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Feeling Stupid


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Something happened today that is making me feel stupid right now. Sometime during the afternoon, I heard the doorbell ring and I was the only one in the house. Normally in my house, we don't answer the door unless it's someone we know that's at the door or they happen to know that someone must be home. In this case, the person knew that someone had to be home. Mainly because the front door was open. Apparently my dad forgot to close it before he left the house. Anyway, the person at the door was this lady who said she was a neighbor from across the street. Now I couldn't really tell if she was lying or not since I don't really know any of our neighbors. She said that her car was out of gas and she also had a flat tire. She then asked if I had five bucks she could borrow to get gas and get her tires pumped with air. She told me that she would pay double if I gave her the money. Without actually thinking, I gave her five bucks. She thanked me and said that she would come back in at least twenty minutes with my money back. After a few minutes that she left, I realized that I most likely just lost five bucks. Obviously, you can tell that I haven't seen the woman since this afternoon. My dad told me I should've just told the woman that I didn't have the money. And now I feel really stupid.

Have you ever been in this type of situation? Would you have done the same thing I had done?
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[size=1]It's okay to play the good Samaritan. You don't need to feel bad about it--maybe she did need the money. Maybe she didn't. But no hard came of it, and it's nice to see someone who'd not yet jaded to requests for help.[/size]
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[color=#808080]Even though you probably did the wrong thing (by going against what your parents wanted you to do), I also think that you were only doing what you felt was good and honest.

So I don't think you were [i]too[/i] stupid. ~_^[/color]
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[color=darkred][size=1]What? Trusted a person spontaneously? :p Sure we have. Just because you gave away five dollars -- that probably was put to good use [can't buy much for five dollars] -- doesn't mean you're stupid, and you shouldn't be embarrassed. Ish a good deed.

And, should you want to be all jaded, next time someone asks, write down their name and start a Tab. ^.~[/color][/size]
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That's basically what happened to me a few weeks ago.. except I knew she was lying because we live 20km out of town and have no neighbours at all, and here she was saying she was our neighbour. :drunk:

But anyway, don't worry about it. $5 man. Don't let it worry you so much. You learn from these things ;)
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Eh. It's five bucks.

It depends. I see so many people asking for money downtown, it's ridiculous. Some are obvious bums, some claim to be otherwise.

I once had a well dressed man tell me his car broke down and he needed bus money, so I helped him out. I see this guy a week later, and he asks me again... Okayyyy lol. You can never tell I guess.

If I feel that the person really needs or deserves the money, then I help them. If you felt that about this lady, then that's all that matters. If you don't get your money back, well... Just remember that most people suck. At least you aren't adding to it.
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You know, I always have people coming up to me, asking for help.

They'll give me their story, which will usually involve some sort of unbelievable circumstances, ask for money, and say "I'm really sorry about this, but look, I'm no bum, I'm not going to go buy drugs or anything."

I never know who's scamming me or not, so I usually just hand over whatever change I have in my pocket. I mean, who knows? What if I'm ever in a spot like that, where there's an emergency and I need help? I'd certainly want someone to help me.

In your case, it's only five dollars. If she was desperate enough to knock on your door and scam you, then so be it. Just learn from this experience and follow your parents' advice in the future--and never allow anyone to come inside.

I always like to think that "what goes around, comes around" so it's cool that your heart was in the right place.
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In my opinion you did the right thing. You were nice without prejudging her. You did good and you only lost $5. It wasn't that much lost and I would have probably done the same.


Next time make sure the doors are lock. You never know if is a robber or something. I am 13 and stay 10hrs a day alone or more on weekends. I lock them even though the neighborhood I live on is pretty good, I don't want to take risks and regret it later.
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It's harder and harder to be a good Samaritan these days. There's been a serial killer running around in N. Texas (some of you might have heard about this) that targets women.

One lady came to the police, talking about her possible encounter. She was at a gas station, filling up, and wanted to buy something at the convienience store. Taking two bucks in, she bought and got back into her car.

Next thing she knows, this guy's knocking on her car window, telling her that she dropped a $5 bill on her way out, and he wanted to return it. The lady [i]knew[/i] she hadn't done so, and refused to open the door to him. The guy went ballistic, pounding on the window, and screaming obsenities. That's when the lady drove off to tell the police.

I'm not saying your lady is some psychopath. But the fact of the matter is, it's dangerous to be kind these days. And Hades, it's noting new (highwaymen are centuries old). While I wouldn't call your act pointless, I would caution you to be more careful from now on.

And I leave you with a common joke (no offense to anyone):
"If you give someone a $10 bill and they don't come back...it was worth it." =^.^=
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by digitalshadow [/i]
[B]Something happened today that is making me feel stupid right now. Sometime during the afternoon, I heard the doorbell ring and I was the only one in the house. Normally in my house, we don't answer the door unless it's someone we know that's at the door or they happen to know that someone must be home. In this case, the person knew that someone had to be home. Mainly because the front door was open. Apparently my dad forgot to close it before he left the house. Anyway, the person at the door was this lady who said she was a neighbor from across the street. Now I couldn't really tell if she was lying or not since I don't really know any of our neighbors. She said that her car was out of gas and she also had a flat tire. She then asked if I had five bucks she could borrow to get gas and get her tires pumped with air. She told me that she would pay double if I gave her the money. Without actually thinking, I gave her five bucks. She thanked me and said that she would come back in at least twenty minutes with my money back. After a few minutes that she left, I realized that I most likely just lost five bucks. Obviously, you can tell that I haven't seen the woman since this afternoon. My dad told me I should've just told the woman that I didn't have the money. And now I feel really stupid.

Have you ever been in this type of situation? Would you have done the same thing I had done? [/B][/QUOTE]
You should have made her give you something for collateral.
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[color=darkblue]Yeah, I do that sometimes, even though I know it's kind of stupid.

For example:

When I was living out of motels, I used to try & make friends with the prostitutes. I felt bad for them, all hooked on crack & dope & selling their bodies. So, if I saw one who had a certain demeanor, I'd invite her into my room with my friends & give her some food & hang out. Then, when she was leaving, I'd give her $20 or so. My friends all said I was stupid because she was just going to go get high with it & I didn't have a lot of money anyway, but I didn't care. At least she didn't have to have sex with some weirdo that time. That was all I really cared about.

A few of them actually cried when I gave them money, because they didn't understand how a stranger could be nice to them. It made them feel a little better, so it was worth it to me.[/color]
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[color=teal]Five whole dollars? American?

Hell, I should go knocking on someone's door and ask for money.

In all seriousness though, I don't think I would've dished out the money, mainly because I have no money to dish out. If I did though, I most likely would've kept it. Hey, five bucks is still five bucks.

Too blunt?[/color]
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[color=blue]I don't think that five bucks will break the bank. It that situation I would've given her the money too; and who is your dad to be complaining, he shouldn't have left the door open. Anyway, it is nice to see that not everyone has become complete cynics. Sure, don't pull this all of time, but remember that there is nothing wrong with a little kindness.[/color]
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Guest Voodookanaka
lol, juu got played the fool! (I might have to try that tonight)

5 bucks thats like £3 squid, i mean, (i dont know ur financial situation but uve got a computer with net) that aint **** all, I mean, its just loose change, even if juu were played the fool, ur ony a clown, not the jester.
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] It's only five bucks. But the thing is, you'll probably never now where that money's gone. That's the thing that gets me. She could've used it to buy drugs; she could've used it to do what she said she was going to do; she could've used it to do this, and do that, and this and that and this and that. But you'll never know.

I guess you should just feel good for what you did, then. Just be thankful that you aren't so corrupted or whatever as to not just give away money to those that need it; you should feel good about this, not stupid. Although what I mean be corrupted is somewhat not connotated, but you get my drift. I would'nt feel stupid about it all.

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