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Favorite Bands (Threads merged.)

Guest Atticus

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It's really difficult narrowing it down to five. I don't really feel there's a [i]definite[/i] top five because it changes a lot depending on what I'm in the mood for. I guess, more than a favorites list this is more of a bands that I allways come back to no matter what, that have never disappointed me with a bad realease, you know stuff like that.

-The Cure

I don't really feel I have to go into too much detail as to why The Cure rocks. It should be common knowledge by now. Robert Smith has this incredible pleading quality to his voice, which makes his sad songs sound really sad and his love songs sound really desperate and to me that's just perfect, it draws me in and makes me feel whatever feeling he's singing. Every time I go back and I listen to Love Song or Jupiter Crash and I fall in love with him all over again. Lyrically, they're amazing. No body can write and/or execute a love song the way The Cure does.

-The Smiths/Morrisey

I grew up listening to The Smiths, I was seven years old and jamming to Frankly Mr. Shankly. What I always really liked about him were how his lyrics, at that age, felt really naugty. Like "Sweetnes, I was only joking when I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head." I loved to sing that line out loud and have my fellow class mates look at me really weird. It was awesome. I also thought liked that Morrisey sings with his accent. He has this incredibly smooth and melodic voice, but you can tell he's English and with most singers they lose the accent when they sing. It adds this little sharpness to whatever he's singing. To this day I am amazed that his voice has not changed at all. It hasn't aged one bit which is a lot to say because he's been around for a while.

-Cafe Tacvba

They're Spanish Rock, probably one of the biggest bands to come out of Mexico. They didn't use drums, they mixed in their music with folkloric Mexican sounds. They also studied music which is really rare for a Mexican band, at the time. I think because of that they have this really awesome blend of music and they go from random chaos to violins with Aztec chants in the background. That in combination with the lead singer's token slightly rough and high voice is art. They were like the first rock genre band to be recognized in Mexico by the elite, which is to me is a pretty cool acheivement. They know their stuff and they're really an amazing band.


Icelandic songstress. Björk has an amazing voice, that cannot be denied. It's very versatile she can sing against big band trumpets or the little tinklings of a music box. I actually, initially didn't like her. I guess it takes time to swallow in all she has to offer, because it can really be annoying, in a way. Like there's too much going inside her. But once I pushed her to the side and just listened to her music, especially music like what can be found in Homogenic I was instantly transfixed. A lot of people say her lyrics suck, I think differently though. Sometimes they can be a bit simple, but sometimes I think that's all you need.


Lucybell is an Argentinian rock band. They're very good, kind of jazzy. Some of their songs just make you want to get naked and have slow methodical sex because of that jazzy sound in combination with Claudio, the lead singer's, super sultry smooth masculine voice. It's the type of music you can completely zone out to and melt into, like you feel it coursing through your body. It's weird, but nice.

So yes, that's it, I'm done.
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Top Posters In This Topic


1. Taking Back Sunday
-A Decade Under The Influence
-Bonus Mosh Pt 2
-You're So Last Summer
-Timberwolves in New Jersey
-Your Own Disaster

2. Sugarcult
-Pretty Girl
-How Does It Feel
-Head Up

3. Yellowcard
-Ocean Avenue
-Only One
-Way Away
-Empty Apartment

4. Blink 182
-First Date
-Miss You

5. The Starting Line
-Playing Favorites
-This Ride
-Up and Go
-Best Of Me
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[SIZE=1]I'm still pretty much stuck in the Rock/Metal genre for the last 2/3 years so this list is going to be no real surprise to anyone familiar with said genre. I'm going to list them in no particular order as it's pretty hard to decide which band in my over-all favourite as they're all brilliant.

[CENTER][b]- Metallica -[/b][/CENTER]

One of the first Metal Band I got into, I've been following these guys for a long time, I recently added their [B]Black Album[/B] and [B]Garage Inc.[/B] to my collection after a friend of my took back his CDs. I wouldn't be a great fan of their new work and I prefer stuff from the area of say [B]Load[/B] when they were big but their music hadn't become typical of the genre of Metal. James Hetfield has one brilliant voice for the vocals a Metal group and Ulrich is one of the best drummers I've heard so far.

[CENTER][b]- Thin Lizzy -[/b][/CENTER]

I've heard Thin Lizzy in various forms for the last decade (particularly the song [I]The Boys are Back in Town[/I]) but I'm ashamed to admit that I'd never actually bought one of their CDs until a few months back. I think they are simply one of the greatest bands ever and it is swayed in no way due to the fact that they are Irish in origin (well maybe a little), Phil Lynott is a different kind of vocalist to Hetfield but I think he does the job just as well for Thin Lizzy's style.

[CENTER][B]- Drowning Pool -[/B][/CENTER]

I actually got into these guys a year or so ago after hearing their music on Jet Li's [b]The One[/b]. I actually only heard recently that one of the members of the band died which shows exactly how out of touch I am but it's the music than counts in the end. I'm vexed when I hear the sweeping remark that they're pretty typical of the genre but these guys stood out for me even though I don't own even a single CD belonging to them.

[CENTER][b]- Linkin Park -[/b][/CENTER]

I've only ever heard a few songs by Linkin Park that I didn't like which goes a hell of a lot further than many other newer bands like them. I got a lend of a CD off a friend of mine a few years ago when they first become popular in Ireland (I've only an absolutely crap Music Store where I live), again they seem to take some cues from earlier bands like Thin Lizzy and Metallica but in the end is that really something bad...

[center][b]- Guns 'N Roses -[/b][/center]

Again I hang my head in shame as I say that I've only had the chance to get acquainted with recently, I'm still in the process of listening to some of their songs but from what I've heard so far they definitely earn a place on the list here.

Well that's it, but it seems the old trend of the older, they are the better is in my humble opinion...[/SIZE]
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[color=deeppink][size=1](In no particular order.)


Not only is Chris Martin's voice amazing, I love the music and lyrics, too. The lyrics don't always make sense, but I always get a clear image in my mind each time I hear their songs. I got into them during the fall-ish last year, but until then, I couldn't stand them. After actually sitting down and listening to an entire song, I fell completely in love with them and went right off to mass-download a bunch of their music. Really great. Listening to their songs just make me feel a lot better.

1) Don't Panic.
2) A Rush of Blood to the Head.
3) The Scientist (Acoustic).
4) Trouble.
5) Amsterdam.


A refreshingly different mood, and Matt's voice is just- *melts* brilliant. Their songs are also really fun to sing. Uhm, I got 'introduced' while reading Red/Ger's blog, and decided to check out some of the songs he mentioned. One of them was 'Time is Running Out', and from there, mass downloading and instant love for the band. ^_^

1) Unintended.
2) Can't Take My Eyes Off You.
3) Falling Away With You.
4) Overdue.
5) Sunburn.

[center][b][u].:The Cardigans:.[/b][/u][/center]

Uhm, they're classified as 'One Hit Wonders' for their song 'Lovefool', but I really liked Nina's voice, so I went looking for a few more of their songs. She has a really soft voice, and I absolutely love it. The lyrics aren't awesome, but I love the music, and they just won't get out of my head!

1) For What It's Worth.
2) My Favourite Game.
3) You're The Storm.
4) Communication.
5) Erase and Rewind.


Ahhh... Thom's got such an amazing voice. They've got a unique sound, and their songs are very different in (erm) colour-vibration (<- closest I can explain), and their lyrics are really cool. I see a lot of similarity between Radiohead and Coldplay, soo. And plus, I found out about Radiohead after having Coldplay being compared to Radiohead and such, and decided to check them out.

1) 2 + 2 = 5.
2) Talk Show Host.
3) Black Star (Acoustic).
4) Exit Music (for a film).
5) How to Disappear Completely.


Their songs vary in style, and they're really catchy. I love Shirley Manson's voice. And erm... that's... all I've got to say. o_o;

1) Only Happy When it Rains.
2) Thirteen.
3) Parade.
4) #1 Crush.
5) Androgyny.

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Guest Gothikman
[QUOTE=friday 13][COLOR=DarkRed]these bands are great:[/COLOR]

cradle of filth

dimmu borgir



dark funeral[/QUOTE]
My favorite bands are[COLOR=DarkRed]

Old Man's Child :devil:

Dimmu Borgir :devil:

Emperor :devil:

Satarycon :devil:

Deicide :devil: [/COLOR]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Gothikman]My favorite bands are[COLOR=DarkRed]

Old Man's Child :devil:

Dimmu Borgir :devil:

Emperor :devil:

Satarycon :devil:

Deicide :devil: [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

I take it you like like black metal then,
thats cool ive got in the nightside eclipse, live and prometheus by emperor,
volcano by satyricon and deicides first album my favourite extreme band is easily Obituary though.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]My top five favorite bands of all times, aren't American bands. But you did say all time...so here:

+Dir en grey
+D`espairs Ray
+Plastic Tree
+Miyavi (Not really a band but he is a great musician..)

And those are my favorites...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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  • 3 months later...

1) CRADLE OF FILTH (good singer good drummer good guitars they have it all.)

2) DIMMU BORGIR (singer SHAGRATH hates religion, loves his spikes.)

3) MAYHEM (one of the scariest bands of all time with two dead guys. DEAD and EURONONYMOUS. HELLHAMMER keep doing what you always did!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

4) BATHORY (poor QUOTHORN R.I.P!!!!!!!!)

5) BURZUM (VARG get out of jail please and come and rule this ******* world it needs some dicipline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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[size=1]Evil Jinnie, I can see you like black metal, and actually a few others here as well do that have posted in this thread and I just like to say it's great to see other people into a genre like that, despite the huge amount of people aligned against it because of the messages that some of the bands put it across. Anyways, yeah, Bathory is absolutely an amazing band in all retrospect, and Mayhem, is mediocre even though it's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" Album had a huge cult image (and still does), it isn't as great as everyone says.

Burzum though however is sheer brilliance from one man, Varg. The Aske/Burzum cd, was absolutely amazing, the epitome of what black metal should be. Even though Hvis Lyset Tar Oss was just as remarkable, along with his other releases and his famous ambient releases, Aske/Burzum rules over them all.

Dimmu Borgir, I absolutely hate this band, despite that I'm not close minded to them though. There is one album hiding away in their discography that is a black metal opus, it's what melodic black metal should be, with a huge depressive touch to it. Everything else besides their demos are horrible, cliche'd and cheesy.

I really don't want to comment on Cradle of Filth, my opinnion on them anymore is just bad and for anyone wondering, they ARE not black metal no matter what anyone has said.

Ok, now that, that is out of the way, it has been a long time since I've posted at Otakuboards and my favorite bands have really changed since last time I posted. I've learned alot and my musical taste have seriously expanded, I regret even mentioning I liked Cradle of Filth on my last list. So here is a new list.

1.The Cure; (Goth Rock) Robert Smith, the brains behind this brilliant band, some of the most amazing work has eminated from this mans mind. The soundscape of this band is amazingly diverse from suicidal darkness to absolutely silly happy songs that make you want to jump around. The use of different instruments over the years just adds to every thing he has done. The lyrics despite almost always being depressing are not cliched in any one way and are so unique it's one of the reasons why I started listening to them more. As well the fact that he had no manager to tell him what to do, everything that has come from this band is and always has been from Robert Smith.

2. Burzum; (Black/Ambient Metal) Depending on the album you listen to you'll sometimes get a mix of ambient music and black metal, or full ambience or just full black metal. It doesn't matter though, even when the two are mixed the harshness of the instruments, the vocals and the lyrics all work together to create amazing aesthetics. The way this man played black metal was legendary and he was a depressive mastermind creating heavy winter feelings. This is why he takes a 2nd place spot on my list.

3. Graveland (Black/Pagan Epic Metal) Another one man band with over a dozen releases behind his belt, all with the same outlook, war on the human race, desctructionand desecration of everything. Despite all of this, there is a huge sense of pride to this mans work, since a giant amount of this music is epic and long with lyrics about Barbarins from the North. Though the man behind the music is sadly very racist, he does create some of the best black metal ever and is deserving of my number 3 spot.

4. Velvet Cacoon (Ambeint/Folk/Black Metal) Misanthrope; One who hates or mistrusts humankind. This is what this band is and they usually have no human contact besides with the other band members, which is now only two. (The drummer died in 1996) They are so deeply connected to nature that even their music seems to recreate the sounds of nature without using them at all, it's like something beyond imagination. It's like an opiate drugged haze when listening to them, their music is so trance like in some albums that you can't seem to wake from it. They just recently completed a trilogy of cds, the first being about Fog the second about Waves, and I can never remember what the third cd, but it doesn't matter. They are very hard to come by, and even though they relased 8 cds before the one "Genevieve" the album Genevieve is the only one released to the public. As far as the way the make their music it's very odd, and a whole other story. Also, Cacoon is an Acronym, it is not a mispelling of Cocoon.

And Last But Not Least.

5. Falkenbach (Folk/Viking Metal) Just I can't say much about this band besides the fact that they use some very interesting instruments, from their homeland, Iceland. They sing about the viking tradtions and other things about Iceland and Norway in general, with a Black Metal touch in many spots, usually with the vocals. But once again is very epic and very good addition to my music collection. Even if you don't like metal they are worth checking out.

And One Honorable Mention; Bathory (Black/Viking Metal), Quothorn (R.I.P) he would have been on my top five, if it wasn't for at one period of time that he had released many mainstream and crappy albums, from his original black/viking metal albums that shimmer with brilliance. Before his death he released two Folk Metal albums about his Homeland Norway and it proved that he still knew how to make amazing music, he came back from the mainstream and ended his legacy with two cds. If it wasn't for those other 3 albums he released he would have been on my top 5 list.

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In order from least to favorite

[B]5) Thousand Foot Krutch.[/B]

You prolly all just went "who?!?" They're a Christian rock band that sound like Linkin Park mixed with a little KoRn and a little Beatles. Very odd. Very good lyrics.

Puppet (Set It Off)
Phenomenon (Phenomenon)
RawkFist (Phenomenon)
Brother John (Set it Off)
Every one like Me (Set it Off)

[B]4)The Allman Brothers:[/B]
Greg Allman = Genuis King of the Guitar. Quite possibly one of the best guitarist out there, giving credit to Jimi and Rayvonn, of course.

Wanderin' Man

[B]3) Pink Floyd[/B]
Genuis. Sheer genius. Occasionally disturbed genius, but genius none the less.

Songs: The Entire DSOTM album
Comfortably Numb
Another Brick in the Wall

[B]2)Steve Taylor. [/B]
Another artist you will undobtedly go Huh? to...another christian artist who's a bit on the surreal side. Think BNL or Talking Heads or TMBG weird. And the music's all 80s style 'cuz that's when he was popular.

This Disco
I Want to be a Clone
Drive, He said,
I blew up the clinic real good

[B]1) The Beatles.[/B]
The founders of most everything that is rock music now. Don't know how, don't particularly care, just know that if they were around today most of us girls would probably fallen in love with 'em too. First people to really do "psycadelic" music, for which I will be forever greatful.

Songs: Too Many to list, but I can try

Goodday, Sunshine
Tommorow Never Knows
Blue Jay Way
Within you, without you
It's All Too Much
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
And on an' on an' on..
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[size=1]This will be difficult.

[5] Muse: Classical, electronica, groove, cool. You can't really classify Muse. The lead has an excellent voice, and uses it to stunning effect. A very strong band.

[4] Modest Mouse: They produce great Altern Rock music, which is ideal for relaxing to. Their songs all contain a poignancy to them, and are really easy to listen to.

[3] Foo Fighters: Slow songs, fast song, heavy songs, light songs. But all solid rock. What is there to complain about?

[2] The Hives: Nice thrash rock, a great group. I guess it depends on your tastes, and I admit that they take a while to get used to...but once you do, it is impossible to get them out of your system. Very nice for a bit of Punk/Thrash rock, and really fun music.

[1] Kyuss: Now known as Queens Of The Stone Age, but I don't know much of their current music. Kyuss is very easy to listen to, because they are slow rock, mixed with occasional heavy parts as well as some nice instrumental type pieces [Screaming Eagle, anyone?]. A great band, and perhaps the one I listen to most.[/size]
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1) Papa Roach- Papa Roach is the number one band in my books because their music I like. My favourite songs i like by them are Getting Away With Murder because it has a very cool beat to it or Between Angels and Insects because it has a sick sound to it.

2) Breaking Benjamin- I have only heard two of their songs but I really like them. The two songs I heard and I like are Polyamourus and Firefly because both of the songs are sick.

3) Linkin Park- Their songs are cool and I like Rap-Metal. My favourite song by them is Papercut because it has a sick sound.

4) The Living End- Their songs are also cool and they wrote one of the best songs ever. My favourite song by them us Prisone rof Society because I reckon it is one of the best Aussie songs ever.

5) INXS- Their songs have a lot of meaning to them and I love their lyrics. My favourite song by them is Original Sin because it got banned in America which is impressive.
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[color=gray][size=1]This is really hard -.-;
[*][b]Queen -[/b] They are just the greatest band ever.
[*][b]Dire Straits -[/b] Don't ask, I don't even know all of their songs, but what I know is uber great XD
[*][b]Evanescence -[/b] Well they own that's all.
[*][B]Manfred Mann -[/b] Dito.
[*][b]Simon and Garfunkel -[/b] Fear the folk rock kind of music.
I would also add [B]Linkin Park[/B] if it weren't so popular already =P

[*][b]Queen -[/b] The Show Must Go On
[*][b]Dire Straits -[/b] Tunnel Of Love
[*][b]Evanescence -[/b] Missing
[*][b]Manfred Mann -[/b] Chicago Institute
[*][b]Simon and Garfunkel -[/b] The Sound Of Silence [u]or...[/u] Bridge Over Trouble Water
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Guest Cole-Fu
Some of the same bands that really got me into music are some of the same ones I respect the most. Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, The Who, The Greatful Dead, Jimmy Hendrix.

Led Zepplin-

What a great band, Page and plant were truley musical geniuses. I rank them number one in my opinion.

Favorite Led Zepplin songs...

1. D'yer Mak'er
2. No Quarter
3. Custard Pie
4. Kashmir
5. Stairway to Heaven

Number two on the list is Pink Floyd. Most of there songs seem to put me into a daze, possibly inspired by drugs are crazy lyrics that can make your mind think hard.

Favorite Pink FLoyd songs...

1. Have A Cigar
2. Money
3. Shine On You Crazy Diamonds
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Speak To Me

Number 3. The who. Can anybody say hello cleveland? These guys rule, great use of synthesisers guitar bass drums vocals, highly reccomended.

Favorite Who songs are as follows...

1. Who are you
2. Teenage Waste Land ( Truly makes use of 16 bit noises)
3. Slipkid ( got my note book my text books, off to the civil war)

Next are the greatful dead, owning all volumes of Dicks picks I can say this band is one of the most talented of all time. To tel lyou the truth I cannot even begin to choose between there songs, all of them are just soo good.

Jimmy hendrix. Oh man, what a great guitar player. many say the best of all time. His use of the wa wa is uncanny. Most say his version of All along the watchtower is better than dylans version.
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I love classic Rock and Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, gothic Rock,punk rock, and well all Kinds of Rock besides Death Metal and Black Metal.

1.Creedance Clearwater Revival- How can you not like Creedance Classic Rocking with Rythm and Blues just amazing.

2. The Killers- Cause I love that sythesizer and tat vox and I love that song Andy Your a Star, Jenny Was a Friend of Mine, and Mr.Brightside.

3.Modest Mouse-Love those killer horns in the intro,Devils Workday (the song with the best line every I can Sell My SElf a Job, I can Hang myself on Treason, cause I'm my own god), Buokouwski, and the song Float On.They have a Cool Indie Rock vibe and a great Alternative Rock sound.

4.Guns and Roses- You know why Take me Down to the Paradise City, Welcome to the Jungle, and more.

5.AC/DC They Rock I love Back in Black, Who Made Who, Giving the Dog a Bone, Shook Me All Night Long, Hells Bells, Highway to Hell,Honey What Do You Do For Your Money, and more.
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#1. Nirvana. I love this band, because basically, the message about 'the system' gets out. I think of their song 'rape me' is about going mainstream...because common slang 'raped' means an overused artist/song...and I don't know, they spat out good songs.

#2. Foo Fighters. These guys are the shiznit. They have bouncy, catchy songs that make you think hard about ****. 'Everlong' is my favorite song. I have it stuck in my head. Dave Grohl is awesome. He has so many talents...I mean, Dave pwns, seriously.

#3. The Cure. I don't know, Robert Smith conveys good songs, 'Friday I'm In Love' is so catchy, I love it.

#4. Older Green Day. Yeah. Good stuff. I'm kind of anti american idiot, though. Too raped.

#5. Led Zeppelin. Everyone has to love led zep. Kashmir pwns badly.
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5. A.F.I.

Favorite Songs

1. This Celluloid Dream
2. Silver and Cold
3. Girls Not Grey
4. This Time Imperfect
5. The Leaving Song

4. U2

Favorite Songs

1. Sunday Bloody Sunday
2. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
3. Where the Streets Have No Name
4. Beautiful Day
5. City of Blinding Lights

3. Metallica

Favorite Songs

1. For Whom the Bell Tolls
2. The Unforgiven II
3. Fuel
4. Fade to Black
5.Nothing Else Matters

2. Korn

Favorite Songs

1. Alone I Break
2. Got the Life
3. Falling Away from Me
4. A.D.I.D.A.S.
5. Right Now

1. Linkin Park

Favorite Songs

I cant pick I love them all the same...
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[QUOTE=Ozy Jones]\
[B]1) The Beatles.[/B]
The founders of most everything that is rock music now. Don't know how, don't particularly care, just know that if they were around today most of us girls would probably fallen in love with 'em too. First people to really do "psycadelic" music, for which I will be forever greatful.

Songs: Too Many to list, but I can try

Goodday, Sunshine
Tommorow Never Knows
[B]Blue Jay Way
Within you, without you
It's All Too Much
While My Guitar Gently Weeps[/B]
And on an' on an' on..[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]All George songs.

Forgot to list him, too. "All Things Must Pass". George Harrison's masterpiece, and my favorite record ever. It actually outstaged every Beatles album I have (which is all of them HA HA HA! :devil: ). God bless the man, he was great.

Hari Krishnah

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Five favorite bands?

(In no particular order)

Siouxsie and the Banshees- Gothic Rock/Punk/Post-punk I love their songs and I enjoy singing along to them (in the shower lol.). Some of their songs are bouncy and fun("Hong Kong Garden") and others a very mysterious-sounding("Christine"). I listen to Siouxsie when I need to relax. Their lyrics usually don't have a meaning, although "Cities in the Dust" can be interperted as being about the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
Favorite Siouxsie Songs:
"Happy House"
"Hong Kong Garden"
"Cities In the Dust"

Operation Ivy- "Skunk"(Ska-punk)/Punk Their songs are bouncy and catchy, another band I love to sing along to in the shower. This band makes me want to get up and dance. It's quite a pity that they broke up before I was born as this is one of those bands that would have been freaking awesome to see live. Their lyrics are incredible, they are so true. A good majority of the lyrics are about unity.

"Try to describe to the limit of my abality:/It's there for a second/then it's given up what it used to be./Contained in music somehow more than just sound,/this inspiration coming and twisting things around/Because you always know that it's going to have to go./You always know that you'll be back in the cold./Point of departure sublimated in a song/It's always coming and giving us hope for just a second then it's gone, but!/Sound system gonna bring me back up/One thing that I can depend on..." - Operation Ivy: "Sound System"

I am a total sucker for a strong bass line and OpIvy has several songs with awesome bass lines like "Jaded", "Officer" and "The Crowd". (Esp. "The Crowd" <3)
Favorite OpIvy songs:
"Sound System"
"The Crowd"
"Room Without a Window"
"Healthy Body"

Bauhaus - Gothic Rock. Awesome band. Their music is rather minimalistic, but still very good. I like to sing along to most of the songs. Some songs are bleak sounding like "Hollow Hills" and others are quite bouncy like "Terror Couple Kill Colonel." I like to dance around to the bouncier ones ("Dancing" anyone?). It scares my little sister. lol.
Favorite Bauhaus songs:
"Terror Couple Kill Colonel"
"Kick in the Eye"
"In the Flat Field"

The Dead Kennedys - Punk Rock. I love the Dead Kennedys so much. Jello Biafra's voice is so unique. Many people say that it took them awhile to get used to his voice, but I like odd vocals and I took to his voice right away. (Just like I am a sucker for a strong bass, I am a sucker for a unique voice.) East Bay Ray's guitar style is great, it isn't "in your face" like many other punk band's guitars.
Favorite Dead Kennedys songs"
"Holiday In Cambodia"
"Kill the Poor"
"Back in the USSR"
"Have I the Right"
"California Uber Allies"

The Cure - Post Punk/New Wave/Gothic Rock(some albums like Pornography) Another band with awesome vocals. One of my favorite albums of theirs is Pornography. It has very strong drums in many of the songs. Some of the songs are rather depressing though. But, that is just one of their albums. Most of their other albums are quite pop-ey and bright.
Favorie Cure songs:
"The Hanging Garden"
"Siamese Twins"
"Just Like Heaven"
"Wrong Number"
"Pictures of You"

I like alot more than five bands, but those are my absolute favorites.
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[B]1. Bad Religion[/B] : In my opinion, the single best punk rock group alive. With intellectually political, scientific, and sociological songs, its hard to imagine another group so intellegent and insightful. Favorite songs include [I]Fertile Crecent[/I], [I]Yesterday[/I], [I]Athiest Peace[/I], and [I]1000 More Fools[/I]. But seriously, this is one of those rare groups in which I love every single song almost without exception. Best album was the 1989 "SUFFER" album, which has never been topped before or after.

[B]2. DIO[/B]: When I talk about Dio, I mean most everything that Ronnie James Dio has done. His own band, a few Black Sabbath albums, and his early work with Ritchie Blackmore's, Rainbow. most of Dio's work is fantasy based; with song subjects about wizards, dragons, and other medieval topics. The music also has a subtle fantasy sound, especially in the Rainbow albums. Great songs from those years are [I]Temple Of The King[/I], [I]16th Century Greensleeves[/I], and [I]Man On The Silver Mountian[/I]. With Dio, I tend to think, the older the music the better. his new stuff is bordering on generic metal, but he did redeem himself with the 2000 album "Magica", which is a concept album and tells a fantasy story.

[B]3. Nightwish[/B]: Wow. Talk about a class by themselves. From Finland, their genre can be best described as gothic metal opera. Like Dio, who's work was a big influence for Nightwish, a good portion of their songs are based in fantasy. I never heard a band like this in my life. lol. Huge orchestral backrounds, mixed with drums and electric guitar and bass, and to top it ALL off, a professional opera singer doing the vocals. I just recently discovered them and have been buying and downloading like crazy. If I had to pick one favorite song by them, it would be impossible, seeing how it depends on what mood I'm in. but songs such as [I]Elvenpath, Wishmaster, [/I] and [I]Dead Boy's Poem[/I] rank right up there.

[B]4. Type O Negative[/B]: Gothic music at its finest. I only listen to them at night, because that is when they are best enjoyed. ^_^. I'm not really that much of a fan of their newest album, "Life Is Killing Me", but I think most everything from "Bloody Kisses", "October Rust", and "World Coming Down" is awesome and so wonderfully depressing. They are not for everyone, but if your a fan of arcane slow gothic rock, then its just gold. Atmospheric, is the only way I can describe them. Reminds me of being in a foggy graveyard at night. ^_^

[B]5. Metallica[/B]: What can I say about them? They have been a favorite of mine since I was 13 years old. "Ride The Lightning" is one of the best 1980's heavy metal album of all time, with "Master Of Puppets" as a close second. Now, unlike most Metallica fans, I dont hate "Load" and "ReLoad". Sure, its different. Vastly. (Play [I]Four Horsemen[/I] then play[I]Until It Sleeps[/I] and you would think its a different band) But that said, I just happen to like both styles and it depends on what mood I'm in, as to what I'll listen to. I will say, I DETEST "St. Anger", I'm not seeing nearly enough talent vocially, and tell me that it doesnt sound like Lars is banging on trash cans?? I couldnt get any of it, except [I]Invisible Kid[/I]

Honorable Mentions: Iron Maiden, Yngwie Malmsteen, Dead Kennedys, Ozzy, any 80's power metal, and White/Rob Zombie.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]I feel like Rob in [I]High Fidelity![/I]

[*]The Music
[*]The Cooper Temple Clause
[*]Ryan Adams

But for me, my top five are not set in stone or written in blood. They change all the time. I need to mention Muse and the Red Hot Chili Peppers too, because they creep in and out of the top five depending on my mood.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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This is quite hard, but here we go.

[b][1] Radiohead[/b]. If you're a fan of the band, then you know what I feel. I've listened to pretty much every song of theirs, and like each one in its own way. If you want to get into them, I'd purchase [i]OK Computer[/i]. The album was released in the late 90's, and is one of the best albums of that decade. You can usually find it for sale at Target some of the time, for a steal of $10.

Or, if you want to go forth and search the net, I'll recommend some of my favorite songs.

"Lucky," off of [i]OK Computer[/i], is probably my favorite song of theirs, I suppose. It's nearly impossible to just say this is my favorite song, but it's an amazing song. Basically, it's a love song, and it makes you feel all warmly cold, numbly lukewarm. Breathtaking and amazing.

"The Tourist," off of, again, [i]OK Computer[/i], is amazing.

"Scatterbrain (As Dead As Leaves)," off of their newest album [i]Hail to the Thief[/i]. Amazing song. It's really wailing, and sort of makes you just disappear in calm melancholy. Thom's voice is beautiful in it. I love this song, too, a lot of the time.

"A Wolf at the Door," is an amazing song as well. Off of [i]Hail to the Thief[/i], I like the cut-off, snippy feel of it, and how Thom just keeps going on and on and on with the lyrics, they drivel out. About the middle of the song, Thom just keeps pounding away, and you can feel his alienation in the way he sings, and it's just amazing.

"My Iron Lung," is another favorite. It takes some getting used to. This song was from [i]The Bends[/i], also released in the 90's. It was back when Radiohead weren't experimenting all too much, and had a punkish, alternative rock sound. The song is a mellow-at-times-then-catharsis-yell roller coaster. I love it.

And lastly, I'll go with "Exit Music (for a Film)," from [i]OK Computer[/i]. It's a really sad, bitter song, and I like it. The lyrics, and the way Thom sings them, are also amazing. I also like how it's quiet then somewhat explodes toward the middle, and I love the bitterness and the coldness of the song. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

To get these songs, I would just send them to you if my internet was working, but it's not working right now. . .just add machineofbones to your AIM buddylist, or [email]dilapoid@hotmail.com[/email] to MSN messenger, and I'll get them to you when you catch me. That is, once I get my net back downstairs, if ever.

Or you could try to find these songs using other methods. And then buy their albums if you find you love them.

They aren't for everyone, but I think in general if you don't love them you've at least got to like a few of their songs.

[b][2] Nine Inch Nails[/b], I guess. I think everyone's at least heard "Closer" by them. I really enjoy them, and Trent's lyrics and music make sense to me. I like the dark feel of almost every song, I like the machine-sounding monotiny of Industrial music. It's all so beautiful and something I can understand. This band must be great when you consider Johnny Cash did a cover of "Hurt," which is pretty crazy, considering Cash is Country music. Country is about as far from Industrial music as you can get nearly.

If you haven't heard them, then I'd recommend getting an EP released 1992, called [i]Broken[/i]. Although it's only a few songs (as EPs are), it's a really great album. And it's also cheap. About $10 if you look on eBay. Or just pick it up where you can find it for about that price.

Some songs to give a go with them are:

"Last." It's from [i]Broken[/i]. It's one of the more heavy metal-ish songs NIN has. Broken's a lot like this song, too - more metal-y than most of what I've heard of NIN. The lyrics are amazing, Trent is amazing, the song is amazing. It rocks. If you don't like it there's got to be something wrong with you. Either that or you're anti-rock. Which is sad and makes me cry.

"Something I Can Never Have." Turn off all your lights. Get rid of all other noise than this song. Sit there and listen to it. It's such an incredibly atmospheric song. It just makes everything dark and soft, sort of like when you go out and walk at night, and lights glare at you in the way they do. That's what this song is like. It's like escaping into a different world. The world of Trent Reznor's soul. Great, great, great song. From [i]Pretty Hate Machine[/i].

"Hurt." It's from [i]The Downward Spiral.[/i] It's a reflection-type song, and it's amazing. The lyrics, the subtlety, its simpleness instrumentally, its quietness to the point of numbing pain. If you haven't heard this song, just go die. Now. Or listen to it and don't die.

"Somewhat Damaged," from the more instrumental double-disc album, [i]The Fragile[/i]. I like how heavy and noisy it is, and the lyrics are quite amazing.

"Closer," also from [i]The Downward Spiral[/i]. I'm pretty sure many people have heard this song. If you aren't one of them, I feel your pain of being left out. Its lyrics are sensual, sexual, and genius, and not endearing at all, but blatant and yelling. That's the mark of genius. Have you women ever wanted to know what it's like to be a man like Trent and I? Then listen to this, and you'll understand.

[b][3] Pink Floyd[/b]. I still haven't heard every single song of Floyd. But, I have heard most of them. I'm very certain a lot of people have heard their music on classic rock stations. Most likely a lot from [i]The Dark Side of the Moon[/i] and [i]The Wall[/i], as well as "I Wish You Were Here" from the album of the same name.

Floyd is just amazing. They are the best classic rock band in my opinion. They beat out Zeppelin, AC/DC. Every other rock band.

Recommended songs:

"Wish You Were Here," of course. I don't think I need to explain. The song explains itself, and I'm sure many (if not all) of you have heard it.

"Learning to Fly" is from [i]A Momentary Lapse of Reason[/i]. This is a pretty recent album, and it's missing a few key members of the band, but it's still a great album despite it. Not as good as their older albums, but good nonetheless. Certainly a hell of a lot better than a lot of the garbage that's released nowadays. I've actually memorized most of the lyrics to this song. It's such a great song and should be heard by all.

"Comfortably Numb." What can I say? What needs to be said? I love the instrumentals at the end of the song, I love how much I can identify with this song.

"Shine on You Crazy Diamond (all parts)." Extremely long instrumentals, nice lyrics, does anyone have a lighter I can swirl to and fro in the air in mellow feeling? It's from [i]Wish You Were Here[/i].

"The Trial." From the double-disc, Roger-Waters-looking-at-his-navel, [i]The Wall[/i]. Has anyone seen the movie [i]The Wall[/i]? This song is near the end of it, and it's such an amazing song in its own right, but paired with the movie and what it all means, it's just amazing.

"Time." What can I say? Amazing song. I love the lyrics. I love the beginning, all the clocks clattering. It's from [i]Dark SIde of the Moon[/i].

"Eclipse." I love how short but wise the lyrics and the song are, how simple it is. From [i]Dark Side of the Moon[/i] as well.

I could go on and on about my Floyd, but that is enough, but not all the songs by them, I'd recommend.

I'll give my fourth and fifth place songs some other time. . .running low on time.
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[B] 1: System of a Down[/B] I love how heavy their music is yet the messages they put out doing so. Some of their songs have sucked I'll admit but they do have some great songs as well like Inner Vision, Chop Suey, Sugar, Shimmy, Needles, and Chic n' Stu.

[B] 2: Cradle of Filth[/B] I know you can barely ever understand what they say but I think of their music as more tune than lyrics. The voices flow with the tune so it doesn't matter that they're screaming. It fits. I like Born in the Burial Gown, All Hope in Eclipse, and No Time to Cry.

[B] 3: White Zombie/Rob Zombie[/B] The way they have so much variety in their music defiently impresses me. The weird combo between techno and heavy metal also captivates me. Favorite songs are Dragula, More Human than Human, SuperBeast, and Never Gonna Stop.

[B] 4: Powerman 5000[/B] Very much like White Zombie (lead singer: Spider 1 is Rob zombie's brother). They have a bit more techno music. Favorite songs are When Worlds Collide, Super Nova Goes Pop, Free, and Theme to a Fake Revolution.

[B] 5: Slipknot[/B] Slipknot had some good songs and had some bad songs and then they had some real bad songs. I think at time's they get a little too light and change beat too much within songs. Favorite songs are Duality, Vermillion, Circle, and Pulse of the Maggots.

That be all me favorite bands!
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