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Animated Banner


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[color=#808080]Here I am again, with yet another banner.

It's very different to my last one. This one is very simple, but I kinda like it. It's also animated. I don't use animation all that often, so my stuff tends to be relatively simple.

In any case, the main thing I've tried to go for here is smoothness. With an animation this precise, it's really easy to see if any frames don't fit. So I've tried to keep it "clean", I guess you'd say.

Anyway, what do you think? And can anyone guess what the text says? Hehe

(Note: the little circle thing is my abstract tribute to Metroid Prime; yes, it's still consuming my pathetic soul. That might give you a hint as to what the text says too, if you don't read Japanese).[/color]
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[color=royalblue]I like it. Very simple and it's black, white and gray. You obviously got what you wanted with the smoothness of the animation, and I love the Japanese text, though I have no idea what it says, lol. I'm going to go with the main charcter's name. ^^; I give it a 9/10.[/color]
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awww isn't that cute... lol I like it, cause it's simple and the animation makes it simpler, yet not too simple where it becomes boring. The use of Japanese, rather than Roman letters, adds more to the design, especially that specific font.

Stupid Kiyuubu. lol. I am not a fan of it :p
[spoiler]That was the hardest word to figure out. I got the first part, then the second, and I couldn't quite grasp what Kiyuubu was till I read it outloud pretty fast :p[/spoiler]
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Dud thats cool. I wish I knew how to animate stuff.:D

The only thing I don't like about it is the Nintendo Game Cube. The japanese text is a nice touch, but I'm not a big fan of the system.:(
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[color=#808080]If you're not, you should be. Go play Metroid Prime, my boy. ~_^

In any case, yes...that's what it means. "Nintendo GameCube". I thought it'd be nicer to have the "official" Japanese font for GameCube, rather than the traditional logo.

And regardless of the text, I think it's a somewhat interesting design. I like the idea of smooth movement...you know, something you can stare at for a while without it hurting your eyes or something. That probably makes no sense, so I'll go back to eating these cookies that Juu gave me for my birthday. ^_^;[/color]
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It's pretty intresting very simple, but looks nice, errr it's not quite smooth animation in the sense that when it repeats itself it kinda jumps. If the ring went all the way off into the distance where it kind of dissapeared it might look better :cross:


hmmm scratch that last part... err well actually if it faded out completly then the animation would look smoother, it's not skippy, but with some more work it could be better ;)
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Ooooooo, nice.....nothing much else to say, I thought it looked like it skipped a bit, but its just the design, cant explain it, I agree with hitto on the fading totally, but I dont think it needs it drastically. I think its pretty much perfect how it is. Reminds me of .hack >>;
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Simple and neat. Keke. ^^
I like that blinky thingy, and it actually does remind me of .hack. And I recognize one Japanese character on that. The 'te' character. But that's the only one. ^_^;

I remember learning about the last seven, but I don't remember what it was. xx;

*goes to find old Japanese Class folder*[/color] [/size]
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Sem said what I was going to say.

I watched the animation for a full minute, trying to detect when the animation looped back. But dangit, Jamesy, you did an EXCELLENT job keeping that sucker clean. (That was a compliment, Ginny style. :p)

Can't think of much more to say. (Frelling multimedia classes forever corrupting my mind.) Something something balance mumble mumble?

Bweh heh. Site Directors don't need ratings. They are above them. ;) :D
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Well... I dont think the animation looks quite right.
At the end it suddenly shoots back to the beginning and that doesnt look right...
O.t.t. The banner is simple but effective. I like it.
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[color=#808080]Thanks for the comments, everyone.

Originally I wanted the circle in the middle to move in and then out...to pulse like a heartbeat. But that wouldn't be suitable for the effect I wanted. I wanted it to look like some sort of target reticule or something. And they generally pulse inward and not outward. Plus, this animation could have been far more complex if it weren't for the fact that I was trying to contain its size.

Producing a GIF animation with any degree of complexity, whilst still maintaining low file size, is incredibly difficult. In most of my animated avatars and stuff, you notice that I never simply let the animation stop and then start again -- it always flows continuously (that's because of the way I treat the final few frames, which is easy to do).

I was thinking of having the circle shrink into a central dot and then move out again...but that would require too many frames. I wanted to keep a very small file size. I think it ended up about 24kb or something, which isn't too bad. And I like the way the outer circle turned out; it actually only does one quarter of a revolution before restarting. But because the "cut out" marks align correctly, it gives the illusion that the image is constantly rotating.

But yeah, thanks for all the comments. I feel motivated to make more animations in the future. ^_^[/color]
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