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Class Rings


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[font=tahoma]I just got my class ring today, and I love it, so I'm wondering, what does your class ring look like and what are the designs on the side?

Mine's white lustrium with a aquamarine gem, with a colored flag engraving on one side, and '2007' on the other. 'Jackson High' surrounds the gem, and my own personal signature is on the inside of the band.

A lot of people said it's the biggest ring they've ever seen - it's size 15. I have really big hands.[/font]
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[COLOR=green]We have class rings, but I didn't buy one.

I really have no use for a class ring, and have better things to spend my hard earned money on. Like a new hard drive...

Our class rings have our graduation year (2006), our school's initals (ELHS) and a fake blue stone in a cheap metal ring. Price: $50.

Not worth my money...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i]
[B][COLOR=green]We have class rings, but I didn't buy one.

I really have no use for a class ring, and have better things to spend my hard earned money on. Like a new hard drive...

Our class rings have our graduation year (2006), our school's initals (ELHS) and a fake blue stone in a cheap metal ring. Price: $50.

Not worth my money...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

[font=tahoma]So you can't choose your own stone or designs? That sucks - we have over two hundred choices.[/font]
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[size=1]I've got one, though I don't really wear it all the time. I'm not fond of jewelry, so I probably shouldn't have gotten it in the first place, but it's a class ring, so..

Anyway, it's white-gold with drama masks and "2003" down one side, and then my old mascot from high school on the other. The stone is an emerald, because that's my birthstone, and green is my favorite color. I think my initials are on the inside, and not my entire name. It cost a ridiculous amount of money to get your whole name.. which isn't to say that the entire ring wasn't stupidly expensive, but I only payed for half of it, so whatever. [/size]
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WoW class rings ehh. Yea i purchased one right before i graduated from HS (why i waited so long dont ask) and i barely even wear it now. It was so expensive, around like $275. I think its great and all and i purchased the white gold one with the black details on the ring itself for swimming, my name, year graduated, etc. I also got garnet i think as the birthstone since black and red were my HS's colors. Yea the ring is pretty cool and all but its HUGE nothing i will be wearing out anytime soon. Actually its been about a year and a half since ive even left it from its original spot....wherever that is.
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I got mine in 10th grade and even though I didn't pay for it, it was still a waste of money. I used to wear it after I got it... until I lost it and had to get it replaced. Since then, it's never touched my finger and is sitting somewhere in my room at home (haha I didn't even bring it with me to college).

Well, it was white gold (might've been fake white gold) and I got the December (aquamarine-ish) stone on it because the June stone is purpley. On the sides I had the school mascot which is a lion and my astrological sign: Gemini. In other words, I didn't do any activities in school so I had to resort to stupid stuff. I think I got my initials carved on the inside too.
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[size=1]Haven't gotten one; don't intend to.

If I did, it would be something appropriately bulky and class-ring-like. Silver in color, and with a drama logo on one side...I don't know what I would have on the other.

This, however, really made me laugh: [img]https://secure.artcarved.com/images/shanks/Designer/S/thumb/LO-658.jpg[/img] [/size]
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[color=tomato] [size=1] I got a class ring for my birthday my junior year. It has a purple(school colors) stone cut in a starburst with Racine Lutheran around the stone. It has a pretty swirly pattern around the outside with 2004 printed over it.

I didn't want the mascot, which is kind of stupid
(a crusader. Horrible idea. The name is too long and at sports compititions and such we have to yell "Go Saders!" which is entirely horrible; I mean what the heck IS a sader anyway.)
and I am not dedicated enough to any activity I am in to get it printed on my ring. I have my name engraved into the inside too.

I think that I wear my ring more, because it doesn't really look like a class ring. I don't like highschool that much, but it remides me of the good times in a cheesy teen movie kind of way. That, and it's darn pretty! [/size] [/color]
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[color=red]If I had cared enough about remembering my high school. The ring would've had 19 on one side and 99 on the other.
Goddess knows what I would've put on it. Probably could've gotten the show jumper and my birthstone. But I needed that money for my dress, so i got the $250.00 dress instead of the $130.00 ring and never looked back.
Of course, now I have five years until my ten year reunion and a really hot guy as my husband :love: , so I can't wait.
My mom has her class ring tho. It has the school crest on the top, 19 on one side and 71 on the other.
My dad doesn't have a class ring, but he does have his USAF ring.
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My class ring? Well, It's senior year, and I've already lost it! :) I got it last year, and seemed to have mislayed it. I used to wear it all the time...but now....i can't find it anywhere!
N/E ways, mine had my name on the side, and with that side was a soccer ball. Then the other side has my year...2004, and a music note. Then where the jewel is it is green and has an eagle in the center. It was pretty, and if i could find it i would wear it. Considering how much it cost....you know....I think it's a conspiracy!!!!
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[COLOR=crimson]I love my rings alot. Yes I said rings. I had to get two just to have all of my accomplishments during high school acknowledged. On the first one I have my sports stuff like Football, Baseball, and Basketball. The other I have all of my academic and musical stuff like Band an Honor Society(like I ever go to the meetings). I look like a pimp walking down the hallway with my many rings on including my Championship football rings.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
[B][size=1][img]https://secure.artcarved.com/images/shanks/Designer/S/thumb/LO-658.jpg[/img] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

NO FREAKIN' WAY!!! Dude, I want that! Did they have a GameCube one??? -peers-

Though...I suppose it's a little late. I've had mine for...almost 3 years now, since Soph year. Silver (it's not the metal silver, it's some platinum mix that looks like silver, but way cheaper. ^_^ ), amethyst stone ([B]very[/B] dark. Some people mistake it for onyx, which makes me uber-happy. ^_^), my Zodiac symbol on one side under my graduation year and an angel on the other under my name. I also got a moon and star engraved over the stone, which probably contributes to people thinking the stone is onyx.

I was never big on school spirit, but I was (and still am, to a degree) big on rings. At one point in time I was wearing somewhere between 12 and 15 rings on my hands every day. Needless to say, I have quite the collection. Today, though, I only wear two: my class ring and this triple ring I bought at the mall one day. Damn coolest ring I own. ^_^
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[size=1] Not getting one. It's just a stupid ring that symbolizes nothing to me, anyway. I hate my school, and I've never liked school, and I have much better things to waste my money on than some stupid ring.

I feel like this about marriage too. I'd rather not get some stupid ring. That's not even what marriage or love is about--it's just some stupid tradition that's been interred into it.[/size]
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Mine is Celestrium. Whatever that is. It's got a smooth garnet stone with a cross down inside. Around the stone, it's got Central High School. On one side, it has got another cross with a Bible under it, and on the other, it has a torch and olive branches for valor. It has my name engraved inside.

I guess I like it pretty well. I've made a pretty good habit of wearing it.

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I'm getting mine in a few months. I forget when, though, I think in April, I'm not sure. Anyway on my ring, I'm going to have a dragon on one side and my year on the other. I believe I chose the December stone because I don't like my birthstone, which is June's, sorry I forgot the name of the stone at the moment. I'm kind of excited to get it. There's going to be a ceremony before school so that we get our rings.

Wish we had the choice to put a Playstation on our rings. I would've SO chosen that. ^^
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