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Dragonball - Battle Field: End of the Universe


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lordvegeta [/i]
[B]thunder: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz-huh what? oh soryy guys i wasnt paying attention whats happening?? [/B][/QUOTE]

I have to have a fight soon... But I'm really busy...
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[I]After the Announcer has officially started the match, Aestus launches at his opponent, Demon X... a bio engineered monster...[/I]

Aestus: "You're going down!"
Demon X: [B]"I WILL CRUSH YOU"[/B]
Aestus: "Ha ha, shut the f*ck up!"

[I]Aestus fires two small balls of Ki at Demon X... They turn into ropes, and entwine around him...[/I]

Aestus: "I'll make this quick."

[I]Aestus charges at the Demon, and Kicks him in the head. He kicks him in the head SO hard, that it is crushed, and then ripped off... Aestus the vapourises the rest of it's body with a blast of Ki...[/I]

Announcer: ":eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:!!!!!"

[I]Aestus stands proud... "What a match!" he thinks to himself, "But that opponent was way to easy. I thought I was up for a challenge!!"[/I]

Warlock: "Holy Sh*t, did you see that?"
Zylius: "That was some fight. Aestus has truely advanced in power..."
Sephiroth: "Unless..."
Warlock: "Unless what?"
Sephiroth: "...That guy was a weakling."
Zylius: "How can you be so sure?"
Sephiroth: "Power reading."
Warlock: "Oh..."

[I]Aestus walks into the room... he looks at Zylius...[/I]

Zylius: "So it's time for me to fight."
Aestus: "You're up against... Mr Sataan..."
Zylius: "Oh dear god no."
Aestus: "Uhhh, try your best..."
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[SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands looking at the tournament table..[/i]

Pyro: Hrmm.. only one more fight until it's my turn. i guess any last minute training I'm gonna be doing better be done now..

[i]Warlock enters the area from outside[/i]

Warlock: Hey Pyro, your up soon, you know that?

Pyro: Heh, ya, I can't wait!

[i]Aestus enters overhearing Pyro[/i]

Aestus: And just what makes you so confident that you can actually take down this "Doom" guy?

[I]Pyro gives a sly little grin and suddenly turns around slashing his hand through the air cutting open a transdimensional gate to his training area faster than any eye can see..[/I]

Pyro: It sems I'm getting quicker at that...

Warlock: :eek:!!!
Aesuts: :eek:!!!

[I]Pyro goes through the gate as it closes directly behind him[/I]

Warlock: He's [i]"getting[/i] quicker"??? I couldn't even follow that!!

Aestus: I couldn't either... whatever training he's doing is making him incredibly fast...

Warlock: Ya.. and he masks his energy over constantly so we have no idea how strong he may be..

Aestus: He's a very intersting person once he starts finding new things he can do..

Warlock: Ya.. I can admit that I'd have a bit trouble fighting someone like him.. hell, I [i]have[/i] had trouble fighting him. When Babi Dee possesed him I had no clue he was faking the evil part until he finally told me in secret after kicking my @ss.... he's not a Saiya-jin like me and he has higher connections.. he's hard to make sense of in his fighting style...

Aestus: I know what you mean.. well not about the @ss kicking part but how unique he is in style................I wonder where that gate led to?

Warlock: It looked somewhat familiar, but I've never seen him do it before..

Aestus: Well enough about that, Zylius will be fighting once both him and Satan are ready.. I wonder what kinda match [i]this[/i] will be :rolleyes:.....[/SIZE]
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[I]As Aestus leaves Warlock looks up at the tournement table.[/I]

Warlock: "So, I'm versing Joosh. Last we versed he ended up injuring himself. And thinking about Joosh, I haven't seen him for a while anyway..."

[I]Warlock heads back to the players room, and sits opposite Kaloc.[/I]

Warlock: "So, you're versing Goten. I've heard of him, but never seen him."

Kaloc: "Well, we'll see how powerful he is."

Warlock: "Want to get in a tiny bit more training before Zyluis verses Satan?"

Kaloc: "Sure..."

[I]Both Warlock and Kaloc slash through the air, creating a gate to their training void, they both go through. They arrive, and just before they start training, something in Warlock's mind snaps.[/I]

Warlock: "Pyro did something simalar to us when he entered a portal of some kind. Maybe there's some way we could contact him through this dimension..."

Kaloc: "Well, let's get down to training first..."
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[SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands in his training area.. suddenly all his muscles flex and tighten as the gravity intensifies in the room, the heat is almost unbearable.. and millions of powerful monsters spawn from the ground..[/i]

Pyro: Eh heh heh.. this should be fun..

[i]the monsters advance on Pyro unaffected by the immense gravity..[/i]

Pyro: What are you walking so slow for!?!.. Lets do this!!!

[I]Pyro leaps into the air as high as he can possibly go and struggles to hold himself in the air..[/i]

Pyro: Lucky for me you idiots cant get up here!

[i]Pyro places one palm towards the ground as hazy transparent energy began to gather at his palm..[/i]

Pyro: The gravity obviosuly doesnt affect you.. but this should help you struggle to stand!!..eerrrrrr!! PULSE CANNON!!!

[I]A transparent massive wave of energy is forced down at the monsters landing directly on top of them and slowly but surely crushing to nothing..[/I]

Pyro: Heh heh, that was [i]too[/i] easy...

[i]A high pitch screech pierces through the thick air as Pyro turns around and sees thousands of airborn creatures..[/i]

Pyro: O great, this should be fun!

[i]Pyro drops to the ground landing extremely hard causing a giant crater roughly 750feet in diameter..[/i]

Pyro: heh heh.. cool

[i]A small ki blast lands and explodes right next to Pyro[/i]

Pyro: What the?!

[i]Pyro turns and looks up and sees the airborn creatures firing ki blasts in great numbers randomly at Pyro..[/i]

Pyro: Haha! They can control ki! Thats great!

[i]Pyro takes off running as fast as his power will let him move comfortably and smoothly as the kiblast trail along exploding on the ground just a few feet behind him.. he comes to a dead end but just jumps up onto the wall and runs straight up and then upside down across the jagged and extrememly high ceiling..[/i]

Pyro: Now to stop running and take some action!!

[i]Pyro stops for no more the 1/10 of a second and lets himslef fall freely as ki blasts pummel the area he was running in right after his departure..Pyro turns himself to the creatures..[/i]

Pyro: Take this!!

[i]Pyro fires random scatered ki shots at the creatures each one hitting tis target and consuming the enemy then incenerating itto nothing[/i]

Pyro: heh heh.. *SMACK!!!!!*

[i]Pyro hits the ground drilling straight through and then fires out of it..[/i]

Pyro: *panting a little* Who's next?

[i]The ground begins to rumblw underneath Pyro as a huge giant creature of mind boggling proportions erupts from the ground..[/i]

Pyro: :eek: This could be a problem...

[i]The huge lizard/insect like creature immediatly takes a strike at Pyro who barely dodges the attack[/i]

Pyro:This thing may be big but it is still fast! This one is a good one!

[i]Pyro constantly narrowly dodges all of the creatures attacks..[/i]

Pyro: Haha!! You're just a little too slow!!

[i]The creature suddenly takes a deep breath and blows Pyro forcefully back smashing him into a wall and the creature then pins him against the wall and begins to crush Pyros body[/i]


[i]Pyro struggles like a madman to get out from under the creatures claw but to no evail..[/i]

Pyro: AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm... NOT!!..GONNAAA GET... BEATEN.... BYY..........YYYYYOUUUU!!!!!!

[I]Pyro quickly pushers out a lot of energy forcing the bug's claw away enough to let Pyro free his hands.. but his body is immedialty pinned again[/i]

Pyro: AACK!!! O well.. I.. got my.... hands.. free .. and thats.. all i need!!!

[i]Pyro begins to charge up his bombshell blast. normally it doesnt take more than a second of charging but hes already lost a lot of power.... the creature feels the power being fed into the powerful huge ki ball and presses on Pyro even harder[/i]


[i]Pyro's bones begin to crack as he is finshed gving the ball as much energy as he can..[/i]

Pyro: If I'm going down I'm taking you with me!!!...BOMBSHELL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!

[i]The ball stalls for a second, not firing, but suddenly (the following events have been edited for your suspenseful pleasure) Pyro's almost lifeless body plummets to the grounmd as the gravity returns to normal along with the temperature and the creatures are all gone..[/i]

Pyro: Heh heh.. hahaha!!! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....!!!! *continues laughing as the scene fades out*[/SIZE]
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[I]Warlock and Kaloc jump back, after fighting for several hours, (Only a few seconds in the real world.) [/I]

Warlock: "So, want me to turn this up a notch?"

Kaloc: "Yep."

[I]The air becomes even more heavier, flames burst out everywhere, and many ki monsters appear.[/I]

Warlock: "This should be fun."

[I]Warlock spots many flying ki beings heading towards him.[/I]

Warlock: "Target practice..."

[I]Finger out, Warlock fires pin-prick laser beam at all the air-borne ki beings. They're all taken down easily. Warlock turns around, and sees Kaloc fighting a gigantic monster.[/I]

Warlock: "Why does he get all the fun?"

[I]Warlock quickly turns around, and sees a duplicate of the monster.[/I]

Warlock: "I'm mistaken..."

[I]Warlock flys back, and fires a beam at the monster. The monster outstreaches it's hand and knocks the beam away.[/I]

Warlock: "This could be entertaining..."

[I]Warlock launches into battle against the gigantic ki monster...[/I]
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[COLOR=red]Dbzman flys off into the mountains[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Oh man, why me! Why do I have to fight Sephiroth next!? I hardly new about him before I almost got killed in the gravity chamber then left for a while! I hardly know his fighting strategy either!

[COLOR=red]Punches a rock, and it smashes into a million tiny peices which bounce harmlessly off his face[/COLOR]

Dbzman: No...I can do this! I can beat him!!!...I think...

[COLOR=red]Starts shooting down all the mountains with millions of little Ki blasts[/COLOR]

Dbzman: But if I'm gonna beat him, I'll have to get stronger first!!!

[COLOR=red]Channels all his energy into his fist, and punches at the air with all his might, and a sudden rip appears in the air[/COLOR]

Dbzman: What the?!?!?!

[COLOR=red]Peers inside, and sees Warlock and Kalock training millions of times faster than usual[/COLOR]

Dbzman: How the fu*k did I do that...? And...Whats Warlock doing there...And who is that guy with him??? And...why does it seem like time has stopped while I'm inbetween this new place and this area with mountains???

[COLOR=red]Puts his hands out into the air, and finds out that he can grab onto the rip in the sky[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Weird...

[COLOR=red]Puts his hand in the hole, and it suddenly feels much heavier[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Freaky...

[COLOR=red]Climbs in, and Warlock instantly notices him[/COLOR]

Warlock: Dbzman!?

Kaloc: Whos he?

Dbzman: Uhhh...Hey there Warlock...Um...what is this place?
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[Sephiroth looks at the battle tables]

Seph: hmmm, I will be battling dbzman next, should be interesting, I do not believe I have fought him before, I should get back to training

[in an instant, Sephiroth disappears and is now standing in the middle of the Antarctic]

Seph: freezing cold weather, very strong winds, this area should be sufficient for my training

[Sephiroth begins to train, he uses the tri force technique to fight against his 2 other selves, his technique does not sacrifice any strength, both of them are as powerful as he his, their energy is not split between the 3 of them, all 3 of them transform to Ancient SSJ4]

Seph: now, lets see what I'm made of

[After battling for a while, Sephiroth begins to be defeated by his 2 other selves]

Seph: heh, I guess I'm pretty powerful, but not powerful ENOUGH!

[Sephiroth begins to fight back, but still proves not powerful enough to defeat them]

Sephiroth: this is'nt good enough! Arghhh!!!!

[Sephiroth is punched and is sent towards a mountain, he groggily gets up, his eyes becoming even redder]

Sephiroth: you....PISSED ME OFF!!!

[In an instant, Sephiroth erupts on them in a barriage of attacks, after a while the 2 duplicates of Sephiroth become too tired to fight back, Sephiroth absorbs them back into his body]

Sephiroth: where did all that come from? how did I do that....

[After thinking for a while, Sephiroth realises something]

Sephiroth: I don't believe it....I have learnt to use my people's ancient technique, the Berserker Mode....

To Be Continued....
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[SIZE=1]*Sigh*DBZman, two's company but three's a crowd if you catch my drift..heh heh the new smilies are awesome! speicially this one! :flaming:
[i]Pyro's battered body lays on the floor of his training area[/i]

Pyro: Well I've been laying here long enough..

[i]Pyro's body suddenly starts to heal over and in minutes he is back to normal..[/i]

Pyro: Ah, that feels better and I feel [i]much[/i] stronger.. and now that I know what I'm doing I have much greater depths to explore..

[i]Pyro stands studying himself for a lil bit..[/i]

Pyro: Heh heh.. HAAA!!!!

:devil:This part has been taken out for your suspensful pleasure..:devil:

Pyro: This is great!!!

[i]Scene fades out...[/i][/SIZE]
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[I]Warlock dodges the ki monster's attacks...[/I]

Warlock: "This is a training void, which I use to get training done. I met Kaloc in here, for he too could appear in this void. And, as you can see, it's tough training. If you can't stand the heat, I advise to get out now. Even I have trouble here..."

[I]Warlock appeared behind the ki monster, and hit him on the top of the head. The monster shot his fist up at Warlock, and knocked him flying into the air. He fell down next to DBZMAN.[/I]

Warlock: "You're welcome to stay, but things get a bit hot out here. And also, you can spend years in here, and only a few minutes would've past."

[I]Warlock, who had been charging up all this time, relased a incredible beam of ki at the monster, obliterating it.[/I]

Warlock: "I've got an idea, you can verse me..."
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[b] Hmmmmm, amazing how hibernating out of the blue for 1 ana 1/2 mth makes you suddenly feel so much energetic...but I'm waaay 2 bhind everybody now....there r few weaker than me...
enuf chit-chat, time for some cr@p....[/b]
[b][i]Does the 118 Wooden Dummy Form twice every second...
(yeh, not as fast as mosta u guys yet...)[/i] [/b]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
[B][b] Hmmmmm, amazing how hibernating out of the blue for 1 ana 1/2 mth makes you suddenly feel so much energetic...but I'm waaay 2 bhind everybody now....there r few weaker than me...
enuf chit-chat, time for some cr@p....[/b]
[b][i]Does the 118 Wooden Dummy Form twice every second...
(yeh, not as fast as mosta u guys yet...)[/i] [/b] [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, you have been away for abit. You're not even in the tournement...
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[SIZE=1]Well DBZman, it seems warlock is going on with you lil schpiel.. but dont get any ideas trying to get into my lil void thingy place.. k? :)
[i]After hours and hours of intesnse, non-stop physical and mental training, Pyro stops almost completely out of breath..[/i]

Pyro: Whew! [i]That[/i] was crazy! *exhales deeply relaxing his breathing rate* Well all I feel like doing now is resting until it's my turn..I wonder what's taking so long. No preparation is needed for Zylius to beat Satan..*yawns* O well...[/SIZE]
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[Sephiroth continues training]

Sephiroth: this berserker mode certainly has its advantages, but I can only stay berserker for 5 minutes

[Sephiroth trains some more, and berserker stops]

Sephiroth: hmm, I can't use berserker again for another 15 minutes, I guess I should remember this for future referance

[After training for a while longer, Sephiroth finally stops]

Sephiroth: hmm, I guess I'm done training in this cold weather, I should train in a little more hotter environment, and what better place than the Earth's core? I'll see what I'm really made of if I can handle those extreme conditions

[Sephiroth surrounds himself in a forcefield and flys towards the centre of the Earth]

Sephiroth: ugh, its certainly starting to get hot down here

[A while later Sephiroth begins to slow down]

Sephiroth: ah...its starting to get...too hot, but I...must proceed

[Sephiroth finally reaches the centre of the Earth's core]

Sephiroth: my...god its...hot in here, now to...begin...training

To Be Continued....
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[SIZE=1][i]Pyro lays in his training area thingy void thing getting bored...[/i]

Pyro: *sigh* What is taking so long out there!? I'm up right after Zylius' fight which should be over in no time at all.. yet I've been waiting here for hours on end..

[i]Pyro continues to lay for a bit more..[/i]

Pyro: Well I'm not gonna get anywhere just sitting here.. I guess I'll train in a bit different environment.. lets see how can I do this....

[i]Pyro stands and closes his eyes concentrating very hard...suddenly Pyro glows with an odd aura and flips his eyes open quickly then thrusting his hand in front of him causing a wave to ripple the air in the room and a small hole opens with a bright light pouring out of it..[/i]

Pyro: Hmm.. that's too small for me to fit through.. I'm gonna have to keep trying until I can get it big enough..

[i]Pyro closes the hole and continues trying to make it bigger with each try....[/i][/SIZE]
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Announcer: "Ready.... FIGHT!!"

[I]Zylius looks at his opponent... Sataan then runs at him, and tries to punch him in the face... Zylius steps out of the way, and then pushes Mr Sataan over...[/I]

Announcer: "KO!! KO!!! SATAAN IS OUT OF THE MATCH!!"

Zylius: "Yeah, I thought so."

[I]Zylius walks out of the Arena, whilst Mr Sataan is rushed to an Infirmary...[/I]
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