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3rd cousins going out....


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No problems...

I guess as long as there isnt some sort of direct blood. But I wouldnt personally do it. I have to think of my 3rd cousin, her name is tara and even if she was pretty (hehe, she's not) I spent too much time growing up with her to even consider her anything but direct blood.

So I guess depending on the culture, and enviroment and definately how close you grew up together...It might or might not be (to me) an act of monstrosity! :-D

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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I don't see [i]too[/i] bigova problem...
Though, I don't think I would do it. But if it's just going out, I guess it isn't too bad. I mean, it's not like you guys are going to get married... o.o;

I personally think 3rd cousins are still kinda close, though. oo;[/color] [/size]
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[size=1]Let's see, a third cousin would be the grandchild of your cousin, right? Isn't that how it works? Bleh, it seems like the age difference would be more of a problem then anything else.

Of course, one could make the argument that you should be looking for dates outside of your own family. Oh well.

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[size=1]I think third cousins would be...uh....something.

Someone once removed is an age difference, I think. Right?

Eh, If you realize you're related, it's probably questionable. It'd just be weird for me...[/size]
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my aunt married her second cousin, i think. his mother was her mother's neice. well, they never really new each other and the children (three girls) came out ok, although I'M convinced they're all 30 seconds slow, but that's just me. either way, i think it's icky, all my cousin's are ugly and pimply and greasy and racist and machistas. . .plus they look like my dad or brothers, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Night_Shade [/i]
[B]do you all think that it's ok for 3rd cousins to go out with each other? [/B][/QUOTE]

Definitely not, never date or marry within your family. That's just one of those morally things that are considered wrong. Wether they be a 2nd, or 3rd cousin that's just not right.

I'm going to expand on what Josh said and just put it frankly...look for dates outside your own family, its much more healthy not to meantion dating cousins is pretty much frowned upon in the majority of the United States and pretty sure illegal in some state laws.
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Guest cloricus
Hmm by law I think you can marry your second cousin as long as you have dna tests and they come out within an acceptable range. Third cousin I think has the same thing applied to it. (Australian law.)

But on moral grounds I'm not sure, I know I wouldn't and my advice to any one that wants to is don't marry into your own family. Though I don't think I would hold it against the person at all.

I do draw the line [i][b][u]very[/i][/b][/u] strongly at first cousins; the dna link is to strong. Second cousins I'm not sure what I think about that.

Eps - Morals...
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Im sorry dating a cousin is just wrong...I dont care how close they are if theres any kind of direct blood relation there...Its just off.

Like was said before they need to try to get a date outside of family... :naughty:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arkadyz [/i]
[B]Im sorry dating a cousin is just wrong...I dont care how close they are if theres any kind of direct blood relation there...Its just off.

Like was said before they need to try to get a date outside of family... :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE]

Who are you to judge what is right or wrong. I don't see God stamped on your forehead, or anyone elses for that matter.
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[color=#808080]This is something I've never really formed a true opinion on.

I'm not going to sit here and make a moral judgement about people who go out with a third cousin, frankly. It's not my place. And considering that I am constantly reminding people [i]not[/i] to make moral judgements on others, it would be hypocritical of me to turn around and do that very thing.

I do know that in an evolutionary sense, there are negative issues (biologically) attached to having children with a member of your family. However, the whole rumor about three arms and major birth defects, et al, are pretty untrue I'd say. It's mostly just an issue of perception.

I think I would feel weird if anyone told me that they were going out with their sister or something. lol And even a third cousin...it's not something I would personally ever do. But that's me. And my "moral compass" doesn't apply to everyone, you know?

So I say -- do what you feel is right. If someone is going out with their third cousin and nobody's getting hurt, then I really couldn't care less. It's none of my business and if it makes them happy, so be it. I'd only have major concerns personally if someone was being hurt by it. And of course, in most of these situations, someone is being hurt (other family members, obviously).[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Who are you to judge what is right or wrong. I don't see God stamped on your forehead, or anyone elses for that matter. [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Um, she was only stating her opinion. That [i]is[/i] what this thread is about, stating your opinion on the subject. I don't think you need to jump down her throat just because she stated it a bit strongly. :wigout:

Personally, I wouldn't go out with/marry a cousin whether she's second, third, or whatever. That's getting just a little too close to incest for me. :cross:[/color]
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[color=crimson]Morality varies between people, therefore anyone in this thread who branded this 'morally' wrong should step off and never speak that phrase again around anyone. It can easily be refuted by any logical person. Find a new arguement, silly moral people. =P

I dont find it wrong. Of course, none if the family i'm with is by blood, so bias applies. But if its your third cousin, I would think that is just fine. I mean, technically, we are all related by minute preportions. The line for it to be acceptable has to be drawn somewhere.

[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by {SITH} Change[/i]

ewwwww....say cousin and dating in the same scenten and I think deep south.

Do proceed to tempt me.

And its spelled sentence.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]
[B][color=crimson]It can easily be refuted by any logical person[/color][/B][/QUOTE]

So can your very existence.. therefore I choose to ignore that statement. On the ground that either you may not exist, or that you do and that "logic" is flawed.

As for the matter at hand, I have no particular opinion of my own. Though I do think that getting involved with your first cousin is a bit too far..
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[color=darkblue]Ummm... every person I know who is a child of related parents is a bit... off. They don't look any different or anything, but mentally... yeah.

I'd say it's not worth the risk.

And even if they broke up, imagine how awkward the family reunions would be. We all know how uncomfortable it can be when you run into an ex, especially one who didn't treat you very well or has seen you naked. If they were part of your family, you'd never get away from them.

Not a good idea, I'd say, but I guess if two people were desperately in love... it'd be their decision.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i]
[B][color=indigo]I don't think you need to jump down her throat just because she stated it a bit strongly. :wigout:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm not jumping down her throat... I was simply saying she has no right to tell anyone what is right or wrong... she could have simply said "I am against 2 cousins going out" but no, she had to go and get all prissy about it and start playing "right and wrong" as if she had the right to, as if she had God stamped on her forehead.

Legally, third cousins can marry in the US. I believe. Incestuous relationships happen all the time, they used to be even more frequent. Anyone who's any relation to any royal family of Europe from 1900 and before probably has incestuous blood in them. It was a way of keeping the royal blood pure, not some sick fantasy that is "wrong."
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i]
[B]In my eyes, even if there is no blood, dating inside the family should be avoided. If not morally wrong, it's just creepy! [/B][/QUOTE]

I agree, it's nothing wrong with it. It's just weird and creepy.
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Haha, this reminds me of the story of [i]Oedipus[/i]--which ties in with the story [i]Antigone[/i], which I'm certain many have read in english class.

[url=http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~loxias/myth.htm]Go here[/url] to find out more about it. It's a pretty cool story, especially in tie-in with [i]Antigone[/i].

My opinion? Dating anyone in any relation to your blood is totally sickening to me. But if you want to do it, whatever. What's even more sickening would be actually having intercourse with them, and having a child. It's just not right in my mind.

Sure, we are all related in some form of our blood, down to some fraction. But seriously, if you don't have to date/ do something close to incest with a cousin, why in the hell would you do it? It's besides me. But it's your life, your opinion, and I say do what you think is right and stand for what you believe in.[/color][/size][/font]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
Legally, third cousins can marry in the US. I believe. Incestuous relationships happen all the time, they used to be even more frequent. Anyone who's any relation to any royal family of Europe from 1900 and before probably has incestuous blood in them. It was a way of keeping the royal blood pure, not some sick fantasy that is "wrong." [/B][/QUOTE]

this is true. legally 3rd cousins can get married and do whatever else they want with each other. and you are also correct about the royal family in europe. in my opinion, you can't help who you love. you're not supposed to. also... the heart wants what the heart wants. but yeah anyways.... thanks everyone for your input. i didn't realize what such a good topic this was.
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Its if they are truly in love or not. I think their blood lineage is far apart enough for them to have a relationship.(thouh I admit its kinda creepy) I think its alright for a third cousin to go out.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]

Do proceed to tempt me.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

I agree. I'll have the person to which the above statement is directed know that I'm from the Deep South, and there's no more of that here than anywhere else. Your statement demonstrates your ignorance of the greater world.

Anyway, I certainly wouldn't do it. The Bible even sets limits for Christians on it, though I'm not sure how far down the line of family those limits are set.

I'll just say that I won't date anyone who is even remotely a part of my gene pool.

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