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Why do you go to the movies?


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Ok have to ask. Why do you go to the movies? Do you go for the actors? story line? Both or a completely different reason.... I generally go for storyline even if thier no name actors it's nice to take that sort of risk every once in a while.... Place to just chill and enjoy a good movie. So there's the question... Where's your answer?
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I usually go because the Storyline interests me, I keep myself up on movie reviews and hype so there are usually one or two movies I want to see a month. I just dont have the time to do so when I please most of the time. I might see 4 or 5 movies a year in the theather and i'll purchass about 50 on DVD because I find it much easier to pick up a DVD and sit at home and watching it then the trouble of getting around to the theater to see a movie I might not even enjoy. The theaters in my area are way overpriced in my opinion its about 6.25 - 9.25 to see a film depending on the theater and with the price of refreshement you could spend anywhere from 15 to 30 dollars on an outing. I'd much rather spend 20 dollars on a DVD which I can watch multiple times but hey thats me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I guess I like the story lines of the movie if I've heard it on T.V or something like that. But sometimes I go just to watch a movie with my friends and see something we havn't seen already or vice versa. Sometimes we (my friends and I) think the movie isn't going to be that funny at all until we start laughing our a#! off though the movie....good times *tears* :D
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[color=hotpink][size=1]The only times that I go to the movies is where it's an absolute MUST SEE movie that I've been looking forward to forever (Matrix, LOTR) or some of my friends are going and I tag along and it just happens to be a good movie. I can count on one hand how many times I've been the movies in the past two years, and two times were for Matrix movies and another two for LOTR movies. So yeah, it's got to be something that has me hooked. I definatley plan on seeing Kill Bill 2 and Spiderman 2 in theaters. OH YES, and Troy. ^_^ *Melts*[/color][/size]
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Basically, I go to the movies to spend some quality, intimate time with the many girls that smother me with their underwear wherever I go.

To be honest, I just go to the movies randomly. There are many films that I stand up and say to my friends, "Okay, I'm definitely going to see that." But chances are, I may already have spent all of my money or I may just be not in the mood to go to the cinema.

However, I did go to see the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and I went because of the storyline. Considering I had already read the books, I pretty much felt obliged to watch the visual reference to the story.

Being the age of 16 isn't the greatest considering quite a number of films that appeal to me (Such as Dawn of the Dead or The Passion of the Christ) have been released with an age rating of 18+.

It just depends on the timing. I'm a very spontaneous guy.
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Movies are one of my favourite methods of escapism. If I'm bored and/or tired of reading, I'll gladly go spend my time in a dark room, pretending to inhabit the products of someone else's imagination, so long as that imagination happens to have a fair amount of deafening explosions and elaborate fight scenes. (Watching films about other peoples' emotional traumas could not interest me less. I am a teenager, and I hear about nothing _but_ emotional trauma from my peers for eight hours a day. I refuse to pay to experience more of that, and that means absolutely _no_ 'chick flicks'.)
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I go to the movies at least once or twice a month. Simply because my dad and I used to go all the time, and it just grew on me. The magic of watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade as Indy tried to get through the trials. Or when The Ghostbusters defeated Vigo in Ghostbusters II. It was just amazing. I spend a lot of money on movies and have seen more than is probably healthy.

I'm a film nut, everytime I take a girl out (unless it's an important thing like an anniversery or something like that.) I take her to the movies and then either make her dinner or buy her something.
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Usually, I end up going to the movies because my family takes me along. I rarely go to the movies on my own. The movie theaters around here are all pretty crappy and they don't really make me enjoy the moviegoing experience. My family usually goes to see big movies or whatever family movie is out at the time. The cool to crap ratio of movies we see pretty much evens itself out.

I think the last movie I saw in a theater was Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, so that should tell you how often I go to the movies lol. Staying at home and watching a good DVD is far preferable for me.
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[font=Verdana][size=1][quote name='Zidargh']Being the age of 16 isn't the greatest considering quite a number of films that appeal to me (Such as Dawn of the Dead or The Passion of the Christ) have been released with an age rating of 18+.[/quote][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Really? Passion of the Christ was released as an MA15+ here, and I think Dawn of the Dead may be, too.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]By the time we're 16 in Australia, we can see most movies, heh, although there are the occasional R18+ movies that come out.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Anyway, the reason I go to the movies can be summed up in three words; [b]Suspension of Reality[/b]. It's fun to watch a story and get involved in it, and not having to decide what will happen. It's also easy to forget your troubles when you're watching a movie, and that's what I like about it, heh.[/size][/font]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
I go to the movies pretty often, and I do it for all sorts of reasons:

three weekends ago: Starsky and Hutch; saw it for a laugh and because I think Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller are cool

two weeks ago: The Ladykillers; saw it because it looked funny and because Tom Hanks is always awesome. Was disappointed, though.

last weekend: Hellboy; saw it just to relax for a bit and watch a stupid "fun" movie. That's about what I got out of it, too.

I'm gonna see Kill Bill Vol. 2 [i]only[/i] because I saw Vol. 1. I didn't like it one bit.
I'm going to see The Whole Ten Yards because I'm hoping there will be some funny scenes. I'm not expecting something as original and interesting as the first film, but hopefully this one will have its moments.
I'm gonna see Spiderman 2 in theaters only because everyone else is going to see it and I don't want them to be like "well you can't bash it because you haven't seen it." So I'm gonna see it and then I'm gonna bash it.
Same goes for Kill Bill Vol.2 actually.
Punisher... I want to see it just to bash it to death, but I might not have time for it. It looks ultra stupid.
Van Helsing -- I'm watching this one just because Hugh Jackman is in it. I don't care about the director because Mummy was ok but Mummy Returns was really stupid. Both are horribly unpolished. So I'm expecting to be entertained by Jackman's acting, but that's about it. Beckinsale is hot but she can't act worth a damn.

So as you can see I watch movies for all sorts of reasons and I watch them frequently. Occasionally there'll be a lull and no watchable films come out for months, but this next month is full of stuff worth seeing (if only to argue with my friends and YOU GUYS about).
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I definately don't go to the movies as much as I use too. My big brother use to work at the local movie theater and I would go in for free to see movies all the time. Then when I turned 16 I got my first job there. When the movies were free, you could afford to see them all!

Now I only go to movies I really want to see. LOTR I feel needs to be seen on the big screen. The only draw back is sitting infront of LOTR otakus. I swear, the guys behind me looked like the comic book guy off the Simpsons and all they did was talk about how this and that was different from the books! This is the main reason I don't go to the movies much anymore. I perfer seeing movies in the comfort of my own home. I hate people who feel the need to give commentary during the film!

When a movie comes out that catches my fancy I will go see it in the theater. Movies that seem like they need to be seen on the big screen (lots of special effects and such) or if the storyline looks really interesting then I will go. Otherwise, I can wait for the DVD to come out. Which actors are in it very rarely plays any role in me deciding to see a film in the theater. Unless of course that actor is really, really bad then it is a definate no.

In summary, I go to the movies because there is a film that I really want to see. I am not willing to pay for an overpriced ticket to sit in the dark with a bunch of strangers giving commentary on a so-so movie. I better be entertained!
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I love movies but I don't really like going to the theater. I can't justify spending up to $9.25 to see a new movie. Plus most people here are just so obnoxious. I don't expect utter silence when I see a film, but obviously I expect some quiet during important scenes in a serious film. It's too much to ask out here.

People bring babies to horror films. They bring toddlers to everything else and allow them to run around the entire theater during the length of the film. Fat people bring gallons of popcorn with them and proceed to eat it loudly and shake it around, while clicking their Diet Snapple (that makes up for all the "butter flavored topping" they put on the popcorn, I guess) bottles around as they vainly attempt to understand the film.

I don't mind these things during something like Bad Boys 2, but when you're watching Return of the King and two people are talking for about ten minutes straight, it gets annoying. I didn't pay to listen to how crappy the theater's fries are.

I'm forced to go a lot more often than I'd like to. If it were up to me alone, I'd go to the theater three times a year at the most. I don't get the point of spending $10 to sit in a dark room and stare at a big screen for two hours. I'd rather watch it at home so I could do and say what I wanted to.
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[quote name='ScirosDarkblade']So as you can see I watch movies for all sorts of reasons[/quote]
I only count two, maybe three reasons, tops. Your main reason for going to see anything, it seems, is so you can bash it. That's mature. Well, to each his own, I guess.

I go to the movies to have fun, first and foremost. Over the past few years, my theatre-going capacity has been severely limited because of school and work, so for the rare times that I'm able to go, I try to make sure it's a movie that I really want to spend 8 bucks on. Most recently, I saw Kill Bill Vol.1 in theatres. Other than that, I haven't seen anything lately. I've been itching to see Dawn of the Dead, because I'm a huge fan of the series and I love cheesy and disturbing horror, but it didn't fit into my schedule, as it were.

In mentioning "the Dead" series, I notice that when I do go to the theatres, it's often because the movie is part of a series I'm fond of.

I doubt I would have gone to see T3 twice in three days if it weren't a Terminator movie and didn't follow the philosophies and ideologies of T1 and T2.

When a favorite director of mine is coming out with a new film, I'm very interested.

Such is the case with Kill Bill. I'm quite a fan of Tarantino's work; Pulp Fiction is in my Top 10. Tarantino consistently wows me, and Kill Bill was no different.

Tim Burton is another filmmaker whose movies I love. From Pee-wee's Big Adventure to Beetlejuice, to Batman, I rarely find his work dull, except Planet of the Apes. I wasn't too fond of that.

So, basically, the cast/crew is what most attracts me to a film. If I hear that Charlie Kaufman's next script has just been finished and is now in pre-production, with Spike Jonze directing and John Cusack and Matt Damon in principal or supporting roles, chances are I'll go see that in theatres.
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When I was little I went just to because I used to think the actress was cute. I used to just sit there and wonder what it would be like to be around them. Lucky for me that got boring. Now, I go to hang out with my friends and meet the ladies. If the movie it good I might watch it to in between make out sessions.

The movies isn't really all that to me. I can download a movie from the internet before it even comes to the theater. I hate the over priced food, I hate the over priced tickets, and I hates thart darn sticky floor. I would much rather go to a Motel 6 to make out in ,and if she wants to see a movie I'll just bring my X Box and a DVD. Its all a trick to get your money and I hate being tricked into doing anything; if they want my money they should just ask.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
[quote name='Petey']I only count two, maybe three reasons, tops. Your main reason for going to see anything, it seems, is so you can bash it. That's mature. Well, to each his own, I guess.[/quote]

Actually, there are five or so reasons there: for the actors, just to relax, because everyone else is going to watch it, so I can bash it, and for a laugh. And that's only for the recent films I've seen. And yeah, I do bash bad films and yet still go to movies to watch them. I expect Spiderman 2, Punisher, and Kill Bill Vol 2 to be bad so I will be bashing them.

Next time please look over posts more carefully because you look like a total idiot otherwise (as in, all the time). It seems you only even wanted to criticize my post because you found out that I hated Kill Bill Vol. 1.
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[quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Actually, there are five or so reasons there: for the actors, just to relax, because everyone else is going to watch it, so I can bash it, and for a laugh. And that's only for the recent films I've seen. And yeah, I do bash bad films and yet still go to movies to watch them. I expect Spiderman 2, Punisher, and Kill Bill Vol 2 to be bad so I will be bashing them.[/quote]"Just to relax" and "for a laugh" are the same by definition. There is no distinction between those two phrases, other than technical terminology. They mean the exact same thing. Laughing is one of those reactions that eases tension. It's really a coping mechanism when you think about it. When met with a stressful situation, or an uncomfortable situation, a joke helps to break the ice, does it not?

"And yeah, I do bash bad films and yet still go to movies to watch them."

Technically, it's the other way around, unless you bash movies before seeing them, which...for such an intelligent film critic like yourself, is really a bad idea. Also,

[QUOTE]I'm gonna see Spiderman 2 in theaters only because everyone else is going to see it and I don't want them to be like "well you can't bash it because you haven't seen it." So I'm gonna see it and then I'm gonna bash it.[/QUOTE]When we break down that quote, we see that you're going to see Spiderman 2 not because others are going to see it. Your sole reason for going to see Spiderman 2 is so you can bash it. The "everyone else going to see it" line is a weak support. It's similar to a teenager telling his parents, "Oh, man, everyone's doing it."

Also, since "everyone doing it" is so closely correlated with "so I can bash it," there is no distinction between those phrases. Argue about it all you like, Sciros, but there are only three reasons in your post there.

[quote]Next time please look over posts more carefully [b]because you look like a total idiot otherwise (as in, all the time)[/b]. It [b]seems you only even wanted to criticize my post because you found out that I hated Kill Bill Vol. 1[/b].[/QUOTE]1) No need to get testy. You are quick to anger, Sciros. Anger clouds your judgment, and in order to have a [i]civil[/i] discussion, your judgment must not be clouded.

2) No, I criticize your post because there is questionable material throughout. Whether or not you like a film is irrelevant in this thread. I am questioning your motives for going to see a film. It'd suit you well to remove the accusations, Sciros.

EDIT: Also, I suggest you take a look at H.P. Grice's Maxims of Conversation.
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hmmm lemme think i suppose movies with alot of hype get me interested, but usually just to see whats good about them. I guess i go to the cinema to see films which are either action orientated (as i love a big fight scene) such as Kill Bill and sometimes a war film, but most of the good war films are pretty old. But saying that sometimes films made by specific directors or groups also get me off my *** to see a film, such as tarratino(sp?) or pixar(gotta love the animation masters). Theres probably more to it but usually it ends up being a 'spure of the moment' type thing with me.
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  • 1 month later...
[color=darkviolet]I go to movies whenever there's one out that I really want to see. Like a few weeks ago I went to go see Mean Girls with my best friend and her boyfriend. It was actually pretty good. Next I want to go see Shrek 2 because I've been waiting for a sequel since 2001...I guess.

Movies up here range from $5.75 for matinee to $8.75 for the evening showing depending on where you go. If you don't mind craning your neck you can pay $1.25 for previously run movies.

I usually go see comedies when I'm with friends so as long as people don't talk too loud it doesn't matter what time I go. But if I'm with Lincoln we try to go see the later showings because it's less likely that a parent would bring their three year old to a 10:30 showing of LOTR. At least I'd hope a parent wouldn't bring a three year old out that late.

The reason I go to see a movie is to have some sort of conversation later. Whether or not I liked the film as much as the other person or people I saw it with . Were there any lines that stood out? Sometimes I have to ask Lincoln if he had a good nap (okay, that only happened during The fast and the furious because he was so tired from something and The Hours because it was so boring) Sometimes I go to see if I'd want to own it on DVD when the movie came out or if the critics were high when they were reviewing the movie.

I don't go to a movie to expect to come out superior to everyone else I talk to because they didn't like what I liked.[/color]
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i got to see movies because they (a) look really good/ exciting/ fascinating or (b) there are some actors that i know act well in them or (c) the producer has previously made some really good films.
i will also see movies if they are based on something that has always been good, i.e. Xmen.
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Guest Midnight Rush
I go to the movies to be entertained. I go to see attractive women that I will never meet, let alone date. I go to let go of life's worries and troubles. I go if Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan, or Quentin Tarantino are involved. I go if my friends are going. I go to have a good time.


[QUOTE=Anime_fangurl*247]"Just to relax" and "for a laugh" are the same by definition. There is no distinction between those two phrases, other than technical terminology. They mean the exact same thing. Laughing is one of those reactions that eases tension. It's really a coping mechanism when you think about it. When met with a stressful situation, or an uncomfortable situation, a joke helps to break the ice, does it not?

"And yeah, I do bash bad films and yet still go to movies to watch them."

Technically, it's the other way around, unless you bash movies before seeing them, which...for such an intelligent film critic like yourself, is really a bad idea. Also,

When we break down that quote, we see that you're going to see Spiderman 2 not because others are going to see it. Your sole reason for going to see Spiderman 2 is so you can bash it. The "everyone else going to see it" line is a weak support. It's similar to a teenager telling his parents, "Oh, man, everyone's doing it."

Also, since "everyone doing it" is so closely correlated with "so I can bash it," there is no distinction between those phrases. Argue about it all you like, Sciros, but there are only three reasons in your post there.

EDIT: Also, I suggest you take a look at H.P. Grice's Maxims of Conversation.[/QUOTE]

I was completely hoping to avoid going another round with our resident anime fangirl, but she is being contradictive and rediculous once again.

Before I get quoted and explained away with pathetic logic, let me explain why she is being contradictive-

She goes after Sciros for being immature, and what she is doing is completely immature. She attempts to rip someone to shreds for no apparent reason. I don't have a lot of info, but I never thought there was bad blood between you guys... I think she has a tendency for this (See one of the Mitch threads, the one that got locked a week or so ago and you'll know what I mean).

Next step:

"For a laugh" and "To relax" are not the same thing. I thought you were a journalist, and I thought journalists had training in English... apparently not.

For a laugh- To do something for the purpose of enjoying various degrees of humor

To relax- To let go of responsibility/worry and just chill

Would any thinking person consider these things the same? No. Can they be enjoyed at the same time? Yes. Does laughter reduce tension? Yes. Does laughter induce relaxion in a classical sense? Not by itself. You again are comparing two slightly similar things by skewing them.

It amazes me that someone (Alex? I thought that was the name) who enjoys technicalities so much would be so erroneous in them.

Is there a close correlation between "everyone's doing it" and "to bash it"? Please explain this one to me, because I just don't see the link except in your fantasy world of psychological coersion.

If he is an intelligent film critic (I'm assuming you two have critiqued films together... or... OMG! Is she guilty of... [B][I][U]SUGARCOATING?![/U][/I][/B]??!!), why would you presume to give him advice. Please excuse that if you are ,in reality, Roger Ebert.

You speak of maturity, so why the hell are you doing this? Why even start this argument? It serves no purpose, not even the vaguely substantial one pshychological aide. I really don't get you, and maybe thats what your trying to do, I don't give a damn. Seriously though, this is really pathetic.
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Hmm. I go to the movies not only to see them (because I feel like it), but I go to annoy people (but only on rare occasions). I also like going to movies that no one'd ever go to. That way, I can yell and crap with my friends for no apparent reason whatsoever. I can say that I go for the horror movies and laugh at them all.

Come to think of it, I haven't been to the movies in awhile...*scampers off*
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