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Which company has influenced the industry the most?


Who has influenced the industry the most?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has influenced the industry the most?

    • Atari
    • Nintendo
    • Microsoft
    • Sony
    • Rare
    • EA
    • Sega
    • Namco
    • SNK
    • Nokia

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I believe nintendo. Without them, gaming would have been a fad. Gaming died back in '84, and they had the right amount of voodoo to resurrect it, and bring a whole new platform to work with that had better technology. With more power and memory, they made the industry more flexible to create better works. Then, with the gameboy, they showed that you can apply the same thing to a portable. They create fun games and, despite criticism, have the most loyal fanbase out there. Anyone can call them "kiddy" or "retarded" But I prefer the label "fun". If there was only one software company and one Hardware company, I would make both Nintendo. The DS is the future of handhelds, and revolution is the future of home consoles. Nintendo is the reason gaming is where it is today.
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[color=#811C3A]There have been quite a few companies who have had strong impacts on gaming. But I think that Nintendo has unquestionably had the largest. As mentioned, without Nintendo, we wouldn't be talking about PlayStation or Xbox today. Nintendo developed a model through which the home console industry could thrive -- a far more effective model than the one pioneered by Atari.

But Atari's failure was largely the result of its sale to Warner Bros. Had the original founder not sold it, I doubt the market would have collapsed as it did. That's a big statement, but Warner Bros. took Atari in a very different direction and they ignored the talents of many of the company's most talented game designers (which prompted them to leave and form their own company: Activision).

Nintendo's impact is all over everything though -- from setting the standards in particular genres (platforming in particular), to the invention of various hardware designs that became industry standards (invention of the D-Pad, introduction of the analog control stick).

So I think we've discovered the answer. However, there are so many companies who have had an impact. Sega, for example, had a massive impact on the very first polygon-based games, with games like Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter also had a lasting impact on just about all 3D fighters that have come since.

Sega also had an impact in other areas, particularly in arcade game design. Just about all of their mid-90's work (Sega Rally, Dayonta USA, House of the Dead, Scud Racer) really became arcade staples. Then you've got Sega's other creations -- from Sonic the Hedgehog to their weird and wonderful Dreamcast library (Jet Set Radio, Seaman, Space Channel 5, etc).

I think Sega are very like Nintendo in terms of their innovation. And I think they've had a consistently positive impact on game design over the last fifteen years or so.

But yeah, there are so many companies that have played an important role in establishing standards and benchmarks.[/color]
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I'd have to agree with you about atari. I watched Icons on G4TECHTV and saw the atari special again, and Bushnell said this of Atari:"The best thing I ever did was start Atari, and the worst was selling it." Warner treated Atari like a business, and Bushnell treated it like a lifestyle. Atari would have crashed anyway with the release of the NES, but warner really screwed with the internal design of the company. But I'm sure The four men that started activision and Steve jobs are very happy that they left atari to start new companies. Jobs is even a Billionare. So I guess something good came out of atari's demise.
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

I don't know why I even bother to reply to some threads in [B]Play It[/B] when James has already posted as I inevitably agree with everything he says. James should just add a little tag at the end of his posts saying "[I]Kane agrees with everything I have said here[/I]". Actually that mightn't work as there may be on some rare occasion as topic in Play It where James and myself disagree, anyway enough waffling from myself.

Honestly I do think that Nintendo and Sega have had the biggest influence on the games market so far, I was to young to play the Atari so I can't really give my thoughts on it. Nintendo really have set the standards for about the last fifteen years, as James pointed out they did pretty much write the manual on how to build a controller pad. Nintendo have also been consistently pushing the bar in terms of creativity in gaming, they've never really stood still and said "OK we're happy with this so we'll stick here for a few years".

Sega like Nintendo have always been active in terms of creativity, although they're no longer producing consoles I think that was actually a good idea, as they can concentrate on making games which is what they're best at. Sonic the Hedgehog had a huge influence on later platformers, almost as big an influence as Mario has had in my own opinion. Honestly I think Sega have had as phenomenal and effect on games as Nintendo have had on console designs in the last decade, although Nintendo too have had a huge effect on games.

If we were to come along and bring things into the new millennium I think that other companies have also had massive impact on gaming. Rockstar pretty much rewrote the book on open-ended gameplay with the later Grand Theft Auto series [from 3 to San An], I remember being simply amazed when I first played 3 on Christmas Day a few years back. Other companies like Capcom and Ubisoft had continued to pump out games of excellent quality, Capcom getting their hands on the Legend of Zelda series was a great idea. Over all I don't think that in the last few years any one company has been responsible for all the improvements, although if we go back to the late 80s/early 90s there weren't many around producing/creating games.[/SIZE]
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Whoever voted for Atari had better explain themselves....

As for me, Nintendo all the way! They are the leading force in creativity and they practically introduced every type of game. Would there be Viewtiful Joe if Mario never existed? Would there be Grand Theft Auto if Zelda never existed? The answer is NO.

Namco has also been leading the way in game inspiration. How? Because they have games in practically evry genre.
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[size=1][color=royalblue]Actually I think that although Nintendo has uh, y'know, plenty of merits, we can't forget about the other companies who've contributed. ^_^ I'm glad SEGA brought spunky-fun games like Sonic into the gaming world.

But eh, you guys took a lot out of my mouth lol. I've always thought of Nintendo as a grampa, always being there when I needed him most since the day I was three. ^_~ I'm sure he was like that with a lot of people. Even if Nintendo someday gets ground into history, never to emerge, I'll always be a dedicated fangirl of sorts.

Oh, the handhelds are miracles!!! *curls up with her SP and Pokemon games and squeaks*
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I think that the xbox has made the most influence in video games because, no one expected it to do so well. Some people say that the xbox has bad graphics but that is not true. The xbox has the best graphics of the ps2 and the Gamecube. For instance take a look at Halo 2. When Halo 2 came out November 9th. It sold 2.5 million copies in that single night. I mean that is really big just for a game. Microsoft is gonning for a tough appeal. Nintendo is gonning for a kiddie appeal, and sony is gonning for a wanabe appeal. Maybe if Nintendo whould stop making Mario Party 5, then maybe more adults whould play it. You couldn't give me a million dollars to have a gamecube. For one thing The game disc is the size of my mouse. You can break it so easily. And the Gmecube's grapics aren't perfect. All I'm saying is that the xbox has changed the world foever. :babble:
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
[QUOTE]All I'm saying is that the xbox has changed the world foever.[/QUOTE]The Xbox gets props for creating a good online gaming paradigm. That's about it as far as having a major impact on the industry goes. You are such a fanboy...

Of course the answer here is Nintendo. That's a no-brainer to anyone who knows anything about video games pre-2001. From consoles to handhelds to control layouts to graphics engines, Nintendo has set the pace and standard for a long time. I think the trend will continue, although you will always have other star developers pushing the industry forward (Team Ninja, Valve, Bethesda, etc.).

I'm trying to think what PC developer/publisher has done a lot...meh, can't think of anyone really really important.
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A few things:
1. XBOX has influenced the industry, but not as much as Nintendo or atari or sega. Also, it is not a COMPANY.
2. Super Mario Bros. 3 has sold 13 million copies worldwide-more than any other.
3. When did anyone start caring about graphics? I have played Halo, and it is good. But it is no goldeneye.
4. Since when did one game make a system "kiddie"? Nintendo Makes games that are fun and entertaining, and that's all that matters.
5. Gamecube game discs are hard to scratch, much less break. How would you know how breakable they are? You have said you don't go near the cube.
6. Every company changes the world forever by existing.
7. Well? Is last place and losing $1 billion a year well?
8. Everyone is going for the "everyone" appeal. Sony is so wanabe it has one of the best selling series of all time. Nintendo is so wanabe it got exclusive rights to 4 resident evil games and had silicon knights make Eternal darkness and the remake of metal gear solid.
9. How would you know about adults, Inu500? You're only 15.
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[quote name='Inu500']I think that the xbox has made the most influence in video games because, no one expected it to do so well. Some people say that the xbox has bad graphics but that is not true. The xbox has the best graphics of the ps2 and the Gamecube. For instance take a look at Halo 2. When Halo 2 came out November 9th. It sold 2.5 million copies in that single night. I mean that is really big just for a game. Microsoft is gonning for a tough appeal. Nintendo is gonning for a kiddie appeal, and sony is gonning for a wanabe appeal. Maybe if Nintendo whould stop making Mario Party 5, then maybe more adults whould play it. You couldn't give me a million dollars to have a gamecube. For one thing The game disc is the size of my mouse. You can break it so easily. And the Gmecube's grapics aren't perfect. All I'm saying is that the xbox has changed the world foever. :babble:[/quote]

Are you freaking mad? XBOX has had almost NO influence on the gaming community! Halo 2 is not the second coming! Half-Life 2 and Metroid Prime have better graphics than Halo 2.

Nintendo IS trying to appeal to a younger audience, but they want to let EVERYONE have fun. I doubt any kid is going to be playing Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 4, or even Viewtiful Joe, which may I remind you was game of the year alongside Prince of Persia which is only good on Gamecube.

Playstation 2 may be the worst console, but i has had a good influence in the fact that it has most of the best games. Also, ot has proven that if a consol is released earlier it will sell more. This has influenced companies to release products faster.

Game cube disks would take a mallet to break. Ive seen Gamecube games be thrown across the room. Ive seen sprite spilled on them. Ive seen them sit out for months. Ive seen them get missing and wind up in some wewird place. Do they still work? Yes. My three year old Super Smash Bros. Melee has uncountavle scratches, some deeper than others, and some perminant stains. Yet it still works. As for my Playstation 2 games? Ive had to sell some because they spent five days out of their case and never worked again. In fact, I once accidentally spilled some soda on an Onimusha 2 disk and when I tried to sell it, the guy said the data had been wiped.
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I agree with most everything that's been said and I vote for Nintendo also, but I must also shed light on another name up there on the list.

Namco has made a big impact on the video game world. Pac-man is still eating my quarters to this day. They also showed that video games are not just for boys by making Ms. Pac-man. Of course, you all are probably saying "So? what does that have to do with today's gaming?" I'll tell you. Namco showed the world that to be successful, you have to target both gender areas.

Now on to today's games by Namco, I love Soul Calibur. It's possibly one of the best fighting franchises, besides Mortal Kombat. I mean, with the huge combos, beautiful graphics, and excellent weapons, what is there not to like about it.

Katamari Domacy is another heavy hitter from Namco. As you have probably seen in my thread about the game, I think it has a lot of potential. Namco has shown that in today's world, America likes a little bit of originality.
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DAMNIT! Motion to ban Inu500 and Tigervx. They don't know what they're talking about, don't listen to them they're... They're crazy! Yeah, that's it. You don't wanna listen to crazy people do you? No, that's what I thought.

But seriously, I agree with everything James said and he may as well just delete everyone elses posts, close the thread and put his post in real big writing.

I really can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said here so I'll just leave this, a useless post on a great thread...
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[quote name='Inu500']I think that the xbox has made the most influence in video games because, no one expected it to do so well.[/quote]That just makes it a surprise success, not a huge influence.

[quote name='Inu500']Some people say that the xbox has bad graphics but that is not true. The xbox has the best graphics of the ps2 and the Gamecube.[/quote]You seem to be forgetting about games like the two Metroid Prime games (Gamecube) and the two Zone of the Enders games (PS2). Those beat the crap out of any XBox title I've seen in the graphics department.

[quote name='Inu500']For instance take a look at Halo 2. When Halo 2 came out November 9th. It sold 2.5 million copies in that single night. I mean that is really big just for a game.[/quote]So one game does well. Big fricken deal. How many killer titles has Nintendo had? More than one, I can tell you that much.

[quote name='Inu500']Microsoft is gonning for a tough appeal. Nintendo is gonning for a kiddie appeal, and sony is gonning for a wanabe appeal. Maybe if Nintendo whould stop making Mario Party 5, then maybe more adults whould play it.[/quote]Jesus, that pisses me off. Every time I hear it, it pisses me off. The Gamecube is not a ******* 'kiddie' system, dumb-****. How many people are going to let their kids play Resident Evil? Eternal Darkness? Killer 7, once it's released? Hopefully none. Just because a system has games that appeal to kids doesn't make it a ******* 'kiddie' system, jackass.

[quote name='Inu500']You couldn't give me a million dollars to have a gamecube.[/quote]You have no right to put down a system you've never used. Try some Gamecube games (and don't stack the deck by deliberatly choosing games geared toward younger people), then come back.

[quote name='Inu500']For one thing The game disc is the size of my mouse. You can break it so easily.[/quote]Disc size? Big ******* deal. I guess you absolutly hate the PSP because it won't have full-sized disks. As for durabillity, I've never had a problem with a Gamecube disc, while PS2 disks give me plenty of trouble. Not that you know how durable a Gamecube disc is, seeing as how you're never going to use one. I think you're making that up simply to give you another point of attack against Nintendo.

[quote name='Inu500']And the Gmecube's grapics aren't perfect.[/quote]I'm sorry to hear that you hate yourself. Any yes, you did just tell me that you hate yourself. You hate yourself because of the fact that you're not perfect. Nothing's perfect, asshole. Imperfection is not a reason to hate something.

[quote name='Inu500']All I'm saying is that the xbox has changed the world foever.[/quote]That shows how little you know. First of all, XBox isn't exactly doing well in countries such as Japan. And even in America, it hasn't really 'changed' anything.

Seriously, how can you not say Nintendo? Without Nintendo, there might not even be a video game industry today.
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[color=darkred]I don't think Nintendo makes its main appeal to kids. I for one am interested in all the kiddie-like party games just as much as the next kid, because they tend to be so damn, which is pretty much what is mainly accounted for in most games among gamers.

As for my opinion on the subject, I'd have to say that the main influences towards the video games industry is a joint effort, even though it may not seem that way. Xbox did a good job with the whole Xbox Live ordeal, and Nintendo have come up with some major innovative schemes in both systems [I]and[/I] games, so all in all, I don't think you can say that it all boils down to only one company.[/color]
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[quote name='Bombu][color=darkred']So? What's your point? I'm saying what's on my mind. If you don't like it call the internet police.[/color][/quote]

[color=#811C3A]I think the point is that nobody is necessarily trying to say that only Nintendo has influence in the industry, it's just that they have probably had the most influence of anyone. But of course, many companies have had influences to varying degrees (Microsoft included).

That's my interpretation of it, anyway.[/color]
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[QUOTE=Ganon6d9]DAMNIT! Motion to ban Inu500 and Tigervx. They don't know what they're talking about, don't listen to them they're... They're crazy! Yeah, that's it. You don't wanna listen to crazy people do you? No, that's what I thought.

But seriously, I agree with everything James said and he may as well just delete everyone elses posts, close the thread and put his post in real big writing.

I really can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said here so I'll just leave this, a useless post on a great thread...[/QUOTE]
[color=#4B0082]You know, I'm not too inclined to ban Inu500 when he's at least adding to the discussion. Unlike someone here. :rolleyes:

And Takuya, watch the flaming. Pointing out that an opinion is based on misinformation is one thing. Insulting a person for holding that opinion is quite different, and there's no call for that.[/color]
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There are quite a few companys out there that have influenced the gaming industry but one of the major non-mentioned ones is Strategic Simulations, Inc. They have practically influenced all RPGs although they were mostly on PC although they had a few on consoles. Where would the RPG industry be without titles such as Eye of the Beholder, Pool of Radiance and their earlier ones. They are responsable for creating the strategic battle system that we see in games like FFT and Advance wars nowdays.

And also Inu500, Microsofts first console was the X-Box while Nintendo is now on its 10th console or portable gaming device while Sony is onto its third system. Microsoft is unable to compare with the success of the other two companys. And also. most influential company that is mentioned is Nintendo. They are the grandaddy of Consoles.
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Sure Nintendo have had the most impact on the industry, they revived games and kept them going long enough for the market to expand and grow into the mainstream, and they're still going strong and innovating even more today. But what have other companies done to influence the industry and mold it into what it is today?

To say that it was entirely Sony that brought videogaming into the mainstream is stupid, the only reason games became bigger with the release of Sony is because there were 2 home systems for people to choose from now, more games means bigger industry. The bigger the industry the more people pay attention, the more people paying attention the more popular it is. And so, videogames became mainstream, Sony and Nintendo did it almost together.

Then this time around, we have online console games, This time it was largely Microsoft's hand, but Sony also helped. I'm not big on online games(one could even go so far as to say I hate them, and I think they belong to the PC market only) So I can't discuss it too much, I can only point out this fact.

But Nintendo, as well as molding the way we play our games, also influence the way games are made. Platformers were huge back in the days of the PS and 64, and still fare rather well nowadays(Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank etc.). But it's not just Nintendo that made the games, Sega were huge innovators back then(and still are today). Sonic and Mario were the big guns in the 16-bit era, every kid wanted either Mario or Sonic. Now those kids have grown up and now we're getting their games, they suck, but that's not the point. The point is that Nintendo and Sega influenced the industry.

Other companies also influence games, I think Halo would be missing a couple of things(or not exist at all) if it weren't for Rare's Goldeneye 007 on the 64. EA and their sporting game monopoly, do you think sports would be as big in games if it weren't for these guys? And lastly, SNK, Capcom and Namco. Fighting game extraordinaires, these guys push the bar up every generation with their fighting titles, leaving all posers in the dust. Fighting just wouldn't be as cool without these guys.

[size=1]*sticks tongue out at Des*[/size][size=1] (no hard feelings, just a little fun)[/size]
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While I may be a Sony flamer, and I may think Nintendo by far had the biggest impact, ive also noticed that many of the posts have had, "and Sony was there to" or "and Sony helped." So they have had a pretty good influence.

Another thing. I noticed that while Nintendo may have been the most influence on consoles, other companies influenced other things. Would there be RPGs with out Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Mario RPG, which are all three creations of Square? Would we have fighting games if not for Street Fighter, Tekken, and even Mortal Kombat? And while Atari nearly shut down, they were pretty influential, mostly towards racing. If it werent for Pole Position, I dont think racing games would be so popular. As Gannon said, platforming is all from Mario and Sonic. Some may say Mega Man, but he is just an imitation of Mario.
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Playstation 2 may be the worst console, but i has had a good influence in the fact that it has most of the best games. Also, ot has proven that if a consol is released earlier it will sell more. This has influenced companies to release products faster.

It is definitely not proven that releasing early will help sell a console, which SEGA can easily attest. Mostly PS1 dictated the sales of PS2 I would think.

Anyway, Nintendo is without a doubt the biggest influence on modern gaming, but if you look at recent developments I would say that Rockstar games has had the biggest influence on the direction of gaming.

GTA and a few other rockstar games has more or less set the bar for games targeted towards adults by using mature themes. Also the thing that might be even bigger is the open ended gameplay idea. If GTA wasn't the first to do it, they definitely were the most successful in poularizing it. So many other games copy the idea because GTA sold so very well. Its hard to look at games that come out recently and not see a little bit of GTA influence, from obvious ones like Spiderman to Jak and Daxter.

So yeah recent game influence has to go to Rockstar in my opinion.
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