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~Dragon Wing Festival~


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(Jaht had seen Chi, and had recognized her as the one who had summoned all of the dragons. As she left the inn, Jaht ranover, grabbed her, and dragged her into the inn)

Chi: What are you doing?!

Jaht: I can't let you go out there.

Chi: Why not?

Jaht: I saw you earlier. Before the raiders attacked. You had something with you when you summoned the dragons. Do you still have it?

Chi: You mean the flu-

Jaht: Yes, but don't tell anyone what it is, or that you have it. What do you think these raiders are here for?

Chi: Many valuables are in this city, especially durring the festival. The raiders probably just want stuff to sell.

Jaht: Then why would they come here, at the time when security is the tightest? No, they want something that they can't get any other time. This festival is the one time they know where it is.

Che: The flu-

Jaht: I told you not to say that you have it! But yes, that's surely what they want. Based on numbers and the ratio of dragon-riders to those on foot, I'd say this is about three-fourths of their total numbers. They knew they'd need force, but that's not enough to win a battle. They're not here to win. They're here to take what you have, and, since they won't know how to use it, they'll be after you as well. Stay out of sight, and make sure they don't get it, even if you have to destroy it or yourself. (He exits the inn, leaving Chi inside it, and heads toward the dragon **** pit, knowing that some raiders will sneak in through it, bypassing the security forces, who would be busy at the gates. the ones coming through the pits would be the ones after Chi and the flute)


OOC: Just because Jaht thinks that the raiders are after Chi and her flute doesn't mean that they are. that's what Jaht believes, a belief that is based on his experiances.
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Laughing deviously, the dragon raider looked to Talisman menacingly and growled. Diablo roared and his eyes and obsidian emblem began to glow. Aries landed down below and waited out the battle. The dragon raider kicked at his dragon's sides and the dragon sped towards Talisman and Diablo.

Diablo stood his ground and roared. Talisman readied to attack. She unsheathed her katanas and swung them around a few times. The dragon raider's dragon had opened its mouth to fire, but was quickly shut by a swift swing of Talisman's katana.

Blood began to gush from the dragon's nose. He wailed in pain, managing to make his rider lose his balance and fall. Talisman followed in pursuit as Diablo fought with the dragon. The two roared and dodged each attack as it was shot upon them, while down below Talisman swung fiercely at the raider.[/i]

"You'll never beat me. I am the greatest warrior of the Raiders." [i]He began to boast.[/i]

[i]Knowing how men's minds work, Talisman knew he was a weak man.[/i] "You haven't even been able to knock these blades out of my hand, let alone touch me with your weapon and you say that you are the greatest. HAH! Don't make me laugh, fool."

[i]The raider pulled out a curved dagger and immediately ran after Talisman, who bent her left leg in front of her at about 80 degress and kept her right leg straight, she then sheathed her katanas and when the raider was near to her, she leapt up into the air and behind him. She then quickly reached for her Dragon Dagger and cut him across the face. His face was burning at this moment.[/i]

"A handy weapon this is. Do you know what they call it?"

[i]All that was heard from the Raider were screams of pain. The dragon in turn fell to the ground. He was bloodied from the battle and was weak to get up. The Raider on the other hand could not take his hand away from the cut that was given to him. He suddenyl fell to his knees.[/i]

"Pains you, doesn't it? I could save you now with a healing spell or I could just drive this dagger through your stomach. Actually, I'll give you two options."

"Anything, anything!"

"Hmm. Alright, then. Tell me what you came for and why and tell me if you have captured any other dragons and any ancient or priceless items. If you tell me, I will spare your life, depending on the amount of information I get, but if you do not tell, I will burn your stomach and give you a fate worse than death. So, what'll it be?"[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Navy]Chi watched as the guard left the inn.

[I]'I can't just stay here while the citizens are fighting.'[/I] Chi said in her mind.

Chi looked around and snuck out of the inn and ran off into the crowds. She wouldn't believe that they wanted her Ocarina. Anyway, what good would it do if they did get it away from her? The Ocarina only worked for a member of the 'Iteki' family. No one else could possess the powers harnessed in the Ocarina.

Chi saw everyone struggling as they got weaker from the fighting, she needed help, fast. Chi dashed for her house and ran up to her room. In a spelled box were a lot of her most prized and valuable possessions. No one could open the box except her. Inside were many items but shhe focused on one item. A hollowed out Dragon's Horn. Chi grabbed it and re-spelled the box before leaving her house.

Chi headed for the memorial hill. There was an old castle on top of the hill, just what she needed for her spell.

She reached the peak and lifted the horn to her lips like a bugle. She blew loudly on it three times before shouting out a verse.

[I][CENTER]"Dragon Kin that come and go
Come and aid me here below.
Serpents one and serpents all
Come and heed my dragon call!

There was another chorus of loud roars and many coloured dragons flew and circled in the sky above her. The spell gave her a telepathic link to the dragons until she closed the spell.

"Go and attack the raiders!! I don't care if you hurt the dragons but don't attack the citizens. All of the raiders are clothed in purple!!" Chi shouted to them. They roared and split off in different directions. They left in partners to make it easier.

[i]'Now I must find Sideria and Dryoga. I hope they're alright.'[/i] Chi worried.

Chi put the horn into her pocket and removed the Ocarina. She played a melody and one of her other tamed dragons flew to her. It was a deep sapphire blue colour that she had named, Deep Sea.

"Deep, head for the mountain area, I lost my connection with Sideria around there. See if you can sense her or Dryoga." Chi said calling the dragon by his nickname as she climbed onto his back.

He took off and they soared into the sky. Deep Sea flapped, trying to get higher into the air for a larger search span.[/COLOR]
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[font=Arial][size=2][color=darkred]Before Reid knew what was happening he was otside the inn joining the fray. The scene outside his door was one of utter chaos, the bodies of civilians and the galliant raiders where strewn around with careless discord. [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2][color=#8b0000]A raider in purple ran towards him. Before the raider had a chance to strike Reid had promptly severed the wretched souls life. Reid ran across the main square to the stage where the summonig festival took place so he could get a better vantage point.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2][color=#8b0000]From the stage Reid got quite a different point of view. The melee below was a whiring clump of colours as the townspeople dressed in their finest robes and the warriors dressed in purple fought to save the town. Reid wondered. [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2][color=#8b0000]Why on this day of all days?[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2][color=#8b0000]What did they want?[/color][/size][/font]
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Springing across the scorched ground Kurian breathlessly sought to avoid being toasted as several dragons and their riders attempted to cook his goose, literally and metaphorically speaking. Weaving through crowds of still screaming villagers Kurian dove, ungracefully, into a nearby side alley, hoping vainly that the shadows would conceal him. Clutching at his wounded shoulder, his breathing heavey he pressed himself against the wall of one of the buildings, the sounds of carnage tearing through the air. His sabre felt leaden in his hand and he fought to remain standing, spots swimming before his eyes.

"Kurian my friend, you're out of shape." His voice was a soft murmer as he chided himself on his lack of fitness. Looking up suddenly, desperate reflexes were all that saved him from a quite and painful end. Raising his sword, foul smelling blood sprayed down upon him as he caught a raging dragon in the roof of its mouth. Any closer and he would have been lunch, he could smell its rancid breath and see its fearsome silver eyes. Rearing back the dragon gave a furious and pained roar, flinging the rider desperetly trying to calm it clean into the air. Coming down the beast sought to wreak its revenge upon the knight but Kurian, having retreved his sword, had already escaped into the square once again.

Sprinting through the narrow streets Kurian look feverishly over his shoulder, the maddened dragon in plain sight behind him. Skidding to a halt round the corner of one of the buildings Kurian readied his blade. He let out a long sigh and a final quip.

"Gonna go down fighting, just like papa said!"

Hearing the dragon bearing down upon him Kurian lept forward driving his sword into the chest of the beast. Clawing at its tormentor the dragon clutched at Kurian frantically as the man dodged the razor sharp claws. Latching onto his injured shoulder Kurian howled in pain as the dragon flung him into the air. Feeling the wind whip past him he was soon halted by the flimsy glass of the inn window, the painful impact stopping his descent. Shards of glass shattered all around him as Kurian rolled across the floor. Coming to a stop he attempted to catch his breath in short painful gasps, looking up to catch a glimpse of the monster outside in what appeared to be its death throes.

Managing to get to his feet Kurian propped himself up against and oaken table, the one he was sat at not 24 hours before. Raising his sword, still clasped in his hand Kurian gazed around the room, his eyes resting upon a hunched figure close by, the distinct shape of a small dragon very apparent.

"Fine day isn't it friend?" Kurian winked as he leveled his sword at the figure.
OOC: Thats you Matarael
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(Jaht reaches the pit, where several soldiers are standing, ready to fight. Six men can be seen making their way across the pit)

Jaht: Has anyone else crossed?

Soldier 1: No.

Jaht: Good. All right, I'll handle these guys. I want all of you to find an inncalled the Prancing Dragon. ask for Chi Iteki, and tell her that I sent you. Keep her safe, and make sure she doesn't lose it. don't ask her what it is, just make sure she still has it. She'll know what you mean.

Soldier 2: You sure you'll be okay, Jaht?

Jaht: You kidding? Those six won't know what it them. Now go, and hurry. (The soldiers run off, and Jaht turns to the six, who are just getting out of the pit) Bring it on.
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[COLOR=Navy]Deep Sea alerted Chi of the prescence of Dryoga. Chi searched and spotted the Blue Dragon. Chi reached out to him with her Telepathic Link and Dryoga flew closer before flying beside the sapphire, Chi sat mounted on.

"Have you found Sideria?" Chi asked, the worry coming out in her voice.
<"I'm sorry, I've searched this mountain area but I have not seen her."> Dryoga apologized.
"Deep, can you make it back to the city square? Please help the citizens fight against the raiders. I need to find Sideria." Chi said as she stood.

Deep Sea gave her an affirmative and Chi thanked him before doing a backflip into the empty air. Dryoga swooped under her and she landed seated on his back before they shot up into the clouds.

"I don't know where she is...Did you see caves?" Chi asked, thinking aloud.
<"There's quite a few caves on this set of mountains."> Dryoga reminded her. Chi knew the City of High Haven and the areas around it like the back of her hand.
"I'm sorry, this worry's blanking my mind. You'll have to put up with me." Chi said smiling. "Let's check the set of caves in Sector 1." Chi decided.

The mountains had been divided into sectors for easier navigation to tell people where to go. Dryoga nodded and dived below the blanket of clouds.[/COLOR]


The soldiers arrived back to Jaht. They looked on the ground and saw the 6 men on the ground. Jaht turned and looked at him.

"What are you doing here? I told you to protect Chi." he said.
"I'm sorry, but she's not there. She must have gotten out after you left." one of the soldiers reported.

Jaht cursed and looked to the skies.

[i]'What if the raiders are waiting for her and she's playing right into their hands.'[/i] Jaht thought.
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Dryoga flew down to Sector 1 as fast as he possibly could. <"Well, we're here. Now what do we do? We have a lot of caves to go through...Sideria could be anywhere."> Dryoga said.

"We'll we should make a thorough search, so we can start wherever it's fastest for you." Chi responded. "As long as we find her..."

<"Right. I know these mountains fairly well since I once resided here."> Dryoga said as he began to make his search for Sideria. [I]If I can help Chi at all now is the time for it. Sideria where are you?[/I] <"I think I smell her nearby, or at least her trail...I'm going to follow it!">

"Right! Let's go!" Chi exclaimed.
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Jaht: ****! I told her to stay there!

Soldier 1: What's going on?

Jaht: I think that the object I mentioned is what the raiders are here for. The attack is a diversion. I think these six were speciffically assigned to find Chi, but it's certian that many others know who she is and what she has, as well as what she looks like. We can't let them get their hands on her.

Soldier 3: What should we do?

Jaht: I need a dragon. One that knows her scent.

Soldier 4: That one. (He points to a dragon that is flying back into the city) I was assigned to the stables when she brought it in. It's name is Deep Sea.

Soldier 5: It looks like it's heading towards the gates.

Jaht: You all stay here. Make sure nobody else makes it through the pit.

Soldier 2: Can you ride?

Jaht: I'm no expert, but I can certianly ride. (Jaht runs toward the gates. When he arrives, he sees Deap Sea, who had landed and is fighting on the ground. Jaht runs up to the dragon) I need to find Chi. Do you know where she is?

Deep Sea: [She is looking for Sideria, another dragon]

Jaht: (To himself) I'll never get used to that. (Out loud) I saw you flying into the city. Where were you before that?

Deep Sea: [I was helping her look. She sent me here, and continued searching on another dragon.]

Jaht: (Thinking) She'll keep searching until she finds this Sideria, it seems. She'll probably follow a systematic search pattern. From that area, the closest sector is Sector 1. She'll start there. (Out loud) Do you know this other dragon's scent well enough to track it?

Deep Sea: [Yes.]

Jaht: Good. I believe Chi will have gone to Sector 1. We'll go there, then follow the same search patten that she probably used. If you catch this other dragon's scent, follow it. We need to find Chi, and fast. I believe she has what the raiders are here for. They'll be after her.

Deep Sea: [Get on. We'll find her] (Jaht climbs onto Deep Sea's back, and the dragon flies toward Sector 1)
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[color=firebrick] An uneven trail of dead raiders and dragon limbs followed the path of Syft, who was now violently pushing everybody, villagers included, out of the way. It seemed like he was the only man running against the current of running civilians and raiders laughing sadistically while slaughtering anyone they say as prey. Syft lept onto a large oak table and swiveled about, catching the jagged end of his staff into a raider's stomach and mercilessly hacking out foul pieces of flesh and blood clots. He put a great step forward and help up the staff with his left arm, bringing it down with a horrifying crack upon a particularly large raider's head and leaving crimson blood to bubble down his ugly face.

His long silver weapon's top was now practically dripping with the mixed blood of his enemies, poking out like a glint of red light in the air. Energy flowed through his legs each step he took, closer to Attijun. His limbs felt tireless, his head seemed clear, his eyes were deadly with the precision of a boy who had trained for this for what seemed an eternity. He felt excited, he was pumping with adrenaline, he was- Fire.

Red flames licked the sky. Broken limbs and burnt wood littered the ground, the smoldering [i]thing[/i] that barely stood upon the ground looked like a giant tree stump that had long since died. His warm home that had served him for as long as he could remember was now waiting to be picked up by the win and blown away. Where was Attijun? Where were his ashes? Were the ashes of a great soul now mixed in with the remnants of a shabby hovel? A child bumped into him and fell with a small plop.

Cries filled Syft's mind and his eyes could barely comprehend the figure of it. Limbs flying about, mouth wide open and shrieking for his mother. Syft's eyes blurred and he could barely see anything, just the haze of smoke and red. A raider ran towards them, his spear posed to kill. Syft couldn't see. Mommy, mommy!, words and screams vibrated painfully inside his mind. Help me! Help [b]me[/b]! Innocent pleads of help sounded in his head, as if the sound had multiplied tenfold and was now playing inside his head like a broken record. Louder, clearer, the sound was painful. His head throbbed, his hands groped at his hair, trying to knock out the cries. His eyes shot open with a fearful look of utmost anger and confusion, his hook pummeling down into the child's stomach, followed moments after by the black spear of the raider. Syft did not take it out.[/color]
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]The Raider was still on his knees and Talisman waited for his reply. She was not quick with patience and so she raised her dagger and was about to strike, but was stopped by a whining stop.

Talisman looked to the Raider and lowered her dagger and waited for his reply. He was quick to learn that she did not like to wait and so he quickly answered.[/i]

"We came to get the Dragon Ocarina, Dragon Dagger, Dragon Flute, and we came to kill of Talisman the Black Sorceress. Rico knew that you would be here. He said that you loved dragons too much to stay away from a festival like this."

"Is that all?"

[i]With a quick nod, Talisman sheathed her dagger and reached for the Raider's sword. She held it out to him and told his to stand. He did so and was wondering what was to happen. SHe gave him the sword and she stood there before him.[/i]

"You came to kill me so here I am. Destroy me. But remember, you kill me and a certain dragon would not be so happy to find my blood has spilled upon this earth."

[i]Suddenly, behind the Raider was Diablo, who opened his mouth and took hold of the Raider and swung him in his mouth before tossing him towards the forest. The Raider could be seen flying and Diablo stood tall and roared for all Dragons to hear. Talisman got onto his back and noticed that blood was dripping down his neck. She layed a hand there and spoke a few words and his wound was healed.[/i]

"Find that mage. He knows who I am. I can sense it. But we also must go find Izanami, Kaminari, Kumari, Masubi, Tsuhiko, Nokami, Yukionne, and Kanahiko. Come, let us go to Yamato, the Soul Dragon. He will give us instructions as to how we can get to those dragons."

["I will go and find the mage. Go with Aries and he wil help you in your search. As will Veritas. I will stay and help."]

"Will a dragon tamer be able to call you, Diablo?"

["No. Even though I am a wild dragon, the only one who can call me is the one I owe my life to and that is you."]

"Alright. Go and find the mage and bring him to Yamato's lair."

[i]Diablo nodded and Talisman watched him fly off into the sky. She then whistled for Aries who came flying down and she caught him and jumped onto his back. Veritas flew beside them and the three flew off to Yamato's lair. They had to get there so that she could get information on Chiméiteki.[/size][/color]
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[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry for the size, I?m a little pressed for time?
Siene?s senses perked as yet another set of intruders encroached upon his range, even with several peaks distance between them the massive dragon could smell Sideri?s scent on them. Had they come to rescue her? Did they think she was in trouble?
Turning from the plateau the crimson beast headed into the confines of his abode, carefully hiding as so few had learned to do. The new intruders had already penetrated into his network of caverns, each magnificent in its size, their walls smoother than the purest of gems after bearing his intense breath. Looking down upon his guest Siene came to realize that the tiny creature was unaware of her friend?s presence, Sideria?s senses hadn?t reached the heightened level the ancient dragon had grown accustomed to, nor would she for many more centuries if he recalled correctly.
Bearing the dazed serpent deeper into the gargantuan network Siene finally settled into a cavern whose intricacies he was familiar with and waited for the intruders to arrive. He would give them one chance, a trial or character, of wills, before determining their fate. Peering once more upon the tiny dragon in his palm the ancient beast?s heart sank to its usual melancholy as his rationalizations led him to the linking of his unknowing friends fate with that of the freshest string of intruders?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Kanaye rushed through the streets, his scythe bared and cleaving the life out of anything purple that got in his way. Around him, heads fell to the floor, their eyes blank and lifeless, and limbs flew out of their sockets, coating the decorations of the town with a dark and chaotic red. His mind was occupied only by the task at hand. He only concerned about destroying those who had brough such hell to the occupants of this once pleasant town. Under different circumstances, he would wonder why he bothered to save a town he had no connection to, but his mind was clouded in a mist of blood and vengeance. As he paused for breath, a small blue dart flew ahead of him, the face on its small head that of someone confused and upset.
{"Why are you doing such things?"} Laertes asked, unaware of the brutalities of life.
"You should leave."
"Because!" Kanaye screamed this last word, "It's not safe here! Go find some other dragons or something, I dunno." His inexperience at communicating caused his rage to double to the point of going beserk.
{"Why can't I stay with you?"}
Kanaye noticed something in this statement. He looked up at the tiny dragon and saw it's big bright eyes staring at him sadly, tiny tears forming and trickling down his cheek. He was making a short cheeping noise that ripped Kanaye's heart in two. The dragon equivilant of crying. He could no longer run away from the truth. He wept unashamedly.
"Because I'm a terrible human being." He collapsed against a blood stained wall and slid to the floor. He gazed at the mess he had caused around the streets of the once calm High Haven.
"Look at this. I take pleasure in killing, I cheat, I steal, I'm cruel to others."
He paused for breath between sobs.
"Those that can tolerate me end up dead." He thought of his family, of his friends who left him, of faithful Kuma, dying to protect him.
"I'm not someone you should be around, you'll find a better life elsewhere."
An infant cry for help shook his thoughts. A young child had shrank back into a dark corner, pursued by a raider, only to be ripped from life before it had begun. Kanaye tried to get up, but had lost all strength in his legs. He noticed a warrior on the other side of the street, his metal weapon stained with the blood of a dozen raiders. He seemed lost, confused, as if something was clouding his vision. Kanaye struggled to his feet, and before Laertes could say another word, he had slienced the raider once and for all...
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Kurian started forward as the figure and the small dragon ran from his position without so much as looking up at him. Attempting to rush towards them Kurian stumbled forward, his injuries screaming in protest. Clutching at his shoulder Kurian braced himself against the bar of the inn, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Okay, maybe no chasing right now."

Raising his fingers from the oozing wound at his should Kurian grimaced as he caught sight of a red substance glistening in the lamplight. His booted feet crunching upon the shards of glass that coated the floor, Kurian slide down against the wooden surface of the bar. Seating himself ungracefully upon the floor he rested his head agaisnt the hard surface behind him, black spots dancing across his vision. Gazing down Kurian noticed several deep lascerations scoring his left leg, the pain once dulled by adreneline now making its presence known in fiery irons of agony. Clenching his teeth Kurian let out a small cry of pain, slipping to the side to rest his head against the floor. Coughing slightly Kurian's fogged gaze registered the spattering of blood that marked the surface near his mouth and he tasted the coppery tang upon his lips. Groaning softly Kurian closed his eyes.
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[COLOR=Navy]Chi rid on the back of Dryoga. They swerved and dodged over head rocks and the ones below them and next to them. They had covered quite a lot of ground. They hadn't found anything in the first 3 Sectors. Now they were in the fourth. They exited the fourth sector and circled above.

"Where is she?" Chi cried in frustration.
<"Let's check the outer mountains, the ones that aren't part of the sectors."> Dryoga suggested.

Dryoga banked sharply and turned off in search of Sideria.

As they reached the outer mountains Chi spotted a mountain with smoke billowing out of the top.

"Let's go." Chi said.

Dryoga nodded and turned for the mountain. Chi shoved a hand into her pocket and withdrew a few strands of unicorn Mane. She held it out to the wind and called.

As she let go of the hairs.[/CENTER]

<"What was that for?"> Dryoga asked.
"It's a cooling spell. Since there's smoke I'm thinking it'll be hot in there. It will last for quite a long time. It's cast on you too." Chi said as they flew into the mouth of the cave.[/COLOR]

[B]OOC:[/B] I'm going after Siene.
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<"Couldn't I have just cooled it down on the way in? My breath doesn't just freeze, you know."> Dryoga asked out of curiousity.

"Actually, I didn't know that, but it would be easier to prepare early on. We don't need to risk getting burned." Chi replied.

<"I didn't really think about that. I kind of just wanted to show off..."> Dryoga said losing his balance. He recovered as soon as he noticed Chi's grip was harder. <"I'm really sorry! I won't be distracted again.">

"It's fine, but if you want to show off, show off your speed so we can get there faster." Chi assured him.

<"Right, I'll show you top speed! I'll go beyond my limits!"> Dryoga began flying even faster as he headed for the mountain.
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Diablo searched for Syft, but could not find him. He looked through places and buildings and found nothing. It wouldn't be long before he could find him and bring him to Yamato's lair. Talisman would need him to explain such things to her. She does not know most of her past, only that she is one of the greatest former thieves and fighters and now she is one of the greatest Dragon Tamer and Sorceress.

The dragon looked on and on, but could not find Syft. He sent out word to look for Syft the Mage and he sent word to Talisman.[/i]

["Sorceress, I am still looking for the mage. It seems as though he may have run off."]

["FIND HIM! He might be able to help me solve my past. All I know is that my name is Talisman Getsushirin."]

["But, Alandra..."]

["No. My name is not Alandra. Not just yet. After becoming a thief and earning the name Talisman, I rid myself of that name, but now...it comes back. Not to haunt me, but to open a new doorway. Anyways, I shall be at Yamato's lair. Find him and come quick. We might not know how long Yamato has before something may happen."]

[i]With that, Diablo searched on and Talisman rode upon Aries towards the mountains above the clouds. It was there that Talisman would learn things of truth and knowledge.[/size][/color][/i]
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[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] A sudden twinge shot through the back of Siene?s mind as he gazed absently at Sideria, the still dazed dragon was stumbling his palm. The intruders were had imbued something, he couldn?t tell what without a scrying spell, and he couldn?t allow the infidels such an advantage.
Rising once more to his feet the ancient and massive dragon split his lipless jaw and set the cavern echoing with his long forgotten tongue, several stalactites crumbling to the floor. Siene sneered as his unpronounceable incantation weaved its way around Chi and Dryoga, dispelling the comparably untrained magic of the young dragon tamer.

Dryoga swooped into a narrow cave near the top of the smoky mountain, the heat levels increased dramatically as the pair continued deeper into the undiscovered range of Siene.
?Shouldn?t your spell be doing stopping this?? The mount turned to its master, wavering in the gushing currents of boiling air, even its rare abilities gave way to the increase of heat. The young girl?s eyes lowered for the briefest of moments as she searched for an answer. She found none, as far as she could tell her spell had simply stopped working.
?Turn around Dryoga, the spell isn?t working.? His command issued the beast of burden turned from Siene?s range and moved back to the cool airs of the surrounding range. The intruders were reevaluating their plan, somehow convinced that Sideria lay in the confines of the smoky mountain.

Siene turned once more to his miniscule guest, content to be rid of the intruders for the time being, a strange feeling creeping through into the pit of his stomach. Unlike the other tamers that had dared to encroach upon his realm, this one didn?t arouse the blinding urge for death in the ancient dragon; it left him content on its escape?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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(Jaht and Deap Sea had picked up Dryoga's scent, and had been following him and Chi. Now, they were nearing a very large mountian)

Jaht: Are you sure they went in there?

Deep Sea: [Yes.]

Jaht: ****

Deep Sea: [What's wrong?]

Jaht: They don't know what's in there. I do. About a year ago, I met a man named Talon. It was in this area. I had been hired to see what was in that mountain, because everybody who had gone in had never come out. I accepted the assignment, and was about to enter the mountian when I met Talon. He told me why I shouldn't go in there. Seems there's a dragon who livees in there. The thing's going on 3000 years old. I'm sure you know what that means. We won't stand a chance in there. Neither will Chi and Dryoga. The only one who will is Talon. I want you to go find him. He should be in the city. I saw him earlier today. Leave me here, though. I have to try and find Chi, no matter what the risk. Leave me, find Talon, and get him here as quickly as possible.
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[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] The blur that had become the world surrounding the ambassador assailed his senses from ever direction. The roaring flames and heavy scents 0f fire filled the air around him; the rising heat tore at his skin. Talon tried vainly to pull himself to his feet, surprised to find the remains of a festival tower resting across his midriff, pinned firmly to the ground he squirmed a little before relaxing to the hard flagstones, satisfied his body was free of major injuries.
His mind was whirring and the memories of the events leading to his predicament did their best to avoid a rational order. As far as Talon could tell the fighting had not stopped, the dull clashing of metal could be heard amongst the rubble that had become the town square, and smoke was flooding through the half razed buildings. The once majestic scene had fallen to a dirtied heap; even the sky had flooded with a grey sea of despair.

Another pair of intruders drew a frown from Siene?s ancient mind. Seven had suddenly encroached upon his domain, his territory, and his land that had remained free of humanities ill evolved form for the best part of the century. What had brought them all here, was it his guest. The unknowing and innocent youth that had fallen from the sky, chased by a pair of beings that should have known better.
Siene quitted his musings and turned his attention to the four tiny figures that littered the terrains surrounding the smoky mountain, none of them skilled enough in the fledgling arts of man to contend with the ancient being. The dragon?s hopes weren?t dashed, maybe they were smarter than he assumed, maybe they would reason against death and leave his home peacefully, and maybe he wouldn?t have to kill them?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=firebrick] The raider had left Syft be in a short-lived shock of witnessing a mage show such betrayal against an innocent. Not exactly something Syft had expected.

Syft had awoken from a painful slumber, only to be shocked when realizing his face was looking directly into the dead child. He knew very well what happened. Not that he was going to admit it, of course. Syft's clothes and skin were covered with black ashes, his face dirty with dust and scratches. Syft didn't even want to know how he could deal with taking his staff out of the child's body. He imagined the worst, as usual, but nothing too bad. A squelching sound and some blood. Syft took off into the extreme ouskirts of the village, using his black cloth and tying it securely around his scarred back. The pain seemed a bit dulled, somehow. His staff had materialized back into the red jewel.

Syft ran without stopping, his breathe coming out in short puffs as he slowly came to terms with the twinging thought of danger in the back of his mind. Someone was following him.

There was absolutely nowhere to hide, surrounding him was the vast plains and behind him far away the burning smoke of the now ruined village. 'Who would be looking for me?' Syft frantically thought. Kurian? No, it can't. Syft almost thought of Attijun. No... [i]Swoosh[/i]

Syft swung his left hand over his body, hurling himself to the ground. A small, circular blue field of faint light surrounded Syft and his body began to flicker. Syft's skin molded to the colors of the grass and first, invisible to the naked eye. A terrifying screech from a dragon sounded as it circled the area of the vast plains. 'Who is it? Who could it be?' Syft screamed at himself. It was not be hard for the dragon to find him, the magic was slowly wearing out.[/color]
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Chi's looking for Sideria, and I don't think she'll give up easily. She searches in vain, because if Sideria's in there, she's dead. I have to hope Talon gets here in time. Meanwhile, I have to get Chi to understand the danger here. (He starts kicking rocks down and basically making as much of a spectacle as he can, hoping that Chi and Dryoga will notice and investigate)

(Deap Sea flies fast into the city. He asks many about Talon before locating Branit. He lands by the man)

Deap Sea: [I need to find someone named Talon. Do you know where he is?]

Branit: No, but I do know what he looks like.

(Branit describes Talon. Deap Sea takes off and flies around the city, looking for someone who matches the description. When he does, he lands in front of the person)

Deap Sea: [I'm looking for a man named Talon. It's urgent. Are you him?]

Talon: Um... yes. Who are you?

Deap Sea: [My name is Deap Sea. I was sent by a man named Jaht.]

Talon: I haven't seen him for almost a year. What does he want?

Deap Sea: [The performer at the festival before the attack is named Chi. She took the dragon Dryoga and went to search for another dragon, Sideria. Jaht believes that the raiders are after Chi and her instrument, so he and I went looking for her. We tracked her to the tallest mountain in the area, and we believe she went inside to look for Sideria. Jaht knows what's in there, and he told me. He had me find you, because according to him, you know this dragon.]

Talon: If Chi's in there, we'll be lucky if she's still alive. Siene isn't very fond of intruders.

Deap Sea: [Then we must hurry.]
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Kurian awoke suddenly, hacking coughs wracking his weakened body. Spitting the remaining coppery blood from his mouth he braced his hands against the cold stone floor and attempted to raise himself to his feet. A loud groan escaped from his lips as he felt the pressure along his ribs and through his injured shoulder, but fighting back the pain he managed to steady himself into a crouch. Wiping a grimy hand across his sweat soaked brow, Kurian took a deep breath and stood up, an almost immediate wave of dizzyness accompanying this movement. Leaning back against the ruined table Kurian tried to steady himself, closing his eyes in an attempt to stave off a sudden bout of nausea. Swallowing thickly Kurian opened his eyes and took stock of his surroundings. Still in the desolate tavern there were notable signs of damage by fire and other such destructive forces. There lay no bodies but Kurian was sure that if he stepped outside he would be immediatly met with a scene of carnage.

Stepping forward he limped towards the door, grasping and sheathing his sword from the floor on which it lay. Holding onto the doorframe he peered through the shattered door, the atmosphere thick with smoke assaulting his senses. Coughing abruptly Kurian walked out into the street, what he feared he might see all to apparent upon the blood soaked streets. Stumbling about the ground littered with bodies, smoking and charred. Tripping over a more rotund corpse Kurian cried out sharply as he braced himself against his injured leg to prevent himself from falling. Lances of fiery pain shot through his leg, his nerves ablaze. Gritting his teeth and hold back another pained cry Kurian turned to inspect the body over which he had stumbled. Peering closer at its blistered features Kurian gave a sob of anguish as he recognised the face of the unfortunate victim. It was that of Matthias the friendly grocer. Eyes open, staring at the sky the body lay, scarred and burned, almost unrecognisable through the black and bloody flesh. Stumbling backwards Kurian made haste away from the smouldering body of his friend and out into the town center.

It seemed that most of the raiders had left the scene, though he could hear the fierce roars of those still in the vicinity. Coming upon the what was left of Matthias, Kurian was suddenly made aware of another whom he had lost in the chaos.

"Syft.." he murmered, the concern clear upon his face. Starting forward in haste Kurian called out the name of his friend frantically, searching the streets and scattered corpses that lay there.
"Syft! God damnit answer me!" Kurian choked back a sob as his searching grew more frantic. He knew there was a reason he hated dragon scum, and his hatred was made all too real in the scene bfore him now.
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Talisman arrived at the Lair of Yamato. She stepped off of Aries and stood at the entrance. It was blocked off by a spell. She looked to the entrance and read what it had said.[/i]

"The melody is knowledge, the harmony is truth. A false note will bring revenge."

[i]This made no sense to her. She then read to the right of the entrance.[/i]

"Speak truth, say answers, know not revenge."

[i]The second riddle made no sense as well. She kept trying though. Talisman looked to the left and read what it had said.[/i]

"A wise word comes from the heart, not the tongue."

[i]Talisman put the three phrases together, hoping to come up with the way to get in.[/i]

"It said, "The melody is knowledge, the harmony is truth. A false note will bring revenge.", "Speak truth, say answers, know not revenge.", "A wise word comes from the heart, not the tongue." Hmm. Harmony is truth, melody is knowledge, speak truth, say answers, know not revenge, and a wise word comes from the heart. What does it mean?"

[i]Talisman gently touched her Dragon Flute. She then realized that music is the answer into the Lair. She took it off of her belt and closed her eyes. She began to play "The Spirit's Song". It was a beautiful song to those who could listen and to those who could hear the words of the song.

When she was finished, a bright flash appeared and Talisman was permitted. Before she went in, she walked to Veritas and spoke words to him.[/i]

"Go and find Diablo. Tell him I have found Yamato's lair and ask if he has found Syft. If he has, tell him to bring him to me. He will not be permitted, but if Diablo writes the ancient word of Peace, then he shall be permitted, along with Syft. Understood?"


"Good. Now fly! I must go and see Yamato."[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] The deep blues of the dragon contrasted with the dirty grey the city had become, freeing himself from the festival tower with air of Deep Sea, Talon had received his first look at the devastated ruin High Haven had fallen into. Horizons had become rubble and the once majestic fountains spewed haphazard streams of water across cracked flagstones. Repulsed by the swath of devastation that filled his sight Talon turned to his patient savior, his inability to ride fresh upon his mind.

?I-I can?t ride.? The ambassador wavered as he spoke, his legs burning with the sudden rush of blood.

{Do not worry it isn?t hard, I can hold you if need be.} The dragon?s tranquil voice echoed across Talon?s mind. {We must hurry; I fear the dragon Jaht speaks of has harmed Sideria, maybe even him and Chi by now.} Renewed by the display of urgency, a rare occurrence in Deep Sea?s race, Talon clambered onto the creature?s broad back.

Finding an adequate hold the ambassador could do little to stop the butterflies wrenching his gut. The dragon sprung gracefully into the air, spreading its wings and allowing the winds to carry them high over the endless plains, the nervous man clutching desperately to its hide, it was unaware of the hateful eye spying the exit it hastened to make. Concealed within the ruins of the once grand town square, Kurian looked on with little more than hate, the raider and his beast fleeing the havoc they had created?

Bemused by the feeble attempts of the intruder to dislodge his mountain Siene smiled and allowed his carefully secured prize to drop, bemused by the feelings of shock, of horror that erupted from the miniscule pest.

With the sound of booming rocks, falling mud and tumbling trees Jaht dived away from the suddenly perilous perch he had taken, sliding down the sloping face of the earthen cliff below. Tumbling in his ungainly gait to a halt he turned from the mountain?s waist and perceived the mass he had rightly fled.

Tumbling amongst a loosed cache of rocks were the remains of what seemed to have been a pair of rather large dragons, their bodies had been all but dismembered and were missing several chunks as they came to rest a mere dozen feet from Jaht.

Siene sneered and turned once more to Sideria?s innocent figure, its tiny bulk still dazed from the fall it had taken, the ancient dragon had forgotten just how fragile he himself had once been?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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