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My Gift to OB: How the James Stole Christmas (animation)

Dragon Warrior

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[center] [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/dragonwarrior/jamesbanner.jpg[/img] [/center]

You heard right! James stole christmas >: o At least he did in this colorful animation I made. I made this for you guys here at OB for Christmas so MERRY CHRISTMAS, you moochers >: (

Anyways, it's like the Grinch, but with a OB twist. It's about [b]15 minutes and 44 seconds long[/B] so enjoy that!

;_; It also contains a wild cast of some of our most loved OB members... then just other goofies...

James- The evil guy
Dragon Warrior- I'm a heroness :<
Japan_86- Heroine
Shinmaru- Idiot =D
Syk3- James' right-hand man

And there are plenty more so watch it, tell me what you think, and have a happy holiday *shakes fist*

[URL=http://myimages.fourvalve.com/dragonwarrior/JamesChristmas.gif]CLICK HERE TO WATCHNESS :o[/URL]
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[color=darkblue]Ah, yes. Yet another masterpiece from the genious creator of Daily Comic. As usual, it was great. Especially:


Classic. A big thumbs up, Gavvers.

(Though James having a striking resemblance to Samurai Jack was disturbing...lol)

Edit: I forgot about the Snowman cameo when I first posted, lol. You should have had those slap-happy squirrels and birds around him, too. A nice touch, that would have added.[/color]
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*dies laughing about a million times* LOL

Gavynn, that was nothing less than pure brilliance. I was laughing throughout the entire thing, so I can let it slide how goofy you made me look ~_^

Seriously, though, this was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time, and your best work, in my opinion. The whole thing was simply hilarious (I loved the cameo from the Snowman lol). Everything was just a fantastic parody of all things Christmas, and I loved the whole damn thing.

You rule, Gavynn. You rule.
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*rolls on floor laughing with her new dollar from santa (actually from Shin)*

That was awesome DW! And I got my dollar after all.
(Even though I don't have glasses) The character design was cool, I mainly liked Syk's mutant appearance.... That was great.

Im very glad Sennen finally got stilts...

EDIT: Oops... I wasn't finished yet...

Anyways, It was great like all you other..."films". Even though some parts dragged on forever (Like the ending of Lord of the Rings) It was very entertaining! And I got my dollar!!
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[size=1]...Well, [i]I'm[/i] amused.

Favorite quote: "...And Dragon Warrior is one sexy beast."

And when Syk-blob started crying. I'm sorry, that was just too funny.

The snowman was a nice touch. Heh.

(How much free time do you [i]have?[/i]) [/size]
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Sara. You're cruel. I alost started crying when the tears welled up in Syk-Blob's little eyes. It was a very tenderhearted, sweet moment. He went to so much effort to make James a christmas suit. And James dashed his hopes just like that. How cruel.

All in all- a masterful piece. I did notice Syk-Blob Changing colour often though. And the sleigh.

What happened to Santa? Someone better set him free soon or we're in trouble.

Also.. I love your red christmas avi. I just noticed it. Heh.

Who was the snowman? Have I been blindsided by a nefarious insider-trading issue?...


I mean insider [i]joke[/i].
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Nah, Baron. The snowman is from the clay Rudolph movie, if you've seen it. The dude that sings about silver and gold :)

And thank you all. I'm glad you all liked what I worked long hours on. I didn't have much time to do it neither ;_;

Also, here's a sneak peek of my next big movie starring myself and Shinmaru who want to thwart the evil plans of the vile Syk in...

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XD That looks promissing! (Or how ever you spell it)

I must say, your drawing skills are improoving greatly... From stick figures to this! *I will never forget Moe*

I love that movie, with the clay figures and stuff, but I am glad that James took out the annoying singing snow man.
Hm... the part that probably made me laugh the most was when James had the strength of ten Jameses... and then had a hernia. I laughed I cried....
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[color=teal]Why am I always a disgusting creature?

Good job, anyway. I thought it was funny; you had some comical and fairly good drawings, and kept it entertaining for a good 15 minutes, or however long that was. I'm anxious to see the next movie.

I would appreciate it if you asked someone before you were going to make them look like an ***. Thanks.[/color]
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[color=navy]HAHAHA! That was the funniest thing I have ever saw. It was very well animated. Your jokes were very funny. Your drawings were very good. I really enjoyed watching it. Please continue making these movies!

Can't wait till the next one![/color]
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[size=1]Lol, that was actually pretty funny. ^_^ I have seen some of your other stuff, but that is the best I have seen, in my opinion.

It had good balance of predictability and complete randomness. As soon as the "Tom Cruise" joke came on I was already laughing. I even actually thought, "James is Tom Cruise?"

[edit] I also must give you some extra credit for mentioning [i]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/i]. ^_^[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]
[B][color=teal]I would appreciate it if you asked someone before you were going to make them look like an ***. Thanks.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Now where's the fun in that? XP

Okay. I'll ask you next time before I make you into another digusting monster/blob/creature/hideous beast of evil :)

And thanks all for the comments. And piro, I just had to insert The Nightmare Before Christmas. Copyright, ya know XD
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[color=indigo][i][size=1]Ah geez, that was great! I must say this...[b]why does everyone pick on the midget?[/b] I'm 5'1 1/2" tall..okay, okay..short..

Syk3..your character was so cute when it was crying. I laughed.

All I have to say now is, James, the poor guy. Getting hit in the nads, rolling down the side of a mountain, getting attacked by K.K.C., prank heart bursts, a hernia, a poison dart, then a sleigh...James, this just shows how much people love you, lol.

DW, amazing, pure brilliance. Just what I needed, my holiday is not going well. I laughed hard and long. I cannot wait to see your next picture.

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[color=indigo][i][size=1] And I want to add...[b]I had a nightmare last night!!! I got on the OB and was informed that I had been banned!!! Thank you for that Dragon Warrior! That was just what I wanted for a Christmas present, hahaha..[/b]

Please inform me on when your next one is due to be released...By the way, has James seen this? Sorry for spamming, it will not happen again..

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