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Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers...


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i]
[B][color=009966]ANYwho, I was a little disappointed that they took out the last few chapters about [SPOILER]Frodo getting stung by Shelob, when Gandalf faced Saurmon and he recieved that ball thingy (I forgot what it was called.) In the book, he was stung at the end of TTT, then at the last sentence of the book, you find out that he's alive. I think it would've been better to show Frodo get stung, then end the movie and leave everyone in suspense about the next movie [i]Return of the King[/i], but that's my opinion.[/SPOILER][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Uh they did that for "dramatic reasons?" Theyre gonna cut out a whole chunk from the end of Return of the King too. They say it has nothing to do with the main plot but I think it has just as much meaning as anything else. I've read LOTR three times and am aiming for four, I'm also ploughing through The Silmarillion. I saw the movie too Legolas' little stunt with the shield is great, and Aragorn got kissed by a horse! HAH! Noone can rival Christopher Lee on Tolkien Knowledge, he actually met Tolkien! :eek: I will be THAT good someday I hope. I got a funny story about Viggo Mortensen too, actually I have quite a few. Speaking of Return of the King, someone was complianing about Elvis not making an appearance in the third film, LOL. I loved the first movie too, if you have the DVD or vid, watch the Council of Elrond scene, watch Hugo Weavings eyebrow. Anyways :babble: See ya:D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=orangered][size=1]My favorite part was when the Elves arrived at the Battle of Helm's Deep. It really gave me the chills.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink] [size=1]omg! That part was awesome. I can't believe I thought they were Sauron's servants at first. You know, the ones with the elephants. Since they said it wasn't an orc horn, I thought they just thought it was an allie or something, and the servants would get in there and start killing everyone. ^_^;;;

...yeah. o_o;[/color] [/size]
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Woah I only just seen this film yesterday, it is spectacular. Pure genius, so much tension and action right from the start. The cliffhangers are so good making you want to see what happens in the next film! The only thing I could criticize is that it gave me a massive back cramp lol, but it was well worth it. :D Can't wait for the next film!!!
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I saw the film yesterday aswell and because i didnt really see much of the first one and didnt have a clue really about what was going on i thought it was an amazing film i loved the battles with the orcs and the really big battle at the end was cool and the dwarf was funny (cant remember his name) when he couldnt see over the top of the wall i will have to see the next one aswell and i hope its as good if not better!!
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]Yeah. You really need to see the first one to get the second one. Since it's not exactly a [i]series[/i], you really need to see the first one to understand the characters, situations, events, and even alot about the ring itself.

I'm so glad I had enough time before the movie to show my friend important parts of the first. We had to go as soon as the first on ended though. Although... I only shortened like, twenty minutes of it. o_o You know, Bilbo's party, Bilbo's leaving, alot of scenes of Moria, [spoiler](except the bridge/'no tossing a dwarf' part, of course. ^_-[/spoiler], the mountains, the industry, alot of battle scenes, [spoiler]since you get enough of that in the second movie ^^[/spoiler].

For the people who haven't seen either of the movies yet, you have to see the first one to get the second one. ^_^;[/size] [/color]
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they are puttin the Shelob thing at the begginning og the 3rd movie, Return of the King. That's the reason Gollum\Smeagol makes reference to "Her" in the end of the 2nd movie.
I love Two Towers and have just seen it for the second time in two days.
The Ents are so cool, as is the battle scene at Helm's Deep. The shield thing Legolas does, it's pretty damn good.
I recommend to anyone, if you think about it, see it.
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[COLOR=blue][I]I just got home after seeing the movie, and I have to say it's one hell of a movie. I literally just finished the 2nd book for the first time, and I'm going to start the 3rd one soon.

I must say I was a little confused at bits, like when Faramir took Frodo and Sam to that Osgilioth or whatever that city of Gondor was called. That never happened in the book, so I was wondering what the heck was going on, but when they got back on track I was happy. That bit when Frodo fell in the marsh and saw all the rotting corpses trying to grab him was creepy.

Once again, sweet movie.

(PS. In case you haven't noticed, my avatar is a pic of a ringwraith on horse back from TFOTR.)[/COLOR][/I]
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For those of you who have seen the movies, which battle scene was the best?

I thought that the scenes w/ Gollum talking to himself were well done, unlike in the cartoon were he just sits there and stares at who ever like he's talking to them.
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[color=009966]Shhh! *claps hand over WT's mouth* Some people don't know about that part! Use the spoiler tags next time. ;)

Yes, the battle at Helm's Deep was really cool. It gave me chills watching that part! [spoiler]Especially when the Elves came, and when they thought that they were almost defeated.[/spoiler]
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I liked LotR2 a lot. But the first half was a tad boring.
i especially liked parts of the 2nd half cause [spoiler]when they are in the castle (forget name) and when you see a wall and only a helmet of Gimli (the dwarf in Dutch).[/spoiler] Or: [spoiler]"thats 2!" "Ive got 17" "im not going to get beated by a point ear"[/spoiler] or: [spoiler]"its far..." "throw me. but dont tell the elf!"[/spoiler]
I think those are the funniest parts.
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There were a few things I thought were really weird in the movie. I went to see it the other day...

Anyway, the main thing is the way Sam talks to Frodo. Sometimes it seems like there is sexual tension between them... They really look at eachother very strangely (yes I know this is supposed to signify their very deep friendship, but it's really odd). The whole seen where Samwise was like "Don't you recognize [i]your[/i] Sam?" just seemed so strange to me.

Otherwise I liked it... Not as much as the first, but it was well done. My favorite part is when Treebeard and the other Ents storm Isuldur (or whatever the spelling is).
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]There were a few things I thought were really weird in the movie. I went to see it the other day...

Anyway, the main thing is the way Sam talks to Frodo. Sometimes it seems like there is sexual tension between them... They really look at eachother very strangely (yes I know this is supposed to signify their very deep friendship, but it's really odd). The whole seen where Samwise was like "Don't you recognize [i]your[/i] Sam?" just seemed so strange to me.

Otherwise I liked it... Not as much as the first, but it was well done. My favorite part is when Treebeard and the other Ents storm Isuldur (or whatever the spelling is). [/B][/QUOTE]

That's EXACTLY what my mom said about Sam. She asked me and my dad if they were gay Hobbits. And I told her there were no such thing as "gay Hobbits."
I just made myself think that they are the very best of friends and are close in a STRAIGHT way.
And the YOUR Sam part took me off on the wrong way too....0_o
But the movie still ruled. We went to see it again on Sunday, I think it was. We had a free ticket to go see it from our extended LOTR DVD.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]There were a few things I thought were really weird in the movie. I went to see it the other day...

Anyway, the main thing is the way Sam talks to Frodo. Sometimes it seems like there is sexual tension between them... They really look at eachother very strangely (yes I know this is supposed to signify their very deep friendship, but it's really odd). The whole seen where Samwise was like "Don't you recognize [i]your[/i] Sam?" just seemed so strange to me.

Otherwise I liked it... Not as much as the first, but it was well done. My favorite part is when Treebeard and the other Ents storm Isuldur (or whatever the spelling is). [/B][/QUOTE]

Sam and Frodo aren't gay, remember that LOTR was written 50 plus years ago, Tolkien wouldn't have gotten away with it.

And I believe the word you are looking for is Isenguard. Isildur was part of the Last Aliance, he is Aragorn's ancestor, the one who didn't destroy the ring.:D
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I mean, I know Mr. Tolkien would never do that, but they just seemed so close. In the books they never really seem that close, to me that is. The best way I can describe Sam from the book is that he is Frodo's gardner and they are sort of friends, not nearly as close as they are in the movie. But then again I haven't read all of the books yet.
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I know they aren't gay. I've read the books years ago and am familiar with when they are written. It doesn't prevent them from altering that slightly from the book though, especially given some of the other things they have changed.

However, when you go see a movie in this day... It's rather hard to not think of such things given all the other things you see in other films. I know I'm not alone in thinking that scene was really awkward, and I've heard of people shouting out about it in the theater even.

Even in the books, yeah they were best friends... But it was genererally worded in a way that I wouldn't think anything stange about it. Especially since I could control their facial expressions and tones because when reading I'm basically the one in charge. Movies basically overtake that lol.
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True....there are many random idiots out there always doing crap like that. Where I live we shouldn't even have that kind of crap around here. It's kind of like South Park: a trashy redneck mountain town, except we're in southern Texas in a place called The Woodlands (that's where our theatre we go to is) that has no mountains....but anyway, what do expect from such airheads. The only people that you see hang around at our theatre are just some trashy teens who are too young to be smoking and drinking and making out...and in public....now let's just get back on subject...I got a little off topic there. 0_o
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i]
[B]He couldn't be gay anyway. Don't you remember the beginning of the FOTR? Sam wanted to dance with that girl at Bilbo's party. [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=blue][I]Yeah, Sam kept eyeing her all the time and was really nervous around her. Sam's just really REALLY good friends with Frodo, but are straight all the way.

One of what I thought was one of the best lines Gimli made at Helms Deep was "I can't jump that far, your gonna have to toss me. [B]DON'T TELL THE ELF![/B]"[/COLOR][/I]
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[color=009966]Gay hobbits? oO;; There's not such thing!! Frodo and Sam are STRAIGHT and TRUE!! Just like Legolas' aim with an arrow! ^.^

LOL that was one of the best lines in the movie! ^__^ I like the comedy they put in the movie every now and then. I hope there's more in RotK.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i]
[B]He couldn't be gay anyway. Don't you remember the beginning of the FOTR? Sam wanted to dance with that girl at Bilbo's party. [/B][/QUOTE]
That's true.....and Frodo was dancing with her in the first place. Then he made Sam go dance with her.
I figured this was just a big misunderstanding.
Why would anyone WANT to make them gay anyway?
They're just lonely.
They miss home.
And all they have is each other.
But they still made them closer friends in the movie then in the book.
Sam was just Frodo's gardner in the books.

And is it true that Frodo was like 50 when he set off for the ring?

And that Gandalf came back 20 years later?

AND that Frodo sold Bag End to the Sackville-Bagginses?


That's all from the book...my dad told me those things. He's hogging the book so I haven't been able to read it all yet.
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[color=009966]Yep. If my memory serves me correctly, all of that's true. It had me a little confused because I had seen FotR before I read any of the books, and they made it look as if Frodo left his home the next day or something. And during that time, I thought that Frodo was about 28....o_0;;; Boy was I wrong....[/color]
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