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Premarital Sex


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P.P.S. (or however you add anothing little message) - if you read all of this again, you will see some people saying "it is just your body", and that is where I got it from. I know, your saying to yourself "I dont want to read all that again X_X!!" but its back there, I asure you it is.

*sp* RwaR !@
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I'm not even clear on some of the stuff you're even trying to say. Whether or not someone wants to wait, that's their perrogative and I respect their decision. They have more control that I certainly did.

However, you seem to be implying that anyone that has sex has no personal resposibility (especially in terms of that whole child thing you wrote), does it casually with no regard for anything of value and has some need to sleep with anyone they're going out with.

I also don't really get the whole marriage/kid angle. Single parents are doomed to not get along and fight for the rest of their lives? What about all the horrible marriages that currently exist and the high divorce rates? I know people who have waited for all that stuff and still gotten in horrible situations. Those two things do not equate for me whatsoever, even though I understand your point... especially in terms of the whole "mistake" thing.

I don't think I, or a good deal of the people who have had sex before marriage at this point, think that way whatsoever. I haven't even seen any posts in here really that made me think that either, but I haven't exactly studied every sentence.

So I don't know if I'm just reading you wrong or not. I don't think so, I think it's just that we don't really have the same viewpoints lol... Good enough. In any case, at least you have a strong opinion on it all heh.
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I think you did musunderstand some of the things I said, but that is alright. Like I said, I have a strange point of veiw, one of the most askew (told to me by some shrink o.O) but any who, I did not mean what you said in any way, about "them having no personal responsibility". And I stated numerous times its totally up to them. But Obviously, my opinion is very different and I think I made some points that if you read it again you will catch. If not, *Shrugs* message me and we can talk more on AIM or something =P

Plus, I never said "if you wait everything will turn out perfectly" I know people who have waited that have broken up and such, its just the people in the relationship's choice. But see, part of the reason I see for waiting (looking at it from a different angle) is 1. That means the relationship can be more drawn out over time to see if it might work with marriage, (or) 2. You rush into it and it still might work

People naturally argue, its completly natural for them to do it, and fight, and everything. I myself though, am going to wait. And I do prefer to have a girlfriend for a LONG TIME before I even think about marriage. My parents had a short courtship, I think it was 6 months before they got married. But that doesnt mean it always works like that. I am going to date for a very long time before I decide Im ready to offer myself for marriage, because it does take a certian amount of maturity to do, and to do it succesfully.

I am sorry if you didnt get some points, but read it again and you might see them, or read it a lot, your call =P

Any who, Stay awsome!

Plo Koon

P.S. - BabyGirl, omg, we need to talk, I just read your post again, and it say's something about Star Wars! o.o And thank you for calling me "master", but I do not deserve the title. Call me something like "Newb" or better yet, my nickname: Peaches! Everyone, stay cool, and be like....*trails off*
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[size=1]It's being discussed maturely, and while theOtaku is, yes, focused on Anime, there are different sections of the OtakuBoards. The Lounge is available so members can have discussions not directly pertaining to anime, gaming, etc.

I also think the thread title is rather plain, and that if the subject bothers you, you needn't have clicked and entered. ^_~

That being said, I'm simply going to defer to James or Charles on this one. [/size]
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Plus, a lot of anime's have sex in them, if you havent noticed x.x I know I have, and a lot of good anime's have been ruined due to the fact that the sex scene/s wherent needed. Any who, I agree, if you dont want to know about it, dont click on the name, alright? =P

Plo Koon, Teh Ubber Newb
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Guest Randleman
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i]
[B]Whoa.. Why isn't this entire thread deleted..?

I mean, it's about.. Stuff...

Plus, this is an anime forum.. This has jack squat to do with anime..

I'm not trying to play mod, it's just.. Not right for this site.. [/B][/QUOTE]

I was here back in v2 before I took a break and back then there was a "sex question" thread. that got into alot more detail about the members "personal" affairs more than this. This is pg-13 rated if that.
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[QUOTE]Plus, a lot of anime's have sex in them, if you havent noticed x.x I know I have, and a lot of good anime's have been ruined due to the fact that the sex scene/s wherent needed.[/QUOTE]

[color=red][font=times new roman]What have you been watching lately? Most anime barely has anything sexual in it and the few that do have it the material isnt explicit...Methinks you need to stop watching hentai :wigout:

The only problem I have with premarital sex is the consquence of having a child...A child only having one parent doesnt bother me that much but if the parent is too young and unprepared it can be bad for the childs development...

Other then that I have a pretty loose view on sex and I dont think of it so much as "lovemaking" more like something fun and enjoyable to do :devil:


Erm Plo that last bit was a joke...Ya know sarcasm? :rolleyes: Sighz...Anywayz I hope you can get some better and more appropriate anime then it sounds you have access to...[/color][/font]
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I find that insulting that you think I look at Hentai, so zip the lip please. Hentai is revolting to me, and all of it should be burned. Where I live, we dont get any of the good anime channels, or cartoon network or anything, because its a hick town. I have to rent all the anime's I have seen, and the majority of them have had scene/s that ruin the entire film.

Plo Koon
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. No really, we are, in case you thought I might be sarcastic in my belief that we're all going to go on a mass hentai destruction rampage simply because one of ye olde personal freedom unrespecting bigots told us too...Wait, that was the dark ages.

I'll agree with you about anything hick related being bad. But I'm Australian....it's epidemic over here.[/font][/color]
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I'd have to agree most anime at least has a lot of innuendo, if not at least some nudity. I wouldn't say most even begins to approach hentai, but I don't think PloKoonDS's point about it is hard to grasp. Lay off him about it lol.

Anyway, I've read that post a few times now, and I still don't see how some of the things I said aren't what you are saying. The only thing you picked out as being incorrect was a portion of the unmarried family thing... for which as I said I understood what you were saying anyway.

Honestly, how stuff like " Further more, I mean, what the heck? Lets go out and sekz0rz every guy/girl or what not, and get every possible STD known to man, alright?" and all your other quotes to that effect, wouldn't make me think that basically you equate premarital sex with being loose and wanting to screw something at any opportunity, I have no idea. There is such a thing as being responsible in those situations, and from what I know about the main people posting about it... they aren't exactly the type to be easy and irresponsible.

I realize most of this is kidding around, but I'm failing to see these complex messages I'm apparently somehow missing that you feel are hidden in there, especially considering everything you've said isn't exactly that complicated... and many others in here have said the exact same thing with far less words.

So opinion is one thing, but acting somehow better than those that don't act as you think is another matter entirely. I feel that your post is totally laced with that, to be honest. To say all those things and basically be like "but do what you want to" doesn't really undo any of the things you've said that basically attack others in there.

Whether or not someone is ready for marriage is another story, and I wasn't even trying to get into that. Personally, I don't feel sex is the focal point of anything. I don't think waiting until marriage proves anything more than not waiting. That doesn't mean it's not an important thing that you should be ready for, because it simply is. If other people think differently, that's cool by me... but don't make it seem like [i]everyone[/i] that thinks to the contrary is off having unprotected sex with some loser they've been dating for 5 days.

Anyway, if somehow I'm still not getting your points... I'll have to attribute it all the l33t speak stuck in there lol.

In any case, I don't really see what's so "askew" about being that against premarital sex. I have friends that have the same mindset really, and I respect it. People can do what they want. Basically all I'm saying is that I personally don't think everyone that doesn't wait for marriage is basically all in the same group.

Besides you never know what will happen. At your age, I had the same ideas and mentality about all of that. I guess things just changed, and you have no control over some of them. I had the same problem with people who drink constantly honestly... until recently, when I realized that I don't need to worry about them in most cases, I'm not better than them because I don't do it and I have my own stuff to worry about.

Either way, good luck waiting. I sure as hell couldn't do it, obviously. More power to you heh.
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Here is my opinion summed up:

Pre-marital sex I don't really recommend this but it may be right for some people. I am not against it in a anyway but I always take sex as a serious subject and matter and not just like it feels good how about some sex? No I never taught that was right and still don't think is right. Sex should be more than pleasure. So pre-marital is ok for some but is not right for everyone.
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I agree Black Dragon, for the most part. And Semjaza, for the most part, yes I did take many things to the extreme, and no, I did not try to make it seem like everyone is "loose" and they do things like that. I was only being extreme because its easier to see my point. Any who, Its alright that you dont get everything, *shrugs* Some times I just ramble. I think I probably did some. So like, rock on.

Any who, I wasn't trying to excuse myself, or what not, with simply saying "but do what you want to". I was only saying that because in the end, it is your life, and you can do what you want. I am only pointing out I dont agree with it, and its not really for me to agree with it, but *shrugs* oh well, right?

Another thing you said is "sex" isnt the focal point of anything really. If its not that important, then *goes to the extreme* why not go out and have some every night with random people?

And no, I didnt mean my veiw point about pre-marital sex is askew, I mean as my ENTIRE veiw point is. I dont believe in pain, hence, pain isnt real. I dont believe in death, hence, death isnt real. If some one ask's me "are you telling the truth" I simply say "no". Or if some one asks me "are you lying" I simply say "yes". Think about that one on your own ;)

I never said everyone is off having sex with some looser they have been dating for 5 days, and I dont mean to be deragatory *sp* to any one in what I said. I simply was saying, and again I say I went to the extreme's, that I dont agree and I said things to make my point more conceivable. And again, we agree in what you said in your second to last paragraph bud, Im not better then any one else for what I believe, only different. I never said I was better, and I never meant to seem like I was saying Im better.

Any who, Thanks for the "more power to you", but I dont think I will use it LoL No one likes me anyways ;)

Any who, rock on, thanks for letting me post, and stay awsome!


Plo Koon
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btw, Arkadyz, thanks for hoping I can get some better anime, but this town I live is is vastly populated by

1. Old People
2. Hicks
3. Adults who in general hate "kids" like me

So like.. *shrugs* Any suggestions though, for me to look for, would be much appreciated =P

Plo Koon
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PloKoonDS [/i]
[B]I dont believe in pain, hence, pain isnt real. I dont believe in death, hence, death isnt real.[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I don't believe in pre-marital sex, hence.....:whoops:

Just caught my eye.

You're an extraordinarily interesting person, Plo Koon. [/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PloKoonDS [/i]
[B]btw, Arkadyz, thanks for hoping I can get some better anime, but this town I live is is vastly populated by

1. Old People
2. Hicks
3. Adults who in general hate "kids" like me

So like.. *shrugs* Any suggestions though, for me to look for, would be much appreciated =P

Plo Koon [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#707875]Plo Koon, it's important to bear in mind that double posting isn't allowed at OtakuBoards.

I strongly recommend reading our rules (you can find a link at the top of the page, where the menu is located), so as to ensure that you're kept informed.

If you want to add something to a previous post (and nobody has posted after you), we recommend editing that post, rather than adding a new one. Thanks.[/color]
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[i]Most[/i] people who have premarital sex aren't prepared to accept the consequences. That's why abortion sprang up. But that's a sermon for another time, and hopefully another place.

I know that I've chosen to abstain from it, originally because of the life I've chosen; but now simply because it's stupid and I see a much better, and less stressful, way(even outside of Christianity).

Until you can be man enough to accept the role of a father, or woman enough to accept the role of a mother, you don't need to have sex. Regardless of your faith, religion or following.

That's all I have to say on this subject. I've read a few posts in it, and I see that quite a large number of immature and/or inexperienced are discussing this topic, when they shouldn't be.

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Wow, Justin kinda just said what I was gonna say next, almost like he.. *do do dooooooo* read my mind! o_O

any who, I agree whole-heartedly Justin, so like, rock on! \m/!

And James, I apologize, I wont do it again.

Plo Koon
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[color=deeppink]Plo Koon, rather than double posting you can easily add stuff to your posts with the Edit button :)

I just wanted to speak up about the hentai thing real quick. The reason hentai is more easily accepted in Japan than in the US is because the Japanese have a greater sense of fantasy vs. real life. Their belief is that hentai stems from the fantasy side of life, and as long as you keep it strictly fantasy, then it's an ok thing with society. I guess, however, if you would want to act out a hentai-oriented fantasy, that's when it becomes a rather 'wrong' thing to do. (I'm only loosely educated on this topic, so anyone can add in or correct me where I'm wrong.)

So I guess where hentai originates from, they have a much different view than we do over here. They create it for the sole purpose of fantasy, and who doesn't have a good sexual fantasy now and then?

I hope that makes sense...I'm trying to make a point but I'm not sure it's coming out correctly :bluesweat:[/color]
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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Taylor Hewitt
I don't think there is anything wrong with premarital sex. I'm only 13 but I can have my opinions. It doesn't make a difference really if you're married or not. It doesn't change the outcome. As long as they use proper protection and know what they are getting themselves into.
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I agree with Taylor, and dayday, I dont know why sex is disgusting or gross, its natural. I dont think premarital sex is wrong, whats wrong with it? Because a guy that says it is wrong means its wrong? Im not going against any religon but thats my point of view.
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Like I said, there are a lot of people who dont have any business in this topic that [i]are[/i] in this topic.

TH, as a 13-year-old, you're not psychologically ready for sex. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Sure, you can physically perform the act, but sex is a lot deeper than a good feeling. Sex creates a connetion(especially your first time) that no non-adult is ready for.

Sex isn't disgusting--anyone who says it is is immature, and they'll grow out of it. But sex [i]is[/i] more than the majority of society tells you it is.

Take my advice: Keep your virginity, for your own sake. Save it until you meet a good girl/guy, marry them, and then give that flower to them to show your appreciation. I don't say that necessarily as a preacher, but more as someone who just knows.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jubei Yagyou [/i]
[B]I agree with Taylor, and dayday, I dont know why sex is disgusting or gross, its natural. I dont think premarital sex is wrong, whats wrong with it? Because a guy that says it is wrong means its wrong? Im not going against any religon but thats my point of view. [/B][/QUOTE]
No one said it was wrong, because someone said it was wrong. If you don't use protection, you're in your early teens, and you have a kid...you have a problem. That's reason enough for someone to think it's wrong. Condom's can break, or they can be misused, even if you use protection there's still a chance of something going wrong.
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I personally think that premarital sex is wrong. Not only for the bad outcomes of new human beings, but for disease as well. Just look at the all the people with AIDS and HIV. Don't forget also those horrible STD's. Once you get them, you live with them. There are medicenes the help with it somewhat, but they don't totally go away. They come back in like a month. I am a virgin and I am proud of it. I am waiting till after marriage, but that is just me. I wish that many people wouldn't have sex because they are risking their lives and freedom each time they do it. I am Pro-life when it comes to abortion because you are killing something that is living. Plus, you would be wrecking the chance for that unborn child to live a life. In turn, you would be running away from the things that you are responsible for. Plus, if you and your boy/girlfriend wait to have sex until after marriage, you and you partner would be pure from disease and sex would feel more special. Even though I am a Christian, I am saying this in a realistic way. If you chose to have sex before marriage, you are risking your life, freedom, and the way other people will react when they find out. If you are a teen, my advice is to refrain from it. Premarital sex isn't everyhing.
Also, I don't really like it when people have premarital sex out of marriage, but it is there life not mine. I have to say I go with Justin on this one. I don't think that sex is is a disdusting thing at all, but I understand why dayday feels negative about it.
One last thing before I bring this to a close. If you do end up having premarital sex, and an unborn child id the outcome, there are better choices out there than abortion. You could also give your child, after birth up for adoption. That way, that child has the chance to make their own decisions, grow up, have a family if they chose, but most importantly have the chance to live life.
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