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Premarital Sex


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Personally,I never saw why you should hold off (i'm only 14,and no,I didn't do it with anyone,some people think I did -_-') because if you're ready to have the responsibility that comes with sex,then you're ready to have it. I find it sorta contridicting how the bible says no sex until marrage,but God supposedly made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages,I find that a little strange.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i]
[B]I find it sorta contridicting how the bible says no sex until marrage,but God supposedly made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages,I find that a little strange. [/B][/QUOTE] Stardust?? I have never thought of that, but that is very interesting.. But I agree with you, have sex when you feel you are ready. I mean READY not forced..
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Well, the average lifespan back then was, what, seven? Not to get religious, but God knew the realities of the world, and if humanity was going to survive, we'd have to be able to mate like bunnies in ceretain spots of our history.

However, we no longer have to do that to survive, so now the arguement against it can be made. We live longer, so these issues will arise.
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I see nothing wrong with premarital sex as long as you're ready. I in no way think that young teens should be able to have sex though. Even if they use protection accidents can happen, and you can end up with a new human being. I think abortion is being used as a form of birth control. I'm pro-choice, but I still don't like the idea of abortions that could have been prevented. But you're in your late teens and want to have sex, it's your choice.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i]
[B]Personally,I never saw why you should hold off (i'm only 14,and no,I didn't do it with anyone,some people think I did -_-') because if you're ready to have the responsibility that comes with sex,then you're ready to have it. I find it sorta contridicting how the bible says no sex until marrage,but God supposedly made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages,I find that a little strange. [/B][/QUOTE]

God only meant for us to live till we were 30 too. We seemed to have surpassed that with the invention of technology.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=dodgerblue]Good point,Transtic. Stardust, I think that if you are young and you [I]think[/I] you are ready you should wait because like you said God made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages, so having sex at that age, may ruin your life.

I agree with Transtic.

:)Kitty[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KittyLynn [/i]
[B][SIZE=1][COLOR=dodgerblue]Stardust, I think that if you are young and you [I]think[/I] you are ready you should wait because like you said God made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages, so having sex at that age, may ruin your life.

I agree with Transtic.

:)Kitty[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

um..I didn't plan to have sex now......what the heck were u reading??I'd never......
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Another weirdness about sex is that pregnancy pretty much depends on the girl's age. That's why you see 12 year old girls married to 50 year old men in some countries. Also, the sex of the baby is determined by the guy's sperm. Too bad Henry VIII didn't know that when he executed wife after wife for not producing a male heir. *_*

Either way, it's too controversial of a subject. Let's not over-analyze it. Let's just all lapse into a fantasy about our lusted one right now. (You know who you are.)[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i]
[B]Abstinence is just another way the church can make you guilty and give them money. [/B][/QUOTE]

*laughs at typical Harry*

Do you know how overplayed your stance is. How many times will you simply say stuff to be controversial. If this is your true belief- I'm sorry, but thats just not true.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989 [/i]
[B][SIZE=1][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=blue]Yu shouldn't just do sex if it is for fun.

[/color][/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Well [i]I[/i] do it for fun.

But I understand what you were meaning to say. Your beliefs lean more toward the thought that people shouldn't be having casual sex with different, random people every night. I definitely agree with that; I would be forever paranoid about STDs and pregnancy, even if I used a condom.

That's why my having sex for fun is ok [at least in my eyes] because I am committed to one man. Sex with anyone else just doesn't seem appealing, he's the only one I want to be with right now.[/color]
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[color=red][font=times new roman]Well im not big on the whole waiting until your married to have sex thing...As is evident by the fact I didnt wait...heh...Casual sex though is just wrong to me...You should atleast have sex with someone you care about atleast ya know...

But hey if you have the will power so to speak to wait until your married...More power to ya :D [/font][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B][color=deeppink]Well [i]I[/i] do it for fun.

But I understand what you were meaning to say. Your beliefs lean more toward the thought that people shouldn't be having casual sex with different, random people every night. I definitely agree with that; I would be forever paranoid about STDs and pregnancy, even if I used a condom.

That's why my having sex for fun is ok [at least in my eyes] because I am committed to one man. Sex with anyone else just doesn't seem appealing, he's the only one I want to be with right now.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Well you're a naughty spawn of Satan, so you don't count! lol :p I love you Jenna hehe. Be sure to tell your boyfriend that!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i]
[B]I find it sorta contridicting how the bible says no sex until marrage,but God supposedly made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages,I find that a little strange. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=crimson]I find it sort of contridicting that people cant find the common sense to not have sex at young ages, or avoid situations where that can happen. Yet, we are supposedly the most intelligent species on the planet and have to form reasons that start pointing fingers at the supposed 'ultimate father figure' they created for themselves, lol.

I think it's your own personal decision- logically I wouldnt say being overly young would benefit you if premarital sex is your decison. You might potentionally have a child to take care of- Marriage is a symbol of love that's beginning to be abused and tattered with mud- it was the same with sex before society began to shun it and religion came into major play in politics and modern culture.

So, just be careful and do what your gut says, because I havent heard of any fire and brimstone slaughtering people having premarital sex.[/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][b]Raven's Things To Do list of the last couple of years:[/b]

Previous to August, 2001: Deny existence of love. Uphold the notion that all the musical industry, all the valentine card companies, are illusioned and out to make money off people who will believe anything.

August 25, 2001: Find true love shoved rudely under your nose.

August 26, 2001: Swallow it whole and develop an immediate addiction.

December 31, 2001: Beg boyfriend for sex. Lose virginity. Regret nothing.

August 25, 2002: Finish the most amazing year of your life by proving all your friends wrong.

August to June 22nd and afterwards: Continue routine of premarital sex three to five times a week while finishing highschool. Continue to regret nothing. Remember not to break your record of no unconsented sexual acts, no contraceptively unsafe sexual acts, and no sex with anyone (or thing) other than your true love of nearly two years.

June 22nd, 2003: Tell the whole world about it on an internet bulletin board...

We're getting married in about three and a half years, by the way.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i]
[B] I find it sorta contridicting how the bible says no sex until marrage,but God supposedly made our bodies able to reproduce at young ages,I find that a little strange. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well keep in mind that back when the bible was made...girls were married as soon as they could make children...so it was natural then..but our culture is so much different now...so it may seem more controversial.

As for the premarital sex..i don't care if people do it...i just won't...because i want to make sure there is the most sure sign of permanent commitment that I can have (aka marraige) But i dont care if other people do it...that's their choice.
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I am 15 and I'm still a virgin.....or until I see fit. I couldn't think of doing like that at my age, I would hate to end up pregnant and trying to go to high school. I'm prolly going to wait until I'm married but, I think everyone should make up their own mind about sex, one way might be right for me, but not for you, and maybe not for someone else. I hear(from guys at school) that they want their girlfriends to be virgins, so they know that their girlfriends aren't sleezy. But then again some guys look for those sleezy girls, just to get some. I guess whatever you choose you got to live with the choice.

But remember if you are going to have sex, practice safe sex.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I am 18 and I am still a virgin and I've been dating the same guy for almost 2 years. You don't have to have sex with someone to prove that you LOVE them. I think that if you wait until you are married, then sex will have more meaning and will add something to your relationship.

I think alot of people just can't control themselves. And I know that it's HARD. Gah, I don't even want to go into all the close-encounters, but I've stopped myself everytime.

So yes, I am against pre-marital sex. It's advised against for a reason. Both of my older sisters who used birth control and protection have children now. Neither of them are married.[/color][/size]
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Well, while I have been brought up believing that premarital sex=evil, I've been thinking this:
If you're a virgin, chances are that you will always have the desire for sex in your subsconcious. That could accidentally become a factor when you decide to get married, since love could be only a small factor when you get married.
I believe that you should wait until you find a person that you really love, and you are capable of handling any accidents that may happen. I personally hope that I'll be able to control myself until that day, but at least there's a substitute till then...
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]You can talk about controlling yourself, and true love, and waiting to be married, and whatever else, as much as you like. It doesn't change the fact that when put into a surprising situation, when your instincts if not your hormones or both are running crazy, then logic simply goes out the window. You can't make rational decisions. You don't [I]want[/I] to, which is the biggest risk. There is always a part of you that won't resist a suggestion.

If you're lucky like me, you don't regret it afterwards.[/font][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][color=darkblue][size=1]My nightmare scenario is waiting to have sex with my boyfriend (if I had one) until marriage, then finding out that my husband is really bad in bed and has a tiny... so yeah, I don't think I'd wait, lol.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]Who says you'd have to wait to see that? I said I haven't had sex...[/color][/size]
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