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Crim vs. Tsukusa


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Well the way i see it is Crim hits Tsukasa with the side of his spear(the meatl part) and Tsukasa feels it so he starts screaming and then Crim stabs him and he dies. Crim wins plain and simple! ^_^
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Elk, your my new best friend. *puts arm around Elk* I love the way you see it, but mine would be more of a Crim charging, Baping (wacking, hiting) Tsukasa on the head with the pole part of his glaive and then.... er.... well, Crim is too nice to kill anyone asides from Sora ^_^

By the way, nice avi Elk
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I think it is really a question of "Strength or Strategy." Crim may not be as strong as Tsukasa, but he seems to have a better grasp of strategy. I would put my money on Crim. Tsukasa may have strength, but without strategy it is about as useful as swinging a club around wildly. Crim, on the other hand, can just use the old "Death by 1000 cuts" trick to sap away Tsukasa's health, piece by piece. :devil:

And AzureWolf's post made me realize something. [i]Electrocardiograph[/i] is spelled with a "C" in cardio, but the accronym is E[i]K[/i]G. Go figure on that.
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Hey Ryu, just so you know, 1 word post arnt allowed, Its spam. Try to talk more about the topic and stuff. But, I agree that Crim would win, Expecially after I saw him do that back flip in episode 21 ^__^
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Yeah Crim totaly kicked butt in episode 21, he fought the "undefeatable monster" and he didn't die too quickly (I hope). Also I can picture Crim sitting on Tsukasa while he's squriming to get away and Crim's hitting him over the head with the pole part of his glaive :blackeye: while eatting, falling asleep, ect.:laugh:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Tsukasa's voice actor is a girl, that always makes me chuckle.
Si! Crim would kick booty! Even though he would never hurt Tsukasa unless he really had too. He was so nice to him in "The Eve"

Tsukasa: Please! Please Dont hit me! Dont make it hurt!
Crim: im not going to hit you.
Tsukasa: Lies, thats all you ever do. (i cant really remember)
Crim: Tsukasa! Your here for Subaru, am i right?

sorry, thats one of my favorite sceenes
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Guest cloud-strife2
is this a joke??? of course crim would win I don't need a reason crim has alot more experience then tsukasa ever will and besides wavemasters are weak and die fast.
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Guest Tidal
of course Tsukasa would win!Crim would be crushed by Tsukasa's spells and crim wouldn't stand a chance against the guardian.and Crim isn't that strong.
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*coughCRIMWINScough* Have you not noticed that Tsukasa ditched the gardian? Plus, did you also not notice how Crim captured Tsukasa in episode 5, he dodged all of the Gardians aatacks! And... I hate to break it to you, but Tsukasa is not very strong. He would have lost to Silver Knight if it hadnt been for the gardian. Tsukasa is... weak.... sorry, but its true. I rest my case. By the way... Could tsukasa win against Sora? Tell me your answer to that please...
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Guest Tidal
of course Sora would win. Sora would slice Tsukasa to pieces before Tsukasa could say "HappyHappy Drugstore"(any one who played Earthbound on the snes would know what the HappyHappy Drugstore is)oh and Crim would still lose. It's just cuz He's Crim.:smirk:
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*Grins at Tidal* If you wish to find out for yourself.... Dont read the spoiler... This is my favorite spoiler of all time *Does happy dance* Bwuhahahahaha! *cough* sorry....
[spoiler] In episode 25, Sora challenges Crim to another fight. I dont know much of the details because the episode summary I read was writen badly, but, anyways. Crim Defeats Sora ^_________________^ Im dead serious!!![/spoiler]
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Crim is an all around better fighter AND player. He's more experianced, and VERY powerful. Tsukasa's just a wimp. He's got a BIG problem with fightin' 'cuz of da pain thingee, so he's probably not stupid enough to challenge Crim. But, if he DID fight Crim, he'd be a pulp in less than 5 seconds, unless Crim gave him the first shot. (maybe even then, too!)

~Lalalalalala... I like Crim!~
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