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Are "titles" such as punk, prep, goth,...ect. used at your school?  

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  1. 1. Are "titles" such as punk, prep, goth,...ect. used at your school?

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At my school, people use titles for other people like: Goth, Punk, Prep...ect. I was wonderin if titles such as these are/were used at your schools, and if u feel they are nesecary, ect. so plz answer mai pole and state your opinions.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Well, titles have been used in all the schools I've been to. There's always some people who judge other people by their appearance, or party.

I don't think they're necessary, though I am guilty of labeling people before. u.u[/color] [/size]
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Guest cloricus
Very much so, eg, hicks, A crowd and then the subgroups in those. But it changes from grade to grade in my school. Like the year 9's have different names for the groups than say my grade.

Each school I've been to have had something similar to this...

All it is is stereotyping the groups that hang out together. An easy way of referring to them so I see no harm in it.

Btw Harlequin should be with the hicks, being a hick himself. (I'm going to get hit for that. :P)

Eps ? C3h!
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Sadly, we all get labeled by how we act, and by what crowd we are in, and we also label others purposely or accidentally. This creates a rift between the students(or rather, people), and leads to further conflicts between them. Therefore, I deem them unnecessary and harmful.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Lol. We (people at my school) give out nicknames instead. Like 'The Wall', and 'The Lice People'. Though, some people have prefixes like, 'Big Kate'. oo;

...*slinks under desk*[/color] [/size]
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Nick Names are fine, but I think titles are a bit different... nick names are usually approved by the person who has it, but titles are enforced by the greater bulk of society. I think they are two different things.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Well... the people with the nicknames don't have a clue they have those nicknames, or people are calling them that. o.o;

Edit: Well, the names 'The Wall', 'The Lice People', and 'Big Kate' aren't quite what I'd call a sign of affection for those people. oo;[/color] [/size]
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Okay... Juu just annihilated my whole argument right there... brb when I think of a beter argument =P *goes off to think*

Okay... nicknames are usually done out of fondness for that person, titles and labels are done for the purpose of insulting, or humiliating that person. You can call one the other, but in essence, they are kind of the same but can be used out of love or spite. There =P

Edit: Okay... now it becomes a matter of what you call the degrading one and what you call the fond loving one. Now it just becomes will you call nick name a title or will you call the title a nick name? :drunk:
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Guest Crimson Spider
A-tech is swarming with goths I tell you! All over the place!

We'll anyway, something I noticed is that every single one of those groups has something against me. I don't know why, I don't even know them, they just hate me.
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[color=blue][size=1]Yes they are used all the time in my school and I find it quite annoying, I try to hang out with a little of everybody but I have had people refer to me as a skater(I fall everytime I stand on a skateboard) or a punk(I dont dress punk or like punk music) before. I dont like being labled just because I hang around people who are considered to be parts of these groups I dont see myself in any of the groups really and as I said I hang with a little of everyone based on if we have the same intrests.[/color][/size]
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Titles are used alot at my high school. McMichael High is mostly infested by the "preps", while the "goth" group is growing at a steady rate.

Me I'm in neither, because people usually don't like to associate with me or my friends, unless they want help with something. I guess we're part of the "loser" group.:confused: But I really don't care what title I'm given.

Frankly I don't understand why people devide themselves up into different groups. It just happens that way, maybe its part of human nature.:therock:
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I absolutly hate it when people call eachother name/nicknames. At my school we have lables, it's the preps, jocks, punks/skaters, goth, geeks/dorks, and the outsiders/don't really have a lable. Me, I'm one of the outsiders. Yeah, I get made fun of because I sing so sometimes when I go by those friggin preps the call me "the suck *** singer gurl", "the sucky singer" or "Jamie the *** hole singer, and it just bothers me to death. It's not really the group labling that bothers me, its the name calling that does.
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I went to a mostly black/hispanic highschool. We really didn't have these groups... mainly because kids there weren't into that type of mindset or style, I guess due to cultural reasons mostly. There were obvious seperations, but that coupled with the uniforms made all that rather hard to divide between. My second highschool also had uniforms, but the groups were rather traditional: jocks, nerds and "other" heh.

In college, it's not even an issue. Where I currently go there are people I know would be stuck in punk, goth and other random groups... but no one says it, because no one is concerned by it (although it's a different story for some of the random people on the street around the school - we're in the middle of downtown Chicago). I think we're all past that nonsense at this point. It's funny how that sort of stuff basically totally died out after high school, and I'm glad about that.
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We have titles like that at my school; skaters, jocks, hippies (I fit in all 3, the skater clothes wearin, lacrosse playin, pot smokin son of a gun), etc..

However, we have so few people in my grade (85) that there really arent any cliques, everyone can really hang out with any other group and not be excluded. And while there are certain groups of freinds who usually don't hang out together, they arent exclusive of each other.
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[color=deeppink]I'm not so sure that my high school had the extreme lables that the rest of yours seem to have.

DeWitt High School is located in a fairly wealthy area, so it was (and I suppose, still is) hard to find much diversity there. People were hard to define; it almost seemed as though everyone tried to be the same as the person next to them.

There weren't any students that were considered "punks", "goths", etc.; the only time when titles were used would have been in a conversation in which someone was trying to describe a person to somebody who didn't know who they were.

Like so: "She has long black hair, tall, kinda [b]gothic[/b] looking..."

But no one group was considered the "goths". And no one group was really considered the "preps", either. It's funny now that I think about it, we had such a small population at our school that it was nearly impossible for sub cultures to successfully develope off of the stereotypical DeWitt prototype. My high school was dominated by beautiful, stylish girls, guys who wanted to be more muscular than everyone else, rich kids who drank too much, did too many drugs, and stole from every store they entered.

I suppose DeWitt should have been a title enough in itself, our town had a reputation for being snotty and spoiled. Yes, now that I think about it, DeWitt WAS title enough...nothing else could have described someone from that town any better :whoops:

[Of course, there [i]was[/i] the occasional exception to the DeWitt title...I got lucky there ;)][/color]
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At my school, we seem to have an different set of names. "Moshers" - stereotypicaly people who go to concerts and "mosh"... Almost gothic, but not quite. "Charvas" - Basically, lots of large gold jewllery (necklaces and earrings primarily) and make-up... the popular people I suppose... Those are the two big stereotypes. I mean we still have "Goths" and "Boffs" (a derivative of "boffin") but Moshers and Charvas are the two [i]big[/i] ones.

In my opinion, a label for a group doesn't matter. Like if I were to say to someone "s/he's one of the moshers" I don't mean it in a derogatory way, I just mean it as a fact, a way of describing which group s/he tends to hang out with. I'm a booky person, and so people would describe me as being part of the "library crew" - but I'm not bothered by the generalisation, it's just describing the group I hang with.

But when it becomes a slagging match... I don't agree with that. Name calling's always a bad thing, no matter where you are...
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[color=darkblue]I think everyone has used terms like that. You have to look at the person's intention behind saying it. I use words like that to sometimes describe someone's appearance, not their personality, because it's just easier to visualize. Most people aren't true "punks" or "goths", anyway, they just have that style of dress. But when words like that are used in a derogatory way, it does bother me.

In my school, we didn't really have much of that talk, because we had uniforms and our appearances were strictly regulated (i.e., all the guys had to have short hair). So there wasn't much room for individuality in that area. Plus, we could only listen to Christian music, and talk about other kinds of music was "strongly discouraged". So it was hard to figure most people out & what they were like, because the front was so outrageous.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]

I suppose DeWitt should have been a title enough in itself, our town had a reputation for being snotty and spoiled. Yes, now that I think about it, DeWitt WAS title enough...nothing else could have described someone from that town any better :whoops:

[Of course, there [i]was[/i] the occasional exception to the DeWitt title...I got lucky there ;)][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=purple][size=1]I understand what you mean there.. Arbutus is the community next to Catonsville.. It has a reputation for producing ugly, bleached, slutty, stuck-up, unintelligent girls.. I must admit.. In middle school I went along with the belief.. In all truth.. Most of the time I still do.. Most stereotypes.. Are based on fact and comparison of majority to minority.. There will always be exceptions.. But oh well..

Anyways.. In Catonsville High.. It seems like every day I get slapped with a new label.. Recently.. My clothes were rumored to clash.. Not because of their color.. But because of their style.. It floored me to find out that my clothes did not match because my pants were 'Street Punk' and my shirt was 'Grunge Punk'.. I was astonished.. To me.. What I was wearing was not 'Punk'.. It was.. A Kurt Cobain shirt and a pair of loose, exceedingly comfortable Bugle Boys from Wal Mart.. o.O;

There are so many labels at Catonsville.. It's impossible to keep track of them all.. What irritates me.. Is how a person gets pinned as a certain label.. And they get immedeately defensive..


Alright.. So upon basic instinct due to over brainwashing by corporate America.. I see a skinny, white, rich girl with her blonde hair pulled up into a pony-tail, sauntering down the hallway in her tight blue brand-new teeshirt with 'Abercrombie and Fitch' scrawled across the front in white letter, which cuts off just above the navel to flash the ever popular belly button piercing, the tassles of which hang from the barbell down to the waist of the snow white shorts with rhinestones and blue sitches which embroiders into the pants the name of yet another overly expensive teen clothing store.. And my first instinct is always.. 'Prep'.. Why is that so terribly offensive? She knew when she pulled on her sparkling flip flops and threw her Lacrosse Ribbons in her hair that it was going to affect her status as a teenager.. She purposely chose how she wanted to appear to the rest of the student body before she left the house.. She [i]wanted[/i] people to believe that she was preppy.. She must have.. Or why would she have dressed that way? If she knew what affect her dressings were going to have mentally on those around her, then why does she immedeately jump to defense when it happens? If someone points out that she looks rather preppy on that specific day, why does she jump into a rage?

The same applies to my close friend Matt. He walks down the hall with a dark mohawk and in a huge, $300 Harley Davidson leather jacket, leopard spotted with patches paying tribute to the hardcore gods The Exploited, Suidical Tendencies, The Misfits, Anti-Flag, etc.. Under his jacket he wear a dark green shirt, recently bought from the nearest Hot Topic, with 'Dropkick Murphy' tapered above a clover.. His jeans are black courds, ripped below the knees, baring an inch or two of flesh above his tall, black, leather, steel-toed boots.. He is never without his CD player which is constantly screaming out the sounds of The Sex Pistols and The Casualties.. And yet, Matt loses his mind when someone pegs him as being a 'Hardcore Punk'.. He knows he is.. His clothes, attitude, screen name, music, band, etc denote it.. And yet.. It still drives him insane when someone in the halls compliments him on how 'Punk' his boots are.. Or whatever on Earth else..

If someone labels you.. Or titles you.. Just accept it and move on with life.. The label is a reflection of their opinions.. It's what they think.. So what if you disagree.. You have your own opinions.. Let them have theirs.. [/color][/size]
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[b][size=1]Oradriel, double posting is against the rules. Please use the "edit" button if you want to add something to your post.

Anyway..there are 'titles' at my school. The rudes (people who would probably just ask you for your money, before promptly beating you up), the goths, the skaters, and everyone else. I don't pay much attention to it, because there's really no point.[/b][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pressure [/i]
[B][color=purple][size=1]... everything Pressure said in the last post... [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

I just want to say that was incredibly well said, and really how I feel in the general scheme of things. Whether it's concious or subconcious, people's "look" is something that they are simply totally in control of really... and I agree with you in basically every in (and I'm surprised honestly heh).

In a sense, I honestly group pretty much everyone. I don't feel like I judge them based on it... but most everyone fits into some sort of group. I even just call guys in suits downtown "businessmen," regardless of what they are doing.

There are always people that don't fit into really any one group, and I've been told by people I know personally that's how I am... not that I honestly believe it.
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