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Final Fantasy: Online Another World


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[i]Chole was the last to sit at the breakfast table. He was too engrossed in his blading magazine to make much conversation with the others.

Karu was sitting next to Chole, with Sephiroth and Jasmine on the opposite side of the table.[/i]

Karu: So where are you from, Jasmine?

Jasmine: The Metreon Caves...

Karu: Oh, of course, you're a Falyore aren't you?

Jasmine: Is it that hard to tell?

Karu: Well...Falyore women are usually...well...not very umm...

Jasmine: Good looking?

[i]Karu nodded. Jasmine laughed and took a sip of juice from her Goblet.[/i]

Jasmine: It's okay. My father as a Metropod. That's why I don't look like other Falyore.

Karu: Oh I see. Are you a warrior?

Jasmine: I suppose you'd call me a warrior...not necessarily by choice though.

[i]Karu smiled and continued eating. He occasionally glanced up at Sephiroth who didn't seem to be taking much notice of the conversation. However, Sephiroth was glad that Karu and Jasmine had gotten along so well that morning. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was surrounded by people who truly understood him -- or at least, who didn't judge him by his appearance alone.

After about an hour, the four of them stood up and left the restaurant.[/i]

Chole: So what now? Are we going to continue on our way to the Castle of the Three Goddesses?

Sephiroth: I guess so. But it would take us months to get there on foot. We need to fix that spacecraft...

Jasmine: Spacecraft?

Karu: Err yeah...we kind of stole one from Solhara City.

Jasmine: Oh. Well, you will be lucky to find anyone in this village who'd know how to repair a spacecraft.

Chole: Dammit. What are we going to do?

Jasmine: Hmm...I know someone who might be able to help us.

Chole: Oh? Who?

Jasmine: A friend of my grandfather lives in this village. He used to live in Solhara City a long time ago...he might be of some assistance.

Sephiroth: Okay, let's go...

[i]The four continued walking down the street and out of the village. Just a little further west, they could see a lone hut sitting at the edge of the land. It looked incredibly small and various mechanical parts were strewn across its lawn at the front and sides.

As they approached, Jasmine walked forward and knocked on the front door. An old man's voice from inside called out "Come in! It's open!"

Jasmine pushed open the door, and sitting inside the kitchen, a screwdriver in one hand and a hammer in the other, was a fairly short old man with white hair.

He looked up at the four of them but didn't seem particularly surprised at what he saw.[/i]

Old Man: Hello, Jasmine. I haven't seen you in quite some time. :)

Jasmine: Hello Rufus...how are you?

Rufus: I'm doing well as always. Just working away on a new toaster for Mrs. Lanwell...she promised to bake some of her famous cookies in return.

Jasmine: I'm here with a few friends...

Rufus: Ahh yes. Hello, Sephiroth...wow, you're actually walking around sans the hood for once ;)

Sephiroth: Yeah, I decided to do away with it...

Rufus: Ah good. And who else is with you here?

Karu: I'm Karu and this is Chole. Pleased to meet you Mr. Rufus.

Rufus: Likewise young man.

Jasmine: Rufus, we need your help. Their spacecraft crashed in the nearby jungle...and we need to repair it. Can you do something?

Rufus: Hm...what is the model number?

Karu: SC-3000.

Rufus: How in God's name did you score one of those?! Hmm...on second thought, I won't ask. I don't think I can fix a model that advanced.

Karu: :(

Rufus: Hm...where are you headed, anyway?

Sephiroth: To the Castle of the Three Goddesses.

Rufus: Well, I suggest that you use my fishing boat. It won't get you that far...but perhaps you could dock at the next port and find a car or something.

Jasmine: Really? We can use your boat?

Rufus: Sure! I'm too old to go fishing anymore...these days I usually just fix people's appliances -- that's how I earn my income.

Jasmine: Oh okay. Thank you, Rufus. :)

Rufus: No problem. Good luck everyone![i]

Jasmine led the others out the back of the hut toward the dock where the small fishing boat stood on the calm ocean...[/i]
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[color=crimson][i]Leviathan swung it's tail around...[/i]

Ken: Incominnggggg!!!!

[i]Jumping up, Small Boosters came out of Ken's boots, making him Jump considerably higher. The tail swooshed under him, and the others jumped, dove, etc out of the Tail's way.

Ken landed with a thud and got up, He raised his sniper and aimed at the nose of the beast, hoping a blast would enter the nasal cavity and blow the monsters brain out.

He fired, the shot speeding through the air headed for the target. In one swift movement, The tail came crashing downward, deflecting the shot back to Ken, where it hit him in the arm....[/i]

Ken: Can we run yet?...[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Cloud: Run? We can't run! You tried to run yourself, but were held back by Leviathan's magic!

Ken: Oh damn!

Treble: Let's keep fighting though, Ken, your arm ok?

Ken: No... but anyway, let's carry on.

[i]Rasanak fumbled in his pocket for the battery and he shoved it into the generator on his sword. He heard a slight whirring, which got louder until it stopped, and the spirit stone began to glow.

Voice: Rasanak...
Rasanak: What?
Voice: Use my spirit... it'll make you stronger...
Rasanak: Kashal...?
Kashal: The same... now break off the chain that holds the spirit stone, and tie it onto your belt... securely... that's it...

The spirit stone turned from a dull blue to a vivid green and the sword was vibrating in Rasanak's hands. It was like the sword had a mind of it's own.

Kashal: Hahahaha! Now the revenge starts...
Rasanak: Wha--?

The sword pulled Rasanak and made him fall, then it dragged him across the ground and slammed him down on it.[/i]

AJ: Hey... guys... is Rasanak ok...?[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=indigo]Cloud:...do what ya want...

[i]Cloud fores off another arrow at the monster, it was deflected off his scales.[/i]

AJ: I know! I knew i heard this somewhere. He's a summoning monster! Someone summoned him here to kill us.....

Rasanak: Help!!!!!!

Ken:*clutches arm in pain*... i can't hold on much longer...

Treble: RUN!!!

[i]Cloud shoots Leviathan in the eye and starts to run off. Treble stopped to grab the sword from Rasanak, it seemed to not have an effect on him.[/i]

[i] The group runs off down the beach, ocasionally stoping to look back and dode the odd beam coming from the mouth of the monster. Thank God he wasn't quick on land, and for some odd reason never decided to go back into the water. Nary a few minutes had passed and Leviathan decided to give off the chase and drifted away with a pain in his eye. the came acroos a village a few paces later.... it was a bit in the distance.... it read Bluebell Village [/COLOR] [/i]
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[i]Chole, Karu and Sephiroth climbed onto the boat (which was more like a log raft with an engine than a boat), while Jasmine went back into the hut to pack some food for the group.

Karu sat at the front and took his shoes off. He sat them beside him and dangled his feet in the water.

The sea was calm and the soft breeze was refreshing and cool on his face and hair.

Sephiroth decided to spread out his various daggers and other small weapons for polishing. And Chole continued to read his magazine.

Eventually, Jasmine returned. Sephiroth started up the engine and the boat slowly began to lurch forward.[/i]

Jasmine: How are we going to get there?

Sephiroth: We're going north...and then east...'till we get there. We'll follow the shoreline.

Jasmine: Are there any other towns further north?

Sephiroth: There's another small village some 100 miles north...it should take us about a week or so to get there.

Karu: Ahh, no problem...I'm going to enjoy the relaxation...
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *SLASH* Happy?

Harper: ............you........demon.....

Sabir: I don't know who your'e calling a demon, but I'm a Chaos Mage from beyond the Atenae mountains...........

Harper: You know.............Necormancers......don't....

[i]His eyes rolled upwards, and he ....died.....Sabirsing put a foot on his chest and smiled.[/i]

Sabir: Sweet dreams.........dark one.

[i]She sheathed her sword and disapeared......

In Bluebell Village.....


Sabir: *cough cough* Oh the burn..

AJ: :eek:

Sabir: Oh hey guys.

Rasanak: You're still alive?

Sabir: *shrug* Sure. But that Necromancer kid sure ain't.

Ken: What'd you do to him?

Sabir: Plunged my blade through him.....and drove it upwards, opening him up from navel to nose.....[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Rasanak: You killed him? Good...

Cloud: We need to be getting to a restaurant or something, I'm starving!

Treble: Yeah, good idea, and we can find an inn at the same time.

Ken: Has anyone been here before?

Sabir: Once before.

Ken: Oh, ok. So where's the nearest inn?

Sabir: Just down this street.

AJ: Cool, I'm sooo hungry!

[i]They all walked down the street, enjoying the calm sea air and the bright sunshine. AJ saw a few weapon shops on the way and wanted to know if they did weapon remodeling, but he decided to go back later.

AJ was the first one through the door of the inn, it was a comfortable looking inn. Nearly everything inside was made out of polished wood and gave it a touch of tradition.[/i]

Innkeeper: What can I do for you?

Cloud: Can we have two rooms please.

Innkeeper: Sure thing, here you go, number 14 and 17, nearly next to each other.

Treble: Ok, who wants to go with AJ to the weapon stores..?

Rasanak: I'll go.

AJ: Cool, come on let's go.

Rasanak: I'll meet you guys upstairs, seeya later.[/SIZE]
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[3 days had passed on the boat, sephiroth continued to steer the boat in the right direction, karu continued to lie back and enjoy the scenery, chole still read his magazine, and jasmine was just looking at the scenery, these parts of the world had beautiful scenery, and she took her time in enjoying them]

jasmine: how much longer by boat, seph, 4 days?

seph: yeah, we should be nearing the section of the river where we head east, there are sometimes rapid waves there during certain parts of the year, lets hope right now is not one of them

jasmine: if it is, then what do we do?

seph: .....I'll think of that when the time comes

to be continued....
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[size=1]Please note, this map displays the route that they are following.

The orange line represents their page (notice that they pass near the secret Northern Continent on their way).

They start southwest at Squeaky Cove and end up North East at the Castle of the Four Goddesses.

Remember to use this map when talking about the environment in the RPG ;)[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][size=1]Please note, this map displays the route that they are following.

The orange line represents their page (notice that they pass near the secret Northern Continent on their way).

They start southwest at Squeaky Cove and end up North East at the Castle of the Four Goddesses.

Remember to use this map when talking about the environment in the RPG ;)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

and this is aimed at who?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]

and this is aimed at who? [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1]At everyone. :)

Especially those who think they're going down a river, when infact they're moving eastward along the northern coastline.

:rolleyes: :D :drunk: :nervous: [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]

[size=1]At everyone. :)

Especially those who think they're going down a river, when infact they're moving eastward along the northern coastline.

:rolleyes: :D :drunk: :nervous: [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

damn you! don't correct me!

*whacks james with his infamous rolled up newspaper*
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[i]AJ and Rasanak walked through the marketplace, where a few people were haggling for loaves of bread, and other basic foods.

They laughed very hard. These people had no clue that just less than a mile away, none but the Great Leviathan had appeared.

Simple ordinary folk were so loveable because of their stupidity, Rasanak finally agreed to himself. And that's why he liked AJ's company best.[/i]

[b]AJ: Here it is. [i]Legendary Synthesiser: HADES all welcome[/i]

[color=blue]Rasanak: What's a synthesiser?[/color][/b]

[i]They step into the shop[/i][b]

AJ: Like a modifier. Little difference. But believe me, no matter how good this guy says he is, I can beat him, and for free too! I'm just wondering now,....wasn't Hades the famous Dark Couldron Master?

[color=indigo]Hades: Yes, he was. An altogether nice man. My grandfather, he was. Until he took to the Dark Arts. Taught me all I knew. Anyway, welcome, I am Hades, the other. I am the Legendary Synthesiser, and no-one can synthesise weapons better than I can.[/color]

AJ: Care to bet on that? I can friggin whoop yo butt on any weapon, old fogeyman

[color=blue]Rasanak: OK, we'll leave my Mecha Sword with Hades, here. And after it's done, I'll try it out, then we'll see if AJ can improve on it....OK?[/color]

[color=indigo]Hades: I'm willing to lend a helping hand in synthesising any weapon for anybody,..as long as I get my money for the job. And of course I'll be glad to show off my skills too. It might help with the tourism a little bit![/color]

AJ: You goin down granpappy[/b][COLOR=silver]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]he means the map he posted on the first page, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=indigo]Then whats the orange line he talks about? eh? [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue]And they think the newbies are the only ones who stray off topic?
[COLOR=seagreen]Ken: So........

Sabirsing: *sigh* I need a break. Or maybe I just need to take flight for a bit.

Treble: You're a Windhyte?

Sabirsing: I've been a Windhyte. :rolleyes:

Ken: Oh god....

Sabirsing: *WHOOSH*

[i]In a fluster of blue and silver, she spread her wings to their fullest extent......filling the room. Then she restracted them.[/i]

Sabir: Seeing is believing. Is it not?

Ken: ....yeah........it is......wow......ummm.....yeah.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole puts down his magazine and reaches into his pack to take out his shades...[/i]

Chole: Whew...its getting hot...

Karu: Not used to semi-tropical weather?

Chole: Not really...*activates shades and looks around in tracking mode*

Jasmine: See anything?

Chole: Nope...just insects and plants moving by the wind.

Sephiroth: Zoom ahead...

Chole: *presses Zoom 1000x* Whoa!

Sephiroth: Huh?

Chole: All I see is Jasmine's scalp...!

Karu: A little to the right...

Chole: *takes 2 steps* OH...

Jasmine: See anything now?

Chole: Fish...a lot of fish, actually...

Sephiroth: Why?

Chole: I don't know...they're just pooling there...[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Awww, I was only telling them about the map :p


Hades: Just leave the sword here, come back in about 5 hours.

AJ: 5?! Ha! I can do it faster than that...

Rasanak: AJ, shutup, thanks Hades, we'll be back then.

Hades: Bye...!

[i]Rasanak and AJ walked out of the shop and once again into the bright sunshine in Bluebell village.[/i]

AJ: So where now? Back to the inn?

Rasanak: Might as well...[/SIZE]
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[i]Rasanak, & AJ went back to the Inn of Bluebell Village where all the others were laying the bed talking to each other.[/i]

AJ: Were Back!!!!!

Rasanak: Yeah and you guys and girl wouldn't believe what happen?

All: What?

AJ: Ha! I've just competed with the so called "Legendary Synthesise Hades" on synthenizing weapons.

Rasanak: Yeah and the weapons they happen to be synthenizing is mines...Bwahahahaha!

Treble: Whoa! Calm down now there Rasanak.

Rasanak: Heh sorry, Im just to excited to see how my weapon would turn out.

Cloud: So when are we gonna see Hades results?

Rasanak: In about 5 hours or so.

AJ: Bah 5 hours!I can do better than that!

Ken: Yeah show your cockiness AJ don't show no fear competing with Hades.

Sabirsing: Goodluck AJ!

AJ: Goodluck?! Bah I don't need no luck competing with Hades but Thanks anyways.

Sabirsing: :rolleyes:

[i]The group continued to talk until it was time to see Hades results on the weapon.[/i]
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[SIZE=1]AJ: Isn't it about time to see if Hades has done the weapon?

Rasanak: Yeah, come on guys, let's go.

[i]The group made their way to the synthesising shop, AJ at the lead.[/i]

AJ: So, Hades... where is it?!

Hades: Calm down small one, it is just over here.

[i]Hades walked through a doorway and returned with a package in his hand.[/i]

Rasanak: !!!

Cloud: I wonder what he's done to it...

[i]Hades handed the package over to Rasanak. Rasanak eagerly opened it quickly. Hades had changed it... alot. It now had two edges instead of one, it looked alot sharper and shinier. [/i]

Rasanak: Whoa! But you haven't done much...

Hades: Not much, eh? Watch this.

[i]Hades flicked a switch on the hilt and the blade folded into the hilt, then suddenly from the hilt, a wide, long gun barrel popped out.[/i]

Treble: Where did you learn that!?

Hades: Hey, what can I say, you learn alot from being the greatest synthesiser in the world...

AJ: *grumble* It's not that good... I can do better... Rasanak have you got a chain?

Rasanak: Yeah, why?

AJ: Hand it here... I need it when I re-model your sword again.

Ken: Wonder what he's gonna do to it.

[i]They were just about to leave the shop, when Hades stopped them.[/i]

Hades: You forgot to pay.

Rasanak: ... How much?

Hades: 1100 Gil.

Everyone: What!?

Hades: Well... it's best quality...

AJ: Ok, I'll make you a little wager. If my modifications are better than yours, then we don't pay, deal?

Hades: Heh, deal...

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