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FLCL [Fooly Cooly]


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Guest gendou ikari
I am somewhat amazed that Fooly Cooly has never( to my knowlege) been discussed;therefore I took the oppertunity to ask does anyone here like Fooly Cooly? Who Is your Favorite character?episode?I would be gratful if you were to reply, and I am also confused, because the plot of Fooly Cooly makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me (and i completely understand evangelion so I know when or when not to say "Im confused.").

And I have a small question... Is the robots name Canchi, Kanti, or chanti?( I have heard people call him all sorts of different names, some of them where even laughable.Anyway, thank you and Dzay Jenn.
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[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Furi Kuri was discussed very extensivly when it was first aired, but there's only so much you can say about a six-episode OVA. (The robot's name is 'Kanti').

The plot is simple: [spoiler]After Haruko nails Naota on the head with her guitar, his frontal lobe becomes the gateway through whichj hostile Medical mechanica robots are transported. Kanti's programing is altered after a piece of him is removed, so that he becomes one of the good guys. MM's plan involves stripping the human race of the ability to think, for reasons never revealed.

Haruko doesn't care about that, though; she wants the power of the space pirate king Atamosk, who is supposed to be a prisoner of Medical Mechanica. Agent Amuro, who knew Haruko from his childhood, is trying to stop both MM and Haruko, but he's an idiot, so it doesn't matter.

And, while all that's going on, the story is [i]really[/i] a metaphor for growing up, with Naota learning about who he is in the world.[/spoiler] Cool, eh?[/color][/font][/size]
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[quote name='gendou ikari']I am somewhat amazed that Fooly Cooly has never( to my knowlege) been discussed.[/quote]

Next time, be sure to check the Official Threads Directory before creating a new series topic. Doing this should save both yourself and the mods a lot of trouble.

Thank you very much. ^_^

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Guest spiderham
[quote name='Xra']Hello people, anyway, last night on Adult Swim, they primiered(sp) 2 Animes back to back. The second one was Blue Gender, which i knew well about, but the first one was a funny,confusing,annoying, and attactive anime called FLCL. After seeing the first episode, I still couldn't figure out what it was about, except a lovesick girl, an alien, and a kid with things popping out of his head. So, does anyone know more on this anime?[/quote]

Thats shows great after watching the show you should read a episode synopsis online it really helps, but watch all 6 episodes to get the full effect

[COLOR=Navy]Know what else is great? Punctuation and complete sentences. Please refer to OtakuBoards' rules for a better understanding of what we expect in terms of post length and quality. Thanks! ^_^

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[color=hotpink][size=1]Being new is NO excuse for this disgusting display of spam. For one thing, by joining the OtakuBoards, you agreed to abide by our rules. Well, you just broke one of the most important ones. Here we expect you to have a high post quality, like the other posts that you've seen around here.

For one thing, if you agree, tell why you agree and elaborate more. Another thing, stay on topic. Another thing, don't write in all caps. Another thing, make sure to use correct capitiliztion and punctuation.

Any posts like this in the future will, like this one, be deleted.

Welcome to the OtakuBoards and please read the rules!

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FLCL is definately not an anime for everyone. I personally really enjoy the series. My biggest complaint about it is the length of the series. I wish it were a bit longer. Otherwise I think the series has some wonderful techincal animation sequences that I enjoy watching over and over. When first viewing it the animation may not catch you as being very techincal, but it is very complex.

The soundtrack is excellent and I enjoy listening to the broken english of The Pillows. Interesting characters and lots of inside anime jokes like the Lupin references. I think when you understand some of those references it makes the series that much more enjoyable. :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I never really got this anime, I mean its nice and its cool i love the Chars. but whats the plot? It seems that all the 6 episods of it do is just make people laugh. Now im not dissing the Anime but i just need to figure out what is the plot?.

Please write back and tell me if ya know
Spank you much (kinda gross)

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The plot was summed up pretty well by Death Bug.

The plot is simple: [spoiler]After Haruko nails Naota on the head with her guitar, his frontal lobe becomes the gateway through whichj hostile Medical mechanica robots are transported. Kanti's programing is altered after a piece of him is removed, so that he becomes one of the good guys. MM's plan involves stripping the human race of the ability to think, for reasons never revealed.

Haruko doesn't care about that, though; she wants the power of the space pirate king Atamosk, who is supposed to be a prisoner of Medical Mechanica. Agent Amuro, who knew Haruko from his childhood, is trying to stop both MM and Haruko, but he's an idiot, so it doesn't matter.

And, while all that's going on, the story is really a metaphor for growing up, with Naota learning about who he is in the world.[/spoiler] Cool, eh?[/quote]

Although that's the most [i]interesting[/i] use of the word "simple" I've seen today, DeathBug is correct in the plot is not overly complicated if you try to pay attention and read between the jokes. Furi Kuri, FLCL, Fooly Cooly was great and horrible and confusing and relatable at the same time.

It was great how the packed so much nonsense and seriousness into six episodes.
It was horrible how at times you could be confused or bored or just wondering [i]why[/i].
It was confusing. That speaks for itself.
It was relatable in the way you see the main character grow and have to put up with all these changes all guys (and possibly girls if you replace a few words from my list...) go through... Women, hideous things growing out of your face, girls, sudden interest in music, the female gender... and basically things going out of control and impossibly crazy when you just want peace and quiet.

FLCL is actually jampacked with plot and story. This anime has more plot in 6 Episodes than Excel Saga had in its first 20. Now [i]that's[/i] an anime just meant to make people laugh...

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  • 4 weeks later...
[color=darkviolet]Otherwise known as Fooly Cooly. The anime is on Cartoon network on saturdays but that's not what this thread is about. Oh no.

I've tried twice to watch an entire episode, but I can't seem to get into it. Am I the only one? Does anyone actually know what this anime is about or am I not alone?

What I'm asking is has anyone watched the anime or read the manga and if so could you describe what it's about.

I hope I didn't break too many rules here today, I just couldn't think of how else to go about this.[/color]
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Fooly Cooly, FLCL, Furi Kuri. what ever you call it, is my favorite anime, and much like you, I for a long time, had no idea what it was supposed to be about up until I watched the entire series, even rerunning the episodes, which I taped. After all that, I figured the series out, and I saw it for what it truly was. A comedy mainly, showing off some of the best animation anime has ever seen aswell as the most 'modern comedy' ever heard of. But under all that, it told the story of a young boy, coming into the grips of adolescence and maturity. He goes threw fases of being childish, and not liking girls, that sort of thing. Then he matures into a young man who still is iffy about romance, but has realized what it means to lust, love, and be resposible. I can actually outline the episodes and the fases he goes threw in them.

Call me a geek, but FLCL's story is purposely subliminal, and I love it for what it is. A comedy with a hidden heart.[/color][/size]
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I recently watched all six FLCL episodes for the first time (yes, I waited for a long time to see it, so sue me) and I was impressed with it. It's been established a million times that, yes, you have to watch all of the episodes in the series to really get a grasp of what the show is really about, but that's not really different from anything "deep," anyway. I mean, how many people were really expecting to understand it completely after the first episode? lol

Aesthetically, the show is fantastic. The animation is crisp and clean and I really enjoy the look of the show. Plus, the music is fantastic and fits the situations of the show (though, certain songs are repeated too often for my tastes throughout the series).

As for the humor, I enjoy it and get a good laugh from just about everything that FLCL throws at you. Sure, it can be random nonsense from time to time, but random humor appeals to me a lot of the time, so I didn't find any fault in that, heh. I enjoyed most of the episodes, especially episode five, which I found to be absolutely hilarious. Cool stuff.
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I love FLCL i have all the episodes on dvd! Haruko is my favorite character! :D

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]As I've already said in another post of yours- please add more detail in future. This is pretty much spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=3]nani na na!!! I love furi kuri! I love the graphics, I love the music, and I looovvvee the awsome characters! hehehe! doesn't anyone agree?
I found an evil website that was completely made up of put-downs on the series furi kuri! I was so mad![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] :mad:
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  • 2 weeks later...
It's probably already been said, but you have to watch all the episodes to figure out the theme. I guess the aims of the anime is to come across as wacky, fresh and deviously sexy. I thought the main theme was about growing up and what it really means to be mature. It's surprisingly deep but it's the type of anime that doesn't demand deep thinking :] If you watch it a few times some of the things in there will hit you right in the face.

Good good stuff. Hopefully I'll get the DVD or manga soon- they both are excellent.

The manga is kinda trippy though- looks like Jhonen Vasquez meets anime. Which is kinda funny, cause in reality it's Vasquez that has major influences from FLCL :]
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  • 1 month later...
me and a friend just recently rented this much acclaimed anime.... after watching the first episode... actually not even teh first one we decided to turn it off because it definatly was confusin.... i didn't understand what was goin on and whats with the whole manga showing scene it made no sense at all it just made me think that they were too poor to afford to make the entire movie all in th same way.... i kno a lot of ppl say that u hafta watch the first 6 before u can understand it but i frankly have no motivation to watch all of them especally after this first episode i dont think that ill be givin it another chance! just out of curiousity however would it be any easier to understand if i had read teh manga first???
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[quote name='vash-san']me and a friend just recently rented this much acclaimed anime.... after watching the first episode... actually not even teh first one we decided to turn it off because it definatly was confusin.... i didn't understand what was goin on and whats with the whole manga showing scene it made no sense at all it just made me think that they were too poor to afford to make the entire movie all in th same way.... i kno a lot of ppl say that u hafta watch the first 6 before u can understand it but i frankly have no motivation to watch all of them especally after this first episode i dont think that ill be givin it another chance! just out of curiousity however would it be any easier to understand if i had read teh manga first???[/quote]
[color=royalblue][font=century gothic][size=1] Actually vash the manga is more confusing then the anime :wigout:

But trust me you'll want to see all 6 episodes because the series is just amazing. I had some similar thoughts as you after I saw the first ep but once you get past that one it only gets better. You'll get some of the best battle scenes ever, lots of crazy comedy, and best of all some amazing music.

Id suggest this series to any otaku out there...Its just way too much fun to miss :D [/color][/font][/size]
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[quote name='vash-san']me and a friend just recently rented this much acclaimed anime.... after watching the first episode... actually not even teh first one we decided to turn it off because it definatly was confusin.... i didn't understand what was goin on and whats with the whole manga showing scene it made no sense at all it just made me think that they were too poor to afford to make the entire movie all in th same way.... i kno a lot of ppl say that u hafta watch the first 6 before u can understand it but i frankly have no motivation to watch all of them especally after this first episode i dont think that ill be givin it another chance! just out of curiousity however would it be any easier to understand if i had read teh manga first???[/quote]lol, what you need to know about FLCL is that it's a really crazy and trippy anime. If you've ever seen Excel Saga, it's somewhat like that, but this has more of a story-line and is arguably less wacky. :o If you don't understand the first episode, that's perfectly understandable. Like you said, you should probably watch all six episodes first, and your motivation would be to continue watching until you get into the "Fooly Cooly mood" and start to understand it as best you can. And if you have any questions about it, you can always refer to this thread. :)

You may also want to look through this thread after watching the series, because there are some posts, Kazuko's in particular, that go [i]really[/i] into detail and help you understand even the smallest psychological points.

EDIT: Hmm. I could have [i]sworn[/i] it was Kazuko, but aparently it was WitchLustX. Still, you should check it out.
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  • 3 months later...
Guest moons aura
:confused: tooo explain it? hmm ill have to get back to u on that,i have every ep. taped but, to explian it well lets just say they're very randome eps.hmm ill have to get back to u on that, sorry that i couldnt help this min^^;

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please put more thought into your posts in future, moons aura. This is incredibly close to being spam. Try and avoid using abbreviations too, please, as well as watching your spelling in general. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[quote name='CaptainAnarchy']Can someone explaine Fooly Cooly to me? I started watching it late and it was so random that I didnt even bother watching the rest.lol. Can someone explain the anime to me?[/quote]
i think that they did a pretty good job
[QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Furi Kuri was discussed very extensivly when it was first aired, but there's only so much you can say about a six-episode OVA. (The robot's name is 'Kanti').

The plot is simple: [spoiler]After Haruko nails Naota on the head with her guitar, his frontal lobe becomes the gateway through whichj hostile Medical mechanica robots are transported. Kanti's programing is altered after a piece of him is removed, so that he becomes one of the good guys. MM's plan involves stripping the human race of the ability to think, for reasons never revealed.

Haruko doesn't care about that, though; she wants the power of the space pirate king Atamosk, who is supposed to be a prisoner of Medical Mechanica. Agent Amuro, who knew Haruko from his childhood, is trying to stop both MM and Haruko, but he's an idiot, so it doesn't matter.

And, while all that's going on, the story is [i]really[/i] a metaphor for growing up, with Naota learning about who he is in the world.[/spoiler] Cool, eh?[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=r2vq]The plot was summed up pretty well by Death Bug.

Although that's the most [i]interesting[/i] use of the word "simple" I've seen today, DeathBug is correct in the plot is not overly complicated if you try to pay attention and read between the jokes. Furi Kuri, FLCL, Fooly Cooly was great and horrible and confusing and relatable at the same time.

It was great how the packed so much nonsense and seriousness into six episodes.
It was horrible how at times you could be confused or bored or just wondering [i]why[/i].
It was confusing. That speaks for itself.
It was relatable in the way you see the main character grow and have to put up with all these changes all guys (and possibly girls if you replace a few words from my list...) go through... Women, hideous things growing out of your face, girls, sudden interest in music, the female gender... and basically things going out of control and impossibly crazy when you just want peace and quiet.

FLCL is actually jampacked with plot and story. This anime has more plot in 6 Episodes than Excel Saga had in its first 20. Now [i]that's[/i] an anime just meant to make people laugh...-ArV[/QUOTE]

and i really found it amazing the first time i saw it, i've loved it ever since. in fact its my No.1in any anime list.
Great animation, Great Music, and Great Plot. If you dont understand it, you just have to watch it a few times over i've seen it like over 10 times :smirk: !!!
and the DVDs are the best thing ever.
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  • 2 weeks later...
When I first watched FLCL was expecting a zany comedy, as explained by a friend 'Azumanga Daioh meets Golden Boy' now, as disturbing of a combo as that sounds like, I simply had to watch it.

It was not at all what I expected, and that was a very, very good thing.

I was surprised about how slowly it started, but I really didn't care. The animation was pretty enough to keep me occupied. I started to get bored, and then it hit me: I was FAR too occupied looking for the comedy of the series, so it just drowned out the rest, such as how simplistically and beautifully profound some of Naota's internal monolouges are, how Haruko, when she's not acting crazy, was so sensual it was just about disturbing, how Mamimi retains a certain quiet sweetness to her throughout the series, no matter how sexually twisted her actions towarnds Naota become, and that Kamon is the only character who appears to be there just for comic releif. It was a series that can be viewed as a comedy, but if to be appreciated fully, should be viewed as an action and a character study rolled into one.

And if there's any confusion as to what I mean by character study, I mean an anime or a movie that simply revolves around the characters to drive its plot foreward, bringing up obstacles to see how they react. Now, this was a good deal more zany than '1000 Clowns' or, say, 'Barbershop' but I beleive it was a character study nonetheless.
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  • 3 months later...
I have recently watched Fooly Cooly and i was wondering what everyones favorite character was and why.
mine is Haruko and i like this character because she is mad like me :animesmil MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Also does ANYONE know what Fooly Cooly mean?????
(also whats the deal with the eyebrows???)
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Well I have read that it just means the way Naota feels. Like at the beginning of the show he feels like he is cool and he really isn?t and he eventually realize what he is about. Just like the time when he says that he doesn?t like sour things and turns around and says later that he doesn?t like sweet things. "Any ways, I think the series is called ?Fooly Cooly? because Naota, throughout the series, attempts to act ?Cool? (as in adult like, mature), but he is a ?fool? for trying to be something he wasnt."-agefive.com Some say that it means like a passage way for another dimension and some say that it's means nothing. Well in the episode (2 I believe) the grandpa of Naota mentions it as a hand motion and the father says it's messing around more like fooling around. Well thats all I got.

This might clear up some miss conceptions ([url]http://www.agefive.com/FLCL/html/f_a_q_.html[/url])
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[quote]This might clear up some miss conceptions[/quote]

Remember not to believe everything you read. Although the author of this webpage has done a ton of research, and an impressive amount of interpretation, the webpage is nothing more than his or her interpretation of the series.

It's a very good interpretation, yes. It's quite thoroughly done... definately an otaku of the series... but remember that whatever is on this page is not necessarily true or what the creator wanted.

The title for FLCL is supposed to be a pun on many different things...
^^ I like how you worded it. Tries to be cool, but ends up a fool.

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