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<<<Final Fantastic Survivor>>>


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OoC: All right, it's been two days, and I didn't hear anything from our Tidus or Squall players, so I guess it's safe to assume we can move on to the Kilika Temple now. *PMs KittyLynn*
OoC2: Two and a half months?! Dude...I'm so going to miss this when it is all over with.
At the last minute, Auron had a change of heart and pulled a Remedy of his own out of his coat.
"Hey, why the shift, old man?"
Auron looked to Tidus, not glaring or anything, just [i]looking[/i]. Tidus was the only one he would allow to get away with that, as long as he didn't call him '[i]my[/i] old man.' (That was reserved for Jecht.)
[color=crimson]"I've been of the amphibian species myself. During a major battle, no less, and my other rival was honorable enough to restore me."[/color]
Cecil sighed in embarrassment, and caught the squirming Zell toad so that Auron could adminster the Remedy. The liquid had barely touched him when Zell was charging at both of them and feinting punches.
[color=orangered]"How dare you? How DARE you?! How could you turn the embodiment of sexiness and allure into a TOAD!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"What is the phrase...? 'Been there, done that.'"[/color]
"Yeah, but you aren't sexy, Auron," Tidus remarked, smirking.
Let the glaring begin. Auron looked darkly over his shades at Tidus. [color=crimson]"I choose to ignore that,"[/color] he sniffed, indignated.
"... ..."
[color=teal]"What was that?"[/color]
"Fear not, I speak fluent Squall-ese, and he sa--"
"Shut up, Tidus," Squall said kindly. "I just want to know where you're heading next."
Zell looked mock hurt. [color=orangered]"You want to get rid of us already?"[/color]
"No, but the temple guards look like they are on their way to remove you from this premises for letting wild animals run around."
Zell, Auron, and Cecil all pointed fingers at each other.
"Yeah, I know. So, anyways, I just wanted to know how to lie when the guards asked me where you went."
[color=crimson]"We are on our way to Kilika's Temple now, which means we'll take Cid's airship. They would catch us on the boat, otherwise."[/color]
"So we'll tell 'em you took the boat," Tidus said, "that'll stall them. And then I can get back to kicking Squall's butt at Blitzball."
"Hey, I'm actually getting good at breathing underwater, so shut up!"
[color=teal]"Guys, we better get moving--I can hear the guards."[/color]
Auron and Cecil both cast Haste on themselves and shot out of the Temple. Zell looked miserable about being forgotten until Cecil shot back in and used Haste on Zell. Tidus and Squall waved goodbye as the pair disappeared to join Auron in waiting for the airship.
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[color=seagreen]Lol, methinks you read my post a little too fast, Ginny. "Just be glad Piggy is a black magic spell..." Piggy and Toad are black magic, and Cecil uses white magic. Cecil didn't turn Auron into a pig, he was saying Auron should be glad that he [i]couldn't[/i] turn him into a pig. But whatever, it's past, so it doesn't really matter. :cross:[/color]


Back on the Ragnarok, the three sat down, Cecil in the pilot's chair. [color=teal]"Now, lets see how this ship handles. Ever since the teams merged, I've been itching to fly this thing, but Cid was always the one to pilot it."[/color]

[color=orangered]"Knock yourself out,"[/color] said Zell, having already had quite a bit of experience with the ship. [color=orangered]"It's a blas--WOAH!"[/color]

The three of them were pushed back in their seats as the Ragnarok leapt into the air with a start, flying low over the calm ocean water. Cecil was smiling as he took the ship higher into the air and performed some wide, sweeping turns. [color=teal]"You're right,"[/color] he said. [color=teal]"This is even better than the Hilda Garde III. So where are we headed, then?"[/color]

[color=crimson]"Kilika Temple,"[/color] Auron said, and then preceded to point Cecil in the right direction.

[color=teal]"Okay, we'll be there in no--"[/color]

[color=crimson]"We just passed it. You need to slow down."[/color]

[color=teal]"Um...you guys might want to strap in."[/color]

Auron sighed, and then secured the harness attached to the seat. [color=crimson]"You aren't going to just slow down and turn around, are you?"[/color]

[color=teal]"Turn around, yes. Slow down...as we land, yes."[/color] Then, accompanied by a shout from Zell, Cecil pulled up sharply, flipping the Ragnarok upside down before doing a half barrel role and leveling out, now flying back towards the temple in the opposite direction.

Through the maneuver, Auron stayed silent, gripping the arms of his seat and glaring. Not until they had leveled out and were slowing down to land did he speak. [color=crimson]"Don't [i]ever[/i] do that again without warning."[/color]

[color=orangered]"Damn straight!"[/color] Zell yelled from across the room, in a heap against the wall.

Trying to contain his laughter, Cecil set the ship down a little ways from the temple and shut off the engines. [color=teal]"I [i]told[/i] you to strap in. That should have been warning enough."[/color]

Zell joined Auron in the glaring, and stormed off towards the hatch. [color=orangered]"Fine, I'll just be off, then. You two can come out of the airship together!"[/color]

Cecil and Auron took a glance at one another, and then dashed out of the room to catch up with Zell before he left the airship. The last thing they needed was another story of them being left together in the airship.
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OoC: Oops on the Piggy thing! ^^;;;; I think, either way, it would have been fun. But technically, if we are flying the airship from each world, then we shouldn't be flying the Ragnarok--we should be flying the machina airship.
Ah well, technicalities blow and your Cecil knows Piggy now. ^_~
And too funny on your post! *cautiously belts herself in for future posts*
OoC: Actually, I'm going to take the rest of the day off to nurse my bruised ego. I'm getting increasingly upset that no one looks at my written or drawn stuff much on these boards anymore. *leaves in tearful huff*
EDIT Dated 7/7/o3
OoC: Erhm, we [i]are[/i] still going, aren't we? I guess I might as well keep us going. *soft smile*
Auron walked a little too fast (using Haste again in his, well, haste) and smacked into Zell as the blonde stopped at the entrance to the airship to gape at the gorgeous forest in front of him.
Zell yelped in shock, then yelped even louder as the also too-fast Cecil ran slap-bang into Auron, causing all three to topple over like dominoes, Zell underneath and Cecil on top.
Kilika residents, still working to repair the damaged town from Sin's last attack, continued their work, but not without shooting the trio puzzled (and digusted) glances.
Rikku chose that moment to show up.
[color=green]"Hi gu--ooo, ahhh...ummmmm..."[/color] The pretty Al Bhed girl giggled as she covered her spiral eyes. [color=green]"Am I interrupting something?"[/color] she asked, peeking between her fingers.
The three gave an united yell of disgust and instantly broke apart, each trying their best to look aloof and not at all bothered by the unavoidable influence this scene would have.
[color=orangered]"Hey, don't look at me--I left the airship by [i]myself![/i]"[/color]
[color=teal]"Oh [i]gods[/i], don't start that again!"[/color] Cecil hollered, threatening to thwap Zell.
Auron looked equally peeved. [color=crimson]"You started it. Gah, I wish to Farplane I knew how to Silence someone."[/color]
Zell pouted, then turned to Rikku. Ah, a kindred spirit. He spread his arms to hug her. [color=orangered]"At least you're happy to see me, right?"[/color]
Rikku giggled and bounded--not to Zell--but to Auron. [color=green]"AURIE!"[/color]
Auron groaned and tried to huddle down in his collar at the sound of the nickname as the hyper girl hugged him, chattering nonstop.
[color=green]"Really, you guys are slow! Dad--ah, Cid--told me you were coming, but you were taking so long, I had to come out and get you! Miss me?"[/color]
Zell was still pouting and twiddled his fingers. [color=orangered]"That's what [i]I[/i] just asked,"[/color] he whined softly.
Auron gentled removed Rikku and propelled her to Zell. [color=crimson]"Rikku, Zell. Zell, Rikku."[/color]
[color=green]"Aurie, I [i]know[/i] who he is!"[/color]
Zell perked up a little. [color=orangered]"Oh yeah? Who am I?"[/color]
[color=green]"The guy who kissed Sephiroth."[/color]
Zell's ego crashed into the ground. [color=orangered]"GAH, doesn't ANYONE forget ANYTHING around here?!?!?!"[/color]
Cecil had a hand to his mouth to cover his laughter, but without success. [color=teal]"I think, after all that airship talk, it's only fair, right, Aurie?"[/color]
Auron winced at the name, but nodded. [color=crimson]"Irony at it's best...Ceccy."[/color]
Cecil made a face. [color=teal]"That was really weak."[/color]
Auron made a face as well. [color=crimson]"Well, you can't get battle experience for humor."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Living proof right there!"[/color] Zell hollered, pointing at Auron.
[color=green]"Hey, you leave Aurie alone!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"OwOwOw!"[/color] (Rikku had slapped Zell.)
Further conversation was cut short as a pillar of fire shot up out of the middle of the forest, followed by an earthy bellow. Rikku squeaked and hid behind Auron, shaking visibly. Around them, the Kilika villagers cried out in horror and hid in their huts.
[color=teal]"What the [i]hell[/i] was that?!?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Rikku!"[/color] Auron turned to the Al Bhed, who scrunched against the grass, looking terrified.
[color=crimson]"What's happened to Ifrit?"[/color]
[color=green]"I don't know!"[/color] she wailed. [color=green]"I told you, I was waiting for you all to show up, but...I came to find you because, well..."[/color]
Another pillar of fire, another bellow, another terrified Rikku trembling behind Auron.
[color=green]"...because of THAT!"[/color]
[color=teal]"What did you do?"[/color]
[color=green]"I didn't do anything!"[/color] Rikku protested, stamping her foot. [color=green]"But...Yunie isn't here to help Ifrit, and I don't know what to do myself, so...I hoped maybe you could help?"[/color]
Auron, Cecil, and Zell watched as a third pillar rose up, and the earthy bellow shook the air. The bellow was getting rougher, almost as if urging someone to do something.
[color=crimson]"Shall we?"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Do we have a choice?"[/color]
Cecil grinned. [color=teal]"Chicken?"[/color]
[color=orangered]"I'd prefer that to being a roasted one, thanks!"[/color] Zell retorted.
Rikku, surprisingly, was the one to take the lead. [color=green]"C'mon! We can't wimp out--Ifrit might need us!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"But he's a big powerful fire demon, how could he possibly--hey, wait up!"[/color] Zell bolted after the other three, who were already rushing to the Kilika temple.
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OoC: Yes, I know this is a double post, but we need to bring FF:S back to attention. Plus, this post wouldn't fit into my last one. ^^;
OoC2: I know Des had some questions about the Aeons, so since Sage might too (BB, I believe you are familiar with FFX, yes?), here is a picturesque rundown of all eight.
[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] It's all about Speed and Evading for her. Non Elemental
[b]Temple:[/b] Besaid
[b]Special Move:[/b] Sonic Wings--because it has a very short recovery time and delays the enemy, this move uses Valefor's speed well.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Energy Ray, Energy Blast
Energy Ray--Valefor shoots a thin beam beneath her enemies, which takes a moment before it explodes.
Energy Blast--Valefor gathers a large amount of energy, then hurls it in smaller bits at the enemy.

[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] Strength. Fire
[b]Temple:[/b] Kilika
[b]Special Move:[/b] Meteor Strike--Ifrit calls up a fiery rock and punches it at the enemy. Effective against high-defense enemies.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Hellfire--Ifrit contains the enemy in a large ball of fire, then tears up a chunk of earth and hurls it at the fireball.

[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] Defense. Lightning
[b]Temple:[/b] Djose
[b]Special Move:[/b] Aerospark--Ixion shoots several disks of non-elemental energy at an enemy, which not only do damage, but cancels any positive status effects the enemy may have.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Thor's Hammer--Ixion picks the enemy up in a ball of lightning, then causes the ball to explode.

[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] Agile. Ice
[b]Temple:[/b] Macalania
[b]Special Move:[/b] Heavenly Strike--Shiva calls a block on ice down on an enemy, hurting it, slowing it down, and possibly scaring it.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Diamond Dust--Shiva covers everything in a large sheet of ice, then breaks it all with a snap of her fingers.

[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] All around strong. Non-elemental
[b]Temple:[/b] Bevelle
[b]Special Move:[/b] Impulse--Bahamut throws four black balls of energy at the enemy.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Mega Flare--anchoring himself down, Bahamut charges up a massive ball of energy and "spits" it at the enemy, causing them to explode.

[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] N/A. Non-elemental
[b]Temple:[/b] [spoiler]Cavern of the Stolen Fayth in the Calm Lands[/spoiler]
[b]Special Move:[/b] Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato. Depending on how much you pay Yojimbo, he will attack with one of the four moves.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] N/A.

[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] All around strong. Non-elemental
[b]Temple:[/b] [spoiler]Baaj Temple[/spoiler]
[b]Special Move:[/b] Pain--Building up pain inside herself, Anima unleashes it on an enemy, usually causing instant death. This attack does take a while to recovery, though.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Oblivion--Anima causes the enemy to sink into the ground, where it can see Anima's [i]other[/i] chained half. The vicious creature breaks her chains and pummels the enemy, then conjures up a massive ball of enemy to explode.

[b]THE MAGUS SISTERS[/b] (Cruddy image, sorry)
[b]Attribute/Element:[/b] N/A, but because of having three at once and affection levels, they may or may not attack. Non-elemental
[b]Temple:[/b] [spoiler]Remiem Temple in the Calm Lands[/spoiler]
[b]Special Move:[/b]
Camisade (Cindy (Mantis))--shoots blades of energy at enemy.
Razzia (Sandy (Ladybug))--Sandy pounces on the enemy.
Passado (Mindy (Wasp))--shoots 15 quick stingers at enemy.
[b]Overdrive:[/b] Delta Attack--Incredibly powerful (and long) Overdrive that deals massive amounts of damage from each sister.

Hope all this helps! Valefor you probably don't need to worry about, since we already went to Besaid, and we won't be going to Yojimbo's Temple, so no biggie there.
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offgame: Nice piccies, Gin! :toothy: But you don't have to worry about me - I've pretty much spoiled myself with FFx and FFx2. That means [i]I know[/i], man, [i]I know.[/i] :excited: (Thanks to the various dialogue translations ;) )
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[b]OOC:[/b] Yeah Ginny, I am familiar with FFX ^_^ I completed it not long ago, so I pretty much know what's going on in Spira.
The whole party spirinted to the temple, Zell fairly quick to catch up. [color=orangered]"What the heck is happening?!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"You think I have any idea?"[/color] snapped Auron, as they made it to the temple. [color=crimson]"That's what we're trying to find out."[/color]
[color=green]"Y'see,"[/color] explained Rikku, hovering near the entrance, seemingly without the courage to go in, [color=green]"He's been... well... [i]rumbling[/i] since I got here... At first we thought it was an earthquake, but I dunno..."[/color]
[color=teal]"Is there any way to find out?"[/color]
Zell blinked, having wondered that himself.
[color=crimson]"By asking the fayth... That seems to be the most likely option."[/color]
[color=orangered]"But... he... it? Sounds kinda angry..."[/color]
Rikku nodded. [color=green]"That's why we need to go to find out."[/color] She paused, as though not wanting to admit her secret. [color=green]"There's a way past the cloister of trials... A shortcut. We can get there quicker if we go that way..."[/color]
Auron blinked broadly at this announcement. Surely there shouldn't be a [i]shortcut[/i]... not past the Trials... [color=crimson]"Do the monks know about this... [i]shortcut[/i]?"[/color]
Rikku bit her lip slightly as she shook her head. [color=green]"Nu-uh..."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Does that really matter? If there's something we can do, shouldn't we just hurry up and do it?!"[/color] Zell looked at Rikku, raising his voice as the pillar, which had been dying down, shot up anew, threatening to drown their voices out. [color=orangered]"Where's this [i]shortcut[/i]?"[/color]
Auron frowned, the blonde's decsive tone reminding him quiet plainly of Tidus. He then turned to Rikku, his gaze seeming to repeat Zell's question.
Seeing Auron's gaze as a sign of permission, she led the three survivors around to the side of the temple, to a door set in the ground, which could easily have been part of a cellar. [color=green]"It's down here..."[/color]
Without hesitating, Cecil grasped the handle and pulled it up, opening both doors to create a hole in the ground. [color=teal]"Down here?[/color]
Rikku nodded, plainly terrified.
[color=teal]"Well, here goes nothing."[/color] Crouching, Cecil dissapeared into the hole, closely followed by Auron, then Rikku who was ushered down by Zell, who followed last. He landed on the floor with a soft "thump" and looked about in the dim light. [color=orangered]"Where to now?"[/color]
[color=green]"This way."[/color] Pointing, the Al Bhed led the way through the [i]shortcut[/i] that shouldn't even exist.
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OoC: Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou for posting, BB!
WayOoC: AIR BAND! Heh...
Auron chuckled mentally, and without humor. He was already aware of the "shortcut" kept at Bevelle, but to have one at Kilika as well? His opinion of Yevon was made ever firmer by this most recent discovery.
[color=green]"I can't [i]see[/i] anything..."[/color] Rikku whimpered. She clung to Zell, peering around her into the darkness.
A tremendous roar and a burst of flame from nearby lit their way. Cecil nodded everyone toward the flame and the group moved cautiously.

Ifrit bellowed, swung his massive claws at the intruders. They only leapt back, directing the Flan fiends at the Aeon. Each time Ifrit hit one with his ebony claws, the Flan would bunch down, allowing its gel-like form to absorb the hit easily. It would then spring back up and cast a magic spell on Ifrit, not enough to seriously hurt him, but enough to keep him fighting.
To keep him in the temple.
Ifrit slashed at a yellow green Thunder Flan, knowing full well it would just bunch down like the rest. It did and countered with Thundara, causing Ifrit to bellow again in pain. The fire Aeon cast Firaga, which served two purposes--to heal himself, and to damage those around him. Occasionally, a Flan would be too close and melt, but most stood their distance, or were called back in time by the heavily clothed men. In order to keep from damaging the Temple too much, Ifrit would direct his Firaga in a column, reducing his ability to hit the Flans and men around him, but intensifying his own healing and--hopefully--sending a signal to someone. He wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer.
"Ruf silr muhkan tu fa gaab drec ib? ([i]How much longer do we keep this up?[/i])" one heavily clothed man asked. He, like all the others, was covered head to foot in large sleeves and slacks, some large sort of diving or gas mask with holes for the eyes on his head. His feet were covered in high boots, his hands by thick gloves.
"Ihdem fa lyh tnyk Ifrit yfyo ([i]Until we can drag Ifrit away[/i])," replied his neighbor, obviously the leader of the group by the way his clothing was more decorated than the others.
The men (half a dozen in all) stopped and turned at the voice. The Flans blurbled and turned as well, though one Flame Flan threw a Fire at Ifrit, accidentally healing it. The man nearest to it kicked it.
"Cdub, oui cdibet fiend ([i]Stop, you stupid fiend[/i])!" he shouted at it.
Rikku gasped, clearly shocked. [color=green]"They..they're speaking Al Bhed!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Rikku, what is the meaning of this?"[/color] Auron barked, perturbed.
[color=green]"I-I don't know. Hey...fryd'c kuehk uh rana ([i]what's going on here[/i])?"[/color]
"Fru ec cra ([i]Who is she[/i])?"
"Yh esbucdan ([i]An imposter[/i])," the leader replied. He turned to Rikku, angry. "Fru yna oui? Fryd tu oui fyhd ([i]Who are you? What do you want[/i])?"
[color=green]"Rao, E ycgat vencd ([i]Hey, I asked first[/i]),"[/color] Rikku shot back, sore about being scared by Ifrit, yelled at by Auron, and now being faced with Al Bheds trying to steal Ifrit. [color=green]"Ifrit tuach'd pamuhk du oui--huf mad res ku ([i]Ifrit doesn't belong to you--now let him go![/i])"[/color]
[color=teal]"These are Al Bheds? Like Rikku?"[/color]
Rikku turned on him, tears in her eyes. [color=green]"No, no, it's not like this! My people would never try to break into the Temples, much less steal the fayth from them! We respect Yevon's Temples! Ghulg ed uvv nekrd huf pavuna E damm Cid ([i]Knock it off right now before I tell Cid[/i])!"[/color]
"Cid? Fru ec Cid ([i]Who is Cid[/i])?"
Rikku gasped, then rubbed her eyes quickly, almost bouncing with joy. [color=green]"Guys, they aren't Al Bheds!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"How do you know?"[/color]
Rikku pouted at him. [color=green]"Weren't you listening to me?! Al Bheds would [i]never[/i] do something like this!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"What about the summoners?"[/color] Auron pointed out.
[color=green]"Auroooon! That's different!"[/color]
Auron closed his eye in a teasing way, and Rikku pouted again. [color=green]"You're [i]mean![/i]"[/color]
[color=crimson]"No, just observant."[/color]
[color=teal]"Ah, hey, hello? Ifrit and the wobbly things and stuff? Can we get back to that now?"[/color]
[color=green]"Right! They don't know who Cid is,"[/color] Rikku hissed under her breath to the survivors. [color=green]"[i]Every[/i] Al Bhed knows who Cid is! Therefore, they aren't Al Bhed!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"But they know Al Bhed."[/color]
Ifrit roared as the heavily clothed men began to throw heavy ropes around his arms and legs; the Flans were attacking in earnest now, but not all of them were lunging at Ifrit. Half were plopping their way toward the Survivors.
[color=teal]"We've got coooompany..."[/color]
[color=crimson]"Rikku, we'll talk more after we help Ifrit. Now let's go!"[/color]
OoC: Flans include Aqua Flan (blue), Dark Flan (giant black), Flame Flan (red with yellow inside), Ice Flan (white blue), Snow Flan (medium blue), Thunder Flan (green yellow), and Water Flan (blue with red inside). I don't include Dark Flans in this post, because they are far too big to fit inside the Fayth room. The other Flans, however, only come up to knee to hip height, so :p.
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[color=seagreen]This is more like it! Bring on the monsters! *evil grin*[/color]


Zell punched the air a few times to warm up as the Flans oozed their way towards the group. [color=orangered]"Bring it on, you slimes!"[/color]

[color=teal]"Wait!"[/color] Cecil yelled at Zell over another of Ifrit's roars as he grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. [color=teal]"Your fists aren't going to be able to hurt those Flans. They're only weak to magic."[/color]

[color=orangered]"So what do we do, then?"[/color]

[color=teal]"Use whatever magic you've got. I've only got white magic, so I'm not going to be to do much against the flans. I'll help Ifrit, you guys take care of the Flans."[/color] And then, with a muttered Haste spell, Cecil was off, darting between the flans with Crystal Sword drawn. Dodging and weaving between the blobby, oozing masses on the ground, he cast the occasional Mute spell when he knew he wasn't going to be able to dodge a Flan's spell. [color=teal]This would be [i]so[/i] much easier if I knew Wall,[/color] he thought as he finally neared Ifrit.

Roaring at this new figure approaching it, Ifrit swiped a giant claw at Cecil. Ifrit was slowly being subdued by the heavy ropes being thrown over him, however, allowing Cecil to easily dodge. [color=teal]Must be out of MP if it's not burning the ropes,[/color] Cecil thought. Jumping back a little ways from the Aeon, Cecil swung the Crystal Sword in a long overhand arc, severing a few of the ropes binding it. Spinning around and around in between the men and Ifrit, Cecil severed rope after rope, his sword flashing in the light of the Flans' spells, each slash punctuated by another of Ifrit's roars as it was gradually freed.

"Stop him!" the leader yelled, pointing at Cecil.

Just as he landed in a crouch from a jumping slash at the last rope, Cecil suddenly found the ropes flung over him, Flans piling in around him. [color=teal]"Ifrit!"[/color] Cecil yelled to get the Aeon's attention as he threw an Ether towards it. Ifrit caught the potion in its mouth, cruncing down the glass bottle and all. It roared again, its magic restored, and looking none too happy with its attackers. Casting Fira, it sent fireball Cecil's way, burning the Flans and ropes away from him.

Not waiting an instant, Cecil jumped up, thankful that the Aeon had good aim. Dodging to the side as another fireball flew past at more Flans lunging at him, Cecil started after the strangley garbed men, dodging and Muting more Flans on the way. They looked as if they were about ready to run away, and the survivors wanted to get to the bottom of this, Cecil couldn't let them get away.
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OoC: I, um, actually don't know what kind of magic Zell knows, if any. :bluesweat
Rikku shrieked as a Thundara hit her--she [i]hated[/i] lightning! But instead of the nervous little girl that hid back when she was little, she stood up and cast Blizzaga right back at the offending Thunder Flan. It melted with a satisfying gurgle.
The leader of the heavily clothed men snarled, then waved his unusually large hands at the other five men. "Kad kuehk--fa ryja hu milg rana ([i]Get going--we have no luck here[/i])!"
[color=green]"No!"[/color] Rikku understood and she was not about to let them run. She bolted past the Flans, being the agile little person that she was, and was heading toward the leader when he faced her and swung his arm in a wide arc, slapping her across the face. Crying out, she fell backwards among a close cluster of Flans. They blurbled eagerly, crawling over her, covering her, intending to smother her. Rikku screamed.
[color=crimson]"R[/color][color=teal]i[/color][color=orangered]k[/color][color=crimson]k[/color][color=teal]u[/color][color=orangered]!"[/color] all three men yelled at once.
Zell went ballistic, pounding at the Flans for all he was worth; they simply drew back in and gurgled again. He wasn't about to let that stop him and kept fighting.
Cecil saw the strange men were trying to leave and swung his sword high. He Muted several more Flans (Ifrit covering his back by using Firaga) and grappled with one of them. [color=teal]"You can't smack me around--I'm not an unarmed girl!"[/color]
Rikku protested beneath the Flan pile and one of the Flans melted unexpectely when she stabbed its underbelly, right near the vital organs. Rikku sat up and glared at Cecil. [color=green]"Number one, I'm [i]not[/i] unarmed--ever hear of the Godhand?"[/color] She held her massive metal glove up, making Zell a little jealous. [color=green]"Number two, if you are implying I am little, Cecil--!"[/color]
[color=teal]"Well, I--"[/color]
"Hmph!" The leader of the strange men thrust his large hands out, and more Flans appeared from nowhere. They slimed toward Rikku, and one of them, a Thunder Flan, sizzled with static in preparation for another thunderbolt.
"Dryd femm daylr oui du ehdanvana fedr sa, meddma ihynsat kenm ([i]That will teach you to interfere with me, little unarmed girl[/i])," the leader snarled. "Nih, huf! E femm lydlr ib fedr oui ([i]Run, now! I will catch up with you[/i])."
Seeing the men were leaving, Cecil swung the flat side of his blade against the man's head, intending to at least catch one person. Though it didn't hurt much due to his helmet, the leader still tottered and Cecil was quick to tie him up with extra ropes he had found lying around.
[color=teal]"Dammit, Auron, where [i]are[/i] you--they are getting away!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Everyone, get [i]down![/i]"[/color] Auron's voice suddenly bellowed from nowhere. Rikku knew that tone and instinctively broke from her Flan prison, tugging at Zell and Cecil. The four (Cecil's captive included) shrunk into a corner of the fayth's room, leaving the Flans free to move around. They blurbled and hopped a bit, then fixated themselves on the lone target Auron. It was exactly what he wanted.
[color=crimson]"Pray...[i]now![/i]"[/color] And with that contemptuous battle cry, he began to build wind up. Slightly limited in the room, he nonetheless swung in a few circles, building the tornado up. Flans gurbled and slimed about uncertainly, a few already being picked up by the strong winds. Auron threw the tornado directly at the fiends, successfully containing all the Flans. Ifrit roared earthily, making Auron hold on to his sake bottle and allowing the Aeon to provide the fire for the Tornado.
All the Flans melted instantly. Meanwhile, the other five men used this distraction to escape. It took Cecil a moment to realize it, and swore heavily.
[color=teal]"Auron, what are you [i]doing?![/i]"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Cleaning house."[/color]
[color=teal]"The other five men got away!"[/color]
"All six, you mean," the leader spoke.
[color=orangered]"You don't just talk Al Bhed?"[/color] Zell gaped.
"I talk whatever I choose," the leader said. With that he melted and ran through Cecil's hands, then reformed as Cecil himself. "Whatever may get the job done."
[color=green]"I [i]told[/i] you they weren't Al Bhed!"[/color]
"I am not, that much is true," the fake Cecil smiled.
Fake Cecil melted and slimed across the floor, toward the exit. Ifrit bellowed, and Zell nodded. [color=orangered]"Stop him--he's still got a lot to answer for!"[/color]
[color=teal]"Auron, get him--don't screw up this time, old man!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"I don't 'screw up',"[/color] Auron replied.
"And stop calling me old man," Auron added.
[color=orangered]"Wha-oh..."[/color] Zell blinked and rubbed his eyes. [color=orangered]"Did anyone else forget to watch which one was which?"[/color]
[color=green]"I always know who Aurie is!"[/color] Rikku chirped, bouncing in place. [color=green]"He's...he's...um..."[/color] She bit her lip and looked between them. [color=green]"He's...oh [i]tysh ed[/i]!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Rikku!"[/color] grated Auron.
"Watch your mouth!" Auron added.
Cecil stared hard, trying to find the twin, but he was having difficulty...until the small halo glinted at him from above one of the Auron's heads. He nodded slightly at Cecil.
[color=teal]"Ifrit, get him!"[/color] Cecil yelled, pointing at the imposter. With a grimace, the fake Auron turned on the real one and slashed at him with the Masamune, instantly killing him. Auron's body crumpled to the ground.
Before he could get away, the imposter's body did like wise, as Ifrit struck at him repeatedly. The fake Auron gurgled angrily, melted, and the form slithered through Ifrit's claws. The Aeon struck at him, but the form melted into the cracks. They couldn't reach him now.
[color=green]"AURON!"[/color] Rikku screamed in hysterics.
[color=crimson]"Keep it down,"[/color] he grumbled back, massaging his head.
[color=orangered]"Hold on just a moment!"[/color] Zell yelped, trying to make sense of it all. [color=orangered]"You're dead...um...right?"[/color]
Auron smirked as he forced himself upright again. [color=crimson]"Have you ever heard of AutoLife?"[/color]
Cecil blinked. [color=teal]"[i]That's[/i] the thing I saw about your head!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"A safety net,"[/color] Auron nodded. He winced, massaged his head again. [color=crimson]"Forgot how strong I was."[/color]
Cecil smiled knowingly. Rikku just look plain relieved (and a little peeved). Zell was patting the fire Aeon gingerly on his fiery shoulder.
[color=orangered]"So what do we do now?"[/color]
[color=teal]"I vote we keep moving. If that...whateveritwas...was so intent on getting Ifrit, it might try to get some of the other Summon Monsters."[/color]
[color=crimson]"I agree. The next stop is Djose Temple, then."[/color]
[color=green]"You're [i]leaving[/i] me here?"[/color] Rikku squeaked.
Zell shrugged. [color=orangered]"Gotta."[/color]
Rikku pouted, then hugged each Survivor. She paused at Zell, looked at all of them. [color=green]"Promise to come back to visit me, ok?"[/color]
[color=orangered]"We promise,"[/color] Zell winked.

OoC: All right, where IS everyone? I can't keep double posting--as much as I want to to keep FF:S going, it's still breaking the rules.
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offgame: I'm so sorry... :( *goes to punish himself* I'm really letting you down, am I not? It's just that I have the excat idea of the final challenge in my head, I know what I'm going to do, but for some reason I always forget/don't have the time/am inspired to do something else... I feel so guilty... And the challenge was supposed to be up a week ago! :rolleyes:

And I think I've lead you to expect it's going to be something absolutely brilliant, when in fact it just tests your knowledge on the series. What a jerk I am, indeed... *sighs*

But I hope you even go through the temples - I don't care how fast, even one/post is good. I'll definately take myself from the neck and make it in the upcoming week. After that, I'll post the final voting thread, and we can all kiss a longing goodbye to this game, that has been in our lives for so long... *thin smile*
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OoC: So the final challenge is based on all the games, not just FFX? But..wait..we're in Spira, and...but...eee...wha? *looks dizzy*
I also have had very little luck finding the older survivors to come back :( (except for Domon--he can't wait to post! :)).
[color=orangered]"Whoooooaaa....."[/color] Zell gazed at the Djose Temple in awe.
[color=teal]"I concur..."[/color] Cecil replied, equally speechless.
Auron snorted in amusement. [color=crimson]"Cecil's using big words. I'm amazed."[/color]
Cecil didn't quite hear him. [color=orangered]"Hmm?"[/color]
Auron shook his head. This was his third time to the Djose Temple, so his amazement was rather subdued with age. In front of him, the Temple's outer surface had already broken open from the rocks lodged in the canyon. The broken pieces now hovered about the inner surface, held in the air by static lightning.
/_¬ [color=crimson]"Gawww....."[/color] He tapped Cecil and Zell on their shoulders. [color=crimson]"Let's go."[/color]

Freya nodded politely to them as the trio stepped into the front room of the Temple. Around them, the Hymn of the Fayth filled the air. Zell remembered it from the Besaid Temple, recalled Valefor's fayth. [color=orangered]"Hey, Freya?"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Has anything strange been going on here?"[/color]
Freya's eyes widened beneath the wide brim of her hat, and she looked at Zell. "What do you mean?"
[color=teal]"We were at both Besaid and Kilika earlier today, and at both Temples, somebody was trying to hurt Valefor and Ifrit. How is..."[/color] He looked to Auron.
[color=crimson]"Ixion,"[/color] the Crimson Warrior supplied.
[color=teal]"Right. How's Ixion?"[/color]
"I have not seen it yet."
[color=teal]"So that means whoever has been causing problems isn't here yet. Good, that still gives us time."[/color]
Freya looked from one Survivor to the next. "What are you talking about?"
Zell explained and Freya nodded thoughtfully. "In that case, perhaps we should set up a defense in the Temple, to deflect our enemy."
[color=teal]"But what if the enemy's gone to another Temple?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"He won't. He's been following the Temples in linear formation. He would have to come to Djose next."[/color]
[color=orangered]"So how shall we do this?"[/color]
Freya spoke up quickly. "Let Zell come with me. Since I'm long range and he's short, we should be able to protect the Fayth's room. Cecil, Auron, you should do perimeter patrol. The enemy shouldn't be able to make it past you two, but if he does, give a holler."
[color=orangered]"Sounds good to me!"[/color] Zell turned to the other two for their agreement.
Auron's face was unreadable, Cecil had his eyebrows knotted.
[color=crimson]"Nothing. Go ahead and go."[/color]
[color=orangered]"OK!"[/color] Zell pumped his arms in the air. [color=orangered]"Let's go, Freya!"[/color]
The Dragon Knight nodded, and the pair walked deeper into the Temple.
Auron waited until they were out of sight then turned to Cecil. [color=crimson]"That's not Freya."[/color]

Zell was so excited about being part of a plan that he did not notice Freya had fallen behind. The Cloister of Trials was a little dark, lit only by faint static electricity. Zell looked around, taking in the sight, then spotted a dark bundle nearly hidden in an unlit corner.
[color=orangered]"Hey, what's that?"[/color] He peered, then walked to it and knelt down.
It was Freya. She was bound tightly and, judging by the swell on her head, not likely to wake up any time soon.
[color=orangered]"What the--Freya? How did you get here so fast?"[/color] Zell started to panic a little. [color=orangered]"Does this mean that the enemy's already here?"[/color]
"Well, the myths about blondes [i]aren't[/i] true," Freya's voice, slightly warped, echoed behind him. Zell's neck hairs prickled in terror and he felt a cold blade press against the front of his neck. The fake Freya had stepped up behind him and caught him by surprise. It sneered at him, was now part Freya, part heavily clothed man, and part...pixie? "Hello, King Zell. Remember me?"
[color=orangered]"Oh great...why does stuff always have to make sense right before I get my butt kicked?"[/color]

[color=teal]"Yes, I got that sense as well. But you have proof?"[/color]
Auron pushed his shades up his nose and leaned on his sword. [color=crimson]"How much did you know about the Aeons in this world before you came to it?"[/color]
Cecil shrugged. [color=teal]"I knew they were like my world's Summon Monsters. That's about it."[/color]
[color=crimson]"Many people from my world don't know about the finer details of the Aeons. And very rarely do they actually get a chance to see the Aeons in their own Temple. So what are the chances that an outsider would see Ixion, much less know about the Fayth room?"[/color]
Cecil's eyes widened. [color=teal]"You're right. Freya had first said, 'I have not seen it yet.'"[/color]
[color=crimson]"[i]Yet,[/i]"[/color] Auron emphasized. [color=crimson]"As if she had expected to..."[/color]
[color=teal]"And Zell never said anything about the Fayth room in his explanation, yet Freya knew about it."[/color] Cecil looked grim. [color=teal]"Looks like our enemy beat us here already."[/color]
And from inside, they heard Zell scream.
OoC: I need to know, you all--do we just want to quit the Temple hopping and go to the Final Challenge? I can't write all of this by myself, you know...:toothy:
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Freya suddenly snapped to attention and realised she was tightly bounded and gagged.Freya's screams were muffled by the cloth in her mouth and Freya began to struggle as she saw the fake Freya with it's blade pressed against Zell.

Soon Auron and Cecil ran into the room and saw Zell and the half man half pixie.Freya screamed louder but they couldn't hear her.She saw a small pebble near her foot and she lashed out with her foot and kicked the pebble.Auron and Cecil heard the skipping sound across the tiles and saw Freya.Auron cut her free and freya got up and rubbed her head sorely.
"Thanks.I was standing in this room and then it knocked me out before I knew what was happening.Next thing I know is waking up all tied up like how you found me."
Freya picked up her Lance and looked at the creature that had pretended to be her.
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OoC: YAY FOR OHKAMI! *kills CapsLock button*
The foursome turned to intercept the false Freya, but it melted between the cracks of the Temple's walls before they could move.
[color=orangered]"It did it [i]again![/i]"[/color] Zell exploded angrily. [color=orangered]"Gah, when I get ahold of it, I swear I'm gonna rip it apart!"[/color]
[color=teal]"Now, Zell--[i]hey![/i]"[/color]
Zell yanked the sword out of Cecil's hands, much to the Paladin's protest--
[color=teal]"What the [i]hell[/i] do you think you are doing?!"[/color]
--and stabbed at the cracks, if only for a few seconds. Cecil tore his sword out of Zell's hands and slapped the back of the blonde's head angrily and for good measure.
[color=orangered]"What are you doing?!"[/color]
[color=teal]"I could ask you the same thing! I just did, as I recall!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Give it back!"[/color]
[color=teal]"Like hell I will!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Auron will agree with me on this one, right, Auron?"[/color]
Auron glared darkly at Zell; as far as the Crimson Warrior was concerned, Zell had just broken a Cardinal rule. The older man leaned close to Zell's face, both nose to nose, and eye to eyes. [color=crimson]"I've said this to Zidane. I've said it to Locke. Now I say it to you. Don't. Touch. The sword."[/color]
Zell gupled, pulled away, and grinned at Freya nervously. She was rubbing her head and put her steeple hat back on. [color=orangered]"So, what happened to you?"[/color]
[color=red]"All I recall is Cid dropping me off here and telling me to wait for you. Then Cid came back a few days ago. I thought perhaps he was coming to tell me that the Temple visits were cancelled, but it turned out it was nothing like that. It wasn't the real Cid at all, just a Doppleganger, and a perfect one at that. It beat me, bound me, and slung me into this Temple. Thank the heavens you arrived when you did."[/color]
Freya looked grim. [color=red]"It spoke of 'A Thunder Needle to pierce the Heart.' I thought perhaps our enemy was trying to gain control of the Eidolon, in order to kill me first and then any others that he chose."[/color]
[color=teal]"Eidolon? You mean Aeon, right?"[/color]
Auron nodded to Cecil, but Zell spoke up first.
[color=orangered]"So Ganger [i]is[/i] trying to control the Aeons!"[/color] Zell remarked.
Cecil rose an eyebrow. [color=teal]"'Ganger'? You've made a name for it now?"[/color]
Zell shrugged. [color=orangered]"What, you wanna keep calling it the enemy all the time?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"But it doesn't make sense,"[/color] Auron interrupted. [color=crimson]"No matter what form it takes, this Ganger cannot control the Aeons. Only a summoner can speak to the fayth, and only when a fayth accepts the summoner can the Aeon be called."[/color]
Cecil ticked the incidents off on his fingers. [color=teal]"First we get pixies trying to destroy the fayth statue--which means Ganger never wanted the Aeon in the first place? That or it thought Valefor was too weak to be of any use. Then Ganger tried to control Ifrit, posing as an Al Bhed all the while."[/color]
[color=crimson]"Intelligent Ganger. It knew about the Yevonites hatred of the Al Bheds. While they would be busy chasing around innocent Al Bhed, Ganger would be free to roam to the next Aeon."[/color]
[color=red]"Well, we'll just have to defeat Ganger before it can take Ixion,"[/color] Freya remarked, twirling her spear.
In an instant, all four were thrown to the ground as Ixion galloped thunderously into the room. The magnificent Thunder Unicorn reared up, emitting a horse's scream and pulsing lightning at the tip of its horn. Awe at the creature quickly turned to terror as they noticed Ixion's eyes glowed with dead light.
"Keep me from taking Ixion? And just who is going to stop me?" Ganger's voice rang out from Ixion's mouth.
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[color=indigo]Sorry, I was gone over the weekend, so I couldn't post. And I would post now, except, well.... How do you fight something like that? I mean, it's a giant electrified unicorn that's possesed. What am I supposed to do to it? Just start carving it up with my sword? o_0

I'm sorry, but I cannot think of anywhere to go with this. I tried (I really did--I sat there for about a half hour, with just barely a start of a post), but I'm just drawing a blank as for what to do with this. Do you have [i]any[/i] idea where you're going with this, Ginny, or are you just making it up as you go? If it's the first option, it'd be nice if you could let us in on it. >_<[/color]
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OoC: I'm actually making this up as I go along. (Are you ok, Des? You seem really irritable as of late. :() If you can't think of anything, I'll try to edit this later. Good to know everyone's still posting. I was getting really worried again.
Ixion reared up, then slashed his horn at the foursome. Auron, Cecil, Freya, and Zell tumbled backwards, out of harm's way, and, as one mind, decided to bolt for the nearest exist. The Aeon's golden horn clanged against the stones. Nickering angrily, he galloped after the Survivors, his dead eyes glowering darkly.
Zell was the last one to slip out of the Cloisters' main door when the area just behind him crackled sharply with a massive thunderbolt. He shrieked and mistepped, falling down the ornate staircase that led up to the door. Freya yelled as Zell hit her and the pair tumbled, taking Cecil and Auron with them. A few village worshippers, bowing to the statues that decorated Djose's entrance room, gasped and backed away.
The small group groaned as they sat at the bottom of the staircase. Freya was the first to stand up again, and she pointed back up the stairs, at Ixion.
Ixion pawed the ground with one hoof, and snorted. "There's no escape. Just lay down and die now."
[color=crimson]"It's not possible!"[/color] cried a bewildered but infuriated Auron. [color=crimson]"You can't have taken Ixion!"[/color]
"Oh, but I have, old man. And there's nothing you can do to stop me now!" Ixion reared up again, sending a burst of electricity through the whole room. The villagers screamed in panic and fled out of the Temple.
Cecil looked grim. [color=teal]"Can Aeons be killed?"[/color]
Auron gritted his teeth, then sighed. [color=crimson]"They are living creatures, just like anything else."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Whoa ho, wait a minute--you want us to take on that thing? There's no way!"[/color] Zell complained.
Auron's mood was swiftly shifting from helpless anger to uncontrollable rage; Ganger had just desanctified one of the more pure essences of Spira. [color=crimson]"Fine,"[/color] he snapped vehemently, [color=crimson]"I don't give a damn what you do. But I'm going to stop Ganger here and now."[/color]
[color=orangered]"HEY!"[/color] Zell yelled. [color=orangered]"You don't have to be rude about it!"[/color]
Freya shrugged and twirled her spear. [color=red]"Don't mind him."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Well, but he didn't,"[/color] Zell protested.
[color=teal]"Not to say that I don't agree with you--because I [i]do[/i] agree--but don't you think we should go drag Sir Butthead's rear out of the--ahem--'fire', before he gets it blasted off?"[/color]
Zell crossed his arms and glowered, speaking only one word. [color=orangered]"Rude."[/color]
Metal clanged against metal as Ixion matched horn for blade with Auron. The Crimson Warrior had uncharacteristically thrown caution to the winds--and thrown it hard, too, because he wasn't proceeding with his usual trained patience. Ixion slashed out with his horn, leaving a thin red mark across Auron's left arm. Auron roared and was about to lunge forward again when Cecil pulled him back.
[color=teal]"Cure."[/color] The cut closed up. [color=teal]"Want to cool off a little before you get yourself hurt even worse?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"You don't understand!"[/color] Auron yelled.
Cecil was unperturbed. [color=teal]"Maybe I don't. But let's do this the right way, ok?"[/color]
Freya had already leapt atop Ixion's back, and the unicorn bucked frantically to knock her off, destroying a few of the Temple's statues in the process. One of them happened to be of the High Summoner Braska, which threw Auron into an even worse rage, and Zell had to restrain him.
Ixion neighed then cast Thundaga; it ran through all the Survivors, instantly dropping them and leaving them somewhat paralyzed (Auron included, much to Cecil and Zell's relief). Freya, however, managed to conduct the bolt into her staff and, using it as a lightning rod, jabbed the staff against Ixion's back. The bolt surged back into Ixion's body, and the Aeon screamed in agony.
Auron moaned and struggled to stand upright, Zell ready to tackle him a moment's notice. But it wasn't necessary. [color=crimson]"Ixion...hurt by its own lightning? It should have been healed by it..."[/color]
[color=teal]"Glad to see you're going to behave, if even for a moment. Ganger?"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Duh! It's been right under our noses the whole time!"[/color]
[color=teal]"What has? Care to explain?"[/color]
Zell grinned in apology. [color=orangered]"No, not really. I just wanted to sound intelligent."[/color]
Ixion, angry at being injured, hurled Freya from his back; the Dragon Knight landed against the three Survivors, much to everyone's painful dismay.
[color=red]"Guys,"[/color] Freya groaned. [color=red]"He's not going to lay down and die. What now?"[/color]
OoC: Got me. I'm fresh out of ideas now. No, I'm not going anywhere with this =)--I just thought it'd be interesting to have some sort of Doppleganger running around trying to steal Aeons. The rest wrote itself but now...um...help?
BTW, if this helps at all, Aeons don't die any more than FF Characters do. Which means fighting Ixion shouldn't be a problem...um...right? *starts looking for BB to come back and post, to help Ginny out here!* I think I wrote us into a corner by accident. Oo;
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[size=1][b]offgame:[/b] The Final Challenge is now [b]ON[/b]!!! Check your PM-boxes! But don't forget to continue the Temple Tour at the same. ;)

Here're the Final Challenge questions in case you lose them somehow:

[b]Final Challenge: The Final Fantasy Test![/b]
(Note: just to make this even harder for you, you will have to guess from which FF-game (from 6 to 10) the question is. - Cid)
[b]Q1.[/b] Name the parents of Aeris.
[b]Q2.[/b] Who/What is the best Synthesizer, and where do you find him/her/it?
[b]Q3.[/b] Name all the Guardian Forces and tell where you get them.
[b]Q4.[/b] How many times you encounter Ultimate Weapon and in which locations?
[b]Q5.[/b] What are the first espers you receive in Zozo?
[b]Q6.[/b] Name crests/sigils for each character, and how you get all of them.
[b]Q7.[/b] Name the limit break group (not the different attacks, just the main name for them) for all characters, including the villains Edea, Seifer, Raijin and Fujin.
[b]Q8.[/b] Name the three potions which were supposed to turn Cid back to human, and who did you get each from?
[b]Q9.[/b] Name the eight Legendary Dragons.
[b]Q10.[/b] Translate: [i]Fru crymm feh dra Vehym Vyhdycdel Cinjejun luhdacd? Cdelg ynuiht yht veht uid![/i]
[b]QXtra.[/b] Name ten Final Fantasy games that had a character named Cid in it.
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[color=indigo]BOOYAH! Idea! Cling, cling, cling! (Sorry, had to throw that in there). ^_^ I can make this work! *starts writing*

Will edit in post when done.

Edit: I'd make it longer, but I have to go to church, like, right now. Anyway, the idea is there, feel free to take it where you will.[/color]


[color=teal]"Wait, wait, wait,"[/color] Cecil groaned as he struggled to stand up from under Freya. [color=teal]"Ixion should have been healed by that lightning?"[/color]

[color=crimson]"Yes,"[/color] Auron groaned beside him.

[color=teal]"I think our friend here is putting the 'ganger' in 'doppelganger.' "[/color]

[color=orangered]"What?"[/color] Zell asked, a blank look on his face.

[color=crimson]"More big words,"[/color] Auron said as the group finally untangled themselves and stood up. [color=crimson]"He's saying that this Ixion is a fake."[/color]

[color=orangered]"But if this is a fake, how do they plan on getting the real Ixion?"[/color]

Cecil looked grim. [color=teal]"Did you forget our little fiasco at Kilika Temple? There are six of these things."[/color]

[color=red]"The question is,"[/color] Freya growled, [color=red]"how do we tell what's real and what isn't?"[/color]

[color=teal]"I can take care of that,"[/color] Cecil said. [color=teal]"Peep!"[/color]

Zell looked skeptical. [color=orangered]"You're going to peep at the thing?"[/color]

[color=teal]"It's not what it sounds like,"[/color] Cecil said with a glare. [color=teal]"You'll be more familiar with the spell as 'Sense.' This thing is a fake, however. That means the other must still be inside the temple trying to get at the real Ixion."[/color]
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[color=crimson]"Your Peep, his Sense, my Scan...Scan!"[/color] And in Auron's mind's eye, he scanned over Ixion...and saw that Cecil was right. The Aeon's outer skin seemed to melt off partially under this new insight--at least, for Auron, but he guessed Peep, Sense, and Scan would have the same effect for all of them. Ixion's form grew transparent and he could see one of the Dopplegangers crouched inside.
[color=teal]"Do you see it, Auron?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Yes I do."[/color]
[color=teal]"Are you calmed down now?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Yes I am."[/color]
[color=teal]"Would you like first crack?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Yes I would."[/color] Auron hoisted the Masamune on his shoulder and ran at the fake Ixion. [color=crimson]"Farewell."[/color] Grasping the handle with both hands, he slashed downward, cleaving the Doppleganger in half instantly. Before its blood could stain the Temple floor too much, pyreflies flitted upward and outward, tranforming its physical body into a spiritual one and carrying pieces of it elsewhere.
[color=orangered]"Hey, he said you could have first crack, not completely kill it!"[/color] Freya lashed her long tail in agreement.
[color=crimson]"Hmph."[/color] Auron pushed his shades up his nose. [color=crimson]"We've still got five more to worry about, the leader especially. There's going to be plenty of time to fight."[/color]
[color=teal]"Besides, that one was already hurt pretty bad by lightning,"[/color] Cecil offered comfortingly. Zell just sulked, Freya grimaced, and Auron shot him a look. Talk about insulting warrior pride.
[color=red]"C'mon, we better stop the Gangers before they get away."[/color]

OoC: Adding on, bringing this back up. BB, where are you?!?
The lead Ganger snarled. It could tell when it lost one of its copies. That one had been a weakling as it was, but still...Ganger could not afford to lose anymore. Corrupting the Fayths was zapping his energy already as it was.
His other four copies stood around the statue of the Ixion fayth with him, glowing with white blue light and looking like strange, half human, half Ixion creatures--fauns or satyrs, other cultures would call them. Ganger sunk his mutated, overly long claws into the statue; above him, the floating fayth groaned and gripped his stomach, hurting. Around Ganger, the other four copies began to grow minature golden horns in the middle of their foreheads, the tips crimson, as if in ominous reference to the blood they would be spilling soon.
[color=orangered]"There was a party going on and I wasn't invited?"[/color] Zell yelled mockingly as he and the others burst into the Fayth's room. [color=orangered]"Well, guess what?"[/color] He crouched, his fists balling up. [color=orangered]"Party's [i]over[/i]."[/color]
Freya twirled her staff. [color=red]"Corny, but effect. We have their attention."[/color]
The four small satyr Gangers faced them, growling. Auron steadied his blade on his shoulder, and Cecil slid his sword out of its sheath.
[color=teal]"Let's dance."[/color]
Auron coughed, stifling his chuckle, and Cecil glared. [color=teal]"Fine, what would you have said?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"Some can't [i]wait[/i] to die!"[/color]
Freya bit her lower lip, her own laughter threatening to spill out. [color=red]"I choose to remain silent. You three are too much."[/color]
"You gonna fight any time soon?"
The four Survivors glared at Ganger and returned to their battle stances.
Each of the smaller Gangers crossed their arms, their horns each glowing a different color. One after the other, they slashed their horns downward, and the colors shot toward the heroes.
The first one had been sickly green, and as such, poisoned everyone. This was followed by the next one shooting a pale yellow, which enveloped Zell.
[color=orangered]"Hey, not fair!"[/color] he cried out in shock. [color=orangered]"Ugh...I don't feel so good...poison...ugh..."[/color] His brain was muddled, and around him, the images of the Gangers and his friends got confused.
[color=teal]"Zell doesn't look so good,"[/color] Cecil remarked, who looked rather sick himself. [color=teal]"I'll just pull this Antidote out and--"[/color]
The third Ganger had shot his ugly grey pulse of light at Cecil, instantly petrifying the unfortunate knight; the Antidote Cecil had pulled shattered on the ground, some splashing on Zell. This was followed up by Zell confusing Cecil for a Ganger, punching the stone knight and shattering him on contact.
Auron roared, somewhat worried the fight wasn't going well. Preparing to attack the nearest Ganger, he lunged forward and his world was plunged into total darkness. Auron had been blinded by the Ganger with the black light.
Freya's tail twitched; this was [i]definitely[/i] not going well. Using an Antidote on herself, she checked her armor and was pleased to find she had put the Distract ability on before she left. [color=red]"Hey!"[/color] she called to the Gangers, [color=red]"Over here!"[/color]
They pulsed their horns against, but this time, Freya put her AutoFloat into effect and neatly sprang above their attacks. Using the height boost, she sprang into the air and leapt back down, digging her spear deep into the chest of one of the Gangers. It toppled backwards, its ugly grey light dying out. The body exploded into a mass of pyreflies.
"Don't let them stop me now!" the lead Ganger cried. "Stall them a little while longer!"
The remaining three Gangers were getting bigger now, the horns larger, and a large fluff of horse tails hanging from their backsides. Freya jumped back with the rest of her group and was shocked by Zell punching her.
[color=red]"Auron, do something!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"But I can't see!"[/color] he protested.
[color=orangered]"Use Eyedrops, dummy!"[/color] Zell hollered to the Auron image swirling around him. One of the Gangers appeared to his left, and Zell swung out.
[color=crimson]"[i]Nnnhhh![/i] Dammit, Zell-!"[/color] Auron's rage, plus the Masamune's ability to counterattack any physical attack, came into play and he swung at the blonde fiercely. The only thing that kept Zell alive was Auron still being blind. The Crimson Warrior fumbled in his sleeve for Eyedrops and pulled out a smooth bottle. [color=crimson]"Better be it..."[/color] He opened the bottle but dropped it as Zell hit him again.
The contents were not Eyedrops, but rather, a Phoenix Down; amazingly, they splattered all over the stone shards of Cecil's remains. The shards fused together, leaving behind a weakened but relieved Cecil. He took everything in at one glance. [color=teal]"What the [i]hell[/i] is going on?!"[/color]
[color=red]"Cecil, use a Remedy on Zell. I'll get Auron the Eyedrops!"[/color]
Both acted quickly; Zell and Auron stood still for a moment, one blinking all the swirling images from his head, the other blinking darkness away.
The Gangers charged before anyone else could act. One was unfortunate enough to slash into Auron, who retaliated in strong kind. The Ganger toppled backwards, still alive but sorely wounded.
The lead Ganger snarled. "Time to go."
[color=red]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] Freya cried, going into Trance. She leapt into the air again, then rained down a lethal shower of spears on the group. It pinned the three remaining Gangers down, and left a thick shaft in the shoulder of the lead Ganger.
[color=crimson]"Pitiful!"[/color] Auron bellowed at the enemy. He sprang into the air like Freya did, but leaned hard on the hilt; he fiercely slammed the sword point down into the ground, and the Gangers were enveloped with fire.
[color=orangered]"Allow me!"[/color] Zell bounced forward and socked the weakest Ganger; it snarled and died.
"Nooo!" The lead Ganger pulled out of the fayth's statue. "Retreat, retreat!"
[color=teal]"Like hell you will!"[/color] Cecil charged forward to sheath his sword in the lead Ganger's head, but it was too late. The Ganger and his two weakened doubles melted into the stones. [color=teal]"DAMmit!"[/color]
[i]"What is wrong?"[/i]
[color=teal]"Who said that? Oh, it's you, sir."[/color] Cecil nodded politely to the Ixion fayth. [color=teal]"You'll forgive me, sir, but being stone for the majority of a battle and not getting a hit in is rather...well..."[/color]
[i]"Unfulfilling? Yes, I know. I was that way too when I was in the Sin battles. At least let me heal you and give you this in thanks for saving me."[/i] The fayth extended his arms and healed everyone, then pulled a small velvet satchel from a pouch at his side.
[color=orangered]"What is it?"[/color] Zell asked.
[i]"Don't open it until your need is the greatest."[/i]
[color=orangered]"That doesn't tell us anything,"[/color] Zell sulked. The fayth had already disappeared, though.

[color=red]"I shall remain here, in case the Ganger should return,"[/color] Freya promised. [color=red]"But if what you say is true, it would be best for you to move on to Macalania, and soon."[/color]
She waved farewell as the three Survivors trekked onward, Zell swinging the small satchel on one finger and whistling.
OoC: There we go--on to the next Temple! And no, I don't know what's in the satchel. I'm leaving it open ended for y'all. :D
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OOC: Sorry it's so short again, but I'm needing to go to bed soon. I think we should try and speed the temple visits up, though, to keep this thing from dying. We're so close to the end....


[color=teal]"Macalania Temple, to see Zack and Cloud, then?"[/color] Cecil sat down in the Ragnarok's pilot seat and prepared the Ragnarok for takeoff.

[color=crimson]"Yes. And no fancy flying this time,"[/color] Auron said with a glare.

Cecil chuckled. [color=teal]"Fine, fine. We'll glide softly as a cloud."[/color]

[color=orangered]"All the same, I'm definitely going to be strapped in this time,"[/color] Zell said as he secured the harness.

[color=crimson]"Probably a good idea,"[/color] Auron agreed as he secured his own harness.

Cecil rolled his eyes and then laughed. [color=teal]"You make it sound like I'm Zidane or something."[/color] And with that, Cecil lifted the ship into the air shot off into the sky, all as smooth as promised.

[color=crimson]"The calm before the storm,"[/color] Auron grumbled as they glided along.

[color=teal]"Don't tempt me,"[/color] Cecil said in a mock-threatening tone.

[color=orangered]"Okay, mister insane pilot, we give in,"[/color] Zell chortled.

As it turned out, the trip [i]was[/i] rather uneventful, and Cecil set the ship down near Macalania Temple as soft as could be. The group walked into the temple and greeted Zack and Cloud, with no signs of Ganger to be seen.

[b]"We haven't seen anything unusual,"[/b] Zack said. [b]"It must be on its way, if it is coming to this temple next."[/b]

[color=teal]"This time, we'll be ready for it, then,"[/color] Cecil said in a confident voice. He still owed Ganger for that little petrify trick during the last fight, and he wasn't about to let it get the last laugh.


OOC: Okay, so this post is on the day after tomorrow, but I started it on tomorrow, it just spilled over into today, which is what I mean when I say the day after tomorrow, since when me and Ginny first talked, "the day after tomorrow" would have been today, which is it now, and I said I would post either today or tomorrow, and since I started the post on tomorrow, that means I pretty much kept my promise. *faints from lack of oxygen*
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offgame: Don't worry, guys! This game has no chance of dying! I just need BB's answers to the Final Challenge, and then I'll post the challenge results, the winner will choose a companion to the final voting, then I'll make a new thread for the voting, people will ask questions and vote, and then we have a winner! :D
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OoC: We could always say Ganger's not here and move on to Bevelle's Temple. Domon is waiting desperately to post. Plus Zeh is banned and AJeh didn't really show any signs of wanting to post again. Yeah, I'll move us on to the next temple already. *grin*

Zell poked Zack and and prodded Cloud.
[color=darkblue]"That [i]hurts![/i]"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Peep Peep Peep!"[/color] Zell yelled in their faces. [color=orangered]"What do you think of that, Ganger, huh? Not so tough now, huh?!"[/color]
Cloud snarled and stepped up to Zell, nose to nose, spikey blonde hair to spikey blonde hair. Zack threw a puzzled look at Cecil and Auron; the Paladin rubbed the back of his hair nervously and the Crimson Warrior put his head in his gloved hand, embarrassed.
[color=darkblue]"What the hell's a Ganger?"[/color]
[color=teal]"Someone we've been having problems with lately. He copies the forms of others, and he's trying to steal the Aeons--in this case, Shiva."[/color]
Zell shoved Cloud's shoulder, waiting for a response.
[color=darkblue]"Don't [i]touch[/i] me again."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Ooo hooo hooo, the real Cloud would never say anything like that!"[/color] Zell danced around Cloud, feinting punches.
[b]"Actually..."[/b] Zack started.
Zell was floored, rubbing his aching jaw. Cloud stood over him, his Mako eyes pulsing angrily.
[b]"...he would,"[/b] Zack finished, shaking his head. [b]"[i]Cloud...[/i]"[/b]
[color=darkblue]"He started it."[/color] Cloud yanked Zell to his feet and bellowed, [color=darkblue]"Do I [i]look[/i] like a monster to you?"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"What the hell are you trying to do?"[/color] Cloud hollered, getting seriously ticked off, as was his natural ability.
[b]"He's checking to see if you are a monster,"[/b] Zack answered, amused.
[color=teal]"The correct word in this world is 'fiend' and--"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"I don't give a %@*%!"[/color]
[b]"Cloud!"[/b] Zack tackled Cloud and dragged him backwards, Cecil and Auron tending to Zell.
[color=orangered]"You see, you see? My Peep may not have worked, but I know that's gotta be Ganger! He's still out to get me from last time!"[/color]
[color=crimson]"You used Peep?"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Yeah?"[/color] Zell looked lost. [color=orangered]"Why?"[/color]
[color=teal]"You dummy,"[/color] Cecil laughed kindly, [color=teal]"Peep is from my world. I believe yours is Sense."[/color]
[color=crimson]"Here, let me Scan him."[/color] And Auron did. But nothing about Cloud's appearance changed. [color=crimson]"Well, he's clean. He's our Cloud."[/color]
[color=darkblue]"Glad that's over,"[/color] Cloud growled. [color=darkblue]"Now would you just lea--"[/color]
[color=orangered]"How could I be so blind? It's Zack and he's controlling Cloud 'cause he's really Ganger and--"[/color]
[b]"What, you want to Peep me, too? Go ahead, I have nothing to hide."[/b]
[color=darkblue]"You know what? No. You're not Scanning or Peeping or doing whatever to Zack. This is ridiculous--you waltz in here like you're some sort of hero and the first thing you do is accuse me of being a monster! GAWDS!"[/color]
Meanwhile, unbeknowst to the Survivors, Ganger was slowly making his appearance, slithering up through the cracks of the icy temple.
In the fayth room, the floating figure lifted her head, then did something that was thought impossible--she summoned herself.
Cecil and Auron were holding Zell and Zack was wrestling Cloud back. The two blondes glared bloody rusty daggers at each other, just waiting for the chance to rip into each other. A single Guado guard watched them from his station, but didn't move.
Ganger slipped along, then touched the Guado guard, possessing him in an instant. The guard gripped his spear, then narrowed his eyes. Zell first...
[color=orangered]"...that thing you call hair and mop the [i]floor[/i] with it!"[/color]
[color=darkblue]"You call that a tattoo? I've seen better scribbles on a playroom wall!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Let me at him--I'm gonna kill that sorry son of a--"[/color]
The Guado Guard screamed in pain and toppled over. He had only been a foot away from them.
Everyone stared in shock at the fallen guard.
[color=teal]"Where did [i]he[/i] come from?"[/color]
Auron looked back to the spot where he had saw the guard last and nodded. [color=crimson]"Looks like Ganger visited."[/color]
[b]"But who attacked the gu--"[/b]
The Hymn of the Fayth cut off all speaking as Shiva stepped mesmerizingly past them. She knelt down next to the Guard, keeping a safe distance. Four bulges of black rage pulsed out of the Guard--it was Ganger.
[color=teal]"Now, boys,"[/color] Cecil intoned in a patient mother voice, [color=teal]"if you [i]really[/i] want to fight--"[/color]
Zell was already tearing into one of the bulges and Cloud another. Shiva easily dispensed with the third, executing the same frigid roundhouse kick she had used on the guard.
Ganger shrilled angrily--he was the only one left! And he was in no position or power to possess anyone at this point. Blurbling incomprehensively, he melted back into the floor.
Shiva tossed her hair and glared at the two shamefaced blondes. [i]"Tis lucky I did not wait on you, for I would long have been possessed before it would cross your mind to defend my Temple."[/i]
[color=teal]"Uh oh, someone's in troooouble,"[/color] Cecil whispered to Auron; Auron grinned.
[color=crimson]"With an Aeon, no less. When those boys do it up..."[/color] He shook his head and chuckled lightly. [color=crimson]"If anything, she'll be able to do what we cannot."[/color]
[b]"Shut them up with a pretty body?"[/b]
[i]"I heard that."[/i]
Auron threw a glare at Zack. [color=crimson]"[i]No,[/i] that's not what I meant. If they'll listen to anyone, it's those with the most power."[/color]
[i]"Well spoken, but that still does not let you off the proverbial hook for failing to restrain or lead them."[/i]
Auron's ears burned slightly and he bowed in humbled embarrassment toward Shiva.
[color=teal]"Ooooo, someone got toooooold,"[/color] Cecil whispered again. Auron roughly yanked the Paladin into a clumsy bow of his own. The other three needed no bidding and bowed.
[color=orangered]"Um, Ms. Goddess Shiva Aeon ma'am?"[/color] Zell lifted his head slightly and raised a hand, unsure as how to address the Aeon. [color=orangered]"Will the guard be ok?"[/color]
[i]"Yes. In the meantime, I suggest you continue your quest. Ganger himself is not defeated, and if he should possess Bevelle's fayth..."[/i] Shiva shook her head. [i]"...you would be, as you so quaintly put it, screwed."[/i]
[color=teal]"But I heard that Bevelle's Aeon is Bahamut, King of the Dragons. How could he possibly have a problem?"[/color]
[color=crimson]"The fayth,"[/color] Auron rumbled, [color=crimson]"is a mere child. It would be only too easy for Ganger to overtake him."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Then we better get going!"[/color]
Shiva nodded, then strode back to her fayth room, pyreflies left flitting irridescently in her wake.
[color=teal]"You'll watch over her here, won't you?"[/color]
[b]"Of course!"[/b]
[color=darkblue]"This ain't over, Zell. I'm gonna find you and really kick your ^@& one of these days."[/color]
Zell gave Cloud the thumbs up. [color=orangered]"Looking forward to it."[/color]
OoC: Wait, the winner has to choose the other winner. But...but...and...but...! *whine* Why can't Sage do it!? Meepers, heh.
Anyways, on to Bevelle.
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[b]OOC:[/b] Gah... apologies aren't really good enough... but I make them anyway ~_~;;

[color=orangered]"Y'know... I still don't know what's in here..."[/color] Sitting, obediently strapped into his seat in the Ragnarok, Zell prodded the mysterious satchel.

Cecil rolled his eyes as Zell fiddled with the clasp. [color=teal]"Which part of 'greatest need' don't you understand?"[/color]

Amused, the blonde snorted. [color=orangered]"Just keep your eyes on the road!"[/color]

Turning slightly, Cecil glared. [color=teal]"What road would that be?"[/color]

Shaking his head slightly, and sensing it was safe, Auron stood and moved behind Cecil's chair, pointing out the temple below them. [color=crimson]"There... that's where we want to be. And -"[/color] Auron turned towards Zell. [color=crimson]"-will you STOP playing with that?!"[/color]

Taken by surprise, Zell almost dropped the satchel, chuckling nervously and nodding. [color=orangered]"Whatever you say..." ^_^;;[/color]


When they eventually landed and sorted themselves out, Zell became struck by how grand Bevelle was. [color=orangered]"Wow..."[/color]

Auron smiled a little behind his collar. He couldn't agree more. He even nodded when Cecil spoke. [color=teal]"It's amazing..."[/color]

As they approached the temple doors, Zell spotted that one of them was ajar. And a hauntingly pretty piano melody was spilling out. [color=orangered]"Hey... what's that?"[/color] Zell watched as Cecil shrugged, and Auron raised an eyebrow, before jogging up ahead of them, keen to find out who was in the temple. Cecil, and even Auron, looked surprised as Zell shouted suddenly, [color=orangered]"YO!! ROMEO!!"[/color]
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OOC: *pops knuckles* I'm so happy to be back to post!!! ^_^ And Ginny was right I'm majorly desperate to post in this!
[i]Sephiroth sat at the black grand piano striking a haunting melody that just came to mind while he was here, he had no idea who wrote it or what but it just was stuck in his mind. The temple seemed to amplify the soothing and yet haunting music, it was so haunting that even the monks had formed a crowd watching the silver-haired warrior playing the music. He looked rather grand, the back of his coat hung over the bench and his Masamune propped up against the side of the piano. Unfortunately this calm was broken by an all to familiar voice that spooked Sephiroth who's hands slipped and hit the wrong keys.[/i]

[COLOR=orange]"Yo! Romeo!"[/COLOR] [i]Yelled Zell as he entered the temple followed by Auron and Cecil. He stood up from the piano, grabbed the Masamune and headed over to the others and shook hands wit them.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]"Its good to see you three. I've heard what happened at the other temples via monk grapvine. I'm ready to help you if needed cause this is getting ridiculous with a doppleganger going after the fayth and Aeons."[/COLOR] [i]But they seemed to not be paying attention to Sephiroth; the warrior stopped mid-sentence and looked at them.[/i]

[COLOR=red]"That was you playing that melody?"[/COLOR] [i]Auron asked inqusitively.[/i]

[COLOR=purple]"Yeah, that was me, why do you ask?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]"That's an old Zanarkand song. How do you know it?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]"No idea, it just came to me, anyways. Shall we go check on the fayth of Bahamut? Since he is only a child."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]"Right, let's go."[/COLOR][i]With that the group of 4 headed for the way to the room of the fayth.[/i]
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[i]"You're here. Good."[/i]
Auron, Cecil, Sephiroth, and Zell stood at the entrance to the fayth's room, eyeing the floating child fayth pensively.
[i]"I know what you are thinking. Don't be afraid."[/i]
[color=orangered]"Shows how much you know--[i]I'm[/i] not even thinking!"[/color]
Zell plugged his fingers in his ears and loudly starting singing. [color=orangered]"La la la, la la la--"[/color]
[color=orangered]"--you can't tell what I'm thinking!"[/color]
[color=orangered]"Huh?"[/color] Zell blinked as Sephiroth yanked the blonde's fingers out of his ears.
[color=purple]"Better to keep quiet and leave people wondering if you are stupid, than to open your mouth and prove it."[/color]
[color=orangered]"Oh [i]yeah?[/i] Well...well..."[/color] Zell remembered back to Gold Saucer, where he had judged Seph as uncultured. The silver haired warrior was pulling the rug from beneath his feet now--playing pianos and quoting intelligent quotes. Zell did the best he could do to save face. [color=orangered]"Well, I know what you are but what am I?"[/color]
(OK, so he wasn't all that graceful at saving face.)
[color=teal]"[i]That[/i] was mature,"[/color] Cecil smirked.
The child fayth laughed, clapping his hands. [i]"Are you always this funny?"[/i]
Zell pointed to the fayth and smiled. [color=orangered]"Now see? [i]There's[/i] a person who knows what the good stuff is."[/color]
Auron leaned over to the other two warriors. [color=crimson]"Never mind the fact that the kid's been stuck in this place for over 700 years now."[/color] Cecil chuckled and Sephiroth grinned.
[i]"The important thing now is that you know about the Doppleganger. What do you plan to do to stop him?"[/i]
[color=crimson]"We know that, of six forms, there is only one left."[/color]
[color=teal]"That would leave him considerably weak. This would be his last ditch effort to claim an Aeon."[/color]
[color=orangered]"And since yours is so strong, you really gotta be careful, ok, kid?"[/color]
[i]"Of course."[/i]
[i]"Don't listen to him!"[/i]
The Survivors froze at the scene in front of them--there were now two child fayths floating above the Bamahut stone.
Sephiroth groaned. [color=purple]"How did I know it would come down to this?"[/color]
[i]"He is the Doppleganger! His ruse to learn your plan was a trap!"[/i]
The first child fayth stared at the second. [i]"No, you are the Doppleganger. Why else would you only appear now?"[/i]
[i]"Because your power is weak and you cannot hide me forever!"[/i]
[color=orangered]"I'm getting a headache!"[/color] Zell groaned.
[color=teal]"Easily solved. I'll just Peep and..."[/color]
Cecil was quiet for a full minute. He frowned. [color=teal]"Let me try that again."[/color] And again, nothing for a full minute.
Everyone attempted to Scan/Sense/Peep at both fayths. Auron frowned. There were several types of difficult fiends in Spira that could resist Scan, yielding no results. The fayths seemed to be able to do the same.
[color=purple]"Time to come up with a backup plan."[/color]
[color=crimson]"I agree. One of those is the real fayth and one is Doppleganger. The Aeon Bahamut is at stake here, and we cannot afford to choose wrong."[/color]
Zell was fiddling with the small satin pouch hanging from his wrist. Was now the most urgent time to use it? What if a much more urgent time came up? He would have wasted it.
[i]"Please help me!"[/i]
[i]"Survivors, you must do something!"[/i]
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