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A little help for the plot-impaired?


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Flynn growls as he looks at her.

"If i tell you I die."

"If you dont tell...i'll rip them off." says Sethi.

"You wouldnt dare."

"Ok...then i'll tear them off" replies Sethi again.

"Why not cut them off?" says Lidian as she pushes her blade down on him.

"...It was Adrien. Adrien sent me."

"That's better...now, why do you want Gordon dead?"

"Because...he betrayed the Trict all those years ago, not that..."android"."


"So...you didnt know. Your friend...who was just captured because of a plan by me, is part android, created from Alexander's Genes, but something went wrong....that's all i say."

Lidian pushes the blade harder on his thigh.

"Tell me...where the hell he is"

"I would rather kiss a moose's fat but than ever tell you!"

Lidian growls and pushes it a bit harder, slightly piercing Flynn's skin

"ow ow...he's at the Council Seven's HQ here on the spacestation...They knew you were coming..."

"But...who knew?" Lidian looks at Sethi before they look over at Gordon.

"You cheap bastard..."

"Wait a minute...you mean he's playing both sides!?" wonders Sethi.

Lidian lowers the blade from Flynn before looking at Flynn once more.

"Something's odd here..."
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[COLOR=indigo][i]Lidan's face clouded with anger, then she pulled the blade back and pressed her hand against the bleeding cut.[/i]

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

"........I have nothing more to say..."

"Then you're no more use to us."

"Then kill him Lidan."

"I can't Sethi....."

"And you're supposed to ben an assasin?

"We have nothing to gain from this shît."

[i]In a quick movement, she sheathed her blade and removed her bloodstained fingers.[/i][/COLOR]
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[color=deeppink]Sorry to keep switching on and off between writing styles...I can't seem to get used to any by the one I'm used to :)

Edit: Aw damn, I'm a little late in posting this...argh...-__-


[color=purple]Sethi stepped as close to Gordon as she could with the restraint on her foot and put a soft hand on his shoulder, "Gordon," she looked up at him through her eye lashes while Lidan squatted, occupied with Flynn, "what the hell is going on."

While his stomach knotted at the feline purr she had injected in her voice. [i]No wonder guys fall for her sh*t...[/i] Frustrated that he had found her attractive, he grasped her wrist and shoved her roughly away, "Get off, Sethi."

There was menace in his voice, and Sethi's temper flared, "Then tell us what's going on you son of a *****."

Instead of putting more distance between them, Gordon grabbed her wrist again and moved dangerously close to her, "Are you going to believe what this bastard is telling you?"

A stifled grunt came from Flynn as Lidan applied more weight to the blade.

"Let go, Gordon." Something dangerous flashed in Sethi's eyes.

He ignored it, "Do you believe him?"

"I said, let go." [i]The boneheaded man wouldn't let go of her god foresaken wrist![/i] Sethi swung her free right arm and hit him sqare in the jaw. He recoiled, stars of pain exploding in front of his vision.

"What the hell, woman? What the hell?"

"You wouldn't let go of me! So I hit you!"

Infuriated that her punch had hurt so much, he tested moving his jaw to find it hurt like hell, "That doesn't give you the incentive to hit me!"

[i]The sound like fricking siblings[/i] Flynn mused, trying to ignore the pressure on his thigh. Taking advantage of the situation, seeing that Lidan was now staring open mouthed at what Sethi had done, Flynn started to reach for Lidan's hand. [i]How slim and pretty it was...how much he wanted to break her little fingers...[/i]

Sixth sense kicking in, Sethi finished her little rant with a hard kick to Flynn's face. Startled, she glanced down at what she had done. [i]Had she just seen what was about to happen before it actually did?[/i] She shook her head and looked at Lidan who stood up, relieved of duty while Flynn lay unconscious in the alleyway.

"Dammit. Now look what you've done!" Temper still simmering, Gordon cursed, "Now we have to drag him along or something."

"No we don't." Lidan's lips turned up into a thin smile, "What...you don't have a plan Mr. Tough Guy?" She added smuggly as she looked at Gordon's stressed face.

"What, and you do?"

"I guess you could say that." :smirk:

"Then, while you're at it, tell your ****ing sister to never hit me again."

Lidan laughed as she glanced down at the bloodied-face man. Sethi had quieted down, who was suddenly aware of something much deeper that she carried. "Tell her yourself. I'm afraid she's inclined to hit when she's angry."

"So am I, but I didn't do anything to [i]her[/i]."

"Gordon, shut up." Lidan said warningly, nodding towards the red and blue bruises that were appearing on Sethi's wrist from his grip.

"Aw, damn." He was embarassed about that, "Well uh," he cleared his throat, "what's your plan, Lidan?"[/color]
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[COLOR=royalblue]"Well the fastest way to get rid of him would be for me to wake him up, fling him on top of me and yell RAPE as loud as I can."

[i]Gordon and Sethi's mouths dropped open at her wild proposal......Sethi looked down at Flynn's breathing form, then looked back at Lidan, who was grinning slightly.[/i]

"Are you sure that'll work?"

"They'll throw him in jail."

"Eh.....somehow I'm not so sure about this...There's a certain ammount of risk to all of it."

"I've done it before." [i]Lidan shrugged carelessly, and sheathed her blade. She picked up Flynn and tossed him over her shoulders.[/i][/COLOR]
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"Oh, geeze..." Gordon said as he slapped his hand to his forehead.

Sethi looked up at Gordon. In seeing his figure in the dark she temporarily got over her experience to, for the first time, completely take in his appearance. He was an attractive man. It wasn't surprising that lidan had had a crush on him once. But, his size alone took him outside Sethi's taste in men. Yet, this same size is what gave him such an awe-inspiring persona. Then she was suddenly brought out of her thought by footsteps running down the alley. Then, she turned around and saw four officers pulling Flynn off of Lidan. Then Gordon turned to her. "I think I hear the cops running down the alley."

"What are you talking about you dumb--" she turned around to point at where the men had been and noticed them just arriving. it had happened again. She dropped to her knees to take it all in again. Gordon dropped down and scooped her up. She had nearly fainted.

"Geeze, sweatheart. Don't go out on me just yet." he said with a reassuring smile.

"Ok." She said meekly. " I just need to sit down for a minute."

"Sure." He said. And he leaned her up against the wall. Then he went for the corner to get Lidan.

"Gordon." Sethi said.

Gordon turned around. "Yes, Sethi?"

"None of that android **** is true, is it?"

"Naa, girl. He was just trying to save his ***. You rest now. You can tell me what's wrong with you after we are all safe somewhere. I changed my mind about the club. We're going to get a couple of rooms tonight." He said. Then he rounded the corner.

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[COLOR=royalblue]"You okay?"

[i]Lidan looked up at him and grinned lopsidedly, there was a huge bruise over her left eye, but she was still looking good.[/i]

"Sure I am. Mostly."

"Did he fight you?"

"It was a reflex."

"Oh......well we're going to get a couple of rooms for tonight."

"Peachy. Hey, is Sethi alright?"


"Oh. Good."[/COLOR]
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[color=purple]"Gordon." Lidan glanced up at him, "About everything that happened in the past...can we put it aside for the sake of me and Sethi, and the point of getting away from the Trict?"

Gordon shoved his hands in his pockets, clenched his teeth for a moment, eyes nearly clouded with thought.

"Does it take that much concentration to decide to be nice to someone?" Lidan smiled.

"Yes, in fact, it does." Gordon replied with a raised eyebrow, "Yeah," he nodded, "yeah, Lidan. I'll drop the **** from the past until we're done with this whole thing. After that we can deal with it like adults."

"And beat each other up."


"Sounds like a plan to me."


Sethi's pride was wounded. While she was grateful for the quiet, masculine support she had momentarily found in Gordon, the fact she had showed a weakness bothered her.

She gnawed at her bottom lip, head in her hands, a memory replaying through her head...

[quote]"Sethi," he nibbled at her neck, intoxicated by her scent, "you're beautiful."

A small sigh escaped as his glorious mouth met hers. They were entangled in each other's arms, neither one wanting to let go of the night...::cough...sex edit...::cough::[/quote]

"Ugh." Sethi stood up furiously, physically shaking the memory out of her head, "Dammit...so stupid."

Lidan and Gordon rounded the corner. Lidan approached her first, "How are ya?"

"Fine." Sethi snapped, pulling away and subconsciously hiding her face.

"All right all right, good to hear." Lidan rolled her eyes with a small degree of affection for the woman and glanced at Gordon, "Let's get going, shall we?"

"Yes." Gordon found his coat lying in a puddle and picked it up, "Soaked." He muttered a few curses, "All right ladies, follow me."[/color]
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Deep inside the Rune spacestation there is a room that is solid black, where nothing can be seen. a light suddenly comes on and a type of senate chamber appears, along with Remmington tied to a chair, looking down, before looking up at the 7 strange people.

"Gordion Macavoy (whatever the girls last name is)"


"You have been charged with Disobeying direct command orders."

"...so, my own comrades are with the Trict secretly...Gordon was right about you"

"Silence your tongue. Your in enough trouble as it is mutant..."

"Dont you mean half human/android you stupid arsehole!?"

"...in 2 hours time, you will be executed like Gordon and the sisters."

"W-what...? You...you didnt!"

"Yes. Gordon and the girls...are dead.."

Upon hearing that, the spacestation begins to shake slightly, Remmington's eyes glowing as his muscles bulge out, snapping the ropes as he stands up yelling.

"God damn you Rona!!" yells Remmington as he lunges up into the air at her. A type of magic barrier blocks his punch, also sending out a powerufl wave of energy, sending him flying backwards.

"That will be quite enough out of you..." As Rona says that, another of the seven looks up at her.

"Mam, something's not right here!"

"What are you talking about Harkanus?"

"Hi-his androidic side's gone...this power's coming from something deeper."

"Deeper...?" Rona looks down at him, the entire station still shaking. "but how can that be!?"

"You killed my sisters...my brother...and now, so will you..." He yells as he begins to glow, a strange energy wave emiting from him.

"my god...what have we done...?" the energy wave grows until it finally explodes, the entire station rocking with the force of a level 5 earthquake, the entire chamber destroid as the man turns around, walking out into the lower parts of the station, seeking revenge.
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Lidan looked at Sethi quietly, feeling an emotional wave rush from her. Then she followed Gordon and they managed reach a small hotel and check into two separate rooms.[/i]

"So....goodnight then."

"Hold it Lidan."


"Aren't you hungry?"

"Let me put it this way...no."[/COLOR]
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[color=deeppink]Sorry if I mess this up any, sometimes I get confused as to who is talking when there is only dialogue and no explanation :whoops:


[color=purple]Gordon turned to Sethi, "Are you?"

She shook her head.

"Ok," Lidan took her sister's arm, "then we'll take this room." She took the key card from Gordon, slid it into the keyslot, and pulled Sethi in behind her.

Gordon was unlocking his own room when Lidan poked her head out the door a few feet away, "Good night, Gordon."

He smiled wryly, " 'Night, Lidan." Gordon disappeared into his room.

"Everything's safe in here," Sethi was sitting on a bed, the middle sunken with age, "I already checked it out."

"I'll check it a second time. Just to be safe." Lidan added quickly, when she caught the offended glare in Sethi's eyes.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Sethi," Lidan stuck her head in the closet and squinted in the darkness, fingers searching for anything out of place, "what is it that's troubling you?"

"Shut up. Ask me again some other time." She turned away from Lidan and quickly fell into an exhausted sleep.

"Damn her, she's even more stubborn that me."


Next door Gordon paced his room. It was well past midnight, but he was far from tired. His jaw still ached from the blow Sethi had delivered and he rubbed it absentmindedly. There was something more to both of those girls...something that he couldn't see...

He stopped pacing for a minute, straining an ear to listen to the silence. He was certain he head heard something...[i]wait, there it is again![/i] Pulling his gun out of its holster, he cracked open his door enough to see the one that opened to the girls' room.

His heart nearly stopped as he muttered a curse of surprise, "Blast!"[/color]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]In the middle of the dark, Lidan felt something tremor and felt around for her slingblade. As soon as it touched her fingers, she snatched it up silently, and crept over to Sethi's bed.[/i]

"You're not so bad..."

"Get out of our room....now."

"Make me."


[i]Lidan sprang forward, waking Sethi up at the same time......[/i][/COLOR]
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Wow...I got lost on that last post.
"Oh, no you don't" A gun shot rang out and the light flicked on the girls' room. Gordon stood over Lidan and the under her was the lifeless body of a small, pale-faced man. Gordon had shot him in pitch-black darkness and put the bullet in one ear and out of the other.

"You could've killed me!" Lidan said as she rose.

"I didn't, did I?" He said he bent to inspect the corpse. "He's Kiloan. That's why he's so pale. I'm surprised he doesn't glow in the dark...heh." his small joke didn't lighten anyone's mood.

"Why was he here?" Sethi asked.

"Probably just a thief. But i think I'll search him all the same. Never know what T5 will send." he said with a shrug. Then he began searching the man's coat, all his pockets and his boots for anything that might link him to T5 or any other organization. Gordon pulled a small plastic card from the man's sock. "I'll be damned." he pocketed the card and stood up. "We will be leaving EARLY tomorrow morning. Like...in two hours. You two get as much sleep as possible." he began to head to his room.

"What the hell? What happened to resting?" Lidan protested.

"B.R.P.F." Gordon said.

"That doesn't exist anymore." Lidan remarked.

"Oh, yes they do. They went military. So the government on Bismin hardly ever uses them." Gordon said.

Lidan was silent. Sethi found most of this stuff very confusing. She had lived on Bismin but she had nothing to do with its government. Her fiance' had been in Bismin's Royal Army under the command of General Fitch but, other than that and a few unimportant details, that was all she knew of it. The subject of Bismin made her think. The subject of Bismin's military made her think about [i]him[/i]. She pulled herself back into bed. "Let's just go to sleep, Lidan." she said.

Lidan turned to her. She just decided to give up. "Ok..." she said.

"I'll come and wake you two up when its time. No punches to the jaw, ok?" he said, jokingly towards Sethi.

"Sure." she said quietly. Then, she feel asleep.

"Sweet dreams."he said lowly towards Sethi. "'Night." he said to Lidan as he walked out the door.

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[color=blue] Flynn awoke in the back of a patrol skimmer.

"Wh-what happened...how did I get here?" muttered Flynn.

"Well, it looks like sleeping beauty finallyt awoke. Guess you didn't know that no means no, eh lover boy," one of the officers said roughly.

No means no, wht the hell does that mean...oh that stupid ***** must have screamed rape. It will be so fun to kill then all.

Flynn slips out of his cuffs and kicks out the skimmers back window. Next he reaches around through the front window and breaks the drivers neck. He jumps out of the skimmer right before it swerves out of control. Flynn watches as the policer skimmer collides with a fuel transport. The explosion rocks Flynn off of his feet. He is not stunned for long. Recovering, he darts into the shadows...[/color]
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[color=purple]Lidan's internal clock woke her exactly two hours later, exactly two minutes before Gordon was softly rapping on the door. She crossed the small room and opened the door, stated that they were already awake, and shut the door kindly in his face.

"Sethi, get up." She must have been in a deep sleep because she didn't respond. Lidan was reaching for her sister's shoulder when Sethi's hand expertly caught Lidan's and swatted it away.

Sethi opened her eyes rolled over to face Lidan, "I have excellent hearing while I'm sleeping."

"Or so I noticed. Get up before Gordon throws a fit." She could hear him outside the door, muttering oaths.

Sethi was more than obliged to get up. Her dreams had only been filled with the man she had once loved...she couldn't shake the blasted memories no matter how hard she tried.

Her face was a scowl when she opened the door, and Gordon raised an eyebrow at her, "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?"

Sethi merely raised a fist in warning and Gordon got the point. Lidan closed the door softly behind her and handed the key card to Gordon.

"I'll return these to the front desk, just leave them there or something since I doubt anyone is working right now. You two slip out a side enterance and meet me four doors down from this dive. Got it?"

Both women nodded in unison.

"All right, let's get going." He almost added, [i]"I think we're up against a brooding force that sorely outnumbers us..."[/i] but restrained from the comment and started towards the motel's front desk.[/color]
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"All units proceed to area 42B! Target is advancing towards A Wing, stop him at any cost!" As that booms inside the building, we see over 50 soldiers scrambling down the hallway, getting down, while others kneel and stand over the others, their guns pointed outward at the triway at the end of the hall. another explosion is heard as 4 soldiers go flying though the hallway, down the other as smoke comes from the right side. Remmington, with torn clothes, his hair all messed up, blood coming from his cheek turns the corner, coming down the hallway as the soldiers start to open fire with bullets and missiles. He lifts up his hand, throwing it across his front, the missile exploding, and when the smoke clears, only the area around him is damaged, the floor where he stands is not. As they continue to open fire, the bullet's just repel off his body, into the walls and back at the soldiers.

"Keep firing!! Dont let him get past!" As the one soldier yells that, Remmington leaps forward, his fist pulled back as he screams, im-pacting with the soliders, his fist slamming into one of their faces, his head completely dis-attatching from his body as his foot also slams into another solders face as they start to scatter, still firing. Remmington his his hands above him as a powerful shockwave emits from his body, and as it touches the guards, their bodies desinigrate like nothing, blood all over the walls as the lights go out. he stands there for several moments until they come back on, he continues to advance forward until he reaches a large thick door with "Area A" on it. He holds up his hand, the door separating frm it's magnetic locks, flying though the next hallway, slamming into the soliders, taking them with it as it slams hinto the wall at the end, smashing them flat, blood and guts going everywhere. meanwhile, in another area of the building we see a giant control room, Adrien, the leader of the five, is standing with Marcus at the main control panel showing the building's layout as the area with the sector a door begins to flash.

"He-he just got though into Area A like it was a wall of dirt!!!"

"I realise that you idiot! What I dont understand, is how this basta*d can have this much power!" yells Adrion as he slams his fist down on the control panel.

"I think I can answer that..." Adrien and Marcus turn around to see the Council Seven Leader, Unharmed.

"S-sir...your ali-" as Adrien says that, the leader begins to speak.

"Do you think I would actually be in the same chamber as the God of Desruction?"

"What!? You dont mean to tell me..." asks Marcus as the building begins to shake once more, the Area A5 door flashing on the screen.

"Yes. And unless we stop him, everything is doomed. His mind is gone due to the fact that the girls and gordon are dead."

"They're not dead sir..." says Adrien in a low voice.

"They're not? Then get everyone out there to find them, we have to stop Remmington NOW!"

"But..if we pull back the troops, we'll be defenceless!"

"He's taking them out like ragdolls, now do it Commander Adrien."

"...very well sir." Adrien turns and walks out of the room, the man looking at Marcus.

"Very well devised plan sir...a perfect way to get rid of Adrien and bring forth the next Apocolypse..."

"Yes. With this going on, i can easily control Remmington...when he kills the girls, all will end."

"Heh heh...even though he is their biological brother?"

"Yes." The man turns and looks at a strange writing on the wall. "...upon the death of the Sisters of Light by the Brother of Darkness, all will enter an eternal Apocolipse...but, if the Dark is thrown by the light, all will enter eternal peace. We must not let that happen!"
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Lidan and Sethi winked at eachother, then slid down the side of the building, neatly avoiding the men tracking them. Sethi turned to Lidan, snatched her hand, and pulled her around the back.[/i]

"What is it?"

"Shh....do you hear that?"

"....yes....do you think Gordon's okay...?"

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"Psh...well, ain't nuthin' " Gordon muttered to himself as a car full of men rode up. " 'This all you boys could bring?" everything from the way he stood to his accent had completely changed. The men filed out of the car and Gordon watched with a confident smirk.

"Gordon Jennings: We're taking you to T5. The council wants to [i]speak[/i] with you." one of the men said.

"Over my dead body." Gordon said.

"That may be." the man drew his gun and suddenly the whole group opened fire. Gordon dove behind a near-by skimmer which offered little protection from the flying projectiles that were hurling its way.
"Oh, ****!" Lidan exclaimed.

"Gordon!" Sethi said as her and Lidan exchanged shocked gazes. The two tried to run but soon found themselves in the hands of three very large men. Taller and more muscular than even Gordon!
Gordon waited for the men to stop firing. The skimmer he hid behind was reduced to scrap and only had just enough room to conceal him. A momment after the gun-fire ceased, Gordon pulled a fully-automatic machine rifle from his coat and rose up. "Outta ammo, boys?" he said as he pulled the trigger. The men were caught off-guard and immediately 4 of the 7 dropped. The other three jumped behind their skimmer. Gordon stopped firing. "Now, come on outta there, boys. Hands where I can see 'em." the men didn't respond. Gordon thought to himself, "[i]They aren't as stupid as they look.[/i]" Gordon remained silent for a short while. Then he heard a small squeak behind him and whirled around to meet whatever new foe was their to oppose him. "Lidan! Sethi!" he looked at the three men, "Bastards!" the three huge men held knives to the girls throats and held their limbs so that they could not move them.

"Now, we'd like you to come with us, Gordon."

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[COLOR=royalblue]"Gordon don't do it!" [i]Lidan shouted hoarsely, then moaned slightly as the blade cut lightly into her neck. Gordon's face twisted in agony, and he stepped forward.[/i]

"I'll come."

"Good. Adrien will be pleased."

[i]As soon as soon as the words had left his mouth, Lidan and Sethi were both hit over the head, and they fell down....into the silent oblivion of unconciousness.....[/i][/COLOR]
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When Sethi's eyes opened she found her greeted by the foul stench of a paper mill. "Where the hell are we?" she asked Lidan as Lidan sat up.

"I don't know. Where's Gordon?" Lidan asked rubbing the bump on her head.

"I don't know that either." Sethi replied.

"Girls." a voice spoke up from nowhere.

"What the--" Lidan said. "Gordon? Where are you?"

"Girls." the voice, which seemed to be Gordon's, seemed to beckon them. "Girls...girls, he--" it ended abrubtly.

"Did you hear that, Sethi?"

"As clear as a bell." Sethi replied.

"He's in trouble."

"But, what can we do?" Sethi asked.

"I don't know...we should find out where we are to start with." Lidan turned away. "I hope he's all right."

"So do I."
"Wake up, Mr. Jennings." a gruff voice greeted Gordon as he awoke. "T5 will see you now."

"Hmm...did you all have to hit them?"

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[color=purple]A dull throbbing consumed both girl's heads.

A dusty broken piece of glass sat next to Lidan and she glanced at her relfection, "I could use a shower." The cut above her eyebrow was turning an ugly purple color, and the small wound was starting to swell shut. Her neck was covered with small streaks of dried blood from the knife knick, and she set to work with her spit to clean it off.

Sethi studied Lidan, "I've seen worse." She picked up small pebbles from the floor and started throwing them casually at the wall.

"So have I. But I still want a damn shower."

Sethi nodded, "Yeah, me too. What the hell IS this place?"

"You already asked that...and I already told you that I don't have any idea." Her neck was nearly clean. She just had to hope that the wound wouldn't be infected.

"What?" Sethi's tone was bitter, "You mean you've never been here with your Trict pals?"

Lidan's eyes started to blaze but her voice was pure ice, "No, I haven't. You think I CHOSE this path for us, Sethi?"

"I'd like to hope not, Lidan."

"Well I'll turn those hopes into truth and let you know there's nothing I could have done about this whole situation."

"Well then what the [i]hell[/i] are we doing here? And what the [i]hell[/i] am I doing meeting my 'long lost sister' by chance after shooting a guy in a bar?"

"It's because we're all pre-destined...and this is what was chosen for you."

"By who?!" Sethi was on the verge of tears, and her voice was hot and ripe with passion, "I'd like to know who chose this goddamn destiny for me so I can give him a hard kick in the ***!"

"Sethi, you never did tell me what was wrong?"

"Oh, and it'd be a [i]great[/i] idea to tell you [i]here[/i] where there's probably tons and tons of cameras and microphones just waiting for their five ****ing minutes of fame when they pick up some confidential information on two-captured-sisters!" Her last three words were thrown out at length, the end to an exasperated rant.

Lidan shook her head, "Then I'm not dealing with your crap anymore. Sit down and shut up."

Sethi started towards Lidan, "Listen here, sister?"

The voice that came from the shadows made both of them shiver, "Girls, must we fight so vehemently?"[/color]
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Adrien steps out from the shadows, looking at the girls, a smile on his face. "There's no sence in fighting you know."

"Oh? and why the **** not?"

"Because...there will be enough fighting soon..." As he says that, a message comes over his radio.

"Enemy has breached final Level A Security door! All forces to Wing Gate 1S! He must not penetrate into the core!"

"Enemy...?" Sethi looks over at Lidian wondering.

"But...who could break the trict so hard without being...?"

"...your brother of cource." As Adrien says that, both Sethi and lidian look at Adrien.

"Liar! We were the only two who survived when our mother dies having birth!"

"No. There was a third. He was "deformed" and had to have extensive surgery before being separated from you two."

"Just like....Flynn said..."

"Ahh yes...the Traitor Flynn. Pity Vice-President Gordon killed him in that explosion."

"V-Vice President!? Gordons the vice president!?!?!?"

"Why else do you think you all got out of there so easily? The only one who didnt help us was your bastard brother who wouldnt obey our commands, but instead centrals, who is actually the Council Seven!"

"Gordon....you bastard..."

A familier voice then comes out of a dark corner.

"Dont feel so bad girls..."

"Huh?" says Lidian as Gordon walks out of the shadows along with a tall man with a blue crystal cane and in a suit.

"...the money was too good to pass up, and also being one of the highest people around, i figured...why not?"

"and...who's your friend Traitor??" yells out Sethi. As she does Gordon looks up at the man.

"Who do you think? He's the one who's been running everything under everyones nose. President Roger Lenion, also nicknamed T5 as well as "Master" by the lower ranks." Once again, another voice comes over the radio.

"Wing Sector 1S has been breached! Final Security door danger!"

"I feel it is time for my exit girls...once Remmington kills you two, my reign of terror will begin..." says Roger. He turns around, walking out, with Adrien and Gordon behind him, but, he lisfs up his hand, the door slamming shut with Adrien and Gordon in there.

"THE HELL!? Master, what are you doing??"

"I dont need the lowlikes of you along with me...I have Remmigton now...hahaha...have a happy afterlife..." The man walks out of sight as Adrien bangs on the door as well as Gordon.

"Cheap Bastard! Why didnt I see this coming?"

Sethi and Lidian look at eachother, whondering who's on whose side as it gets more confusing.

Meanwhile, in a giant silo type room, we see thousands of soldiers firing at Remmington, his clothes torn off nearly completely as he lifts up his arms yelling as another shockwave bursts from them, imploding their bodies as well. He then starts to approach a giant sised door, well over 500 times the sise of the others as a voice is heard behind him.

"Immpressive..." Remmington turns around to see Roger. He growls as he starts to run for him. Roger holds up his hand as a type of psychic beam shoots from it, and hits Remmington, stopping him in his tracks as he grabs his head.

"Now...you will obey me..." says Roger as Remmington begins to run about, smashing into walls, the beam still on him as he finally collopses in the middle of the floor. "Since his mind is hiding itself, with a new loyal mind...the god of darkness is mine at last!"

Remmington stands up, looking at Roger as he speaks. "...Roger...it's been a long time..."

"That it has...now, i will open the gate for you, and you kill the four pathetic excuses for beings in there and complete my mission."

"Very well." as he says that, Roger smirks some, an evil laugh starting to come out as they approach the door.
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The doors opened long enough for Godon and Adrian to sqeeze back through. They were breathing hard but, all right.

"Girls." Lidan heard Gordon's voice again. Yet the Gordon that stood before her...his mouth did not move. Lidan turned to Sethi questioningly.

"Yeah...me too." She said is response.

"Girls...it's not me."

"I don't know who you are, [i]sir[/i]. But you are not Gordon." Lidan said to the Gordon-look-alike.

"What do you mean? You mean you don't recognize me?" he stared at Lidan.

"I know you're not Gordon." Sethi said confindantly.

"How's that, girl?" the man asked.

"Because...Gordon has green eyes. Yours are blue."

"Ever heard of contacts?" he said.

"Contacts look fake. Gordon's eyes aren't fake-looking."

Lidan made a swift kick to Gordon's impersonator's groin; then Sethi delt the same thing to Adrian. "Let's run!" Lidan said.

"Ok...we need to find Gordon." was Sethi's response.
"Well...if it isn't the famous Alexander fitch. Not so impressive now, eh?" a guard said to his counterpart across the table which Gordon was lying on.

"Yeah...right pitiful looking now, he is." the other man said.

"My name isn't Alexander."

"What? He's awake!"

Gordon reached up and snapped the guard's neck. The other guard drew his gun and shot Gordon in the arm. Gordon retalliated by tearing the guard's throat out.

"Ain't 'bout ****." With that Gordon stood up, picked up his clothes, put them on, and left the room.
"Stop!" Adrian said in pain to Sethi and Lidan.

"Go to hell!" was Sethi's response. Then she ran head first into a tall, dark figure. "Gordon!"

"Hey." he replied. "Let's get the hell out of here."

"How?" Lidan asked.

"There are a few skim-bikes down this hall. We're going to steal them and get away from this place."

"You stop, Gordon!" Adrian called.

Gordon raised his right fist into the air and raised his middle finger. The he drew his gun and shot Adrian in the face.

"Let's go!" Gordon said. They ran down the hall and mounted the bikes. When the bikes started they all three jetted away. They rode for a full day before Gordon finally had them pull over at a battery station. They were far, far out of reach of any pursuers now.

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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Lidan and Sethi got out, and Lidan looked skyward, then fell over....[/i]

"What's wrong with her?"

"Blood loss."

"What blood loss?" [i]Sethi flipped Lidan over gently, and drew in her breath sharply at the long sideways gash running from her ribcage to her hips.[/i]

"Oh. Damn."

"Any ideas?"

"Not yet....but she needs to get that cleaned up."[/COLOR]
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"Stay with her, Sethi. I know these people. We go way back." he smiled and then walked into the station.

"Its going to be ok, Lidan." Sethi tried to reassure her sister.

Gordon walked back out a few minutes later. Then he picked Lidan up in his arms and took her inside. Sethi follwed him.

"You will have her taken care of, right?" Gordon asked the man standing in front of him.

"Sure thing Bull. My wife will run her out to the hospital right away. In the mean time, we only have one room at my house that no one sleeps in. Do you two mind bunking up?" the man replied.

Gordon looked kind of funnily at Sethi. "Sethi? Do you mind sharing a room with me?"

"Not at all. I call the bed!" she said trying to cheer herself up.


"Heh...Bull...outwitted by a woman. Ha ha! C'mon...I'll take you to my house."

They got into the man's skimmer and the man's wife put Lidan into her's. Then the sped down the road in opposite directions. By the time they arrived at the man's house they only had time to eat before the power was shut off for the night. So Gordon and Sethi went into their room and began settling down. Gordon found a corner and sat down against it; then, he closed his eyes and began to slow his breathing.

"Do you always sleep in your clothes?" Sethi asked. When Gordon woke up he saw that she had changed into some kind of night-gown.

"Do you always carry pj's instead of a more useful tool?" he asked back.

"So much for conversation I guess..." there was a silence after Sethi's comment.


"Do you think she is ok?" Gordon asked from nowhere.

"I don't know. It looked pretty bad." Sethi replied.

"She was always getting hurt like that..." Gordon replied.

"Ever since I turned into what I am now...I've been getting hurt." Sethi said.

" 'Wasn't always this way." Gordon commented.

"What wasn't?" Sethi asked.

"You...Lidan...myself. Well, I suppose I've always been the way I am. But you two turned out so very different than what Dad intended you two to be like."

"What are you talking about, Gordon?" she said this with humor. Until she realized he was serious.

"You want to know everything? Even what they wouldn't have told you?" Gordon asked.

"Know everything of what?"

"Your real life. Before the alteration?" Gordon said.

"I guess so."

"Ok. Your real name is Sethia Fitch, for starters."

"Ok. They weren't very original with their name-making" she said.

"Lidan's real name is: Lidia Fitch. You two are, indeed, sisters. Your father's name was Maximus Meridius Fitch."

"He was a great war general on Bismin. He was famous. He couldn't have been my father. I'm not even from Bismin!"

"You are." Gordon affirmed.

"How do you know all this?"

"Because. My real name is not Gordon. Its Alexander. Alexander...Fitch."

"You're Alexander Fitch?" she sat back.

"Yes." he affirmed.

"Oh."she suddenly seemed distanced. Then she returned with another question, "Well...what did you mean by things weren't always this way?" she asked.

"Dad always raised me for a career in the military; so I was always doing training exercises with him and his guards. You two, on the other hand, were raised to be ladies. Lidan is a year younger than myself. Your are three years younger than her. She was always more of 'Daddy's little girl' than you were. You preferred to watch your older brother and then hang out with him afterwards. That being me, of course." he finished with a laugh.

"How did it happen? The alteration I mean." Sethi said.

Gordon dropped his smile. Then he turned his head towards the ceiling. "Fukowlong Troops came in and killed Mom and Dad and all the guards. They took you two while they restrained me. I had to watch it all. I was only 16 at the time. They moved you to another part of Bismin after you were done. They moved Lidan off planet somewhere. I became General Fitch at age 22 and moved into a house on a hill that over looked the house you lived in. I kept a constant vigil over you."

Sethi began crying.

"What's wrong, squirt?" Gordon asked her affectionately.

"My fiance' on Bismin. He was under your command. He died under your command!" she rolled over where Gordon couldn't see her face.

Gordon sat down on the bed next to her. "I'm sorry, Sethi. I really am." he rose up but she grabbed his hand. So he sat there and waited for her to cry herself to sleep. Than he went and layed against the wall.

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[COLOR=royalblue][i]After she had been patched up, Lidan had been relocated to another room to recuperate. During the night, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep, unable to concentrate. Soon, she gave up and just sat still, staring at the window.[/i]

"Why me.......?"[/COLOR]
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