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What would you do with youself if "The World" were real?

Braidless Baka

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Okay, let's say "The World" is real... One of the main themes in .hack is that players can set their own goals in "The World" - just like in real life. Some people collect member addresses of pretty ladies, some people train to become craftsmen or tradesmen [i]within "The World"[/i], maybe a goal is to simply socialise, or to become the strongest character out there.

So, what ideas do people have? What would your goal be of "The World" if it were released tomorrow? And more importantly [i][b]why[/i][/b]?
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(this is all assuming taht i have a high speed connection, which i dont and would probally be needed for the world)
i would join because its fantasy. i have always liked fantasy and always thought i belonged in some weird fantasy thing. i would buy it in a heartbeat.
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ill prodably tour the world, become strong and powerfull magician just to be known, i will be a freelancer... thats sounds cool, traveling in an endless world... after getting bored of traveling and fighting i will put my goal to fight all players in "the world" (and prodably win that is).
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Well, since I'm naturaly weak IRL, I guess I would want to become the straongest one in "The World". And to be able to defeat anyone, (or thing) that gets in my way. and That I would know ever server in "The World" liek the back of my hand. That would be My goal in "the WOrld"
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Personally, I figure I would try to find out everything about "The World" - physical strength wouldn't matter to me - it would be mostly the socalising aspect of the game. So I'd probably pick a character who doesn't have a lot of strength, but high intelligence and defensive stats.

I'd probably end up being a "master" of something in "The World" (like history, or game secrets), something that would make people look up to me and respect me ^_^;;
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i would go with solids idea strong and helpful but what if you could join forces with other people and be a team not just your self but a team?

Has any one seen ed edd & eddy on cartoon network? CHICKENS!
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(actually doesnt fit in the topic but in cartoon network in israel there r only 5 shows: courage the cowardly dog, the adams family,Dexters lab, Ed edd&eddy, and time police... oh and forgot about droopy (good show lol)
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Guest demon hunter
I'd try to be a bounty hunter
my motto,
some one on your back?
let me kill them with one twack!
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i am new here and havnt read n e thing else- but personally u know all those stupid idiots on tv who bash up old ppl and starve animals and stuff? well i would become an expert assassin and go and teach them all a lesson. i olove the ninja style idea. oh and i would have a little furry blob creature which sits on my shoulder
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I would travel with others while looking for treasure and training to become the strongest player their is. Of corse I would give items that I don't want to others or trade them. I would meet others to start A party and have some fun.
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[COLOR=indigo]The first thing I'd do would be to get a baby grunty, try to raise it & take it with me wherever I went & also name it.
This would keep me occupied if I had nothing else better to do.

I'd like to be a seeker, looking for the strange, interesting & out of the ordinary, whether it be a thing or a person.

Also maybe a storage bank for people who don't want to remember things like secrets or people seeking information that I might have about anything or anyone.

I'd befriend other characters who seemed interesting & friendly to me & be helpful & loyal to them to no end, if I thought they were worth it.

I wouldn't care to much to be the strongest or even extremely strong; it wouldn't really matter to me BUT, I would want to be able to defend myself from others who were considered to be very strong & teach characters who deserved it, a lesson & some manners, if needed ofcourse. ;)[/COLOR]
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hm.......... I would hang out in the forest and desert..... go to the cities some times.... when ever I go to Mac Anu I would laugh at The person riding around in the boat that Subaru is always in. I would probably want to become string, but not the strongest because its no fun when you win every time. I would probably like fighting other characters for fun. Not killing them, but hurting them enough so that I win. yeah... thats about all. I like the action stuff.
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I didn't want to comment on this thread because I still don't know whether I would be a Twin Blade or Wavemaster. I'd probably pick Wavemaster since those would be the least-used type of character, and I think they are pretty cool.

Although it doesn't seem like the "Wavemaster" thing to do, I would probably try to beat legendary players, and try to seek out rare items. I'd probably build a small, close group of friends, and we'd just do things together, like grunty racing. Haha, speaking of that, I'd also try to get the top ranks for everything, like Grunty racing! Take that, Balmung! :p
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Grunty racing XD I never thought of that of that one. I would probably like to do a few races as well, but I would like to use my grunty for battles too.

I wouldn't say Wavemaster would be the fewest characters. It seems to me that swords and staffs are what people would use the most. I think it would be a heavy axemen that would be picked the least.
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[quote]Grunty racing XD I never thought of that of that one. I would probably like to do a few races as well, but I would like to use my grunty for battles too.

I wouldn't say Wavemaster would be the fewest characters. It seems to me that swords and staffs are what people would use the most. I think it would be a heavy axemen that would be picked the least.[/quote] Well, for the record, I didn't come up with Grunty Racing, at least not partially. In the games, you can do grunty races, but not with other people. Simply, a race against time.

Good point about the Heavy Axeman, but you should change it to male Heavy Axeman (yeah, you'd think that was implied by "Axeman," but you actually call the woman version a female Heavy Axeman). You [I]know[/I] there will be a lot of Subaru wannabes. Haha, the female Heavy Axeman characters look light as a feather, and those wings don't make them anymore daunting. Oh, that reminds me: they have a new character up at the official .hack website (game section) that's probably in the third game, and she's a Heavy Axeman.
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