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Christians counter atheists


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I love finding an article that makes me laugh, it's the best way to start one's day. :catgirl: Anyway...it seems that those ads on buses about there probably not being a God resulted in this:

[URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29056903/"][U]Christians counter atheists — on London buses[/U][/URL]

I'm sure you guys remember the previous thread on this that I posted. If you don't, go and take a look: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59984"][U]Atheists Send a Message, on 800 Buses[/U][/URL]

Basically now that the campaign is coming to a close as the article states:[quote][FONT="Arial"]The Christian Party has paid $22,000 to run ads declaring: "There definitely is a God. So join the Christian Party and enjoy your life," in red, pink and orange letters.[/FONT][/quote]Also it seems that the Atheist ad campaign got around 300 complaints but the Ad authority wouldn't intervene so this is their response since they couldn't get it taken down. Just as I find that amusing, I also find this amusing: [quote][FONT="Arial"]"I got tired of seeing these messages on buses driving past my window and want to give people the chance to read something with hope."

Another Christian group has also joined the campaign, with a more confrontational message from Psalm 53:1, which reads: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." That ad will run for two weeks.[/FONT][/quote]I find it amusing because the ads they want to run, as mentioned in the article, are "dogmatic and declaratory, leaving no room for reason and debate." It's God exists... period. No ifs ands or buts.

If anything, they're only proving the point that the original tongue in cheek ads were trying to point out. The word probably... is key, depending on which way your belief runs. And yes I know those of you who do believe are unlikely to say probably. I still find it amusing just the same. =P
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[FONT="Arial"]What I find amusing about the whole thing, is I already know I'll pay attention to the ads in favor of God about as much as I did the ones that go the other way. Which is to say, other than to perhaps laugh, not at all.

In all honesty, we're so inundated by advertising of some kind, it's gotten to the point that I pretty much universally ignore all of it. Sometimes something will catch my eye enough for me to laugh at it, but that's about it. [/FONT]
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What baffles me most about this situation is the fact that both the Christians and the Atheists both seem to have spent a small fortune on these ads, which will bring them no profit in return except possibly (but unlikely, because like Nathan said: very few people will actually notice the ads) bring more people over to their side of beliefs.

I also fail to understand how some people get so upset when others publicly express their beliefs. Reading the first article, it seemed the Atheist organization started their campaign to correct Christian ads that were already on buses, then when the Christians saw the Atheist ads, they flipped out and tried to out do them with more ads. This whole thing is pretty rediculous in my eyes. Why bother fighting a continual battle over who's right & who's wrong when you can't even prove you're right in the first place.

Its strange what some crazy people will do at times, but atleast they give us all something to laugh at.
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[SIZE="1"]So can we find a rebuttal of the rebuttal any time soon?

This reminds me of me and my friends talking through our status messages on MSN. XD Ahh. I wanna do that again.

In any case, neither of the ads bother me. But I still find it kinda funny. Even cute. Is that bad?[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Vicky'][size=1]This is like when people used to graffiti on the North wall of our school and have arguments through the said graffiti.

Except that was using cheap paint and markers, hahaa.[/size][/QUOTE]That makes both groups sound like silly little kids who need to grow up. And for some reason, I find it rather amusing.

In the end, both were good for a laugh in my opinion. I'd still like to see those Atheist ads in Salt Lake City or even here in the Provo area. Can't help it. I may be Mormon, but just watching people get riled up would amuse me.
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[SIZE="1"]I'm part of the British Humanist Association, who were a big part of this campaign, and read quite a bit about it a couple of weeks ago and was greatly amused and encouraged by it.

And you know, considering how overly, stupidly PC we are in the UK (we can't fly our own flag during the world cup in case we 'insult someone' of another religion. Just what.) I'm shocked no one complained about the Christian ads being distressing in the messages they were directing people to look at. Then again, they do seem to be immune. No one wants to upset that lot, apparently.

It's great to see that policies don't prevent her from doing something like this, and I commend her for putting up a message that I, personally, found both amusing and heart-warming. The way in which religious societies have reacted by quoting passages at atheists in return fire is pretty hilarious, too. I would love to see this explode into an all out war, with each side decorating entire buses and drag racing them, Death Race style, through Piccadilly Circus.

There are supposedly buses up here in Liverpool, but I have yet to see one. ):

[B]EDIT:[/B] A_M, this is the second thread you've been faster than me at replying in ): I feel inferior.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Ezekiel'][SIZE="1"]

And you know, considering how overly, stupidly PC we are in the UK (we can't fly our own flag during the world cup in case we 'insult someone' of another religion. Just what.) I'm shocked no one complained about the Christian ads being distressing in the messages they were directing people to look at. Then again, they do seem to be immune. No one wants to upset that lot, apparently.


[size=1]Aaah Jesus, that gets me so riled up. It's a little off topic but I have to comment. The whole flag thing is complete nonsense - you see, it's perfectly fine to yell out passages to strangers on Market Street, order the removal of a hundred year of CoE church from a community that's only been there for five or so years and... aaah nevermind. I'll refrain from the rant, haha. I'm also the least racist person I know so I'm definitely no biased.

But, on topic, I do agree that the Athiest message seems a little less 'fail' because it says 'probably' and sounds more hearty. I could never look at something that's telling me God exists and feel a smile on my face or a little chuckle.[/size]
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[SIZE=1]I come down firmly on the side of the atheists on this one, if only because of the choice of language. The atheist message was "There's [I]probably[/I] no God," while the Christian message was "There [I]definitely[/I] is a God." At least the atheist version left room for people to make their own decisions - their message was not definite, and meant almost in a joking way, whereas the Christian version seems to be a genuine retaliation, which seems somewhat unnecessary to me.
[/SIZE][quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1']And you know, considering how overly, stupidly PC we are in the UK (we can't fly our own flag during the world cup in case we 'insult someone' of another religion. Just what.) I'm shocked no one complained about the Christian ads being distressing in the messages they were directing people to look at. Then again, they do seem to be immune. No one wants to upset that lot, apparently.[/SIZE][/quote]

[SIZE=1]I can't tell you how glad I am that you didn't use the phrase "it's political correctness gone mad." That saying drives me absolutely spare, and it's generally an excuse for genuine racists (or sexists, homophobes, or other bigots in general) to say something genuinely racist and/or offensive[/SIZE],[SIZE=1] almost like the phrase "I'm not being racist, but..." which is usually followed by something unbelievably racist.

However, major props to you for this:

[/SIZE][quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1']I'm part of the British Humanist Association[/SIZE][/quote]

[SIZE=1]Ditto :animesmil[/SIZE]
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Why shouldn't Christians boldly state their faith if they've paid good money for it? They don't need to use 'probably' because they don't think there's anything probable about it whereas some atheists probably don't know so there is some quality of the unknown to their beliefs.

Therefore, one shouldn't jump up and compare the two because to be honest, it's only a message, and if a bus sign changes your life, you may have other problems.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Why shouldn't Christians boldly state their faith if they've paid good money for it? They don't need to use 'probably' because they don't think there's anything probable about it whereas some atheists probably don't know so there is some quality of the unknown to their beliefs.

Therefore, one shouldn't jump up and compare the two because to be honest, it's only a message, and if a bus sign changes your life, you may have other problems.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Oh come now Raiha, if the Atheists had boldly stated their disbelief, you know people would have cried foul. [I][SIZE="1"]*pokes you*[/SIZE][/I] :D

If anything I find it sad that they have to use [I]probably[/I] just to pander to the die hard Christians out there. Though that is amusing in it's own way.

The last part is true in that if a bus sign changes your life...[SIZE="1"] o_O[/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Raiha][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Oh tush, they cried foul anyway.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]I know, so terribly amusing that. :D I do find it funny how Atheists can't, or in this case didn't, directly say there is no God and yet Christians can and you know it's going to get overlooked.

Oh and A_M. I would positively DIE LAUGHING if those slogans were on the buses here. Because watching all the people run around whining would amuse me to no end.
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[SIZE="1"]The phrase was, I believe, originally 'There is no God', but publishers wouldn't let them use it. 'Probably' was added as an afterthought to go along with advertising standards.

Just pointing that out, seeing as a lot of people seem to be mentioning it.

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[quote name='Ezekiel'][SIZE="1"]The phrase was, I believe, originally 'There is no God', but publishers wouldn't let them use it. 'Probably' was added as an afterthought to go along with advertising standards.

Just pointing that out, seeing as a lot of people seem to be mentioning it.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][size=1]I wanted to say that. :(

And if memory serves, the article in last thread also said that not everybody supported the "probably" part on the supporting side of the ads, so yeah.

In any case, I do not know anybody who was upset about the atheist (or based on their phrase: Agnostic) bus campaign, as they planned on doing them here as well, and I doubt I will know anyone who is upset about the Christian bus campaign. So I do not know how many people everyone else knows who is genuinely upset about either bus ad, but if I look at some of the discussions made here at the OtakuBoards, I think the reactions will be pretty balanced.

Fact remains that the whole advertisement thing is pretty sad, though in its own way a bit funny. I just think both parties could have made funnier slogans.[/size]
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[quote name='Boo'][size=1]Fact remains that the whole advertisement thing is pretty sad, though in its own way a bit funny. I just think both parties could have made funnier slogans.[/size][/QUOTE]

True, true.

I would personally hate to have these messages on the buses here. Amusing as it may be, the whining and b*tching would eventually irritate me.:animesigh
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[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]This reminds me of the furniture store in Killeen, TX that would constantly have adverts about their political veiws. No one cares when you're a ruddy furniture store that you like the president and hate the Dixie Chicks.

I wish I could see some of this first hand, but living in the North and vowing never to go South again will probably mean I'll never see it close up. Truthfully I think it's funny. And although I'm a Catholic I will say that unless you believe there is really no valid way to prove God exists to someone who doesn't share most of your views.[/color][/font][/size]
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[quote name='Ezekiel'][SIZE="1"]The phrase was, I believe, originally 'There is no God', but publishers wouldn't let them use it. 'Probably' was added as an afterthought to go along with advertising standards.

Just pointing that out, seeing as a lot of people seem to be mentioning it.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I find that rather sad actually. Are we so insecure in our beliefs that seeing someone declare God doesn't exist is something we can't handle? I understand the diplomatic nature of requiring it, but as a Christian, I find it sad that we seem to fine it acceptable for us to say there is and yet expect the others to tag in a disclaimer.

I still find the campaign as a whole amusing, but clearly some people take it far to seriously. I know my own beliefs aren't so shallow that a simple ad would affect them. And though it's a bit unkind to say it, I can't help but laugh a little at those who did allow it to work them up to the point that they actually complained.
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[quote name='Indi][COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"]If anything I find it sad that they have to use [I]probably[/I] just to pander to the die hard Christians out there. Though that is amusing in it's own way.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]

[FONT=Arial]They initially [URL="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,494825,00.html"][COLOR="Blue"]didn't[/COLOR][/URL].

[QUOTE][I][FONT="Arial"]The group's new ads are a variation on their original campaign launched in Washington, London and Spain, which read ? [B]"The Bad News Is God Doesn't Exist. The Good News Is You Don't Need Him."[/B][/FONT][/I][/QUOTE]

Then again, theirs was the one that broke down fresh out of dry dock. :p

Divine Humor +1[/FONT]
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