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Spirited Away


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kay, here we go.. please, this will probably sound stupid, but it's really genius..

Chihori is a girl moving to a neew place.. On their way to their house, she and her parents stop to look at an abandoned theme park. t hey find some food, and they start chowing down, but chihori is afraid to... oops, i gotta go... well, here's the rest crammed into one sentence: her parents turn into pigs so she has to work at a bathhouse for gods under the strict rue of an evil witch, and blah blah blah... someone else will give you a better summary..
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Guest animetric

Chihiro is a 10-year old girl who's supposed to move to a new house with her mom and dad. Chihiro's dad makes a wrong turn somewhere and the three find themselves in front of a mysterious tunnel with a stone statue blocking their path. Chihiro and her folks walk through the tunnel and find themselves in a quaint little town surrounded by lush greenery. Chihiro's parents spot a fully stocked food stall and promptly start eating, but Chihiro decides to go off and wander around town. Upon Chihiro's return, she is horrified to see that her parents have turned into pigs... and she has no idea how to turn them back into humans again. To top it off, Chihiro is stuck in a place where human beings aren't supposed to go to... with only an enigmatic boy named Haku as her guide.

The above summary was taken from the Spirited Away review I uploaded recently. If anyone's interested it's at [url]http://www.animetric.com/qrs2/spirited.html[/url]

I saw the import DVD version. :freak:
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ill finsih a bit better... i had to run before...

ah yes, so she comes back to find her parents as pigs, so she runs off, and is found by the boy, haku. halu tells her that if she can cross the bridge to the bathhouse without taking a breath, she won't be seen, but right before she finishes the bridge, she takes a breath. she is seen, so haku helps hide her and tells her she HAS to get a job or else she'll be turned into an animal. she goes to see this dude with a lot of arms who tells her to see yu baba about the job. yu baba is very reluctant but in the end lets chiori work for her... she makes chihori change her name to sen, and that's how yu baba controls you, by taking your name. haku tells sen to remember her real name no matter what. so chihori gets a job at the bath house. her first job is to clean this big tub, but then a big, muddy, disgusting customer, whom everyone thinks is a stink spirit, needs a bath, and chihori needs these bath tabs to get water. a mystrious black thiung with a mask gives her a bunch of them, and she starts to attepmpt to clean ithe big disgusting blob. in the end, it turns out that it wasn't a stink spirit, but it was some sort of river spirit. the river spirit gives sen a little black fuzz. next, there's some bits when sen sees her pig-parents, then she finds out haku can turn into a dragon. then the mysterious thing that gave her bath tabs turns out to be very, er generous with gold, and ebveryone is giving him food while yubaba is out. eventually t becomes huge, but the only thing it REALLY wants is to see sen.

there's more, but im not telling cause you all have to see it. SUPPORT IT HERE IN AMERICA!!!! DONT BUY TOO MANY BOOTLEGS!!!! WE NEED TO SUPPORT MIYAZAKI HERE!!! or wherever you are if your not in the US.
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Guest Imsirion
hmmm.... sounds.... interseting O.o I want to see it though, but I heard it is one of those "shown in select cities" type of deal, and that sucks. I'll try to see it though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PizzaGuy
[B][SIZE=1]This is a great movie! I just got back from the theatre.
What did you think the funniest part was? I liked when that little dirt worker droped his rock, and Chihiru helped him. Then all of the little creatures dropped their rocks on themselves too! ;)

-Dan [/SIZE][/B]
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  • 4 weeks later...
I just saw saw the new anime, Spirited Away, from the creator or Princess Mononoke and (maybe) more. It was awesome.:eek: It's about a young girl who accidentally stumbles into the spirit world. I think it was very loosely based on Alice in Wonderland, but most parts of it were completely origional. It had some action, but was mostly about developing the story. It has some quite frightening scenes, but those just added to it. A few parts were pretty boring:sleep: , and the ending wasn't very good:( , but I still suggest everyone who reads this to check it out.

If you only like action anime's, this may not be the movie for you, but if you have an open mind, this very well may be in you're top three favorites. (it's in mine)

I was wondering what some other people thought of the movie, so if you've seen it, please reply to this thread.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vampire Hunter D [/i]
[B]I just saw saw the new anime, Spirited Away, from the creator or Princess Mononoke and (maybe) more. [/B][/QUOTE]

miyazaki hayao is who you are referring to. He also did "tonari no TOTORO" and "majo no takkyuubin", to name some of his more famous works.
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Sigh, well sorry if I don't agree with you guys on Spirited Away being "the best" anime of all time. I've seen worse but I've also seen much better then this movie. Also contributing to the fact I'm not a big fan of Miyazaki Hayao's works this movie didn't appeal as much to me. I'm more of a Shoji Kawamori fan.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i]
[B]Also contributing to the fact I'm not a big fan of Miyazaki Hayao's works this movie didn't appeal as much to me. I'm more of a Shoji Kawamori fan. [/B][/QUOTE]

Somehow I'm not too surprised. :D

Miyazaki deals mostly with recurring themes of innocence and identity, culture, tradition, myth and memories. The guy has humanist leanings. His work certainly has much broader appeal.

Kawamori is more about plot and mecha. I guess his style is what more people would regard as 'anime' in the West. His audience is essential the mid-teens to early twenties.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Heh, Ilove Miyazaki..... This is my fave of his works..

No, it's really not a whole lot like Inu-Yasha... Er... Very out there(far oooouuuuuuttttt), Miyazaki has one imagination!! Anyway, I made a thread about it about 5 weeks ago, might wanna check it out, i wrote a little smmary of it..
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vampire Hunter D [/i]
[B]I just saw saw the new anime, Spirited Away, from the creator or Princess Mononoke and (maybe) more. [/B][/QUOTE]

When did you see it. I heard that it was supposed to be released here in the US but I guess at select theaters..or was it one VIDEO...Can't remember....but how did you see it...and are you in the US!!!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i]
[B]When did you see it. I heard that it was supposed to be released here in the US but I guess at select theaters..or was it one VIDEO...Can't remember....but how did you see it...and are you in the US!!!! [/B][/QUOTE]
It came to theatres in the US, and is supposed to be released on DVD and Video is about 5 months or so. I'm pretty sure that it was released elseware as well, and if that's the case, he's not necessarily an American. However, by now I'm sure that the select theatres that it is being shown at have stopped due to the fact that it's past the usual ammount of time that they show movie anyway. I could be wrong, but don't get your hopes up if you are intending to see it.
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]I saw it in digital format (not IMAX) at the Metreon not too long ago, and I really enjoyed it! ^_^

It was a really cute story, and I especially liked the scene where the really dirty guy came in the bathhouse, and she (I forgot the main char's name...) had to give him a bath. Funny thing is... I didn't finish my chocolate bon-bons afterwards...[/color] [/size]
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