still annoying character. We all love you Hughes. It was funny how you teased the The Flame Alchemist about getting married. I will never forget you.[/SPOILER] Ah yes the news down at the station is what I came here for. BlackTigerGurl you may want to tune in. For all who are confused [SPOILER]Scar is temporarily protecting the Ishbalan camp. He will come after Ed eventually I assure you. Next Al?s memories no they aren?t fake. They were just lies to get him confused.[/SPOILER] Finally I would like to give an award to Winrie for being one of the most weird characters on the show. LOL. I mean she is serious one minute then she turns into something else the next. That is an amazing feat to pull through. Anyway in the end I will have fun with my popcorn soda and tv tomorrow night. See you all later.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] i just to make one thing clear. i did not, i repeat, i did not highlight the black highlight to read what he had to said. all i did was reply and it showed it. and as i was scanning through it i saw what he said. so please, dont blame me. :animeknow: Thank you.
:catgirl: BlackTigerGurl[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[i]You know what? I think I'm gonna take a survey on whether people liked the ending of FMA or not. Both of my friends didn't and they both called me up to yell at me about it. @_@ I only convinced one that it was still a good ending.[/i]

[color=darkslateblue] They CALLED you on the phone to moan about FMA's ending? Holy crap. Hardcore fans...

I love FMA's ending. [spoiler] What was Ed's ultimate and very final goal? To save Al. Who is the person Ed loves and would die for in a heartbeat? Al. At a sacrifice, he gave Al life, therefore accomplishing his goal. I love the ending so much. It shows the sacrifice Ed had to give, the one thing he kept close to him: his relationship with Al. And it also shows the love between the two. And it was just plain cool.[/spoiler] What I don't understand is why a lot of fans hate it. But then again, I advise them to not complain about it, because technically the FMA movie is the last 'episode'. So um...the only thing I hope is that they don't make the real ending lame.

P.S. Um...I'm a girl. >_> [/color]
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[b]Kyoko Makashiro[/b], openly trading copyrighted materials is against the rules here at OB. So in the future, please don't post links to scanlation sites, torrent sites, or anything else of the kind.

Those interested in reading the FMA manga may also want to note that it has been licensed by Viz. Volume 1 will be coming out in two days, as a matter of fact. I'm sure you'll be able to find it at pretty much any comic shop or bookstore which carries manga.

I'm surprised that no one has commented on episode 25 yet, so I guess I'll kick things off. [spoiler]It affected me more than I thought it would--I was planning to go watch Gad Guard or something afterward, but once I saw FMA, I was ready to turn in for the night. They really rubbed in the fact that Hughes is a wonderful character and probably the most likeable guy in the entire show so far.[/spoiler]

The dubbing of Elicia's voice was noticeably weak, which reminded me that I didn't like Nina's English voice either. So Funi needs to work on how they cast little kids. Other than that, though, I was really happy with the performances in this episode, especially from Hughes and Roy.

One thing I'm confused about... [spoiler]So did Envy kill Maria Ross and take her place? Or was the person who saved Hughes actually Envy from the beginning?[/spoiler] I also just realized that when Scar kept talking about [spoiler]the arm his brother gave him, he meant it literally.[/spoiler] Yeah--that kind of went over my head until very recently. :animeswea

Since there was no next episode preview, I assume the show is taking a break from AS. Does anyone know when new episodes will return again?

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