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Time spent at Otakuboards.

Guest Imsirion

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Guest Imsirion
I was thinking earlier about when I first joined the boards and what its been like, and it led to these questions about this place we all visit so, here they are....

How often do you visit?

I come here EVERY day. You wouldn't think that considering my post count compared to my date of regestration. I usually read then type.

Whats the longest length of your visits?

I'd say my daily visit is around 45 min. to an hour, sometimes I visit twice.

Whats been your longest stay?

Around 3 hours, just reading....

Which forums do you visit?

I start at Otaku Lounge, then Anime Lounge, DBZ, Yu Yu, Nintendo, Sony, then I skip around to most of the others and look around.

Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?

Well, I stay because I like to talk about anime/manga, vid. games and such because I have only one friend with the same intrests. Even though I haven't made friends around here, its still a nice friendly place to be at.

What about you guys?
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I leave my computer on 24/7 unless I am kicked... and it generally signs me back on too. I leave my browser window open, and so it looks like I'm here the entire time... when I'm not. Anyone that IMs me and gets that "I forgot an away message" auto-response knows that by now heh.

I don't know. I come on my computer in the morning... I have OB as my home page, so I don't forget to come here (I probably would otherwise... heh). I look for new posts and go from there.

Same at night, when I'm doing my homework... everytime I open my browser, it comes straight to here. So I wind up looking at the new posts rather often.

Sooooooooooooo... I'd say it's only like 30 to 60 minutes generally that I actually spend reading and posting here a day (Most of my posts are stream of conciousness, and I get the biggest ones out in 3 to 8 minutes I'd say heh -- not so bad).

No idea of my longest. I've been on the internet a lot when I get sick (which is rather often sadly... have some problems), but I don't know the total here.

Where I go----
I visit most of the main forums. I never go into the poetry area, the various little anime show forums. There are some I frequent far less than others everywhere else.

Why I stay---
I don't know. I almost look on it like a job, for some reason. I just go.
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[color=deeppink]Funny, I used to spend HOURS a day here, now I'm lucky to spend more than 10 minutes.

My longest stay was probably sometime back in the older days; anywhere from 2-3 hours. Usually if I posted once then I'd get on a roll and keep going, which I only now do on rare days like tonight.

To be honest, I get easily bored with the content on the boards nowadays. I rarely get the urge to stick around for long. When I moderated I felt responsible to make daily visits and check my forums, but when even that became too much...then I knew it was time to give it up. My days are fading :p[/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]My longest time on ever, was from around 11:00 am., to 4:00 am. ^_^;

Since my comp isn't working, I only get from about 4:00 pm., to 6 or 7 on my dad's computer. Sometimes, I just browse for a while, even when there aren't any active topics. I still spend lots of time online, but a little less than I used to. And I actually like that I'm not online quite as long, because I can focus more on studying. And it's been helping alot. I bearly missed 4.0 last trimester, and at the beginning of the year, I was around 3.4.

I hope alot of the old members come back in the summer. I miss you guys! :whoops:[/color] [/size]
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[b]How often do you visit?[/b]

Every day... Plain and Simple

[b]Whats the longest length of your visits?[/b]

I am normaly of from 3:30 my time till about 11:30pm= 8 hours

[b]Whats been your longest stay?[/b]

From.. 3:30 PM my time till... 2 AM my time = 10 and 1/2 hours

[b]Which forums do you visit?[/b]

Adventure Arena, Digimon, Otaku Lounge

[b]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/b]

It is my Home... where my ONLY living friends are... Why on earth would i leave?
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[color=green]I go to OB whenever I get the chance, which is usually every day.
Just as long as my dad doesn't start lecturing me for being up too late, etc...as long as the computer is free, I am on it checking things with YYH, Anime, and other stuff.
I don't have much else to do anyway. At least stuff I want to do. Chores aren't my idea of fun.

Length of visits....
usually 45 minutes to an hour. Time flies really fast and I don't even realize that sometimes I wind up spending 2 hours here.

Longest time....well, I did spend 5 hours here one time. I was talking in every thread and reading everything that night, since I coudn't sleep. I sometimes do that for a few hours when the computer is free.

My forums would have to be....
Anime, Picture, RPG, Otaku Lounge....mainly. I usually don't visit anywhere else, unless I'm [i]really[/i] bored.

Why do I stay at OB?
Well, I just do. I like the conversations (mainly), the great people, the freedom and the control (the rules...which helps this place NOT be some crazy forum like I've seen at other places).
There's a lot more reasons.
And I DO hope that a lot of 'yall' will be here this summer.
I know I will.
I don't have anything else to do this summer, unless I get to go to my Anime convention in CA...and go to Disneyland!! :p
I love it here and I love everyone here.
I do hope that OB continues here forever, so that maybe I can show my kids someday...how I was and what I liked. That would be weird...15 years from now...*sees into future*

I'm looking foward to summer, and I'm looking foward to seeing everyone here.
Don't go [i]too[/i] carried away with summer camp....[/color]
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I used to spend every spare internet minute here, after 4 hours straight, I [i]still[/i] had plenty of things to do.

Bah, but now ther ejust doesn't seem to be anything here thats worth taking note of.

I hate to say it, but OB has really gone downhill --;
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[color=darkblue]This varies a lot for me. Sometimes I come here every day, then I'm known to disapppear for months without a single post. Recently, I might skip a few days here & there, but I keep up with the threads. There are times when I just don't feel like coming. Like others said, people do start to outgrow the boards. It sucks, yeah. Maybe if all of us older members stuck together & stayed it would work, but sometimes it's impossible. We get jobs, go off to college, even begin to form families (though so far only Sephiroth & I have done that -- man, I really miss him sometimes).

Ahem. Back to the subject. The longest I've stayed on here is probably something like 4 hours or more, though I might have been simultaneously IMing. I come here because I have friends here, some of them good friends who I can't imagine not talking to. I just hope we don't all grow apart. :([/color]
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I just found the board: I'm here almost every day and it's fast becoming one of my favorite boards. I usually split my time between here and another few boards.

Anyway, I'm new here LOL. And I, like a few others, only post when the topic interests me or I have something to say, because unlike other boards, this board prohibits one or few word agreement posts and short comments: normally some of my favorite types of posts LOL.
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[B]How often do you visit?[/b]
Pretty much everyday ^_^ - I find I'm itching to find out what's gone on in RPs I participate in, or if any of my friends have sent me PMs

[b]Whats the longest length of your visits?[/b]
Normally, I stick about for 3 hours, give or take, but I'm [i]always[/i] using IM at the same time.

[b]Whats been your longest stay?[/b]
My longest stay... Umm... Well... I'm not exactly sure, but I know I "stalk" the boards a lot, reading but not posting, waiting to pounce on people who reply to me... I'm sure I spent a loooooong time doing that once... Most of the night O_o

[b]Which forums do you visit?[/b]
Adventure Arena / Recruitment Forum - That's my main haunt. I also venture into the Banner Request forum sometimes if I'm feeling arty, but usually I stick to the RPGs or Lounge.

[b]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/b]
Because OB is an extremely warm community. This is my first message board that I've been involved with actively, and I love the fact that there are so many friendly people. I talk to my mum about them as though I knew them in real life. Sometimes she has to ask me if I do O_o - I also have no wish to go anywhere else, so why not stick around? ;)
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]Well, I tend to visit everyday, and a few months back it would have been a big thing to miss a day, but that was when the Adventure and Battle arenas actually moved. Now if I miss a day, it doesn't even register. Ah well. So yes, I visit quite often, and spend most of my time in the two aforementioned areas. As for my longest visit...several hours easily, from nine PM to sometime relatively early in the morning, starting to get daylight on a few occasions, but I wasn't exactly doing a lot while I was there.

I'd disagree with Liam though. Otaku hasn't gone downhill. It's just not going anywhere....[/font][/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I used to spend heaps of time here too. Once I lost the net and stayed off for a while (last month) it was hard to me to get back into the swing of things. Now that I have, I've noticed that not much is happening anyway. I'm in a few RPGs now, they will take a while to get off the ground, but until then, I'm finding it hard to keep myself occupied for more than half an hour.

Otakuboards, once I started Latham Adytum, was the only thing I thought about - same with a few people at school. We kept sneaking onto it in the library while a designated distraction took care of the library ladies. Now we hardly even talk about OB. I don't see any other downlands OB members on that often as well, except for Harlequin and sometimes maybe Liam, but that's it. [/font][/color]
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I visit the boards at least once a day. Sometimes that once isn't very long because of my schedule, but it still gives me enough time to check everything out.

It's hard to determine how long the lengths of my visits are. I've never timed myself. Honestly, when I'm online, I rarely just stay here the whole entire time I'm on unless I'm busy working on something. I usually keep the page minimized and visit periodically.

I visit almost every area, save for the anime forums (DB excluded). Sometimes I'll check them out, but because I know nothing about anime, I can't post there. lol

I continue to remain on OtakuBoards because I've got some friends here and there are some generally cool moments that almost make the millions of mundane coming-of-age threads disappear. And, some of the immaturity can become annoying. So, yeah, the age difference makes me feel silly sometimes, but there's a good enough mix of threads that are able to keep me from becoming completely disgusted with the place or something.

I think that because this is the only forum I actually have become attached to, I'll never grow tired of it. I like it!
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[B]How often do you visit OtakuBoards?[/B]
I visit here everyday!

[B]Whats the length of your stay?[/B]
^^;; You guys aren't on half as long as me.I'm on all day. I just wait for people to post.

[B]What has been your longest stay?[/B]
^^; I have been on from the second I wake up to the moment I go asleep. Wait, I do that all the time..^^;;

[B]What forums do you visit?[/B]
I visit all of them! 'Cept the DBZ and YGO and the Gaming section with Sony and Gamecube and everything. I don't visit the Anime section often, 'cept Digimon.

[B]Why do you continue to come?[/B]
Because these people are my family! I would never leave you guys!I have been here for a while, and will continue to be here for a long long while.[/COLOR]
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Guest cloricus
I don't spend much time in one place when it comes to html sites; I tend to hop between about eight major sites when one gets boring. It's an advantage of broadband, you don't notice the time it take to go to another site. So I end up spending a few hours a day here, doesn't show does it. I joined months before harlequin and his post rate is higher by about 1000.

I normally skip through the main forums, and the PC/MAC one. Unless I want to know some thing specific.

I don't really know why I stay, I guess it's just because it's somewhere and you have to be somewhere to be anywhere...

Eps - Node...
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[B][COLOR=royalblue]How often do you visit OtakuBoards?[/COLOR][/B]
Anytime I'm online. In other words, everyday.

[B][COLOR=royalblue]Whats the length of your stay?[/COLOR][/B]
It depends; sometimes I wait for people to post, other times I just read through, post then leave and come back on later on when theres most activity.

[B][COLOR=royalblue]What has been your longest stay?[/COLOR][/B]
From 4AM untill 6PM, this was last summer. ^_^

[B][COLOR=royalblue]What forums do you visit?[/COLOR][/B]
I'm in the Art & Design forums the most. Then Otaku Lounge. I visit Nintendo, DragonBall, other Animes' occationally.

[B][COLOR=royalblue]Why do you continue to come?[/COLOR][/B]
Basically OB is a very friendly place so I continue to come back. I love to view the art, post and read aswell.

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How often do you visit?

[color=red]Being the junkie that I am, once in the morning before I leave for work, once after I get home from work, and once more before I go to bed. I actually think stuff is going to happen. :sleep: Though lately...[/color]

Whats the longest length of your visits?

[color=red]Depends on if there's anything worth responding to. I usually piddle for about half an hour on average these days. [/color]

Whats been your longest stay?

[color=red]Back when I did the Digimon site for theOtaku.com, I'd have the Boards, AIM, and my HTMLer open. I remember one night while doing that, the OBs had been hacked and those of us that could get on spent a midnight vigil (at least, in my neck of the world) trying to get it back. So that'd put it at ...geez, that was so long ago. 12 hours? (My parents would kill me if I stayed on the computer all day. :p)[/color]

Which forums do you visit?

[color=red]Lounge (86 Picture), Suggestions, Adventure (Recruitment on occasion), Digimon, Zelda, Square/Enix, PC/Mac (on occasion), Art and Design, Sprites. [/color]

Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?

[color=red]Again, it's that internet junkie thing. I can't get away, else I go through withdraw. ^^; But for the most part, it's because I've been here for so long (thanks to Adam), and I'm comfy with people here. Being a newbie again somewhere else...*shudders* I can't possibly imagine it. [/color]

Thanks for an interesting thread!
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[u]How often do you visit? [/u]

I visit almost everyday

[u]Whats the longest length of your visits?[/u]

20-30 mins because I was and school, but when I'm home I usually stay on awhile.

[u]Whats been your longest stay?[/u]

I don't remember the times of the day bout it was around 6-8 hours.

[u]Which forums do you visit?[/u]

Art & Design, Banner & Avatar Request, Nintendo, Dragonball, Otaku Lounge/Picture, Poetry, Fan Fiction & Literature, and thats about it.

[u]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?

I love it here, theres not really that much more to say. Most people are very friendly and nice. Also sometimes I don't know what site to go to when I'm on the computer. So I come here cuz there is always something different (in terms of threads) here.
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[size=1][b]How often do you visit?[/b]
Many times throughout the day.

[b]Whats the longest length of your visits?[/b]
It depends. I spend a lot of time visiting the boards while I am at school, since my last three periods are really easy and give me access to a computer. At home I usually go on for brief 10-15 periods during the afternoon, and then one larger 1-2 hour period during the night.

[b]What's been your longest stay?[/b]
I have no idea, butg it's probably a very large number.

[b]Which forums do you visit?[/b]
The anime and public forums mostly. I also spend a lot of time in Art & Design and Otaku Adventures whenever I'm in an rpg.

[b]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/b]
Honestly, I have no idea. Umm.. the people? Yeah, my friends on OB keep me here.

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[B]How often do you visit?[/B]
Almost every day, whenever I can. Generally I'll come on several times a day, and depending on the activity I can stay for a few hours each time.

[B]What's the longest length of your visits?[/B]
Not sure. Generally they'll be for a few hours at a time, but if I manage to get on before school it'll be for ten minutes at the maximum.

[B]What's been your longest stay?[/B]
During the holidays I've been on for about twelve hours at a time before, depending on whether my connection can handle it.

[B]Which forums do you visit?[/B]
Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, Anime Lounge, Adventure Arena, Otaku Lounge, Poetry, Fan Fiction and Literature, Nintendo and Pokemon.

[B]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/B]
The great community, all my friends and the interesting discussions. And I moderate here, heh.
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[color=indigo][B]How often do you visit?[/B]
I guess I visit about every day...although I tend to post very little, I feel compelled to read nearly every post.

[B]What's the average length of your visits?[/B]
I guess I am on the boards for about an hour a day, although I usually have the boards pulled up at work.

[B]What's been your longest stay?[/B]
I have no idea, I'm sure that there were days when I was active for three or four hours.

[B]Which forums do you visit?[/B]
I visit the Lounge, the Poetry forum, and the anime forum daily...if I aminvolved in an rpg I'll visit that forum daily as well. I usually visit the other forums every two days or so.

[B]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/B]
It is the only message board that I have grown attached to, so I keep coming back. [/color]
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[size=1][b]How often do you visit?[/b]
Everyday. Although now and then I realise I'm getting worse, so I'll just miss a day on purpose. And if anything important pops up, I'll miss weeks at a time, lol. I mainly just read stuff now though.

[b]Average length of visits?[/b]
Can't really average it. Holidays, somedays I won't come on at all, and others I'll sit here from about 8PM to 5-6AM. And in the summer holidays (unless my cousins don't come over), I don't even visit.
On schooldays, it can be anything from half and hour to even four hours.

[b]Longest stay?[/b]
I spend more time IMing with OB people than visiting OB, lol. But once while I was doing coursework for this ugly deadline, I stayed up through the night, and continued until night again (checking OB every half an hour or so, lol)
So longest stay is about 22 hours >.>

[b]What forums do you visit?[/b]
GD (Silly 'lounge' -.-), the poetry forum, the feedback forum, adventure arena, DBZ forum (now and then), art and design, banner request forum, and the spriting forum.
EDIT: How could I forget the FF forum...

[b]Why do you stay at OB?[/b]
Because it's the first Board I ever visited, and I've grown used to it. Everywhere just seems out of place. And horribly different, because I don't know anybody.[/size]
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Guest Musahi
[b]How often do you visit?[/b]
If I'm grounded I only get to the computer on the weekends, and I'm usually grounded. If I'm not grounded I make sure I am here everyday.

[b]Average legnth of stay?[/b]
On weekdays I don't spend much time here. I'd say 15 - 20 minutes.
But on weekends I can stay online all night. Probably 3 or 4 hours.

[b]What's been your longest stay?[/b]
9 hours. 9PM to 5AM.


[b]Which forums do you visit?[/b]
I spend most of my time reading stuff in the Otaku Lounge but I rarely post here. I never have anything to say. I am probably most frequent in Sony, Nintendo, and M/M/T,

[b]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards?[/b]
My fans.

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