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The Elements


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First, a story recap:

[i]Alternate dimensions. People have long wondered if they exist. Scientists have debated the existance of them. Books, both fact and fiction, have been written about them. But nobody believed that the existance of other dimensions would ever be prooven. People never guessed the truth: beings from another dimension have been living among humans for centuries. Nobody has noticed, because these beings are human. They are identical to Earth humans in every way except one: these people have extrordinary abilities. They are able to control diferent elements: fire, water, wind, etc. However, these people are dieing out.
There are now only a few left from the other dimension. They had traveled to Earth to escape a deadly force that was destroying their race, but only a few hundred made it. They attempted to settle down on the new world when the native humans were discovered. The other-dimensional humans were forced to conceal their exestance and live like Earth humans.
Some were unable to refrain from using their powers, and were excecuted as witches and warlocks. Most tried to live without their powers, but found that they didn't know how to, and died. Only a very small number learned the skills needed to use their powers without being discovered, therefore allowing them to survive. Their decendants are the only other-dimensional humans still alive, but their numbers are steadily decreasing.[/i]

The year is 2012, and the remaining other-dimentional humans have sought out each other. They are hopeing to find a place where they can live as they were meant to, without anyone fearing their powers, forcing them to be cautious in their use. They must also ensure that their race continues to exist, as they are the only ones left. They know that the only hope for the survival of their race lies with them. They must find a safe place to live and raise children of their race. That is their only hope for survival.
December 23, 2012: They have all felt it: a great evil is coming. The same evil force that destroyed their home is coming for Earth. Since the dimension-crossing technology was lost, there is no escape. The only hope for the survival of both types of humans lies with them. Togeather, they must face the evil and destroy it.

Here's a list of who signed up as each character and what element that character has power over(I'll add any others that sign up):

SJchan Mayran-Destiny-Fate
Taki Ebina-Vance-Wind(Pending)

Here's a description of the abilities of each element(I'll add those chosen by any others that sign up):

Fire(Me): Contorl over fire. Can also cause most objects(not living things) to burst into flame, and can create blasts of fire. Is immune to freezing and being burnt, and is not affected by temperature changes.
Water: Control over water. Can also cause rain, and can create blasts of water. Can breath underwather.
Electricity: Control over electricity, Can also cause anything that runs on electricity(including batteries) to short out, and can create blasts of electricity. Is immune to electric shock.
Darkness: This one's a little different. At night, the character with control over darkness is able to use the darkness of night to hide himself and others from sight, and sheild himself and others from attacks. He is also able to use the darkness to take things like weapons from others. Of course, he is also able to create dark energy blasts. Durring the day, he is limited to the dark energy blasts. Can see in the dark just as well as durring the day.
Nature-Control over trees and animals.Can summon vines and animals and can make them do what she wants.She can make balls of vines and fire them at people and instead of exploding they cacoon the person in the vines of the ball.She can talk to animals and the trees and they answer to her.Whenever she calls they come to help.
Sun/Moon: In the day, Sun is the strongest: can create exploding balls of fiery light, can alter weather when her power is at its strongest, create strong heat waves, can call upon creatures of day, has incredible healing powers, can be invisible at times when time is right, can cause a blast of blinding light, also has certain psychic skills. At night, Moon is strongest: can create daggers of darkness, can creates think fogs/mists that can be poisounous when power is at its strongest, create veils of darkness, can call upon creatures of night, also has incredible healing powers, can walk among shadows without being detected, can cause large balls of darkness, also can use moonlight for direction, also lots of unknown abilities both Sun and moon
Fate: Able to stop time for everyone else very breifly, and determine the fate of a person, within limits(can not tell when people will die).
Wind: Able to create cyclones and other things like that, though not as large as the real thing. Can also make huge gusts by placing hands together and aiming them at someone or something. If there is a strong wind, can control it a directed it to where it is needed, though this takes more energy then forming his own.
Gravity: Can create small black holes and crush enemies by increasing their density. Also can float for a short time, but controlled flight is impossible.

Here we go:

(Ki is with David at his house. The two are in his room, which is filled with computer equipmennt. The two of them are attempting to increase the efficincy of their private network{they managed to set one up that just the two of them can use. They use it to exchange information and help each other when not togeather})
David: Don't put it there! Put it [i]here[/i]. Good. Now, if I connect this here, it should allow a seperated interface with our network. (Pause) What was that?
Ki: I felt it, too.
David: I don't like this. That... whatever it wasw felt [i]evil[/i]. There's no other word for it.
Ki: I know. What do we do?
David: We need to figure out what's going on.
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[size=1][i]Just on the other side of town, Arika was in her large backyard practicing throwing small exploding balls of fiery light. Her backyard was rigged with targets and special security defenses that was high intelligence. Suddenly, the ground shook. Arika looked around for any signs. She stared at exactly one spot...the sky, then she felt a great wave of evil. She had a light ball in her hand but closed it so that it would not explode. She looked around, then went back inside. She went upstairs to her attic, which had 2 motherboards, two large plasma screens, a DNA sampler, and one large monitor. It had vital information about her DNA, her powers, just vital information. She took the needle that was used to take small amounts of blood and took out a small amount of blood. She placed it on the DNA sampler and looked for any mutations or anything that changed. She saw nothing, turned off everything, and put up a defense wall around the equipment. She went back downstairs and the phone rang. She picked it up and answered. The voice was David's.[/size][/i]

[size=1]"Hey, did you feel it?" David asked.[/size]
[size=1]Arika answered,[color=indigo]"Feel the evil? Yeah. It was strong. It went through my whole body. It made my spine chill. But, anyways. Since you called, I'm gonna need more information on what you got about those with powers. *beep beep* Hey i got someone on the other line, I'll call you back, alright?"[/color] "Yea, alright. Talk to you later. Bye." [color=indigo]"Hello?[/color][/size]
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Destiny sucked in her breath, sitting straight up from where she'd been slouched on her couch watching TV. Her staff, which was propped up in the corner, was shining slightly, and the rings on the top here chiming quietly, almost to themselves. For a moment she was disoriented, wondering what she'd felt. Then it came over her again, the same sence of evil coming.

She shuddered slightly, putting a hand to her forehead. Because her powers were those of Fate and she could see the future to a small extent anyway, it was just that much more potent to her. Standing up she stumbled into the kitched and dialed the first number that came to mind. Reaching out a hand, the staff obiediantly floated to its mistress. Now that she had ahold of it, Destiny felt calmer as she waited for Arika to pick up the phone.
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Christian pounded on the door again, harder and louder this time. His normally cheerful face was clouded by a scowl. Finally, the door creaked open.

"What took you so long?" Christian bit out as he pushed past Arika.

Arika raised her eyebrows and indicated the headset that was at her ear. "I'm on the phone," she said.

"With who?" Christian said irritably. "You'd better not be gossiping about the latest pop star or something trivial like that. Didn't you feel it?" He plopped down on the couch in her living room.

"Of course I felt it," Arika replied, trying to resist the urge to snap right back at Christian. "I'm talking to Destiny about it right now."

"Well, tell her to get over here," Christian retorted, brushing away a piece of hair that was in his face. He paused and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Sorry," he said at last, looking up. "I'm not used to feeling like my soul was just dipped in cold black ink. It threw me a bit. Whatever just happened, we've got to do something about it."

Arika nodded. "I know," she said, and turned back to her phone conversation with Destiny.
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[size=1][i]Arika went back to the conversation with Destiny and pointed to the couch noticing Christian was walking around.[/i][/size]

[size=1][color=indigo]"Hey listen. Get over here now. I'll call David and tell him to come here too. Not a word of anything until you're here and everyone else as well. Alright, Bye."[/color][/size]

[size=1][i]Arika phoned David. The phone kept ringing. She wondered what was taking him so long.[/size][/i]
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Ki was tapping at the keys of the keyboard frantically trying to find out what was happening.She heard the phone ring.
"Hey David.I think you should get that.It's probably Arika."Ki said not looking away from the monitor.David nodded and got up.He picked up the phone and answered.
"Hello?Oh hi Arika.Christian's at your house?And Destiny's on her way?Ok Ki and I'll be there in a while.Bye."
Ki had overheard the conversation and was locking the network so no one else could use it.She picked up her laptop and stood.
"Let's go." David nodded and they left.
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Destiny walked up to Akira's front door just as Ki and David arrived. They tried to say hi to her, but she pointedly ignored them, breezing through the door as soon as it was opened.

"Did you have to bring the staff?" David asked as he walked in behind her. She just gave him a cold stare and hit him lightly over the head with it. "Ow!"

"I'm still the oldest one here, and an empath, so to speak. As much as every one of you felt you got tossed upside-down, I got thrown off a cliff. Okay?"
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Christian walked up to where the others were and cleared his throat. "Hm, Destiny, I'm sure the fall off the cliff was painful and everything, but I think [i]I'm[/i] actually the oldest here," he said.

Her glare would've frozen boiling water. Christian cleared his throat again, trying to hide his discomfort, and broke eye contact with her. "So, anyway," he said. "What are we going to do? You guys are the computer geeks, right?" he said to Ki and David. "Did you figure out what happened?"

"You know, you're more of a jerk than I thought you were originally," David commented. "Besides, we were trying to figure things out when we got this urgent call telling us to come here ASAP."

"Right," Christian said. "Great. Now what are we going to do?"

Ki smiled and pulled something out of her bag. "Don't worry," she said. "I brought my laptop. I'm sure we can figure out something while we're here and we wait for the others."
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[size=1][i]Arika noticed Destiny wasn't looking too well. She tapped Destiny on the shoulder and showed her to a couch. Arika offered a drink but Destiny refused. She went back to the others and tried to speak, but Christian and David were arguing...as they usually do.[/size][/i]
[size=1][color=indigo]"Uhm, excuse me? Guys? Hey guys."[/color][/size]
[size=1][i]Arika put her index and middle finger into her mouth and whistled loud and hard. Everyone looked at her. Arika was actually flaring with fire from the sun.[/i][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]"Alright! That is it! One more argument out of both of you and I will personally shut you both up! Understood? This house is a sacred place of peace, quiet, safety, and most of all....FRIENDS! We are all the same here with different abilities. Just because you're the oldest, Christian, doesn't mean anything. The most mature and in tune with their powers is Destiny, which makes her the leader or boss or whatever. She is the one who felt it the most. She is the one who knows a lot of things."[/color][/size]
[size=1][i]David tried to talk, but Ki stopped him. She knew saying something would piss off Arika even more. Nobody likes it when Arika's pissed. Arika breathed deeply and was calm. The fiery flames were dying out and she was back to her old self. Except, the fact that she had liquidy balls in her hand. Nobody knew what that was, except Arika. They all went over and sat on the couches. David and Christian sat apart. David sat with Ki and Christian grabbed a chair. Arika sat next to Destiny.[/size][/i]
[size=1][color=indigo]"Now. Ki can probably tell us more about what we felt. And, I don't want anyone interfering until Ki is officially done talking. If she pauses nobody moves, nobody talks. Got it? Good. Before we begin, anyone want drinks?[/size][/color]

[size=1][i]David and Christian didn't reply, for the fact that they were afraid of the consequences. Ki and Destiny shook their heads.[/size][/i]
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Ki flipped open her laptop and brought up the network.She began to tap the keys on the keyboard quickly searching for information.A screen came up and she called David over.
"Hey David come and look at this...Sorry but you guys wouldn't understand the computer language."
David leaned over and read the screen.Now and again Ki would tap some more keys and another page wold pop up.Ki stood and began to speak.
"Okay.I have discovered that there is an evil aura floting around the city.All of you felt a wave of it today am I correct?"
Everyone nodded and muttered a yes.Ki continued.
"It is all a cause of the Dimension Crossing happening.As I think you already know we are not from Earth.We come from Alternate dimensions.The evil we felt is a small piece of the evil that destroyed our homes those years ago and now it's coming to destroy Earth.No one else can defeat it.Only us.The humans' guns and military weapons will do little harm to them.It's all up to us.Us and our powers."
Everyone was silent.Ki thought most of them were in shock from the news she had just unleashed on them.She sat down and continued to search for anymore information.
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[color=sky blue]Euro sat down on her bed, wanting to go to sleep since it was so late. But she couldn't--she felt disturbed and unprotected, knowing that the evil forces have arrived and if she went to sleep, she might never wake up...

Euro turned on the TV and flipped through the channels to see if there was anything good on. When she got to the news channel, there was a report on the evil forces that were suppposed to have just arrived. Euro watched and listened with curiosity.

"We have just received a special report on some evil figures that have appeared on this planet from outer space just recently. Everyone is advised to be careful--these evil creatures have special powers and are not to be interfered with. At this time, we don't know what they might do, but all we know is that it won't be anything good. Some of those figures seem to be animals, and some of them are completely humanoid. If you see them, be sure to get to safety as soon as possible until we clear things up."

Then there was a commercial break. Euro was eager to see if there was a report on the new race of humans, so she anxiously waited for the news to come back. Sure enough, it soon did.

"Now it's time for the weather report. It looks like it's going to be..."

Euro turned off the TV in disappointment. She just guessed that it was her job to stop the evil forces, but she didn't know what would happen if people discovered that she had special powers too. Maybe they would be relieved and ask her to protect them, but they can also throw her in jail, or, worse, kill her...

Guessing that everything was OK for now, Euro just decided to go to bed. She would be ready for the evil forces tomorrow.[/color]
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OOC: I should probably make sure this is clear: there is not going to be a true leader of the group. This is so that all characters have an equal role(if one is the leader, he/she would play a greater part than the others). And by the way, the Earth humans will not figure out what is really going on(unless an other-dimensional human tells them, but, since that would affect the story greatly, it's my decision if that happens or not). And Nefertimon, you still need to edit your bio.
David: I don't think we'll be able to find any more information on what's happening by using computers. Scanning equipment won't be able to tell us any more than where the evil force is. If we want more information, we'll probably need to find it ourselves. (He looks at Destiny, who was just sitting there, and sighs) This isn't going to work. Arika?
Arika: What?
David: I don't think having Destiny as a "leader" is going to work.
Arika: Or maybe you just want to be the leader yourself.
David: Actually, I don't think there should be a leader. We're all equal in this. We're the only ones who can do anything, and we'll need to work togeather on this. AS equals, not as leader and followers. Besides, Destiny hasn't really said anything since I got here. You're the one who's been ordering people around. You say you think Destiny should lead, but you're not letting her. We can't have anyone trying to lead us, because someone will always be unable to accept a person's leadership.
Arika: Okay, okay. I get the point.
David: We knew this would happen someday. I don't think any of us expected it in our lifetime, but we knew that someday, the evil force that destroyed our race's home would find its way here. Unfortunately, it's here now, and we have no choice but to try and stop it. We have to do something. Or would you rather just watch this dimension die, knowing that you could have at least tried to save it?
Christopher: You actually said something intelligent for once. Amazeing.
(TJ opens the door and walks in)
TJ: I thought you'd all meet here. Am I late?
Destiny: It's polite to knock instead of just bargeing in.
TJ: We don't have time for this, right? I mean, I'd guess that what I felt and am assuming you felt is the force that destroyed the dimension our race is from?
David: Correct. And you're right. we don't have time to argue. We've got work to do.
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OOC: There. I just edited my bio.
[color=sky blue]Morning. Euro woke up around nine and decided to wander around town, unable to think of anything else to do. She was convinced that nothing evil would come her way today. The city seemed to be OK as well. Nobody was running around spreading rumors about the evil forces broadcast on the news; almost everyone was instead thinking about the holidays coming up.

As Euro wandered further into town, she saw that the streets were jammed with cars and other vehicles. Most were headed to the mall, probably to buy some last-minute Christmas gifts. (Euro had almost forgotten that Christmas was tomorrow.) The whole city, as a matter of fact, was filled with parties and street fairs. The whole city seemed to be celebrating the upcoming holidays. Euro wandered around for a while, finally approaching the beach at the far end of the city, where it was at least a little less noisy.

Euro walked along the beach for a while. People were scattered everywhere on the beach; it was an unusually warm day, especially in winter. As Euro wandered about, she saw a water spout shoot out way out at sea. Euro shrugged; she figured it was just a whale. A few seconds later, she stopped and faced the ocean again. As the seconds passed by, she became more and more convinced that the water spout was too big to be produced by a whale.

Euro stared out near the horizon for a while, right near the source of the spout. A few minutes later, strange things started to happen there. Another spout was fired, this time colored red. At this Euro started to worry. Then she saw a giant splash, and then a tiny silver figure emerged from the water for a split second. More water spouts were fired, forming a circle. Then, a typhoon appeared in the center, gradually growing in size. When it grew to twice its original size, a thunderbolt shot out of it, forming storm clouds in the sky.

The storm spread rapidly, eventually approaching the beach. Rain poured, and thunder flashed. As soon as the first thunderclap was heard, people scattered away from the beach like a colony of ants. High winds were mixed in with the storm, and huge tidal waved flooded the beach. Euro's first instinct was to swim towards the source of the storm to check it out, but as she looked around, thousands of people were staring at the storm and at the sea. Some were also looking at Euro with horrified looks on their faces. Then, Euro heard someone running towards her; it was a lifeguard. He commanded Euro to get off the beach instantly. Euro thought for a moment, then obeyed him.

Appearing afraid of the storm, Euro rushed past the crowd and traveled along the seaside road. When the road went around a corner, she climbed over the fence and down a cliff. At the bottom of the cliff were a bunch of huge rocks rather than a beach. Waves thrashed against it vigorously, as if trying to knock them over. Euro carefully climbed around to the edge of the rock-bottomed cove. After looking around to find that there was not a single person in sight, she transformed into her mermaid form and dived into the water. She then began to swim towards the source of the waves, determined to find out who--or what--might have caused it.[/color]
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OOC: I signed up earlier.

Downtown at the local pub, there was a massive brawl going on, people were flying out of windows, unconcious bodies already littred the streets, and Ken stepped out of the carnage, holding a wad of cash. He snorted, those idiots should have paid up. Suddenly a strange wave washed over his body, one that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He paused and looked around. Then decided that it was about time to go visit his old friends, focusing with all his energy, he lifted himself off the ground, then bounced off a wall and launched himself skyward. His power to control gravity allowed him to bound as high as he pleased. He only hoped that his friends might still be there...
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[size=1][i]Inside Arika's house, everyone was so anxious to know what was happening. Arika felt the sudden urge to look outside. The guard dogs were barking, but not angrily. She wondered. No one else noticed the sudden air change. She walked over to the back door and opened the curtain. Looking up, she saw a sudden change in the gravity, knowing it was probably Ken. She smiled, then looked back to the others and looked around again. She went back to looking for Ken. Then she felt cold and distant. She felt the energy of another growing away from her. She stood there rubbing her arms. Cold air was coming from her breath. Her lips turned blue and her face was white. A sudden cold, blue air surrounded Arika. She was about to close the curtain when she fell to the ground. Everyone turned and looked around. Destiny stared at Arika. She ran to her, so did everyone else. The only thing Arika said was.[/size][/i]

[size=1][color=indigo]"Cold. So cold. I'm f-f-free-ee-eezing. D-di-s-stant. C-cold and d-dis-s-stant. cold.[/size][/color]
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OOC: Wondershot, your bio needs editing. Yours too, Nefertimon(yes, again). See the recruitment thread for details.
David: This can [i]not[/i] be good.
Christian: That's only obvious.
Ki: Is it too much to ask for the two of you to get along for once?
David: I hope not.
Christian: Maybe.
David: We have to.
TJ: Well, we have to do something, right?
David: Yes. We need to figure out what's going on, and how to stop it.
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[size=1][i]Arika was taken to the fireplace and Ki went to find a warm blanket. In the meanwhile, David created a fire for Arika in the fireplace. Ki came back with a blanket. Soon, Arika was back to normal. She stood and everyone fussed.[/size][/i]

[size=1][color=indigo]"I'm fine you guys. Brr. That was weird. It felt like someone was leaving us. Like someone was swimming away, somewhere very far. And it felt like the dark, evil was consuming everything. Creating everything to be cold and dark. And I had an image. It was an image of what the evil was supposed to look like. I couldn't get a clear picture...but i seemed as though there were more than 1. Ice, Fire, Lightning, Darkness, Rocks, Water, and parts of the Earth were exploding in that image. It seemed like they were mythic creatures. I'm not sure. But...that's what it seemed. I know that Destiny is the empath, but that's exactly what I felt."[/size][/color]
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Standing a little back from the crowd, Christian scratched his head. "Evil, huh?" he said. "Well, and I'm just guessing here, but that sounds like it's pretty clearly related to the wave of evil we all felt earlier."

"Genius," David said sarcastically.

Ignoring him, Christian went on. "Not much of a clue to go on, though," he mused. "But there is the swimming away. Maybe we should head for the beach."

Ki pointed out, "It's getting dark already."

"Worse, I think storm's coming on," Christian said. "I can feel the lightning gathering, and so on. But we may as well just head out anyway. After all, we can't just sit around in this house forever. David and I would kill each other. If we want to figure anything out, we'd better head for the evil, that's my philosophy."

With that, Christian was out the door. He looked back inside, where the others were still huddled around a recovering Arika. "Coming?" he asked.
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OOC: OK, I edited my bio again... Let me just say that Euro's sisters did [u]not[/u] leave Earth (I never said they did); Euro didn't know what happened to them... Hmmm... I might even include some of them in the RPG briefly... but only some of them...
[color=sky blue][i]Euro hurried towards the source of the storm. Shortly after she left, she stopped for a moment; she felt like someone familiar was near. Someone who was in trouble. Euro darted towards the source, now more eager than ever to find out what was there.

As Euro approached the sea tornado, she ran smack into an invisible barrier. Confused, she stared inside. All she saw was a giant vortex, what looked like a black hole, and a silver orb underneath the twister. From inside it echoed sounds of someone in pain... She was anxious to go inside and check it out, but there was no way through that barrier...

Except from above. Euro quickly rose to the surface of the water, leaped into the air, and landed in the water again, closer to the source. She guessed that she had gotten past the barrier, which she did. She dived underwater and neared the silver orb. As she got closer, she just barely heard someone speaking inside it... She heard things like "Help..." and "Don't let me die..." She just listened. Then, at last, she just barely heard "Where are my sisters when I need them?"

At this the silver orb disappeared, and in its place was what looked like a giant mechanical shark. Also, sinking to the bottom of the ocean was a girl... Somehow Euro recognized her. She wanted to think about who she might be, but she had no time. Just incase, she quickly grabbed the girl and carried her to the surface. Then she hurried towards the shore, where she laid the girl down and transformed again, back to her human form.

The girl was tangled in seaweed so tightly that she couldn't move, nor could Euro see what she looked like, except that her head stuck out, revealing her bright orange hair. Euro frantically untangled her, not knowing if the girl was dead or alive. She was wearing a long, short-sleeved, glittery orange dress and orange high-heels. Euro closed her eyes tightly, then opened them again. It had to be a mirage. Euro stared at the girl for a few moments; she looked familiar. After a few minutes, the girl finally opened her eyes, which were gold in color. She whispered, "...Eurobatt? Wh...what are you d...doing here..." She fainted again.

Now Euro was sure the girl was familiar. "Crestina?!?" she said, surprised to actually see her. Crestina was one of Euro's six lost sisters. At this Crestina quickly tried to get up, but she couldn't; she was too weak. Euro had to pick her up and help her walk all the way home, which, of course, was extremely difficult in the shape Crestina was in.

After a little bit of relaxation in front of the fire, Crestina recovered slightly. She was so happy to see that Euro was with her. The two decided to talk for a while.
"So, Eurobatt, I had no clue you..."
"Please. Just call me Euro, OK?"
"OK, I guess... Hey, then in that case you can just call me Tina for short."
"OK, Tina. So, how did you get here, and why did you run away?"
"I... didn't run away; someone spirited me away..."
"Yes, that's right. I was asleep, right here in this very house, when I was waken up by this weird voice coming from afar... I decided to follow it and check it out, and the next thing I knew, I was trapped in this cell..."
"Then what happened?"
Tina had a tone of worry and sorrow in her voice. "Then... then I... I used my powers to escape, but it wasn't easy... I ended up having to make a thunderstorm, and I didn't know where it was since I was trapped..."

*Tina had the power of the Weather element, with some thunder powers. This meant that she could predict the weather and also control it.*

Tina continued on, "I just barely managed to escape. It was unfortunate that I was in the middle of the ocean... Then this shark thingy attacked me, and we had a fight... Then you came and saved me... Thank you..."
Euro smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're safe now. I just hope the others are OK... Oh, and by the way, there was this big thing on..."

Euro explained what she saw on the news the other day--the stuff about the evil forces coming to Earth. She wasn't sure whether her other sisters were aware of this... However, what she did know was that it was her (and Tina's) job to find her other sisters before it's too late, and it was also the two sisters' responsibility to put an end to the deeds of these evil forces as well. It was a tough job, but they knew they could do it.[/color]

OOC: I hope that post was OK... I hope it's OK to add just a few more characters... Hey, the mpre the merrier, right? I'll just try to pick elements that were not taken already.
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Surprisingly, Destiny was the first to get up and follow Christian. She hadn't been fussing over Arika anyway, she'd been standing in the corner with her arms crossed, staring at her staff for no reason that the others could see. Walking past Christian, she gave the others a cold stare. "Something's coming. Right this minute, to the beach, like Christian said. Do you want to help fight for Earth, or are you going to let me go out there and get killed by myself?" She looked away, as if to hide her expression from everyone else. "Doesn't matter to me."

Then she turned and walked away, the rings on her staff clinking long after she'd vanished into the shadows.
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[size=1][i]The next to follow after Destiny was Arika. The others just stared, not knowing how her condition was. She went over to her glass case and unlocked it. She took out her twin double edged broadswords made of half silver and half gold with an obsidian dragons engraved onto the chrome handles. She took the scabbards and crisscrossed them onto her back. She sheathed the swords, then went upstairs and grabbed her shurikens and her finger gloves. She came back downstairs and looked like she was ready to kill someone. She adjusted her gloves and waited at the door. Leaning on it she clears her throat.[/size][/i]

[size=1][color=indigo]"*Ahem* Can we [i]NOT[/i] stay in my house whilst I am gone?[/size][/color]

[size=1][i]With a word of that they gathered their things, they didn't have anything, except a laptop which was left, and left the house. Afger everyone was out, Arika locked the door, put up the defense system, and left with everyone. The only way to get into the house was quite complicated. No one knew how, those who tried were either, chased by the dogs, or whatever will happen. Christian looked up and noticed that the storm was growing fiercer and bigger.[/size][/i]
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Destiny could "hear" the others behind her, and knew that sooner or later they'd show up to help. She couldn't hear them in the physical sense, of course, they were too far back. But she knew they were coming.

Once out of sight of the house, she'd climbed to a nearby roof, and was now moving a lot faster thanks to the roof-hopping technique she'd learned awhile back. She may be a peaceful empath/telepath with a monk's staff, but it did occationally become handy that she knew martial arts as well. Few people realised that roof-hopping, which most magical girls and some martial artisits could do, was just a form of chanelling you magic, or whatever, into the appropriate muscles.

She arrived at the beach long before anyone else. It was deserted, since the storm was gathering intently. Soon enough it would be a bad blow, and the wind was already whipping Destiny's long hair around her.

Standing silent, she planted the staff in the sand in front of her, so that it stood on its own. Folding her hands in front of her, she murmered a prayer and waited for the evil to come and get her.

It knew she was there, and she knew it knew.

It was only a metter of time.
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Christian exhaled, trying to channel out his annoyance as his feet pounded the street towards the beach. "She's always going first, as if we couldn't have just all headed over there together," he muttered. "Now she's probably going to do something foolish like stand out there on the beach just waiting for whatever evil is out there to come attack her."

As he neared the beach, he realized with dread that, indeed, Destiny was doing just that. As he ran towards her, she unfolded her hands and reached out towards the sky, as if she were greeting something.

Christian ran out onto the sand. Almost too late, he sensed the lightning gathering above them. "Destiny, watch out!" he yelled as a crack of lightning from the storm fell from the sky and sizzled towards her. Using all the powers of his mind, he bent the lightning bolt away from its path and it struck just next to her feet.

She turned to him. "Thanks," she said. Then she saw what she'd been waiting for from the sea hit Christian on the head, and he fell into the sand with a soft thud. She stepped forward as if to help him, then realized there were bigger matters at hand and turned to face the monster. The others were just behind.

[OOC: I blacked myself out because I'm going to be away this weekend, until Sunday night or so. Just do me a favor and, er, bring me with you, wherever you choose to go next :D?]
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David: I do [i]not[/i] like this. (He looks around and spots a street light. He drastically heats a few spots on it, causing them to melt and the street light to break into several peices. He grabs two of them, giving himself a pair of metal poles) Let's do this.
Arika: You think that will help?
David: Probably not, but I feel better when holding a weapon.
Ki: Shouldn't we be fighting this thing?
David: Correct. Let's do it.
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OOC: I don't think Tina'll be staying for long...

[color=sky blue]Another day down. Euro and Tina woke up almost at the same time. After doing their everyday morning stuff, they just sat in bed with nothing to do. However, not too long after that, Euro suggested going out again to try to find her other sisters and stop the evil.

"I'm still too worn out to do that..." Tina moaned. "You better go by yourself, Euro. But don't worry. You can take care of yourself, right?" Euro just smiled. "Oh by the way," Tina continued, "Merry Christmas." Euro and Tina hugged each other, finally realizing that the holidays had come. For some people, it was a time of celebration and glory, a time of giving and happiness to all the world. But for others...

Euro left to see what was going on in town. She was expecting the streets to be filled up with parties and lots of other fun stuff. Even though it did not snow in this part of the world, there was plenty of holiday spirit out there. Euro quickly felt a warm, happy feeling overcome her. But then she thought of her sisters and imagined how much happier she'd be if all seven of them were together again. This made Euro slightly sad. She knew what she had to do.

As she walked through town, Euro saw that her predictions were not true; the streets were empty, and the entire city looked deserted. She even looked in windows of apartments and such, and there wasn't anyone home. Some of the windows were boarded up, and the doors were locked tight. However, a few minutes later, a woman beckoned her over...

Euro looked to the right and saw the woman there, and as she walked in, she knew that that woman was a fortuneteller. She asked Euro to come in, which she did.
"Hello, Euro, how are you? I'm Kida, nice to meet you," she said calmly to Euro. Euro felt a little uneasy because Kida knew her name. As Euro had expected, Kida actually told Euro's fortune for her. Euro waited anxiously; she needed to know more about her future, and especially, her sisters' future. Kida waited for a moment. "It's still not clear..." she said with a sigh. "Your future is extremely foggy... Wait, what's this... You have to find five of your sisters, am I right?"
"Yes," Euro replied, "and they might be in great danger..."
"Don't you worry," Kida said reassuringly. "Even though I might have disappointed you by not being able to tell you anything,"
"No, not at all," Euro interrupted.
Kida smiled. "I can tell you this: You are sure to have a vision of not the future, but the present, a vision of something happening far away... sometime during your walk home."
Euro left, astounded by the fact that Kida knew she was going home next. She shrugged and walked home. Suddenl;y, a few moments later, her eyes glowed, and she was seeing something totally different, though still walking...

It took place apparently in the middle of nowhere, right in the middle of a ferocious blizzard. A little futher away was an old, beeat-up shack with a man wearing a heavy coat standing next to it. The temperature outside was well below freezing, almost too cold for anyone to survive. Inside the shack was what looked like a girl, wearing nothing but a short torn dress. She was tied up, probably left there to freeze to death. The girl didn't seem to mind the cold, though... Then, the man opened the door of the building and went inside. An evil grin spread on his face. He sat down in front of the girl and reached out to touch her. Then, all of a sudden, the girl looked up, straight at the man, startling him half to death. She glowed, and as time went by, the blizzard around her swirled faster and faster, the temperature dropping drastically. Soon, the door of the shack blew away, and the man fell about fifty feet away from it. He slowly stood up and barely managed to turn toward the girl. Soon enough, the air around him started to condense, and it froze a few minutes later. The snow in the blizzard turned into solid ice, and it all fell to the ground instantly. The man lay on the ground, motionless. The girl just smiled, sat against the wall, and closed her eyes, waiting for someone to come and hopefully untie her...

Suddenly, Euro woke up from the little trance she was in and found herself lying on the ground. She got up and realized she had just tripped over a twig. She was in the middle of the forest, and it was dark. The sky was filled with storm clouds again, this time so dark that Euro could not see at all.

Euro started to panic, wondering how she would ever get home. Then, not to far away, she could just make out the shadow of a girl... She whispered, "So, you made it here, did you? What's the matter, afraid of the dark?" Then there was silence, which, for Euro, eventually turned into fear. Then, the girl glowed with a blue aura, and her eyes lit up. She said something again: "So, then, I can see the darkness is not the place for you. It leaves you speechless and struck with fear. But do not worry. I can fix that."

A second later, Euro felt as of she were lifted off the ground, by some mental force taking over her body... She flew through the air helplessly, not knowing where she was going. She closed her eyes, and a few minutes later, she landed hard on the ground. When she managed to get up, she found herself on the street, not too far from her house. She started to cross the street when a group of people rushed by carrying someone on a stretcher... They were all nurses. Euro stared at one of them for a short time; the one that had greenish hair, wore pants under her dress, and was about a foot shorter than the others. Euro just shrugged, half thinking that she had just seen a mirage.

When Euro finally went home, she told Tina all about what had happened. Tina thought for a moment, not knowing who those weird girls Euro saw were. The two of them sat there in wonder the rest of the day...[/color]
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