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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Can a person really be normal? So many people say who is normal or who isn't. But how can anyone be normal when we are all different? I hear people say,"Why can't you be normal?" and stuff like that. To tell you the truth, I don't think there is such thing as normal in personality speaking. Sure, you could talk about someone not being normal if they are missing an arm, but personality speaking... no one is normal. I do think there is such thing as normal, just not personality speaking. Like it is normal that an apple is either red or green, but it's not normal when it's black or purple.
But then again, we would all be normal, because we are all different. So it would be normal that everyone is different. It wouldn't be normal if we were all the same. Do you get what I'm saying? What do you think about "normal". Please tell me if you do or don't think there is a "normal" and explain why you think that.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Normalcy is a creation of mediocre minds to hinder the great minds of this world. The Idea of normalcy is a falacy, there is no such thing is normal in personality or physiology.

Main Entry: 1nor·mal
Pronunciation: 'nor-m&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin normalis, from norma
Date: circa 1696
1 : PERPENDICULAR; especially : perpendicular to a tangent at a point of tangency
2 a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
3 : occurring naturally
4 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development

Hmm, following a set pattern? An average intelligence? So everyone is normal except mentaly handicapped people? Everyone is normal by acting the same every day, conforming to whatever pattern they set for their lives?

This, honestly, seems very very sad nowadays. We live in a country where you can choose your life's outcome for the most part, you can wear what clothes you want, say whatever you want (unfortunately this isn't always the case), or be whoever you want. Normal is also a relative point of view. There is no real absolution on normalcy, the Bible doesn't tell anyone how to be "normal", heck, God gave us free will.

When someone asks you to "be normal", it's for lack of anything worthwile, intelligable, or legitimate to hold against you. They just don't like the person you are. Just tell them, "someday you'll realize how idiotic that sounded. Until then, I'll just stand here feeling sorry for you." Move on with life, eventually your peers will catch up.

"He who marches joyfully in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been endowed with a large brain by mistake, for him a spinal cord would suffice" -Einstein
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What is "normal" but a mass label made by a majority of the people who act the same way? If someone tells me to be normal, I simply reply "You mean act the same as your view on life?"

I hate it when people tell me to be normal. In my opinion there is no normal. If you think of someone saying, "Act normally" You can compare this with anything little thing that usually occurs. For instance, "The temperature is [b]normal[/b] today." That conjures the fact that the temperature is the same as it mostly is everyday. Which leads me to believe that human nature is to try to fit in with everything else that is going on. People try to be normal.

To answer your question, I, myself believe in individuality. I don't think any two people are exactly the same.

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I say this "normal" that people speak of is really nonexistant. Like at school, the group I hang out in is considered the "weirdo" group because we're all punks and maybe a couple of us goth, but the group that hangs out near the office is considered the "normal" group because they listen to pop, rap, etc.

All in all though, being normal is vastly overrated, and is just as stormy_weather put it: "...normal is in the eye of the beholder." And that's my input.
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Normal. There is truly no such thing in my eyes.

I mean, I guess one could say that "normal" is the stereotype, the most common kind of person that you will see. People who blend in, and don't seem that different from anyone else.

But is being normal a good thing?

If being normal means blending in, then being strange means standing out. But individuality is part of what makes us human. One could be strange for being intelligent, or strange for being artistic. Some of the strangest things ever have become some of the most popular things ever as well. Look at FLCL, for example. Is it an average series where everyone stands around and go "Hey. What are ya up to?" There's insanity everywhere all over that, and originality sells. I'm considered strange for intelligence and interest in comics and cartoons (AKA manga and anime are horribly unpopular at our school). But I don't care. Being normal means you don't stick out, and I want to be noticed.
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Guest Skyechild91
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xaru Silverfire [/i]
[B]What is "normal" but a mass label made by a majority of the people who act the same way? If someone tells me to be normal, I simply reply "You mean act the same as your view on life?"

I hate it when people tell me to be normal. In my opinion there is no normal. If you think of someone saying, "Act normally" You can compare this with anything little thing that usually occurs. For instance, "The temperature is [b]normal[/b] today." That conjures the fact that the temperature is the same as it mostly is everyday. Which leads me to believe that human nature is to try to fit in with everything else that is going on. People try to be normal.

To answer your question, I, myself believe in individuality. I don't think any two people are exactly the same.

~Xaru [/B][/QUOTE]
U took the words right out of my mouth. For me, when sum1 says, Your weird, I say, Thank you, or, I know, and grin. Everyone i know is used to it. and if they dont know me, they catch on quikly. im not in the in crowd, but m not in te out crowd. im me, so to speek, and have my own vews. i agree with some of the in crowd, and some of the out crowd, so know one could or can ever really place me. im me. no one else, and certantly not normal.
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Just how many times is this going to be brought up? I mean honestly. The same exact things are said every other week this thread comes up. It's always "there's no such thing as normal", "normal is just what the media wants you to believe", "I'm too cool to be normal" blah blah blah... we've seen the same statements made over and over and over again. Nothing has changed. I don't know why you people keep bringing this topic back up.
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Normal can really only be used to describe one particular thing at a time. By scientific definition, normal is the range in which the middle half of the selected measured data appears (i.e. those that appear most frequently). And that can apply for people too, but normal will vary greatly depending on what context you're looking at it. Most people don't suddenly climb up telegraph poles singing 'Bat Out of Hell', for example, so those who did wouldn't be considered 'normal' as such; but most people also have hair somewhere on their bodies, so hairless people could also be considered not normal. It doesn't mean that everyone without hair climbs poles and sings Meat Loaf.

A norm is a term used for a generalised behaviour which is common amongst a selected group of things or people. So those who do normal things would be normal, but hugely different at the same time. It's not a black and white thing, and neither is better than the other, really.
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Drix, do you sleep with that dictionary? Does Raiha get annoyed by it?


One bus trip back to school, a friend and I had a huge argument about it. Normal is something that can only exist in one persons mind. Because everyone has slightly diferent personalities, they all have different ideas of normality. But because of this, no-one can be normal. If only one person thinks that a particular person is normal, because they fit their idea of 'normal' that means that nobody else thinks they're normal. Meaning they are not judged to be normal. And people have a different public face to a private face, so who can judge? Why bother asking questions whos answers can not be established. You will only hear the same thoughts, spouted over again. I don't think anybody believes that there is a 'normal' because everyone has the exact same reasons that it isn't. Bleh. We need some new topics. Not that this is a [i]bad[/i] one, but.... mutual opinion agreement. The bane of discussions. Hey, at least we have a measure of 'sameness' on our POV of this issue. Does [i]this[/i] mean we are now normal? Totally collapsing the belief structure of this thread? I wonder.....
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Everyone is extremely unique, different compared to everyone else. If everyone is unique, then uniqueness is normalcy. To try and be like others is to take away their uniqueness, and yours, and become like that person. That would make you, and your target, very abnormal. Therefore, uniqueness is normalcy, it is part of what makes up humanity. To embrace conformity is to kill a part of what makes you human. That, my friends, is a bad thing.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]
[B]Just how many times is this going to be brought up? I mean honestly. The same exact things are said every other week this thread comes up. It's always "there's no such thing as normal", "normal is just what the media wants you to believe", "I'm too cool to be normal" blah blah blah... we've seen the same statements made over and over and over again. Nothing has changed. I don't know why you people keep bringing this topic back up. [/B][/QUOTE]

The same could be said of most of the topics here lately. Some even have the same damn thread titles... I can't complain much, as I'm not exactly making new threads in here either (I've only had one OL thread since I got here though).
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There is no such thing as normal. There never was and never will be. Every individual in different in some way. There is no such thing as a normal man or woman or child. Everyone is different. No, its not the media, its not the goverment, its not relegion, its nothing. Nothing is normal. Normal is jsut a word used to describe something that is highly alike. Its just plane and simple, there is nothing that is normal.
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Bah. Normal is an overrated concept. People should be more like me. I am better then normal, I am abnormal.

Anyway, normal is simply what people make it out to be. My tip, next time someone tells you to "act normal," ask them to define normal. If they actually manage to come up with a semi-coherent answer, then tell them how you define normal (or just tell them that is not your defenition of normal, like I do). Messing with people's heads like that is fun. :demon:
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I am normal! I dress exactly like everyone else in m school, I act the same damn way, I think and say the same stupid and insulting things! I laugh at people who are different than me and call them weird because they are not normal, like I am! Normal is a thing and it does exist, how dare you people say it isn't! That's so wrong!

-beams- Thought I'd change the pace some.

And that's sarcasm you're reading there, people... ~_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RPCrazy [/i]
[B]I am normal! I dress exactly like everyone else in m school, I act the same damn way, I think and say the same stupid and insulting things! I laugh at people who are different than me and call them weird because they are not normal, like I am! Normal is a thing and it does exist, how dare you people say it isn't! That's so wrong!
-beams- Thought I'd change the pace some.

And that's sarcasm you're reading there, people... ~_^ [/B][/QUOTE]

Eh, not bad but I would have really been impressed if you would've given me something like, "Why do people ask such strange questions, jeeze, why can't people just be normal."

Along those lines.. I'll let people like wrist cutter and poison toungue dabble something up.
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Normalcy doesn't exist in this world. Theres too much difference int his world for normality. "Normal" is only what the majority make it. If the majority all agreed to wear blue all the time, it would be "abnormal" to wear red... but, it's still pretty "normal" to me to wear red... Normal is just a word... nothing more.
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Normal exists. Is it not true that most people get out of bed in the morning? That's normal. Is it not true that most people wear clothes when they go outside? That's normal. You people are taking this "individual" idea way too far. Just because everyone is different, doesn't mean no two people can be alike. If everyone was truly different, then then nobody would have very many friends, isn't it true that people tend to like people they have things in common with? If normal didn't exist, they would be no social structure, no morals, no common bonds at all. But of course, just by stepping outside, we know those things [B]do[/B], in fact, exist. In fact, if there was no normal, I'd say the world would be in a significant amount of chaos.
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[color=#707875]Yeah, but...if you asked some of those questions in cultures other than your own, you might get different responses.

In truth, normality is only what you yourself perceive as normal. You might follow a routine in your day that might not seem "normal" or "comfortable" to someone else.

So, normality is mostly a question of one's own perception. I think the reason normality is kind of a cornerstone of society is simply because the majority of people share certain basic behaviors/ideas/etc. That's why you do see significant differences in various cultures. I mean, obviously it goes deeper than that...but normality is a very subjective thing.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#707875]Yeah, but...if you asked some of those questions in cultures other than your own, you might get different responses.

In truth, normality is only what you yourself perceive as normal. You might follow a routine in your day that might not seem "normal" or "comfortable" to someone else.

So, normality is mostly a question of one's own perception. I think the reason normality is kind of a cornerstone of society is simply because the majority of people share certain basic behaviors/ideas/etc. That's why you do see significant differences in various cultures. I mean, obviously it goes deeper than that...but normality is a very subjective thing.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Very true, which is probably why they have their own culture, they see those things as normal. Like I said, people tend to associate with people they have things in common with. So say in a culture where nudity is common, just because it's different for us, doesn't make it any less normal for them.
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When someone asks you to be normal, they're really asking you stop doing something that they consider socially acceptable. They are either wondering why you are hurting yourself socially, or are embarassed for you, and if they are friends with you, they fear you are tarnishing their social reputation. If you truly don't care what the asker of the question thinks, tell him that you are being yourself, and if they can't handle it, then they really don't care what happens to you anyway, and they're just curious. However, if you just happened to stumble into an act of idiocy, excuse yourself, call yourself an idiot, and laugh at yourself.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i]
[B]Eh, not bad but I would have really been impressed if you would've given me something like, "Why do people ask such strange questions, jeeze, why can't people just be normal."

Along those lines.. I'll let people like wrist cutter and poison toungue dabble something up. [/B][/QUOTE]

I, just, like, can't think of anything right now, y'know? My mind is just a total blank slate, and I don't have a thought in my pretty little head, cause I'm just miss popularity, y'know? I'm the hottest girl here, and nobody can impress me, cause they're well, just a bunch of freaks, y'know? Like, for sure! Uh oh, my girlfriends are here! Oh! We're driving to the mall to pick up some stuff at the GAP! Like, I'm so totally there! Normal kids like me shop at the GAP. It's like, so totally neato in there! OMG, did I just say "neato?" That's totally impossible! I-I-I'm normal! I can't say things like "neato!" OMG OMG OMG, I hope my girlfriends didn't hear me say "neato." That'd so totally wreck my social life in school! Oh, I just can't even think about what'd happen! My boyfriend Connor would dump me. OMG, I'd be single? NO! I can't be single! I'm normal! Gosh, maybe there is no normal. Does that mean I'm not popular? OMG! No, that's not true! Get ahold of yourself Crissy, you are normal and you're the hottest girl here, and nobody is better than you, cause you're totally normal. Was I just talking to myself? OMG OMG OMG I was talking to myself! But I'm better than everyone else! Maybe I think I'm better than everyone else? I don't know! My pretty little head doesn't know. No! I'm just a poser! I think I can trounce all over people without any regard for their feelings. That's wrong, like y'know? Maybe I should be nicer to those around me, cause being mean causes enemies, right? Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to people, cause RPCrazy is PoisonTongue's best friend in the whole world! I guess I should just shut my pretty little mouth when I feel the need to criticize somebody who is important to PoisonTongue! Cause I totally would lose PoisonTongue's respect if I continued to criticize his best friend, y'know? Like, totally! I?m just a bimbo when I keep making fun of people just for the sake of making fun of them! OMG, I?m not normal and I?m not perfect! OMG OMG OMG! I?m just a bitter little bimbo who tries to be mean to other people just to make myself feel better about myself! OMG! I?m so disillusioned about everything I know! I just can?t live without making other people look stupid! I guess I?m just an airheaded idiot! But, I?m normal, right? Right?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i]
[B]I, just, like, can't think of anything right now, y'know? My mind is just a total blank slate, and I don't have a thought in my pretty little head, cause I'm just miss popularity, y'know? I'm the hottest girl here, and nobody can impress me, cause they're well, just a bunch of freaks, y'know? Like, for sure! Uh oh, my girlfriends are here! Oh! We're driving to the mall to pick up some stuff at the GAP! Like, I'm so totally there! Normal kids like me shop at the GAP. It's like, so totally neato in there! OMG, did I just say "neato?" That's totally impossible! I-I-I'm normal! I can't say things like "neato!" OMG OMG OMG, I hope my girlfriends didn't hear me say "neato." That'd so totally wreck my social life in school! Oh, I just can't even think about what'd happen! My boyfriend Connor would dump me. OMG, I'd be single? NO! I can't be single! I'm normal! Gosh, maybe there is no normal. Does that mean I'm not popular? OMG! No, that's not true! Get ahold of yourself Crissy, you are normal and you're the hottest girl here, and nobody is better than you, cause you're totally normal. Was I just talking to myself? OMG OMG OMG I was talking to myself! But I'm better than everyone else! Maybe I think I'm better than everyone else? I don't know! My pretty little head doesn't know. No! I'm just a poser! I think I can trounce all over people without any regard for their feelings. That's wrong, like y'know? Maybe I should be nicer to those around me, cause being mean causes enemies, right? Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to people, cause RPCrazy is PoisonTongue's best friend in the whole world! I guess I should just shut my pretty little mouth when I feel the need to criticize somebody who is important to PoisonTongue! Cause I totally would lose PoisonTongue's respect if I continued to criticize his best friend, y'know? Like, totally! I?m just a bimbo when I keep making fun of people just for the sake of making fun of them! OMG, I?m not normal and I?m not perfect! OMG OMG OMG! I?m just a bitter little bimbo who tries to be mean to other people just to make myself feel better about myself! OMG! I?m so disillusioned about everything I know! I just can?t live without making other people look stupid! I guess I?m just an airheaded idiot! But, I?m normal, right? Right? [/B][/QUOTE]


[b][color=darkblue][size=1]You've been on the boards long enough to know our rules about post quality. This is your first and only warning about this type of offense. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
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