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55 Fiction [PG]


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"Mommy, oh, mommy." She ran. Blood dotted the floor.

"Oh dear."

Little Susan was holding a band-aid on her muff.

"Mommy, it's bleeding, it hurts, but mommy - I didn't even hurt it!"

"Oh dear, it's all right." They hug. "This is natural."



Mommy took the band-aid off. "You're becoming a woman."
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[b]a detailed clip from FFTA[/b]

The book began to glow a bright gold, and light spewed from it across the entire city of St. Ivalice. The buildings ripped to shreads and were replaced by smaller clay houses. The people were tranformed into all sorts of creatures. I awoke in a town, staring down lirdmen. A moogle appeares. Im scared.

[b]Welcome to my nightmare [M-V] [/b]

I stared in horror as the creatures killed everyone and burned everything. One of them slashed a man into thirds, his blood splattering on my shocked face. The beast turned towards me, when my father beat its head off with a stick. A sword came through his heart. I fell to my knees crying.
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[center][b]?A Very Special Visit from Jeff Goldblum?[/b][/center]
[center] [/center]


[quote]?Aiaiaiai, what happened?!??

?Well, ah, it seems that, ah, you had some type of physical contact?uh?while the teleportation sequence was initiating. I certainly didn?t intend for this to ah, happen, and I do feel rather upset, ah, because of it.?

?What do we do now!??

?Well, it seems you?ll just have to live as AlphaRanger.?[/quote]
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[b]Guide to writing a story in 55 words or less[/b]

Writing a story in 55 words or less is not easy, for doing them. You could take a larger story and condense it into 55 words. Another way is to cut an exerpt from a longer story. Or, you could come up with a 55 word story. Or you could copy and paste this story.
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Cheap Shot, haha.

There once was a land... 'twas a fabulous land, filled with fabulous works of art. It was pretty damn fabulous.

Many lived in harmony there, from philosophers to dark poets of great skill. But one day someone came, and threw the careful balance with his elitism.

And it was decided.

He was one odd dude.
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[center][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkslategray]I'm Glad I'm His Friend

[left][font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=darkslategray]I know a kid, who's really messed up. He seems normal at first, but really gets weird. He has many dreams to do fabulous things, but his favorite dream is menacing. He wants to rule the world. He has it planned out, to a very tee. I hope he remembers me when he's in control.[/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/left]
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[b]That all Words are Created Equal[/b][E]

Words are people of a government, ruled by the monarchy of queen Grammar. She's an aged woman, anal retentive but meaning well. In history, someone once yelled "The British are coming! The British are coming!" On this day, a special Word yelled, "The Syntax are coming! The Syntax are coming!" Thus began the Revolution.
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Whats elitism? Does it mean elite? Cuz if it does, thats cool

[b]No Dice[/b]

He was right. I did know the password, but there was no way I would give it to him. I made him an offer. "It might just happen to slip out if I were to recieve, say, 6,000 gold?" He gave me the money. "The password is Barnacle." Thus is the life of an NPC.
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[size=1][b]Don't Be Cheap[/b]

There are people in this world who are exact, and people in this world who are inexact. And there are times, occasions and places where exactitude is not necessarily required. But I believe in being exact, and I believe that skimping or squandering is bad behaviour. Which is why my stories are 55 words long.[/size]
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[b]If the world was flat[/b]

It would suck if the world was flat. I don't care that people would fall off the edge. I don't care that military tactics would be shot. Pun fully intended. I don't care that confused animals would just jump right off the planet. Im just mad that it would be hard to fly to Japan.

[b]A story that doesn't suck?[/b]

I breathed heavily. I could feel the poison coursing slowly through my veins, tearing me apart. I lost control of my body and gave way to complete paralysis. I screamed as the pain grew and grew. My killer stood over me with a devilish grin. This is the price I pay for making a good story.
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Hah, I liked your story, Alex. Making fun of Jeff Goldblum is always great.


[b][center]"Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death"[/center][/b]
As I drove down the road, I glanced out my side window. A housewife drove by me in an SUV. She was normal, her car was normal, except for one thing: Her tires had spinning rims on them. I knew this was it.

By the time I looked skyward, the meteors were already crashing down.
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Dude, Shinmaru, that was hilarious!

[b]the end [m-v][/b]

I lay in the water, recalling things I had done. I remembered all the horrible things I had done to people, and the torture I had indured. The pressure put on me from those around me. I put the blade to my wrist. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I ended it all.
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[size=1][b]Sky Prince[/b]

Bystanders looked on in horror, some fleeing, arms held over their heads, vainly hoping and praying for safety. Others stood as if statues, their eerily distorted shadows stretching into the distances. Faces were contorted, mouth hung open, aghast at the atrocity before them. Flames and wreckage roared high into the sky, as the Hindenberg writhed.[/size]
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I missed the boat

The teacher pointed.

'Okay Johnny, explain to the class what elitism, or being an elitist is.'

'Doesn't it mean you think you're better than everyone else? And you have the best stuff and it's obviously higher quality because it came from or is part of you?'

The teacher scrutinized Johnny carefully.

'Where's the dictionary, Johnny?'
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[b]What would you do? [T-V][/b]

The president was giving a speech. His agent whispered something into his ear. He stopped for a moment, then continued, only now he spoke with valor and enthusiasm as tears streamed from his eyes. He climaxed beutifully. The whole crowd roared. His wife was assassinated
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[b]An excert from Kill Bill[/b][E]

The two killers stood in the living room, knives in their hands, facing off. One of them chucked a pot at the other, the other tipped over a shelf. The shelf crashed to the ground, glas shattering everywhere. They heard something and looked out the window to see a school bus. They hid the knives.
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[size=1][b]Sandstone Keeps Falling On My Head...[/b]

Overseer Tek gazed down, squinting his eyes against the harsh light reflected off the sand. Down below, in the valley, teams of slaves pulled massive sandstone blocks around, leaning deeply into their harnesses. Organised chaos, the very epitome of strength. This was the glory of The Pharaoh. Yet, as Tek watched, another team was buried.[/size]
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Not No 1 Overseer

'Goddamit it, that Tek let another group get buried,' groaned the first slave.

'Yeah, he's one of the worst overseers I've ever worked for.' The second slave was similarly annoyed.

The pair kept pulling their sandstone block in silence, till the first slave looked down and noticed he was knee deep in sand.

'Fucking Tek.'
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[b]Is anything not in a museum?[/b]

The guide took the tour into the Egyptian section of the museum. "If you'll look to your left, you'll see the fosillized remains of a group of ancient egyptian slaves who died because their overseer, Tek, wasn't paying attention to them and they sank into quicksand. Now if you look to your right you'll see..."
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[color=darkslategray]Her heart beat as she paced the cold tile. Her Desert Eagle gleamed softly under the lights of the vanity mirror. She stood still in front of the mirror, caressing her belly. She glanced at the sink, at that little white strip.

[b]"Shit,"[/b] her voice trembled.

The danger is over. She'll be a mother.[/color]
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[size=1][b]Run Around Jane[/b]

?Don?t get out of the car?

?Good. Now drive away.?

?No, don?t reverse.?

?Don?t get out of the car.?

?Don?t go in there!?

?Don?t open that door!?

?Don?t look in that room!?

?Don?t see that bed!?

?Don?t let her break your heart.?

?Don?t do it again??

?Don?t kill her.?

?Don?t get out of the car??

[b]Run Along Jane[/b]

The man sat in the car, breath steaming slightly, despite the air-conditioning. He seemed hesitant, yet at that precise moment he suddenly came to some internal resolution, and gunned the accelerator, speeding away from the Motel.

Yet, his resolution faltered as he waited for that interminable length between the red light, and the green light.

[b]Run Away Jane[/b]

His Jeep shot back down the driveway, and spun to a stop in the icy car- park. He leapt out of the car, leaving the keys still in the ignition. Despite the slickness of the icy coating upon the path, nothing could hold back his fury, as he kicked in the door of Room 12.[/size]
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[b]My Dear[/b][M]

"See me after class, Ms."

The class proceeded.

They were taught. The bell rang.

"What'd you want, Mr. Mickel?"

Everyone was gone.

Hot breath whispered in her ear. "I want you." She looked at his old face. He seemed reptilian.

She ran for the door. Holding her back, he slammed it.

"You're staying, my dear."
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[CENTER][SIZE=1][b]The Trophy Collector [M][/b]

[I]He looked down at the broken body, a wry smile on his face...

Fresh blood flowed from her lips, her eyes rolled back into her head...

He had stalked her for days, waiting for the perfect moment, now he'd get his trophy...

He peeled the Mod Rod from her lifeless hand, OB wasn't friendly anymore...[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[b]Silenced Pistol[/b][PG]

Her mouth was a silenced pistol. Each day, she played Russian Roulette. She'd spin her tongue around, softly enunciating. One day it was sure she'd blow them away with her words. They would die cowards' deaths. They would bleed from their brains. They'd savor the pain her words imbued. Until then, a baby's silence.
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