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Meteo City 2 (*HV3*)


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OOC: I forgot to mention this before... Rico, I at no point said anything about earth entering Venus' orbit, but rather the opposite, Venus and Earth in a Binary orbit around the sun, but still in the Earth's current orbit... Therefore, no-one burns up... Yet... You with me so far?
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OOC: Okay, thanks for clearing that up.


[i]Chole kneeled down and looked at the hordes of enemies...he just sat there, looking out...[/i]

Siren: Chole, are you alright?

Chole: ...

Pi: Get up...we gotta keep moving back if we wanna stay alive.

[i]Chole finally got up slowly and ran with Pi and the rest of the group while Siren held up the shield. They managed to get into a more reinforced part of the command center where the pods were laying, several hybrid warriors were already waiting for them...[/i]

Rena: Chole! Look out!

[i]Chole looked up and saw all of them with their sighs set on him. His eyes opened wide as he braced for the first waves...but the never came...a rocket flew from behind and hit one of the creatures with a great impact, sending it flying through the concrete wall.[/i]

Pi: *holding up launcher* I thought you might need some serious help, kid.

Chole: Thanks...

Pi: Just stay behind us...we really can't afford losing another one of us...
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Iris grabbed Rena's hand and tensed her wings slightly........Siren nodded and the thre leapt upwards, their wings flashing in a rainbow pattern, nearly dazzling the others.....[/i]

Siren: We fly together!

Iris: And kick some åss at the same time!

Rena: Plans?

[i]Whipping her hands in a swift sevenstar pattern, Iris let loose with another Libertine attack, then drew back and let Rena take over...[/i][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=darkblue][i]Pi chared ahead to take out the other hybrid hunters within the military base. Leaving Chole inside the pod fuselage. He could hear the screams and sounds of war outside. There were thousands of them, and he could hear them all seperately. He got scared...and hid under the stairs as the explosions rocked the building...he wondered where Liam went after the discharge...he wondered where everyone went...[/i]

Chole: Hmm...

[i]Chole crawled out from underneath and walked around the military facility. The corridors were nearly empty in his search for the others. He began to run aimlessly around until he got to the entrance of the massive building. The doors were blown down and he could see a barren landscape, enclosed by the translucent dome...he started out...[/i][/COLOR]
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Pi-What power...

A Hybrid Warrior charged towards him. Pi stood in a defensive position, ready for the impact. At the last minute, Pi jumped to the side and smashed his 'Launcher in the warrior's face.

Pi-No need to waste ammo on this loser. *Looks at the unconscious warrior* What's this?

Pi saw that the warrior had some kind of cable sticking out connecting his back with his head. He yanked the cable, and the warrior screaming as he began melting into some sort of liquid energy.

Pi-So this is their weak spot...
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Iris shouted exuberantly and whipped her wings upwards, then drew her slingblade free and slashed twice......knocking several cables from the hybrid's necks.[/i]

Rena: Sick!

Siren: Effective! Come on!

Iris: *double slash* I think I'll take a bath after this.

Pi: Same here.

Iris: Where's Chole?!?[/COLOR]
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OOC: No, Selen's not back (yet (she's not dead, just . . . preoccupied until I see fit to bring her back)) so I'm taking over the character of Roux (you didn' t forget about Roux, did you?)!


[I]Roux stared up at the masses of Hybrids, his knees weak and teeth chattering. Was he afraid? No . . . he was terrified of the forces battering down all around him.

He had lived the sheltered life of a child, but now that his sister wasn't there, it was time for him to grow up and face the world.

Rena looked down, suprised at a flash of light down below.[/I] "Hey Iris? Where's Roux?"

[I]Iris looked back at Rena.[/I] "I thought he ran off with Chole and Pi!"

Rena: "Then who's that?" [I]She pointed down.

There, hovering a few feet off the ground, was a dragon. Greens and blues all blending together in an elegant design. But this hybrid wasn't all dragon . . .

Roux waved gleefully up at the trio of girls, before flying up to join them.

The group just stared, as Roux, wings extending about 1 or two feet past his middle finger, hovered with them.[/I] "Hello! I thought you might be lonely!"

Rena/Iris/Siren: "Oh boy . . ."


I got bored . . . and needed to install a little bit more for a plan I have . . . :devil:
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OOC: Nice to see you back


[COLOR=darkblue][i]A hybrid warrior came speeding towards Roux and tackled him down. It stood on top of Roux, looming a shadow over him.[/i]

Rena: Roux!!

[i]The trio dove down, but the hybrid warrior already had his claws coming down on Roux. It paused...and blew up.[/i]

Roux: :confused:

[i]Roux sat up to see Chole holding a glowing ball of fire.[/i]

Chole: Miss me?

[i]Chole tossed the ball of fire in the air and turned around. The flames came close to his back and flowed through his hidden wings on his back. It wasn't in material form yet, but he was growing. He picked up Roux and ran.[/i]

Iris: Chole, where are you going?!

Chole: Where its safe...

[i]Chole got to a running start, nearly covering half of the city before he jumped up high in the air. He paused in the air and began to fall, hard.[/i]

Chole: Nuuhhh...:(

[i]He straightened up with Roux beneath him and they started gliding through the air and rose up just before they touched the ground.[/i]

Chole: Bumpy ride...but we've managed.

[i]The three caught up to them.[/i]

Rena: So you've learned too.

Chole: No wings though...

[i]The five floated in the air, looking at the ongoing battles below with the hybrids and the Celes forces.[/i]

Siren: We should go help...

[i]They started heading down...Chole let go of Roux and let him fly beside him...[/i]

Chole: How come everyone has wings all of a sudden?

Siren: Pi doesn't...you don't...

Rena: Well, when he does that fireball trick...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Iris smiled slightly and grabbed Rena's hand...the two dove straight down, then veered in opposite directions...[/i]

Rena: ...:devil:


Iris: :rolleyes:.....too much fun....

Siren: Let her!

[i]Iris shrugged and let another blast fly from her hands....[/i][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Roux stood still as the three ladies sped away from them...[/i]

Chole: Hmm...hey, don't you have tons of power hiding inside you...

Roux: :D

Chole: Aww...don't gimme that...

[i]A hybrid warrior charged straight at them, coming out of the rubble of a destroyed building...causing them to spring backward, pushing up against the edge of the dome...[/i]

Chole: Hold your breath!

[i]Chole grabbed Roux gently with one arm. He breathed a fireball from the other one he released it with so much force that it threw them past the water barrier and into the ocean. The fireball exploded, creating a small shockwave throughout Celes. Luckily, no one was around besides they Hybrid and a few shells waiting to hatch, which were all incinerated...swimming was Chole's real forte and they headed for the surface, not feeling the heat of Meteo City in the waters anymore...[/i][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Iris whipped around and grabbed Rena's hand. Siren exchanged a quick glance with her and the three shot upwards......Siren had Pi by the collar and they never looked back.....Several moments later, they broke the surface....Iris coughing and hacking.[/i]

Siren: What's wrong?

Rena: *pounds her back* She hates swimming like that.

Siren: I do not blame her one bit.

Iris: *gasp* Horrid.

Chole: You look alright.

Iris: *moan* Never again...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I hope the soldiers fend them off well...

Pi: Well, they always have plan B if it doesn't work...flood the city. Most of them should be out of their shells right now.

Siren: There are a lot of mysteries to Celes...first it was in an isolated island, now underwater...they're resilent.

Iris: What should we do now?

[i]They took a look around and saw fertile grassland instead of a barren desert...[/i]

Chole: The world's probably changed a lot ever since Meteo City took to the skies. It might be wise to explore...

Pi: But that took ages last time.

Siren: But, most of us can fly now...except you...but I can always carry you.

Pi: For how long? :therock:

Siren: It shouldn't be that long since we're all pretty fast...

Chole: But where to?

Siren: I don't know...the hybrid warriors have probably reached the far continents and started to destory everyone there...sowing their seeds as well. We need another place that'll give us the power to make it out of here and back into Meteo City...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Iris flew straight up, higher than usual and scanned the horizion....eyes dialating and contraction at turn. Then she turned and made a nose dive back to earth.[/i]

Chole: See anything?

Iris: We should head south now. I've got a sort of half idea.

Rena: Like?

Iris: A small place that was once known as Kuaii. I think they'll be nice to hybrids.

Siren: The islands of Hawaii?

Iris: Yeah.

Pi: The Hula?

Iris: -_-[/COLOR]
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Flash: Warlock, look... The Terraforming of Venus is complete...

[I]Flash and Warlock move to the massive window... There, coming into View, is Venus... Using their enhanced vision, it is clear to see that Venus is now covered with Water, Clouds, and massive lush green forests. Flash grins at the sight of his new Utopia, as does Warlock... Venus will be in range soon...[/I]

Warlock: Heh heh... How do you do it, Flash...

Flash: Heh... Must be magic.

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[COLOR=darkblue]Pi: Strange idea of a local...but, I guess we don't really have much of a choice but to see if there are any survivors...

Chole: Okay...

[i]Siren led the pack across the empty grasslands, carrying Pi. The others followed her and they flew high above the land, surprisingly fertle...but devoid of human or hybrid life. It was peaceful...but unsettling at the same time.

They headed west, crossing the huge plains, then reaching the costal mountains and shoreline. No civilizations in sight. They took a rest by an unknown bay. The fog just started to shift out, brining full daylight, but wind, to the area...[/i]

Chole: That looks like a good place to take a rest before we hit Hawaii...is it?

Iris: Yeah...I miss that place.

Rena: You visited before?

Iris: As a kid...I always wondered what happened to that piece of isloated land...

[i]They landed on top of a light hill, gazing over the only evidence of human influence upon the land. An untouched bridge, orange colored, lay in their eyesights above the windy top. The sun came up from behind them, casting their shadows forth...[/i]

Chole: It's beautiful...

Pi: What kind of disaster happened here while we were underwater...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]A harsh cry tore itself loose from Rena's throat and she charged across the grass, then knelt and picked up a bleached out human skull. It's features were very small, as small as a childs. Rena cried over the last testimony of the genocide and Iris flew over. She placed her long fingered hands on Rena's shoulders and let her cry.[/i]

Chole: What is it?

Iris: ......children were killed here too.

Siren: Just as I thought.

Pi: That's disgusting.

Rena: They never had a chance! Just like the kids in the city....

Iris: .....Never again.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: There's really not much point in crying over the lost souls here...

Rena: That's cruel...how can you have no sympathy for the dead...

Chole: I know...and I should die for it as well...but if I did listen to the voices of the past, my soul would be crushed and flooded as well.

Pi: Some words...

[i]Chole knelt by Rena and held the skull and felt the memories flow through his mind, up until the violent untimely death of the child...he shed a tear...[/i]

Chole: What can we do?

Iris: Just don't worry about it. Especially you, Rena...

[i]Chole set the skull down gently by her brother and they stood up.[/i]

Siren: As we stand on top of this hill...this may be the highest peak we may reach with our feet. But...somehow...we'll make it...even if we do end up like those two children...at least they'll find peace.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Iris rose to her feet, murmering the Kaddish for the children that had died.....Rena stood up as well, singing along. Finally, they stopped and looked up at the sky....the sun was setting. A brilliant display of red, gold, pink, and bronze. Iris stood next to Chole and unconciously slipped her hand into his......[/i][/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
siren looked at them all then sighed and turned away

siren: let's go...we're wasteing time...unless, of course, *raises an eyebrow*we're planning to spend the night and lose more time...i know i may seem cold...but if we live through this then we'll have time to mourn the dead... if not...we'll be visiting them...
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  • 2 weeks later...
OOC: It'd be a shame for this RPG to go to waste...


[i]Chole gripped Iris' hand and held her close...[/i]

Pi: We have to go...

Siren: *looks at chole and Iris...* Kids...come with me...we're going to lead for a while.

Rena: Okay...C'mon Roux....
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It'd be more than a shame, Rico...

[i]Warlock pivots on one foot, and walks over to another window, this one looking down over the earth... He smiles at what he sees. Earth is slowly being eaten away by blackness... He looks down to see where cities and the like would have been, only to see black waste, abandoned and dead cities, charred and burnt, crumbling away... Soon, the whole world may very well be a wasteland... Of course, the destruction had only begun to spread on other parts of the world... But the Meteo City area was gone. Warlock looked down, noticing a grassy area... Obviously this area hadn't been fully destroyed yet... And if he knew right, that's where they were... 'But what are they doing?' He thought to himself.. 'Surely, they're not just sitting down there waiting for it...'

He rubbed his chin, and moved away from the window, moving back to the other side of the room, where Flash stands, dressed in all white, viewing 'his' planet...[/i]

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[COLOR=seagreen]Iris: ....*sigh* Life is so fleeting.

Chole: ...I know.

Iris: I've learned to treasure every moment, but sometimes....it just seems so hopeless...

Chole: I'll be here.

Iris: And I'm going to keep waiting, until the stars turn to dust.

Rena: *whispers* And when I no longer remember how to breathe....

Roux: ...?

Iris: May their memory never fade.

[i]She bent down and touched her hands to her lips, then the ground. Chole lifted her up by the hand, and the two looked at eachother.[/i][/COLOR]
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???: hope I'm not ruining the moment

[I]a shadowed figure stood above them. It laughed and walked forward, taking a mock bow[/I]

Liam: at your service ;)

[I] Silence fell. .no-one sure of what to say, shocked at the fact the one who was dead now stood before them, with only a few bruises and burns to mark what happened[/I]

Liam: . .not the welcome I expected :therock:

Pi: . .we thought you were dead. .

Liam: ah. .I see. .

[i]An awkward silence followed, silent tears were shed after the shock was over[/i]
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