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What is this lack of respect towards women, huh?

Guest Heero yuy

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Guest Heero yuy
So, funny story, not really.

So, wednesday night, I'm with my friends two boys including me and my friends girlfriend and our friend who is also a lady. We're standing around a bowling alley parking lot, waiting to meet up with other friends. When this guy walks by and my friend says "hello", but the guy finds it offending and glares him down. When the guy is down giving my friend the "eye" for lack of a better term, he goes in and bowls...when he's done...as he was heading towards his car, my friend says "have a good one" and then that guys goes crazy. He stops and just looks at me, and says "what are you looking at you (racial asian slur, involving the slant of my eyes) piece of $h!t" and turns to the girls and starts calling them "whores"...So, the girls go crazy and start calling him stuff, then he goes to my friend who was greeting him before and says "keep your bitches in line", the moment I heard that, I was pretty offended...but that's not all, he starts talking about how he keeps his "women" in line by "putting her in her place". I was about to deck the crap out of him...but I didn't want to fight infront of the girls. Instead I got in his face and told him to leave or he needs to start showing common courtesy, at least towards the girls. He looked at me and spit this nasty loogy right by my shoe...and he just took off. But this isn't the first time this has happened with the disrespect of women. I mean they do absolutely nothng to start it, and yet they get all this bad attention...

it's total B.S.

I don't know, I was raised mainly by my mother and always taught me to alway respect females...and always shows it.

Is it our culture now? I mean this guy, to label him a "wigger"... And that type of music, doesn't really show respect towards women...at least, it seems that way to me.

What do you think?
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It's a sick sad world we all live in heero, alot of men are actually like that, you know "womanizers" (I have no idea if that's politically correct), It's a shame how low some people are, and to think that quite a number of them are educated.

It's typically the media generation, and they look at "hip hop" all wrong, it's not about the money, nor the girls, it's all about the music. It's sad to think that even the artists have lost what it's all about, just look at the hip hop a decade ago.

My parents raised me right, i respect all women I would never treat someone like that.
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[quote name='nomad19']It's a sick sad world we all live in heero, alot of men are actually like that, you know "womanizers" (I have no idea if that's politically correct), [/quote]
[color=crimson] I wouldn't worry too much about giving a politically correct name to P.C amorals.

And don't worry. There are more guys in this world who like to treat girls right and want nothing more than to settle down with that someone special, than there are jerks and womanisers who treat their girls like disposable commodities.
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

I must admit I'm getting a bit of an anti-male sentiment from this thread, although with Heero yuy's opening post I can understand why. Personally I think you probably should have done a little more than just get in his face, if someone made a statement like that about my friends and then spat at me I'd probably kick a few shades out of him for it. People like that never realise how ignorant they sound spouting that kind of crap.

It really does annoy me when a small percentage of red-necks like that can tarnish the reputation of the whole gender, I mean I think most males aren't that disrespectful towards women but I guess I could be wrong. Generally I think most men who've been raised right treat women with the respect they deserve and it's only a small number of jackasses are still holding on to the women = property line.[/SIZE]
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Men like that are jackasses. They should keep themselves in line. or at least burn in the pits of hell. I myself wasn't taught to respect women. (Well a little bit from my brother.) And it came natuarly. But some girls I hate. Because they hate me. But I'm weak. But there's this girl well make that girls, that I would always protect. Its just some guys don't apreceate them. All sexes should be honored. But men like the one at the bowling alley are scum. Complete packaged scum.
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[quote name='Tical']I think men are just generally jackasses. At least in America, I duno about the rest of the world. Guys just straight-up suck for the most part. I mean some guys are cool, like most of the guys here, but a lot of them are just wastes of space.[/quote]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Indeed. Men are jackasses. Of course, being of the aforementioned gender, I would like to say that I try not to be a jerk. Of course, being from Iowa, I'm also witness to rednecks who dehumanize women. Said women seem to LIKE to be treated like that. I mean, I'm a nice guy and they never seemed interested in me. They always seem drawn to guys who cheat and generally treat them like crap.

So, in conclusion, girls are emotional masochists.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]So, in conclusion, girls are emotional masochists.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]

Here, here!

Anyways, I've been brought up to respect EVERYONE, not JUST women. On that note I am always polite with women and always make sure to hold a door open, allow them onto bus/train first and just that stuff in general. I have also been labelled by two girls as "The Perfect Gentlemen". A title I hold proudly and wholely think I'm deserving of.
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[QUOTE=Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Indeed. Men are jackasses. Of course, being of the aforementioned gender, I would like to say that I try not to be a jerk. Of course, being from Iowa, I'm also witness to rednecks who dehumanize women. Said women seem to LIKE to be treated like that. I mean, I'm a nice guy and they never seemed interested in me. They always seem drawn to guys who cheat and generally treat them like crap.

So, in conclusion, girls are emotional masochists.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
Women are trained to be emotional masochists in the United States, and I assume it is the same in some other cultures as well. Even in today's society, there are certain things expected from each gender. Men are still supposed to be the protectors, and women are supposed to be protected. We have forged a society where men are considered weak if they show emotion, and women are held to be weaker creatures and supposed to be subserviant to men. We do it to ourselves. How many fathers out there--the ones that actually participate in their children's lives, that is--want boys who cry? The general masculine response is to tell boys to bascially suck it up and "be a man." Which is asinine, because males should be allowed to express the same emotional range as females.

Females are taught that men are supposed to be tough, which is why they go for guys that show less emotion. The unemotional men that refuse to talk on equal terms about how they feel are the ones that treat their girlfriends/wives like ****. We keep spreading the problem of how women are treated.

Women should get a clue and realize that the best men are the ones that talk about their feelings and treat them with respect. Men should show more emotion than stones. No one should treat anyone like they are dirt.

American culture (advertising, music, movies, television, and pretty much everything else in some way or another) presents horrible images of what women are supposed to be like. Women are objectified, so it is unsurprising if little boys grow up to view women as objects.

My apologies if any of that seemed off-topic, but how we are expected to be influences how we choose to treat others, so I feel that all of what I said was valid.
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[size=1][color=slategray]I can't say I've been disrespected on an actual offensive level for being a woman. But I think men that abuse women or treat them disrespectfully should remember this: Most of us have to go through labor. We should be worshipped for just that, I don't see men going through pregnancy (okay, well... they have to get some of the crap when their wife is cranky for hauling a baby around) or going through countless hours of labor.
Well, except for Mr. Lee... [URL=http://www.malepregnancy.com][click][/URL]

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[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]The following post is not meaning any offense to anybody. If someone takes offense, I'm sorry, but it's your own fault for being so freaking sensitive. Get over it.

I've never been treated differently because I'm a woman (but only because I'm a young woman, not yet able to go out far in the world), but I have seen it happen. My old landlord made my mom jump through hoops for her to keep renting our house. She could never just call him out on it or take him to court, because then he'd kick us out of our home and she'd be responsible for finding a new home on such short notice for her two young girls. So she had to just sit there and eat the crap he threw her way.

The situation may seem slightly familiar to some. There are variations all over the scale.

This is just showing that women have it no better off than any other minority. Especially if that woman happens to be part of another minority, like black or Jewish. And the constant factor in the oppression of all the minorities is white males. That's not saying that if you're born a white male, that you're destined to call every gay person you see a "******" and beat your wife. It's just more likely. And it's all based on upbringing.

Most situations like Heero's that I hear about just make me think how much of animals we humans can really be. There's the dominant male of the situation, a threatening male (or just a misinterpreted threat, in this case), and the fight that involves females. Only takes you about a half an hour to see a special on Animal Planet that'll depict the same thing. 'Cept without the unnecessary name calling and speaking.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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Ok, i tried pretty hard not to fall into this and post my opinion...but i guess the idea of people walking around with a false idea about some of these situations bugs me.

Um, lesse first off props to Silver_Blade for his post, the majority of what he said makes a lot of sense and for the most part is true.

Now on to the topic, which around the middle somewhere is bound to digress into something else but nonetheless will be supportive of the initial argument. This is an unbiased post, i do not hate women, i do not hate men (in fact i hate humanity to be fair to everyone) but in any case this is mostly from experience whether it be personal or secondary.

First off. The standards of old have drastically changed into today's world. It's rediculous that people still have these expectations that are anything but time tested. But unfortunatley today's generation is not yet completely devoid of this kind of influence, as i'm sure like myeself many people's parents out there (if your around the ages of 18-25, possibly younger and most definitly older) have raised you with certain ideals from their time of youth and how they themselves were raised to think. People take that to heart without ever putting in the time to logically think about how it matches up with today's time through their own experience and continue to use the term "Well, that's how i was raised".

Don't get me wrong, i don't fully disagree with this...i myself live by how i was raised in certain ways, belief in god and my religion being one. However in my eyes, the truth in believing in this has proven itself to me many times throughout my life. My apologies to those who do not believe in faith or god or any of that, this is not what i wish to digress into, but it is an example of why i am not against people living by how they were raised. I'm not against it if you can find truth within the ideal throughout the course of YOUR life. There is no appeal to ignorance here, it isn't right only because theres no proof that it's wrong. It has to be the other way around, it's right because theres proof that it's right. That's what makes a solid argument, and it's what makes a solid belief.

How this pertains to the way women are treated nowadays. Women want to be equal to men...they want equality, they want respect, they want pretty much everything. Through my experiences, women believe that because they simply are women they deserve all of this right away. I have not met a single girl or woman in my life (with the exceptions of college professors) who does not believe that they are entitled to something based solely on their gender. I say this, and i've had plenty agree with me before, that if women want to be equal and they want the same respect, then do something to earn it or prove that they want it in some way. Don't say "women can do the same jobs as men, and should be able to" but then don't go out of your way to get one of those jobs. Don't say "men shouldn't cheat on women because it's wrong and disgusting" and then go and cheat on your man.

This is bad in two ways. One, women become ignorant and self-absorbed to the gross point of their own delusions convincing them that they should be treated like royalty by men and should get what they want from those around them. Two, men take advantage of this point and use it to degrade women with no real reason other then to fuel their own egos. Again i'll repeat, this is an unbiased post, both are very much in the wrong here.

For the specific reason given in the topic starter's post, the guys had no real reason (unless details were left out purposely) to say and do what they did. Without any actual provocation, men will act that way toward women for their own sake which is just idiocy on their part. It's also generalization on their part, which given the right experiences is acceptable in thought but not in action...but with no support is pure ignorance.

When it comes to how the sexes deal with one another, women are already started off wrong in life when they are raised on such principles portrayed through most disney movies. I've seen it before, girls actually grow up believing that some modern day version of a "prince" is going to come rescue them from whatever plight they think they are facing. They expect their man to be strong, dark, handsome, supportive and pretty much a slave to their needs. Or translated into modern day; hot, lots of money, nice car, and pretty much a slave to their needs. As already mentioned, women think that they are already entitled to this breed, regardless of the type of person THEY are. It seems to be a forced assimilation into the concept of a gender role, atleast in their eyes. It's proof of the self-absorbed and narrow minded nature of most females. Not saying men aren't, i'm saying women are more prone to be this way.

As mentioned in Silver_Blade's post, men are raised with the negative influence from their father or father figure a good majority of the time to act like an idealistic form of a man, defined by the closest man in your life. Just as it is with determining your own truth in your upbringing, you must determine what the definition of being a man is for yourself and let it evolve through your personal experiences, and your personal beliefs, not what someone else expects of you and simply for that reason alone. If you get hurt, and you want to cry, then f***ing cry. Theres no shame in it. If you want to suck it up, and forget about it, then suck it up. Do whatever it is YOU have come to the conclusion of what it means to be a man, just make sure your reacting the way you want to react, and not the way someone else wants you to. Do it for the right reasons if your going to do it.

Now i don't have a problem with women being emotional, because it's an aspect of all humans that should be encouraged, again just as i said back when i commented on Silver_Blade's post. Indeed it should be socially acceptable for both men and women to display openly their emotions no matter what the situation. It is completely their perogative. However, women do tend to be emotional more over matters that require much less then what they give...some would call this being "over-emotional" or being a "drama queen". I've seen plenty of this too. But what i think is an even bigger tragedy is when men acquire the belief that if they even show their emotions, its a sign of weakness and contradictory to being a man.

I'm sure i've made plenty of friends of the women on this board already...but i'll repeat again it is an unbiased post and this is through my personal experiences and logical deduction from surveys, testimonials, etc. In no way am i generalizing every women out there like this, but the majority are.

Now i'm not going to disagree with the whole "men are jackasses" comment, because well...we are. Why deny something that's true? That goes for both genders. Self-realization and knowing the true nature of your own personality is the most important thing to know in this world, whether it be bad or good from any POV. Men are jackasses and usually ignorant (i've immunized myself from ignorance through several different methods of advanced thinking...that's what a great interest in psychology will do to ya) where as women are bitchy and usually self-absorbed.

In most cases, the reason men act the way they do is because it is fueled by how women act toward them in general. It is like a cause and effect deal. I've already explained how women are most inclined to think, and men's response to this state of mind is mostly negative and comes out in different ways. Verbal abuse and slander being one of the most abundant. But if you ever have the privilege to see what a man is like around a women who acts nicely to them and dosen't give him a reason to feel such feelings of contempt and the both of them can appreciate each other for how they make one another feel, you will see that a man is fully capable of treating a women the way women think they should always be treated. It is when you give us a reason to treat you that way, you are treated that way. Men aren't incapable of loving, it's more difficult for us to find love because it is difficult for us to find a woman who is willing to give as much as she wants to take, or feel as if she dosen't need to take anything.

This can go the other way too, if men initially treat women with respect for whatever reason may it be they were raised that way or simply because they are humanitarians, women should be more inclined to treat them well. But again from my experience, this is less likely to happen. When i was in high school i used to never be able to understand why men can treat women as badly as they do. But when i began to see more and more of the reality about it and i myself began to be treated with undeserved disrespect and disdain despite my positivley intended actions, i realized how much more difficult it is to get through to a women's sense of justice. I can fully understand from both POVs, how it's justified to hate the opposite sex for whatever reason, but in my personal opinion women are lower on the downward spiral than men are, and the majority of arguments i receive for this view-point is due to the fact that people can't accept the truth about themselves and become angered to find out they are wrong.This is also another natural human response.

If a man legitimately treats a women with intended disrespect for NO reason, meaning no provocation and just simply walks up to you while your standing around and goes "Hey B**ch!" or makes another sexual or racial slur...than that's his own problem, he's got his own issues, you didn't do anything...don't sweat it. Respond if you want, but take responsibility for your actions, and don't blame it completely on the guy. It takes two to create a conflict.

Again i apologize if this had offended anyone, and i'll repeat one last time that this is an unbiased post, because i am able to pinpoint the negative points of both genders as well as catagorize myself in a few of the negative points of males as well. This is what i see in today's world, and from what i've seen it's only going to get worse. I'm not one to support either because as i mentioned before, i hate humans. Humans are the filth that run this planet.

I personally am usually polite to women when it comes to the small things, like holding doors open, or helping them out of cars, or whatever it may be. I even try to watch my language when i'm around women (don't know why that is, i find i just do that though), but i don't expect much in return. It's a little something to make me feel like the better person inside. I don't do it out of respect. Women fall under the category of people and humans, so it isn't that i don't respect women. It's i don't respect people. I must be shown a reason to repsect them before i do, however this dosen't mean that i will show disrespect if i am not. Many things that are fine in thought, are not in action without reason. I may even like someone before i respect them. Both are two types of feelings of adoration, but in no way shape or form need to be related.
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Just want to point out really quickly that I'm a girl. An odd girl who has severe trouble understanding most of general female culture, like the torture devices known as high heels and the stupid invention known as make-up. Anyway...

Quoting would make the post overly long, so let me just say I agree with basically all of what BKStyles said. Now then, I am probably about to offend a lot of females, and maybe even a male or two. Sorry if you are offended, but too many women act in the following ways.

There are, obviously, exceptions, but women expect to have things both ways. They dress in skimpy clothing and cannot seem to understand why men look at them as objects. They do not want to be judged for their apparance, but many spend copious amounts of time on clothes and hair and make-up, and obsess over how much they weigh. They expect to be valued for their personalities, then refuse to date guys for trivial reasons such as looks. As BKStyles said, they think they should be "treated like royalty by men and should get what they want from those around them." And then they complain men are demeaning them when they are looked at as weaker or helpless.

And by the way, Disney movies usually present horrible representations of what girls should be like. Even in movies where the girl is the main character and acts tomboyishly for some of it, they always have her return to the [sarcasm] ideal traits of femininity[/sarcasm].

However, I do not want anything solely because I am a girl. I think I should have the same oppurtunities as men, yes, but only because all humans deserve equal rights. Women deserve to be given any position that a male would receive, [I]if[/I] they are the best person for the job. For example, a woman should be a firefighter if she wishes, but only if she is just as strong and capable as the other males.

I am female, but I lose more and more respect for both my gender and humanity as time passes. My dream now is to make enough money to support myself, my video game and manga addictions, and buy a house on a mountaintop in a secluded South American city where I can be a hermit and never have human contact again. Not kidding on that goal.

I could rant for hours on why I am disappointed in both women and men, but I'll stop myself here. Do not assume all women show the above traits, and do not assume men are jackasses. And if it seems like I pick on my own gender too much, I am equally disillusioned with the male populace.
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[FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I blame the parents. Maybe the father of a kid treats his mother like crap so the son decides it's acceptable to do something like that. Or maybe the parents simply do not say anything to the kid and the kid picks up the disrespect from some trash like rap or something on tv.

Honestly rap disgusts me. I truly believe it is corrupting our youth. I come across way too many kids on xbox live that are just horrible. They talk ******* that they hear from rap and that's how they act. It greatly frustrates and saddens me.

Eh, i just try to stay away from trashy people as much as i can. When i do encounter them....it's not pretty. But i won't say anything about those encounters.

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[size=1][color=slategray]I think much of this is being over-analyzed. Sure, some men don't respect women, and some women are skanks. But let's not generalize this. People may say they don't wish to offend, but stereotyping can be rather... offending.

Look at it this way: Women's rights has come a long way, but the book is still being written. You can't expect everyone to be open about it. People will be prejudice, and there isn't much to stop them from being so.
When people say that you can't blame it on "how they were raised"... you are quite wrong. Even though people have the ability to judge right from wrong by themselves, if they were brought up in a discriminating household, their "morals" will be somewhat warped. So, on a certain level, you can definitely blame a person's upbringing. Yet, that person should have the brain capacity to realize what they do or say is wrong to an extent. It all depends on the person.

I base all my actions and thoughts to other people simply on how they present themselves to me. If they are rude, man or woman, I will more than likely be rude back.

And... you do know why some women dress in a skankish manner, yes? It's because they [I]know[/I] it's what a majority of men lust after. It's using the guy's hormones to their advantage.
Welcome to the bittersweet world of manipulation.

Anyway, I blame both genders for this ridiculous behavior. I wish we could all play nice, but apparently that's not possible.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=Heero yuy]So, funny story, not really.

So, wednesday night, I'm with my friends two boys including me and my friends girlfriend and our friend who is also a lady. We're standing around a bowling alley parking lot, waiting to meet up with other friends. When this guy walks by and my friend says "hello", but the guy finds it offending and glares him down. When the guy is down giving my friend the "eye" for lack of a better term, he goes in and bowls...when he's done...as he was heading towards his car, my friend says "have a good one" and then that guys goes crazy. He stops and just looks at me, and says "what are you looking at you (racial asian slur, involving the slant of my eyes) piece of $h!t" and turns to the girls and starts calling them "whores"...So, the girls go crazy and start calling him stuff, then he goes to my friend who was greeting him before and says "keep your bitches in line", the moment I heard that, I was pretty offended...but that's not all, he starts talking about how he keeps his "women" in line by "putting her in her place". I was about to deck the crap out of him...but I didn't want to fight infront of the girls. Instead I got in his face and told him to leave or he needs to start showing common courtesy, at least towards the girls. He looked at me and spit this nasty loogy right by my shoe...and he just took off. But this isn't the first time this has happened with the disrespect of women. I mean they do absolutely nothng to start it, and yet they get all this bad attention...

What do you think?[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Oh man what dio I think? Well besides that this guy has some major women issues and should think of seeing a psychologist instead of a bowling alley. I think you should have taken down his lisence plate number and figured out how to arrange getting some money for some new shoes.

I honestly don't think it's soley the Rap, R&B and Hip hop music's fault. I think it's more of the fact that manners towards people in general have declined. Hell go shopping with a kid, a travel stroller, diaper bag purse and shopping bags and try to find someone willing to hold an elevator for you. But you really can't blame the genre of music people listen to because I know people who listen to Rap and would get the crap beat out of them by their girlfriends if they talked to them or another woman that way.

I really despise guys like that because they give the rest of the male population a bad name and me a sudden urge to beat the crap out of guys like that- or take the time to call and wait for the cops to file a report on harassment. I know that not all guys are like that. Really I do! I just know that guys like that should be injured and made to take some sensitivity training classes. I actually know of one who is in dire need of sensitivity classes because everytime he gets pissed at what I have to say he goes into a tirade about my sex life and that I hate all men because of my divorce. Basically when that happens I accuse him of hating all non virgins and block him. But I really despise being called a slut, a whore and all else simply because of my personality.

You know what else gets me? The women who put up with guys like that and actually [b]date them![/b] Case in point my former roommate and his girlfriend. This guy was beyond in dire need of a *i*** slap from the day he was born! He complained to his girlfriend and me about how the apartment looked, how the [b]toilet paper was placed on the friggin' roll[/b] the dishwasher not being loaded the way he wanted it and even his girlfriend's mentally disabled son.

Now me I would not have put up with that crap and on more than one occasion when my roommate forgot his place I either drove off before I went off on him, called his CQ desk (he was in the Army in a different company than my ex) and once even contacted JAG because he had put his hands on me. But his girlfriend for whatever reason over looked his attitude and did everything but wipe his butt. She finally got over him after they moved out. I found out about that when I ran into her at the Wal*mart she works at. But my God I would never put up with that so why do other women? Can someone explain that to me?[/color][/font]
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen](Mr. Lee is a very odd man by the way. Though I am glad he's having a c-section. If not, the image is something that would haunt me to the grave.)

Some guys (not sure about your roommate Chibi) berate their girlfriends and make them feel like crap and that they can't do better than him. This girl I work with's boyfriend does that. No matter what crap he pulls, she keeps going back to him because she thinks that he's the best thing that ever happened to her. Its sickening. That guy deserves a good mauling. Not so much a beating, just maul him.

I don't believe that music is entirely responsible for the way that men and women act. I think its role models. If you're a little girl and you watch TV and all you see is Paris Hilton and those other slutty Hollywood people, what do you think the girl's going to become? She's been subjected to these people for so long, she'll deem it acceptible.

Personally, I think we should have more shows on that romanticize the power rangers. I liked it back in the day when everyone thought they were ninjas.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Heero yuy]So, funny story, not really.

So, wednesday night, I'm with my friends two boys including me and my friends girlfriend and our friend who is also a lady. We're standing around a bowling alley parking lot, waiting to meet up with other friends. When this guy walks by and my friend says "hello", but the guy finds it offending and glares him down. When the guy is down giving my friend the "eye" for lack of a better term, he goes in and bowls...when he's done...as he was heading towards his car, my friend says "have a good one" and then that guys goes crazy. He stops and just looks at me, and says "what are you looking at you (racial asian slur, involving the slant of my eyes) piece of $h!t" and turns to the girls and starts calling them "whores"...So, the girls go crazy and start calling him stuff, then he goes to my friend who was greeting him before and says "keep your bitches in line", the moment I heard that, I was pretty offended...but that's not all, he starts talking about how he keeps his "women" in line by "putting her in her place". I was about to deck the crap out of him...but I didn't want to fight infront of the girls. Instead I got in his face and told him to leave or he needs to start showing common courtesy, at least towards the girls. He looked at me and spit this nasty loogy right by my shoe...and he just took off. But this isn't the first time this has happened with the disrespect of women. I mean they do absolutely nothng to start it, and yet they get all this bad attention...

it's total B.S.

I don't know, I was raised mainly by my mother and always taught me to alway respect females...and always shows it.

Is it our culture now? I mean this guy, to label him a "wigger"... And that type of music, doesn't really show respect towards women...at least, it seems that way to me.

What do you think?[/QUOTE]

Personally, I would've gone over the edge and whipped out some pepper spray and mace as soon as that guy started with racial criticism. It's bad enough that he doesn't have any respect apparently for Asians and then he goes and degenerating women as well.

At one aspect, I suppose one could blame the music for the fact that it easily affects the young impressionable minds of adolescents and then they begin to act like the people the idolize, calling women things besides their names, acting "gangsta", etc. etc. Then again, to blame all of this behaviour on the current music would just be looking for a scapegoat.

One could blame this on the lack of judgement in today's youth. I have plenty of friends who listen and enjoy rap, but they don'r go out and start calling girls "bitches" and the like. No, they were raised to know better and they do.

In the end, our culture pretty much has gone down the drain, but thankfully there's still some respect out there which means all hope is not lost.

[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman]I actually know of one who is in dire need of sensitivity classes because everytime he gets pissed at what I have to say he goes into a tirade about my sex life and that I hate all men because of my divorce. Basically when that happens I accuse him of hating all non virgins and block him. But I really despise being called a slut, a whore and all else simply because of my personality.

Referring to the guy that Meg-nee-chan is talking about: he's just a whole other story. He's the typical type that really do give guys a bad name, especially because he spends more of his time flirting and womanizing online than trying to get a job. He also expects others to listen to him complain when he won't listen to anyone else's problems.

I should probably stop before I go completely off topic. ^-^;
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Guest Mythology
i think its how your raised cause i listen to hip hop and i may call a girl a ***** but thats when were arguing and i usally apoligize for later now back to the point of the matter if no one ever told him to shut up or beat the **** out of him for disrespecting a women in such a way then he probably thinks theres nothing wrong with it and if it was me and my friends we all would have beatin the **** out of him and tought him a lesson.
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[B]Heero yuy[/B], that guy is just a jackass, and I think he looks down and disrespects anyone who he thinks he can take on. I mean, he was looking to start a fight with your guy friend who was just being polite, so he was bound to offend anyone with anything he could think of, including the girls. Also, what easier way to pick on someone than their appearance, be it their gender, skin color, disability, etc.? A jackass like him would pick on someone he thinks is weaker to raise his pathetic esteem.

As far as some who've commented that women should earn respect instead of expecting it. Well, I think that it's just some highstrung women you're thinking of that expect something for nothing. Most women just want equal [I]opportunities[/I], and to be treated fairly by having the same opportunities as men. I really don't think that's asking for a lot.

[QUOTE]And... you do know why some women dress in a skankish manner, yes? It's because they know it's what a majority of men lust after. It's using the guy's hormones to their advantage.
Welcome to the bittersweet world of manipulation.

Anyway, I blame both genders for this ridiculous behavior. I wish we could all play nice, but apparently that's not possible.[/QUOTE]

Haha, you're so right. If someone thinks they can have an upperhand at something, they'll use it.
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I find what that man did was nasty. Its really a shame that people still act like that. What do I blame it on? Well i think its a mix between how they were raised, there idols, and music and tv. (where most of there idols come from) They were made to believe this by all of these things. If every where you look that was what you saw, what else are you going to think. And if the person was shown all this at a young age, they are going to think that it is alright. Some will go above it but most will not.

[QUOTE] [i]Originally Posted by Farto the Magic[/i]
[font=Trebuchet MS][color=#006400][i]I don't believe that music is entirely responsible for the way that men and women act. I think its role models. If you're a little girl and you watch TV and all you see is Paris Hilton and those other slutty Hollywood people, what do you think the girl's going to become? She's been subjected to these people for so long, she'll deem it acceptible.

Personally, I think we should have more shows on that romanticize the power rangers. I liked it back in the day when everyone thought they were ninjas.[/i][/color][/font][/QUOTE]This might be a little of topic but...

What you said reminded me of a song by Pink called Stupid Girls. I don't know if you have heard it but it does go into how young girls are being exsposed to what women are now becoming like Paris Hilton and other women like her. She then gose into what happens to the dreams that women orignalyl had like become the first women president and other dreams like it.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]It sounds to me like the guy you encountered is just a jackass and not necessarily an indication that women are being disrespected. Nor do I agree with what others have said about men in general being jackasses. I suppose that part of why I say that is having lived in three different states, traveled a lot due to my past job as a Truck Driver, well it?s been my experience that being a jackass was never about whether the person was a guy or a girl. I?ve run into cases of disrespectful and rude people in both the male and female population. I?ve never noticed a trend of it being gender specific.

It?s true that society tends to attempt to force both men and women into certain roles, but even then I?ve still noticed that regardless of the social influence there are both who even though they attempt to be say the tough guy who doesn?t cry or the sensitive woman who does, I still run into cases of one who is a jerk and another who isn?t.

On some level I can?t and won?t blame the parents. Yes they do play an important role, but sooner or later both sexes reach the point where they choose to continue being a jerk. So the parents may have started the cycle, but ultimately, especially once you are an adult, the person chooses to continue to be ignorant and as a result a jackass in the process. They have become lazy and unwilling to see if their views about women or in the case of a woman their view about men is even accurate or acceptable. [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Heero yuy]So, funny story, not really.

So, wednesday night, I'm with my friends two boys including me and my friends girlfriend and our friend who is also a lady. We're standing around a bowling alley parking lot, waiting to meet up with other friends. When this guy walks by and my friend says "hello", but the guy finds it offending and glares him down. When the guy is down giving my friend the "eye" for lack of a better term, he goes in and bowls...when he's done...as he was heading towards his car, my friend says "have a good one" and then that guys goes crazy. He stops and just looks at me, and says "what are you looking at you (racial asian slur, involving the slant of my eyes) piece of $h!t" and turns to the girls and starts calling them "whores"...So, the girls go crazy and start calling him stuff, then he goes to my friend who was greeting him before and says "keep your bitches in line", the moment I heard that, I was pretty offended...but that's not all, he starts talking about how he keeps his "women" in line by "putting her in her place". I was about to deck the crap out of him...but I didn't want to fight infront of the girls. Instead I got in his face and told him to leave or he needs to start showing common courtesy, at least towards the girls. He looked at me and spit this nasty loogy right by my shoe...and he just took off. But this isn't the first time this has happened with the disrespect of women. I mean they do absolutely nothng to start it, and yet they get all this bad attention...

it's total B.S.

I don't know, I was raised mainly by my mother and always taught me to alway respect females...and always shows it.

Is it our culture now? I mean this guy, to label him a "wigger"... And that type of music, doesn't really show respect towards women...at least, it seems that way to me.

What do you think?[/QUOTE]
That is just wrong :animeangr . I am a male who was taught to respect women and considers people who behave like that to be an insult to the human race and all other males. I would call the cops if I were you. That is hardcore regular and sexual harassment. That asks for heavy fines or jailtime or something.
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