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The Padded Room Party: Random Thoughts


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[FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Indigo"][quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink]Gavin's a much beloved and darling little angel. [/color][/QUOTE][CENTER]:blulaugh: :blulaugh: :blulaugh:[/CENTER][QUOTE=Vicky][size=1']Nerd fight nerd fight nerd fight! Woo woo![/size][/quote]I bet $20 on Allamorph. Lose and I'll flay you alive basement cat... [SIZE="1"][I]Verbally of course. >>[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Nerd Fight!!!! Wooohooo! I brought a keg you pussys, with you're popcorn and soda! [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]...I'm not even gonna bother.[/SIZE]

[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"]*Pass the popcorn please?* [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]*gives a bag of popcorn kernels*

Hey, I didn't say if the popcorn was popped or not, now did I?[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Botar][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Nerd Fight!!!! Wooohooo! I brought a keg you pussys, with you're popcorn and soda!

*Pass the popcorn please?*[/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][I]*takes the keg and stuffs Botar in it before fastening the lid back down*[/I][/SIZE]

[FONT="Arial"]I won't be drinking the soda since that stuff makes me sick, but I won't drink the other stuff, which is even more gag worthy, either. I opt for tea and civilized conversation while we watch Nerdsy and Allamorph go at it. [/FONT]

[SIZE="1"][I]*saves a spot for Raiha, along with some tea*[/I][/SIZE][QUOTE=Sangome][SIZE="1"]*gives a bag of popcorn kernels*

Hey, I didn't say if the popcorn was popped or not, now did I?[/SIZE][/QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]He's not going to need it Gome. lolz[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Indi'][COLOR="Indigo"]
[FONT="Arial"]I opt for tea and civilized conversation while we watch Nerdsy and Allamorph go at it. [/FONT]
[FONT="Arial"]He's not going to need it Gome. lolz[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Lor' luv a duck! cup ov bertie mee. Know what I mean?

[/rhyming slang][/size]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"][quote name='Sangome][SIZE="1"']You want us to be stereotypical Britishmen? :therock:[/SIZE][/quote]Raiha is not British, and yes tea is appropriate. You all can be the soda drinkers. I would except the stuff literally makes me puke. Carbonation and I do not get along. [FONT="Verdana"]o_O[/FONT]

Oh and anyone who wants tea is welcome of course. =3[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Has anyone ever notice that kids really do the weirdest things? I have two boys, a one year old and a 3 and a half year old and wow are they strange...my youngest actually growls at you if you don't give him what he wants, he'll howl (like a wolf kind of howl) and he bares his teeth at you too...he's a weird one, and the oldest is a drama queen, if he trips and falls in the grass he rolls over and holds up his hand for you to pick him up and if you don't within 30 seconds he acts like he dies...yeah, my kids are weird....[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]I have a four year old girl so I get where you're coming from. But she has strange words for everything. Instead of wanting to wear a t-shirt she wants an up shirt :animeswea instead of shorts she wants to wear up pants. :rolleyes: And when she wants her Disney Princess comforter she wants her night night.

And heaven forbid if you tell her she can't wear an up shirt or have no bloody idea what an up shirt is. Because then she'll act like a Diva who got her name taken out of the headlines. I came home from work one day and was told that she couldn't ride her bike the rest of the day because of something she'd done and when I went up to her room there were various Barbie leavings all over the floor.

Add in the strange nonsense songs and the time she told us all at dinner that the baby sitter pooped herself and I think my kid out weirds your kids.[/color][/font][/size]
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[quote name='Knuckle's Girl][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]yeah, my kids are weird....[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote][quote=chibihorsewoman][COLOR=#9933ff][FONT=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4]I think my kid out weirds your kids.[/SIZE][/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]I think I out-weirded both of your kids when I was a kid. I was a strange little kid. I still am, but then again, who isn't?


I'm sitting here, watching TMZ, and I'm just going to type all the random thoughts that enter my head, Stream-o-consciousness-like.

Good luck...

It'd be awesome if I got a job as a camera man for TMZ. I'd be awesome at it. I'm alright like a walking Wikipedia anyway, especially with actors and random cultural references and other various obscurities. Just give me a camera and send me to L.A. I'll be set. I'll go up to Adam Goldberg coming out of the Apple store and ask ask him, "Hey Adam! When's Dazed & Confused 2: O'Banion's Revenge coming out?" Stuff like that. Adam Goldberg's alright, though. 2 Days In Paris is an excellent movie. Oh, man. Mother's Day's coming up. I didn't get my mom anything last year, so I really need to get her something. My mom's the best. She's got the best sense of humor (for a mom, that is). Tracy Morgan looks a lot like Busta Rhymes. Tracy Morgan is probably funnier than Busta Rhymes. Bryan Fellow's Safari Planet was hilarious. It sounds like someone is mowing their yard (it's 11:47 PM). I actually enjoy mowing the yard. There's nothing like mowing the yard to give you a good sense of accomplishment. That, and bailing straw. I'll never do that again, no matter how much they pay. Hardest work ever. Haha... They just showed the Apple store on TMZ. If I were a celebrity, I would mess with the paparazzi so much. Actually, I'd probably just mess with everyone. There are so many celebrities that I wonder if the reason they do so much crazy/stupid stuff isn't because they are crazy/stupid, but rater, because they are just pulling a giant hoax/joke on the entire world. I mean, they're rich. What do they care what people think of them? Once you become a celebrity, you're never going to be able to live a normal life again, so why not be insanely eccentric just for the hell of it? That's what I would do. I mean, sure, I'd donate to charity all the time, but I'd also just be downright weird. Like, Andy Warhol x 10 (only without the homosexuality, but possibly with the being murdered). This is why I don't think Andy Warhol is an overrated non-artist. If anything, he's completely underrated, and definitely an artist. The man was a genius. He knew that since he was famous, he could do whatever he wanted and get rich doing it. And the people who say that Warhol paintings on the purses and shirts you see these days are wrong because they sell them to people who have never even heard of him so it's some kind of fashion/commercial hypocrisy or whatever is thoroughly retarded. That is EXACTLY what Andy Warhol would be doing today if he was alive. That's what he did. Like any good business man, he took money from stupid people. There are so many stupid people. I can't even begin to number how many I encounter on a daily basis. They're everywhere! And there's more and more of them appearing every day. They're taking over. And people who drive slow. And by slow, I mean, the speed limit. To quote Harvey "The Wolf" Keitel, [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]"I drive real ******' fast."[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1] People who take forever to turn. They put their turn signal on 2 miles before they turn and start to stop a mile later. It doesn't take twenty minutes to turn! You're not going to fly off the road. I've got a lot of pet peeves, but oddly enough, I'm beyond laid back. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I'm cool with pretty much everyone I've ever met. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Nothing phases me. Man. Janitor is the best character on Scrubs. Neil Flynn (the guy who plays him) improvs most of his lines on the show. That's awesome. I'm pretty good at improving. I used to be really good at prank calling, but I haven't done it in forever, so I probably suck now. I could come up with the best stuff on the spot. I was really good at thinking on my feet. Or sitting down. Or however it was that I was talking on the phone. Ted the lawyer (Sam Llyod) is the second best character on Scrubs. Facebook eats souls. I probably need to enter rehab. Not really, but I'm on Facebook all the time. I'm on here a lot, too. I don't post often, though. I'm a lurker. Speaking of lurking, I just learned that one out of five American adults has genital herpes. Apparently, I'm supposed to ask my doctor about once daily Valtrex, despite the fact that I am not that one person out of the five. Also, apparently, if I join the NAVY, when I get out, I'll become a successful business man. The vast majority of all commercials are completely retarded. Except for a lot of candy commercials. Starburst, Skittles, and Snickers all have good commercials (and they all start with 's'. hmmm...). The best commercial I've ever seen would have to be the Domino's Oreo Pie Mustache commercial. I laughed so hard the first time I saw it. And ever time I saw it after that. Hundreds of local singles are waiting for me to call them! "Keep on smokin' that crack, *****!" - Intoxicated man standing in his driveway in the middle of the night in his boxers on Cops. If I ever saw someone I knew on Cops, it'd be the funniest thing ever. And with that note, I'm going to end now, as I don't see this coming to a natural stopping point any time soon. If you made it this far by reading the whole thing, I congratulate you. I know I wouldn't.


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[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]I wasn't aware it was ever wrong.

[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]But yeah, from 11:30 to 12:30 last night.


There are a lot of typos and grammatical errors in that post.

Probably should have read at what I was typing.

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[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"] When the hell did this thread pop up? I've been missing out...

But I don't really feel like looking back at older conversation.

I think my eyes are bleeding from trying to read Mr. Maul's post. I love you.

I feel "I love you" makes everything more enjoyable. Maybe it's just me. Iloveyou.

Four stanzas.

Five now.

Damn. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]It's okay.

I love you, too.

[SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]This just made me think, why isn't there a thread on OB... about nothing but sex? I'm talking condoms, positions, toys... the works. We should get Ikillion on that right away.
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[quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][B]2007DigitalBoy[/B] or whatever the hell he's going by these days could cover masturbation.



[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]That's a highfive and jumping chest bump moment right there. Good job. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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