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Riders RP (Story)


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[I]Zack walks off into the woods alone[/I]

Zack:so Skee hatched...then...but why would the dark forces come to life for that?....I know the last war had many reasons...one major one being the protection of that egg...but...thier was another big reason...one less seen...I only know of it because of...then...

[I]Zack stares off into the forest remembering all that had happened those days he was a captive[/I]

OOC:I will continue this post later...don't have time to type a big long post
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Umm... Can someone please post about what's going on at the moment, and where Leona is???? I haven't been logged on for a few days, and I'm very lost at the moment... And this cold weather isnt' helping my brain much... *shivers* Darn Canadian winters... :confused: :bawl:
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OOC:Leona is with Diamoon, Nabashi, Kool, Danali, and Cara..they went to get Diamoon to open a sealed place...Zack and Diamoon are old friends...and he is surprised at how much Zack has changed...At one point Nabashi, Zack , Kool, and Danali went off to save Amber...afterwards Zack got pissed at something she said and they left her alone...now they are sitting around the campfire while Zack is off in the woods on his own...but you will understand more if you just go back and read the post...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i]
[B]OOC:Leona is with Diamoon, Nabashi, Kool, Danali, and Cara..they went to get Diamoon to open a sealed place...Zack and Diamoon are old friends...and he is surprised at how much Zack has changed...At one point Nabashi, Zack , Kool, and Danali went off to save Amber...afterwards Zack got pissed at something she said and they left her alone...now they are sitting around the campfire while Zack is off in the woods on his own...but you will understand more if you just go back and read the post... [/B][/QUOTE]


...*blinks*...Um.... Okay. :D Thanks for summarizing it! This cold weather is going to my brain, and I'm too lazy at the moment to go back and re-read the posts again.... *yawn* I just read them a few mins ago, and they just didn't want to.... Register to my brain... *sweat drop* Sorry... Cold weather makes me sort of tired.. *yawn* :sleep:
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OOC: And I got shot in the hand by Amber!! Lol!!

Nabashi:-buries his sword- You shall infest noone any more! -pulls out his fathers sword- Ah much better....-sits staring into the fire- Hm....-out of no where yells- I DON'T CARE!

Everyone: -looks at him-

Nabashi: -hops on Jelas and turns around- Diamoon, tell Zack if he gets back that I am going against his orders! -rides off- Man I just gotta find Amber...
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OOC: ok picking up where I left off...lets see if I can't get those creative juices flowing...

[I]Zack stared off into the woods...forcing himself to remember those days of horror....

Zack:Emcew I need to retrieve that egg...

Emcew:I know Zack I know...be careful freind...the enemy will be numerous around there....

Zack:right...you will keep the rest of the riders and defend Alterone...?

Emcew:I will...Zack we are just now begining to win the war back...partially in part to you...and to the pact we made...

Zack: don't worry Emcew my friend...I won't be dieing anytime soon...

With that Zack had turned on Æon and rode off. Zack rode many miles, avoiding the enemy as much as he could, occaisonaly dropping out of the woods ambushing a group he couldn't get around, He kept contact with Emcew and the other riders through a pigion. He soon reacher the Shrine...retrieved the egg and fell for a trap he should have relized was thier...after all he had been he one who invinted it...It was then the first time her thought he saw her...the only one he had showen his trap...he managed to escape the trap though...by grabing the egg and running like hell...he quickly raced across the country side...being chased by the dark army...It was in the planes of Albay that he was first spotted by one of the warriors scoouting..Diamoon...back then Diamoon was just a knight...but he had become friend with Emcew and Zack during the war...Zack at that time was barely in front of the pursueing forces...


[I]Zack chuncked the egg as hard as he could as Æon was shot in the leg, already wounded Æon tripped and feel, bringing Zack with him[/I]

Diamoon:Zack run for it!!

Zack:NO...I will protect Æon...I won't make it anyway...take the egg, you must protect it, Also find Emcew and tell him thier is a trator in our ranks!!....


Zack:go now!!

Zack picked up his spear, StarSpike, and turned to face the oncoming group...Zack rushed them , and through his spear into the first oncoming one at the last moment, He quickly unsheathed his dagger,Wolf's Fang. and lunged forward. He quickly stabed the next on coming warrior, but wasn't able to pull his dagger out in time and was knocked out...After that his memory came in and out...being tortured...seeing things that would drive him insane to remember again and being interogated...for another item...something that neither side had...something more powerful...he never found out exactly what it was...and her...She had been lost during the war...but here she was...One day she came into the dungeon...and released him...she gave him his weapons...

Zack:...why are you doing this...?

Christian:...because he control me...

Zack:a spell?...

Christian:...I am sorry Zack...I still love you...

Zack:...then come back...

Christian:I can't...

She raised her weapon and suddenlly, recklessly charged him. Zack's natural reaction set in...he parried the blow...and removed the threat...

Christian:thank you Zack...Æon is free...goodbye...

Zack couldn't remember anything besides that moment...his survival set in...he escaped the place and got on Æon...and he rode...rode...but he was never there...his mind was stuck in that moment...seeing her dieing...because of his inability during hose times...he had caused the death of a rider...once he had returned...he was cold...he had lost everything...except his home...he fought the rest of the war to defend that home...then when it became threatened again...he left the knights and became the goblin of the forest[/I]


[I]Zack siliently walks back to camp and sits down, looking colder then ever...[/I]

Zack:where is Nabashi?

Diamoon:...he went to get Amber....


[I]Zack stares into the fire, his eyes showing anger[/I]
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Nabashi: -arrives where the battle was- -jumps off of Jelasevive- -starts looking around- ...Good her tracks are still fresh....-stares down the way her tracks were heading- Hey Jelas lets go..-while running hops on Jelas and they start off again- Hm....I know Zack will be mad...but I just can't watch an innocent person die..for no reason...Oh god...what am I going to say to Zack when I get back....this isn't going to be pretty....-searches for hours before finding Amber sleeping- -rides up- -slowly gets off of Jelas- Hey Amber....Amber...-shakes Amber-

Amber: -rolls over instinctly and holds her dagger at Nabashi's throat-

Nabashi: Amber..its me Nabashi...I came to see how you were...and if you wanted to come back...I don't care what Zack says....-Thinks- [I]Oh god...whats going to happen when we/I arrive....oh boy...this will be fun....I really need to stop dis-obeying Zack...espically now...I think I know why he is mad tho....That one girl....that rider...Oh what was her name....Everyone thought she was lost...only me and Zack truly knew she wasn't....She was never found or heard of after Zack's escape....I think...I think he may have put her out of her misery...sighs....Poor Zack...I understand now...and he loved her too...-shakes his head-[/I]

Amber: Uh...Nabashi?? NABASHI!!!

Nabashi: Huh what?? Oh sorry -snaps out of his thinking- As I was saying...do you want to come back...I am willing to deal with Zack...if you want to come back...I'll understand if you don't.....
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[I]Zack watches Danali dismount[/I]

Zack:....thats good news...

[I]Everyone looks startled as this was the first time Zack had talked for hours...[/I]

Zack:.....we should meet with Emcew soon...as soon as Nabashi returns...

[I]Zack said this more as a suggestion...but most people ignored that taking it for an order[/I]

Diamoon:...Zack...I will honor the pact...

Zack:...thank you....

Sere:...Zack...whats wrong?


[I]Zack continues to stare at the fire...thinking...[/I]
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Amber: I am not going back there! Zack doesn't care for anyone else but himself! And this stupid war!

Nabashi: -shakes his head- You don't understand...-sighs- Very well if that is your answer then I will respect it...just know that you are always welcomed....-mounts on Jelas and rides back to camp- -arrives to camp depressed and without hope-
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[I]Zack walks up to Nabashi as he returns[/I]


Nabashi:...sorry Wolf Leader...I disobeyed orders....


Nabashi:....she dosn't wish to join us...you made a bad impression...she thinks you are all about this war...

Zack:I have to be...our very survival depends on it...if she dosn't relize that then that's her problem...but


Zack:I understand why you went out after her....

[I]Everyone looks shocked hearing this from Zack[/I]

Zack:...anyway...we need to meet with Emcew...she made her choice...We will make ours....

Æon:so you still do care don't you?

Zack:yes I do...but unless they are completely dedicated to the cause they area danger....

Nabashi:....what do you mean?

Zack:...don't you remember what happened last time...we had a trator...the only person who wasn't completely dedicated to the war...was a trator...and that trator caused the deah of one rider and countless others...

Sere:Zack...you didn't know...none of us did...

Zack:but I should have knowen...he came to me all the time for advice and to consoul in me...in fact he even told me indirectly a couple of times...but I won't risk that again...if thier life dosn't depend on this war being victorious...they won't be dedicated...

Nabashi:but they will relize...the war is only begining.

[I]Zack climbs up on Æon and turns to follow the trail[/I]

Zack:...we ride to meet Emcew...let's move

Everyone:Yes Wolf Leader
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Nabashi: -rides up next to Zack- Zack...I am saying this to you as a friend...not as a soldier....You need to give people a chance...Noone and I mean noone can give up everything in two seconds...I understand how you feel, but not everyone will be a tratior...you never know...She may be the chosen one my people have prohazized "She who denies them will come forth and save them".....It just seems to coincidental to me...
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Zack:...I won't risk it Nabashi...I learned a long time ago to not trust prophacy's...for their was also a prophacy amongest your people if I remember..."and two young men shall find the disk of beast and rise the people from darkness"...and though this came true...it came at a hefty price...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i]
[B]Zack:...I won't risk it Nabashi...I learned a long time ago to not trust prophacy's...for their was also a prophacy amongest your people if I remember..."and two young men shall find the disk of beast and rise the people from darkness"...and though this came true...it came at a hefty price... [/B][/QUOTE]

Nabashi: Oh so you are saying....the costs during battle for you are more important than the costs for the rest of us? How do you think I felt I lost my sister...You need to stop sulking life goes....-realizes what he said- -shuts up-
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[I]Zack stares at Nabashi[/I]

Zack:I am saying no such thing...the war cost us all a lot for victory...don't you think I know that?...and I would pay that price again and again for vicorty...she wouldn't let me do otherwise...this is another one of those times when we may all have to sacrifice something for victory...and we must all be ready for it....

Nabashi:...and what will you be sacrificing?

Zack:...the last thing I have left to me...my home...with the goblin gone the people will move into the forest, or cut it down...
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While riding along with the others near the back at the end of their journey.

Skee: Diamoon some things not right ..

Diamoon: I feel it too

- Everyone feels that something bad is going to happen-

Zack: (slows down to looks be hide the group) hey guys .. ready yourselves riders

Voice: (seemingly from no where) -laughing- ?.

-Everyone looks around them to see where it comes from-

Sere: where is it ..

Nabashi: I don't know I can't see it

Diamoon: that Voice

Zack: it's in the woods ? it has to be.

Leona: where then we should be seeing it

Diamoon: ?? Skee where is he

Æon: (to Zack) this is a trap ..

Zack: (seeing something in a tree near by) -points- there

Voice: So the riders .. fight fate again .. so you won over the Egg in the last war .. but not the stone, the stone is ours

The group gets ready drawing their weapons ? as a group of goblin appear to their rear (about 3 dozen or so) .. to their left flank 7 forest ogres appear, their right about 2 dozen orcs ?. And in front of them 2 dark riders (one on a giant winged snake the other a huge wasp both armed with a lance and to their side long swords) as Lacin jumps from the tree foolish Riders this war is already lost to you ALL !!!! moment from now we will own the stone ? and as for your friend Emcew he will be gone in moments as well.

-Meanwhile Emcew is ambushed by 4 goblins and one large forest orge-
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Amber: *mounts shadow and starts off at a walking pace, looks around listening to the sounds of the forest* she who denies them will come and save them....maybe so.....none of them know the reason i left.....i can't be held in a pact.....but i will be there for them when the time comes...war is waging closer.....i know it will come sooner then expected.... *leans forward and strokes Shadow's neck*

Shadow: *keeps his head up high with keen senses, ears perked* [I] they are by the camp......[/I]

Amber: *straightens up and readys her bow, canters off to around the area where Zack and the other riders are* where!?

Shadow: [I]there![/I] *perks ears in one direction....

Amber: *canters off in the direction, pulling out and arrow and drawing it back, lights the end and send it flying into a Troll killing it instantly, smiles to herlself* that'll teach Zack and Nabashi to say that i can't help from outside *smiles*
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OOC: hey everbody i'm in school how interesting! -.-' oops....BELCH!........O.o;;
Amber: *rides in pulling out her dagger slicing its head off as she rides by, watches it drop dead and then pulls to a halt, smiles to Bryan and bows her head then clicks her tounge and Shadow begins to walk back into the brush*
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Nabashi: -flips off of Jelas- -Jelas runs off- -thinks- [I]I knew she would come back...why doesn't Zack believe me...everytime the prophecies are true...This isn't good....[/I] -turns around and sees Emcew out numbered- -runs and tackles two orgiers- -stabs them both in the neck- -Emcew and Nabashi fight back to back-
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