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Summer Plans


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What are your plans for the summer, eh?

By this time of year most people know what they're going to do for most of the summer.

I personally am going to England(I live in America, for those of you who haven't figured that out yet) all summer. London to be precise.......

Well, not all summer, but a good 2 months of it....I'll miss my peoples, but oh well...
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Hey if you ever see a Brandon Ritter tell him Bryan says Hi and tell him my friggin screen names! Lol....


I wanna get a job. There is so much stuff I want. Train model set...drums/bass.....alot of things I want that my 'rents won't pay for.

So I'll play on a baseball team that only plays 12 games then work the rest of the summer....Plan just to kick back and relax. For the first time since I started being a freshman...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i]
[B]I personally am going to England(I live in America, for those of you who haven't figured that out yet) all summer. London to be precise.......[/B][/QUOTE]

Well then, get ready for lots of rain. [SIZE=1]Stupid ol' wet and windy England...[/SIZE] >_>

Me? I might be going round a friends house in Wales in a couple of days...Besides that, I've got nothing planned.
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[color=skyblue]Well I think I'm going to Minnosoda (sorry I don't know how to spell that) to visit some relatives that live there.

We also go to the cottage a lot in the summer but we usually don't go anywhere else. So I'll be basically bored to death in my home having no where to go...oh well that's how it usually is...[/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I plan on seeing 'Pirates of the Carribean' at least over five times. (Why not? I saw LoTR: TT seven times. :bluesweat)

...Orlandy! ^ .^

Other than that, I really want to spend my $90- dollar gift certificates at Gap and Aeropostle. I've had them for over half a year now, and they seem to pop out at me each time I'm cleaning my room. x.x;

Daddy [i]was[/i] planning a trip for us to either London, Sydney, Seoul, or Kyoto, but it really depends how much time we have, and what kind of weather we want. ^^; I'd actually like to go to Australia, so I can ski/snowboard! *Loves snow, hates heat*. Bleck. ><)

During the mid-June to mid-July, I have to go to this Honors pre-High School program, which sounds really boring. My dad doesn't want me to just stay at home, go to the movies, or shopping all summer, so he signed me up for this program.

I can't wait! ^^ [/color] [/size]
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[color=green]For the majority of the summer, I'll be sitting here at home or swimming.^~ Prolly be online the most though. We might go down to Texas though, that would be fun.^^ I wanna go to a beach...I've never been to one and I think it would be rather romantic.^^ I can't wait til summer is all I'll say for now. So tired...need rest....Oo[/color]
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seems like I'mthe only one with a very bored summer ahead of me -_-0

I have to spend the whole summer vacation working and saving the money up so that I can get my own place.I have to get up as much money as i can before August you know...school again..blah anyway thats my whole game plan this summer. -_- atleast i'll be rewarded in the end

gotta see those even if they cost money ^_^...hmmm.....maybe i can et a botleg for 5 dollars...that'll save money lol
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I will be looking for a job in the dismal california economy any try to earn some cash for a beast of a computer...who am I kidding :P It's going to expensive college housing costs. I will also fry my eyeballs on the puter, or try too. I will also probably be slowly migrating in the direction of the bay area because of orientation programs.
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[color=red][b]I will be getting a job to fund the concert tickets i keep buying. I also want a car. :) I am also hoping to hone my bass/electric guitar skills. :)[/b][/color]
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[font=Kabel Bk BT]
I was going to go to New York but I think our plans have changed. I think we are going on this huge expensive cruise because we have never been on a family vacation, ever! So I am really excited. I probably won't have another one for a looonnng time.:)[/font]
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[size=1]I plan on getting a job somewhere, but I don't have any idea of where it will be. Probably just whoever will hire me, but who knows? In July I am going to Anime Expo 2003, where I will get to meet OB-ers Rick Hunter and Sephiroth in real life. That's going to be crazy, heh. Aside from those things, I'm not doing much. Maybe I will go to visit some relatives of mine in Oregon, depending on my work schedule.


Edit: formatting of post.[/size]
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Lotsa sleep, lotsa friends, lotsa running, and lotsa booze...^^;
(that last one is to be taken as a joke...)
Summer camp would be fun if it wasn't at the YMCA. We don't know of any other day camps. My parents just don't want me to go to a camp away from home....don't know why.
I was going to see my sister in LA but suddenly she decided she wanted to go to Germany...
I am hoping to learn to play the gituar...and earn lotsa money to buy all this stuff I've been wanting.
And I do hope that my dentist takes this crap outta my mouth...
*throws toothbrush at mean dentist*
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Well Im going to visit my Dad in Texas for 2 weeks like I always do. Im also going to the Skateboard Woodward camp for 2 weeks.

I also have 2 jobs right now which will continue on thorughout the summer.

I give skateboarding lessons after school and I am opening my own skate shop in my basement.

Besides that I will be hanging out with friends. I will be checking up on my Otaku friends here on the boards as well.
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I haven't made any concrete plans yet.

I might be forced to look for a different job. That doesn't bother me at all, because I'm due for a change.

Also, I'm planning on committing myself to a large-scale writing project. With my commitments to my classes and such, I really haven't had the time to do so yet. I keep putting it off.

I've not made any travel plans yet, but it'd be nice to escape Jersey. We'll see, lol.

I know that I'll see plenty of movies, at least.
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[color=darkred]Well, it's Winter here, and I'm already on my break, however, as of now, I plan to be the laziest person I can be. Besides, I was all active yesterday, so today is my lazy day.

I do have to do an assignment though...wait, two. But they're easy enough, so I shouldn't run into difficulty.[/color]
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Let's see, well, I'm not really planning on doing anything over the summer.

The first thing I'm going to do is make use of this Six Flags season pass. I got one last year, and it was great. ^_^ Superman all the way! The next thing I plan to do is pick up a copy of the fifth Harry Potter book and read that, as well as finish reading my Lord of the Rings books. Speaking of readin, I'll have some books I need to read over the summer, I suppose, I just hope they arn't as boring as last year (The Old Man and the Sea).

I plan to take a trip to California in early July, and that should be fun. I'll be visiting Los Angelous as well as San Diego and a few other places. Hopefully I'll be able to check out Disney Land, and meet Juuthena and whoever else she can bring. ;)

Other than that...yeah, nothing. Sleeping in is a big thing that comes to mind, maybe finish/buy a few video games while I'm at it. My parents won't pay for me to go to summer camps anymore, so probably most of the time I'll be dragging them to Six Flags. ^.^;;

EDIT: Ah, yes, I have some mature things to do regardless of how much I try to put it aside. I'm going to have to find a job, learn to drive, look for colleges, and study for my SATs as well. It sucks, but I'm going into 11th grade, and it has to be done.
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[FONT=arial]as it stands, I have a babysitting job for the summer. 5 days a week, 20 bucks a day; doesn't sound too bad to me ^_^. too bad the money has to be split so many ways >.>', but oh well. I plan to spend at least a little money on getting more anime/manga, I've mostly only gotten Marmalade Boy over the past 7 months. the first week of July, Anna, Tori, and I are going to EFY (church camp) in Gainsville, which is gonna be awesome.

other than that, probably just some get-togethers with friends and such. should be a pretty decent summer.[/FONT]
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I'll probebly start my Tae Kwon Do up again, I stopped last month due to homework and lack of time. My Aunt, Uncle and their two little girls with be coming from Phoenix to visit in July hopefully. Its not a sure thing though. We're also going to get a pool again so I'll swim the majority of the summer. Aside from those few things I suppose drawing, play football, basketball, soccer, ect. Nothing really major. ^_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]
[B]I plan to take a trip to California in early July, and that should be fun. I'll be visiting Los Angelous as well as San Diego and a few other places. Hopefully I'll be able to check out Disney Land, and meet Juuthena and whoever else she can bring. ;)[/B][/QUOTE]
[size=1]You aren't even going to try and meet me while you're in Cali? I'm offended. :p

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[color=hotpink][size=1]Weeeeelll....like everyone else, I have to get a job. I have to start saving money for when I get out on my own in the fall. I am really hoping to work at the Texas Cattle Company where my mom used to work and I'm actually going to go apply shortly after my birthday, which is in 9 days! ^_____^

I'm also going to EFY with Anna and Stephanie. I'm super excited about that since it's going to be my first and only year! ^_^

And sometime at the end of July/beginning of August, I'm moving up to Athens, Georgia. I'll be going to UGA and the first day of class is August 18th. ^_^ I have to get ready to live on my own.[/color][/size]
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[b][size=1]I'm gonna try and piece together my totally screwed life this summer. I'm actually going to make an effort to get my fat arse off this computer and do something with myself, other than pretend I have a good life.

I have to do something with the time I was supposed to have in America.. so I suppose I'll get a crappy job to earn some money, so I can eventually go.[/b][/size]
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