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Who would cry?


How many people would cry?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. How many people would cry?

    • Little to none
    • Very few
    • Quite a few
    • Many

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Who would cry? I asked myself this and I am continuing to search myself for an answer to my own question. I mean other than your parents and other relatives. I have decided not to keep friends anymore because all that I have had have abandoned me and forgotten me, I am not close to popular. I am considered as annoying and overly talkitive. I doubt anyone but my closest mentor (my English teacher, whom I hold in High esteem) and family would cry, I'd suddenly dissapear and the people would soon forget I existed. So I now ask you the same question, the question that is so difficult for me to answer. Who would cry? Upon reading this post, please answer the poll.
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[color=darkred][size=1]It isn't just a matter of crying, but if you want to measure it like that, probably just my family and a few close friends.

If you die, some people mightn't cry, but they'd grieve, nonethe less. Just because you're considered overly talkative and annoying doesn't mean that people won't grieve, just that they find it overwhelming to be near you. For instance, I didn't cry at my father's funeral. Do you think it means that I didn't grieve?

The strangest people are scarred by death, and affected in the wierdest ways. A person who doesn't really know you, but is in your class might grieve a lot.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that people care, whether or not they're your true friends.

To use a semi-off topic quote,[i] "Believe me, everyman has his secret sorrows, which the world knows now; and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad."[/i]Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [/color][/size]
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Everyone grieves in their own way. I quite frankly don't like to cry. It is hard to do what I do without grieving though. I deal with sickness and death as well. It is something that all doctors and nurses do. But getting back on the subject. I believe that people will grieve when someone is gone.

Many people take for granted having people there and when they are gone, those people who take that for granted feel lost. At least that is what I hear from many of the people that I talk to. You never know how people RELLY feel about you until you are not there anymore. And that goes for everyone...
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You are 8 years younger than me, but I actually have found that I am relating to you a great deal.

I also, through out all of my adolescence, was considered overly talkative and "annoying" by some.

I will answer your question, but I am not posting in relation to that... I am replying in response to the ideas presented in this thread.

Oddly, I thought of the very same stuff many a times, but everytime, the pondering led me to nothing but depression... often times while in school.

I want you to know one very important thing... it is not a matter of who or how many people cry... it is a matter of the reasons and the relationships that caused that crying.

Your family... although given that they would cry for you, are far more important than any girl or boy at school or work.

Your closest friends will never let you know just how much they care, but infact, they very much care more than you know.

You should know that the most important thing is that you make those people and those relationships your priority in that area of your life.

Have strength in your life and know that people do love and care for you.

You might be suprised how many care...

You never appreciate what you have until its gone... or as peter tosh said... "watcha gonna do, when the well runs dry"?

If you know the song, it makes sense... if you dont, just relate it to the first point in that idea.
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[size=1]I realized recently that I really do have a lot of friends. It's a very cool feeling, and one I'm not quite used to, yet.

Jam, I haven't seen you around for ages. What made you come back? Heh. Reminds me of old days. ^_~[/size]
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I with Jamvis I feel very few would cry if I died. I feel like I only have a few good friends.

But hey maybe I'm blind.

Don't give up Jamvis. Thats the worst thing you could do. Keep fighting. You'll meet some people that are true friends. True friends are worth a thousand one-time "friends".
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[size=1]It's not only close friends who cry, though. I know some very emotional people...even if I don't particularly like them...who I know would if someone they knew died.

Likewise, I know people I'm very close to who I simply can't see crying.

I'm going to be musing on this all night, now...[/size]
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[b][size=1]If you are asking yourself this question, I think you have reached a point where you want people to be sorry for doing things to you in the past after you die.

Trust me (I know), a lot of people would cry.[/b][/size]
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] You haven't a reason to take your life. Popularity? After school, such things don't even matter at all. The popular people in most high schools and such now is the good-looking people and those that are jocks and such. I wouldn't want to be popular for the world of me. Why is it such a great thing to some people? I don't know.

Considered annoying and over-talkative? Who cares what others think of you. If you are annoying and over-talkative, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Most people see it as so, but it isn't.

So basically, this is pointless. I have next to no friends either, I'm considered annoying and over-talkative, I'm not popular. I'm everything you say you are, yet look how different we are. It's all in what you think; it's all in what you think. Obviously you're a pretty selfish person to want to kill yourself over such petty matters as you've listed.

If you want to die, then go ahead. But you have no reason to.[/color][/size][/font]
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Life is much too precious to sacrifice because of popularity, but I know how lonely you feel, I sometimes feel pretty lonely, but I'm a loner and I can't say I don't like it, but I can guess pretty well how it might feel... just don't do it, life is TOO precious.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i]
[B]A lot of people would cry than you think. [/B][/QUOTE]

I think Chib's just summed it up... I'm one of those emotional people... Even if I don't know a person too well, I feel for them... so the question is, as someone else said, "grieveing" over "crying"... and then lots more than you would ever think... lots and lots more...
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Yes, like everyone else said. More people would cry than you think.

I relate to you somewhat also.

Althrough Middle School I had no friends, got made fun of all of the time. Hated life and everything around me.

All I wanted to do was become "Popular". Fnally I did become popular around 8th grade, and believe me, its not what you think. After about a week I ditched those looser Jocks and continued to hang out with my real friends, acted like myself. Be who you are and treasure what you have and you will make it through those hard times.

Please dont give up.........I almost did.........Im glad I didnt because now life is great and I couldnt be happier.

I hope things work out for you Jamvis.
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:flaming: At first I could relate to you and what your going through, but now I just find it sad that you think about such things, and haven't yet realized that it doesn't matter if people cry for you if you die. The only thing that really matters is finding happiness, or something that makes life worth living. You shouldn't let such trivial things as popularity corrupt your views on your life.

Hopefully one day you'll come out of the phase your in, and decide not to let yourself be ruled by what others think of you.

Or you could just stay seated in front of your computer and feel sorry for yourself. Cry me a river!:bawl: :bawl:
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This place is so uniformally depressive sometimes.

This isn't something I've ever thought about, and I don't know why anyone ever would. Asking why people might not care is one thing, but saying this is something else entirely.

My life isn't perfect. My family has a million and one problems, and I myself do as well... stuff no one here remotely knows about. Yet I'm not like this. I guess I just don't understand. There's always something else you can do or somewhere else you can go in your life. People care that you probably never even think of when you are sitting there coming up with these morbid or depressing ideas.

Your life is what you make it. If everyone likes being like [i]this[/i] be my guest. In the end, you're usually getting what you want anyway.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i]
[B]I feel very few would cry if I died.[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=ff00cc] [size=1]...*fwap*

I agree with Semji. No one has a perfect life, and everyone has their bad times. But really, you don't need to think whether or not people will cry if you die. It'll affect people you love, whether you think so or not. People might act like they don't care about you when they really do.

And I'm sure people care about you, and would cry. Just be more optimisic about it.[/color] [/size]
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Appearently ive been misunderstood. I was just wondering if anyone would cry like the people cried for those lost at 9-11. Like the fact I have no true friends... I have (now) no reason to take my life and i won't but I, like many others I see, am tired of living this life and the other people around me.... I want to destroy them, or move... Oh and to finish up, I HATE p:flaming: pular kids. They are all jerks. Thus i dont want to be popular, only recognized... I have no identity, I am pitiful, I would explain that last comment but I dont feel like it, but if you MUST know ill post it later.
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Wow ok...jamvis...man you got some serious bit of rage going on there. you really gotta channel abit of that misplaced rage before it can build up too much...Like was said before popularity is a temporary thing and really doesnt mean anything. Ive been out of HS for years now and who was popular and who were nerds and who i hung out with and all that crap really doesnt even matter anymore. All ya can do is socialize and be yourself. And while you may not like "popular people" they still are people and its not good to stereotype against them...Just take a breath my man and chill out :D
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[color=darkred]I'm not sure what you're asking now, but they people crying at the Twin Tower's Attack was understandable, and most would cry. That is [i]thousands[/i] of deaths. But to have someone mourn for you like that? Sure, why not? One death might not be on the same scale as that many deaths, but if affected personally, I guess people would mourn like that.

But it's also arrogant for me to believe people would mourn that much. A disaster such as that is recognised because of how many lives it took.

You say you want recognition, but I have to ask; Do you recognise those around you? Your family, for instance. And your friends. Some people have no one, but most do. At least one person, or accquaintances. And they will mourn. It's in human nature to mourn. [/color]
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Jam, no you're just being pious and selfish. I've had enough of this thread.

Wanting people to cry like at the 9/11 thing? Do you even have clue what 9/11's meaning was, or why those people cried, or why anything? Eh. It's pointless to beat into you, so I've had enough of this thread.[/color][/size][/font]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i]
[B]Appearently ive been misunderstood. I was just wondering if anyone would cry like the people cried for those lost at 9-11. Like the fact I have no true friends... I have (now) no reason to take my life and i won't but I, like many others I see, am tired of living this life and the other people around me.... I want to destroy them, or move... Oh and to finish up, I HATE p:flaming: pular kids. They are all jerks. Thus i dont want to be popular, only recognized... I have no identity, I am pitiful, I would explain that last comment but I dont feel like it, but if you MUST know ill post it later. [/B][/QUOTE]

[b][size=1]I don't think I want you to explain your last comment, there. How in the world can... why am I bothering? To me, saying what you said in the first sentence was an incredibly selfish thing to say.

I'm tired of my life. I'm so tired of my life sometimes I wish I'd fall asleep and never wake up. But hey, I don't wish that people would cry for me after my depature on a scale to that of 9/11.

How can you generalise that all popular kids are jerks? I can see where you're coming from on that I suppose, but you're just categorising people so you can criticise them.

You have an identity; you are not pitiful, or else you wouldn't have half the replies in this thread, would you? Go think about it.[/b][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i]
[B]I HATE p:flaming: pular kids. They are all jerks. Thus i dont want to be popular.[/B][/QUOTE]
[size=1]I'm going to completely ignore the "Would you cry?" question, because I think it is selfish and very depressing...

Anyway, why does seem to hate popular people? I don't understand it at all. People don't choose to have friends, or to be well-liked. To be honest, most popular people are popular for a reason, and most popular people are unpopular for a reason. Looks only have a small part in it. If you are a nice and friendly person you shouldn't have any problem finding friends.

But if all you do is sit around and complain about how miserable your life is; why would anyone want to be your friend? The only thing people will recognize you for is your depression. Maybe if you had a beter attitude people would like you more.

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