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Best Physical and personality features.


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[SIZE=1]Hee hee. What do you like most about a) your physical self, (like body or something) and also, your personality?

I like my hair, its really long and coppery color, with blond streaks. I guess I think that my shoulder-to-cry-on attitude is nice, as I?m a good listener, and being a quiet person, I notice stuff a lot of people don?t, and often have good advice for people. Heck, I joined a hotline program, giving advice to teens. At 14, I?m like the youngest there. Yeesh?I?m the youngest in 9th grade.>.<;
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[color=hotpink][size=1][b]What do you like most about your Physical Self?[/b]

What physical part of myself...do I like...that's hard because I have a hard time liking myself at all...so I'd probably have to go with my hair. When it cooperates. It's a dark blonde color with pretty little highlights and the front is shorter where I grew my bangs out. As soon as that stops giving me crap, I'll be happy.

I also love my lips. I stare at them WAY too much when I look in the mirror. ^_^;

[b]What do you like most about your Personality?[/b]

Well, I have a hard time saying No and I'm very friendly. I can't help it. I hate it when someone's mad at me. I try to fix things if I can. I think I'm too nice for my own good sometimes.

I also love my superiority complex. I don't MEAN too, but I am very competitive and I try to do the best that I can, especially towards people at school...who think they are better than everyone else. I just like being in a position of leadership. ^_^ Heh...[/color][/size]
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[i]Ah, yes.This thread again.

I too like my hair.I try any kind of style with my hair.I once did a "horn"...I guess I have an all-around good personality.I'm not arrogant, but only when it comes to rally cars...Many people tend to say I act more mature than my age...I like to lecture about stuff, but only if it's right...[/i]
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[color=indigo]Boy, did you ask for it on this question...
[b]What do you like most about your physical self?[/b]
What is there not to like!?! Well, I dislike my belly...it has grown a little bit since I moved to ohio...but I am pretty happy with the rest. I guess the best part of my body is my legs, they are pretty strong; my arms are okay too.

[b]What do I like most about your personality?[/b]

My odd sense of humor. Though no one else may find me funny, I think I'm hilarious...[/color]
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What do you like most about your physical self?

[b][size=1]*wipes a tear of laughter from his eye* There isn't really anything I like about my physical self. I'm too tall, fat, spotty.. blah blah. I hate it. I suppose if I [i]had[/i] to say one thing, it would be my hands. They're just nice, lol.[/b][/size]

What do you like most about your personality?

[b][size=1]I don't know about this either. I'm a good listener, I know that; but it's hard for me to comfort someone or something like that online, only in person. I'm very, very forgiving when it comes to people who have done bad things to me. I like being funny, too. Life's no fun without humour.[/b][/size]
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Guest Anakin Solo
In truth? I like nothing about me. Some of Elite's things apply to me as well. ^_^;; I'm fat(least I think I am), kinda freaky. ^_^;;

BUT!...Thing about my physical self? My shadow looks pretty damn cool. It looks much better than me. ^_^;; Does that count?

Personality? Nothing. I am an ******* to everyone. *shrug* what else can I say?
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My best physical feature?
I have to say my green eyes, even thought they are covered by my glasses. :eek: Thats about it.

My best personality feature?
I have to say my weird imagination. It really helps form my unique sense of humor, as well as my artistic abilities.:D My sense of honor and dignity are also very important to me.
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My best physical trait would had to be my teeth. I need braces but for now when I look at my teeth, they make me laugh which leads to the second one.

My best qualities are my sense of humor. When people make fun of me about my teeth, I just joke with them. I am also very quiet and give too much advice. I need to shut up. I am also kind and caring. I think about lots of people.
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Well physically, I'd say my hands, because they are quick, and this is helpful in many ways. Like typing. Or playing bass gutiar.

Personality wise.... Not sure. I sort of pride myself on taking stock of a situation before rushing in, and I often end up being the person people cry to. (Which I don't mind at all, I quite like it.)
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[FONT=arial]physically, I like my hair and eyes (had to mention two things since I [i]don't[/i] like just about everything else). my hair is soft and.....soft, and my eyes are this hazel color that's hard to notice unless you look closely at them.

personally.....I'm not self-righteously judgemental, and am pretty understanding; at least I think I am. I try to look at two different sides of a situation/person/etc. before I come to a conclusion.
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I'd have to say my eyes. I'm a big eye person. I can get lost in peoples eyes. My eyes change colors during the seasons. They go from green to icy blue. Also when I'm mad they get icy blue. I love my eyes lol...Sorry


I guess the ability to put others in front of myself and listen to their problems. Its not hard at all for me. In fact I have a trouble of not doing it. People say I do it too much, but hey I like helping people out. Ya know? I also supposedly give "beautiful and great" advice. So go me![/COLOR]
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Physically... my legs cuz they help me move quickly and that is always helpful... It gets me in trouble every now and then, but it helps me get out of those situation equally fast.

Peronality wise... my patience and indifferene... I rarely explode to any insults and I never lose my cool... I guess I'm fond of that... a level head is good to have.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i]
[B][color=indigo]My odd sense of humor. Though no one else may find me funny, I think I'm hilarious...[/color] [/b][/QUOTE] :p

I'm actually very pretty, when I'm in a good mood, heh...

My hair is long and brown/copper/[i]dark[/i] brown [weather and lighting vary...], and sort of wavy...I'm too impatient to do anything with it, but I'm sure the potential is there, heh.

I like my eyes, sometimes. Change with the weather, and right now they're a muddy brown...but sometimes they're amber. The iris is a sort of little starburst of darker color around the pupil, surrounded by a ring of lighter color...if I'm wearing some outfits, they are green and orange. [i]Very[/i] cool.

I love my sense of humor. And my current writing style, heh. Very spiffy, that.[/size]
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Well, phisically...

I would have to say two things... one is a object and one is a charactoristic.

My eyes are something I like about myself, as they are light blue and many ladies from my past have loved them.

The other thing I like is the fact that my capabilities are often underestimated due to my size. (Im a fat ***)

In the past, all who were in competition with me during any sort of phisical event, found themselves suprised and, in the end, playing the fool.

I am very flexible and that flexibilty allows me to be far more quick than anyone estimating me based on my size would expect.

As for my personality, I dont know...

Im a jerk. :D
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1][b]Physical:[/b]

Umm... If I had to choose, It'd be my legs. I love wearing mini-skirts, and once in a while wear them to school. Though, I don't like 'showing them off' or anything. It's creepy when people stare at your legs on the city bus. Especially if you're by yourself. xx;


Umm... I guess I like that I'm able to get over things pretty fast, and I never stay mad at someone or something very long. If it's something serious, then it usually lasts about two or three days. Usually, if I get upset at something, it only lasts for a really short time. ^_^;[/color] [/size]
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[color=crimson]Physically I like my hair. I let it do its thing, it lets me do my thing. We have an agreement, and it works out.

Personality wise I enjoy my wittyness and random personality. It adds more to life when you're off the wall.[/color]
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I've grown accustomed to my face. From the correct angle with the correct amount of light, I actually look pretty handsome. :cross:
I also like my family's hair genes. I don't grow very much body hair. I have no hair on my legs, none on my arms, and I'm 18 years old and I've yet to finish growing my first mustache. I don't think I'll start shaving until I'm in my 20s.

Personality wise, I'm a pretty flexible person. I don't like conflict, so I can get out of most arguments pretty well. In fact, 9 out of 10 times, I can shake off my anger like a cheap drape. The 10th time, however, if usually an explosion caused by supressing my anger the past 9 times. So that's a major flaw. But still, flexible personality!
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[size=1][b]Physical features[/b]

Hmm. I'd have to say, probably my hair. It's not as long as I'd like it to be right now, but I like the colour. I also like my height. I'm kind of tall for my age, but that does get a bit annoying if you have quite a few friends who are a lot shorter than you -.-


I like my sense of humour. I find I get by a lot easier if I can just laugh at things, instead of letting them bother me *shrugs*[/size]
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Well this is an interesting one... :D


Well...Umm lol ill have to go with my legs. Just for the odd reason that theyre pretty strong and can lift about 25% more wieght then my Arms. :p


Hmmm...Another toughie :rolleyes: Ill have to with my abundance of patience. Ive very rarely ran out of it. Im never really in a huge hurry to do anything or go anyway...I figures ill get there when i get there and not a moment before ;)
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[color=purple][font=gothic]Physically: I don't like my legs and I don't like my hair. I'm actually in the process of losing fifteen kilograms, so I won't talk about my body.
I do like my face though, I think I look pretty decent sometimes. My hands aren't bad when my nails are long, either.
Otherwise, my intelligence. I don't think I'm that nice, or funny, or honest, or fun to be around, or even endurable to be around... in fact, I'm a b*tch to nearly everyone, except for very close friends. But I'm damn smart, and if it's all I've got to go on, then god damn it that's what I'm taking.[/font][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i]
[B][SIZE=1]Hee hee. What do you like most about a) your physical self, (like body or something)[/b][/quote]
I like my fingers :D
[b]and also, your personality? [/b]
I like:
- sense of humor
- Straight forward, always go straight to the main point
- Not easily being influenced by others
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I dunno.. I really don't.. hmm.. I'll get back to you on that one


My mindless, unwavering optimism rules. Oh yes. Of course, by "unwavering" I mean "except for the odd occasional blip"
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