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Animal Spirirts and the Impending war [M-VLS]


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Tommy put his hand on Kiyas shoulder "I know your upset. But this won't be the last time we see him. When we get back we'll all be together again." Kiya rubbed her eyes and smiled at Tommy. Tommy put his arm around her waist "Get your things together and we'll leave soon. The sooner we leave the sooner we come back." Tommy said with a smile. Kiya smiled back and kissed him, then she turned and went back to the room to get her things together. Tommy stood and watched her run off, he still couldn't shake that chill in the air, like something bad was going to happen. He kept smiling and acting cheerful despite this so Kiya wouldn't worry. Striker has these friends, but could they be trusted, this thought plagued Tommy. Tommy shook this thought and went in after Kiya so he could gather his things as well. He walked in the room and saw Kiya getting her things together, she was trembling again. Tommy walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder "Don't worry. I'll protect you from anything." She turned and put her hands around Tommy "Vadane just said something." Kiya said shaking horribly. Tommy holding her tight "What is it?" She looked up with tears in eyes "She..... she said that you would die protecting me." Tommy leanded his head back a little but kept a tight hold of Kiya "Listen, I'm not going to kie. Trust me. I would never leave you alone. Okay." Kiya looked up to Tommy with his cool soothing eyes.
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Kiya couldnt stop shaking even after Tommy reassured her she held on to something but still the shaking wouldnt decease the mear thoght of him dying was enogh to tear at her heartstrings "Tommy reach under the nightstand I asked my protoge Machicka to whip up potions for our jounrey can you please grab one labled with and H there are two of them either one will work" Kiya Vadane said Tommy grabbed the potion
"I didnt mean to frighten Kiya so much by saying that I thoght she would handel it better so if you would please feed this potion to her it is one that puts the drinker in a hypnotic state I am immune to its effects sinse this isnt my body I would like you to make her forget what I said and anything else you would like her to do is up to you" Kiya/Vadane said Tommy uncorked the potion and placed it on Kiya's lips she stood there in a trance threw her lips Vadane spoke
"Just tell her something but make sure you include forgetting what I said she is under your power" Vadane said there was no trace of Kiya's voice that time
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Tommy set his hands on Kiyas shoulders "I'm not going to die." He said loud and clear. Kiya suddenly seemed like she was going to be alright, she looked at Tommy an kissed him "So, what did you want?" Tommy just looked and her and began to smile "Nothing, just wanted to see your pretty face." She giggld and blushed then kissed him again. Tommy felt better now that she was okay again, it made him upset to see her so upset. But now she was okay again and now they could act like it had never happend, Tommy wasn't going to die [I]'as long as I have Kiya, i have to much to live for to die'[/I] he thought to himself. he gatherd his things together, he put his clothes and his medical supplies in a duffle bag and put his clawed gloves on his belt and his Wan-dou across his back. Kiya stood up and looked to Tommy "Well, I'm ready to go." Tommy looked at her "So am I. So shall we." he held out his hand. Kiys reached out and took it "Let's shall." They both walked from the room to the shrine and met up with Valencia and Striker who would be going with them. Tommy looked around at everyone who had gone to collect there things, then he looked outside and saw it was still early "Well, let's get going. Valencia lead the way." And with that they left the shrine, Flint standing by the door to say his goodbyes to Tommy and Kiya before they left. Tommy stood in front of Flint and Shook his hand "I'll see you when we get back right. You better not leave before we get back." Flint smiled "I won't." He said smiling.
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Kiya smiled and kissed Tommy she had absolutle no memory of what Vadane said seh finished packing her things
"Vadane do you want me to pack anything for you" Kiya asked herself
"i have no material poessions anymore so no" Vadane said
"ok" Kiya said as they exited their room she hugged Flint Cornelia and Valencia and walked next to tommy resting her head on his shoulder
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Tommy walked with Kiya on his arm, down the stairs to the city streets below. He looked to Striker who followed them "The place were headed is north of here. It'll take two days. I hope you have money cause we'll be staying whatever inn we come across." Striker looked at him "Why do I have to pay for my own room?" Tommy shoot one more look to him "Because you can't share with me and Kiya, and money is tight for the moment." He huffed and utterd something under his breath and kept following from behind. He put his hand around Kiya and held her close to him "We'll be there in a few days, what do you think will happen when we get there?"
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"two days to get to the base of the mountain yes but it will take much longer to climb it and we might get sidetracked on the way" kiya/Vadne said holding Tommy as they walked from the shrine the shouts of the others faded out into the distantance things were peaceful they exited the city and KIya noticed something that didnt seem to fit it was cloudy out when it had just been sunny a moment before she shuddered she had a bad feeling about this
"Whats wrong" Tommy said
"Oh its nothing" Kiya said she kissed his cheek
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Tommy began to feel a cold wind as they left the city. It gave him a chill, it was like they had left the safety of a barrier and in to the embrass of darkness. It was at this time he put his other arm around Kiya and stood perfectly still. He could feel something drawing close, Kiya looked up with a look of worry "Whats happening?" Tommy looked frantically around them, trying to see what was happening. He looked back to Striker and saw he was taking a defensive stance "What the hell is going on?" Tommy looked around "I don't know." He looked to the sky and saw it grow darker and darker. He started to focus on the clouds above and saw a flash, in that instant he jumped clear of a power lightning blast with Kiya in his arms. He looked up to the sky "It's an attack from above. There in the clouds." Another strike came down and he rolled clear. An instant later Striker dove away from another blast "How do we fight an enemy in the sky?" Tommy looked panicked and Kiya was just as rattled. Tommy grabbed his Wan-Dou and pointed it to the skya nd pushed Kiya out of the way. The bolt hit his Wan-Dou and grounded the blast. The blast from the ground impact sent Tommy into a near by tree. Tommy was going to intercept the lightning bolts so that the others could escape while he dealt with this cloud from hell.
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"I have a bad feeling about this" Kiya said she squeezed Tommy as many differnt spirits appeaered
"Something is wrong I never knew there was a barrier around the capital" Kiya said
"Thats because there isnt one I have lived in the shirne all my life and never has a barrier sorceress or mage lived there something is deffenitley wrong but I dont know what just keep your guard up" Kiya/Vadane said she placed her hand on her chest and flashed
"Feel better Kiya" Kiya/Vadane said
"yes"Kiya said she calmed down and rested her head on Tommy's shoulder
"I'm scared" Kiya said
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Striker looked around. "Hold on. Maybe I can trick myself into thinking this is the moon." He took out a crescent shaped medallion that was alomst exactly like it. He began to stare at it as more lighting struck Tommy. Striker began repeating to himself. "This is the moon, this is the moon, this is the moon, this is the moon" He slowly began to change to his dragon form as he kept repeating it. He finally stopped. "Hey it worked" He turned and looked up at the clouds and began to flap his wings.
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Tommy felt a gust at his back and turned to see Striker taking to the sky, he had changed to a dragon. He watched as striker flew toward the clouds and disappeaared into the thick. There were several flashes and roars, but there was nothing Tommy could do from the ground, all he could do is hope for the best and keep these spirits away until he returned. Kiya stood next to him and he kept one arm around her so she would stay close. He set his Wan-dou infront of him and swung at any spirit that came to close. They became bolder and more fierce as the time went on. He grew more nervous as the fight went on, he could only pray for night fall when his own powers would come out. He waited for the stars to come out and awaken the tiger that rested inside him. His only concern was for Kiyas saftey, he took off and ran for the north and hoped that Striker could follow. A spirit began to close in and he slid forward holding Kiya behind him and split the spirit in half and with a powerful screech it dissapatted. He was begining to feel tired and there were still so many spirits around them coming from all angles. He took an offensive stance and prepared to fight. He looked back to Kiya "Listen, when they attack, I want you to run for the north. Get to the next city, you'll be be safe there."
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"uh-uh" Kiya said
"Its not safe" Tommy demanded
"Vadane talk sme sense into her" Tommy said
"Tommy its alright that bag of potions that Machika packed has enogh potions to supplement for us" Kiya/Vadne said she reached into the knapsack pulled out the potion bag sorted in alphabetical order
"KIya take the potion labeled E-1 and W-2" Vadane intruted "
"1st take the W-2 potions and smash it on the ground it will produce a weapon that mest suits you" Vadane said Kiya smashed the bottle red rapor appeared and she was holding on to, two cresent shaped blades of some kinds wrapped around the center was black leather one was larger than the other and more rounded
"Now set down one of them and drink the E-1 potion it will give you experience in that weapon enogh to fight with it properly" Vadane instruted she strank the potion and suddenly felt stronger and knew a whole lot about the weapons she had she quickly tossed the smaller weapon at a spirit and it sliced threw it cleanly when it returned then she blocked a spirt ball with the larger one she grinned
"Vadane you rock" she chuckled
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Tommy smirked "Okay, suit yourself." Kiya smiled at him. Tommy turned his attention back to the enemy in front of them, which was growing in force. Tommy was setting himself up to fight, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He then saw a flash something was coming out of the trees, Tommy rose his Wan-dou to intercept this thing flying for Kiya. It rikashayed off of his blade and Tommy counterd with a flash bang to the tree. Someone jumped down, Tommy took a defensive stance "So, who might you be?" It was obviously a man and was dressed like your stereo typical ninja, clade totally in black tight clothing. He looked up to Tommy "Don't remeber me? I just saw you the other night." Tommy smirked "So you were the one at the shrine last night. You know I thwarted you last night, why do you think you'll suceed tonight?" The man began to laugh "Because I let you go, now I'm here to kill you and the whore next to you." Tommy filled with anger "Shut up. You won't lay a hand on Kiya, because you will die at my hand." Tommy jumped at him and he slid back into the shadows. Tommy dove in after him, he ran after the man exchanging blows as he ran. There blades clashed in the dark of the thick trees. Tommy dove for our black clade figure and struck for the kill shot and was blocked in mid-strike. As Tommys blade lowerd he felt a pain in his ribs, he was bleeding, some how he had hit Tommy without him even seeing his strike. tommy turned and continued to run after the assasign. He caught up with him and tried to strike him from behind and was blocked again, as he moved back he felt a gust flow past his stomach, he had tried to hit him again and he still missed the strike. Tommy was at a loss on what to do. No matter how he tried he was blocked and this guy was a master at countering. Tommy needed some serious help, it was then that this thought crossed his mind. He looked up and saw the sun setting, the stars were coming out, his power would awaken. He had to hold on at least another few minutes, once the first star appeared he could act on his power. Tommy kept on his heels as they ran through the growing darkness. He suddenly felt another pain in his back this time, he was struck again and was hit hard this time. He could feel the blood running down his back. He could feel the wind running through his wound, that's when it hit him "I get it, your a soreceror aren't you? You must speacialize in manipulating the air. that's why I couldn't see you strikes, you never moved." The man smirked "So what do plan to do about it? To he honest I'm impressed, noone has ever figured it out so quick before. Oh well, dosen't matter for you anyway." Tommy was in a bind, he was hurt bad and this guy didn't even need to move to hit him. Tommy needed a miracle, he then looked up and saw what he was waiting for, the first star of the night. Tommy smiled "Well, looks to me like you waited a little to long." As Tommy said this his body began to gain power from the light of the stars. Tommy began laughing "You might be able to hit me without moving, but you still have to see me." Tommy said as he disappeared into the darkness. The man started spinning around frantically looking for where Tommy had gone. He looked up and suddenly Tommy rose as if springing from under the ground and drove his Wan-Dou through the mans stomach. Tommy stood and glared hard at the dieing man "This is the best you deserve for threatening Kiya." he said "and to think that I didn't have to tap into any of my martial arts to bea you either." Tommy said with a chuckle. the man fell to the grund without a word, Tommy looked at him as he faded away. Tommy turned and looked back 'I should get back, I'm sure Kiya will start to worry if I'm not back soon." with that Tommy jumped into the darkness and started his return. He suddenly remeberd how hurt he was and began to slow down "Shit, I forgot that asshole got in a few lucky shots." tommy stumbled a little, he was still losing blood "I better hurry back." He said and Ran as fast as he could gripping his side, trying to stem the bleeding from his ribs and back.
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"Tommy!" Kiya shouted she howled and ran over to tommy
"Vadane heal him" Kiya shouted she placed her hand on the injured part and quickly healed it but Tommy passed out
"Screw this traveling It's postponed" Kiya shouted she transformed quickly catching tommy on her furry body she galloped into the air carrying tommy she winced a little but she could handel it she ran all the way back to the capital where it seemed fine again "
[I]okay something is deffinetly strange[/I] Kiya thoght she ran all the way to the shirne she ran all the way in to the garden where she changed back she collapesed her cloths were torn and she was scrathed up badly but was was not injured but incredbly exaghted she fell over tommy collaped under her even Vadane was unable to move Kiya's body
"Kiya?, tommy Oh dear their hurt" Cornelia said she got some aid and took them both to a room and placed them on a bed they out cold asleep
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Striker tore through the enemies in the clouds when he came across a large person with lighting emminating from him.

The voice from the gem spoke again. "That is Asinef, a very powerful spirit. He used to work for me"

Striker nodded and brought out his sword. "Alright" He charged froward as Asinef brought out a large warhammer and brought it down. "Crap" Striker went to the side then caught a fist in his face. He quickly recovered and came up behind Asinef and grabbed him by the back of the throat. "Soul Steal" Asinef disappered into a small could of smoke that went into the gem. Striker suddenly felt a pain on the back of his neck and reached back finding a gem lodged in the back of his neck and emmbedded into his spine. "What"

"I had to make myself a new home. Asinef is in the gem where the others will go as well"

Striker flew out and caught up with Kiya and Tommy and landed in the courtyard. "All the way back here"
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Tommy woke in the room back at the shrine where they had started "Damn, let that little nat of a nothing get the better of me." As he said this Kiya walked back in the room with something to eat and saw him walking about he room "Hey you your still hurt. You need to lie down." Tommy turned to Kiya "Didn't vadane heal me?" She looked at him with a strange glance "Well, whoever you were fighting must have enchanted there weapon because she was only able to stop the bleeding." He looked to his side and shrugged "I feel fine." As he tried to bend over to pick up his Wan-Dou he felt a jolt of pain run through his ribs. Kiya noticed and quickly ran over to him "See, I told you so." She said as she set him down on the bed. She went back to the door ans picked up the tray she was carrying and brought it back to the bed "Now listen, you are to stay in bed and I will go talk to Valencia about what happend. Hopefully we can leave tomorrow, Okay." Tommy rolled his eyes "Yes dear." Kiya smiled at him "Thank you honey." She leaned in and kissed him and turned to the door "Now remember stay in bed." She said as she left the room. Tommy looked down to the tray which had soup, bread, water, and an apple on it. Tommy smiled and began to eat the soup, as he did he couldn't get his mind off of something. Right befroe he passed out, he thought he saw a black dragon. He thought on this for a while and decided to let it go for now, it's not like he could do anything in th shape he was in. He would just have to wait for tomorrow, but this still upset him. He felt like he let the others down, they had to come all the way back to square one since he got his stupid self hurt. He didn't think Kiya would be upset, but he knew striker was gonna be pissed, se he decided that he should avoid him til he felt better, couldn't take the smack he was probably gonna get for him til he felt up to strenght again. he chuckled as he thought this to himself and continued to eat the food on the tray Kiya had given him.
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"so your saying that as soon as you left the city you were bombarded by spirits and by the same guy who was here a few nights ago" Valencia said
"yes" Kiya said
"Oh dear I am goning to half to consult with the other 4 magians (sp?)" Valecncia said
"four? but Arch-mage died" Flint said
"I know your coming tooyou'll meet all the next generration magians" Valencia smiled
"So you go watch Tommy Kiya I will Call you when our meeting is done" Valencia said as her Tommy and COrneila left Kiya returned to the room where Tommy was laying down the tray empty Kiya laid down next to him snuggling up but not wrapping her arms around him so she wouldnt her his ribs
"Valencia told me to wait so I thoght I'd keep you Company" Kiya said kissing the back of his neck
"she said she is going to have a counsil with the other good sorcerers and soceresses" KIya said
"Oh and Vadane sorry that your stuck here and cant attend the meeting" Kiya said
"Its Ok Kiya my time as a soceress has pass so it doesnt bother me much" Kiya/Vadane said
"Oh and sorry that I couldnt heal you further tommy" Kiya/Vadane said
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Tommy looked to her and smiled "it's okay. I was being a little reckless out there." He said as he put his hand on his wound "Yeah, I just got to watch myself better." Then Tommy changed his tone "On another topic, where did all those spirits come from so fast. It was weird, like they were lying in wait or something." Kiya/Vadane "But why would they wait for us and not just attack in full strength last night when Kiya was still injured?" Tommy groaned and hummed "That's where my problem starts. There must have been some motive. They wouldn't have jsut passed an opportunity like that up. if anything I've learned that tese spirits are very oppurtunistic." Kiya/Vadane spoke up "Agreed, but what was there motive? When we figure this out, we will know how to move next. The council is conviening now, hopefully they will come up with an answer, until then we should enjoy the peace we have now." Tommy smiled "Yeah your right." He rolled over and put his arms around Kiya and kissed her.
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Kiya felt warm as he kissed her she rolled onto her back stared at the ceiling
"so... what do you want to do" she said rolling over to kiss him she could feel his arms around her rubbing her back she giggled as she turned over
"It might be easier this way" she giggled she was kinda bored but spending time with tommy always seemed to make her feel better

ooc: sorry its so short kinda out of ideas at the moment :animeswea
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Tommy rolled over and put his hands on Kiyas stomach "I could think of a couple things." he said, then lightly kissed her neck and began to go down to here chest. She smiled and looked down on him. She took her hand and ran it down his back. He looked back up to her and put his hand up and under her shirt and kissed her again. He rolled back over and was now on top of Kiya. He started kissing her and running his hands along her ribs as she giggled. He slowly moved his hands down a little lower and lower. She looked at him and nodded her head, Tommy kissed her again and slid his hands to the hem of her pants. He set his thumbs under the hem and began to slie her pants down little by little. She, at the same time, started to take his shirt off. As her pants began to reach her knees he began kissing her neck again. He lifted his hands from her pants, which were now on her ankles, and set his hands under her shirt and lowly pulled it up as well. He felt her legs beat and watched her pants come off and land just off the foot of the bed. As he top her shrit off he began kissing her chest lightly. He sat up slightly and took his own shirt off and laid back down on her. She then rolled him and herself over and she started to take his pants off. She slowly peeled his pants off and then laid on top of him and kissed him again. He wraped his arms around her and gently slide his arms down her spine as she giggled and shiverd. He felt his hand come to her panties and he began to feel around the edges as he kissed her. He could then feel her hands sliding there way into his boxers. As she grew bolder he did as well. He put his hands inside her panties and she began to moan. She rolled her head back and he started kissing her neck and chest. She started to move her wrists and slowly moved his boxers off as he did the same with her panties. She laid perfecly flat on top of him, she then started to kiss his neck. He began to run his bands against her bare, warm flesh, she started to giggle again. He put his hand on her back and began to undo here bra. She put her hands around to his back and felt her way lower and lower. He set his hands on her waist and gently massaged her bare thigh. He pushed his hands back a set his hand on her butt and pulled her down on him.
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Striker waited for them to get down screwing around. His dad's voice sudenly came out startiling him.

"I have sent a group of orcs to stir things up. This should proabaly get them back on their way"

Striker looked up as he saw a group of orcs in the distance. "No way they will make it passed the gate unless the guards are dead" He snuck up behind the two guards and killed them without a sound then stepped back as the orcs busted dwon the gate, hacked the two dead guards to pieces and began rampaging through the temple destroying anything and anybody they came across. Striker went back to his room without anyone seeing him then waited for the alarm to ring. He ran to Tommy and Kiya's room and knocked on the door. "We are being attacked" Three orcs suddenly knocked down the inn door.
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kiya/Vadane quickly kicked a cloaking potion smashing it into the floor the room dissapeared she also kicked a cloud potion lifting them onto a cloud that made there room ireachable by anything nothing would spoil this. Valencia smiled
"They both are too weak to fight anyway" she said she gathered every weapon at her disposal and prepared for battle she looked back up and the room on the cloud
"Make sure the orcs dont get to them they'd be killed for sure" Valencia said
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Striker smiled as he ran his sword through her chest then the orcs feasted on her flesh. Screams went out through the temple as shrine maidens and other keepers were tore from limb to limb. Striker walked out and over the three statues in the courtyard. "Take the down" A group of orcs eagrly knocked them down, makeing them shatter on the ground then carried on destroying other things. Striker watched the guard towers fall to the ground and the defense force was torn to shreds. "This is fun" He saw a shrine maiden run up to him.

"Don't just stand there, save us"

Stirker laughed as he looked at the moon and changed into a dragon. He picked her up and bit into her shoulder making her scream as he tore her apart. He dropped her body and walked off to the gate as the orcs began to leave. "eight of you need to stay" He changed back as eight remained. "Let's fight" The orcs charged him as he cut them down. He picked up one of their weird swords and cut himself in various places. "Better" He began to make his way back to the half destroyed inn where Kiya and Tommy were screwing around not knowing what had happened while they were in the clouds. He took in all of the dead boides which were mostly human and a few orcs here and there. No one but he remained from the slaughter. He leaned against the outside wall waiting for them to come out.
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"Flint looked on horrified at what he saw his own ally betrayed them he was hiding in a nearby tree with Corneila shaking horribliy he hugged her Cornelia used her magic to throw her voice
"What are we going to do if these orcs go and kill all the sorcerers and sorceresses" she said the orcs heard the voice and ran after it dumbly Striker sat their waiting like nothing he did mattered he materlized a smoke cloud to hide them from sight in the dark it looked like a bush
"Valencia is dead" Corneila whispered she cried into tommy's shirt
"I guess we are to replace our fallen masters" Flint said hugging her
"Do you remember when I told you I would never kiss u again when u were entraced by Iobi" Cornelia said
"no" Flint said
"Good because I lied" Corneila said kissing him he fell over laying on him she fell asleep on him still sobbing in a tree branch Iobi watched as she jumped and met Stiriker in the form of a lovely girl that wasnt her true form she was not pleased at what was going on so she decided to step in
"So Striker you think I would just allow this I might be a dark sorceress but I have my limits this is too much ur bloodline has always disgusted me so just try and kill me" she said she changed into a female dragon and grimaced waiting for him
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Tommy could feel a sudden chill in the air, as he stopped Kiya put her hand on his shouder "What's wrong?" Tommy sat up and began to get dressed. Kiya seeming even more concerned "Tommy, what's wrong?" Tommy looked to her "Something's wrong here, it doesn't feel right." She too climbed out of bed and degan dressing herself "What's not right?" Tommy looked to her with urgency in his eyes and tone "Can't you feel it, that cold chill in the air. Something is happening." Kiya walked over to him "Why didn't we sense it before?" Tommy looked to her "I don't know. All I know is, we need to get out of here." Tommy took her hand and started for the door, when Kiya stopped him "But your hurt, what if we get attacked. I can't protect both of us." Tommy held her hand "Don't worry about me, you just worry about you and I'll make sure everything is okay." With that She took Tommys' hand and he grabbed his Wan-dou and claws and they walked to the door.
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Kiya frowned as she finished getting dressed
"I guess this is to be countied huh" she said as they headed for the door but they were swooped up in a puff of smoke Kiya coughed when her vison refocused she saw flint and Conrelia
"Striker is behind this" Flint said Cornelia used her spealicty 'vison sharing' to show them the entire chain of events
"Why that!" Kiya shouted quietly but she calmed as they flew to a safe location
"He almost found us but Iobi of all people showed up and is fighting him see she pointed down Iobi was circling the striker both were dragons IObi ponced but stiker bit into her side she started to bleed but not badly
"I mrphed into a dragon dragon cant hurt oter dragons very much" Iobi said but a she suddenly felt strange [I]Oh no the side effects of my shapeshifting I have become a dragon and the mating urges are coming this is horrible[/I] Striker stamped his foot Iobi froze in step powerless
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