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Australia incest pair


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I read this article this morning and all it did was make me feel slightly ill.

[URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7334649.stm"][U]Australia incest pair in TV plea[/U][/URL]

Basically, a father, who was gone for a long time, upon meeting his daughter again, ended up having an adult relationship with her. Seriously, wtf? Now I'm sure this kind of thing happens more than you see in the news but still, I have to wonder just what in the hell is wrong with someone when they don't end something like this. Just as I wonder what's wrong with them for starting it to begin with. What kind of father or daughter for that matter, would find getting close like that acceptable?

I can kind of understand that the father and daughter were separated for a long time but if the article is to believed, they know they're related and yet they still insist in having a sexual relationship. They've even had a daughter that died from congenital heart disease shortly after birth. o_O
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[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]You know that usually when one sees something like this instead of whomever does 60 minutes you're watching Jerry Springer and the people have a much different accent.:animesigh Nice to know this doesn't only happen in the deep south. Except it kinda does since they live in Australia.Ya don't get much more south than that.

Okay so now that I've said that I can avoid the whole warning about character limits when I sum this story up in one word:


Kai thanx bai![/color][/font][/size]
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[font=franklin gothic medium]This is kind of an old story. It was played out a lot on TV here, to the extent that one of the main entertainment/news nightly shows had this pair on to discuss their relationship. The whole thing was like some kind of circus - clearly nobody was seriously interested in what they had to say.

The update to this story is that, apparently, these two are no longer together. I did read that a few weeks ago.

On the more serious side, there is apparently a phenomenon that may have occurred here... I forget the specific name, but it's something like "genetic attraction".

It seems to happen in cases where a child is away from their parents for many years and then meets up with them again as an adult. It's actually quite a common phenomenon - so much so that it's now a fairly recognized issue.

I thought that aspect was actually more important and newsworthy than the whole "ew how could they do that" circus. Everyone who saw this report locally here had the exact same reaction, so in that sense it's fairly predictable stuff.[/font]
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[SIZE="1"]I wouldn't say it was horribly disgusting or anything, nor would I disagree with their views. It would be the same as if you had a sibling you had never met before and twenty years later discovered them as a stranger and started an intimate relationship with them. Incest is only illegal because of the biological effects that could occur if a child was born and because pretty much every government has a background of religion which saw it as morally wrong.

Personally, I don't think that it's repulsive or distasteful. The two of them knew what they were getting ready to go into and they chose to anyway. Court orders aren't going to stop them from having a relationship with one another.[/SIZE]
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[font=franklin gothic medium]I'm not sure if I'd go so far as to say that I have no issue with what this pair are doing... on the other hand, I sort of feel that it's not my business anyway.

Having said that, my biggest issue with this whole story is definitely the circus surrounding it. I suppose they are willing participants, but I wonder how the rest of their family would feel about it.

Still, I also think part of my reaction comes from the fact that this story was being repeated ad-nauseum months ago here... so it's sort of like seeing a fly you thought you'd swatted months ago. :catgirl:[/font]
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[FONT=Arial]I am in the "This Isn't Any News I Really Care About" camp. If they were in my town, maybe that'd be different. But as it is, this story has utterly nothing to do with me, and I'd much rather hear news about the latest medicinal breakthroughs.

Also I feel no desire to participate in any massive gross-out sessions. Got my fill of that with the kid-parents in Britain. :p[/FONT]
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[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']Still, I also think part of my reaction comes from the fact that this story was being repeated ad-nauseum months ago here... so it's sort of like seeing a fly you thought you'd swatted months ago. :catgirl:[/font][/quote]I'd be curious to see the thread you're alluding to. Since I don't recall seeing one here at all in the past few months. It might be old news to you since you live in Australia, but it's not something I've been running into.


[SIZE="1"][I]*laughs at Allamorph's typical dismissal of a thread that required no response at all*[/I][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']I'd be curious to see the thread you're alluding to. Since I don't recall seeing one here at all in the past few months. It might be old news to you since you live in Australia, but it's not something I've been running into.

[font=franklin gothic medium]I didn't mention a thread - I talked about the coverage here in Australia (specifically the evening TV shows). It was wall-to-wall for a while, which is lame even for our local news. Haha.

In any case, I certainly [i]do[/i] think that this is newsworthy... it just falls into a different category than regular news. Obviously you posted it because it was extraordinary and there's nothing wrong with that. :catgirl:

So yeah, I didn't mean to imply that the thread itself is wrong at all. It's a weird story and, frankly, it's entertaining for a lot of people...and it raises a lot of questions too.

I actually just found it kind of funny that it's turned up here so long after the event. I even remember discussing the story at work a few months back. :animeswea[/font]
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I really can't say that I care what they're doing. But the simple fact that they HAD a child means they most likely against abortion. Not to start that debate up because I'm not saying I am or am not against it, but if you don't agree with abortions and you're in a sexual relationship with a blood relative, then you need to be fixed....in the sexual way not in the head way.

Just my two cents.....
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[QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]I didn't mention a thread - I talked about the coverage here in Australia (specifically the evening TV shows). It was wall-to-wall for a while, which is lame even for our local news. Haha.

In any case, I certainly [i]do[/i] think that this is newsworthy... it just falls into a different category than regular news. Obviously you posted it because it was extraordinary and there's nothing wrong with that. :catgirl:

So yeah, I didn't mean to imply that the thread itself is wrong at all. It's a weird story and, frankly, it's entertaining for a lot of people...and it raises a lot of questions too.

I actually just found it kind of funny that it's turned up here so long after the event. I even remember discussing the story at work a few months back. :animeswea[/font][/QUOTE]Oh, okay. o_O I was trying to find the thread when your comment of here, was for your actual location not the site here. lol I was kind of feeling stupid that I missed it since I try to keep up with everything that gets posted in this section.

Anyway when it comes to news, I tend to stick to the regular news and for the most part, the sites I frequent don't cover this kind of thing a lot. It's probably why I missed seeing this. I found out from a random comment on someone's blog and went... wait, what? So I looked it up. ^^

Hmmm if you got that much coverage, you're probably sick of hearing about it. I think I would be tired of it too if that had been the case here. I wouldn't say it's entertaining though. More like it raises questions since this isn't a topic that I talk about, if at all. [QUOTE=Drizzt Do'urden]I really can't say that I care what they're doing. But the simple fact that they HAD a child means they most likely against abortion. Not to start that debate up because I'm not saying I am or am not against it, but if you don't agree with abortions and you're in a sexual relationship with a blood relative, then you need to be fixed....in the sexual way not in the head way.

Just my two cents.....[/QUOTE]Considering the genetic issues with inbreeding, if you're going to insist on something like this, then yeah, I'd have to agree.
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]Nice to know this doesn't only happen in the deep south.[/size][/color][/font][/QUOTE]

Ummm...I find this statement very offensive and prejudicial, actually.:animesigh

Anyway, yes, I too find this disturbing! I mean, SERIOUSLY! A man and his daughter?! WTF?!:animedepr

And Lunox, they did have a kid. Died of -Oh, whatever just read Rach's pot near the end, it tells all!:animesmil
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[FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]On the more serious side, there is apparently a phenomenon that may have occurred here... I forget the specific name, but it's something like "genetic attraction".

It seems to happen in cases where a child is away from their parents for many years and then meets up with them again as an adult. It's actually quite a common phenomenon - so much so that it's now a fairly recognized issue.[/font][/QUOTE]The only problem with that is his ex-wife clearly states that the two weren't completely separated all that time. Here's a bit from another article:[quote][FONT="Arial"]Mr Deaves' second wife, Dorothy, who he married long after his split from Joan, today rubbished claims he and his daughter had virtually no contact for 30 years.

She told ninemsn that when she married John Deaves in 1984, the then 15-year-old Jenny stayed with them for a week.

Jenny stayed with them four times before their marriage broke down in 2000 after the father and daughter took a trip to Dubbo together, she said.[/FONT][/quote]So it wasn't some case of not really knowing who his daughter was. She stayed with him and his previous wife and had some form of contact. It was after his second marriage broke down that he started doing stuff with his daughter.

So I don't see this as being genetic attraction. That tends to refer to people who meet up and genuinely [I]don't[/I] know they are related. That's not the case here.

Anyway, as for the actual deal, can't say I find it all that appealing. I can understand that it's different if they don't know but otherwise, blech. Oh and Lunox, they do have a daughter, only one died shortly after birth. For the one that is alive and well, I feel sorry for that kid. [/FONT]
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Oh look. Another witch hunt. I'm going to be totally honest here and state that the whole incest issues that keep popping up in the media are really starting to annoy me. It happens more than people want to admit, yet the ones you DO hear about are turned into some sort of mass flame fest.

I'm getting tired of hearing the general public ranting and raving about things that have sod all to do with them. They complain as soon as someone starts bashing their religion, for example. I thought civilisation may have learned a thing or two by now about letting peshootie happen. *CoughTortureofChristiansWitchBurningHitlerCough*
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[COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"][quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']The update to this story is that, apparently, these two are no longer together. I did read that a few weeks ago.[/font][/quote]That is what I read as well: [URL="http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24634671-5006787,00.html"]Article[/URL]

Anyway, putting the media circus aside, I find things like this kind of interesting. From the psychological standpoint of trying to understand how they happen in the first place. Not when children are involved though since those incidents are considered abuse.

However, when it's supposedly consenting adults, the general thought is that the people involved have mental health issues. And that's what I'm curious about, whether or not that's accurate. Obviously more research and study is needed to determine if that is true or not.

As for the actual practice, other than to find the idea of intimate relations with someone in my family repugnant, what others do doesn't really affect me. So I really don't care. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[SIZE="1"]Personally, I just look at it like this...no matter what dumb crap I've done in my life, I would never stoop to incest. So, in a sense, these stories could very well make us feel better about ourselves.

Or we can just go "Ewww" and no one will remember it in a week. Either or.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Nathan'][FONT="Arial"]
So I don't see this as being genetic attraction. That tends to refer to people who meet up and genuinely [I]don't[/I] know they are related. That's not the case here.

[font=franklin gothic medium]Actually, most cases of genetic attraction involve reunited parents and children who [i]know[/i] that they are related. Of course this usually happens with no contact in the interim years, but I doubt slight contact (as suggested by the news item in your post) would make much difference there.

In any case, does it matter if this is so-called "genetic attraction" or not? (Even though I think it clearly is). I mean, at the end of the day, I think the big question is about the impact this has on their family - particularly any children.[/font]
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4][B][CENTER][size=8]EW![/size][/CENTER][/B][/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE]
[font=tahoma][size=1][color=#006666]Um once again, CHW shares my exact thoughts, disgustingness? But most of all, what would bother me is they had a child that died, but if the child survived, how would you explain to people that your mom and you share the same dad? and that your dad is also your grandfather? That is going to be one impressive story to tell thats for sure. Ever wonder what the mother thinks about this?

Hey atleast they would save money on gifts at Christmas. [/size][/font][/color]
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[FONT="Arial"][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]Actually, most cases of genetic attraction involve reunited parents and children who [i]know[/i] that they are related. Of course this usually happens with no contact in the interim years, but I doubt slight contact (as suggested by the news item in your post) would make much difference there.

In any case, does it matter if this is so-called "genetic attraction" or not? (Even though I think it clearly is). I mean, at the end of the day, I think the big question is about the impact this has on their family - particularly any children.[/font][/QUOTE]It's been a while since I read up on the subject. I was thinking it was the other way around, but now, based on what you've said, it sounds like I need to read it again.

And no, it doesn't really matter in the end. The biggest concern I would have would be for the mental health and well being of any children. Though I'd wonder, as Crystia mentioned, about the mental health of the individuals as well. [/FONT]
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I know we (Most places) allow gay marriage and such, but really? It has come to the point of incest? That's wrong, no question. Plus there's no room to reproduce, what with a 90 some percent mutation/defect chance. Adoption is the only way, but that still is wrong on so many levels.
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