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Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]

Ryo the Tactician

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It just occurred to me that all of the bodies in Pein?s control have revealed us their powers!

Deva- push/pull objects in his ?field?.
Human-read minds and rip souls out of bodies
Demon-weapons of mass destruction
Hell-has a (what looks like) shinigami head eat the souls of liars
Hungry Ghost-absorbs ninjutsu/has a ninjutsu barrier
Animal-Performs various summons

I might have gotten their names mixed up? but regardless there are six. Now I am going to try to find out the truth about Pein! To find the answer I am going to attempt to review all the things that we know about Pein?s bodies.

1. The original possessor of the super special eye condition was a black haired child named Nagato.
2. Pein?s bodies are all people who have died and have been reanimated.
3. All of the bodies have strange piercing that are secretly charka receptors (I am assuming they can only receive signals, not send them)
4. All of the bodies have the super special eye condition, but for the most part don?t take advantage of all of the things it can do (performing every jutsu)
5. Jiriya told us that there is no real one
6. When not active all of the bodies ?sleep? on weird beds connected to some machine.
7. Bodies also switch between each other (Deva switched to Animal to fight Jiriya)
8. Animal summoned bodies to battle and they preformed independently of each other, while working together perfectly.
9. Bodies survive throw heavy damage and able to still operate some what normally.
10. Pein has used abilities that are not listed above.

That?s all I can do at the moment, real life is attack me but I will be back with my analysis soon! :animeknow
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[quote name='Lawliet']4. All of the bodies have the super special eye condition, but for the most part don?t take advantage of all of the things it can do (performing every jutsu)[/QUOTE]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I'm kinda wondering about this one. It's possible that what was meant by that condition is that the possessor of the Rinnengan has the ability to reanimate a body and use their bloodline chakra type while controlling them. This would explain how the bodies are reanimated. The chakra receptors, according to my theory, allow Nagato to control multiple bodies by spreading the reanimation effect through 6 different ones. Basically, Nagato's running around somewhere, and he's "using every jutsu" through all the various reanimated Peins.

Also, anyone else notice how Loli Pein's summons seem to also have the Rinnengan?OIr is that just me imagining something?[/FONT]
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[quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Basically, Nagato's running around somewhere, and he's "using every jutsu" through all the various reanimated Peins.[/FONT][/quote][COLOR=#503f86]You have no idea how hard it is not to misread that "Peins" as something entirely different >.>;[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#503f86]I'm a little more interested in these chapters now, but Good Lord, Kishimoto's drawing things out. This last one was messy as well, too much cutting back and forth. I don't even know why Ino's meant to be at the interrogation place. But we've had five-six consecutive chapters which have all said something like 'I'll tell you everything I know about Pein', or 'I've discovered something about Pein', and tell you [I]nothing[/I]. It's getting a bit old now, if I'm honest. But I'm actually rather interested to see what'll happen to Konohamaru. It'd be cool if he managed to defeat one of the Peins, heh. Not that I imagine he would.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#503f86]Kakashi's not actually dead yet though, is he? Have I missed something? Or is it one of those 'not actually confirmed yet' things that's just keeping people on edge?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#503f86]EDIT: By the way, I've decided that Sasuke should be killed. Because it would be cool.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Solo Tremaine'][COLOR=#503f86]EDIT: By the way, I've decided that Sasuke should be killed. Because it would be cool.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue][size=1]Oh, my. How violent we've become. ;p

In any case, I'm also at odds (and have been for quite some time) as far as pacing with Kishi. There has been more stalling and the same old excuse for said stalling in the past 10 chapters than actual meaningful plot development and it's getting tiresome.

Kishi is also starting to kill off characters seemingly at random. I mean, was there really a point to Chouji's father dying? He hardly ever showed up before. I realize there's the "Will of Fire" and all, but really. If the character bears no significance, how are we actually supposed to care?

As far as Kakashi's "death", there's really no reason to kill him, either. Kishi has nerfed Kakashi beyond compare since the time jump. Kakashi, being the genius copy ninja, should be able to more than hold his own against the assault, but he was easily beaten by Pein. Whether or not this was supposed to be a show of Pein's strength or not, Kakashi has been time and again proven to be the clutch point where someone turns in the end. He's the one that really brought Sasuke and Naruto together and actually made them care enough about each other where this whole slew of shenanigans actually has a point. For him to be "killed" the way he has... I only just realized it, but it pisses me off. >.>;

All in all, I think Kishi has run himself slam into a wall and just kept banging his head. He's created a pit that's getting deeper each week and unless he starts making some sense out of everything, there's no rescue rope forthcoming.[/color][/size]
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[quote name='Kei'][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Oh, my. How violent we've become. ;p[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=#503F86]Eheh ^_^; I was actually thinking more in terms of satsfying plot conclusions. The only way he could really redeem himself as a hero is either by dying or living in exile for the rest of his life after the events of the story (albeit perhaps with Naruto chasing after hm anyway, or something). I still think that image of friendship between the two is an interesting plot element, but it's just a shame it's become so swamped with ridicuous overpowering of said Uchiha and the stagnant pacing of Naruto's parallel story.[/COLOR]

[quote name='Kei][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Kishi is also starting to kill off characters seemingly at random. I mean, was there really a point to Chouji's father dying? He hardly ever showed up before. I realize there's the "Will of Fire" and all, but really. If the character bears no significance, how are we actually supposed to care?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote][COLOR=#503F86]Exactly. We were introduced to Choji's dad for like... a chapter or two in the last siege of Konoha, so as far as I'm concerned it's like "...who died?" Yeah, bad for Choji, but it had no build-up and to me just looked to serve as page filler. It would have been more dramatic if Choji's dad had been trapped and was telling him to go whilst being on the brink of being killed by Pein. So Kakashi in effect was given the lines and role that, for Choji's development, would have been better. But this is obviously the Copy Ninja's supposed swan song, so... eh. I wouldn't be surprised if in however many chapters down the line he wakes up in a hospital somewhere and is just unable to move whilst being told the story of what happened by Sakura, or something.

I don't particularly want to see people being killed arbitrarily just because it's perceived as dramatic to do so. I actually find it quite patronising, and I'm getting echoes of Harry Potter Seven with all this at the moment. Asuma, yes, dramatic and poignant; Jiraiya's, dramatic and necessary given there was nowhere else to take his character. Kakashi has so much more potential left, though.[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="1"]Glad to see I'm not the only one who believes the plot has been stagnating over the last few weeks. It's a shame really everything seemed to be picking up steam and now suddenly we're back stuck in the mud again of pointless filler fights that make no real difference.

As for the random killing of a characters, yeah it doesn't make much sense beyond a lame attempt at "the next generation will be stronger than the previous" well exthough I don't particularly care if Kakashi is or is not dead at this point, as Kei said he's become so nerfed over the timeskip he just doesn't have an impact any more.

Hopefully things will change sooner rather than later.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Lawliet]1. The original possessor of the super special eye condition was a black haired child named Nagato.
2. Pein’s bodies are all people who have died and have been reanimated.
3. All of the bodies have strange piercing that are secretly charka receptors (I am assuming they can only receive signals, not send them)
4. All of the bodies have the super special eye condition, but for the most part don’t take advantage of all of the things it can do (performing every jutsu)
5. Jiriya told us that there is no real one
6. When not active all of the bodies ‘sleep’ on weird beds connected to some machine.
7. Bodies also switch between each other (Deva switched to Animal to fight Jiriya)
8. Animal summoned bodies to battle and they preformed independently of each other, while working together perfectly.
9. Bodies survive throw heavy damage and able to still operate some what normally.
10. Pein has used abilities that are not listed above.[/QUOTE]
[FONT=Arial]Forgive my semi-unwarranted entry, but I took one look at this list and got a decidedly cyber-punk vibe. And as a master of "there is too much **** in this material", I'm pretty sure I can sense when there is too much **** in material.

Although I never followed Naruto very much because I just felt the characters were atrocious, I've not really felt like judging the storyline so far. And really, I didn't mind the setting/content/concepts presented. But this....

If my impression is correct, made only from that list, I don't think I can respect this series. Ever.[/FONT]
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[quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Hey, folks, I just stumbled across some spoilers on the internets.

[spoiler]Apparently, Chouza is alive. Kakashi, however, is still dead.[/spoiler]

Expect much angered ranting and venom spitting. Also, entire posts may become illegible due to the forum's censorship settings.[/FONT][/QUOTE]

******* IT ALL!!! Ace, since you brought it to my attention first, that means I have the right to claw your eyes out with a spork. Submit to the spork, Ace.:animeangr
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I can tell someone's going to enjoy this. I'll try not to enjoy it more.


Chapter begins with Kishimoto, once again, trying to convince us that Konohamaru is a legitimate non-comic relief character that we should all take seriously. Once again, this would be fine if he hadn't turned himself into Sasuke and Sai making out in his last noteworthy appearance. He claims he can't run away from this fight because if he does, Naruto won't be waiting for him in their final epic battle for the throne of Konoha or whatever. Alternatively, if he fights now, he will die unless Kishi mods him to Sasuke-like proportions. Can't fight yer rival if you're dead, kid.

Cut to Naruto, who's still trying to gather Sage chakra while moving. Suddenly, he has a revelation.

Which we don't get to find out about, because we immediately cut to Tsunade, who (through a slug) has discovered Kakashi's corpse. I'm guessing that the fact that she just blew the wall away (which, by the way, Pein is really needing no help with right now,) I'll go ahead and guess that Kakashi is legitimately gone. Choji shows up to report Sith Pein's powers to Tsunade. I would like to point out right now that It's really a good thing Kakashi didn't die in vain. His death was lame, but at least it was meaningful, in a way. I mean, just imagine if Chouza survived inst-




This is complete bullcrap. The reason Kakashi died was to allow Choji a chance to escape after the shock of losing his father. Guess what didn't happen? HE DIDN'T LOSE HIS STUPID THROWAWAY CHARACTER FAT LARD FATHER. Chouzo was still alive when the sacrifice was made. Kakashi had much more going for him at the time, including a huge fanbase and much more room for development. Chouza, in contrast, is a throwaway one-use type of character that was basically invented just to prove that ninjas still have families. He never really needed to be in the series beyond the occasional "Hey everyone's fighting so Chouza is too" or "here are the ninjas at home with their family" scene. Chouza should have been the one making the sacrifice.

Even not considering all that, let's think about this: Kakashi has, like, no motivation to protect Chouji other than the ever-present "comrade of leaf, keep him alive if you can." He's not the Choji's team leader, that was Asuma (also dead, though at least he had a damn reason to die.) As for Chouza, he's the boy's father. It makes much more sense for him to be doing the heroic noble sacrifice to protect his son, who is not a random Chunin he's never really spent enough time with to grow fond of.

But no, Kakashi dies instead, because Kishi is hellbent on destroying any kind of enjoyment his fans will get from seeing a character return. Who's left, anyway? Iruka? He could basically be written out around now and nobody would notice. Tsunade? Kill her until she dies from it. Yamato? He's only interesting for comic relief. Gai? Half of his dynamic just died with Kakashi.

No, I'm going to have to just say "Screw you" back, Kishi. I'm going to say it and then against my better judgment I'm going to keep reading this dreck.

Chakra Glutton Pein ('cuz he's fat, see) is trying to retrieve the original summoner body. He's going to have to go through Kiba and his mom first, though. Since they tend to go for the tear your limbs off thing, I'd say he's going to have a little trouble here. Konan is Shino's responsibility. Yeah, I don't get it either. Also, Team Gai has finally realized that stuff is going down. Since no one can be bothered to contact them and add to their defense the two most ridiculously powerful taijutsu specialists in the village, not to mention the resident genius and... Whatever the hell Tenten is supposed to do. I dunno, Kishi never gave her any development.

In the meantime, Sith Pein has found Tsunade. She recognizes Yahiko, it seems, and the chapter ends on a cliffhanger that is obviously building up to a fight. Crossing my fingers for Tsunade's death here.[/FONT]
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[COLOR=#503F86]If you put it like that... yeah, I'm still annoyed Kakashi has apparently 'died' over Chouza.

But, to be fair, there's been no concrete confirmation that Kakashi is actually dead. It wouldn't surprise me if he was just incredibly near death, enough for Tsunade to worry that he [I]will[/I] die if he doesn't get help now. I don't think him seeing his father is necessarily symbolic of his death just yet, maybe something to do with the Magenkyo, or something. At least, if this were a decent shounen manga, that's what I think would happen.[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="1"]Oi, oi, no picking on Chouza just 'cause he's fat. He kicked *** at the last invasion like all the other elder generation and is one of the few other ninja with what I consider to be the "Iruka factor" whereby he gives a crap about other people, sure it's mostly Chouji but he's still a decent guy as compared to the ninja parents.

Of course perhaps this is because my esteem for Kakashi has drained further and further away as the manga progresses to the point where I did occasionally think "Just die already". On the plus side this clears the way for Naruto to become Hokage right after Tsunade and for yet another Sarutobi to ascend to the throne after him. Good Lord I don't even know why kids aim to try to be Hokage it seems to be mostly genetic.

Anyway chances are obvious that Kakashi will pull through and go on to continue causing indifference from me for a while more to come. Tsunade will be the last Sannin to fall clearing the way for the next generation to hax themselves to beat the older uber-haxed characters (unless they're Kakashi who'll probably get nerfed...again).

Yeah as Solo said if only this was a decent shounen manga, but then we're still here reading, week after week.

Oh and lastly I LOLed at the ANBU who used the word "only" when referring to a five second cap considering these guys can move hundreds of meters in a few milliseconds.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Oh and lastly I LOLed at the ANBU who used the word "only" when referring to a five second gap considering these guys can move hundreds of meters in a few milliseconds.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Heck, [I][B]I[/B][/I] could kill someone in 5 seconds. Open drawer. Grab knife. Stab.

I hope to God it was a mistranslation, or Kakashi really [I]was[/I] lame in that battle, and I (unlike you) would hate to see that. He persists in being my favorite character, despite the faults of his creator.

As for Chouza's apparent survival - THE UBER LAME. Enough is enough. Someone seriously needs to slap some sense into that man.
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[quote name='TwistedChick']Heck, [I][B]I[/B][/I] could kill someone in 5 seconds. Open drawer. Grab knife. Stab.[/QUOTE]

Heck, [I][B]I[/B][/I] could do it [I]quicker[/I]!:p Grab loaded pistol. Pull trigger.

And you know what, TwistedChick? I just realized that your avi is very appropriate at this time, y'know, Kakashi going to heaven if his dang father will ever shut up about the "Good Ol' Days" and let him go!:catgirl:
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[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Oi, oi, no picking on Chouza just 'cause he's fat. He kicked *** at the last invasion like all the other elder generation and is one of the few other ninja with what I consider to be the "Iruka factor" whereby he gives a crap about other people, sure it's mostly Chouji but he's still a decent guy as compared to the ninja parents.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
Haha, sorry Gavin, I'm with everyone else. Chouza is lame. And if I recall, all he did back in that invasion was some hand stomp (or something like that) and walked through the village... I don't really see that as doing much that deserves praise lol. Neji's pops did more work.

Now fatherly figures... "Sigh" Call me cold or whatever, but I really don't see what's so great about these characters that're only there for moral support. (Iruka being the main target.) Show their worth on the battlefield (especially if they're suppose to be ninja's), Kishi, otherwise, they're useless cannon fodder. If anything, the Jounin instructors were more supportive and were still decent/good in battle.

I do wish this invasion would just end already. I probably won't read it anymore until this invasion is over. I hate the reliance factor of Naruto, Tsunade is playing. It was fine the first two times, but now it's becoming tiresome.

[quote name='chibi']Kakashi going to heaven.[/quote]
LOL. Not likely.
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Anyway, so is Sasuke going for those 2 elders and Danzou or the entire leaf village? Chances of reviving his clan has gone from slim to bleak. Then again, with Naruto and Konoharmaru always turning into women...

So I saw that Naruto movie Saturday for the first time... Clash something in the snow. Seeing the rasengan and then turn around and read the chapter with the rasen shuuriken made me realize how tiring the rasengan is altogether. I'll admit the rasen shuuriken was impressive to look at, but as a whole it's just not impressive when you see Naruto keep charging in the way he is. Atleast we've seen different variations of the chidori. (body, sword, 2 hands)

And then these people just sit there looking at him charging it up. Can't help but wonder "are you stupid or just flat out dumb" Throw something at the idiot. (A rock, kunai, shoe or something.) Long range fighters shouldn't have any problems distracting Naruto. I'm pretty certain that he has a short attention span. [/rant]
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[quote name='Magus']Anyway, so is Sasuke going for those 2 elders and Danzou or the entire leaf village? Chances of reviving his clan has gone from slim to bleak. Then again, with Naruto and Konohamaru always turning into women...[/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]*Decapitation with non-cardboard, rice-paper cutting Zabuza sword*

We'll have none of that talk here there's enough bloody people who obsess over that particular concept thank you very much.[/SIZE]

[quote name='Magus']So I saw that Naruto movie Saturday for the first time... Clash something in the snow. Seeing the rasengan and then turn around and read the chapter with the rasen shuuriken made me realize how tiring the rasengan is altogether. I'll admit the rasen shuuriken was impressive to look at, but as a whole it's just not impressive when you see Naruto keep charging in the way he is. At least we've seen different variations of the chidori. (body, sword, 2 hands)[/quote]

[SIZE="1"]This I do agree with, I don't just want to see bigger and bigger Rasengan creations until Naruto gets sued by Goku for ripping off his Spirit Bomb. I mean seriously, the Rasengan is the "pinnacle of shape manipulation of chakra" and yet isn't all that useful in battle given how up-close you have to get with it. It worked for Minato because the man was faster than practically anyone, but with Naruto...well you see my point.

*Prays for Drill Rasengan*[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]*Decapitation with non-cardboard, rice-paper cutting Zabuza sword*

We'll have none of that talk here there's enough bloody people who obsess over that particular concept thank you very much.[/SIZE][/quote]
Lol. Ok, I'll leave him alone for the time being.

[quote=Gavin][SIZE="1"]This I do agree with, I don't just want to see bigger and bigger Rasengan creations until Naruto gets sued by Goku for ripping off his Spirit Bomb. I mean seriously, the Rasengan is the "pinnacle of shape manipulation of chakra" and yet isn't all that useful in battle given how up-close you have to get with it. It worked for Minato because the man was faster than practically anyone, but with Naruto...well you see my point.

*Prays for Drill Rasengan*[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
I wouldn't even mind seeing a hadoken/kamehameha version of it at this point. I just want to see some variety.
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[quote name='Magus']I wouldn't even mind seeing a hadoken/kamehameha version of it at this point. I just want to see some variety.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]Any form of mobility/range with the attack would be nice, though from all the toppled trees in front of, rather than around Naruto do suggest that his latest Rasengan variant does indeed possess some degree of range. Sure just throwing the thing would turn it into a glorified holy hand-grenade but it would still be something more than "I can haz bigur razengans ?"

On a side note I'm also betting Sasuke will develop some kind of Force-Lighting version of the Chidori so he can scream "Power, Absolute Power" at the top of his lungs as he fries the Elders. That is of course until Madara reveals he's actually all of the Elders at the same time thereby mind-****ing Sasuke yet again for the lols.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"] That is of course until Madara reveals he's actually all of the Elders at the same time thereby mind-****ing Sasuke yet again for the lols.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue][size=1]...At this point, I don't know what to expect. And not in the good CLAMP way. In the bad "WTF are you doing writing?" way.[/color][/size]

[QUOTE]*Prays for Drill Rasengan*[/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue][size=1]No GIGA DRILL BREAKAAAAA!! for him. His awesome level isn't high enough.

Not even Kamina can save Kishi now.[/color][/size]
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