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Digimon: Digital Chaos


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frankie lookedat the wall and so did her partner... they just stared at the wall for a while...

Frankie: You feel that?
Kikiyou: Yes.... i do...
Frankie: Wierd

David: Whats holding you back

Frankie and Kikiyou: Nothing.... comeing

they slowly keep following david and frankie fell into a hole

David: Stop that... say what?

Frankie: Kikiyou keep going.... ill climb out...eventualy

David: Forget that..

frankie was helped out by david and kikiyou and the got into a dark chamber

Frankie:I got a funny feeling about this room

David: No kidding

Renamon: I de digivolved.... i know what yo ucan do now... i first armor evolved now... like growlmon Matrix it...

Frankie: i think im getting it now.... ready

Renamon: Yes..



Kikiyonenmon: KIKIYONENMON

Frankie: Niice

David: Kikiyonenmon... ultimate armor digimon... attaks are.. Heavens Turnaround, Spreading Virus, And Giyu Sword

Frankie: Well an assortment off attacks is good

the digimon looked like an armored taomon... instead of robes it was heavey armor instead of a huge paintbrush it was a hevey sword... and the fur.... it was black instead of yellow

Frankie: Nice...
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David: Okay. I have a plan. Wargrowlmon, Kikiyonenmon, atack the wall in the spot where we came through. Digi-Modify! Power activate!
Wargrowlmon: Atomic Blaster!
Kikiyonenmon: Giyu Sword!
(Both attacks strike the wall in the same place. The wall crumbles, and they return to Astartemon's chamber. Kamimon is against the wall and hurt bad. Astartemon is about to finish Kamimon off)
David: Not so fast. We're back! Mena, are you okay?
Mena: Yes, but Kamimon's not.
David: You help Kamimon. We'll take Astartemon.
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Kikiyonenmon: Giyu SWORD

the armored taomon looking digimon raced at the digimon and slashed her sword here and there hitting hard giving wargrowlmon a change too attack ........ but kikiyonen was throw aginst the wall....

she rolled her head around and moaned a bit... then fliped herself up and spined like a twister when she stoped she held 2 pieces of metel... looked lie a jail door broke into 2 pieces...

Kikiyonen: Heavens Turnaround

she put the 2 golden pieces together and the locked like a gate she slamed it into the ground and it opened like a gate and 4 little demons ran out of a vortex in the middle and began taunting and attacking astartemon

Wargrowlmon: ARGHHH

wargrowlmon was thrown back as the monster flaied around trying to get rid of the little demons..

Kikiyonen: Fine.. SPREADING VIRUS

she held her sword up and something in the sword opened up... a bunc of tiny holes..... poisonus spores flew out and astartemon began coughing and getting weaker

Kikiyonen: A little virus for you.....
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Kamimon weakly turned her head. She fought dizziness and focused her eyes on her partner.
?Kamimon?? Mena?s voice was tight with concern.
?I?m fine.? Kamimon flapped her wings and her muscles screamed out in agony. Red welts grinned on her blue skin.
Mena stared at her digimon in shock. Instantly, anger against Astartemon flared in her mind. Astartemon was her creation and it was she who was going to beat the cat woman. ?Astartemon, you won?t live to see the next hour.? Muttered Mena as a digivice appeared in her hands. It was a model she never saw.

?Shadow Fire!? came a screech. Astartemon had recovered using her powers.
Kikiyonenmon was trying her best to hold out.
?Enough!? cried Mena. ?Evolution Activate!?
?Kamimon Matrix digivolve to??..?
Kamimon?s digital makeup evaporated as her data rearranged to form a more powerful body.
?Apsaramon!? A radiant pink and gold angel dazzled the area with light. Shimmering sparkles radiated out and worked to heal the worn out digimon. The angel opened her violet eyes.
?Apsaramon.? Breathed Mena. ?Ultimate level, Angel Vaccine. Attacks are Heaven?s radiance and Holy Wing.?
?Your time has come, Astartemon. Your lust for power is now going to bring your downfall.? Apsaramon?s sonorous voice rung out through the temple.
?Oh really?? mocked Astartemon, who knew she had a chance against this angel. ?Well, honey, you should really have a change in wardrobe before you can even think of battling me.?
?Heaven?s Radiance!? A dragon shaped beam of light spiraled toward Astartemon, who ducked too late.
Astartemon still stood, not letting her face betray her true pain.
?This doesn?t have to end like this, Astartemon.? Said Mena. ?You should give this up now. You could even join me and Kamimon.?
?Join you?? Astartemon laughed. ?You expect me to fight like some attack dog whenever you command??
?It is not like that!? shouted Frankie. ?A digimon isn?t anyone?s slave.?
?She is right.? Said Apsaramon. ?We are still free to choose.?
Astartemon?s face grimaced. ?Soul Strike!?
A whip lashed against Apsaramon. The angel closed her eyes in pain as horrible illusions overwhelmed her. She saw her friends consumed by darkness and her land broken into shards of despair. ?This is what you want to happen, don?t you??
?You?re catching on.? Sneered Astartemon.
?Mena, call Rakshemon.? Moaned Apsaramon. ?She and I can stand against Astartemon.?
?But, Rakshemon?s inside me,? said Mena. ?how do I bring her out??
?You said something about Spirit Evolution.? Said Apsaramon.
?Spirit Evolution?? Frankie and David said in unision. ?That is possible??
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David: Mena, this is your show now.
Frankie: Rakshemon's inside you?
David: I don't know how this happened, but if this Rakshemon is inside you, and that digivice is the kind you seem to think it is, you cand yus it to become this Rakshemon. I think I'm begining to understand a little of what's happening. I know enought to know that it's up to you now, Mena. Do it.
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OOC: That'll teach me not to read posts properly. I thought it was a temple :bluesweat:
By the time Aidan and MetalArmadillomon had arrived at the cliff, Teth and Kotemon had disappeared. A massive opening in the rock face stood before them. Deep inside, they heard sounds of battle.
"Ready, MetalArmadillomon?" Aidan asked.
"Do you think it's wise to get involved? They could be evil."
"Evil people have to be fighting someone. And it's more than likely they'll be good."
MetalArmadillomon looked thoughtful. "Okay, but let's go carefully. We don't want to get drawn into any unnecessary battles."
Aidan agreed, and they both walked into the dark cave.
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David: Mena, do it. We don't have much time. (Teth enters) we now have even less time.
Frankie: What do you want?
David: It doesn't matter, does it?
Teth: You're fighting them?
Astartemon: Who are you?
Teth: I won't tell someone like you.
Frankie: We might not agree with each other, but I think we're all on the same side:
Teth: No. You're with the enemy.
David: You're predictable. Mena, you take care of Astartemon. We'll take Teth.
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In an interesting flick of change

frankie walks over into the middle of the area and then kikiyonen joins her... kikiyonen attacks david AND teth .... kikyonen picks frankie up and flys off....

Kikiyonen: ...What now

Frankie: I dont know..... why did we attack them atgain?

Kikiyonen: Impulse.... im not sure actualy it was like something was telling us to

Frankie: Yeah... wierd... hmm
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"Spirit Evolution!"
Mena glowed as another being pushed itself into existance.
"Rakshemon!" A black and gold dragon stood tall, green flame dribbling from it's mouth.
Apsaramon smiled. "Good to see you, sister!"
"My pleasure, I knew taking vessel in Menaka would suit me well!" Came Mena's voice with another. "Now, perhaps we should take care of some attack dog?"
Astartemon glared, but a hint of fear flickered in her emerald eyes. Rakshemon noticed at once. Afterall, this was the fear that nourished her.
"Somebody's frightened!" said Rakshemon in a mocking voice.
"I'll say," said Apsaramon. "Holy Wing!"
Golden pinions, sharp as arrows, arced toward Astartemon, who prepared to defend.
Astartemon raised a shield, but Kikiyounemon's virus attack reduced it's efficiency.
"Emerald Tsunami!" A barrage of green fireballs flowed in one fluid motion toward Astartemon and her shield broke to pieces.
"Heaven's radiance!" Dragon beams sought Astartemon's life and managed to consume it. A blood curdling scream echoed through the place as Astartemon dissolved into data, which was absorbed by Apsaramon and Rakshemon in half.
"That didn't sound too good." said MetalArmadillomon to Adian.
The boy tightened his grip on his sword. "I agree!"
"Alright!" Kamimon hugged a smaller black and gold dragon, who was once Rakshemon. "She's gone, we're free!"
The black dragon grinned. "Karasumon once again does the job!" They hugged again and one of Karasumon's arm bands snapped off and rolled against the wall. Thd digimon ran off to fetch it.

"Well, now that we're finished, would you mind telling us the entire deal with Astartemon?" asked David, impatient for answers.
Karasumon/Mena paused halfway to the arm band. "She was created to be especially smart and strong." said Karasumon. "She just lost control and got corrupted I guess. I created many fictional digimon, maybe more of them will appear."
"You mean your created digimon can actually exist here?" asked Teth or David.
"Yours too." said Karasumon/Mena indifferently. "Now for my jewelry...."
"Is this it?" a boy picked up Karasumon's band and held it out. A metal spiky version of Armadillomon stood next to him.
"Yes..thanks....who are you?" asked Karasumon. David and Teth were also keenly interested.
"Adian." the boy said easily. "And MetalArmadillomon."
"Nice to meet you" said David.
"Yes..nice to...OH MY!" Adian backed up hastily as Karasumon began to take a human form.
"I'm Menaka." said the human. "I was formerly Karasumon, Kamimon's twin." She still held Karasumon's arm band.
"Well, hey there." said Adian, wondering how this person could act so indifferently. "So, are we doing anything specific?"
Before anyone could answer, Mena ran out abruptly, with Kamimon following perplexedly.
"Mena, anything wrong?" asked Kamimon, not understanding.
Mena just stood, clutching the band. "Go away, Kamimon, you aren't even my partner!"
"Wha...?" Kamimon was shocked. Why is she saying this? "What do you....?"
Mena tossed the arm band to the ground, Kamimon looked at it.
The symbol of Darkness was decorating the piece of jewelry.
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The others looked at each other with concern and started off after Mena, Teth pushing David out of the way. Guilmon helped him up and watched the others leave.
"What was that for?" Aidan asked, not sure whether Teth was really as good as he'd made out to be.
"They were on Daleth's side. Didn't you see those tattoos?"
"But... how do you know they're evil? They might just have been trick-"
Teth grabbed his shoulder roughly. "I know evil. Those tattoos burn into and corrupt anything they touch. Don't tell me they were tricked."
MetalArmadillomon pulled Teth from Aidan and gave him a fierce glare. "Evil or not, we have to work together. Let's find Menaka."
After a few minutes of walking down the corridor, they saw a shape in the dim torchlight. Kamimon was sitting in the middle of the corridor, looking forlornly at the arm band.
"Kamimon?" MetalArmadillomon asked. "Where's Menaka?"
"Leave me alone. Please. It doesn't matter now." she said quietly.
Aidan and Teth exchanged looks of concern. "What do you mean? What happened?" Aidan knelt down beside her and looked at the arm band.
"It was Karasumon's... Menaka's arm band. It has the symbol of darkness on it." she croaked.
Teth growled and flicked out his knife. Gesturing to Kotemon, he ran on ahead. "Come on, Aidan. We need to find Daleth and get rid of him. No-one else is going to help us."
Aidan shook his head. "No. We can't leave Kamimon here."
"What?" Teth whirled round in alarm. "Why?"
"Even if, as you say, those with tattoos are evil, I don't believe it was out of choice that the others wear them. We can find them and get rid of their dark influences." He stood defiantly next to Kamimon, waiting for Teth to say something.
Teth turned away into the darkness. "You're free to do what you like, Aidan. But don't expect me to help you free them. My only goal is to eliminate Daleth." With that, he disappeared.
MetalArmadillomon helped Kamimon to her feet and the three of them followed Teth outside.
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David: Okay, then. We need to warn Daleth.
Guilmon: Why?
David: First, because Frankie went nuts on us. Second, because of what Teth just revealed.
Guilmon: What do you mean?
David: When he pushed me, I buged him.
Guilmon: What?
David: My dad was a spy before he died. He used them all the time. I found a couple in his old office. They are used to listen in on what people are saying. Teth said he was only interested in destroying Daleth. we need to warn Daleth.
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"Do you know where she might have gone, Kamimon?" Aidan asked, resting himself on a ledge hinger up the cliff, trying to see over the trees. He'd brought a pair of binoculars with him and was busy scanning the landscape.
"No... She could be anywhere, I guess. Try and look for a waterfall."
"A waterfall?" MetalArmadillomon threw her a confused look.
"Just a hunch... I know I'd try and find a waterfall if I was despresed. Running water's relaxing."
Aidan cursed his grandfather's ancient binoculars. They were so dirty it was hard to see anything at all. Through a small gap in the trees, he saw a river.
"If we follow that river upstream we might find one." he called to them, sliding down the edge of the cliff.
"We have to be careful, though. All sorts of digimon come to the water to drink. You never know what could try and attack us."
"Well, that's why you're here, isn't it?" Aidan smiled confidently at the steel digimon, who looked slightly surprised.
Kamimon looked worried. "You don't have any dark symbols on you, do you?" she asked MetalArmadillomon. He shook his head.
"No. I'm not evil. Aidan isn't either."
"There are too many bad people around." Aidan muttered, remembering his cut head and bruised stomach. Cutting through the thick undergrowth with his sword, the three of them moved towards the river.
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(David comes to a river)
Guilmon: How do we cross?
David: I hear someone. (They walk along the river and run into Aidan and the two digimon) Hello, Aidan!
Aidan: Hi, David! Nice to see someone I know in this place.
David: Did you meet Teth?
Aidan: Yes. He was obsessed with destroyingsomeone called Daleth.
David: Teth's the bad person. Daleth's on our side. we're trying to save our world from an invasion. Teth's heping the invaders.
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[I] Back at the temple [/I]

SnowAgumon: (whispering) hey, look, I can see something...

Fenix: (whispering) is it a crystal...

[I]SnowAgumon quickly begins digging through some rubble in the chamber that once belonged to Astartemon [/I]

SnowAgumon: (muffled) got it...

Fenix: ok

SnowAgumon: here it is!

[I] SnowAgumon hands Fenix a crystal, its outside transparent, but its core glowed the color of molten copper [/I]

Fenix: Astartemon said it herself, she was an embodiment of power. She also had the crystal of power, though I doubt she new that, probably thought it was just a pretty stone.

SnowAgumon: this is a good thing, now we really have an edge.

Fenix: right you are, Teth is too busy tracking down Daleth, Daleth is too busy playing chess with the others, and the others don't know what's going on much less that they're being played, and now we have the power crystal

SnowAgumon: and no one knows about us yet either

Fenix: right, now lets hurry, we have 6 more crystals to find...
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"But... how an you be sure which one of them's good? As far as I can see they're both as bad as each other. Daleth's obsessed with strengthening the Digital World and Teth wants to kill him. I'm not going to take sides until I know for sure who's good and who's bad." Aidan said, fiddling with the handle of his sword.
David shrugged. "Fair enough." He looked at Kamimon, who was looking upset and worried. "Hey, what happened to Menaka?"
Kamimon sighed sadly. "She ran away. She..."
"We're trying to find her." MetalArmadillomon said quietly, wanting Kamimon to stop being upset. He'd always cared for other creatures and disliked any sort of distress. He didn't like having to fight, but the arrival of the dark power brought change. He knew he had to fight now.
"I'm sorry to hear that." David looked back to Guilmon, who was paddling around in the water. "Found a way across yet?" he asked.
"No." Guilmon said happily. "But the water's fun!"
Aidan tried to hide a smile as David sighed in exasperation. "We're trying to get across to warn Daleth. Any ideas?"
"Um... why not cut down a tree and walk across that?" Aidan offered, gesturing to MetalArmadillomon's spikes.
"We don't want to attract too much attention. We've been in one battle already today, and who know's what's watching us."
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Frankie and renamon walk along a cliff and watch the sun set..

Frankie: So renamon i take it.... we are on the bad side

Renamon: Yeah.... theres no other reson why we have these marks

on renamons arms where the ying yang was saposed to be was the mark of evil and on frankie she had the same mark tatto on her forehead.....

Renamon: You kinda look funny

Frankie:" Hey i iddent chose where the tattoo went....

Renamon: I know...

they walked along for an hour trying to find some life...

Frankie: I wonder.... why we are on the bad side... i mean i wanted to ...save the world i was willingly on the good side... how come this has heppned... everytime you and i have seen a good guy so far we wanted to destroy..... sheesh you and i almost killed david.... i dont want that

Renamon: I fear there is a greater power trying to control what side we are on..... in our hearts we are good.... but someones trying to make us bad..

Frankie: I think i understand

Renamon: but why are we avoiding david and the others

Frankie: I fear we might hurt them.... or when i try to explain david decideds he doesent wanna lsiten and hurts us...

Renamon: 2 way street

Frankie: Ya....but i guess thats risk i should take... i mena if he listnes maybe... just maybe they can help... i can control the urge to destroy good guys for a short time so once im loseing control you gotta get me out of there ok?

Renamon: Sure... im a digimon i can control it longer then you can......

Frankie: I can keep control for only so long then my mind gets tired and what evers trying to control me takes over

Renamon: Lets go

the 2 head back towards the area where they last saw david
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"Teth!" Aidan shouted as a massive digimon stood before them. "What are you doing?"
The digimon snarled at them viciously. "Out of the way, Aidan! I'm not going to let Daleth's followers survive to ruin the Digital World!"
David looked to Guilmon, who was growling fiercely at the bio-merged digimon in front of him.
"Teth! Don't kill him. What good do you think it'll do?" MetalArmadillomon shouted. "You won't stop Daleth by killing him or Guilmon!"
The digimon glared at him. "I can free them from his dark influence. At least then he'll have less people to execute his power. Unless you get out of the way, you'll end up like that too."
Aidan drew his sword. "Look, Teth, we're all trying to fight for the sake of the Digital World. We want to save it. Can't you see that?"
The massive digimon cast a stern eye over Aidan. "Has he influenced you too? I should have known. MetalArmadillomon is a black Virus type, after all."
"That has nothing to do with it. Just leave David alone," he shouted back.
"Aidan, find Menaka. If you stay here, Teth will kill you. he's evil."
"I'm not sure what to think any more." Aidan murmured.
Kamimon pulled at Aidan's jacket. "Let's go. Menaka could be in danger too. I have to protect her."
Guilmon stood next to David and growled at the large biomerged digimon. "We'll be fine. I'm ready to fight," he said bravely.
From on top of a mountainside above them, they were being watched...
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Frankie: Um.... i am thinking.... this isent the best time to but in..

Renamon: Its a battle.... wouldent you think.... butting in is a good thing..

Frankie: Im afraid i might hurt the wrong person this is so confuseing

Renamon: I know but if we dont do something david might actualy get hurt....

Frankie: UGH not to mention Aidan

Renamon: You never met him how do you know his name

Frankie: Wierd... i jsut did.... oh well ok renamon lets..... try another step

ARenamon: Sweet..... lets do this

Frankie: Alright here we go.... MEGA DIGIVOLUTION ENGAGED

Renamon glowed and all her data dissapered and new reformed a tall slim digimon with a metal staff

S: Sakuyamon

Frankie: Cool.... now... how about us like......... get down there

Sakuya: Good idea
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Mena stared at the glowing spot in the pool.
"Why did you have to be this way?" she asked her reflection? "If you are evil and Kamimon is good, why are we partners?"
"I am not evil." said a voice, as Mena's reflection changed tot hat of Karasumons. "Someone wants me to be."
Mena still looked with an indifferent expression.
"It is true." insisted Karasumon. "I love my twin sister and i would never go against her, our strength and survival depends on us being together."
Mena badly wanted to believe that. She had created the two to be unshakeable partners. "We'll see." she sighed.
"See?" came an eerie voice. "Don't you see the trick that crow just pulled on you?"
Mena jumped up from the rock, digivice ready to spirit evolve. Black mist poured forth from each crevice in the ground and collected.
"Who are you?" asked Mena.No one was going to take advantage of her moment of weakness.
"I can get rid of the blemish upon your soul by removing that thing from inside you." said the voice now becoming hypnotic. "You won't have to choose, you can go on being good and saving the digital world." The shadow creature, whoever it was, knew that destroying Karasumon would weaken Kamimon's bond and Mena's too. A perfect plan to destroy them.
Mena could now see the shadow taking shape. Devimon.
"You can take the evil away?" asked Mena carefully.
"Of course..I.."
"DON'T!" screamed a voice.Kamimon flew up to Mena's side with Adian and his digimon. "You can't let him take Karasumon, it will kill me too!"
MetalArmadillomon rushed at Devimon and delivered half a blow before he was knocked into the water. "Don't you see they are beguiling you?" screamed Devimon.
"We are not!" retorted Adian. "You should try listening to yourself!"
"Zephyr Whip!" Kamimon gathered a large amount of air and lashed it at Devimon.
The demon digimon simply threw it back. Kamimon flew into MetalArmadillomon, knocking him back into the water. Old wounds awakened to make themselves known.
Mena glared at Devimon. "You are not what you made yourself to be!"
Inside her Karasumon vented her anger.
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Devimon growled at her defiant stare. "I am what I am, human. Do you know what you are? I think you belie yourself. You think you are something when you know you are another. I can help you find balance."
"Don't listen to him." Aidan hissed. "MetalArmadillomon, go!" he shouted. He threw a card out of his pocket and slashed it.
"Digi-Modify! Hyper Chip activate!" he yelled. MetalArmadillomon shone brightly as the card's effect took place.
"Tornado Scythe!" He hurled himself at Devimon and crashed into his stomach, knocking him against the wall. The demon digimon picked him off and threw him towards Aidan and Mena, who jumped out of the way just in time.
"That's it!" Kamimon screamed. "Mena, you ready?"
"Stop!" Devimon shrieked. A wave of darkness flew from his hand and covered them all. They fell to the ground, choked by his power.
"Can't you see that you are being corrupted every second by your digimon self? I will give you one last chance at salvation, human. The choice is simple. Have yourself restored to harmony, or die, along with your other pitiful friends."
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sakuyamon flips up in the air and strikes the digimon in the back as it slashed at her almost breaking her staff


sakuyamon and the new digimon duke it out for a while and suddenly sakuyamon started to lose her control and wailed on the digimon knocking him back as she picked up frankie and ran off


sakuyamon yells back

Sakuya: Loseign control of our selves... we might hurt you instead we are sorry..

as she dissapeares into nowhere with frankie
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