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Premarital Sex


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][color=darkblue][size=1]My nightmare scenario is waiting to have sex with my boyfriend (if I had one) until marriage, then finding out that my husband is really bad in bed and has a tiny... so yeah, I don't think I'd wait, lol.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#335062]It would definitely be horrible to discover, on your wedding night, that your partner is a dud in the sack. lol

Having said that, a big part of sex (in a long term relationship anyway) is the [i]improvement[/i] over time. ~_^

So, it's not all bad. But for those of you who are actually planning to wait until marriage...you should really hope that you're lucky in this regard. lol[/color]
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You're all naughty! lol

Now for those of you who wait untill marriage, I'm curious to know what IS acceptable? Is it just no intercourse? Or is it no sex? Cause that's two different things. So I dunno exactly where some of you are coming from cause everyone has a different idea of what sex is... ask Bill Clinton, he knows all about that.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Now for those of you who wait untill marriage, I'm curious to know what IS acceptable? Is it just no intercourse? Or is it no sex? Cause that's two different things. So I dunno exactly where some of you are coming from cause everyone has a different idea of what sex is... ask Bill Clinton, he knows all about that. [/B][/QUOTE]

I have to quote Jerry Seinfeld on this one: "When the nipple makes its appearance." That's when you cross the acceptability line heh.

That was a hilarious episode might I add.

"It has come to my attention that you and the cleaning have engaged in... sexual intercourse on your desk."
".......who said that?"
"She did."
was that wrong?"
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#335062]It would definitely be horrible to discover, on your wedding night, that your partner is a dud in the sack. lol
[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

*dons hat*

*points out paradox*

See the thing is, if you've been a virgin up to that point, [i]how would you know?[/i]

*removes hat*

*dances away*
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Okay, so we're talking about both people being virgins here. I thought having a particular couple wait until marriage, together, would also apply, even if they weren't virgins. But I'm not explaining this right, and I can't apply myself to any virgin situations, so bah.

Anyway, Turkey sort of brought this up and I thought I'd elaborate. There's this phenomenon in my church/old school regarding marriage, and I'll explain. The concept of abstinence is completely drilled into the youth group. You have to sign a pledge that hangs on the wall and everything. What ends up happening is that couples in my church get married really, really young, like when they're still technically teenagers. It's bizarre. I couldn't imagine marrying someone I've been going out with since I was 15 and getting married right after graduation. I understand that some high school sweethearts stay together, but the rate couldn't be [i]that[/i] high... especially when there's only about 20 kids in each grade at my old school, anyway. Bad odds.

I do agree with James that sex in a relationship should get better with time. And one plus of waiting is that you won't base your relationship on sex, like so many people I know.

Oral sex seems like it should count as sex. I think it's as soon as ejaculation is involved. Man, I don't know, lol.[/color][/size]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]That's more than a little sexist though. I somehow doubt sex is based entirely on what the male is doing.

Even if both people are virgins though, it's [i]very[/i] unlikely they haven't "experimented" on their own, and even if they havent, it's pretty damn obvious when something feels boring enough that you fall asleep.[/font][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]That's more than a little sexist though. I somehow doubt sex is based entirely on what the male is doing.

Even if both people are virgins though, it's [i]very[/i] unlikely they haven't "experimented" on their own, and even if they havent, it's pretty damn obvious when something feels boring enough that you fall asleep.[/font][/color][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkblue][size=1]I was talking about both kinds of oral sex & all. Either gender. Females ejaculate, lol.

Falling asleep? *_* Now that would truly suck. I don't think I've ever had sex that bad. I usually just fake it to get it over with, heh.[/size][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][COLOR=darkblue][size=1]I usually just fake it to get it over with, heh.[/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Expanding on the general idea of fake orgasms:

Sometimes my, eh, 'climax' takes a lot of work and consentration to achieve. I've never thought it would be fair of me to fake it just because I can't 'get there' very easily...but then again, Erik's never made me want to fall asleep, either ;)

I like sex, and I'm not afraid to admit it! :p[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i]

See the thing is, if you've been a virgin up to that point, [i]how would you know?[/i]


[color=#884667]Well, as someone else said...if you're falling asleep, you'll know. Even a virgin can easily identify shoddy sex. ~_^[/color]
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I've faked it. Well, you know, if it's enough already and I just want to get some sleep.

There are so many ways you can tell if the sex isn't good. A couple of the people I've been with, you'd be surprised how well things went. Much better than expected. You would have never really guessed.

Strangely, the girl I dated that was the most sexual of the three was probably the absolute worst heh. I think when you get to the point of "when is this going to end?" you're obviously having bad sex. And sometimes, leading up to all that... you would have had no real idea it could be that bad. It can be a gray area.

She was the first person I slept with... and I certainly didn't know. For a period, I was thinking "Why in the world do people make sex seem so great? This is it? It's awful." I thought that through the entire relationship.

Luckily, that was proved wrong with the next couple people since then heh.
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[color=#884667]Hm, interesting. I've never "faked it" as such. But if it's ever been bad...I've kind of forgotten about myself and focused on the other person.

Funnily enough, that other person was selfish enough not to care whether or not I was being looked after. lol

Ahem. Yeah.[/color]
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It was a joke from Seinfeld :D I've not heh, that was Kramer.

And yeah, at least for me, almost all of my attention simply goes on the other person rather than myself. I think that if you're being like that, the other person involved will be too... and then all will be well heh. If not, well then you have someone selfish and that can be a problem.

In response to earlier... You don't have to be experienced to know what feels good and what doesn't. What's fun and what isn't. And so on. People generally get better, but a lot of it seems to be instinctive almost heh.

You could always try eating some mango too.
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[color=#884667]Heh, I think you're right. If you don't worry about yourself, you will probably end up having a more enjoyable time. But everyone's different...I mean, everyone has different tastes. I guess you have to find someone who is compatible with you or whatever. o_O;;

As far as the mango thing goes...are you talking about eating mango while having sex? Or are you saying that eating mango will make you orgasm, sex or no sex? ^_^;

*climbs out of recently-dug hole*[/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Everyone frowns on faking it, saying it could ruin your sex life and all that, but not if your honest. If they know your doing it, it can be enjoyable too. I know it sounds odd, but isn't that half of what phone sex is? I am physically unable to orgasm, so pretending I can makes it better for the other person. If it's not a surprise at the end, you know, "oh, and by the way..." sort of thing. Somtimes sound effects can be utilised, that is all. In fact, not being able to come has it's up sides as well, because sex for me is still intensely enjoyable. We've learnt a quite impressive range of activities guaranteed to keep you occupied on a rainy afternoon (don't worry, I'm not going to write a list of them), and I also now focus entirely on what my partner is feeling. Well, not really. I'm rather selfish in that regard, actually. But I've learnt that sex isn't just about orgasm. I knew it anyway, but I prefer it this way. [/font][/color]
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Guest Randleman
I am now a Senior in highschool. I have had the same girlfriend since freshman year. We love eachother. She is perfect. Just seeing her makes my heart melt. We have no plans to get married because we are still in school and want to go to college. We both agree that we are perfect for eachother. I love her with all my heart and don't think I could ever love another. For all of freshman year and part of sophomore year, all we did was a little intense snogging. no sex. but on x-mas eve (i was going to have x-mas at her house that year), we had sex. I know it's premarital, but we love eachother. I know that some people frown apon that, but it was perfect for us. We didn't plan to have sex, it wasn't like we were sex hungry and needed it. It just happened. Snuggling turned into snogging turned into sex. I don't think it was wrong. We both wanted it. We have sex on numerous occasions since, and are still as madly in love as when we first met, if not more. I couldn't imaine life without this girl, and hope to ask her to marry me after college. We have already both been accepted to the same college (lucky huh?) and plan on renting an apartment together outside of the grounds. I don't think premarital sex is wrong if you truely love the person, and intend to always be with them. We have had small fights, but always worked out our differences and moved on. She was the first I have been with and I was the first for her, and neither of us want there to be a second.

I think sex just for the sake of sex is wrong. But having sex with the person you truely love, married or not, it not wrong.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Randleman [/i]
[B]I have had the same girlfriend since freshman year. We love eachother. She is perfect. Just seeing her makes my heart melt.

But having sex with the person you truely love, married or not, it not wrong. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Ahh, you are so [i]sweet[/i]! Guys with mentality like yours and my boyfriend's just make my day happier. I thought I should let you know :D[/color]
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Personally, my ideas on faking it are kinda....well, confusing. On one hand, I dont like it. It makes it seem as if pleasing the other person involved isn't even a part of the equation. On the other hand, sounds=motivation, thus, better sex(in my opinion). Meh, oh well. Like raven said, if your gonna fake it, let them know. Dont let it be an "oh, btw....", cause thats wrong. It would piss me off at least.
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[COLOR=blue]WHOA....:eek: :eek: :eek:
Are you all sure we can talk about this sort of stuff here I mean OMG..
To all of you who are having premarital sex...YOU ARE GOING TO :devil:...
Sike cause if it were true Id be joing alot of people.Back to the subject at hand though.
Hhmmm seeing how I am the type of person who likes SEX. I dont like to 'fake it' when Im with a guy. I personally may do it occassionaly just to let him 'get his' and the go..cause after that I'll never talk to him again. I just can't please a guy continuously by making noice while he does nothing to please me in return. Excuse me if Im wrong but that is a part of what sex is about is it not. If Im too blunt or too obscene please let me know and I'll lighten up this conversation a bit. But to those who see it as a stepping stone in your relationship..more power to you as long as you're not using sex to keep the relationship going. Dont use sex as an axcuse to stay with a horrible person.
But one more note on the faking it situation...If you are not pleased with what your mate is doing...Let them know after the first time, to continue to suffer and lie to them is wrong and you should let them know.
P.S. Also if I may say so.... if any of you guys out there can fake it...I wanna know how..seriously..you dont have to say it on here...but you can PM me...KAY!!![/COLOR]
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Guest Randleman
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B][color=deeppink]Ahh, you are so [i]sweet[/i]! Guys with mentality like yours and my boyfriend's just make my day happier. I thought I should let you know :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

why thank you. :) I would never think of doing anything that might harm/hurt her in some physical/mental way. I think that is why we have been together for so long. That and the fact we love eachother. :love2:
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I r b 1337z0rz then all of j00s!

Anywho, back to intellegence, I disagree totally. Some of my friends have been asking me to start talking on these boards so I waited until I thought something was actually worth the time and effort of posting. Dont mind the insults, because there might be some in here. And to those I offend, I apologize now, but I dont really mean it.

Alright, The "arguement" of it "just being your body" is a total shame. What the heck is the point of getting married if "it doesnt matter because its just your body"? I mean, your pledging yourself to 1 person, and if your cheating on some one then, and its "just your body" then why the heck would your spouse care if you where cheating? Because its more then your body, its your mind, its your spirit. You MELD together, some how, some way, but it happens. You two forever share a special bond, weither it be a positive relationship or a negative, you are connected forever. Further more, I mean, what the heck? Lets go out and sekz0rz every guy/girl or what not, and get every possible STD known to man, alright? Then I shall sit outside your hospital room, dressed as a doctor so I could even get this close to you, laffing (yes, I spell "laughing" like that just to piss some of you off) my *beep* off because I told you not to, but you still did! so HA! Over all, its your call of course, but your a dip if you think "duuuuur, its just my body Gah!" so like.... go away, alright?

Any who, Lets just say its with only 1 person, alright? just for a minute. "Doing it" before marriage in my opinion is wrong, because you arent pledged, and you dont wear the ring to show that you belong to some one, and some one belongs to you. That is the point of getting married, to pledge yourself forever to one person, and no one else. Of course you can have friends, of course you can joke around, but sex should be shared between 2 people, no more, no less. If you want to pretend, that is your call, I just think that is disgusting. Over all, I have a very "askewed" veiw point from a lot of you, and so what if I do. Its not like Im going to go "omfg, gay peeps! Bust a cap, yO!" On the contrary, you want to do that, fine. Dont come to me for support. If your straight, Im proud to say I am straight, 17, and still a Virgin. m00t! I love music, I love life, I love lots of things, I hate no one, and I am a horrible person, but I still do all I can to help others. This, going around having sex with some one because they are your "boyfriend/girlfriend" though, is not for the benifit of a person. That tieing yourself to the other, and a child might pop out then. What kind of example would this kid have if his/her parents wheren't married and always at each other's throats? Im not saying its impossible to raise a child like that, but it is showing the child that a mistake was made and now he is "in the middle" of this "war", making his parents always fight.

ANYWHO, having a boyfriend/girlfriend is to see who is out there, and to meet the right person. That is exactly the point though, these are PEOPLE, its not like a car you can go out and "test drive" to see if it "fits" and crap. Seriously, I respect girls that are my friends more then just "omfg, get them drunk then give it to 'em!". That is how a lot of people are, and if they want to jump in the sack with me, rock on! That is a major compliment, but that doesnt mean Im gonna do it because I would rather value them as a friend then loose them because they dont like the way I "fit" or some bogus reason like that. They want to break up with me, fine, just not because I cant make them orgasim the very first time or crap. So like, pfft at most of you! I chastise you, but like I said, all my opinion, and over all its your choice. I encourage though, to make one that would be better for your future and to wait until married. I mean, it cant be hard to wait, I have since I was 15, and I have had no problem's controlling myself so like... *shrugs* I have amazing self-control, and self-disicpline. That is me, I can wait. I can control my mood most of the time also, so like, I r b speshuls! w00t!

Any who, this state's my opinion kinda clearly, and if you dont get my opinion after all that... *shakes head in disappointment* I pity you, yet envy you. I will put it simple though, one last time. I do not support or encourage pre-marital sex in any way, shape, or form. I have taken some one who wanted to do that with me as a compliment, but I do not and have not, and have no plans of doing so until I am married with the 1 person I love most on this planet, and the 1 person I will stay with the rest of my life.

Closeing thought: No matter what any one ever says. Star Wars > Star Trek. Omfg, Star Trek is so unworthy that it shouldnt even be in the same sentence... *corrects* Star Wars.> Star Trek

I hope you all dont find what I said offensive (even though the insults I put in there wont help ;)) and I might post around some, and yes, I am a total newbie on these boards, and I expect most people to go "omfg, newbz0rz! Ign0r3 d3 n3wb13!" but oh well, that is the price for being me I guess.

Plo Koon, Teh Ubber Newb!

P.S. - Many things where mispelled through out this post on purpose, because most of the time its much more enjoyable when you think Im a totaly idiot. RwaR @! SodA!@ r00tb33r!@ GOOD NIGHT!
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[color=#707875]Nice post, PloKoonDS. The only thing I'll say (regarding any insults) is that everybody must always be respectful to other members on here. Though I'm sure that goes without saying.

Having said that, I think you've made your point well. And I'm glad that you didn't really get down into very personal and direct insults to people who have a different standpoint. Welcome to the boards. [/color]
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[color=deeppink]Good to see another Star Wars fan around here, Master Koon ;)

I read all of your post and I think a lot of the points you bring up are extremely valid. While I don't hold back in voicing my enjoyment of sex [with someone I will probably spend most of my life with], I agree that there are other things to worry about.

Pregnancy scares are always horrible. Even though I use birth control, there are months where I really can't wait to get my period. Sometimes I almost believe that giving up sex would be better than having to worry about an unwanted or untimely pregnancy. There is no way that I could keep a child at this point in my life, I have too much of a future already planned for myself. I know that's where abstinence becomes the best idea ever...

Anyway, I don't remember anyone ever saying "it's just your body"...? If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me because I don't want to go look through this entire thread, but I doubt that anyone on these boards has that sort of mentality...judging from past topics, conversations, etc.

Despite the l337, your post was interesting. I hope that other topics will pique your interest and you'll feel compelled to post in them :)[/color]
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Yes, I was told very much to be "indirect" and so forth, and some quotes I took (with sarcasim ;)) can be traced back, but I did not mention any one by name because, well, it would be too funny if I got banned the very first post. I very clearly stated that what I was saying was all my opinion as well, and didnt force it onto any one (at least I didnt think so), but oh well. My point has been made, and I am being told that I did it well... interesting... I dont think will accomplish my goal now ;-;

Any who, thank you James and Babygirl for your opinions. I do think through a lot of the times before I say things. And I havent a problem with you if you choose to have sekz, unless you try to force your opinion on me. Babygirl, I wish the best for you, even though I do disagree with you on that slightly, but that doesnt mean I am gonna be like "omfg, diez0rz!" Take care at least, and thanks for being careful and admitting the truth, at least from your point of view.

any who, ph34r!@ for I am teh Ubber Newb!

Plo Koon

P.S. - I thought I was respectful enough, especially since I was insulted by some things that where said earllier in this line of postings. So like... Im sorry, (not really) If I some how insulted you, but you did to me, so its only fair slightly, oh well. liek, RwaR !@ oh yes, and I am winner, ha ha ha!
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